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Oct 28, 2024 7:28 AM

Nov 2011
Damn, Kirishima and Yoshino's relationship is reaching a boiling point. She has this funny look on her face with what she's been going through this season. Can't blame her though. She's involved with the yakuza now.

Looks like she had a light cold this episode too. Maybe Yoshino should take care of her health more.
Oct 28, 2024 8:32 AM

Jun 2009
My favorite part of the episode was when Yoshino defended Shouma from being called "an outsider" by Kirishima and got all badass and no-nonsense. Also when she told Kirishima he shouldn't pretend to change to be a normie for her and give his worst because she's ready for whatever psycho, unhinged thing he throws at her. But in the second half of the episode instead of Kirishima being psycho he was in caring for Yoshino mode after she got sick and even took her to the hospital. Conclusion, even if Kirishima has some psychological issues he can legit experience feelings of worrying and caring for another, even if for now it's only limited for Yoshino.
-Hotaru_Oct 28, 2024 9:29 AM
Oct 28, 2024 9:07 AM

Jul 2011
This is the same director as episode one, in my opinion. They really try to cram too much in, and the poor pacing really hurts the overall tone.

I'm a little disappointed because two of the manga's best moments didn’t have the same gravity as when I read them.

1. Being when Yohino shuts Kirishima down for calling Shouma an outsider.
I don’t really ship Yoshino with anyone (im just here for the ride) but I LOVE how yohino is an active participan in the love triangle trope. She sets a clear boundary with him, and tells him exactly when he’s crossed a line. Shouma is her family, and she won’t tolerate Kirishima disrespecting her OR him.

2. The moment Yohino tells Kirishima to be exactly who he is with her. His reaction is BY MILES better handled in the manga. I also don’t like the translation. He tells her that he’ll love her as long as she is who she is. NOT as long as she never changes. I know it’s a nitpick, but it’s an important one! The only remotely functional thing about thier relationship together is that they accept each other for who they are Instead of tying to change one another.

Again, I think both these moments lacked the right emphasis they needed. I wish I could post the manga panels here!!
samspot8r8sOct 28, 2024 9:13 AM
Oct 28, 2024 9:12 AM
Sep 2015
It's strange that Kirishima still doesn't identified himself as yakuza (yet). And I kinda expect the worst that he might try something funny to Yoshino when she's in high fever. Turns out he's a better man than I expected, still a stalker LOL.
Oct 28, 2024 9:16 AM

Dec 2022
Dare I say it, this is actually some good development. Yoshino wants Kirishima to stop pretending to be a good person and just show her his real face. There's also some talk about the value Yoshino places on things like personal pride and honor. Shouma's character could use some more work. He needs something outside of simping for Yoshino.

-Showdown between Hasubando #1 and Hasubando #2.
-Yoshino is very pretty in her dress.
-Of course Kirishima's masochism extends to an NTR fetish.
-Another anime, another cold that needs nursed.
MALoween 2024 Candy: ///
Oct 28, 2024 9:17 AM

Jun 2009
Reply to samspot8r8s
This is the same director as episode one, in my opinion. They really try to cram too much in, and the poor pacing really hurts the overall tone.

I'm a little disappointed because two of the manga's best moments didn’t have the same gravity as when I read them.

1. Being when Yohino shuts Kirishima down for calling Shouma an outsider.
I don’t really ship Yoshino with anyone (im just here for the ride) but I LOVE how yohino is an active participan in the love triangle trope. She sets a clear boundary with him, and tells him exactly when he’s crossed a line. Shouma is her family, and she won’t tolerate Kirishima disrespecting her OR him.

2. The moment Yohino tells Kirishima to be exactly who he is with her. His reaction is BY MILES better handled in the manga. I also don’t like the translation. He tells her that he’ll love her as long as she is who she is. NOT as long as she never changes. I know it’s a nitpick, but it’s an important one! The only remotely functional thing about thier relationship together is that they accept each other for who they are Instead of tying to change one another.

Again, I think both these moments lacked the right emphasis they needed. I wish I could post the manga panels here!!

I liked the episode but I agree, he crammed too much in a single episode. The director crammed 75% of one volume into a single episode. His fast pace caused the important scenes to have less impact/gravitas than in the manga which is such a shame.

But I'm thankful that even if a lot was crammed they didn't leave out most of what happened in the manga.
Oct 28, 2024 10:00 AM
Sep 2022
Oh this dude is CRAZY crazy. This is fun though, I’m invested
Oct 28, 2024 10:00 AM

Jul 2024
Still don't care much for the comicbook artwork or the below average animation, but the characters are weird enough to keep me interested enough to see what they do next,
Oct 28, 2024 10:34 AM

Jun 2021
Where is the fight scene Between those 2 love rivals?
I had high hopes it was today....
Oct 28, 2024 10:53 AM

Feb 2019
Oh we love a toxic love triangle. Kirishima and Shouma first meeting went just as well as you’d expect, two very strong personalities each with their own motivations and visions of the future for Yoshino.. this was fun. S/O Yoshino for sticking up for Shouma too when Kirishima called him an outsider, you better defend your man, girl 😂

You know how crazy you gotta be for someone like Shouma who’s seen what he’s seen to think you’re not right in the head and that Yoshino should come back with him lmaoo. Love that little hug before he left on the Shinkansen and the fake out with the “bread crumb” in Yoshino hair, but man I got scared when Kirishima thought Yoshino was packing her bags to leave. She’s got this unique way, similar to Oz from the Penguin, of bullshitting her way out of situations and staying calm and collected. Turning that into a plea for Kirishima to show his “true self” was pretty dope.

“Do all the cheating where I can see it. Tie me up and then I’ll kill them after” yea nah Shouma was right lmaoo buddy is unhinged

I hate the stalker gimmick BUT it did come in clutch today because Yoshino cold really was severe, so fair enough. Poor thing just can’t escape Kirishima lol. Felt like we covered a lot of ground in this ep.
Marinate1016Oct 28, 2024 11:19 AM
Oct 28, 2024 11:01 AM
elk sensei

Oct 2013
What an entertaining episode. Kirishima really is weird and dangerous, but the way he took care of Yoshino at the end definitely showed another side of him.
Oct 28, 2024 11:49 AM

Aug 2018
Honestly, the best episode do come so far.

To begin with, I loved how Yoshino was ready to kill Kirishima when he called Shouma an "outsider". This episode did a really good job at establishing Yoshino and Shouma's relationship and how close they are. When they had their own moment (or kinda, since Kirishima was stalking Yoshino, once again), you could see that Shouma was really worried about Yoshino, especially because he doesn't trust Kirishima at all (like, who would honestly, he's crazy). And then when Yoshino told Kirishima that she only got a bit of freedom when Shouma joined the family, you could also see how dear he is to her. So I really enjoyed those details. I know they have like this kind of "sibling" relation, but Shouma is in love for Yoshino, that is clear, so yeah, the ship can be real (and it's not like Attack on Titan didn't have this with Eren and Mikasa too). Unfortunately, I do think she will end up with Kirishima, but oh well.
I now also understand why people were surprised with Shouma's voice actor, because I also felt this episode that his voice didn't quite fit the character, I don't know, it sounds way too old for an 18 year old guy (I suppose he's 18, since he's going to college). Talking about college, Yoshino being worried that he would do well at college shows once more how they care for each other.

On the other hand, Kirishima's character is quite interesting, because we could see how caring he could be this episode (like, the man ran 1Km in 3 minutes to get Yoshino that sport water), which is such a contrast to how he treated her in the first episode. Really curious how his character evolves during the rest of the anime.

Now, let's talk how Yoshino is amazing. Like, she's so right, if Kirishima can't a half-decent man, at least be the worst of them all. Make him go insane, yes, that's what we like to see. No, but for real, Yoshino's character has been such a surprise ever since the end of the 1st episode. She is for the most part normal, but then has this moments where she firmly stands her ground, and I love it. The 1st episode it really felt a bit weird, because she wasn't being herself in a way, but now she isn't afraid anymore. Really curious to see how she will be by the end of the anime. The way she just revealed her plan to Kirishima, and made her demands for her to stay with him: Kirishima would need to make her fall in love for him. That only made him more excited.

Anyways, this episode was also the best for one big reason: this episode we got the confirmation that there is something bigger going on in this anime. One of my big problems with the anime so far was how Yoshino's grandfather seemingly sent her to marry with Kirishima, just because he could, and no real explanation was given, besides strengthning the relationship between the 2 clans of Yakuza. But it was weird how he saw his own grandaughter going through such an hard time with Kirishima, and just tell her to deal with it, perfectly knowing Kirishima was crazy. But in this episode we can actually see that Kirishima and Yoshino's grandfather have some kind of deal, and that the latter is planning something big, like it was a bit hinted last episode. And we can see that this move that he made didn't really make a lot sense even to those of the Yakuza, like Shouma, who is sure that something is going on, and now that he heard him talking to Kirishima so closely, he knows for sure something is going on.

Really curious to see the true plot of the anime. I feel like things are going to get crazy quite soon.

On a side note, really enjoying seeing this anime rising in popularity. When I added it to my "Plan to Watch" list, this anime was so low on the seasonal list, and now, it's like the 6th more popular new anime of the season (excluding all the 2nd seasons and remakes that we are getting this season), and it's only rising, and I think it deserves it, because the anime is doing a good job with its plot, and is certainly something different this season has to offer! I also notice this on the The Oral Cigarettes opening's streams on Spotify, that have been rising more and more, each week that passes (and rightfuly so, because this opening is really good!
Oct 28, 2024 11:57 AM

Aug 2018
Reply to -Hotaru_

I liked the episode but I agree, he crammed too much in a single episode. The director crammed 75% of one volume into a single episode. His fast pace caused the important scenes to have less impact/gravitas than in the manga which is such a shame.

But I'm thankful that even if a lot was crammed they didn't leave out most of what happened in the manga.
-Hotaru_ said:
I liked the episode but I agree, he crammed too much in a single episode. The director crammed 75% of one volume into a single episode. His fast pace caused the important scenes to have less impact/gravitas than in the manga which is such a shame.

I actually didn't felt this episode was that fast paced. Yes, it was more fast paced than the previous 2, but comparing to what they did in the first episode, I don't think this is even remotely close, we had some cohesion here, although that some scenes could have been longer, like the scene when Yoshino and Shouma were at the train station, or the scene where Kirishima thought Yoshino was packing her things to leave.
Oct 28, 2024 1:39 PM
Jul 2024
Damn, she looked good in that dress! Surprised he didn't try anything than..
Yeah, there is stuff going on in the background. Just what is her Grandfather up to/after anyway?
This is a surprise for me, I really like it.
Oct 28, 2024 2:23 PM

Jun 2009
Reply to OP_Rider
Where is the fight scene Between those 2 love rivals?
I had high hopes it was today....

It's gonna be later on, not at this point in the story though.
Oct 28, 2024 4:12 PM

Jul 2011
So many manga iconic moments crammed into one... they're really burning through all the material hey lol

Oct 28, 2024 5:28 PM

Sep 2016
I wonder for how long is he going to fool everyone with his "I'm not a Yakuza trust me bro"
He's a yakuza boss's son, lives with Yakuza, works with Yakuza, screws with Yakuza, has more Yakuza tattoos than the Yakuzaest of Yakuza.
Dude's either delusional af or his act is going to crumble eventually.
Oct 28, 2024 5:44 PM

Jul 2022
The clash between Kirishima and Shouma’s personalities was really intriguing, but if Kirishima intends to keep hating Shouma, he’s bound to lose out—especially since Shouma and Yoshino have such a close bond, with Yoshino even standing up for him.

What I love most about this story is the protagonist herself. The author and animation studio made sure she isn’t the typical "sexy" character where her appearance overshadows her personality (and even the shots in the anime reflect this). While she has an undeniable sensuality, the first thing that draws you in is her actions and words. She has this tough side, skillfully keeping Kirishima’s wildness in check and speaking the truth to him directly. Honestly, it feels like she’s the one keeping any potential love triangle from progressing too far.
Oct 28, 2024 6:20 PM

Dec 2015
Wasn't expecting him to be at the station. Then again who is to say that he only had her phone cloned once.

I get Kirishima has no screws whatsoever left in that head of his but dang. The leaps of his insanity have no bounds. At least he cares and gets things done when it counts.

Bit curious why she's not a fan of hospitals. Seems normal but perhaps she hates them even more due to her parents.
Notice: I read most manga in Japanese now so I'm not sure where you can read in English. Sorry in advance.
Oct 28, 2024 6:58 PM
Dec 2009
A nitpick.. Anyone else bothered by Shouma's eyes? I get they are trying to replicate a style that occasionally shows up in the manga, but most of the time they are normal round pupils.

Looking forward to the next episode!

Of note to those who are anime only! Please go find the manga and read the extras that are included between chapters. Some of them are comedic or build up backstory but often they just depict their day to day lives. It really helps build them up as characters and relationships with each other.

I do see what y'all mean about it going a bit fast and lacking emphasis on the key parts, however I was watching it I actually appreciated how true to the manga it was. As I watched I pulled up the manga to see differences. Some of the scenes were rearranged a bit but I don't think in a detrimental way. Many of the scenes follow the manga panel to panel.

Some of the art was a bit goofy tho, like when she was laying on the bed in one scene.. and when Shomas eyes did the square flashing effect.
VanGirlOct 28, 2024 7:34 PM
Oct 28, 2024 7:44 PM

Jul 2011
For anyone interested, there’s a Tumblr blog that compares the anime to the manga, showing what the anime cut or changed.

Because so many of my favourite manga moments happen in this episode that the anime didn’t adapt them the way I hoped, maybe some anime-onlys would like to see the difference.
Oct 29, 2024 4:24 AM
Feb 2022
“I can fix him” HELP NO U CANT 😭
He is wtf crazy
Oct 29, 2024 8:20 AM
Nov 2018
Now I understand how people look at guys weirdly when they obsess over hot anime girls who are crazy. Kirishima is every type of toxic, but people are accusing it because he's physically attractive. While I hope Yoshino doesn't get with him, it's pretty apparent she will since this is a romance, and this episode was already trying to "redeem" him at the end. It's still entertaining, but I'm just constantly waiting for Yoshino to get a wake-up call. Lastly, Shouma's eyes are crazy in a cool way and while I like that he's protective over Yoshino, he has to let her make her own decisions.
Oct 29, 2024 8:37 AM
Nov 2018
Reply to samspot8r8s
For anyone interested, there’s a Tumblr blog that compares the anime to the manga, showing what the anime cut or changed.

Because so many of my favourite manga moments happen in this episode that the anime didn’t adapt them the way I hoped, maybe some anime-onlys would like to see the difference.
@samspot8r8s Dang, they're cutting the development of Yoshino and Kirishima. This is going to make it look more forced if they get together.
Oct 29, 2024 4:49 PM

Nov 2016
This time they were merely exchanging words. I'm not sure about it staying that way in the future.

Shouma as a opposite pole to Kirishima's was needed. But I enjoy how utterly insane and obsessed the latter is along withe the side of him that's so attentive to the sick Yoshino. The sweet scene in the car was like a taste from a regular romance.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Oct 29, 2024 6:46 PM

Jul 2012
The animation was actually quite trash this episode 🥴 but the storyyyy and characters are what I live for so the scenes with Shouma and the ending sequence made up for it 😩
Oct 30, 2024 7:27 PM

Jul 2024
It was super refreshing to see Kirishima actually be genuinely caring for Yoshino. And I loved the Mexican standoff the two boys had, the tension is high.
Born to shoujo, forced to shounen.

Oct 31, 2024 1:15 AM

Jul 2008
These guys are absolutely nuts. Its a trainwreck I can't stop watching.
Oct 31, 2024 3:10 AM
Feb 2015
He's crazy but he's protective and takes care of her. Yellow flag
Nov 1, 2024 1:34 AM
Jul 2021
So far, so good. In love with Shouma.
Nov 3, 2024 9:28 AM
Mar 2018
Kinda cute to see Kirishima show genuine care for Yoshino, for once. The cuck conversation was pretty out there, though.
Nov 5, 2024 8:09 AM
Sep 2021
Still not much development in the story or character growth. Let's see how it goes.
Nov 14, 2024 12:08 PM

Apr 2013
This must be one of the few times I've watched an anime and grimaced at the VAs. I truly dislike the choice they made for Shouma, it just doesn't suit him, his tone makes me think of someone older and more grizzled. I also can't help but give Yoshino's VA the side-eye. Not a fan of the main characters' in general. The background music is a choice.

Overall not terrible but not great either. Thankfully they pushed some edge in the scene of Yoshino and Kirishima at the house porch because they need the crazy revealed. Otherwise, they really speed through scenes and panels. I don't know. I love the manga so I kinda wanted something more elevated than this.
Nov 15, 2024 5:28 PM

Jan 2022
So Kirishima is a cuck?

I did not like that he took ages to go home to check on Yoshino. It was extremely sweet of him to bundle her up like that.

Shoma's eyes are so goddamn creepy, the squares are so stupid looking.

The music is indeed a choice lol
As a wise man once said, "No one hates anime more than anime fans"

Nov 16, 2024 1:00 AM

Oct 2013
Kirishima is a hardcore and needy stalker, woah. Just how more deranged he will become with each next episode, I wonder?
Dec 3, 2024 9:25 AM

Jan 2014
Best part was when the 2 mains were fighting with Yoshino in between. She didn't let Kirishima just run his mouth tho. Refreshing that she is much more active when things happen instead of being a fly in the wall.
Dec 8, 2024 9:18 PM
May 2024
I'm glad I kept watching, cause now I'm hooked I will be finishing this series
Dec 22, 2024 1:22 AM

Oct 2017
Well someone's jealous but he wasn't aware of it. Common sense doesn't apply to him after all. I don't dislike Shouma and he seems like a nice chill guy. Yoshino and Kirishama convo was amusing.

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