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Sep 28, 2024 7:57 AM

Nov 2011
Not surprised that Tokiyuki has a crucial role among this war drama. He had a leadership role and played it out the best he could.

This was a hell of an experience for them tbh. This battle may be over but their world still has so many conflicts. Well done though Tokiyuki. He still has a lot of potential to show.
Sep 28, 2024 7:57 AM

Dec 2021
If there's anything I'll miss from this anime it'll have to be these character designs. They're so goofy that I can't help but love them. Even this dude Kojirou was thinking the same. Dude as just clowning the block and round head dudes the entire episode lmaoooo. Didn't expect to see some real ass horses in this episode though, that's for sure.

At least ma boy Kojirou got his kill. Even if it ended up being a still frame... sigh. Everybody else did their part to help out the young lord, and they secured the win in the end. Actually proud of how much these idiots have grown from the first episodes we met them.

Overall, if your a fan of historical anime you'll maybe like this. Season two will probably happen, and I'll happily be seated when that comes to.

Sep 28, 2024 7:58 AM

Jul 2017
The escape of Hoshina's party from the Provincial Official's army led by Anpanman-faced Wada Yonemaru, the Elusive Warriors need only deal with them in strategy, and even more so for Kojiro to face them head-on with the little of the army band that he can gather, despite their comedic annoyances. And just hungry, give the young man some food and he'll be fine. But to face Wada Yonemaru, Kojiro couldn't be wisely matched with him in terms of speed and strength.

Even then, Kojiro's their only hope if they don't want to suffer losses under Yonemaru, and the rag-tag team knowing his name but him not knowing theirs, it's both irrelevant and relevant in the face of an intimating general whose ego raises with every strike on horseback to kill Kojiro off slowly. And to have the same rag-tag team help him in achieving victory, what a team, it's just impressive. With all the women and children safe, Hoshina orders a withdrawal, but the deed's not done with Fubuki taking down the official almost shave his head off for a test, leaving him distraught that Ichikawa has to calm him down, but to no avail as he orders a retreat.

Even with a sizable battle of losses, Hoshina has no doubt that he won the war, partly thanks to Kojiro taking down Yonemaru, and Tokiyuki and the Elusive Warriors earning the trust from its leader and small party...and more going forward.

The story of the anime ends here...time to continue with the manga!

The anime succeeds being the superior version of the manga. Sasuga CloverWorks!
KANLen09Sep 29, 2024 4:10 AM
Sep 28, 2024 7:57 AM

May 2020
That was indeed an… escape. I really appreciated btw, Kojirou getting the spotlight he rightfully deserves this episode. I mean that guy has been the backbone of this bunch and all of that they went through this season wouldn’t have been possible without him, and Ayako of course. Blood has been shed but hey, those men with as weird faces as they come kinda deserved it too. Tokiyuki might not have made an impact with his sword or his fighting skills, but those battle tactics were spot on. He has grown, and yeah that is something you would like to see in him as a character. Nice finale all around.

Now the series with its above average production under Cloverworks was really something, I mean not only in the context of this series, but hey, with the way horses and people running on horses were animated, it gives hope for we know what lol. Though again, the comedy might be a bit over the top, with all these faces and quirky characters, but I’d gladly take that over something like this becoming a dark serious edgy… insufferably edgy sort of series. I mean kids with those stern looks and talking back to everyone would’ve been really… testing the patience kind of thing. So yeah, this works. Liked this one, hope a second season comes soon.
Sep 28, 2024 8:12 AM

Feb 2019
Last episode of my twink bf Tokiyuki 😢.

That was a hell of a way to end the season! Brought together everything Tokiyuki has worked on over the season and all the allies he’s made. Definitely an escape for the ages. Defeating Yonemaru took Tokiyuki using all the skills he’s honed so far and Cloverworks as usual cooked with that. Leaving his head on is also a testament to how kind Tokiyuki is.

Kojiro not knowing his subordinate names and just calling them by their descriptions is killing me. Can’t effectively lead people if you don’t even know who they are! But it’s a learning experience. If this season of Nigewaka was a class, helping the Hoshina party escape was the final exam and they all passed. Still a ways to go but the elusive warriors are on the right path.

Tokiyuki taking up the rear guard as they retreated was a good decision because it gained him even more respect and trust from the Hoshina. Now when it comes time for the big battle against Ashikaga, they’ll have no qualms about helping him out. Good idea by Fubuki to leave the incompetent general alive too, another seasonal, Maogun had a similar situation come up earlier this season and I remember being annoyed the MC left the guy alive, but it does make a lot more sense to let them destroy themselves. Work smarter not harder

Really gonna miss this show and the cast so much. It’s such a long path ahead for Tokiyuki and his friends to retake Japan and get revenge, but I’m happy to be right there with them 👍
Marinate1016Sep 28, 2024 9:51 AM
Sep 28, 2024 8:24 AM

Apr 2020
The first episode baited me into thinking this was going to take a more serious and dark turn.
I still enjoyed it but I wonder if it would have been better if it did.
Go watch Gintama boyo/grill
My discord server for gaming and anime/manga:
Sep 28, 2024 9:23 AM

Nov 2016
Between my beloved shounen tropes, the hilariously messed up characters and all the over the topness in general, it was the most fun show this season. Clover Works did a solid job and I liked how they even added some little extra stuff here and there.


For those wanting to continue with the manga, you can start from chapter 32.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Sep 28, 2024 9:34 AM
Sep 2021
The war's over thanks to tokiyuki & his retainers help. Looking forward to S2.
Sep 28, 2024 9:37 AM

Jun 2014
imo this final episode felt kinda underwhelming, despite having great things going on in prior episodes.
Sep 28, 2024 9:45 AM

Jul 2021
I think this show was fair. However, throughout the 12 episodes, the tonal whiplash never truly let me enjoy it. I didn't like the villains in this show they were all too gimmicky for the serious tones it was trying display. The characters being below 10 and doing all that also was a stretch in suspending my disbelief
Cloverworks outstanding animation truly did elevate it though. Not as good as the author's other works like Neuro or AssClass, but still a fair 7/10
Sep 28, 2024 9:49 AM

Jan 2016
5/5. Keeping a counter-productive leader alive is usually radically better than killing them. A battle/war is not won by an individual usually, but a collective effort, while a single individual may have major impact.

I am fine if they don't make another season. I gave this a 9/10 but I fear an eventually future end of this show will be a negative one, but obviously I wouldn't know until they make it as they can do what they want. While this was a victorious retreat that gave major blow to enemy, doesn't change that the losses were great.

As is with any other establishment, as the cowardly sword gained following with his subordinates being able to act more individually, he became more of an administrative and talking role where unless I missed it, he didn't really do anything here to include being elusive (which is fine even if the most enjoyable part).

Sep 28, 2024 9:54 AM

Oct 2017
They won, Kojiro was brave and worthy of being a general for Tokiyuki. Caring, strong and charismatic. Fubuki's strategy once again worked perfectly. They gained new allies. Genba might die from bloodloss though, oppai power too strong.

Was a good adaptation of the manga. Earlier episodes had some really good animation and the rest weren't bad either. Had more cg usage which looked fine. Hope we get more season for this.
Sep 28, 2024 9:57 AM
Jul 2024
Now we need a season 2
Sep 28, 2024 9:58 AM

Mar 2021
Kojiro was so brave and unrelenting this episode to help end the war. This series was fantastic and hope we won't have to wait long for a second season.
Sep 28, 2024 10:01 AM

Aug 2011
This episode had such a closed up ending. It felt heartbreaking. Really well done work for Cloverworks. Just wished they would do a better job on the CGI. Because the moment I saw Fubuki as a CGI, it looked soooo bad.
Life is too short for looking at the past. Enjoy your 'now' and just prepare a bit for the future~
Sep 28, 2024 10:11 AM

Jul 2021
Really enjoyed the battlefield analysis and the horseback duel. Also, what a beautiful shot of Tokiyuki by the sparkling lake at sunrise.

And then it ended with a horny nosebleed. That sums up the show, really.

It feels like Season 2 is a foregone conclusion, with the story just stopping rather than reaching any kind of conclusion. I'll still be back for another season.
Sep 28, 2024 10:25 AM

Jan 2024
That's how you do a final episode..

The battle was excellent from top to finish and everyone played their part.
Genba took down a part by disguising as general. Unreal stealth.
Fubuki used the situation so perfectly to his advantage waited for that dumbo to make a mistake, gave him a near death experience and again making him another mistake to retreat.
Tokiyuki lead from the front as the rearguard during final retreat.
Kojiro was obviously the star after holding out long enough against Yonemaru he got help from his allies to able to finish of that pig.

Kojiro commanded those 4 guys brilliantly despite calling them weird names throughout and never left them till end. That's a good general.

Strategies used in the battle ar actually realistic not to exaggerated,(Maybe Fubuki is but too op) really impressed with that.

Hoshina although lost half of his territory lived to survive another day(500 years) also learned the value of life.
Still not confident if Tokiyuki can ever beat Takauji (I think he didn't irl). Maybe it will be alternate history. I hope this gets S2

Good way to end overall very good aswell. Animation was good as expected but storyline is decent, comedic elements sometimes do hampered it but it became way better as Yorishige also calmed down later on.
Sep 28, 2024 10:46 AM

May 2019
I thought that the final episode was well done with a focus on Kojiro. Also, I've gotten used to the mix of gory violence mixed in with gag humor sprinkled throughout not only in this episode but the entire series. Regarding the series as a whole, the production values were overall great despite some CGI usage which was ok IMO and the storyline kept me interested.

Hopefully another season is announced at some point since there is much more story to show including a showdown between Tokiyuki and Takauji.

Alfredo-SauceSep 28, 2024 10:13 PM
Sep 28, 2024 11:02 AM

Oct 2021
It was nice how Kojiro got to shine in this finale. Tokiyuki and his retainers are all very likeable (even Genba) to me, which made their interactions together more compelling.

Overall, I'd give this anime a 9/10 (closer to 8.5, but I'll round it up). I really enjoyed its unique blend of action and comedy, so hopefully S2 won't take too long now.
Sep 28, 2024 11:13 AM
Jul 2024
These may be the best horses I've seen in an Anime' recently.
Sep 28, 2024 11:18 AM

Jan 2009
tokiyuki did nothing much for this last episode because kojiro is the spotlight this time

tokiyukis plan is to convert suicidal samurais to allies by giving them will to live

not bad anime high quality production with good enough story
Sep 28, 2024 11:26 AM

Oct 2023
The whole season was solid, including this last episode. Glad to see Kojirou get the respect he deserves in this episode, overall a good conclusion to Season 1, can't wait for Season 2.
Sep 28, 2024 12:04 PM

Nov 2023
Watching this anime was mostly imagining what could have been.
One moment there was a dark, almost emotional scene and the next Yorishige would make a stupid face.
I was frequently absorbed in a cool fight and right when it ended, Genba would appear to remind me that this show is supposed to be a comedy.
I am impressed how it could consistently find a way to follow up the best with the worst.
If it took itself seriously, I would gladly give it a score of 8 - 8.5, but now I will give it a generous...
Sep 28, 2024 12:30 PM
Feb 2021
I am waiting for season 2
Sep 28, 2024 12:42 PM

Mar 2021
Liked the first half of the episode a lot.

The explanation and visuals for horseback sword fights was very well done, and I was finally able to actually connect with a character in the story, namely Kojiro, for seeing how diligent and strong-willed he was. He reminds me a lot of Tanjiro from Demon Slayer, and I think the anime did a good job of showing how dedicated he was to Tokiyuki throughout its runtime. The rest of the battle was presented in a fairly rushed manner, but the focus was Kojira, so no biggie.

While watching the episode, a thought occurred to me that they should have let Kojiro die in that moment. Besides the ultimate villain, he was the best built-up character even before this episode, and he clearly had a strong bond with Tokiyuki. So it would've been interesting to see an important comrade fall. But unfortunately, the cast would become too weak if they did that because the rest of the characters weren't given sufficient depth. It's a bit of a shame because I think it would have been a good death for the overall story.

To be honest, the best aspect of this show is definitely Takauji and his brother. They are being hyped to be really interesting villains so I hope the story delivers on that promise.
Sep 28, 2024 12:48 PM

Apr 2012
So, should we get a second season or something? I'm confused by the scroll and photo of the city at the end. Were these sequel hooks?
Sep 28, 2024 12:50 PM
Oct 2022
Tokiyuki is lucky to have that type of friends on the battlefield supporting him. Their energy is unbelievable.

I am so sad now that this anime came to an end, I really hope to be a second season too. Hoshino was a powerful enemy and that provincial official was kinda annoying.
Sep 28, 2024 1:20 PM

Feb 2021
One of my favorite shows of the season, CloverWorks did an amazing job as always.
I really liked the OP and ED.
Sep 28, 2024 1:36 PM
May 2017
Excellent, both the ending episode and the series! It would be a pleasure to watch more about Tokiyuki Houjou, as a second season or as another historically accurate anime series. He lived remarkably.
Mene, mene, tekel, parsin
Sep 28, 2024 2:23 PM
Feb 2017
In the last frame of the episode we can see a city of our age from above, anyone has guess the city??
Sep 28, 2024 2:40 PM
May 2020
Best show of the Summer...Check
Top 5 of the Year...Check

You can't hide from The Elusive Samurai!

What a wonderful display of styles!

Bring on season 2!
Sep 28, 2024 2:48 PM
Dec 2013
An okay show. But Sengoku Youko is better.

Also, no season 2 announcement for now. Surprised they didn't announce a second season right after the final episode, since a second season for Wind Breaker (also Cloverworks) was announced right after the final episode of that show.
wildhoodSep 28, 2024 2:51 PM
Sep 28, 2024 2:55 PM

Jun 2023
Great season with great animation quality (-cgi)

S2 when
Sep 28, 2024 3:28 PM
Sep 2021
Reply to Robert7
In the last frame of the episode we can see a city of our age from above, anyone has guess the city??
@Robert7 That's Kamakura!
Sep 28, 2024 4:54 PM

Aug 2018
This serie might have some of the most jarring and problematic tone shifts I've ever seen in an anime, having tone shifts isn't a problem in itself but when it negativaly impacts your worldbuilding this much, the narrative falls apart for any viewer paying attention to what's actually happening.
First of all, is this story fantasy or historical ? Don't answer to quickly fanboys because MAL tags both the manga and the anime as "historical" without any mention of fantasy whatsoever. I guess it doesn't really matter and Genba can simply do magic and transforms himself into the ennemy general because of "ninjutsu", this has nothing to do AT ALL with disguising and he is stated as having "morphed" into the general, how fucking covenient. That and the "mythical beasts" from last episodes really puts that "historical" tag in question.
This isn't an isolated case as there are SO MANY instances where the show completely deviates from its extremely pushed historical setting into pure shonen fantasy it's impossible to not lose all immersion in a matter of seconds. Those kids are EIGHT YEARS OLD! There is no universe where they could stand fighting against 30+ years old samurais, even under coke and steroids, Ayako shouldn't even be able to grasp the strength of any adult male samurai she encounters.
Also about strength, there is one thing to present a character as "strong" in a shonen and Takauji's first appearance does depict him as fairly very strong. That said, there is a clear difference between "being very strong" and being able to DECAPITATE 100+ PEOPLE IN A SINGLE STRIKE.
That scene with Takauji in episode 6 is quintessential of the Elusive Samurai main issue, the show is brilliant when it's trying to be what it wants (I believe) to be, an extremely grounded and dark historical take about the Kamakura revolt but loses itself so much in shonen bullshit it can never achieve it's purpose. I think that terrific Takauji scene displaying is insane fighting abilities is supposed to be taken metaphorically, he doesn't really kill 100+ people effortlessly but he puts the impression onto the lord that he could do it, BUT the way the entire show depicts insane violent actions in such a carefree and gratuitous manner make the audience believes he really did killed 100+ samurais in a single strike because you just interpret this scene a simple display of insane power level from the big villain like you would in any other shonen using a fantasy setting. Simply put, if the 8 years old can just kill adult samurai effortlessly, why the big bad guy couldn't just kill 100+ samurais effortlessly as well.
Takauji at least has what my fellow zoomers call "AURA" because holy hell this might also be the worst EVER lineup of bad guys I've seen in a shonen. All of them are so comically evil, so unimpactul in their presence, so easily defeated by literal children and so underdevelopped apart perhaps from the ant guy (who isn't that much better). The moment you compare them to any other early villains from recent shonens like the mahito squad in JJK or the early demons in Kimetsu (which this show tries to copy A LOT) they all fall short as annoying comical almost fillerish antagonists with no real relation to our heroes. I get that they are (probably) based on real people but that's even more despicable for me when our main squad, which some (I guess) are also based on real people, have far more personality than any villain in the show, because screaming a lot and having big eyes taking 70% of the screen ISN'T PERSONALITY NOR IT IS FUNNY.
One last thing is the show's visual which I still see people claiming "are the best of the season" which is for me, the biggest smokescreen this serie managed to put on its viewers to maintain relevancy. Fact the matter is, episode 1 and 2 are ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS and some of the best produced and animated episodes I've seen in my life BUT AGAIN the production falls off so quickly that in fucking episode 4 out of 12 they had to rely on CGI for more than half the scenes because of how much they couldn't sustain their budget and schedule, and what a surprise but this CGIfest kept on until the very end. People here and on Twitter completely overstate the amount of sakuga actually present in the show and instead I want myself to remind you how much ugly ass CGI there is in the show, which is EVERY SINGLE TIME A HORSE IS ON SCREEN WHATSOEVER. Yes the models are alright but NO this CGI isn't good at all, it's ugly as sin like all CGI in anime but 2 shows, the framerate is terrible, the animation is stiff as fuck, the camera work is abhorrent and all scenes featuring horses from ep4 onward is ugly, flat and boring. What an absolute shame of an anime to be so heavily focused on cavalery fights but couldn't managed to organise their schedule in a way to draw a single 2D horse fight in the entire runtime, truly pityful, especially considering how inventive the animation can be when the animators can just set free their imaginations in some scenes, which are unfortunately way too rare passed episode 3.

My verdict is a pretty generous 5/10, pretty even very generous considering the complete lack of narrative this show offers when you realize 1/3rd of the serie is unfunny comedy, 1/3rd is sometimes cool sometimes boring action and the plot tries to exist in the 1/3rd left. Feel free to respond but I don't argue with fanboys/girls.
Monogatari Off-season IS the best looking show of Summer 2024, stay mad.
James-LastOmnicSep 28, 2024 5:02 PM
Sep 28, 2024 6:01 PM
Sep 2014
Reply to IzanaSolos
If there's anything I'll miss from this anime it'll have to be these character designs. They're so goofy that I can't help but love them. Even this dude Kojirou was thinking the same. Dude as just clowning the block and round head dudes the entire episode lmaoooo. Didn't expect to see some real ass horses in this episode though, that's for sure.

At least ma boy Kojirou got his kill. Even if it ended up being a still frame... sigh. Everybody else did their part to help out the young lord, and they secured the win in the end. Actually proud of how much these idiots have grown from the first episodes we met them.

Overall, if your a fan of historical anime you'll maybe like this. Season two will probably happen, and I'll happily be seated when that comes to.
@IzanaSolos Matsui-sensei has been around the block, this is his 3rd anime adaptation, which it'll be hard to top Assassination Classroom. Few mangaka can say they've had 3 series adapted that aren't Rumiko Takahashi, Hiro Mashima and maybe a handful of other notable mangaka in the last generation
Sep 28, 2024 6:05 PM
Sep 2014
Reply to James-LastOmnic
This serie might have some of the most jarring and problematic tone shifts I've ever seen in an anime, having tone shifts isn't a problem in itself but when it negativaly impacts your worldbuilding this much, the narrative falls apart for any viewer paying attention to what's actually happening.
First of all, is this story fantasy or historical ? Don't answer to quickly fanboys because MAL tags both the manga and the anime as "historical" without any mention of fantasy whatsoever. I guess it doesn't really matter and Genba can simply do magic and transforms himself into the ennemy general because of "ninjutsu", this has nothing to do AT ALL with disguising and he is stated as having "morphed" into the general, how fucking covenient. That and the "mythical beasts" from last episodes really puts that "historical" tag in question.
This isn't an isolated case as there are SO MANY instances where the show completely deviates from its extremely pushed historical setting into pure shonen fantasy it's impossible to not lose all immersion in a matter of seconds. Those kids are EIGHT YEARS OLD! There is no universe where they could stand fighting against 30+ years old samurais, even under coke and steroids, Ayako shouldn't even be able to grasp the strength of any adult male samurai she encounters.
Also about strength, there is one thing to present a character as "strong" in a shonen and Takauji's first appearance does depict him as fairly very strong. That said, there is a clear difference between "being very strong" and being able to DECAPITATE 100+ PEOPLE IN A SINGLE STRIKE.
That scene with Takauji in episode 6 is quintessential of the Elusive Samurai main issue, the show is brilliant when it's trying to be what it wants (I believe) to be, an extremely grounded and dark historical take about the Kamakura revolt but loses itself so much in shonen bullshit it can never achieve it's purpose. I think that terrific Takauji scene displaying is insane fighting abilities is supposed to be taken metaphorically, he doesn't really kill 100+ people effortlessly but he puts the impression onto the lord that he could do it, BUT the way the entire show depicts insane violent actions in such a carefree and gratuitous manner make the audience believes he really did killed 100+ samurais in a single strike because you just interpret this scene a simple display of insane power level from the big villain like you would in any other shonen using a fantasy setting. Simply put, if the 8 years old can just kill adult samurai effortlessly, why the big bad guy couldn't just kill 100+ samurais effortlessly as well.
Takauji at least has what my fellow zoomers call "AURA" because holy hell this might also be the worst EVER lineup of bad guys I've seen in a shonen. All of them are so comically evil, so unimpactul in their presence, so easily defeated by literal children and so underdevelopped apart perhaps from the ant guy (who isn't that much better). The moment you compare them to any other early villains from recent shonens like the mahito squad in JJK or the early demons in Kimetsu (which this show tries to copy A LOT) they all fall short as annoying comical almost fillerish antagonists with no real relation to our heroes. I get that they are (probably) based on real people but that's even more despicable for me when our main squad, which some (I guess) are also based on real people, have far more personality than any villain in the show, because screaming a lot and having big eyes taking 70% of the screen ISN'T PERSONALITY NOR IT IS FUNNY.
One last thing is the show's visual which I still see people claiming "are the best of the season" which is for me, the biggest smokescreen this serie managed to put on its viewers to maintain relevancy. Fact the matter is, episode 1 and 2 are ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS and some of the best produced and animated episodes I've seen in my life BUT AGAIN the production falls off so quickly that in fucking episode 4 out of 12 they had to rely on CGI for more than half the scenes because of how much they couldn't sustain their budget and schedule, and what a surprise but this CGIfest kept on until the very end. People here and on Twitter completely overstate the amount of sakuga actually present in the show and instead I want myself to remind you how much ugly ass CGI there is in the show, which is EVERY SINGLE TIME A HORSE IS ON SCREEN WHATSOEVER. Yes the models are alright but NO this CGI isn't good at all, it's ugly as sin like all CGI in anime but 2 shows, the framerate is terrible, the animation is stiff as fuck, the camera work is abhorrent and all scenes featuring horses from ep4 onward is ugly, flat and boring. What an absolute shame of an anime to be so heavily focused on cavalery fights but couldn't managed to organise their schedule in a way to draw a single 2D horse fight in the entire runtime, truly pityful, especially considering how inventive the animation can be when the animators can just set free their imaginations in some scenes, which are unfortunately way too rare passed episode 3.

My verdict is a pretty generous 5/10, pretty even very generous considering the complete lack of narrative this show offers when you realize 1/3rd of the serie is unfunny comedy, 1/3rd is sometimes cool sometimes boring action and the plot tries to exist in the 1/3rd left. Feel free to respond but I don't argue with fanboys/girls.
Monogatari Off-season IS the best looking show of Summer 2024, stay mad.
@James-LastOmnic Historical fantasy in a lower sense might be what's intended, since we see the existence of spirits/kami and elements of divine powers embodied in Tokiyuki and Takauji. There's going to be some suspension of disbelief, Ayako would be unlikely to an extent, though it's not as if a girl couldn't have a constitution that has extra tough muscles, though that'd realistically have her in the position Fubuki is in needing to eat constantly. Heck, this final episode did emphasize that there are limits to these kids in their fighting capacity, Kojiro only got the win by sheer guts and some help from his allies
Sep 28, 2024 7:08 PM

Apr 2022
i was told this is the best new shounen right now, but ended up being one of the worst things i've seen in recent years. the terrible comedy, weird gimmicks, unlikable characters and ugly character designs were borderline unbearable. aside from the few moments when the animation popped off and the other moments where it looked shit, i'm sure i won't remember this show for anything else. can't believe the same guy who made assassination classroom made this mess but i can see why the manga is rated so low now.
Sep 28, 2024 7:09 PM

Jun 2020
This is my opinion but I think the story telling and directing got weaker in most latest episodes. Though, the animation still maintains its quality and I love it for that. The main characters are great, in term of their design and characterizations. I have no problem with the comedy, but some of them feel awkward and unnecessary.

Overall, it's an excellent anime and I'm sure I will miss this one. I honestly hoping for a sequel so, please, Aniplex and CloverWorks!
Sep 28, 2024 7:21 PM

Jul 2023
It's worth watching for the animation alone, but I'm not the target audience. Among action anime in my watch list, I enjoyed this least. It lacks the gravitas that would make me enjoy this.

Of course, I'll watch season 2 if that becomes a reality, but I won't look forward to it.
Sep 28, 2024 8:34 PM
Jul 2024
it had some great visuals an a dew impressive action scenes but the story an its characters arent interesting an the tone is inconsistent, its mostly carried by some high production values

Sep 28, 2024 10:22 PM
Aug 2024
Thoroughly enjoyed this. Characters are well-written, the battles looked amazing, especially the last one, comic relief was on point and there was perfect amount of perversion.
Sep 28, 2024 10:47 PM
Jan 2021
Well animated scenes are still there but damn... this episode was full of still frames and CGI. Kinda left me with a pretty weird impression with this as a last episode
Sep 28, 2024 10:49 PM
Dec 2011
Leak said it was going to be split cours so I expected an announcement right after this episode but there wasn’t. Although Shoushimin was initially leaked to be split cours and ended up being two seasons so maybe Elusive Samurai will too and announcement will be later.
Sep 29, 2024 3:17 AM
May 2021
Solid ending although this could've benefited more if it was 24 episodes as this was more of a prequel. For the record the adaptation used 32 of the mangas existing 171 chapters and while decent its the weakest part of the manga overall. I can’t even really call what we got the prequel – that’s how far away we are from the real story kicking in.
Sep 29, 2024 3:56 AM

Jul 2016
Reply to perseii
Really enjoyed the battlefield analysis and the horseback duel. Also, what a beautiful shot of Tokiyuki by the sparkling lake at sunrise.

And then it ended with a horny nosebleed. That sums up the show, really.

It feels like Season 2 is a foregone conclusion, with the story just stopping rather than reaching any kind of conclusion. I'll still be back for another season.

Hopefully it does okay in sales to get a season 2.
Sep 29, 2024 4:10 AM

Aug 2019
I had a blast with this anime! I'm hoping that we get a season 2 as soon as possible.
Sep 29, 2024 5:19 AM
Mar 2018
This was a great finale to a very good season, in my opinion!

I particularly loved Kojiro's fight, which I thought was beautifully animated and directed. Also, I found the last few scenes very heartwarming!
Sep 29, 2024 6:08 AM
Feb 2023
No need S2

Storyline gone too far somehow,
Just focust to Takauji
Sep 29, 2024 8:21 AM

Dec 2020
This anime has been so beautiful and has had amazing animation throughout the entire show and I can't wait for season 2. This studio really puts love into the animation in every episode. They also absolutely glaze the villains with facial animation lmao. I can't wait for season 2!
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