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Sep 28, 2024 6:09 AM

May 2020
He used to pray for times like this xD I mean a kiss so out of this world it brought him back to life

Leaving that aside, I’m not sure but Araragi could be the only person who could talk with that sense of seriousness and that depth with a NAKED girl… man is just built differently. Though if someone could, that kiss was a sort of necessity for Deathtopia to wake up. So I mean, yeah, this wasn’t just Araragi once again enjoying his youth. By the way, I always like how Gaen just appears out of nowhere, and throws everyone into the loop.

Now liking this arc more not just because Araragi is playing the main this time, but because the mystery they’re kind of solving has become… even more of a mystery. I mean you’re getting more victims even when Deathtopia is simply sleeping, so it really raises a set of questions. Everyone playing detective and deducing was nice I mean, but Hachikuji’s Rakugo segment kind of summarising whatever we did not know till now is what makes this series, this series lol. Each to their own way now, I think that’s for the best if they wanna get more clues. Though I’m seriously looking forward to Deathtopia and Shinobu’s reunion, whenever that'd happen.
Softhenic03Sep 28, 2024 7:42 AM
Sep 28, 2024 7:19 AM

Apr 2010
Mayoi doing an act was funny even if the subject was pretty disturbing.
We got some more background information is the dream with Acerola was also helpful.
The question remains tho where are the missing students and how will the help them.
Sep 28, 2024 8:49 AM

Mar 2020
The mysteries continue, with more disturbing turns...

The segment in heaven with Koyomi and Shinobu was quite interesting, and it was sealed with a kiss too. After that, I wouldn't say that too much happened in this episode other than summarizing the case so far, and deducing some conclusions using the nature of Deathtopia's aversion toward consuming anyone other than Shinobu. I found Mayoi's rakugo act to be the most amusing part of the episode, because it was stylish and disturbing at the same time, which made it all the more funnier. Now, the case must be solved quickly before Kagenui arrives, so I wonder if this case will be solved in the next episode.
Sep 28, 2024 9:38 AM

Jul 2021
Lol I forgot Shinobu never sings in her ops, I wonder why.
That Rakugo Mayoi scene was pretty funny
Sep 28, 2024 9:57 AM

Apr 2016
So the culprit is another "aberration"!
Complicate to me!
Sep 28, 2024 10:10 AM
Aug 2020
The new opening is very interesting, I like that serious Onimonogatari style opening even tho I’d prefer a regular op with vocals.
Apparently some character is trying to kill Suicide-Master, would this character be a new one or an old familiar one?
I’m also curious about where Oshino Meme is and what he’s doin
Sep 28, 2024 10:15 AM

Jan 2018
New OP! But it's just like the other Shinobu OPs. I don't understand why Maaya Sakamoto doesn't want to do character songs. Though Ig out of all the Shinobu OPs this one might be the best one. I do hope the VA will consider doing a character song one day. Like, come on. Doing it once shouldn't hurt.

So, Araragi did go to heaven but it was only because Princess Acerola pulled him up there. He would've gone to hell otherwise lmao. However, I don't get what she's doing up there cause Shinobu is still "alive" in the world of the living. If living as a quasi-vampire apparition is considered living.

Princess Acerola kissed Araragi and gave her saliva as an alternative to the hell blood he was seeking. When he woke up he had 2 lolis crying for him. This dude is beyond lucky.

Ok. This is getting interesting. Everything explained by Hachikuji and Shinobu points towards Suicide-Master not being the culprit. Ig I was too quick to judge her when she showed up in front of a schoolgirl in the first episode of the arc. Her being innocent is a cool twist. But if she's not the culprit, who is? Who is dumb enough to set her up? What will they gain from it? I wonder if it's a new type of apparition or someone we already know...

This episode was very interesting. Can't wait for the next episode.
Sep 28, 2024 10:53 AM

Nov 2019
Cestlavie_ said:
Lol I forgot Shinobu never sings in her ops, I wonder why.
That Rakugo Mayoi scene was pretty funny

her va is the reason.

she doesn't like the commercialization behind these seiyuu sung songs iirc
"All truth is meaningless. In the end, 'meaning' comes from the mind of each individual human. Even when there is a single truth, it can mean different things to different individuals. The truth has no meaning in itself!" - Erika Furudo
Sep 28, 2024 11:28 AM
Jul 2024
Well, I guess I have to wait until NEXT episode for Deathtopia to wake up.
Sep 28, 2024 11:29 AM

Nov 2014
Little tired of the 20 minute yap-fest for exposition that could be condensed to 5-8 minutes.
Sep 28, 2024 11:36 AM
Mar 2019
production and animation have dropped a lot this arc i hope the blue ray fixes it. Story wise i can’t love monogatari much more than i already do.
Sep 28, 2024 2:04 PM

Oct 2016
Ah finally a new opening, and it's very good, loved the visuals. Shinobu always gets the best openings, though this one is worse than her previous ones.

Some great visual moments in the episode, like the live action ones and when Gaen used her phone.

And the music when they were on heaven was great too.

I can't really comment much on the plot of the arc yet.
Sep 28, 2024 3:08 PM

Jun 2023
Mayoi-banashi alert
Sep 28, 2024 3:27 PM

Dec 2018
Looks like I was somewhat on the mark with my assumptions on why Acerola was in Heaven at the end of the previous episode, if I’m getting this right, the moment Acerola became Kiss-Shot her old self died and now that “soul” is in heaven, idk it doesn’t really make sense but I get what they’re saying lol, and this Acerola smooched up Araragi full of saliva to moisturize Suicide-Master because she can only enjoy the taste of her blood now, must’ve been wild getting kissed by your vampire loli soulmate’s astral projection or whatever lol.

And it was after that where we learned more info that kinda puts Suicide-Master into the innocent territory, and it makes sense but I’m still a bit sus of her for other reasons, like when Araragi mentioned that Suicide-Master may have came back to get a drink of Shinobu. Besides that tho, it’s looking like someone else is doing the drinking of basketball babes and leaving codes with the victims, it feels like we’re coming close to the answer but there’s still no clues as to who it is yet, I hate to think that it could be Meniko because she’s one of the newly introduced characters of the arc but why would she write codes for herself to solve lol, so I doubt it’s her, but we’ll probably find out soon.

Also nice we got an OP after all, once again no character song like usual for Shinobu’s arcs but this is another epic one with some very cool visuals.
Sep 28, 2024 4:13 PM

Dec 2015
Finally we see that one of the girls questions why the whole 3-sizes category in the profile card book. Kind of funny she got into basketball because of manga. Bet that Slam Dunk made a lot of people pick up the sport.

Araragi's class schedule is interesting. Hes taking English but then he's also taking a second foreign language. Wonder what it could be.

The Hachikuji Rakugo performance was splendid. Wouldn't mind seeing her try to recap all of the monogatari series in this way.

Shinobu does bring up a good point though. Suicide Master wouldn't attack these girls but I don't think Kagenui is going to care.

Bit curious how long it will take her to get there without Yotsugi. I was thinking they might have more time but knowing how crazy strong she is, it makes sense she'll be there by tomorrow.
Notice: I read most manga in Japanese now so I'm not sure where you can read in English. Sorry in advance.
Sep 28, 2024 4:40 PM

Apr 2015
How much money they need to pay for Maya Sakamoto to sing? lol (it is fine the instrumental OP is cool too)

I died with Araragi kissing suicide-master mummy and Shinobu just thinking he is totally lost now.

Mayoi's Rakugo was the highlight in this episode.
Sep 28, 2024 6:07 PM

Apr 2022
jeez, i'm just so blown away by the aesthetics every time.
Sep 28, 2024 8:12 PM

Mar 2020
PlanetCeres said:
production and animation have dropped a lot this arc i hope the blue ray fixes it. Story wise i can’t love monogatari much more than i already do.

this episode in particular was a significant upgrade in my opinion from the previous 2 episodes, wasn't it? or is it just me?

it was a visual feast.
Sep 28, 2024 8:21 PM

Mar 2020
The op sounds kinda "french". love it.

Acerola my beloved, you are still beautiful as the day I saw you. "All that is fair will inevitably fall into ruin".
also the no araragi allowed in heaven was funny xD

Boy Hachikuji tore Araragi's Ahoge. xD
it can grow back as well xD
welp araragi is as popular as ever lol

Gaen saying the iconic dialogue of Deathtopia was catchy asf. she looked so awesome lol

the way hachikuji just laughed at the fact that DVS's body was blown into smithereens XDDDDD
I laughed so hard xD
Also kagenui is coming huh. sike

Sep 28, 2024 10:47 PM
Jul 2018
That arc made so much sense now! When Koyomi was in the mirror, where vampires did not exist, Princess Acerola was hiding covered by curtains. This episode reminded me of that fact. So Princess Acerola was hiding herself because of the Beauty curse. Damn! I always thought it was just one of the anime's aesthetics or symbolism.

I am interested in this food triangle. Very interesting indeed.

In a field full of beautiful flowers. This was Princess Acerola's homeland. It's almost as if her homeland resembles her, haha. What a nice homeland, honestly. The fact that Princess Acerola transferred her saliva to Koyomi via mouth-to-mouth, lol. Must be one of NisiOisin's likes.

Police Officer Mayoi Hachikuji!

Deathtopia is really cute!
Sep 29, 2024 12:52 AM

Aug 2019
Oh damn so the figure really was a form of Princess Acerola soul that pinched Araragi up into heaven.
Interesting first half, even though i thought they fleshed out Princess Acerola character well in the prologue, they decide to show a bit more like how she still thinks her conversion to a vampire, "Made Suicide-Master shoulder a heavy, heavy burden".

I thought the most important part was, if i actually interpreted what she said correctly, because she appeared before Deathtopia thus subsequently changing Deathtopia's food palette, she felt like that was enough to, "change the ecosystem of an endangered species" or felt guilty how she endanger the ever so small ecosystem of vampires more because she's the direct cause of why Deathtopia can no longer eat properly?

And yeah the kiss scene at the end was crazy, God he's such a lucky bastard lmao. Better pray no one questions how or why the remedy to fix Deathtopia was Princess Acerola's saliva, or how he figured it out and or how it ended in his mouth, also hoping Senjougahara isn't the interrogator.

New opening was nice i actually didn't expect it, and yeah just like the other Shinobu op's there were no vocals just instrumentals, which i did fully expect though.

I got a laugh out of how Shinobu and Hachikuji had to call Gaen after slicing Araragi up cus he wasn't getting back up and they eventually got "bored", essentially making Gaen wake up at like 12am and baby sit one God and one famous vampire for potentially just killing someone.
The mental image i can only picture, is like 3 kids playing stupid games and one hits the other too hard over the head and they didn't get back up so they have to wake the adult up who has work in 6 hrs.
That and Deathtopia's entrance into the city being a shooting star directly to Hachikuji before swapping courses and fucking exploding on impact sent me.

The plots gets thicker, now with more pieces it looks less likely Deathtopia is the culprit and instead another party potentially imitating her and causing the fake vampirization. Shinobu's defence for Deathtopia was actually pretty sound and interesting to know that even after 600 years she still refuses to eat or drink blood from other sources besides Princess Acerola because of her gourmet nature or rule.
Wow i also didn't expect an adult Deathtopia, my jaw kinda dropped at that reveal since i thought we saw everything in the prologue Princess Acerola backstory episodes but also how stunning she was.
Sep 29, 2024 7:24 AM

Oct 2016
Any regular person would have probably just combusted on the spot after getting a "mouth to mouth" from Princess Acerola.

That OP jump scared me, cause I was not expecting it at all. Shinobu arcs always slaps with the OP imagery and instrumentals, it gave some 80's detective show vibes or something.

More codes, means more Meniko!

Hachikuji doing Rakugo to tell her story was great, that's our God.

They pretty much said the reason why I don't think Suicide-Master is the culprit from the last episode, she's a gourmet, she's not going to eat just anyone's blood. As for the reason why she's visiting now, I don't know, it could be just as she said previously, she's just here to visit an old friend. I don't think she plans on eating Shinobu at all.

So who is the culprit then? The one popping into my mind first is Tropicalesque, but like there's no way right? I still think Kie Harimaze is the cause of all of this, how? I don't know, but I am pretty sure she's the major reason, especially since only Naoetsu Girl's Basketball Club members are the only victims.
Sep 29, 2024 8:56 AM
Jul 2013
A third vampire is involved in the case, which, thinking about it, makes all the logic in the world, Suicide Master, is very proud of the blood he eats.
Sep 29, 2024 7:19 PM
Jan 2021
The OP was SOOOO cool
Sep 30, 2024 6:42 AM

Feb 2014
I'd pay to have an entire episode of nothing but Hachikuji doing Rakugo stories. It was very entertaining! =D

The OP did arrive out of nowhere, but it was a really cool one, visual-wise and the instrumental music was nice as well.

Seeing Shinobu and Hachikuji upset for thinking that might've lost Araragi after sending him to "heaven" and having to call up Gaen about it did make me laugh a bit, but he's still here in one piece and, thanks to that trip, he had the saliva from Princess Acerola to give to the stricken Deathtopia, which did help to revitalise her body. Still, hearing more about the mystery of the mummified bodies of the girl from the school's basketball club does make the case more intriguing.

Personally, I do agree with Shinobu that Deathtopia is highly unlikely to be the culprit in this case as a whole, although it does make me wonder as to who is truly behind it. Either way, as Araragi mentioned, getting this case wrapped up before Kagenui arrives is a top priority, so hopefully he and the others can make a breakthrough and resolve things before that happens.
Sep 30, 2024 9:50 AM
Feb 2018
I can't wait for the culprit reveal. This season has so much heart
Sep 30, 2024 10:48 AM
Mar 2015
Our boi was able to return from Heaven with the saliva of the Beautiful Princess and give it to Suicide Master Now we know that another vampire is mummifying girls from the basketball team and when Suicide master wakes up we will know who it is
Oct 3, 2024 8:53 AM
Jan 2024
This episode is really interesting
Oct 3, 2024 11:26 AM

Apr 2013
Pretty boring episode tbh, feels like not much has advanced. Also still no Senjougahara -_-
Oct 5, 2024 12:22 PM

May 2012
New opening theme and as usual, Shinobu arcs don't have Maaya Sakamoto sing (she doesn't do character songs apparently, she prefers to sing from her own perspective rather than from a character that she voices).

Mayoi's story telling in a Rakugo style is pretty clever. Overall, it's getting more interesting knowing that Suicide-Master is almost being ruled out from being the culprit behind the attacks,

Oct 12, 2024 8:11 AM

Jul 2017
A solid episode as a whole (seeing this after 3 weeks), but it did drag a bit for me admittedly at times this time around. The rakugo stuff with Mayoi was funny there.
Oct 16, 2024 3:46 PM

Oct 2017
The whole sequence with Acerola hime was beautiful and then the kiss was the cherry on top. The investigation is ongoing and they gotta hurry or else you know who'll be back. Love how they always do things differently like Mayoi's short rakugo.
Oct 30, 2024 4:05 PM

Apr 2018
Oh yeah Araragi kiss to bring him back and then kissing Suicide Master to revive her as well... anyway seems like she isn't the culprit while someone else tries to make her the culprit by faking her identity so I wonder what's really going on, especially with the crypted messages and all

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