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A Sign of Affection
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Aug 15, 2024 2:41 PM

Sep 2014
I prefer Oushi over Itsuomi any day.

Spoilers for pretty much everything ~

First, Itsuomi is an extremely bland Gary stu character and it really disappointed me. I wanted to like him so badly, but he had NO flaws. Someone said he has no regard for boundaries, but It was presented more as an 'aloof' thing than an actual PERSONALITY flaw. Regarding 'aloof'ness - aloof characters are nice, but need to be written in an interesting way. His character makes very little sense in this regard because he's aloof but also can just turn it off an be extraordinarily outgoing and present. And his aloofness is just lack of expression and ignorance. His character is inconsistent, has no flaws, and is very predictable.
He also shows a few red flags. Takes advantage of Yuki's disability by covering her eyes so she can't read Oushi's lips / signs at the train station. Like I mentioned, gets up in her space and makes her uncomfortable. His understanding of consent is also very questionable. He comes up behind her all the time knowing she can't hear him.
He has no life problems, ig he's rich and just does whatever he wants, lives alone, liked by everyone, gets all the girls. No struggles. His biggest struggle was learning a language. Wow.

Oushi is probably the most interesting character in this show. And it's really a shame that childhood friends never get the girl. He learned sign specifically so that he could help Yuki and keep her safe. He was always looking out for her at school and making sure she wasn't being exploited or put in bad situations. His behavior isn't always nice, but at least he's not a bland perfect character. I think he intentionally didn't share his feelings with her because he didn't want her to feel alienated if things didn't work out. So he could always be there to watch her and support her in a world where other people couldn't.

It's really hard for me to put into words why itsuomi felt so lifeless, so I'm sorry if I didn't get it across effectively. But really, Oushi's screen time was just so much more interesting. His handling of emotions is so prevalent and interesting to watch.

I hated his confrontation with Itsuomi because itsuomi is just a perfectly mature guy who gets shaken by nothing and feels no threats by other men. Just stalwart statue.

Is this just me? Please tell me I'm not crazy??
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Aug 15, 2024 2:55 PM
May 2023
Yes. You’re delulu. Only you. You wrote a whole essay just for me to counter with this: the first word that childhood “friend” (although I should say childhood bully) said to this poor disabled girl was “you fool”
SenshadouOtakuAug 15, 2024 2:59 PM
Aug 15, 2024 2:56 PM

Sep 2018
It's standard shoujo romance slop, your red flags, others absolutely love. This sort of cheesy overload of shoujo tropes was the final straw for me, will be extremely picky with upcoming shoujo titles. It's not that surprising you weren't able to connect to some of these characters, it's all very artificial. Itsuomi, Oushi, all lame. Oushi, I was indifferent, until he decided to cry on Itsuomi's chest, case in point, a "nawww" moment for some, a "get this shit off my screen" for others.

This show should be thanking it's lucky stars for having a good production, at least it looked good for the most part IIRC.
Aug 15, 2024 2:57 PM
Apr 2023
Incorrect I believe
Aug 15, 2024 3:07 PM
Sep 2015
And here I am... The person who agrees with you. I will be back here tomorrow tho, I don't have time today 🥹😭
Aug 15, 2024 3:09 PM
Dec 2022
As someone that is up to date on the manga, I will pick Itsuomi any day and anytime. I hated Oushi at first but I stopped once I learn about his childhood but Itsuomi? He stuck out to me more so yea, I prefer.
Aug 15, 2024 3:31 PM
Apr 2023
bait used to be believable
Aug 15, 2024 3:40 PM
Jul 2024
The thing is, you are seeing two very different people at very different ends of the spectrum on their emotional journeys. I like Oushi and I was rooting for him to grow as a person because that's what he needed. It sucks that his feelings for Yuki are unrequited but coming to terms with uncomfortable truths are a part of life.

Itsuomi, on the other hand, is more mature because he clearly had time to process and understand his feelings and wants to live a life where he can genuinely help people. Ironically, that seemed to be the conclusion that Oushi came to as well.
Aug 15, 2024 3:49 PM

Jul 2022

Itsuomi is more alpha male than Oushi

Aug 15, 2024 4:19 PM
Mar 2022
can't disagree with you more
Aug 15, 2024 5:20 PM
Oct 2022
StarryyChai said:
I prefer Oushi over Itsuomi any day.

Spoilers for pretty much everything ~

First, Itsuomi is an extremely bland Gary stu character and it really disappointed me. I wanted to like him so badly, but he had NO flaws. Someone said he has no regard for boundaries, but It was presented more as an 'aloof' thing than an actual PERSONALITY flaw. Regarding 'aloof'ness - aloof characters are nice, but need to be written in an interesting way. His character makes very little sense in this regard because he's aloof but also can just turn it off an be extraordinarily outgoing and present. And his aloofness is just lack of expression and ignorance. His character is inconsistent, has no flaws, and is very predictable.
He also shows a few red flags. Takes advantage of Yuki's disability by covering her eyes so she can't read Oushi's lips / signs at the train station. Like I mentioned, gets up in her space and makes her uncomfortable. His understanding of consent is also very questionable. He comes up behind her all the time knowing she can't hear him.
He has no life problems, ig he's rich and just does whatever he wants, lives alone, liked by everyone, gets all the girls. No struggles. His biggest struggle was learning a language. Wow.

Oushi is probably the most interesting character in this show. And it's really a shame that childhood friends never get the girl. He learned sign specifically so that he could help Yuki and keep her safe. He was always looking out for her at school and making sure she wasn't being exploited or put in bad situations. His behavior isn't always nice, but at least he's not a bland perfect character. I think he intentionally didn't share his feelings with her because he didn't want her to feel alienated if things didn't work out. So he could always be there to watch her and support her in a world where other people couldn't.

It's really hard for me to put into words why itsuomi felt so lifeless, so I'm sorry if I didn't get it across effectively. But really, Oushi's screen time was just so much more interesting. His handling of emotions is so prevalent and interesting to watch.

I hated his confrontation with Itsuomi because itsuomi is just a perfectly mature guy who gets shaken by nothing and feels no threats by other men. Just stalwart statue.

Is this just me? Please tell me I'm not crazy??

I can see what you mean. I do prefer Oushi on some aspects, mostly because I prefer characters who need to grow as a person rather than someone who's already built up to be the perfect guy.
Ofc this show is just a classic romance anime so you can't really expect much, ofc she's gonna fall in love with the good guy rather than the "mean/misunderstood " guy, and that's how it should be. Because although Itsuomi might not be so interesting, he's the perfect fit for her. He shares with her the need to explore and learn new things, despite her disability, while Oushi kinda felt like he wanted to keep her all by himself.
I guess it's just a different point of views matter, I personally liked both of them, they both have flaws and showed they need to improve.
Aug 15, 2024 5:29 PM
Feb 2023
it's not only you I completely agree😭 I enjoyed the show at the beginning but felt super disappointed in the end. Oushi has his problems but he was indeed much more realistic and his feelings were palpable, I think he deserved more and was a better option for Yuki
Aug 15, 2024 5:39 PM

Sep 2014
Blindfight said:
The thing is, you are seeing two very different people at very different ends of the spectrum on their emotional journeys. I like Oushi and I was rooting for him to grow as a person because that's what he needed. It sucks that his feelings for Yuki are unrequited but coming to terms with uncomfortable truths are a part of life.

Itsuomi, on the other hand, is more mature because he clearly had time to process and understand his feelings and wants to live a life where he can genuinely help people. Ironically, that seemed to be the conclusion that Oushi came to as well.

I def agree that they represent different levels of emotional maturity! I think what bothered me more was itsuomi was the EXACT SAME in high school! we are shown him acting the exact same way. aloof, unbothered, mature. We could have been given some really good development for him but were left dry...
Aug 15, 2024 5:40 PM

Sep 2014
H1NAT4 said:
bait used to be believable

genuinely not bait, buddy. I feel this way. sorry that differing opinions are automatically rage bait in ur eyes lmao
Aug 15, 2024 5:51 PM

Sep 2014
SenshadouOtaku said:
Yes. You’re delulu. Only you. You wrote a whole essay just for me to counter with this: the first word that childhood “friend” (although I should say childhood bully) said to this poor disabled girl was “you fool”

He's not a bully lol. Yuki literally told him he helped her feel like she wasn't alone and him signing to her was comforting. Him signing to her "you fool" was very much to represent the way he handles his emotions. he handles them like a child. He signs to her "you fool" as a child and then again as an adult. So we are seeing that he isn't mature enough to communicate his true feelings. Yuki knows he doesn't hate her or think she's stupid. I think if she considered him a bully she wouldn't interact with him at all.

also apparently I'm not completely delulu since *some* people here agree with me,
Aug 15, 2024 5:52 PM
May 2023
StarryyChai said:
SenshadouOtaku said:
Yes. You’re delulu. Only you. You wrote a whole essay just for me to counter with this: the first word that childhood “friend” (although I should say childhood bully) said to this poor disabled girl was “you fool”

He's not a bully lol. Yuki literally told him he helped her feel like she wasn't alone and him signing to her was comforting. Him signing to her "you fool" was very much to represent the way he handles his emotions. he handles them like a child. He signs to her "you fool" as a child and then again as an adult. So we are seeing that he isn't mature enough to communicate his true feelings. Yuki knows he doesn't hate her or think she's stupid. I think if she considered him a bully she wouldn't interact with him at all.

also apparently I'm not completely delulu since *some* people here agree with me,

I’m gonna stop you at “no”. Yes he is. He never said not one good word towards her
Aug 15, 2024 5:54 PM

Sep 2014
SenshadouOtaku said:
StarryyChai said:

He's not a bully lol. Yuki literally told him he helped her feel like she wasn't alone and him signing to her was comforting. Him signing to her "you fool" was very much to represent the way he handles his emotions. he handles them like a child. He signs to her "you fool" as a child and then again as an adult. So we are seeing that he isn't mature enough to communicate his true feelings. Yuki knows he doesn't hate her or think she's stupid. I think if she considered him a bully she wouldn't interact with him at all.

also apparently I'm not completely delulu since *some* people here agree with me,

I’m gonna stop you at “no”. Yes he is. He never said not one good word towards her

okay mister senshadou otaku, your word is law 🫡 good day to you, o holy one

also double negative so I guess he did say something good toward her! nice
Aug 15, 2024 5:56 PM
May 2023
StarryyChai said:
SenshadouOtaku said:

I’m gonna stop you at “no”. Yes he is. He never said not one good word towards her

okay mister senshadou otaku, your word is law 🫡 good day to you, o holy one

also double negative so I guess he did say something good toward her! nice

Aww. Did I make a point and that’s just you running away? That’s cute 🥺

And you know what I meant. He has never said one good thing to/about her, to her face
Aug 15, 2024 5:59 PM

Sep 2014
SenshadouOtaku said:
StarryyChai said:

okay mister senshadou otaku, your word is law 🫡 good day to you, o holy one

also double negative so I guess he did say something good toward her! nice

Aww. Did I make a point and that’s just you running away? That’s cute 🥺

And you know what I meant. He has never said one good thing to/about her, to her face

no I just didn't come here to argue he said/she said. your opinion is yours and mine is mine. like ur literally not gonna change your mind so there's no way I'm gonna take time to scrub thru and find fuckin quotes lmao. so thanks for sharing
Aug 15, 2024 6:27 PM
Feb 2024
I also prefer oushi
Aug 15, 2024 6:50 PM
Jul 2024
StarryyChai said:
Blindfight said:
The thing is, you are seeing two very different people at very different ends of the spectrum on their emotional journeys. I like Oushi and I was rooting for him to grow as a person because that's what he needed. It sucks that his feelings for Yuki are unrequited but coming to terms with uncomfortable truths are a part of life.

Itsuomi, on the other hand, is more mature because he clearly had time to process and understand his feelings and wants to live a life where he can genuinely help people. Ironically, that seemed to be the conclusion that Oushi came to as well.

I def agree that they represent different levels of emotional maturity! I think what bothered me more was itsuomi was the EXACT SAME in high school! we are shown him acting the exact same way. aloof, unbothered, mature. We could have been given some really good development for him but were left dry...

I thought they were in college, not high school. I remember Yuki saying she was 19 and Itsuomi 22.
Aug 15, 2024 6:53 PM

Sep 2014
Blindfight said:
StarryyChai said:

I def agree that they represent different levels of emotional maturity! I think what bothered me more was itsuomi was the EXACT SAME in high school! we are shown him acting the exact same way. aloof, unbothered, mature. We could have been given some really good development for him but were left dry...

I thought they were in college, not high school. I remember Yuki saying she was 19 and Itsuomi 22.

yeah, they're in college during the show but we got a flashback to itsuomi in high school. sorry I should have been more clear
Aug 15, 2024 7:42 PM
Jul 2024
StarryyChai said:
Blindfight said:

I thought they were in college, not high school. I remember Yuki saying she was 19 and Itsuomi 22.

yeah, they're in college during the show but we got a flashback to itsuomi in high school. sorry I should have been more clear

Oh, I think that was a reading comprehension issue on my part.

Anyway, overall I understand where you're coming from and I think Oushi is a compelling character. At the end of the day though, this is a romance story and it's much easier for Yuki to swoon over a guy who wants to show her the world vs. the guy who wants Yuki to be his world.
Aug 15, 2024 8:04 PM
Jun 2021
I literally got an Oushi pfp on my discord lol. Yes I can relate with you on the fact that Oushi as a character was more of the kind I would have liked to watch instead of Itsuomi. I am so done with these Mr. Perfect in Romance animes. Although I won't agree on some points like "he doesn't have a care for her privacy or consent" and all shit, dude they were literally in a relationship and if you are gonna count consent and privacy in a relationship then there are no emotions involved. If you ever have been in a relationship, you would realise that loving someone is about removing all these boundaries and getting together as close as possible while enjoying each other's presence. So yeah that argument seems more like you have the problem with their relationship which is not true I mean he handles her well from his behalf. Oushi > Itsuomi for me too in terms of a lot of different aspects including character development opportunity to his shortcomings as a person
Aug 15, 2024 8:40 PM
Jan 2020
I do agree that Itsuomi’s character is a little too perfect, though I haven’t read the manga so this is my judgement solely based on the anime. However, if you’re asking who’s better for Yuki, then it’s Itsuomi. Yuki has been sheltered all her life so Itsuomi who represents exploration and discovering the unknown is far more suitable than Oushi who is overprotective over her and just reinforces the limits placed on her due to her disability. Personally, I do think Oushi is more interesting, too! Just a little bit of a brat sometimes haha.
Aug 16, 2024 12:51 AM
Nov 2020
StarryyChai said:
I prefer Oushi over Itsuomi any day.

Spoilers for pretty much everything ~

First, Itsuomi is an extremely bland Gary stu character and it really disappointed me. I wanted to like him so badly, but he had NO flaws. Someone said he has no regard for boundaries, but It was presented more as an 'aloof' thing than an actual PERSONALITY flaw. Regarding 'aloof'ness - aloof characters are nice, but need to be written in an interesting way. His character makes very little sense in this regard because he's aloof but also can just turn it off an be extraordinarily outgoing and present. And his aloofness is just lack of expression and ignorance. His character is inconsistent, has no flaws, and is very predictable.
He also shows a few red flags. Takes advantage of Yuki's disability by covering her eyes so she can't read Oushi's lips / signs at the train station. Like I mentioned, gets up in her space and makes her uncomfortable. His understanding of consent is also very questionable. He comes up behind her all the time knowing she can't hear him.
He has no life problems, ig he's rich and just does whatever he wants, lives alone, liked by everyone, gets all the girls. No struggles. His biggest struggle was learning a language. Wow.

Oushi is probably the most interesting character in this show. And it's really a shame that childhood friends never get the girl. He learned sign specifically so that he could help Yuki and keep her safe. He was always looking out for her at school and making sure she wasn't being exploited or put in bad situations. His behavior isn't always nice, but at least he's not a bland perfect character. I think he intentionally didn't share his feelings with her because he didn't want her to feel alienated if things didn't work out. So he could always be there to watch her and support her in a world where other people couldn't.

It's really hard for me to put into words why itsuomi felt so lifeless, so I'm sorry if I didn't get it across effectively. But really, Oushi's screen time was just so much more interesting. His handling of emotions is so prevalent and interesting to watch.

I hated his confrontation with Itsuomi because itsuomi is just a perfectly mature guy who gets shaken by nothing and feels no threats by other men. Just stalwart statue.

Is this just me? Please tell me I'm not crazy??

I more than agree with you. I'm not saying Itsu is a terrible character or person, I guess (?) But even if I tried to see the appeal in him, my thoughts always came back to Oushi. I found him to be a much more interesting character than Itsu, his problems and emotions were constructed in a way that was more personal and connected in a more human and realistic way. At times I wanted Yuki to realise this and give him a chance, maybe not many will agree with your point of view, but I certainly understand what you mean, Oushi is a charming character in his own way and I dare say he's my favourite.
Aug 16, 2024 1:18 AM
Oct 2019
I also prefer Oushi more, Itsuomi is so perfect in a way that it kind of irks me a bit.

Oushi has been there for her since day one, and yet Yuki sees him as nothing more than a friend, which is fine if one the reasons Yuki starting to develop even more feelings for itsuomi wasn't the same thing Oushi did.

Oushi learns sign language, Yuki is like, "Oh wow, it's comforting."

Itsuomi learns sign language, and Yuki is like omg my heart beating so fast.

Personally, I don't think Yuki would've felt the same way if Itsuomi wasn't hot or was there with Yuki as a childhood friend like Oushi was.

Yuki might be grateful for what Oushi did when they were younger, but Oushi helped her out so much so that she didn't realize a boy wouldn't just learn sign language just because you're hard of hearing unless they're into you.

You know what they say nice guys finish last.

Back to the present day, enter Itsuomi, who is hot and seeming with no red flags. He's also interested in Yuki and learns sign language for her. Now Yuki is older, so of course, she can finally pick up these signs, but somehow, is still oblivious to Oushi kun liking her?!?

It just makes Yuki into a badly written character. That is not to say I didn't enjoy the lovey dovey romance between Yuki and Itsuomi. I just wished that Yuki at least acknowledged Oushi Kun's love for her.

TLDR: I agree with op in that I prefer Oushi.
Aug 16, 2024 7:21 AM
Aug 2020
ssrkve said:
StarryyChai said:
I prefer Oushi over Itsuomi any day.

Spoilers for pretty much everything ~

First, Itsuomi is an extremely bland Gary stu character and it really disappointed me. I wanted to like him so badly, but he had NO flaws. Someone said he has no regard for boundaries, but It was presented more as an 'aloof' thing than an actual PERSONALITY flaw. Regarding 'aloof'ness - aloof characters are nice, but need to be written in an interesting way. His character makes very little sense in this regard because he's aloof but also can just turn it off an be extraordinarily outgoing and present. And his aloofness is just lack of expression and ignorance. His character is inconsistent, has no flaws, and is very predictable.
He also shows a few red flags. Takes advantage of Yuki's disability by covering her eyes so she can't read Oushi's lips / signs at the train station. Like I mentioned, gets up in her space and makes her uncomfortable. His understanding of consent is also very questionable. He comes up behind her all the time knowing she can't hear him.
He has no life problems, ig he's rich and just does whatever he wants, lives alone, liked by everyone, gets all the girls. No struggles. His biggest struggle was learning a language. Wow.

Oushi is probably the most interesting character in this show. And it's really a shame that childhood friends never get the girl. He learned sign specifically so that he could help Yuki and keep her safe. He was always looking out for her at school and making sure she wasn't being exploited or put in bad situations. His behavior isn't always nice, but at least he's not a bland perfect character. I think he intentionally didn't share his feelings with her because he didn't want her to feel alienated if things didn't work out. So he could always be there to watch her and support her in a world where other people couldn't.

It's really hard for me to put into words why itsuomi felt so lifeless, so I'm sorry if I didn't get it across effectively. But really, Oushi's screen time was just so much more interesting. His handling of emotions is so prevalent and interesting to watch.

I hated his confrontation with Itsuomi because itsuomi is just a perfectly mature guy who gets shaken by nothing and feels no threats by other men. Just stalwart statue.

Is this just me? Please tell me I'm not crazy??

I more than agree with you. I'm not saying Itsu is a terrible character or person, I guess (?) But even if I tried to see the appeal in him, my thoughts always came back to Oushi. I found him to be a much more interesting character than Itsu, his problems and emotions were constructed in a way that was more personal and connected in a more human and realistic way. At times I wanted Yuki to realise this and give him a chance, maybe not many will agree with your point of view, but I certainly understand what you mean, Oushi is a charming character in his own way and I dare say he's my favourite.

Itsu is forgiven for no boundaries of close personal space just cuz he is pretty and cool. Imagine if the uggly guy approached her like that would be creepy ofc. I liked oushi in the end more even tho he was tsundere a bit but he truly loved her so much.
Aug 16, 2024 8:35 AM
Apr 2023
I think the same, I don't think Itsuomi doesn't have personality but he owes a lot and it seems like he's dating Yuki because it's something new that he didn't explore.
Aug 16, 2024 9:06 AM
Apr 2023
Y’all gotta read the manga omg
Aug 16, 2024 10:00 AM
Sep 2021
StarryyChai said:
I prefer Oushi over Itsuomi any day.

Spoilers for pretty much everything ~

First, Itsuomi is an extremely bland Gary stu character and it really disappointed me. I wanted to like him so badly, but he had NO flaws. Someone said he has no regard for boundaries, but It was presented more as an 'aloof' thing than an actual PERSONALITY flaw. Regarding 'aloof'ness - aloof characters are nice, but need to be written in an interesting way. His character makes very little sense in this regard because he's aloof but also can just turn it off an be extraordinarily outgoing and present. And his aloofness is just lack of expression and ignorance. His character is inconsistent, has no flaws, and is very predictable.
He also shows a few red flags. Takes advantage of Yuki's disability by covering her eyes so she can't read Oushi's lips / signs at the train station. Like I mentioned, gets up in her space and makes her uncomfortable. His understanding of consent is also very questionable. He comes up behind her all the time knowing she can't hear him.
He has no life problems, ig he's rich and just does whatever he wants, lives alone, liked by everyone, gets all the girls. No struggles. His biggest struggle was learning a language. Wow.

Oushi is probably the most interesting character in this show. And it's really a shame that childhood friends never get the girl. He learned sign specifically so that he could help Yuki and keep her safe. He was always looking out for her at school and making sure she wasn't being exploited or put in bad situations. His behavior isn't always nice, but at least he's not a bland perfect character. I think he intentionally didn't share his feelings with her because he didn't want her to feel alienated if things didn't work out. So he could always be there to watch her and support her in a world where other people couldn't.

It's really hard for me to put into words why itsuomi felt so lifeless, so I'm sorry if I didn't get it across effectively. But really, Oushi's screen time was just so much more interesting. His handling of emotions is so prevalent and interesting to watch.

I hated his confrontation with Itsuomi because itsuomi is just a perfectly mature guy who gets shaken by nothing and feels no threats by other men. Just stalwart statue.

Is this just me? Please tell me I'm not crazy??

Aug 16, 2024 10:41 AM

Sep 2022
StarryyChai said:
I prefer Oushi over Itsuomi any day.

Spoilers for pretty much everything ~

First, Itsuomi is an extremely bland Gary stu character and it really disappointed me. I wanted to like him so badly, but he had NO flaws. Someone said he has no regard for boundaries, but It was presented more as an 'aloof' thing than an actual PERSONALITY flaw. Regarding 'aloof'ness - aloof characters are nice, but need to be written in an interesting way. His character makes very little sense in this regard because he's aloof but also can just turn it off an be extraordinarily outgoing and present. And his aloofness is just lack of expression and ignorance. His character is inconsistent, has no flaws, and is very predictable.
He also shows a few red flags. Takes advantage of Yuki's disability by covering her eyes so she can't read Oushi's lips / signs at the train station. Like I mentioned, gets up in her space and makes her uncomfortable. His understanding of consent is also very questionable. He comes up behind her all the time knowing she can't hear him.
He has no life problems, ig he's rich and just does whatever he wants, lives alone, liked by everyone, gets all the girls. No struggles. His biggest struggle was learning a language. Wow.

Oushi is probably the most interesting character in this show. And it's really a shame that childhood friends never get the girl. He learned sign specifically so that he could help Yuki and keep her safe. He was always looking out for her at school and making sure she wasn't being exploited or put in bad situations. His behavior isn't always nice, but at least he's not a bland perfect character. I think he intentionally didn't share his feelings with her because he didn't want her to feel alienated if things didn't work out. So he could always be there to watch her and support her in a world where other people couldn't.

It's really hard for me to put into words why itsuomi felt so lifeless, so I'm sorry if I didn't get it across effectively. But really, Oushi's screen time was just so much more interesting. His handling of emotions is so prevalent and interesting to watch.

I hated his confrontation with Itsuomi because itsuomi is just a perfectly mature guy who gets shaken by nothing and feels no threats by other men. Just stalwart statue.

Is this just me? Please tell me I'm not crazy??

Completely AGREE. I can't stand perfectly ideal complete charecters like Itsumi. Humans has flaws and that's what make every charecters interesting, I also hated Yuki for it though as she was very willing to be lovey dovey from E1 but didn't even tried to consider why Itsumi did or sais what he did.
Aug 16, 2024 10:46 AM

Sep 2022
ANIk_003 said:
StarryyChai said:
I prefer Oushi over Itsuomi any day.

Spoilers for pretty much everything ~

First, Itsuomi is an extremely bland Gary stu character and it really disappointed me. I wanted to like him so badly, but he had NO flaws. Someone said he has no regard for boundaries, but It was presented more as an 'aloof' thing than an actual PERSONALITY flaw. Regarding 'aloof'ness - aloof characters are nice, but need to be written in an interesting way. His character makes very little sense in this regard because he's aloof but also can just turn it off an be extraordinarily outgoing and present. And his aloofness is just lack of expression and ignorance. His character is inconsistent, has no flaws, and is very predictable.
He also shows a few red flags. Takes advantage of Yuki's disability by covering her eyes so she can't read Oushi's lips / signs at the train station. Like I mentioned, gets up in her space and makes her uncomfortable. His understanding of consent is also very questionable. He comes up behind her all the time knowing she can't hear him.
He has no life problems, ig he's rich and just does whatever he wants, lives alone, liked by everyone, gets all the girls. No struggles. His biggest struggle was learning a language. Wow.

Oushi is probably the most interesting character in this show. And it's really a shame that childhood friends never get the girl. He learned sign specifically so that he could help Yuki and keep her safe. He was always looking out for her at school and making sure she wasn't being exploited or put in bad situations. His behavior isn't always nice, but at least he's not a bland perfect character. I think he intentionally didn't share his feelings with her because he didn't want her to feel alienated if things didn't work out. So he could always be there to watch her and support her in a world where other people couldn't.

It's really hard for me to put into words why itsuomi felt so lifeless, so I'm sorry if I didn't get it across effectively. But really, Oushi's screen time was just so much more interesting. His handling of emotions is so prevalent and interesting to watch.

I hated his confrontation with Itsuomi because itsuomi is just a perfectly mature guy who gets shaken by nothing and feels no threats by other men. Just stalwart statue.

Is this just me? Please tell me I'm not crazy??

Completely AGREE. I can't stand perfectly ideal complete charecters like Itsumi. Humans has flaws and that's what make every charecters interesting, I also hated Yuki for it though as she was very willing to be lovey dovey from E1 but didn't even tried to consider why Itsumi did or sais what he did.

A nearly good example is Fruits Basket, man I hated first 80% of S1 as it showed how a perfect ideal guy like Yuki is so close to Thoru, Kyo had a gf so I thought ain't no way Kyo was getting a good ending, man Fianl Season showed author has the right idea, and S3 got so high rating because of the ending. Now tell me everyone who do you prefer? Ideal Perfect Shoujo Male lead or imperfect interesting human character?
Aug 16, 2024 10:47 AM

Sep 2014
Adeptusastro77 said:
Y’all gotta read the manga omg

I actually read the first volume of the manga before watching the anime and enjoyed it! it didn't occur to me while reading that itsuomi was boring - quite the opposite I found him pretty dreamy and oushi seemed ick. so it's a little weird how my feelings switched up between the two haha
Aug 16, 2024 10:51 AM

Sep 2014
ANIk_003 said:
ANIk_003 said:

Completely AGREE. I can't stand perfectly ideal complete charecters like Itsumi. Humans has flaws and that's what make every charecters interesting, I also hated Yuki for it though as she was very willing to be lovey dovey from E1 but didn't even tried to consider why Itsumi did or sais what he did.

A nearly good example is Fruits Basket, man I hated first 80% of S1 as it showed how a perfect ideal guy like Yuki is so close to Thoru, Kyo had a gf so I thought ain't no way Kyo was getting a good ending, man Fianl Season showed author has the right idea, and S3 got so high rating because of the ending. Now tell me everyone who do you prefer? Ideal Perfect Shoujo Male lead or imperfect interesting human character?

fruits basket is a good comparison. because FB is one of my faves, and the whole while I couldn't stand Yuki. because perfect ideal "prince" types are boring. Kyo was always much more interesting to me because he had development to be done and issues to work through. (I think I'm just outing myself for liking tsundere) but like really, both shows have 1. silver haired prince perfect type and 2. tsundere trouble expressing himself struggling kid. I can still appreciate the perfects as characters, but when they're the focal point and can commit no wrongs it's so irksome
Aug 16, 2024 10:56 AM

Sep 2014
shash_sama18 said:
I literally got an Oushi pfp on my discord lol. Yes I can relate with you on the fact that Oushi as a character was more of the kind I would have liked to watch instead of Itsuomi. I am so done with these Mr. Perfect in Romance animes. Although I won't agree on some points like "he doesn't have a care for her privacy or consent" and all shit, dude they were literally in a relationship and if you are gonna count consent and privacy in a relationship then there are no emotions involved. If you ever have been in a relationship, you would realise that loving someone is about removing all these boundaries and getting together as close as possible while enjoying each other's presence. So yeah that argument seems more like you have the problem with their relationship which is not true I mean he handles her well from his behalf. Oushi > Itsuomi for me too in terms of a lot of different aspects including character development opportunity to his shortcomings as a person

relations are absolutely about breaking boundaries, but you still need consent within a relationship :)
also, before they started dating he touched her a lot, tickled her, just kinda did whatever he wanted. he wasn't very respectful of that the entire time. I'm glad we can relate on other aspects tho!
Aug 16, 2024 11:00 AM

Mar 2008
Oushi put me off for being controlling levels of overprotective and immature in a way that comes off annoying more than cute.

Saying Itsuomi is inconsistent and predictable. Which is it? He cant be both.
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Aug 16, 2024 11:02 AM
Dec 2018
You put all my thoughts into words
Aug 16, 2024 11:54 AM

Sep 2022
Oushi to Itsuomi :- "Put Me Out of My Majesty, Your Misery!."
Aug 16, 2024 2:45 PM
Jan 2023
Obviously your opinion is your own and I'm a ship and let ship kind of person, but people in the comment section shipping her with Oushi because they feel he "deserves her" is inherently icky. Love isn't about deserving ✋ If you are saying you wish Yuki would fall for Oushi instead, that's fine (I disagree but that's irrelevant). But the vibe from some of you is very much "I think Oushi is hot so I want him to get whatever he wants." I also think you're sanitizing Oushi's character a bit (a lot) but agree to disagree.

I will add that I had a lot of reservations about Itsuomi at first. His feelings for her felt kind of flaky, and I couldn't tell what we were supposed to think of him for like the first four or five episodes.

I haven't read the manga, but I'd like to think/hope his personality is fleshed out more later on? Otherwise he is kind of a cookie cutter male lead, I'll give you that.
portia77Aug 16, 2024 2:56 PM
Aug 16, 2024 4:14 PM

Mar 2012
I'm usually in "childhood friend" team. Too much, in fact...

But.. Oushi never made an effort to understand what his friend wanted. If he cared, he should have taken care of it, not just disagreed with her decision to go to college and that's it.
We're not talking about teenagers, they're already adults. He should have taken action there... and he didn't.

It's not that I like Itsuomi very much, but it's the normal behavior of a person of that age when wanting to start a relationship.
Aug 16, 2024 5:02 PM

Apr 2015
I agree that Itsuomi is a little too perfect/boring of a guy and Oushi is more interesting, although reading the manga may help when it comes to fleshing out Itsuomi a bit more as a character. Learning his background got me a little emotional.
In regards to the ship - I pretty much always can't help but root for the childhood friend, even though we all know it's never gonna go that route anyways, and I especially like how Oushi learned sign language because of Yuki and always secretly looked out for her. But tbh, I got put off by Oushi quite a bit when he told Itsuomi to break up with Yuki. Like, he literally had no right to say that, especially when it's his fault for never making a move after all these years. Oushi was my favorite character up to that point, and now I don't really have any strong feelings for any character in this series. Still like him overall (childhood friend + tsundere is the ultimate combo for my favorite male character trope lol), but yeah, I can understand why someone would like/dislike either character.

"As promised, all that you seek, all that we desire, is prepared up there. On top of the Tower."
Aug 16, 2024 6:22 PM
Nov 2020
I do understand where you’re coming from because Oushi at least has the space for character development while Itsuomi is already a fully developed character and from a viewer’s standpoint, Oushi’s journey might be more appealing to some. That being said, although I don’t absolutely hate him, Oushi get’s on my nerves, and the reason for that, is because I myself am disabled… and his current way of thinking bothers me to the bones. When he said something along the lines of “they (disabled people) should just stay where they’re safe and never leave” quite literally made my blood boil. Because I’ve heard that so much in life. Oushi’s character in the story is very important and he serves a very important role, he represents how sometimes, although people might have good intentions, they don’t go about it the right way, and how although not on purpose, those people will hold ableist thoughts without even realising. So yes Oushi is a very important character, but he’d have to grow up for me to be one of Yuki’s love interest, in my opinion. I don’t generally find Itsuomi boring as well. He’s a gust of fresh hair in the shoujo world honestly, from the ones I’ve read/watched so far at the very least.
Aug 16, 2024 8:02 PM
Apr 2020
You are SO real for that Itsuomi was painfully boring!!! Oushi is messy, ableist, immature, and an asshole but at least he’s interesting, I feel something when he’s on screen, but Itsuomi??? I just feel like I was given no other reason to like him other than the show telling me to. Truly, thank god for Oushi and the whole Emma situation for keeping the show interesting I probably would have dropped without them, the supporting cast is so good.
Aug 16, 2024 10:07 PM
Jun 2021
StarryyChai said:
I prefer Oushi over Itsuomi any day.

Spoilers for pretty much everything ~

First, Itsuomi is an extremely bland Gary stu character and it really disappointed me. I wanted to like him so badly, but he had NO flaws. Someone said he has no regard for boundaries, but It was presented more as an 'aloof' thing than an actual PERSONALITY flaw. Regarding 'aloof'ness - aloof characters are nice, but need to be written in an interesting way. His character makes very little sense in this regard because he's aloof but also can just turn it off an be extraordinarily outgoing and present. And his aloofness is just lack of expression and ignorance. His character is inconsistent, has no flaws, and is very predictable.
He also shows a few red flags. Takes advantage of Yuki's disability by covering her eyes so she can't read Oushi's lips / signs at the train station. Like I mentioned, gets up in her space and makes her uncomfortable. His understanding of consent is also very questionable. He comes up behind her all the time knowing she can't hear him.
He has no life problems, ig he's rich and just does whatever he wants, lives alone, liked by everyone, gets all the girls. No struggles. His biggest struggle was learning a language. Wow.

Oushi is probably the most interesting character in this show. And it's really a shame that childhood friends never get the girl. He learned sign specifically so that he could help Yuki and keep her safe. He was always looking out for her at school and making sure she wasn't being exploited or put in bad situations. His behavior isn't always nice, but at least he's not a bland perfect character. I think he intentionally didn't share his feelings with her because he didn't want her to feel alienated if things didn't work out. So he could always be there to watch her and support her in a world where other people couldn't.

It's really hard for me to put into words why itsuomi felt so lifeless, so I'm sorry if I didn't get it across effectively. But really, Oushi's screen time was just so much more interesting. His handling of emotions is so prevalent and interesting to watch.

I hated his confrontation with Itsuomi because itsuomi is just a perfectly mature guy who gets shaken by nothing and feels no threats by other men. Just stalwart statue.

Is this just me? Please tell me I'm not crazy??

Itsumo is hilarious in every aspect, he is much better than his non-childish nature,
Aug 16, 2024 10:18 PM

Sep 2014
traed said:
Oushi put me off for being controlling levels of overprotective and immature in a way that comes off annoying more than cute.

Saying Itsuomi is inconsistent and predictable. Which is it? He cant be both.

inconsistent in his mannerisms around other people, predictable in his actions with Yuki. like his actual personality is not very fleshed out imo. and everything he does is very shojo ikemen lmao
Aug 16, 2024 10:21 PM

Sep 2014
ShySeishuro said:
I'm usually in "childhood friend" team. Too much, in fact...

But.. Oushi never made an effort to understand what his friend wanted. If he cared, he should have taken care of it, not just disagreed with her decision to go to college and that's it.
We're not talking about teenagers, they're already adults. He should have taken action there... and he didn't.

It's not that I like Itsuomi very much, but it's the normal behavior of a person of that age when wanting to start a relationship.

mhm and I think that's the justification the show basically gives for why he isn't the lead haha. it's pretty acknowledged that he didn't take the right steps and do the best things.

but that's also why we see him trying to change, be nicer, do better. which is much more interesting than already being perfect ☆
Aug 16, 2024 10:24 PM

Sep 2014
Xiao said:
I agree that Itsuomi is a little too perfect/boring of a guy and Oushi is more interesting, although reading the manga may help when it comes to fleshing out Itsuomi a bit more as a character. Learning his background got me a little emotional.
In regards to the ship - I pretty much always can't help but root for the childhood friend, even though we all know it's never gonna go that route anyways, and I especially like how Oushi learned sign language because of Yuki and always secretly looked out for her. But tbh, I got put off by Oushi quite a bit when he told Itsuomi to break up with Yuki. Like, he literally had no right to say that, especially when it's his fault for never making a move after all these years. Oushi was my favorite character up to that point, and now I don't really have any strong feelings for any character in this series. Still like him overall (childhood friend + tsundere is the ultimate combo for my favorite male character trope lol), but yeah, I can understand why someone would like/dislike either character.

Him using the "I'll do anything" moment to tell Itsuomi to break up with Yuki was very predictable and while you're right he has no right to say that, it also made him realize why he wanted that. it's what made him finally break and realize he loves her. I think I can forgive him for saying something as rude as that since he was drunk and in his feelings haha
Aug 16, 2024 10:29 PM

Sep 2014
EatPlants said:
You are SO real for that Itsuomi was painfully boring!!! Oushi is messy, ableist, immature, and an asshole but at least he’s interesting, I feel something when he’s on screen, but Itsuomi??? I just feel like I was given no other reason to like him other than the show telling me to. Truly, thank god for Oushi and the whole Emma situation for keeping the show interesting I probably would have dropped without them, the supporting cast is so good.

I think Oushi is so interesting with his flaws because even though he is being an asshole with the things he says, they always have an undertone of "I care, but don't know how to say it". he always has a look in his eyes that makes the viewer know he isn't being mean, he's being sincere and is worried. so even though he has all this shitty qualities it's hard to truly hate him for me, and makes him dynamic. ur so right, I loved the supporting cast and honestly wish they were more present. romance shows with prevalent side character relationships that get equal screen time are underrated. Just came from watching kimi ni todoke s3 and it's perfect for that aaa ♡
Aug 16, 2024 11:46 PM

Apr 2022
definitely not. oushi's just a walking ball of negative energy who has no fun in his life and his whole character revolves around trying to get yuki unlike itsuomi who actually has goals in his life outside of her and he treats everyone equally. also this post makes no sense, you say itsuomi has no flaws yet go on to list ''red flags'' like there's no tomorrow lmao if being mentally mature is supposed to be a flaw nowadays then sure lol. oushi only has problems because he creates problems for himself, the fact that he's been fumbling for so many years when no other guy approached yuki but now that she got a mans who's actually honest with himself (as everyone deserves) then oushi wants to take chances lol it's utter clown behavior. him learning sign language for her doesn't get him any extra points either because i mean, itsuomi literally does the same. all in all, he had a lot of potential and his backstory is strong but him in the current timeline as a grownup is pretty bad and always has me hoping he gets off screen asap. although i will say he's still probably the most interesting 'love rival' i've seen, because usually there's nothing to like about them at all so at least oushi had a good foundation.
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