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Jul 19, 2024 7:58 AM

Dec 2021
To the city we go.

Belle, aiming for a city with a castle, stops along the way to rescue a child of the Long-Eared Race, Rabiatia, who was about to be cut down by evil swordsmen. However, Belle is imprisoned for wielding his sword without a duel permit. Eventually, Belle is freed from the prison by Gaff Shandy, her senior disciple and one of the Four Great Swordsmen of Justice. Thanks to Gaff's intervention, Belle is granted an audience with King Rawhide. Meanwhile, in the city, the Hunger Alliance, a shadowy group neither aligned with Justice nor Evil, has emerged, causing unrest among the people.

"A faceless ghost".. ???? My fuck is this world racist towards humans. You know, even without the magic or whatever Junichi's character put on Belle's sword, I'm pretty sure it would've sliced apart the swords anyways. Like just look at the size comparison. Whatever though, girl was in prison for like a minute lol. Whole point of her going to prison was just so she could get to Gaff easier. OST when they were going into the kings room or whatever was banging as usual. Ffs though, how many high-profile seiyuus did they get for this show. I mean we have Power, Nanamin, Sukuna, and Meruem in this show lol. ED's pretty good ngl.

How will Belle do in this upcoming fight...?

Jul 19, 2024 8:06 AM

Jul 2017
The music's been good but not peak Penkin stuff, rest of the episode wasn't too interesting but the world building efforts seem promising. Belle's character is still in the early stages of putting things together and hopefully the trial can have some exciting stuff and action taking place to spice up the show a bit. The rabitta as well in question seems like an interesting outlier of a presence so far, Gaff is nice too and somehow made her being arrested worth it.
Jul 19, 2024 8:30 AM
Sep 2015
As a pacifist, sword that can't kill is more like a bless than a curse to me.

I don't buy the story but the world design, the music, and the atmosphere are top-grade. Could this work better as a video game format where you can spend a lot of time exploring?
Jul 19, 2024 9:16 AM

Jan 2024
Reply to phantomfandom
As a pacifist, sword that can't kill is more like a bless than a curse to me.

I don't buy the story but the world design, the music, and the atmosphere are top-grade. Could this work better as a video game format where you can spend a lot of time exploring?
@phantomfandom I agree, the design and atmosphere are amazing, but this is one of these animes that makes you feel like you started watching in season 2
Jul 19, 2024 9:31 AM
Dec 2022
I am the only one confused with wtf is happening lol
Jul 19, 2024 10:13 AM
Jul 2024
World building here is first rate. And the atmosphere fits the Story. I like it so far, myself.
Jul 19, 2024 10:38 AM
Aug 2021
Still trying to figure out what’s going on. Many unanswered subplots from E1 and then introducing new characters and subplots here. Still had my interest but then I heard Kenjiro Tsuda’s voice and that solidified it for me! Damn, that guy’s voice is unbelievable.
Jul 19, 2024 10:58 AM
Jul 2024
I'm still confused about the story but overall I like it, it's keeping me interested. The world building is amazing and we don't really see this style anymore. Feels like an old fairy tale. It does seem like the world building is more important than Bella's story tho. Did they explain what a schwert musikerin is or did I miss it?
Jul 19, 2024 10:58 AM

Dec 2018
"O'Crock" lmao good god. Very fairy tale atmosphere here, especially with the "theme of Park" and the Through the Looking Glass white rabbit. By the way, seems like a major contrivance, like why drag the rabbit to an inn/tavern to kill it in front of MC? Pretty incredulous. Names like Shandy Gaff and Haggis? wth is going on here? Nothing seems to line up with each other, it's like a sketch show but none of the bits have a punchline.
Jul 19, 2024 11:46 AM
Oct 2020
Ok so the swords grow? We got an exposition episode and all but it seems this world is far stranger than I expected. There's the multifaced king, some tree sword god, rabbit that is just hanging around right now. We meet another student of the same master. They're a pretty big deal. There's also topdog underdog whatever for some reason. Overall just what?
Jul 19, 2024 12:42 PM

Jan 2016
still watching this because ep1 had nice fight and ep2 had nice crystal place and cute bunny. If what they say continues to make no sense, 5/10. If starts to make sense and I get more in to it, 7/10 TOPS.

I assumed a puppet and a fake god, but appears King really is king and under a reasonable to call real god. MC apparently is a mass murderer and is currently complaining she can no longer kill people.

3/5, rabbita a cutie, she must agree since took bath with him
phantomfandom said:
As a pacifist, sword that can't kill is more like a bless than a curse to me.

I don't buy the story but the world design, the music, and the atmosphere are top-grade. Could this work better as a video game format where you can spend a lot of time exploring?

agreed on all fronts

Jul 19, 2024 1:09 PM
Apr 2015
Anime of the saeason for me
Much better than the garbage Elusive Samurai
Jul 19, 2024 2:36 PM

Jul 2021
The world keeps rapid-firing strange new ideas as if it makes perfect sense. It feels like a fever dream.

Earth may be a different planet, Belle just kills people without remorse, swords are grown, people are labeled good or evil, the rabbit child is good luck and also a pest (?), there is a literal god embodied by a two-faced king, and the god won't look at Belle (?), etc.

Really appreciating the originality and how alien everything feels, but I hope they start making some sense soon.
Jul 19, 2024 4:55 PM
Aug 2015
Reply to perseii
The world keeps rapid-firing strange new ideas as if it makes perfect sense. It feels like a fever dream.

Earth may be a different planet, Belle just kills people without remorse, swords are grown, people are labeled good or evil, the rabbit child is good luck and also a pest (?), there is a literal god embodied by a two-faced king, and the god won't look at Belle (?), etc.

Really appreciating the originality and how alien everything feels, but I hope they start making some sense soon.
perseii said:
The world keeps rapid-firing strange new ideas as if it makes perfect sense. It feels like a fever dream.

Perhaps this is the author's way of sharing Belle's own confusion with you emotionally.
Jul 19, 2024 5:38 PM

Mar 2021
My interpretation for the swords based on the tidbits that we've gotten so far:

I think the swords are made from the tree god. When her sword is 'asleep' it appears to be wooden, but it only looks like an actual broadsword when she 'awakens' it. They probably take a chunk of wood from the tree god so the swordsmith can carve it into its desired shape. This also aligns with Yggdrasil meaning Sword-Tree God and how it is covered with runic writing similar to that within the swords.

These swords are capable of growing just like the tree god grows forever. When those rogues mentioned using the rabbit to grow their swords, it's likely that their swords can absorb living beings to grow stronger. Since the swords are made from parts of their god, they are treated as precious gifts that also living in and of themselves. So breaking someone's sword is a huge deal. It may also be that an individual is only granted one gift (sword) from the God in their lifetime, so if it breaks they won't get a new one. But even if they do, then all the 'growth' of their sword has been lost.

They also referred to their swords as instruments, so it might also be the case that the instruments that those farmers were playing to help grow their crops were also made from the wood of the Sword-Tree God. There seems to be a connection between swords, music, and life energy. Like when Belle mentions that swords are meant to be used with the music of clashing steel. I think that there is a literal meaning there.

I believe that you have to undergo a curse to become a Nomad because it's the equivalent of abandoning the God of their region in order to gain the right to travel outside. Because the sword is built from the God, the curse reduces the effectiveness of the swords to some extent. Or it could be that the sword is not effective against the citizens of that city who are essentially worshippers of the God.

Jul 19, 2024 5:59 PM

Feb 2017
Watching this episode I kept thinking "this feels too fresh for an isekai, feels more like western fantasy or old japanese 'western fantasy'" come to find out that I was right, it gets a bit confusing due to the show not slowing down a bit to explain itself but at the same time kinda tired of shows spending several minutes explaining stuff that becomes irrelevant the next episode just to do it again in a couple of episodes.
Jul 19, 2024 6:01 PM
Dec 2020
As someone said: "I feel like my brain is not braining."
Jul 19, 2024 6:27 PM
Nov 2021
idk. Some good tone building when mc was alone on her travels. But some whiplash with the obligatory sequences inside the town. Overall, feels like watching a cut scene mashup of a fairly generic jrpg.
Jul 19, 2024 6:43 PM

May 2015
This is really all over the place isn't it
Jul 19, 2024 7:30 PM

Mar 2013
Another solid episode.
What I like about this series: female MC and she's cute... 🥰

This is a series who, most of us doesn't understand, because you're NOT thinking right to begin with, because this series has a very different concept from the rest of the series you've watched.

But since I'm a solid fan, I will say that this is a unique series.

billybub said:
This is really all over the place isn't it

No, it's not. You're simply watching it wrongly or simply not watching it right. 😆

nhkam said:
Still trying to figure out what’s going on. Many unanswered subplots from E1 and then introducing new characters and subplots here.

bluetwo12 said:
I am the only one confused with wtf is happening lol

What good is a fictional story if you already know all of its plot from the get-go? 🤔 (That would be boring)
CrazyButNot4UJul 19, 2024 7:46 PM
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
Jul 19, 2024 7:45 PM

Jul 2021
Reply to costmuffled
perseii said:
The world keeps rapid-firing strange new ideas as if it makes perfect sense. It feels like a fever dream.

Perhaps this is the author's way of sharing Belle's own confusion with you emotionally.
@costmuffled For some parts, yes. Most of the time, Belle herself doesn't look very confused to me.

I actually kind of like that things are unusual and complicated, rather than generic. For now, I'm deciding to trust the show to gradually explain itself; it's only been 2 episodes, after all.
Jul 19, 2024 8:09 PM

Feb 2015
Not sure if we're rushing through or the story is intentionally opaque. Guessing the latter, and I'm for it.

Loving the music also.
Censorship is vandalism.
Jul 19, 2024 10:48 PM
Jun 2019
This continues to be very compelling, looking forward to next week. They're making it pretty obvious that the eerily silent bunny will be significant later.
Jul 20, 2024 12:15 AM

Sep 2018
One of the more creative and detailed fantasy worlds in anime, for some time, a pretty immersive world only two episodes in.
Jul 20, 2024 12:46 AM
Oct 2023
well I can't really say anything about this anime. the characters feel somewhat very typical and the story so far has been good but the way of representation of many moments was not really good.
Jul 20, 2024 12:56 AM

Sep 2022
One of the most interesting animes this season. Clearly from score and comments viewers are not used to this style and challenging story telling. That's ok, I will continue to enjoy it.
Jul 20, 2024 1:14 AM
Jul 2024
Weird, hard to follow, and unsettling, but definitely intriguing. We'll see if the series can manage to pay off all these mysteries it's offering.
Jul 20, 2024 3:58 AM

Nov 2013
Intriguing world. Love the unique atmosphere. Doesn't feel generic.

One thing I'd nitpick about though, would be the fight in the tavern. Seemed like cheap trick to advance plot forward. Goons found the rabbit MC met randomly and then they brought him inside the tavern (why?) where MC is and decided to kill him for some reason (why?). Reason here being so that MC would intervene, kick ass, realize how the curse works, get captured by guards etc. Seemed cheesy AF.

Goons could've killed the rabbit outside, or the fight could've happened after a random encounter on the streets to make the scene look less forced IMO.
Jul 20, 2024 6:37 AM
Jun 2012
Bye, Bye Earth has a solid story. With a quickly establishing immersive world.

I only hope. The amount of episodes does its source justice.
As it is clear. The source is worth any number of adaptation.
If done at this level of quality for the production.

Haven't read the LN myself. Here's hoping I don't have to.
To get the full experience. As thus far it's been a great ride in anime form.
Jul 20, 2024 6:45 AM

Jul 2017
Belle encountering a rather large Rabbitia while resting in the Quartz Forest, she finally reaches Park City in Schwert Land being a nomad. But while the land is divided between good and evil to keep the balance, the nomad herself came to a fight against evil solists who encountered the same Rabbitia and wanting to kill it for their blood. And sure, Belle got her job done, but gets imprisoned thereafter, feeling the same as when she's young.

Thanks to Gaff, Belle gets out and is attached with a dog tag, but it's clear that Sian's curse has affected Belle to kill beings in her usual way. For now, Belle must be a solist for the time being, with Gaff escorting her to see the king: a duality of both topdog and underdog of King Rawhide, to grant her a trial as a Schwert Musikerin.

There's still so much to learn about this world, though I'd not be surprised if the anime speedruns through the rather short 4-volume LN.

That said, LMYK's ED is rather good, and whimsical.
Jul 20, 2024 10:34 AM
Sep 2008
I can already see the doujins coming from that bath scene
Jul 20, 2024 2:45 PM

Jan 2015
That's a very weird world. There are some things that I liked like how meeting a rabbit is a sign of good luck, but on the other hand the guys at the bar were saying how drinking the blood of the rabbit makes their swords better.

Not really sure about the whole sword idea, it was pretty vaguely explained, from what I understood there is a connection between sword and the user, like some kind of life force connection.

Also not really sure why being nomad is such a big deal, to the point of asking a king for a permission to be one.

Also king's design is... nice
Jul 20, 2024 2:50 PM

Jan 2015
Reply to Quadruple_Oi
My interpretation for the swords based on the tidbits that we've gotten so far:

I think the swords are made from the tree god. When her sword is 'asleep' it appears to be wooden, but it only looks like an actual broadsword when she 'awakens' it. They probably take a chunk of wood from the tree god so the swordsmith can carve it into its desired shape. This also aligns with Yggdrasil meaning Sword-Tree God and how it is covered with runic writing similar to that within the swords.

These swords are capable of growing just like the tree god grows forever. When those rogues mentioned using the rabbit to grow their swords, it's likely that their swords can absorb living beings to grow stronger. Since the swords are made from parts of their god, they are treated as precious gifts that also living in and of themselves. So breaking someone's sword is a huge deal. It may also be that an individual is only granted one gift (sword) from the God in their lifetime, so if it breaks they won't get a new one. But even if they do, then all the 'growth' of their sword has been lost.

They also referred to their swords as instruments, so it might also be the case that the instruments that those farmers were playing to help grow their crops were also made from the wood of the Sword-Tree God. There seems to be a connection between swords, music, and life energy. Like when Belle mentions that swords are meant to be used with the music of clashing steel. I think that there is a literal meaning there.

I believe that you have to undergo a curse to become a Nomad because it's the equivalent of abandoning the God of their region in order to gain the right to travel outside. Because the sword is built from the God, the curse reduces the effectiveness of the swords to some extent. Or it could be that the sword is not effective against the citizens of that city who are essentially worshippers of the God.

@Oioioioi1234 thanks for that elaborate analysis. Some things made more sense after reading it!
Jul 20, 2024 3:24 PM

Nov 2012
I like the world building so far, but I'm not fond of the MC yet.
Jul 20, 2024 5:41 PM
Oct 2019
Racist the Anime continues 😂

Wow the world building, that's a lot of information to take tbh.
But i think we are supposed to be confused here just like our MC Belle.

But why the f she bathing with the Male Rabbit? That's kinda weird LMFAO
Jul 21, 2024 7:15 AM

Feb 2010
On one hand great atmosphere, music and visuals. On the other a lot of talking, characters keep throwing names and terminology that mean nothing to the viewer.
Jul 21, 2024 9:46 AM
Oct 2016
Reply to phantomfandom
As a pacifist, sword that can't kill is more like a bless than a curse to me.

I don't buy the story but the world design, the music, and the atmosphere are top-grade. Could this work better as a video game format where you can spend a lot of time exploring?
@phantomfandom There's a flip side to a sword not killing/cutting being a blessing. Since the sword is still a hunk of metal the wielder can still permanently cripple or cause brain damage to the others on the receiving end without killing the opponent.
Jul 21, 2024 9:50 AM
Sep 2015
Reply to Lost_Raven
@phantomfandom There's a flip side to a sword not killing/cutting being a blessing. Since the sword is still a hunk of metal the wielder can still permanently cripple or cause brain damage to the others on the receiving end without killing the opponent.
@Raistlarn True, but I like to positive thinking that the spirit* of Sian Lablac (*not sure about his being status right now) will be kind enough to restraint the sword not to cause irreversible damage.
Jul 22, 2024 5:40 AM
Mar 2012
Peculiar animal designs & sceneries so colorful.
lots of worldbuilding, special themes. lots of weird stuff but plot itself is vague.
Jul 22, 2024 8:16 AM
Feb 2018
Ok, the outro theme is soooo good this episode. I really need the name.
Jul 22, 2024 4:26 PM
Dec 2018
CrazyButNot4U said:
Another solid episode.
What I like about this series: female MC and she's cute... 🥰

This is a series who, most of us doesn't understand, because you're NOT thinking right to begin with, because this series has a very different concept from the rest of the series you've watched.

But since I'm a solid fan, I will say that this is a unique series.

billybub said:
This is really all over the place isn't it

No, it's not. You're simply watching it wrongly or simply not watching it right. 😆

nhkam said:
Still trying to figure out what’s going on. Many unanswered subplots from E1 and then introducing new characters and subplots here.

bluetwo12 said:
I am the only one confused with wtf is happening lol

What good is a fictional story if you already know all of its plot from the get-go? 🤔 (That would be boring)

Making the spectator not understanding what is happening is a narrative choice which is risky. I don't know the story yet but if it doesn't reveals itself midway it will be a narrative failure and nothing else.

When you tell a story you make tons of pacts with the listener which are mainly : 'Follow me and you will know how and why' if the story doesn't fulfill these pact at some point it won't mean people not enjoying it aren't watching rightly but that the narration is fucked up.

For now I'll keep with the mystery but I want at least some answers before episode 6.

+ It's actually a narrative convention to state clearly at the beginning what the goal is. Don't be haughty towards people lost by the fact they didn't follow a convention.
Jul 22, 2024 8:37 PM

Mar 2013
DragyG said:
I don't know the story yet

Same but should we simply hate on the get-go because we don't understand it fully yet?
It's simply just starting, what's wrong with that?

DragyG said:
if the story doesn't fulfill these pact at some point it won't mean people not enjoying it aren't watching rightly but that the narration is fucked up.

and if they change their narratives for the sake of the audience instead of what the productions would actually want to how they want to protray it—won't it simply become a copy paste narrative from the rest of other stories?

Watching it wrongly would be expecting that the story should be fulfilled in how the general audience would like it, but we do have our set of expectations, and it can change overtime. (And that's just facts)

DragyG said:
For now I'll keep with the mystery but I want at least some answers before episode 6.

Now that's just expecting in a haughty way... 😆 (used your word earlier)

DragyG said:
Don't be haughty towards people lost by the fact they didn't follow a convention.

Not even intended nor was on my mind when I commented. Surely, you know that ... 🥲

P.S. I commented in a surely and friendly way, but honestly, yours would be the haughty one IMO, AND RUDE TBH.

But still, have a good day. 😖
It's certainly nice to see passionate people in here. 😆
CrazyButNot4UJul 22, 2024 9:10 PM
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
Jul 22, 2024 8:47 PM

Nov 2009
Hey, she already complete her quest (first minute into the episode)

"Is my homeland in the sky?"

Done, series over, everything solved. End Credits.



And more racism... are we gonna be getting this throughout the entire series?

Where ever she goes, "hey faceless"

Also... she still remembers her master's last name? I thought she completely forgot about him... which would have included the name... "but who?" plothole? lol

Not to mention... how she's apparently constantly referring to her master... and also remembers some of his words... and some past events... so she technically didn't forgot everything about the Master like she's saying... otherwise you wouldn't have remembered any of those.


And... huh... the "Swords" "grows"?... so in this world... the swords are also living beings that can grow larger/ stronger? huh...

Also... what exactly is a "Nomad"... why so many weird restrictions... does this world not allow you to go travel the world if you don't become a Nomad?... what sort of weird logic is this...


Nothing Written Here But Us Anime Bunnies *boing boing boing*
Jul 23, 2024 3:37 AM
Apr 2022
Reply to amlg
Hey, she already complete her quest (first minute into the episode)

"Is my homeland in the sky?"

Done, series over, everything solved. End Credits.



And more racism... are we gonna be getting this throughout the entire series?

Where ever she goes, "hey faceless"

Also... she still remembers her master's last name? I thought she completely forgot about him... which would have included the name... "but who?" plothole? lol

Not to mention... how she's apparently constantly referring to her master... and also remembers some of his words... and some past events... so she technically didn't forgot everything about the Master like she's saying... otherwise you wouldn't have remembered any of those.


And... huh... the "Swords" "grows"?... so in this world... the swords are also living beings that can grow larger/ stronger? huh...

Also... what exactly is a "Nomad"... why so many weird restrictions... does this world not allow you to go travel the world if you don't become a Nomad?... what sort of weird logic is this...


@amlg it is financed by sony and crunchy (well that is also sony) this will be a full on wokefest from beginning to end like western series after 2015. Someone thinks it is a good idea to make the last sane country also communist.
Jul 23, 2024 8:32 AM

Jan 2011
I like how we are building so far.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Jul 23, 2024 4:00 PM
Oct 2023
So far, has decent animation and interesting concepts, but the overall plot so far is lacking and uninteresting, and the writing is mediocre
Jul 25, 2024 9:36 PM

Apr 2009

"Belle... start the reactor..."

If Graff was a disciple of Enola, why can't he just tell Belle who he was and what he was like?

Watching this is so far is like someone telling you a story but they leave out random details. I'm not optimistic those holes will ever be filled, but despite that I'm still enjoying the show and I'm happy to go along with it. It's beautiful, an interesting setting, the action was great even in that little tavern fight, and I'm very curious to see what Belle finds when she actually becomes a nomad and ventures forth into the wider world.

Jul 29, 2024 9:35 AM
Feb 2021
I like how they are building the world and the music. I think things with the plot and characters aren't paced quite right for me. The rabbitia is so cute! I'm excited to see if he will develop a friendship with Belle. It seems like Belle has to learn to fight without killing (so that she can appreciate the value of life?). I like that they have set up this parallel with Belle and Adonis both not wanting to see their parents when returning to the city.
Aug 6, 2024 11:49 AM
Jan 2018
@69DudeBro69 What does any of this have to do with world politics?

We're talking about growing swords and botched memory loss and somehow you came up with communism and being woke...
Aug 10, 2024 5:33 AM
Mar 2022
good girl belle/...................
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