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Sep 17, 2021 3:32 PM

Nov 2011
Crazy episode. I might actually go back and rewatch it because reading a lot of the posts in here has me wanting to go back.
I actually might be in the minority of wanting Nagara and Mizuho to be together in the end. I think they have more chemistry then Nagara and Nozomi. Plus Nozomi is kind of boring since the beginning. =/

I fucking hate Sensei as well. War turned into a Gun and now Death is introduced in this anime. God I hope nothing happens to Mizuho, Nagara or our Boy Raj

Reelens said:
_Alleria_ said:
This was an interesting episode cuz it touches on the stagnation that they have to now live with. The whole go find war and kill him to introduce death idea.
What happened to Nozomi? What does the killing of the chickens signify? Like they specifically point out which chicken is whose and it shows blood beneath both, but only one seemingly regenerates? Is this meant to compound the idea of the lack of death in the world or highlight a prerequisite by having only one die?

It means Mizuho's power is the ability to deny death. Her chicken doesn't die, but Nagara's does.

It also means that she's the one who caused the drift, because living things she brings into the drift can't die, and that's why nobody dies.

It's still somewhat unclear, but this probably means that the entire story so far has been caused by her, possibly as a reaction to witnessing someone's death (Nozomi's death maybe?)

We no longer know what Nagara's role was/is.

It could be Nozomi's or really I think it is Nagara's death. They show him at the front gate of the school and then walking away. Maybe since he did not go to school that day he was in some sort of accident that Mizuho saw. And then they Flash to the Dog saying "If you had known about this at that time the outcome might have turned out differently"
SoraSenpaiSep 17, 2021 3:39 PM
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Sep 17, 2021 4:16 PM
Feb 2014
Am I the only one that’s 10 episodes in and still don’t know what the fck is going on
Sep 17, 2021 7:04 PM

Apr 2020
SoraSenpai said:
Crazy episode. I might actually go back and rewatch it because reading a lot of the posts in here has me wanting to go back.
I actually might be in the minority of wanting Nagara and Mizuho to be together in the end. I think they have more chemistry then Nagara and Nozomi. Plus Nozomi is kind of boring since the beginning. =/

I fucking hate Sensei as well. War turned into a Gun and now Death is introduced in this anime. God I hope nothing happens to Mizuho, Nagara or our Boy Raj

Reelens said:

It means Mizuho's power is the ability to deny death. Her chicken doesn't die, but Nagara's does.

It also means that she's the one who caused the drift, because living things she brings into the drift can't die, and that's why nobody dies.

It's still somewhat unclear, but this probably means that the entire story so far has been caused by her, possibly as a reaction to witnessing someone's death (Nozomi's death maybe?)

We no longer know what Nagara's role was/is.

It could be Nozomi's or really I think it is Nagara's death.
I think the show is going to link back to episode one where Nozomi was going to jump towards the light. Mizuho was there looking at Nozomi. Nagara stopped Nozomi from jumping and the black, purgatory-like abyss vanished.

This probably runs parallel on what happened in the real timeline, except Nagara just leaves Nozomi to jump. So I'm really thinking that Nozomi's death was the catalyst of the drift, rather than Nagara's death.
ToraiSSep 17, 2021 7:27 PM
Sep 17, 2021 7:05 PM

Jun 2020
Asakaze is blushing when realize that girl know he likes Nozomi, thats cute xD
I thought I already understand whats going on and then random scenes is back, oh no.
Two episodes left, I'm curious how they will end it with that pacing.
chocomayuSep 18, 2021 12:13 AM
Sep 18, 2021 12:04 PM

Mar 2010
I can't blame that lad for being controlled by giant breasts, also lolz with that chicken scene.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Sep 18, 2021 1:19 PM
Feb 2021
phantomfandom said:
The concept is harder and harder to understand. Does this episode end War and introduce Death?

Maybe a metaphor that war leads to death
Sep 18, 2021 6:21 PM
Aug 2021
ToraiS said:
SoraSenpai said:
Crazy episode. I might actually go back and rewatch it because reading a lot of the posts in here has me wanting to go back.
I actually might be in the minority of wanting Nagara and Mizuho to be together in the end. I think they have more chemistry then Nagara and Nozomi. Plus Nozomi is kind of boring since the beginning. =/

I fucking hate Sensei as well. War turned into a Gun and now Death is introduced in this anime. God I hope nothing happens to Mizuho, Nagara or our Boy Raj

It could be Nozomi's or really I think it is Nagara's death.
I think the show is going to link back to episode one where Nozomi was going to jump towards the light. Mizuho was there looking at Nozomi. Nagara stopped Nozomi from jumping and the black, purgatory-like abyss vanished.

This probably runs parallel on what happened in the real timeline, except Nagara just leaves Nozomi to jump. So I'm really thinking that Nozomi's death was the catalyst of the drift, rather than Nagara's death.

Of all the breakdowns I’ve seen, this is probably closest to the truth. There are very clear indications of a dark happening with Nozomi (despite her reverse personality) and the statement by the wolf/dog where “if he knew, he could’ve done something to stop all this from happening” or something along those lines.
Sep 19, 2021 9:00 AM
Jul 2021
RayReynolds said:
Once again, the show casually drops things like "Oh, the cult teacher has been training us, and we've rendevoused with other people and are read to embark to battle," and "War threatens God, so we need you to become Death Incarnate," but those are not the focus of the episode at all. Instead, this week we switch gears again to a completely random girl who's apparently a secret telepath who's been spying on everybody, knows pretty much everything that's going on, and has built up her own personal imagined relationship with the Wonderboy, because that's not creepy at all. And yet, the weirdest part of the episode is a montage in the middle set to a completely random insert song.

Anyway, he drags her along with his attempted harem to go kill War in a dead world, and instead find a dead dude endlessly falling, and as soon as Evil Teacher reveals that the girl is telepathic, he jumps straight into her boobs. Seems like it might've been a good time to tell him that she hates him and is manipulating him, huh? The manic pixie girl yells at him again, so they decide to mercy kill the dead dude, at which point she falls off a cliff. Which leads to the reveal that it was Cat Girl who was making everything immortal by slaughtering chickens. Sure, Sonny Boy. Whatever you say. Did the telepath girl even have a name? What ever happened to Star Boy? Didn't he have his own cult, or did they join cults? Wasn't he talking to a different god? Where is anything even going?

I'm not going to argue that the execution is good, because that's ultimately subjective, but half your critiques (or more) are things you don't remember or didn't pay attention to.
Sep 19, 2021 1:04 PM

Apr 2018
Tsubasa's "monologue" power (to hear other people's thoughts) is really interesting, but I'm really hating Asakaze more and more, I'm especially worried about what happened to Nozomi but I don't think she would really die like that, with what they showed with the two chickens at the end Mizuho kinda seems like to have the power to "erase or cancel" death, so she might apply it directly to Nozomi even though she's far away?
Sep 19, 2021 5:04 PM

May 2018
Is that old dude really God? I think he might be A god, but not THE god.

"Are you intoxicated, or just insane?"
Sep 19, 2021 6:30 PM
Dec 2015
I posted this on tumblr after the episode but will repost my thoughts here. Sorry if this is disjointed, I'm going to be sort of combining two things I said:

[I legit don’t care that we literally heard Asakaze’s internal monologue about liking Nozomi this episode. I refuse to believe it. 90% of this boy’s issues come from him being upset that NAGARA “abandoned” him temporarily early on in the drift when Nagara and Nozomi went off to investigate and that’s the hill I will die on. He may like Nozomi but his anger and emotions are directed at Nagara but because Nozomi was the last to walk off it’s the person he’s clinging to.]

A lot of people seemed to agree that the Nozomi crush thing felt a little forced, and that up until now it seemed more like his focus was on Nagara not her.

I wrote this next part after episode 6 but forgot to comment on the forums over here, and it's basically my original idea for the Nagara vs. Asakaze thought above:

[With Asakaze though, he is also tied to Nagara, although not really powerwise. Although Nozomi has been the most friendly to Nagara, Asakaze feels like the character most emotionally tied to him. He started off as someone not close to the main group in episode 1, but once they started doing experiments and exploring the rules of “This World”, Asakaze ended up hanging out with Nagara more. It was not explicitly stated, but we can infer that he was upset and in a way felt abandoned when Nagara and the others left him briefly, and not able to communicate this effectively, he built up resentment due to his internalized loneliness and then sought out the comfort of the false teacher, who was someone who was willing to pay him attention. Now that she too is gone, Asakaze is trying to coax Nozomi to come with him, because he is angry at Nagara and unable to resolve this divide between them now, a divide only he sees but Nagara does not, and so though Asakaze does not want to be alone and wants all of them to come with him, his character arc and probably the ending of the story will hinge on him and Nagara resolving this divide- Asakaze was also a nobody in a way like Nagara was, but because Nagara was more of a nobody Asakaze was not upset or lonely. But now that Nagara has started developing a goal, Asakaze is being left behind, and so he has swapped places. Although his main power is to fly/float, we first saw him demonstrate his ability to almost crack the world, and so if Nagara is an observer, then I feel like Asakaze is being set up to be the destroyer or eraser, the exact opposite.]

TLDR: I really wish the anime was more consistent or did more to center what Asakaze's role in the story is and had made it more clear before that he was in love with Nozomi.

Sep 19, 2021 6:54 PM

Nov 2010
This episode begins with a brief scenery where also Yamabiko wandered once in episode 8; a black field with red sky that was filled with something like flying bullets. It may be a battle field.
And here comes a bad development; heroine's death / mineralization. We would see how Nagara react to her death in next episode. As the lyrics of the song "Lightyears" that might be inserted next week is a lamentation, she wouldn't come to life again, I assume. We also would see the mindset of Asakaze who didn't save her.
It's kind of unexpected but War was not the ominous man with poncho whom Yamabiko met. As 5,000 years has passed since then, he may have been turned into a void now. He said he was able to earn decorations by killing people. And the teacher was delivering decorations and invitations to the war to the students in this episode. Also the principal who got the gun was pleased with the result. From these facts, a speculation can be made that the teacher and the principal ordered War and others to collect supernatural relics by killing / mineralizing people. War was dumped since he became useless. If things go in this manner, Asakaze could be the next generation War. Just a possibility.
kuroneko99Sep 20, 2021 3:55 AM
Sep 20, 2021 1:08 AM

Dec 2020
HOOOOLD AWN. WHAT? ??????? ????? WHAAAATTTTT??????????

that last 3 minutes WWWWHAT i cant even say anything other than waht im just so !!??$!_#) WWWWHATT
Sep 20, 2021 9:01 PM
Apr 2021
Is Nozomi dead? Also with Mizuho’s ability could they maybe bring her back? Or what just happened????
Sep 20, 2021 9:38 PM

Jul 2016
So Asakaze has a God complex and has always liked Nozomi, huh? Well, no shit. As if we needed something like that to be cleared out.

Another week, another episode in where I try my hardest not to fall asleep.
Sep 22, 2021 5:18 AM

Jul 2016
Ittan_Momen said:
Is that old dude really God? I think he might be A god, but not THE god.

He is the god of these worlds.
Sep 22, 2021 2:08 PM

Feb 2011
SouthRzVa said:
So Asakaze has a God complex and has always liked Nozomi, huh? Well, no shit. As if we needed something like that to be cleared out.

Another week, another episode in where I try my hardest not to fall asleep.

For real, if i had to watch this on a non weekly basis it would be something close to torture
Sep 23, 2021 2:19 AM

Oct 2017
So uh when someone dies their power is left behind? When that dude die there was a gun left and when Nozomi died there was that compass.
Sep 23, 2021 6:08 AM
Feb 2011
according to the preview on Hulu

Sep 23, 2021 6:14 AM
Feb 2011
MegamiRem said:
So uh when someone dies their power is left behind? When that dude die there was a gun left and when Nozomi died there was that compass.

Yes, it was a rule of the world they were in. Makes me wonder if a commoner had died there, would there be a memento left of them? Also, do these mementos have any have any holdover power-like effects?
Sep 23, 2021 9:59 AM

Jan 2020
While many complain on lack of soundtrack of this show, this episode is a very great oasis of soundtracks, anyway what's the title of the insert song?
Хайде, хайде, хайде, това е първата зона, брато, първа зона, първа зона, добре, добре, добре, това става тук горе, отива тук горе, само спокойно, само спокойно... Ха, отдясно е, навсякъде отдясно отдясно къде е дясното ти о да добре добре добре тихо мълчаливо не успях да се съсредоточа върху това ЕХ ТЪПАК КОГАТО СИ БАВНО БАВНО ... ой е путката на моето момиче прасе куче, аз Чувствам се добре, о, мамо, *шамар*, какво е това госпожице татко-
Sep 23, 2021 9:47 PM
Feb 2019
I didn't really like this episode. Too abstract for me. Abstract art is fine and dandy and all but for a show. I was just sitting here like what am I doing here if I don't understand whats going on. Segments where shot all over the place so it made it very confusing to watch when we are jumping around all over the place. Up till this episode I been good. But this one really did lose me. I have no clue what the chicken was about at the end.
Oct 3, 2021 10:17 AM
Aug 2021
I feel bad for the girl with the 'Monologue' power. She doesn't even have to confess her feelings to Asakaze.

She already knows that he likes Nozomi. So this episode showcased the end of 'War' and the birth of 'Death' when Nagara killed a chicken. It symbolises death as the direct consequence of war quite well.

Hopefully Nozomi isn't dead. And Asakaze has a serious superiority complex. He's being a dick.
Oct 8, 2021 2:00 AM

Jul 2015
Great montage scene there. Monologue seems like a painful ability when you've got an unrequited love, makes me respect her more for staying so positive.

Interesting to see Nagara's chicken stay dead while Mizuho's copied chicken kept being alive meaning copies never die (as was already established).

Oct 9, 2021 5:36 AM
May 2020
the latter part of this episode was a lil confusing for me. Can someone explain it for me please
Oct 27, 2021 10:37 PM

Apr 2019
Another random episode that doesn't mean anything. This is being torture to watch.
Dec 5, 2021 7:08 AM
Feb 2021
One small detail I loved is how the Monologue girl gasped in surprise before Nozomi threw her phone into the gorge since she read Nozomi's thought to throw away her phone before she actually did it.
Dec 15, 2021 3:10 AM

Dec 2018
RayReynolds said:
Once again, the show casually drops things like "Oh, the cult teacher has been training us, and we've rendevoused with other people and are read to embark to battle," and "War threatens God, so we need you to become Death Incarnate," but those are not the focus of the episode at all. Instead, this week we switch gears again to a completely random girl who's apparently a secret telepath who's been spying on everybody, knows pretty much everything that's going on, and has built up her own personal imagined relationship with the Wonderboy, because that's not creepy at all. And yet, the weirdest part of the episode is a montage in the middle set to a completely random insert song.

Anyway, he drags her along with his attempted harem to go kill War in a dead world, and instead find a dead dude endlessly falling, and as soon as Evil Teacher reveals that the girl is telepathic, he jumps straight into her boobs. Seems like it might've been a good time to tell him that she hates him and is manipulating him, huh? The manic pixie girl yells at him again, so they decide to mercy kill the dead dude, at which point she falls off a cliff. Which leads to the reveal that it was Cat Girl who was making everything immortal by slaughtering chickens. Sure, Sonny Boy. Whatever you say. Did the telepath girl even have a name? What ever happened to Star Boy? Didn't he have his own cult, or did they join cults? Wasn't he talking to a different god? Where is anything even going?

excellent post. while i love this show, it does have a hint of "artsy fartsy" just for the sake of it.
Jan 1, 2022 8:25 AM

Feb 2018
Still disliking the teacher.. Also what was that ending -_-
Jan 8, 2022 4:12 AM

Sep 2014
Gween_Gween said:
The insert song was strange though, didnt really fit the whole vibe of the episode

Ikr? This show is really strange because it does some things very well but then it hits you with silly tropes and weird choices like this interlude. It's rare to have a 12 episode show and at 10 episodes in I still can't tell if it's actually good or not...
Apr 5, 2022 1:27 AM

Jul 2019
I'm so stupid, wouldn't have realised most of the takes that were brought up in this thread without reading the discussion. From the aesthetic POW a neverending deep scar with blood on the bottom impressed me the most with how real this impression of war is. I also like the idea of the drift being triggered by a sum of people's contributions and not by the will or chance of one person.
Apr 10, 2022 4:13 PM
Mar 2016
We're going to introduce death to a world where tons of people have already died. Those things you thought were probably students are totally students. Standing on the edge of a cliff is a terrible idea. And not even trying to save your crush is super convenient when a character needs to die. This episode is so dumb.

People are crowing about all the symbolism and deep lore, and I'm just looking at a jumbled mess of consistent retcons, convoluted plotlines, completely ignored revelations, and stilted writing. This show fell into the trap of being vague/mysterious = interesting, and that isn't necessarily the case. If you're barely telling a story to begin with, you can bury all the deepest lore you want throughout a million jumpcuts, fantasies, and alternate timelines; and the end result will still be barely a story.
DarkdaxterApr 10, 2022 4:25 PM
Apr 14, 2022 5:48 PM
Jul 2018
Phone bad scene reminds me of FLCL, but FLCL kept me alive unlike this snorefest.
Apr 14, 2022 9:53 PM

Feb 2016
...whatever was that insert music anyway
May 26, 2022 12:07 PM

Apr 2016
So the one about the facade people build up because they fear facing something they might not like or want. Also something about suicide/death but that felt more meandering.
Aug 3, 2022 9:34 AM
Dec 2020
This episode might be the weakest one, it was one of the "last 3 eps" yet it didn't feel like one. How are they gonna wrap the story up if they're still exploring?
Aug 21, 2022 5:34 AM

Aug 2017
Tfw nobody talks about the shot with the sausages

I wonder what Aki-sensei's actual power is.
Sep 8, 2022 1:03 PM
May 2022
Most people may not understand NOZOMI's Death , so I'm here to give an explanation (well at least what I understand). Nozomi's ability as we know is "Compass" which points her in the right direction. In the episode where Asakaze goes to kill WAR , they go into a canyon with a red bottom resembling a wound, and nozomi says "the bottom of this canyon resembles a deep wound cut into the world". Well she's basically saying WAR and CONFLICT has caused so much pain to people of the world and it's scarred them for life. Asakaze in this context represents US as people. When nozomi fell off the cliff , Asakaze could have saved her with his power, but he chose not to because of resentment he held for her for rejecting him ,He then picks up her Compass , looks at it and sees it's no longer pointing in the same direction. So with all of this information provided here's what the whole episode is talking about >> WE ALL WANT TO AVOID WAR AND CONFLICT BUT DUE TO OUR SELFISH DESIRES AND NEGATIVE THOUGHTS WE ARE UNABLE TO AVOID CONFLICT IN THE WORLD, HENCE WE CAN NEVER HEAD IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION.
Sep 8, 2022 1:05 PM
May 2022
Most people may not understand NOZOMI's Death , so I'm here to give an explanation (well at least what I understand). Nozomi's ability as we know is "Compass" which points her in the right direction. In the episode where Asakaze goes to kill WAR , they go into a canyon with a red bottom resembling a wound, and nozomi says "the bottom of this canyon resembles a deep wound cut into the world". Well she's basically saying WAR and CONFLICT has caused so much pain to people of the world and it's scarred them for life. Asakaze in this context represents US as people. When nozomi fell off the cliff , Asakaze could have saved her with his power, but he chose not to because of resentment he held for her for rejecting him ,He then picks up her Compass , looks at it and sees it's no longer pointing in the same direction. So with all of this information provided here's what the whole episode is talking about >> WE ALL WANT TO AVOID WAR AND CONFLICT BUT DUE TO OUR SELFISH DESIRES AND NEGATIVE THOUGHTS WE ARE UNABLE TO AVOID CONFLICT IN THE WORLD, HENCE WE CAN NEVER HEAD IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION.
Jan 19, 2023 2:34 PM

Jan 2018
ArtemisSato said:
The song is 今日の歌 by Kaneyorimasaru
Thank you berry much, I was looking for this
Feb 15, 2023 1:44 AM
Nov 2019
So did Asakaze not catch Nozomi kind of on purpose or did something happen to his power?
Nov 18, 2023 11:45 PM
Mar 2012
Reply to St0rmblade
Tfw nobody talks about the shot with the sausages

I wonder what Aki-sensei's actual power is.
@St0rmblade I think I got it. The two sausages that old man now has might be the embodiment of the twins' reverse powers. After all they're names are Sou + Seiji = Souseiji :)
Jun 17, 2024 12:57 PM

Aug 2023
Decent episode decent episode, banging music. You know, i like the more character based episodes in this show and this was one of them. Don't get all this super deep shit and nonsensical stuff but it's good. Nozomi might be dead and honestly least enjoyable character in show so that's fine. Ms Aki is designed to be hateable character but is still likeable but Nozomi is designed to be likeable and comes of as irritating. Still don't understand all that cat shit stuff you know, bit of madness that is.
Jun 19, 2024 11:48 PM

Dec 2020
Ah, I didn't get it at all. I gotta rewatch this episode too.
Oct 18, 2024 10:01 PM
Nov 2016
Oh no! She died and turned into a compass!!! anyways...

What a shitty way to die, I didn't even feel a thing, I just facepalm and eyed rolled at that part, if I don't feel sad about someone dying then I have to say, they fucked up and they sure made me cringe, what was even the point of those 2 useless girls going with that guy in that dangerous mission? they can't do shit on their own which made her death even dumber, and what's even dumber is throwing away your smartphones, you are stranded with no way of getting out and you throw away your only chance of communication? you know what? fuck this.

2 more episodes to go to get this shit over with, finally, I can't wait to finish this shit.
Oct 28, 2024 7:19 PM

Aug 2014
cliche "I can even die" then next minute she dies..
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ちゅっ ちゅっ キス (´。✪ω✪。`)

I hate it when anime/manga that I enjoyed ends, especially when there could be much longer plot and when I love main heroine :P

I wish I had magic glasses that let me see real world in anime colors ;)
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