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A Condition Called Love
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May 23, 2024 8:23 AM

Nov 2011
Tbh, it makes a lot of sense that Hananoi decided to work with Hotaru now that they are a couple. The more time they spend together, the closer they get.

Outside of Hotaru, it seems Hananoi has a harder time expressing himself. It just gets more amusing when they tried to get him to interact with a dog. I also kinda like how they focused more on Hotaru's best friend and their time together
May 23, 2024 8:24 AM

May 2020
Dude’s insecurity is something to write books about, I mean he ended up following Hotaru to her part time workplace too, just so he could keep track of her minute to minute activity, sigh. And to think those people were okay with it… tells you a lot about what’s norm in their world.

Keeping aside what was so surprising and praiseworthy about Hananoi being able to do something a fucking six year too could, please try to get laid in proper places only, not at freaking bus-stops. Though yeah, that isn’t the only abnormal thing around when it comes to this guy’s actions, as he’s so literally obvious with his insecurity even if three people start talking about something that doesn’t involve him, but does Hotaru lol. Anyway, see, this guy does see his girlfriend as his dog.

By the way, no way are they going to tell us this guy too was from the same school as theirs back then.
Softhenic03May 23, 2024 8:31 AM
May 23, 2024 10:31 AM

Jun 2015
Sweet to see Hotaru finally find love. Hananoi's attitude though defo needs some work. Man that sure was a huge order for dictionaries though. Wonder how many schools that was. I was impressed that the three of them managed to get it wrapped up that quickly. The interaction with the dog was pretty fun. The insight into Hotaru's middle school life was insightful. Everyone should experience friendship at least once in their lives.
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May 23, 2024 10:43 AM

Mar 2021
So happy to see Hotaru in love she is so sweet. Really wasn't expecting to find out that Hananoi went to the same middle school as Hotaru.
May 23, 2024 11:29 AM
Level 6 esper

May 2021
This guy is creepy again :D This ending..
“Do what feels right in your heart. You will be criticized either way.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
May 23, 2024 11:49 AM
Apr 2023
Loved this episode so much.... but looks like Hananoi has something to do with the incident from Hotaru's past🙁🙁🙁
May 23, 2024 1:26 PM

Jun 2022
ok so the shrine is fr..!!!
i wonder if yao has a thing for hotaru since he literally named his dog hotaru
i also wonder if hananoi knew her back in middle school or seen her

May 23, 2024 1:29 PM

Jun 2022
Reply to Softhenic03
Dude’s insecurity is something to write books about, I mean he ended up following Hotaru to her part time workplace too, just so he could keep track of her minute to minute activity, sigh. And to think those people were okay with it… tells you a lot about what’s norm in their world.

Keeping aside what was so surprising and praiseworthy about Hananoi being able to do something a fucking six year too could, please try to get laid in proper places only, not at freaking bus-stops. Though yeah, that isn’t the only abnormal thing around when it comes to this guy’s actions, as he’s so literally obvious with his insecurity even if three people start talking about something that doesn’t involve him, but does Hotaru lol. Anyway, see, this guy does see his girlfriend as his dog.

By the way, no way are they going to tell us this guy too was from the same school as theirs back then.
@Softhenic03 yea i agree hananoi needs some sort of character development somehow. his possessiveness is just increasing

May 23, 2024 1:57 PM
Oct 2022
Hananoi-kun is getting more and more jealous. It’s interesting that Yao and Hotaru were classmates in elementary school. Even Hananoi was in the same school, that’s why Yao found Hananoi’s photo in the graduation album as well.

It is alright for Hananoi to wanting to spend more time with his girlfriend, but I feel like he wants to have her only for him and other don’t matter at all. With strangers, he is cold. Anyway, they form a great couple and they seem so happy together, I hope their love relationship will develop in the future and Hotaru is trying to understand more about what is love.

Without Asami’s help, Hotaru wouldn’t get in love never, so she was there for her.
May 23, 2024 3:00 PM
Nov 2018
I'm almost to the point where I want to spoil the rest of the season with the manga. It feels like it's getting to the point that they are going to get into an argument, or Hananoi is going to go psycho.
May 23, 2024 3:17 PM
Jul 2014
Reallly starting to get pissed off by his behaviour, can't take it anymore
May 23, 2024 3:32 PM

May 2022
as someone that read the manga, people should stop judging the series episodically. every plot point is goint to be explained later on so have a little more patience with it, to sum it up let them cook please-
May 23, 2024 3:41 PM

May 2015
I don't see why everyone says Hananoi is creepy or too jealous, it looked to me like he honestly wanted to spend more time with Hotaru. Yes,Yao-kun rubs him the wrong way, but that's to be expected and not the reason he decided to work there.
May 23, 2024 3:45 PM

Feb 2019
This series is so frustrating because they’ll have a good cute episode like last one where Hananoi seems like he’s turning a corner and going to at least be somewhat less insane, and then they’ll follow it up with one like this that makes him look even crazier 🤦🏽‍♂️

Working at the same job as your gf so you can stalk her every move and police who she talks to is just insane man. Yea attachment issues and all that but cmon, this is so unhealthy and I wish Hotaru would actually stand up and say she needs some space. Unfortunately because it’s her first relationship and Hananoi is conventionally attractive it gets brushed off.

I also hate how much of an asshole he is to Yao just for existing. Like yea we get the whole reveal at the end of the episode about them all being classmates, but if anything surely antagonising him is going to have the opposite effect? If you really want to leave the past behind and not have it brought up to Hotaru, just stay away from him.. too late now. Cat’s out the bag.

Hopefully next episode is less uncomfortable
Marinate1016May 23, 2024 4:21 PM
May 23, 2024 7:16 PM
Oct 2023
People keep saying to wait and that it gets good. 8 episodes in and he's still a boring dude and nothing is really happening. I refuse to drop this, not after all this waiting for whatever the supposed big twist is. If it turns out that he's just like a childhood friend who moved away and that's why he's clingy I will be laughing so fucking hard.
May 23, 2024 7:22 PM
Oct 2023
Reply to webbles
ok so the shrine is fr..!!!
i wonder if yao has a thing for hotaru since he literally named his dog hotaru
i also wonder if hananoi knew her back in middle school or seen her
@webbles Everyone in this story is a fucking dork. If someone named their pet after me because they liked me instead of just telling me I'd never speak to them ever again.

May 23, 2024 7:29 PM
Oct 2023
Reply to orewaonida
as someone that read the manga, people should stop judging the series episodically. every plot point is goint to be explained later on so have a little more patience with it, to sum it up let them cook please-
@orewaonida how much more patience do I need? it's been 8 damn episodes of a 12 episode series. Everyone just keeps saying give it time after every week. Maybe they should speed the fuck up. I highly doubt whatever they have is going to be worth the 10 episodes or whatever it takes to finally get there.

also how else am I supposed to view episodic TV? Not my fault they didn't make a movie or some shit, they made a slow moving episodic TV show with a lot of bad episodes that fans aren't even defending they are just saying shit that basically amounts to "that one don't count yet. you can't judge episode 4 until you see the ultra epic episode 11!".
May 23, 2024 8:37 PM

Dec 2018
Ngl, it is a bit odd that Hananoi wanted to work with Hotaru at her job, but I guess it makes sense because it’s Hananoi lol, and so far he hasn’t made any bad moves since he’s been there, he thought he was off to a bad start with the manager but that was revealed to be because the manager remembered Hananoi from when he was younger and frequented the store, and when you think about it this could have also been a factor in him wanting to work there. And it also turns out he’s damn good at the job, wish I was that good after just watching someone else for a bit lol, and at the end of this half of this episode we had that cute scene at the bus stop, I’m sure that true kiss will come eventually.

And the 2nd half took the gang to Yao’s house to see his dog because of Hotaru’s best pal Kyo’s fear of dogs, don’t think I’ve seen someone this scared of them since Riko from Love Live Sunshine lol. And things got a bit awkward here but Hotaru (Dog) brought the mood back up, I especially liked the scene where Hananoi handled her, this had Hotaru (Human) feeling a certain type of way, I liked Kyo’s reaction to this lol. And later Hananoi reassured Hotaru that she’s the best girl, I’m glad he made it clear, otherwise Hotaru would have competition lol. And as fun as the dog bit was, the after credits scene teased an entire can of worms, this should be some tasty drama alright.
May 23, 2024 8:52 PM
Oct 2019
Bruhh naming your pet after her name is wild.

Wait a minute that post credit scene!!
Hananoi was also from the same school with them? WTF
May 23, 2024 10:26 PM
Mar 2015
Kind of weird with everyone saying " Hotaru is a good gil"
May 23, 2024 10:58 PM

Apr 2015
Oh of course it's that cliche where it turns out the main characters were connected in some way from childhood, it's always like that lol. Can't believe I didn't see it coming.

Man, this episode singlehandedly dashed my hopes that Hananoi would get some solid development by the end of this season...all I ask is that Hananoi at least try to get along with others lol.

"As promised, all that you seek, all that we desire, is prepared up there. On top of the Tower."
May 24, 2024 12:31 AM
Feb 2021
A pesar de que no me está gustando mucho la adaptación, este es el mejor de los capítulos me pareció gracioso 😂
May 24, 2024 12:37 AM

Oct 2020
This episode was very cute, Hananoi was very smooth.

May 24, 2024 2:06 AM
Mar 2018
Going to the same school, hanging out together during virtually all of their free time, and now working together... That's a lot of time to be spending with your significant other. I know Hananoi has issues, but doesn't even he get bored?! The boss is nice, at least.

That was a sweet little get-together at Souhei's. It's kinda weird that he named his dog after his grade school classmate, but whatever. The dude is nice enough to agree not to call her by a nickname, at least.

I'm intrigued about the fact that Hananoi went to grade school with Hotaru. What did he do then that he regrets?
May 24, 2024 3:27 AM

Dec 2016
Hananoi's behavior is really irritating, by now I have completely given up hope on him, he is the weak link in the series, the scenes become the least bit interesting when he keeps quiet and is not shown on screen.

Strange coincidences.
May 24, 2024 4:16 AM
Oct 2022
I really hate the toxicity of Hananoi
May 24, 2024 7:43 AM

Jun 2022
Reply to isseixkoneko
@webbles Everyone in this story is a fucking dork. If someone named their pet after me because they liked me instead of just telling me I'd never speak to them ever again.

@isseixkoneko REAL LMFAOO

May 24, 2024 9:29 AM
Feb 2022
Sweet to see Hotaru finally find love. Hananoi's attitude though defo needs some work.
May 24, 2024 4:17 PM

May 2022
Reply to isseixkoneko
@orewaonida how much more patience do I need? it's been 8 damn episodes of a 12 episode series. Everyone just keeps saying give it time after every week. Maybe they should speed the fuck up. I highly doubt whatever they have is going to be worth the 10 episodes or whatever it takes to finally get there.

also how else am I supposed to view episodic TV? Not my fault they didn't make a movie or some shit, they made a slow moving episodic TV show with a lot of bad episodes that fans aren't even defending they are just saying shit that basically amounts to "that one don't count yet. you can't judge episode 4 until you see the ultra epic episode 11!".
@isseixkoneko last time i checked we have 4 more episodes, we are supposed to be at chapter 15 rn (if I'm correct that is) and an episode covers close to 2 chapters so we will definitely get the story behind Hananoi's actions.
also, how do you even fully judge a story (or a character) without knowing how it concludes first? you want it to hurry up why? there's a reason shows have developments and characters have arcs that show growth otherwise it wouldn't be a story.
also I was stating generally, for any weekly series, that episodes are the progression of the series (like movies but they are stories that finish in a certain amount of time) until the end so it wouldn't make sense to judge sth that didn't end yet just saying-
but if you think the story is bad or all of the episodes are terrible, it's your opinion.
orewaonidaMay 24, 2024 4:39 PM
May 24, 2024 4:43 PM
Oct 2023
Reply to orewaonida
@isseixkoneko last time i checked we have 4 more episodes, we are supposed to be at chapter 15 rn (if I'm correct that is) and an episode covers close to 2 chapters so we will definitely get the story behind Hananoi's actions.
also, how do you even fully judge a story (or a character) without knowing how it concludes first? you want it to hurry up why? there's a reason shows have developments and characters have arcs that show growth otherwise it wouldn't be a story.
also I was stating generally, for any weekly series, that episodes are the progression of the series (like movies but they are stories that finish in a certain amount of time) until the end so it wouldn't make sense to judge sth that didn't end yet just saying-
but if you think the story is bad or all of the episodes are terrible, it's your opinion.
@orewaonida bro you dropped 45 anime and 15 manga and gave them ratings. How did you judge it without watching the entire show? Those ratings should be invalid and struck down by your logic. Not all stories have growth, shit stories, like this one for example fail to have that through 8 episodes. Also nothing more lame than people who do the whole that's just your opinion thing, no shit, that's almost the entire purpose of this website to compile opinions of viewers. This post also included my opinion, the next one probably will also, and believe it or not the one after that as well.
isseixkonekoMay 24, 2024 4:50 PM
May 24, 2024 4:45 PM

May 2022
isseixkoneko said:
@orewaonida bro you dropped 45 anime. How did you judge it without watching the entire show? also nothing more lame then people who do the whole that's just your opinion thing, no shit, that's almost the entire purpose of this website to compile opinions of viewers.

what are you even getting at? i dropped them but did you see me ranting about them or something? i may have not liked them (that's why I gave them the rating) but I didn't judge them as bad or good, what? not liking something and saying something is factually bad or good are two different things. also, my logic is my logic your logic is yours. how would that prove anything?
orewaonidaMay 24, 2024 4:53 PM
May 24, 2024 4:52 PM
Oct 2023
Reply to orewaonida
isseixkoneko said:
@orewaonida bro you dropped 45 anime. How did you judge it without watching the entire show? also nothing more lame then people who do the whole that's just your opinion thing, no shit, that's almost the entire purpose of this website to compile opinions of viewers.

what are you even getting at? i dropped them but did you see me ranting about them or something? i may have not liked them (that's why I gave them the rating) but I didn't judge them as bad or good, what? not liking something and saying something is factually bad or good are two different things. also, my logic is my logic your logic is yours. how would that prove anything?
@orewaonida believe it or not I don't follow your every move, you could rant about one tomorrow and I'd have no clue. You did however give an opinion on the story as a whole by rating it, some of which you dropped after 1 entire episode. Going to stop replying to you now, because I am genuinely bored of interacting with people who are struggling to defend this show, have fun, I'll be back in the coming weeks to laugh at the show and everyone who begged for people to wait before judging it. Have a nice day or night.
May 24, 2024 5:14 PM

May 2022
Reply to isseixkoneko
@orewaonida believe it or not I don't follow your every move, you could rant about one tomorrow and I'd have no clue. You did however give an opinion on the story as a whole by rating it, some of which you dropped after 1 entire episode. Going to stop replying to you now, because I am genuinely bored of interacting with people who are struggling to defend this show, have fun, I'll be back in the coming weeks to laugh at the show and everyone who begged for people to wait before judging it. Have a nice day or night.
@isseixkoneko you should really learn that people review things differently, some just don't like it and rate it, and some state that it's factually well-written or not. my issue is when people say this is a factually a bad story or character without the show revealing all of it, but if you don't personally like the show it's fine lmao. because that's your opinion. also, I read the manga so I didn't struggle to say or defend anything.
and just saying, you shouldn't just look at someone's profile you have no clue of how someone reviews things to prove your point but I digress.
also like I said I state generally because I've seen how people perceive weekly stuff not because I strongly defend this show. I just gave my insight from experience, because the story is different. this is also my last reply, if you don't like the series that's your taste. you have a nice day/night day as well.
May 24, 2024 7:55 PM

Mar 2024
It’s so sweet seeing Hotaru in love, but Hananoi is really annoying me tbh
May 24, 2024 10:12 PM
Feb 2021
ngl this episode was wild (in a bad way)
May 24, 2024 10:27 PM
Jul 2022
manga readers are disappointed on anime watchers for their bad impression about Hananoi but guys in real life also no one is perfect
May 25, 2024 9:25 AM

Feb 2020
Did he seriously join the works as well just to prove his simpness to the max? Lmao i can't...

Well anyway, idk why but its funny how those dude Yao naming his female dog, Hotaru. Must be intentional. And then the lore dropped. Lord of creep actually comes from the same school like Hotaru since the kid? Okay then, don't tell me their parents actually known each other as well but disremembering, for a reason...

Idk what's goin on anymore but let's just see the next!
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
May 25, 2024 1:23 PM
Feb 2018
I can't believe how many people in here think Yao named his dog after Hotaru. The dog predates their friendship. That's the whole reason he gave her the nickname Hotako as kids, because Hotaru was his dog's name when they met.
May 25, 2024 2:50 PM

Apr 2013
I never have been scared of a male lead in a shoujo story '-'

.·:*¨ 重逢的时代 - 𝕵𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖈𝖆 𝕵𝖚𝖓𝖌 ¨*:·. 𓆩♡𓆪
𝟎:𝟒𝟐 ㅇ──────────────── 𝟑:𝟏𝟑
↺¹ |◁ ▷| ⋮≡
May 25, 2024 6:48 PM

Dec 2021
You know, for once I’m actually siding with Hananoi. This dude Souhei is low-key kind of a creep. I mean, he named a dog after his girlfriend, and if that wasn’t weird enough, he starts calling her by her first name. His only defense is that he stopped using that weird nickname when he asked him to... Like, even HER OWN BOYFRIEND doesn’t call her by her first name, so why should you be able to?

And let’s not forget, this is the only time I’m ever going to side with Hananoi. They just had to remind us about that weird shelf he has dedicated to stuff related to Hotaru. At the end of the day, these two are both weirdos, end of story.

May 26, 2024 12:56 AM

Mar 2008
Hananoi is needy but he was considerate enough to ask Hotaru before trying to get the job so he wasn't being creepy when he did that.

I originally thought Souhei was nice but he does actually seem to have less boundaries with Hotaru than she likes sometimes.

Seems Hananoi doesnt want anyone to know he was in the same class in the past. Maybe he feels he let Hotaru down somehow.
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May 26, 2024 4:53 AM
Sep 2021
At the end of the episode, that was a huge reveal. Really was surprised by that.
May 26, 2024 10:05 AM

Sep 2011
the dog's super cute af. i want to pet her too. hoooo boy to that post credits scene. now i want to know more about the story behind it.
May 28, 2024 8:49 AM
Nov 2019
I really love such stories of childhood and love
May 28, 2024 10:53 PM

Mar 2010
This episode just felt painful to watch.Hope the next few episodes don’t focus on their workplace. Interesting ending.
StardewMay 28, 2024 10:56 PM
May 29, 2024 5:33 PM

Jan 2022
Ugggh why would Hananoi get a job at Hotaru's work? That's so annoying. At least he asked Hotaru if it was okay.

Bruuuh Hananoi is a little too straightfoward for his own good. No way he said, "I don't care what you think of me" to the manager lmaooo its cute that the manager remembered him as a regular customer even as a little kid

Why was the ad censored?

A little weird of Yao to name his dog Hotaru lol he probably had a crush on her in elementary which is probably why Hotaru's friend got the wrong impression. Sucks that Yao can't call Hotaru his nickname because of Hananoi. Even she noticed him stopping himself. Also why did Hananoi have to shut everyone up when they were talking about Hotaru, you'd think that he would like hearing what others said about her.

I'm glad Hotaru found a friend like Asami!
As a wise man once said, "No one hates anime more than anime fans"

May 31, 2024 12:02 PM

Oct 2020
Hotaru the dog. So, funny.
Jun 13, 2024 9:41 AM

Jul 2017
Hananoi wanting to grow closer to Hotaru, even to the point of working together at her part-time work, this is just going a bit too far.

Hotaru promising to keep their relationship professionally separate from work, and this is highlighted by the bookstore's manager Kuroe as well for reasonable boundaries. Yao and Satomi are working alongside the couple, though Hananoi has facades splitting both personally and privately. Hotaru wanting to discuss their boundaries, and Hananoi is being blunt for now, just sure of the external factors. That said, the four co-workers helping Manager Kuroe to do the bookstore stuff, espeically Hananoi, whom the manager thinks that he's here just to see Hotaru, and most especially for someone whom Kuroe has served since young as a regular customer. Both Hotaru and Hananoi's feelings of love may not flourish as fast, but they can take as much time as they can.

Asami needing help from Hotaru to handle Keigo's dogs, and she invites her alongside Hananoi to Yao's place knowing that he too has a dog, aptly named Hotaru as well. Almost going out of topic with childhood memories, Hananoi makes the stop and refocused the group back to the dog. Things like petting and talking the dog out for a walk, Yao clearly still sees Hotaru as a one-sided crush and affection, though the latter has always been forthcoming with her friends. And just like that, Hananoi treats her like she's a pet.

Yao's feelings for Hotaru are dangerous, as much as both him and Hananoi were actually from the same school.
Jun 14, 2024 12:30 AM

Oct 2011
So now he even works with her, smh. I guess when you are a teenager it is kinda realistic you want to work with your best friends and parnter. Even though Hananoi probably just wanted to monitor Hinase.

I like the difference on how he talks to her and to other people. I guess there is no way he's gonna have much of a character development in this area in anime, but I think it would be nice to see him slowly change for the better.

So he is from the same school as them huh. And I guess he met her before, based on what he said.

So I guess drama time?
Sep 6, 2024 1:55 AM
Dec 2022
Hananoi now works part-time at the same bookshop as Hotaru. This can be awkward for all. Yao who laso works there still gets the unfriendly vibe from Hananoi. Still a little progress was made when Yao lets them all to familiarize with his dog also named Hotaru.

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