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Sound! Euphonium (light novel)
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May 12, 2024 1:28 AM

Dec 2021
Finally, some more Mayu content.

The school trip ended in the blink of an eye, and the auditions to determine the members for the prefectural competition were approaching. While club members worked hard in practice, Mayu, who had just transferred in, felt sorry for herself auditioning and playing on the stage of the competition. Kitauji High, advocating for meritocracy, was explained by Kumiko, but Mayu didn't seem convinced... And so, the day of the fateful audition arrived.

Mayu saying she wants to back out of the audition comes across as humble, as she's a newcomer fearing she might disrupt the club's atmosphere if she were to pass. But there's also an unconscious arrogance and sense of superiority in her belief in her own skills. Instead of dragging out this unease, it'd be better to just have the audition already. I mean, isn't the point of joining to assess Myu's skills? And of course it's only right that Kumiko seems unsure about a lot of things, both in her future plans and her role as a leader. It's human and adds a sense of realism, which is nice.

Off to the prefectural performance we go... though, knowing KyoAni, they'll probably save it for the movie, lol.

Things are getting more and more intense... so let's go ahead and see that new KV while we're at it.

May 12, 2024 1:28 AM

May 2020
The whole character of this new girl Mayu is written so plainly obvious, that I don’t even want to write that obvious. And now with auditions around the corner, it has become even more simple to guess what would transpire, but more than that, I’m finding it really infuriating whenever she’s saying she’d forfeit, because she believes if she didn’t she’d definitely take someone else’s place… what presumptuous fellow she is lmaooooooo.

As for Kumiko, I’m really not liking their attempts of conveying how indecisive she is, like we’re used to it, but very particularly in this season, it has become a recurring thing. Like even when she was about to audition… go easy over this girl lol. But I’m kind of glad they didn’t go with the obvious of “Mayu taking Kumiko’s place”, like we were all assuming, at least yet. Though trust them to drop the bombshell anytime going forward.

I mean they’re giving all signs. The fact that it’d be plain bad writing aside, I’m glad Hazuki finally made the cut after getting the short end of the stick till now.
May 12, 2024 4:06 AM

Apr 2010
Mayu is to worried about offending or rather hurting others which is making it harder for her to form a friendship with Kumiko.
Kumiko on the other hand isn't engaging her enough and seems to be evading her in a way, i really think there is tension between the two and they don't seem to realise it.
I think they should spend a long time together and work things out confront each other it would be a major improvement for the both of them.

The audition creating tension was expected but it's unclear what the teachers want to do and how this selection will effect that.
May 12, 2024 4:12 AM

Jul 2017
Episode dragged for me in the first half, and not much of a fan of Mayu's character and setup with these episodes even as the newcomer which is dragging itself out in its own way too even though she is as obvious as it can get about this, showing that she has a slight hint of cockiness to her abilities. At least she didn't try to throw her audition unlike what's happened in the past with Kanade if I recall correctly. The one at least nice moment is Hazuki finally making it past the auditions, that was good (even if expected since it would have been a complete waste of time). Overall episode didn't have much happen and felt very by-the-numbers without going into much interesting or emotional territory but it didn't overload itself with too much bad drama either so I'll take a mixed bag for this. Really hoped again we would see more glimpses of the auditions visually for others to show their performances off but it is what it is, the showcase of performances, whether auditions or the real thing can be inconsistent with appearances.
May 12, 2024 4:25 AM

Mar 2020
The auditions fly by, and the prefectural performance lies around the corner...

It's an interesting way to go about things with auditions happening before every performance, as there'll be no shortage of discord in the band, but there'll be ample opportunity for those who don't make it in the first performance to make up for it in the next audition. Mayu's attitude towards the audition is interesting as well, because she trusts in her abilities to outshine the other euphonium players, and while she might come off as nice, with good intentions, there's clearly a bit of arrogance there, whether she knows it or not. It did not seem like she threw the audition, which for Kumiko's wishes of a fair audition, worked out in the end. Hazuki making it past the audition was really nice to see, even if it was expected. Now I guess the question is, will they actually show the prefectural performance next time?
May 12, 2024 4:26 AM

Nov 2010
  • I thought Chloe would win the soloist position beating the leader of the club and catastrophic drama begin. But it's not at least this time.
  • As I wondered what those gravestone-like things along the bridge are, I checked it.
  • and that myriad insects.
May 12, 2024 4:29 AM

Oct 2017
It's so obvious what's gonna happen that I don't even want to talk about it but for now atleast Kumiko was chosen. I knew she can do it when she puts her mind to it and is motivated. Though she's close to falling apart from all the preassure. I hope Asuka senpai will be there to get her back to her feet when that happens. Also I'd take a straight up bitch over Mayu who tries to act caring and a nice girl but in reality couldn't be more annoying even if she wanted to. She's really out trying to demoralise Kumiko as much as she can.

Btw liked what Azusa did talking to Kumiko about her future. I think she gave her the push she needed and in the right direction. What did Reina talk about her future with her teacher though? Some change in plan to be with Kumiko?

Glad Hazuki finally made it but damn the best girl didn't make it. I really hope Satsuki will be there at the nationals.
IzanaSolos said:
Off to the prefectural performance we go... though, knowing KyoAni, they'll probably save it for the movie, lol.
Can happen but who knows.
MegamiRemMay 13, 2024 4:52 PM
May 12, 2024 4:30 AM

Nov 2023
So Happy for Hazuki and Ririka ! Very talk with Mayu is scary and they know how to build tension with her. Her steps forward and back... haaaa.
May 12, 2024 4:39 AM

Jan 2016
I really wonder how Kuroe feels about Kumiko with recent events, she is just trying to get closer to her but because Kumiko for the sake of... hesitates everytime she wants to speak something, like how long she took to refuse her invitation to the Agata Festival or now with the song Asuka teach her. In Kuroe PoV, Kumiko is clearly avoiding her... Even thought it's clearly not the case.
No wonder she feels reluctant on doing her best in the auditions

What made me feel things the most this episode was Hazuki finally will get to play in a tournament after 2 years, I almost teared up
And next episode already the Kyoto Prefectural tournament, I beg you KyoAni for the sake of god, give us music
May 12, 2024 4:44 AM

Aug 2020
into the final arc, im not ready for this series to end :(
May 12, 2024 4:46 AM

Jul 2012
One point of the main drama is done, but Kumiko feels that it's not over yet.
All the talk about soli part seemed that Kumiko wouldn't be chosen "so simple", but now i wonder if this exact time (after this point) Kumiko will be for the first time against Taki-sensei and Mayu will be chosen for the soli 2nd time to change the "point of view" next time.
Hazuki finally made it!
So the meet and talk with Azusa was planned for a bit later, will Kumiko consider music school now?
May 12, 2024 4:54 AM

Mar 2021
Congratulations Hazuki on making it I really hope they finally manage to get the gold they are working so hard for.
Reecey91May 12, 2024 4:57 AM
May 12, 2024 5:01 AM
Level 6 esper

May 2021
I hope we get the full performance next week.
Sweet episode again.
“Do what feels right in your heart. You will be criticized either way.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
May 12, 2024 5:01 AM

Mar 2023
The title dissonance means lack of agreement or harmony. Taki probably making unusual choices in his selection this time and that having to do with doing 3 selections, so he doesn't have to select for nationals yet. This could push certain members harder or plan to shake things up by placing some people high, taking them down at second selection, so they would work hard for the 3rd.
Kumiko continues to look quite scared of Mayu based on her reactions.

Also happiness,
watsymMay 12, 2024 5:24 AM
May 12, 2024 5:39 AM

Mar 2024
Did I misread things, or did they hint at something going on with Reina when she spoke with her homeroom teacher about her career path? ...and then dismisses Kumiko when asked about it?
May 12, 2024 5:42 AM

Nov 2023
Hazuki participating in the prefecturals is the biggest W of this episode. Never forget how she expressed how badly she wanted a taste of competition experience with the whole quartet, the team spirit exuding as she cheered on from backstage and now in her final year will live it up in front of the adjudicators. Interested to see how the recently implemented scheme of multiple auditions will linger among the psyche of the members. Will it be a hinderance? The upcoming prefectural performance could very well be crucial to determining the next batch of participants in terms of which members thrive under the lights of the concert hall versus those that go into their shell. Nobody is safe this year that's for sure.

Kuroe's lack of compatibility with the ensemble and particularly the lower brass section is irritable especially seeing as everyone seems indifferent to the situation instead of showcasing more proactivity. Kumiko's lack of transparency towards her continues and there is a disaster waiting to happen.

I also don't recall an instance where Kumiko took a stance that was more opposed to Taki-sensei than the Kamaya inclusion. Her confidence in sensei has definitely waned after that but hopefully it is nothing more than a small wobble. President of a group with national gold aspirations looks the gauntlet.
May 12, 2024 5:49 AM
Mar 2018
For a moment, there, I was worried Kumiko wasn't going to make it for narrative purposes, but I'm glad that didn't turn out to be the case! Kuroe's comment that she didn't expect more than two euphos was passive agressive gold. ^_^'
May 12, 2024 6:12 AM

Jan 2021
Pressure is mounting and there's a lot of tension brewing under the surface. I don't think Mayu is ill-intentioned at all in her remarks and that she's a bit awkward at fitting in. I read her desire of dropping out of the auditions as her not wanting to impose on Kitauji's members. I don't like Kanade as it seems like she's trying to start shit just because. Though, I'll say that perhaps she has a point, as Kumiko has been rather passive these last few episodes. Her not wanting to get close to Mayu is a curious thing; and I sense Kumiko is rather intimidated by her. Failing to address this will only be detrimental, which is why I think we'll see a Mayu-Kumiko conflict in the later parts of the season.
May 12, 2024 6:35 AM
Sep 2016
This EP ending make it really obvious, this is the worst season of Hibike Euph ever. Too much materials are being rushed, lack of musical performances, esp. compared to 1st-2nd seasons. That being said, it's not a bad EP, objectively. But compared to previous seasons relatively, it's so bad. EP this good is considered worst in Hibike Euph standards says a lot....
Python is the best programming language ever. FIGHT ME!
May 12, 2024 6:42 AM

Aug 2022
I swear Kumiko is so awkward when she talks to Mayu or taki by herself.

Every since we lost a bunch of important characters from them graduating (Yuuko, Mizore, Asuka, etc) I’ve definitely missed them, although we might see them again towards the end of the season potentially.

But I gotta say Kanade definitely fills that void nicely imo. I love how genuinely honest she can be and sometimes sharp with her tongue. She’s such a good character
May 12, 2024 7:16 AM

Jul 2014
Literally a calm before the storm feeling. As much as I dont like Mayu’s character and how she is being way too cocky and full of herself, I feel like somewhere down the road Mayu is going to take Kumiko’s spot , like the in the nationals she takes the solo part away from her, Reina not liking this but Kumiko being fine with it, I can see the drama coming. Like most of us noticed Kumiko is def avoiding Mayu, whether she realizes this or not I dont know but Mayu’s line of “no one will be happy if I get chosen” feels like a setup for Kumiko being the only one who will be happy for her once she replaces her, who knows, this might play a role into what Kumiko wants to be in the future and what career she pursues. She might want to become a music teacher like Taki. Anyways inevitable drama coming in the next episodes.
May 12, 2024 8:06 AM

Mar 2023
Reply to -Stray
Literally a calm before the storm feeling. As much as I dont like Mayu’s character and how she is being way too cocky and full of herself, I feel like somewhere down the road Mayu is going to take Kumiko’s spot , like the in the nationals she takes the solo part away from her, Reina not liking this but Kumiko being fine with it, I can see the drama coming. Like most of us noticed Kumiko is def avoiding Mayu, whether she realizes this or not I dont know but Mayu’s line of “no one will be happy if I get chosen” feels like a setup for Kumiko being the only one who will be happy for her once she replaces her, who knows, this might play a role into what Kumiko wants to be in the future and what career she pursues. She might want to become a music teacher like Taki. Anyways inevitable drama coming in the next episodes.
@-Stray I didn't seriously consider Reina's reaction before, but when Mayu gets the spot, that is obviously Taki's decision.
And Reina has always though of his decisions as being correct/perfect. So will she even be on Kumiko's side or on Taki's side (kinda like against Kumiko in this case)
I don't think Kumiko will easily accept it, she wants to play the solo (even if she isn't openly vocal about it)
watsymMay 12, 2024 8:10 AM
May 12, 2024 8:33 AM

Feb 2021
Mayu is too considerate for her own good, though I guess it makes sense for her to feel that way. I don't think Kumiko is telling the truth when she says she doesn't get what Mayu is feeling bad for. I mean, Kumiko watched it as it happened in her first year lol.

Kanade is still being an ass. I was actually hoping she would fail the audition to teach her a lesson or two on how to behave yourself. She even rubs it in with saying shit like she was chosen out of pity which makes Mayu feel even worse.

I'm no band expert so correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it too risky to hold an audition for each stage of the competition? Like, I see the benefits where the club members will try even harder to maintain their positions, but at the same time, new people who weren't in the previous competition are now participating which means everyone that remains has to adjust themselves with new players. In reality, it's more like they have to get back to square one after every stage, hindering actual progress and growth which could've happened if there aren't changes in the players.

I think Kanade will sit out on at least one competition to prove Mayu's point that, when shit hits the fan, there will at least be someone who isn't happy that she gets chosen instead of them. Mayu asks the same question to Kumiko as Asuka. "Who will be happy? Everyone? Who is this everyone you speak of?". And yet again, Kumiko doesn't have an answer to that question even after 2 years have passed.

Sorry for the long post I'm just so excited to finally being able to follow this anime weekly with everyone else.
"Nobody could laugh at someone who's trying their hardest" -Machio-

May 12, 2024 8:34 AM

Feb 2021
Reply to Prupel
Did I misread things, or did they hint at something going on with Reina when she spoke with her homeroom teacher about her career path? ...and then dismisses Kumiko when asked about it?
@Prupel1 I'm assuming she's backing out on her choice on going to Music Univ? Just a hunch.
"Nobody could laugh at someone who's trying their hardest" -Machio-

May 12, 2024 8:44 AM

May 2015
Reply to Yuu_Kanzaki
@Prupel1 I'm assuming she's backing out on her choice on going to Music Univ? Just a hunch.
@Yuu_Kanzaki nope
May 12, 2024 8:48 AM

Jul 2014
Reply to watsym
@-Stray I didn't seriously consider Reina's reaction before, but when Mayu gets the spot, that is obviously Taki's decision.
And Reina has always though of his decisions as being correct/perfect. So will she even be on Kumiko's side or on Taki's side (kinda like against Kumiko in this case)
I don't think Kumiko will easily accept it, she wants to play the solo (even if she isn't openly vocal about it)
@watsym i thought of that too, but Reina has mentioned twice even before the audition that she wants to do the solo with Kumiko, I dont think even Taki can change her mind about that. Also I hope Taki realizes there is a chance Reina might not be able to play to her full potential if her heart isnt in it if Mayu replaces Kumiko. The reason why I think Kumiko would support Mayu is because right now she is being awkwardly distant and avoidant of her, she is literally the only one who has some sort of bond with Mayu, and also because she’s the president she may prioritize her responsibilities before her own. Either way something will definitely happen along these lines.

Also while I am not a fan of Mayu, I do feel bad for her, considering how she’s being overly careful about where she stands and boundaries, we see her truly want to know and get close to Kumiko, but sadly Kumiko is avoiding her, I feel like she is slowly realizing this.
May 12, 2024 8:49 AM
Jun 2020
MY GIRL HAZUKI FINALLY MADE IT!!! My favourite dynamic pairing Kumiko and Reina are playing the soli too 😩
May 12, 2024 8:51 AM

Feb 2021
Reply to billybub
@billybub Oh okay. Guess I'll have to wait and see.
"Nobody could laugh at someone who's trying their hardest" -Machio-

May 12, 2024 9:43 AM

May 2015
Another great episode. For all those wondering
watch the 1st minute of episode 1 again.
May 12, 2024 9:45 AM

May 2019
I just realized that Azusa has the same name as her VA and literally has the same voice with Aoi, odayaka janai. I could understand that Kumiko felt a resistance to show the piece to Mayu because she doesn't really want to open up just yet since she's still very new to her. But I hope one day they could be best buds together with Kanade. Glad to see the trio brass passed the selection for prefectural.

May 12, 2024 10:01 AM

Apr 2016
The selection of the participants has already been made, and it is normal that it is not to everyone's liking, but I agree with Professor Taki's words, the group first.
One step more!!
May 12, 2024 10:10 AM

Sep 2017
So 3 euphs this time and Kumiko gets the soli part? Would a little surprising if it stays that way for the next 2 (I think?) auditions. I mean Kumiko has to play the soli for nationals, right? So maybe Mayu will get to play it for the next one. And maybe Kanade will get dropped. Not sure where that's gonna go. Hazuki gets to perform in a competition which is great for her, but Kumiko is maybe doubting or feels bad about Taki for letting the first year play. I mean Kumiko was told something similar about not playing a difficult portion of a piece during one of their performances in S1. Also I feel Kumiko might become a music teacher or something similar if she's going to go to music school without becoming a pro musician.
May 12, 2024 10:54 AM

Jul 2016
A pretty quiet episode overall.

Mayu doesn't like being in photos much. I can relate to that. It's just a great use of "show don't tell" by Kyoani - showing us parts of her personality without directly shoving it in our faces.

Kanade being Kanade again asking those tough questions. Kinda reminds me of Season1!Kumiko with her just unintentionally blurting out what she thought with no filter. Worst of all is that Kanade does know how to read the room but she still chooses violence. What a troublesome kouhai for Kumiko.

Hazuki finally taking a well-deserved W. It's nice seeing her get some love in the show because she sure as hell didn't get any from the fans in season 1 and 2.

Kumiko still has the notebook Asuka gave her. The penning is now faded and the notebook itself is worn. For Kumiko it was only 2 years ago but for us it was almost a decade since we experienced the departure of Asuka. Man I'm feeling so nostalgic.

Having a beginner first-year start over a more-experienced second year is bound to cause some problems. It's not uncommon in school sports at the lower-levels of competition. It's a shouldering of some risk in the competition in order to give valuable experience to budding students with big potential as well as keeping morale for the first years up.

Mayu's arc continues to slowly grow and, more importantly, we see her in Kitauji's winter uniform! And in a ponytail no less!

raisin-kunMay 12, 2024 10:59 PM
May 12, 2024 10:57 AM

Feb 2019
Season 3 has just been amazing, even the slower episodes like this just feel so packed full of little details and you don’t want them to end. Love this series so much and the girls are back in summer uniforms 😍 my faves.

Mayu in a Kitauji uniform looks awesome and I’m happy we got a lot of focus on her in this one. It’s clear she’s still not fully integrated into the band, like not wanting to be in the pictures from the festival. She made the excuse about liking to take pics, but not wanting to be in but cmon. We all know that’s just because she’s still not comfortable.

I get why she was a little worried about taking someone’s spot during the auditions, but at the end of the day, the game is the game and may the best eupho player win. This system only serves to motivate people and push everyone to improve their skills. No one is safe and that’s the recipe for success in any sport team.

Happy for everyone that got selected for prefecturals, especially Kamaya. Taki sensei showing he has full understanding of the fact that it’s not always about pure talent, “fit” is way more important in constructing a team. You see it all the time in real life sports too, great players don’t always fit in on teams they get traded to or whatever, so for this particular competition, Kamaya makes more sense than sacchan.

I honestly like that the 1st and 2nd years and even Kumiko now have some doubts about Taki sensei’s selection(s). Just feels very realistic. You’re never going to please everyone in these scenarios and people want to see their friends getting chosen etc. That “you’ll take us to nationals, right?” From Kumiko was real af. Just making sure Taki still has his eye on the prize. Think Reina is probably the one who completely trusts him rn.

I like the drama, but I do feel bad about how distant Kumiko is being with Mayu. First lying about the festival last week, now hiding the composition stuff from her. I get it though, there’s a ton of emotions she’s dealing with rn, Mayu is new to the school and she’s so obsessed with nationals+ not knowing what to do after school.. but if they’re going to truly succeed and reach nationals, everyone will have to be on the same page.
Marinate1016May 12, 2024 11:37 AM
May 12, 2024 10:59 AM
Mar 2020
Holy **** they dropped the bomb on Satsuki...

Unlike her older sister, Suzume is definitely a genius, just like what Kaho and Yayoi said. I feel happy for Suzume but at what cost, Satsuki plays tuba for roughly 5 years vs Suzume's 4-5 months, that would either kill her motivation or her stepping up the game, but logically speaking since they pretty much will get gold at the Prefecture competition (Judging by the blazing fast pace this season is), I don't think Satsuki will pass the 2nd audition either, there are chances that Satsuki will topple Hazuki but I think it's more about her and Suzume. But I'm not really sure and oh, Satsuki is also a more veteran player than Hazuki.

I thought this show killed Hazuki but damn Satsuki got absolutely decimated, slaughtered to nothingness here. But I'm still happy for Hazuki, honestly, she's the reason I kept up with this anime but now I want to root for Satsuki and why this anime really likes to torture the most bright, happy & easygoing characters, it's like the author punished them for being too cheerful/happy.

Also, Mayu is a goddamn nuisance, her considerate attitude is annoying. You think Kanade is annoying? No, Kanade is just a sharp tongued sarcastic character (Also realistic and I love her) but Mayu is just plain deadweight but hey, without Mayu, this arc won't be as interesting, definitely.

This season is goated but damn they really need to slow down.
May 12, 2024 11:07 AM
Jan 2022
Calm episode, but there are predictions of a storm ahead...
May 12, 2024 11:49 AM

Feb 2014
If I had to choose one thing that made me happy more than anything else in this episode, then the simple would be this:

Hazuki FINALLY succeeding in the auditions on the 3rd attempt had me pumping my fist into the air multiple times. You can see how much this meant for her when she couldn't contain her excitement in front of Midori. It's about damn time she got a massive W! ^_^

Still, the nature of the auditions does bring it some tension and disagreements that's par for the course. Satsuki missing out was a shame, but I'm happy that Suzume was able to succeed, which did cause some tension, but Taki was confident that she can hit her true abilities in the prefectuals, so I do believe he did the right thing.

Mayu's stance is a little harder to judge. On one hand, you can say that she's being too considerate and hesitant. On the other hand, you could say that she's a little too full of herself. I won't deny that I haven't really decided if she's more of one, the other or even a mixture of both. Either way, Kumiko was able to convince her to take part in the auditions and she passed, so she'll be joining Kanade and Kumiko for the prefectuals. I don't see this issue with Mayu will be over just yet, but I do hope she'll give it her all in helping Kitauji to reach the nationals. =)
Meta_YoshiMay 12, 2024 2:11 PM
May 12, 2024 12:25 PM

May 2015
Reply to Meta_Yoshi
If I had to choose one thing that made me happy more than anything else in this episode, then the simple would be this:

Hazuki FINALLY succeeding in the auditions on the 3rd attempt had me pumping my fist into the air multiple times. You can see how much this meant for her when she couldn't contain her excitement in front of Midori. It's about damn time she got a massive W! ^_^

Still, the nature of the auditions does bring it some tension and disagreements that's par for the course. Satsuki missing out was a shame, but I'm happy that Suzume was able to succeed, which did cause some tension, but Taki was confident that she can hit her true abilities in the prefectuals, so I do believe he did the right thing.

Mayu's stance is a little harder to judge. On one hand, you can say that she's being too considerate and hesitant. On the other hand, you could say that she's a little too full of herself. I won't deny that I haven't really decided if she's more of one, the other or even a mixture of both. Either way, Kumiko was able to convince her to take part in the auditions and she passed, so she'll be joining Kanade and Kumiko for the prefectuals. I don't see this issue with Mayu will be over just yet, but I do hope she'll give it her all in helping Kitauji to reach the nationals. =)
@Meta_Yoshi How did Ririka getting selected cause tension? Assuming you meant Suzume.
May 12, 2024 12:42 PM
Jul 2023
Reply to MegamiRem
It's so obvious what's gonna happen that I don't even want to talk about it but for now atleast Kumiko was chosen. I knew she can do it when she puts her mind to it and is motivated. Though she's close to falling apart from all the preassure. I hope Asuka senpai will be there to get her back to her feet when that happens. Also I'd take a straight up bitch over Mayu who tries to act caring and a nice girl but in reality couldn't be more annoying even if she wanted to. She's really out trying to demoralise Kumiko as much as she can.

Btw liked what Azusa did talking to Kumiko about her future. I think she gave her the push she needed and in the right direction. What did Reina talk about her future with her teacher though? Some change in plan to be with Kumiko?

Glad Hazuki finally made it but damn the best girl didn't make it. I really hope Satsuki will be there at the nationals.
IzanaSolos said:
Off to the prefectural performance we go... though, knowing KyoAni, they'll probably save it for the movie, lol.
Can happen but who knows.
@MegamiRem looking at the amount of stuff they already skipped it is pretty likely to happen, if you ask me.
May 12, 2024 2:11 PM

Feb 2014
Reply to billybub
@Meta_Yoshi How did Ririka getting selected cause tension? Assuming you meant Suzume.
@billybub Yeah, I meant Suzume. Trying to remember so many names does mean that a mistake will be made sooner or later. Thanks for pointing out my error. =)
May 12, 2024 3:05 PM
Apr 2023
I teared up a little hearing Hazuki getting picked

I hate Mayu btw
May 12, 2024 3:11 PM
ザクシャ イン ラブ

Aug 2016
Episode 6 begins and ends Kitauji's first audition for the prefectural competition, as we kick off the focus towards competing and placing well at nationals. It's no surprise that Kumiko and Mayu, as well as Kanade make the cut, and that Kumiko was selected for the euphonium soli. Nonetheless, seeing Hazuki's reaction when she realized that she finally made it to the competition brought a tear to my eye. All of her efforts working hard from a beginner level has finally paid off in her third and final year, where she can play alongside her friends. It's a shame that Satsuki did not make it, something that clearly bothers Mirei, but she accepts Kumiko's trust in Taki sensei's judgement.

Additionally, the discussion of Kumiko's career plans comes up again, this time with her friend Azusa who tells Kumiko that she cannot image Kumiko not being involved with music. Perhaps that will give Kumiko perspective in deciding her post high school plans. Mayu and Kumiko's relationship also seems to have some distance as Kumiko does not feel ready to open up to Mayu, and Mayu realizes this hesitation when Kumiko avoids telling her about Asuka's "Hibike Euphonium" piece.

The episode ends at the start of Kitauji getting ready to perform on stage at the prefectural competition. Hoping for a wonderful music performance next episode and good results. KITAUJI FIGHT!!!!!

May 12, 2024 4:51 PM

Nov 2021
I was so happy when Hazuki got chosen. She deserves it after all this time.
May 12, 2024 5:45 PM

Aug 2020
The relationship between Mayu, Kumiko and the group reached a uncomfortable point, but hopefully things happened just as planned (or not that much, since some didn't succeed...)

Reina and Kumiko are back for the long awaited duo in the solo. The next music will begin...

May 12, 2024 6:19 PM
Mar 2015
our gril made it through to the prefecturals
May 12, 2024 7:19 PM
Apr 2024
Reply to Marinate1016
Season 3 has just been amazing, even the slower episodes like this just feel so packed full of little details and you don’t want them to end. Love this series so much and the girls are back in summer uniforms 😍 my faves.

Mayu in a Kitauji uniform looks awesome and I’m happy we got a lot of focus on her in this one. It’s clear she’s still not fully integrated into the band, like not wanting to be in the pictures from the festival. She made the excuse about liking to take pics, but not wanting to be in but cmon. We all know that’s just because she’s still not comfortable.

I get why she was a little worried about taking someone’s spot during the auditions, but at the end of the day, the game is the game and may the best eupho player win. This system only serves to motivate people and push everyone to improve their skills. No one is safe and that’s the recipe for success in any sport team.

Happy for everyone that got selected for prefecturals, especially Kamaya. Taki sensei showing he has full understanding of the fact that it’s not always about pure talent, “fit” is way more important in constructing a team. You see it all the time in real life sports too, great players don’t always fit in on teams they get traded to or whatever, so for this particular competition, Kamaya makes more sense than sacchan.

I honestly like that the 1st and 2nd years and even Kumiko now have some doubts about Taki sensei’s selection(s). Just feels very realistic. You’re never going to please everyone in these scenarios and people want to see their friends getting chosen etc. That “you’ll take us to nationals, right?” From Kumiko was real af. Just making sure Taki still has his eye on the prize. Think Reina is probably the one who completely trusts him rn.

I like the drama, but I do feel bad about how distant Kumiko is being with Mayu. First lying about the festival last week, now hiding the composition stuff from her. I get it though, there’s a ton of emotions she’s dealing with rn, Mayu is new to the school and she’s so obsessed with nationals+ not knowing what to do after school.. but if they’re going to truly succeed and reach nationals, everyone will have to be on the same page.
@Marinate1016 I agree, I also feel bad for Mayu. Kumiko's so far been an anchor to the problems of the first and second years, but she's been pretty PA to Mayu. At the same time, Mayu is a bit too cocky, phrasing it as if she knows she'll pass the audition. It doesn't seem to bother Kumiko though, at least for now.
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Marinate1016 said:
Not reading allat cause I don’t care. Tensura peak. Have a good one tho
May 12, 2024 8:01 PM

Feb 2008
Kumiko has had better episodes, I just don't get why shes so cold to Mayu man. Please, she just wants to be friends.

Like, I don't know what else to make of the episode. That scene annoyed me way more than it should have. Suzume being chosen was also weird, does anyone even like this girl? Hazuki being chosen was fine, kind of relieved me. But Sacchan losing to the new loud girl... well, then.

Kanade always lights up the episodes, such a joy to hear a bold student speak, and if she's smug it's ten times better. I liked the episode but Kumiko man... idk

"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum. They should really do their whining at manga forums."

Stolen from Janethan23. Add in visual novel readers too
May 12, 2024 8:50 PM

Feb 2022
Was genuinely happy for Hazuki after two years of trying
May 12, 2024 11:53 PM

Apr 2023
Omedetou Hazuki-chan! You've worked hard and now it's your time! Everyone here is so happy for you! 🤩🎉
Shaka-bunMay 13, 2024 9:35 AM
May 13, 2024 2:23 AM
Mar 2024
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