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Spice and Wolf (light novel)
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May 4, 2021 10:40 AM

Jul 2019
I love stories that takes the viewers places. It gives that adventurous feeling to it. The whole merchant talk and economy was a lot to take in at first as I'm not really familiar with it but to be honest now I'm up for more adventure with this couple. I think the sequels will be better but I'll hold it for now.
May 23, 2021 2:21 AM
Jan 2021
That was amazing as expected...... i love the dynamics between the Lawrence and holo(holo is a s tier waifu without a doubt) and i actually learned a lot about this series about economics i actually understood of how their world works about merchants how to invest something deceiving each other to have bigger profit....and this show really reminds me of bookworms if by any chance someone read this i really recommend watching bookworms if you like this series....

9/10 as a whole love this series looking forward for the s2
Angel_crush1May 23, 2021 2:26 AM
Jun 16, 2021 1:43 PM

Jun 2019
My 17th completed series chronologically.

For the record, I extended it a 6/10.
Nov 10, 2021 12:00 PM

Jun 2015
beautiful anime. I really enjoyed it.
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Mar 28, 2022 2:22 PM

Nov 2013
Hahahah I legit wanted Holo to beat the shit out of Lawrence for being so dense at the end! xDDDD Though it was still funny.

Glad to see a happy ending. The shepherd girl was cute too.

One thing I didn't get is how Holo dealt with the other big wolf though?
Mar 29, 2022 8:15 AM
Jul 2013
I have rewatched this and do some googling but i still can't understand why lemerio trading company want to buy lawrence debt from that swindler merchant? Lemerio lives there and should know that armor price is basically plummeted really bad because northern expedition is canceled
Apr 13, 2022 9:11 AM

Sep 2014
In which world is Holo shorter than Nora? Its exactly the same!
The debt has me confused again, Lemerio held his debt, so surely he could have just got rid of that when he was there to negotiate. So what did he mean by "paying back the debt" after that happened?

I thought the gold wasnt enough to pay off Liberios own debt because they only got 1/6th of the planned sum, so how does Lawrence expect to ever get anything over 10 years if the company is bankrupt already?
This really doesnt make any sense to me, he specifically stated the gold wasnt enough.

Having Nora still take the risk of smuggling in that situation seems dumb AF.

Anyway great show! I wasnt expecting to like this so much, as usually romance isnt my main genre and while I heard it was economy classes disguised as an anime I wasnt expecting it to be this deep either, usually shows only talk about the very basics of trade. I cant say I understood the plans all the time though, maybe thats just the adaption taking liberties..

Holo suprised me the most, I knew she is a popular character and had high expectations because of this but she really blew me away. Absolutely amazing character, great voice acting, great character design etc.(she looks more mature in the anime than on the LN covers atleast which is a plus for me)

Lawrence isnt bad either, maybe Im too used to cardboard MCs but he seems to have an actual persona and quirks.

Overall great show, nothing I really disliked even though the trade plots seemed confusing or just didnt make sense.
The chemistry between Lawrence and Holo is great, its not just onesided teasing with an oblivious male MC. Side character were good, animation was good considering the age of the anime. Tempted to give this a 9 but its not quite there yet.
The mix of romance and adventure with a feeling of mystery works really well.


PS: I adore the OP and ED, hope season 2 is just as good.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Feb 8, 2023 11:27 PM

Jul 2019
Lawrence dealt with it nicely, though I wouldn't have minded a bit more "hands on" approach, so to speak. Anyway, everyone is safe and sound but Holo haven't had any honey peaches yet. Hope she'll get some in season 2.

Feb 22, 2023 9:18 PM

Dec 2022
beautiful last couple of episodes, and ending on a note of comedic bliss. lovely!
Jul 6, 2023 6:56 AM

Aug 2017
Enjoyed this a lot, Holo as a character is very entertaining to watch and her chemistry with Lawrence feels natural, where I can't get enough of it. Their banter and teasing, but also their dramatic moments were done well. But the economic side of the show was surprisingly amusing to watch, was really invested to it, want more it. And not to forget I love the setting this show takes place in and the way it catches that old atmosphere and vibe from the area. The traveling side is also one aspect I'm a big fan of, going to different places and stumbling on new situations.

Cute and catching ending song as well.
Jul 27, 2023 5:51 AM

Mar 2022
What a great show, like I’ve kept saying I’ve enjoyed the relationship between Lawrence and Holo with the latter especially being the show stealer for me. It felt so real and so natural with the two of them, loved their bantering and teasing but also when things got serious I appreciated those moments as well. Didn’t think the show focused a lot on economy but I guess it was part and parcel for what Lawrence’s job entailed as a peddler merchant because he needs to worry about how cost effective everything he’s trading is. And I have to say I was quite interested in it, may not be a big expert in it but it’s definitely interesting to listen to at the very least. Really the loved the ol’ medieval sort of setting to it, animation definitely does the setting justice with it’s very harvest like feel to it. 
While it’s not necessarily an action-y sort of show, I feel it’s more than entertaining enough when it’s just focusing on Lawrence and Holo’s interactions and the show’s more about that than anything else. The only thing I have against it is that it was probably a bit slow to get going but once it did, it was worth seeing it’s entirely. I rate this show an 8/10.
Sep 12, 2023 7:13 PM

Dec 2022
I'm confident in calling this an outstanding anime. Excellent chemistry between the progressively more interesting main cast was the primary appeal, but the side characters were by no means depthless either, and were skillfully managed by the writing. On top of that, intricate worldbuilding and a picturesque setting further elevated the standing of the anime. Off the top of my head, I can't think of any flaws. Even the weakest aspect of this watch, the animation, is still perfectly serviceable.

╔⏤═⏤╝ ╚⏤═⏤╗
Shaded Horizon

Oct 8, 2023 9:15 PM

May 2022
They did it! Now they aren't in debt anymore and it looks like everybody got their Happy Ending.

So nice to see they used the opening music in the ending.
Oct 30, 2023 2:26 AM

Oct 2020
The animation really popped off this episode. This has probably been mentioned before but Holo's wolf scenes reminded me of scenes from Ghibli movies like something out of Princess Mononoke

Anyway, Holo and Lawrence have the weirdest relationship but it's charming in its own.. odd way. I actually thought this was the end of the series but Crunchyroll has a second season listed
Jan 18, 2024 11:21 AM

May 2020
well that was a really good anime
can definitely see why its one of the classics

Feb 2, 2024 1:07 PM

Jul 2021
What a great finale. Especially loved the final moments, when they bicker about who Lawrence called out to and the bell tolls. I snorted.

The show has such a strange, unique charm that snuck up on me. It almost feels.. "sleepy"? In both good and bad ways. It does make it hard to recommend to just anyone, though.

Mar 31, 2024 3:48 AM

Jul 2023
I will miss the cutie Norah. I hope we can see her in season 2 and for that matter the volumes not covered by the 2 seasons, or perhaps the remake gets to cover even more of the light novels.

All is well for Lawrence, and a jealous Holo is cute.

ETA: I dunno if this or the previous episode, but Lawrence is the first dude I heard who actually said gokigenyou (technically, Keyaru but he was crossdressing).
patkarununganApr 11, 2024 12:55 AM
Apr 3, 2024 11:39 AM

Oct 2020
I dont know how to say my feeling about this anime but it was so good
old anime like year 2008 give me this good feeling that i can not seek them in todays anime like they have souls
Apr 9, 2024 3:04 AM
Jul 2022
wtf is that old ass man
Apr 16, 2024 4:20 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Pretty good. Holo indeed is up there in the S-tier of waifus, and I LOVE the opening. 7.3/10. Will get to watching season 2 soon, and then right after start watching the remake which is currently airing right now.

whiskey tango foxtrot

Jun 17, 2024 11:19 AM

Jan 2018
The season finale, huh? It was actually an awesome final episode. Was not expecting so much action.

All things considered, it makes sense why the Lemerio company betrayed them. But it was still very scummy of them. Wasn't expecting this conflict to resolve so soon tho. Like I figured there was one more episode left in the season at least.

The Holo fanservice was pretty nice. Let's see if that'll be in the Remake version lol. I also like Holo's wolf appearance in the original much more. She looks so magestic and beautiful.

Nora isn't a bad girl after all. And Ig in Japanese it's easier to pronounce Horo than Nora even tho both are just 2 syllables. The way Lawrence teased Holo at the end was just so cute. Love these two.

The ending was pretty ominous if you ask me. Like they weren't sure if a sequel would be greenlit or not.

I guess I'll move on to Season 2. But I heard the original Spice and Wolf skips an entire volume in Season 2 which more than likely will be covered in the Remake. If that's the case then there will be more differences between watching the original and Remake together right now. I'm not sure how I should approach this. I guess I'll decide after watching the next episode(s).
Jan 5, 5:08 PM

Jul 2016
This season ended so quickly, in a few days. Enjoyed it immensely, amazing fantasy setting too.
Feb 6, 6:26 AM

Oct 2018
The amount of gold does explain a lot more about the motives of the company. Competent script that feels very natural coupled with excellent characterization, more of a slow burner. Going to miss the OP.
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