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Mar 22, 2024 9:50 AM

Nov 2011
It was a fine episode, obviously not the main story's ending as it adapts around chapter 50ish+

However, I believe this episode did a solid at capturing the on-screen chemistry between Fuuko and Andy. I mean, even in this finale, we can see it through after all the battles they've had. One of the more unique anime imo this season. The tease at the end too...feels like this will inevitably get another season.
Mar 22, 2024 9:51 AM

Dec 2021
Now I get why Akira didn't mind losing his arms; he knew he was going to die soon anyway.

For the capture of the UMA Autumn, Andy and Rip find themselves in a chaotic situation and team up. However, their individual attacks prove ineffective against the stronger Autumn. Unable to find a breakthrough, they are asked by Anno Un/Akira Kuno to stall for time while he creates the strongest ancient artifact to capture the Autumn. Amidst conflicting emotions, Andy and Rip reluctantly agree to buy time for Akira's plan, and they once again set out to capture the Autumn.

So, it turns out he never really controlled Unknown. His artifact just helped him out. But by then, it was too late to find his mom, which really hurt. We didn't even know she was gone before. Akira's ability to see the future was helpful, but his understanding of the past was just as important. Some well-chosen words about Rip convinced him to join our side. I couldn't focus on the fight because of all the talking. Akira's pretty much stuck without his power, all because he picked up that pen. It's like God chooses who gets powers randomly. Seeing Billy and Juiz was unexpected. Not sure if they're talking or what. It feels too soon, considering Billy's recent reveal as Under's boss. But maybe in season 2 we'll get the answers... but we probably won't get a season 2 though.

The tale of a single hero. The title of that tale being 'To You, From Me.' That story is now of two heroes, Undead + Unluck.

It's a damn shame this show hasn't gotten popular over here in Japan and in the West, probably because of Mickey Mouse. But you can tell a lot of work went into it, especially since it's a David Production series.

Now onto Mickey Mouse's next target: Mission: Yozakura Family.

Mar 22, 2024 9:51 AM

Jul 2017
The race to capture UMA Autumn: Union's Andy and Fuko vs. Under's Rip and Latla. Anno Un coming up with the strongest Artifact to deal with it, a badeto farewell from losing his mother: a tale about a cast of heroes. And her last draw: using the time-control Artifact to convert Rip into 15 years old, while consequently aging 10 times that. A sacrifice is necessary, and that sacrifice is Anno Un.

Fuko's Unluck, like Anno Un's Unknown, she's dealt a rather harsh life. That's until she picked up the latter's manga and hoped to read it all the way until the end. That is until now, where there's no story left to be written, and right now, they're about to make the story anew against Autumn and its underlings. Going into Phase 2, the enemy proves that they're not as simple, and Rip, despite him unwilling to help out, does what he can to follow Akira's script, which was brought to real life. That has 2 effects: saving Fuko from Unseen's death, and the corroboration of all 6 Negators to defeat it, that would become its official title: "To You, From Me", built from Undead + Unluck.

The Soul Caliber is Under's to take, though Fulo trying to coerce Rip into joining Union, it won't do since he also requires the Ark. And that's the Autumn Arc!

What a fun adventure Undead Unluck is: the story within layers of stories.
KANLen09Mar 22, 2024 1:01 PM
Mar 22, 2024 9:52 AM

Jun 2017
We got more on the Kuno Akira-san monologue, which certainly delivered to finish the season off on a high! It was obvious with the death flags all around, in all fairness, but bowing out after recovering Rip-san to his adult phase to finish off Autumn once and for all is just massive respect. You know it's time when the character starts to talk to a deceased person, heavy emotions...

Small snippets of Leila-san's existence in Rip-san and Latla-san's life, and a different perspective on the hero side of Rip-san. Definitely unexpected but interesting nonetheless. Quite the combo he makes with Andy-san, looking forward to seeing them on the same side of the equation at some point soon in the series. Leave it to the fuon, or luck, in the end, to deal the final blow, that's a tradition here now, lol.

Roundtable claims the autumn negator back and the opposers with the remains of the weapon used by Kuno-sensei. What a tease in the end with the meeting between Juiz-san and Billy-san! Off to the next arc? Not yet, it seems. But hopefully soon! They're hinting something in the AnimeJapan Stage though, I'll watch that real-time and pray they get things started for upcoming arcs to be adapted.

Solid 8/10 from here! Had a few patches in between that were slightly boring compared to the rest but on its highs, this show was an absolutely pleasure to watch and keep up with.
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Mar 22, 2024 9:57 AM
Jan 2024
Finally an episode without minutes of recap (all of them in this episode were present in the manga) really hoping for a season 2 (but before David, pls confirm SBR) overall it was a good adaptation
Mar 22, 2024 10:42 AM

Apr 2020
This anime gave me Soul Eater vibes.
And like Soul Eater I liked it but I didn't think it stands out enough.
Good watch anyway.
Go watch Gintama boyo/grill
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Mar 22, 2024 11:15 AM

Feb 2021
I feel so bad for him (┬┬﹏┬┬)
17:09 This scene is so damn cool.

Oh wow, I've seen OPs start at 7 minutes into the episode, but at 17 minutes? This is a first XD.
Btw where is Chikara rn? I kinda forgot about him. Went to capture another season UMA with another team, right?
A little teaser at the end!

This was super interesting imo. The story was really unique and unpredictable, and the animation was exceptional.
But the recaps and flashbacks were annoying. If they wanted to end the anime on this point so much, they just could've made a non-standard lengh season, like AOT season 4 part 1.
I reeeeeally want a season 2. But unfortunately this has really dipped in popularity both in Japan and overseas, so I don't think it's very likely.
Mar 22, 2024 11:34 AM

Oct 2017
Respect to Anno Un sensei, thanks for everything you did. I hope they get to meet again. Nice finale with action and stuff and a bit more on Rip and Latla. Rip should care more for whats infront of him instead of what he lost or he'll end up loosing Latla too. Also Juiz meeting with Billy cliffhanger.

I enjoyed the adaptation, more than I initially thought. David pro did good except the pacing. There were easily a few entire episodes worth of stretching. Aside that the anime was good, liked the story and characters quite a bit. Juiz best girl and I definitely need more of her. S2 when?
MegamiRemMar 24, 2024 1:38 AM
Mar 22, 2024 11:55 AM
Sep 2015
My interpretation on why this arc is very meta, it's trying to reflect the relationship between the author and characters that the author created. In normal situation, the author is not gonna appear directly in the story, but characters are still feeling grateful that all kind of stories from ugly to beautiful are being written for them even if they can't feel the existence of the author directly. This arc creates a "what-if" situation where characters can directly interact with the author. It allows characters to pay tribute to the author that create them and their story.
Mar 22, 2024 12:00 PM

Jan 2009
so anno un the narrator is a boy sad that he is alone again

being a negator is suffering

but im not sure i will watch a sequel if it has one
Mar 22, 2024 12:41 PM

Jan 2018
Man, this anime ended too huh? I really enjoyed it. More so than I thought when I first read the premise of this series. I thought it was just going to be a comedy series and not much else. Boy was I wrong.

It was really sad to see Anno Un being alone again. Hopefully, Fuko will be able to fix the pen somehow. What sucked even more was seeing his mom pass away before she could see her son again. Poor guy.

This episode had really good animation. I wonder if production on this anime affected David Pro's other anime Urusei Yatsura? Cos the most recent UY episodes didn't look so good. Now that Undead Unluck has ended maybe UY will go back to normal.

I know the gist of what happens in the story in the manga after this point. It just gets more and more insane and better and better. It REALLY needs a second season. But it sucks that this anime isn't that popular. I hope it'll get a Season 2 either way.

Genuinely considering reading the manga. And that's something I usually don't do. I just need to know what chapter I should start reading from after the end of this Season.
Mar 22, 2024 12:41 PM

Feb 2019
So ends one of the coolest recent battle shonen stories. Pacing issues aside, David Production treated us to a great 24 episode run.

Anno Un easily solidified himself during this arc as my fave character in the story. Suffering in silence for all these while laying the foundation for Fuuko and Andy’s victory. Then he goes and sacrifices himself in order to restore RIP to his full power. Just an amazingly selfless dude who had never got a proper thanks until now. Couldn’t even be with his mother as she got older and died. Tragic character who was determined to go out on his own terms. Still can’t get over how cool it is to use the manga as a communication device across time and space.

Speaking of manga, Fuuko not wanting to die until her fave manga ends is so real. It allowed her to connect with her late mom who was a fan of it too. Making me like Anno Un even more. And s/o to her granddad for being such a kind and compassionate old man, it was hard hearing her get chewed out by that girl’s mom.

The fight against Uma Autumn was great, seeing Rip and Latla work with Fuuko and Andy was a treat and as usual David Production snapped with the sound design and direction of the fight. Took the combined efforts of everyone to take it down.

Gonna be hard for Fuuko and Andy to fight Latla and Rip next time they see them after bonding over Anno Un’s sacrifice in this one. Hopefully one day they’ll be on the same team again.

Fitting final shot of Fuuko falling on Andy and sharing a moment, just like episode 1.

There’s a Post credits scene! I need to see that Juiz and Billy meeting to find out what they’re discussing. Story just got going here. I know the manga sales didn’t increase that much, but we need a second season 😭
Marinate1016Mar 22, 2024 1:34 PM
Mar 22, 2024 1:39 PM

Jul 2016
Anno using his manga to guide the negators to eventually beating Autumn may be his biggest feat, but it being what got Fuko through an unfortunate upbringing was what truly made him the real MVP for me (kudos to her grandma and the kid that got Unluck'd in the flashback for being on her side too). Let Unknown's name be known.

When "Nah, we'd lose." is the best possible thing to hear before a fight. Latla going "a second season is absolutely not happening" would've been such a hype way to make an announcement if it were confirmed.
Mar 22, 2024 2:12 PM
Jan 2024
good final episode
Mar 22, 2024 2:15 PM
Mar 2023
Probably one of the most inventive shonens in years kneecapped by worse than One Piece anime levels of recap
Mar 22, 2024 2:39 PM

Jan 2021
It sucks we might never see Unknown but i think everyone should just work together.
Mar 22, 2024 2:52 PM

Dec 2018
RIP had it so hard
Mar 22, 2024 2:56 PM

Jun 2017
It was ok overall but personally I couldn't really give a crap about Anno. First half of the season was better imo.
Mar 22, 2024 3:07 PM

Jul 2023
It was a great fight to finish the show, despite how rushed some scenes felt (Rip's past mostly).
Idk how I fully feel about the series. I can tell the author took effort to design a good story, but the pacing and recaps took a lot of enjoyement out of it. Still, the good scenes were really good, so I think I have an overall positive feeling of Undead Unluck. May pick up the manga if a second season never comes.
Mar 22, 2024 3:32 PM

Nov 2016
It's really hard to not love Akira.

Great climax and way to wrap up this season. Seriously, every arc was banging good with an an abundance of funny situations, creative fights, likeable characters and cathartic moments.

This is yet another series where watching the anime made me like the source more. Easy 8/10.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Mar 22, 2024 3:56 PM

Aug 2020
This was probably the best way to finish this season with another great episode.
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Mar 22, 2024 4:18 PM
Mar 2022
Akira's entire story was defined by both tragedy and inspiration, and that carried over into the final moments of his Anno Un construct and the impact he had on everyone.

Just had to throw in a tease for the next arc in the end lol. Can't wait for season 2.
Mar 22, 2024 4:36 PM

Feb 2020
Oh boy you don't need to spoonfeed me that hard with Un sensei actually still alive and kicking even at his old day, but actually very glad they manage to tell this plot after all at the last installment. So so glad!

Well perhaps several nitpicks might arrives about his negating ability as an Unknown, but actually this is enough as an explanation to seal the deal in Uma Autumn catch arc. Especially since Rip joined the gang a bit and gives such a hero feeling even though its just a very damn temporary matter.

As the result G-liner broke, on Andy Fuuko possesion, really hope perhaps Nico can fix it tho, and then Soul Caliber with Rip, he really knows good Artifact to collect, huh? And then don't forget about Autumn core....

Again, fall has been fallen. There's still three more season uma that's need to be taken care of, but as always, let's continue it whenever they feel ready to continue, or rather just read 'To You From Me'!

Too bad this isn't getting much deserved hype. I individually like this kind of story, definitely your typical battle shounen but more into deep with their power system and the lore, making it very engaging in general. I'll give this an eight for the sake of an unknowingly place this anime gets at the end....
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Mar 22, 2024 4:55 PM

Jul 2016
Reply to deg
so anno un the narrator is a boy sad that he is alone again

being a negator is suffering

but im not sure i will watch a sequel if it has one

I will for sure watch a sequel. The whole Anno character was so well crafted.
Mar 22, 2024 5:17 PM
Pirate King
Feb 2021
It was a good finale for the first season. I’m happy they ended up getting Autumn and getting Anno’s artifact or what was left of it unfortunately. I think it was always going to be that way and he knew that so he tried his absolute best to make sure that his hero’s all came out on top and beat Autumn. I think they set up for a second season pretty well even if it wasn’t instantly announced it still was a good season finale. Looking forward to more undead unluck in the future 😄
Mar 22, 2024 5:28 PM
Jan 2024
The strongest artifact name is 'Life is Strange'. It's the same artifact that make Rip 15 years younger. In fact, Anno Un copying Life is Strange and using it to aged Rip 10 years older.

Life is Strange is an artifact that rip stole from the black auction. The user can control the time of the body of a person other than the user in increments of years. There are two options: either rewind to make someone younger or fast forward to age someone. however, the user's body will receive a change in their body ten times the amount of years they controlled in return. if they age someone by ten years, they grow 100 years older. if they make someone younger by ten years, they revert 100 years. those incapable of living 100 years who grow 100 years older will decay and disappear on the spot. those who haven't lived 100 years and revert 100 years younger will silently fade from existence.
uiminami7Mar 22, 2024 5:41 PM
Mar 22, 2024 5:58 PM
May 2022
And it ends. It was a really good adaptation. Really good production values and animation, music, voice acting, direction. Really keeping it from being higher is the glacial pace at times. Exact opposite of the manga, which is too fast a lot of the time. I hope it gets another season but considering it wasn’t as popular as I expect they wanted, didn’t move much manga sales either, it’s up in the air. It’s a great anime. I hope it gets more and really irons out the issues but David will probably just focus on JoJo and Urusei Yatsura. Anyways 8/10
Mar 22, 2024 6:33 PM

Apr 2022
well thats the most boring popular shounen i've seen since, probably jigokuraku. except i actually liked content for jigokuraku, just mappa went lazy with the visuals. meanwhile opposite here, i didn't care about the content and just david prod. doing their thing with the animation and sfx.
Mar 22, 2024 7:32 PM
Apr 2023
Mar 22, 2024 7:57 PM

May 2020
Anno's presence might be short lived but it was enough to change others, in more ways than one.

As for a second season, they did tease something, but at the end of the day, we can't be really sure knowing the sales. But I'd love to have one.
Mar 22, 2024 8:09 PM

Mar 2012
they never really showed any tits or ass, just barely some cleavage here and there.... so that was HELLA disappointing, but a fun show though and defintiely creative, LOVE Fuuko, Latla and Andy... everyone else was just kinda there
EcchiGodMamsterMar 22, 2024 8:13 PM
Mar 22, 2024 8:18 PM
Oct 2021
el mejor de su temporada
Mar 22, 2024 8:26 PM
Dec 2021
affine transformations.
Mar 22, 2024 8:29 PM
Feb 2022
I hope it gets a second season. It deserve it.
Mar 22, 2024 8:32 PM
Jan 2019
Check out the manga you guys, ain't no pacing issues there. The adaptation was pretty faithful except the Fuuko gun scene at Shueisha headquarters. Season one ended on chapter 53 if you don't wanna rehash the story again.
Mar 22, 2024 10:13 PM

Mar 2013
What was it that ended up blowing off the top half of Autumn, anyway? The Unluck bullet was the catalyst, but it looked like some random missile hit the damn thing.
Mar 22, 2024 10:18 PM

Aug 2013
And joining the end of the run card today is Undead Unluck. I have to admit, I was not thinking I'd like this series but it was a clusterfuck adventure that had me on the edge from start to finish; alongside Frieren, I'll add this to my reading library. I mean if something slapped together as bad of an adaptation like Chained Soldier can get a season 2, there's no reason to think that U+U won't get one someday. It all depends on David Production. 8/10
Don't believe the hype.
Mar 22, 2024 10:42 PM

Mar 2007
Mixed feelings about this series. Started great. That zombie bride was the highlight for me. Some shocking twists. But as it tried to get bigger and badder the weak bits started showing and I didn't care as much as I used to. Wanted to really give this a high rating but it was overly complicated IMO.

Mar 22, 2024 10:49 PM
Jan 2020
i will never forgive yall for not giving this generational of an adaptation (lets forget the 8 minutes of recap per episode) the popularity it deserves
RonninnMar 22, 2024 10:52 PM
Mar 22, 2024 11:07 PM

Mar 2019
Enjoyed watching it and hope there's a second season. Will begin reading the manga.

I think it started off great with the intro and fight against Gina, kinda dragged for a bit (I personally didn't care for the zombie story or Chikara), but I felt the last 8 or 9 episodes between Billy's betrayal, learning about Juiz, Victhor, and Andy's past, and Anno Un, the show had great moments. Very creative stuff. My only gripe is that this show was very bad at constantly showing/retelling the same events over and over... Like in this episode for example you had Anno Un reflecting on the events that led to him being at this fight before he manifests the aging artifact, then scenes later after he disintegrates and while everyone is fighting autumn the show then starts retelling the full story of Anno Un a second time. We just saw his story last week, and then in the final episode they retell it two more times. This happened constantly in this show. You'd have the narrator recalling the events of the previous episode, and then the show would air flashbacks of what happened in the previous episode a scene or two after the recap and opening.
Mar 23, 2024 1:01 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
It grabbed my attention by force at the start, then slowly but surely started to loosen its grip. Felt like it got less compelling as the story got bigger and more complex. Shouldn't it be the other way around? Probably just me; dammit I guess I got tiktok brain. Still, I must say I enjoyed the first quarter-ish of these 24 episodes the most. I'll re-watch it again if we get a season 2 announcement, and perhaps give it more of the appreciation it probably deserves. For now let's acknowledge the things everyone can agree on: a more-than-solid production quality and very creative story-telling... and really fun characters. And that's pretty much all you need anyway for a good anime now, isn't it?


whiskey tango foxtrot

Mar 23, 2024 2:09 AM

Sep 2013
Great finale full of feels for an incredible anime, guess the post credit scene teases a second season

Anno Un in my eyes is the real main character, wish we saw more of him, what an ultimate gigachad, maybe he can be seen by the world again with another alias who knows

Overall this anime had a weird start but became really consistent and better after a while, i just loved it it was great

Hard 9/10
Deep dark fantasies
Mar 23, 2024 5:34 AM
Apr 2021
Fuck man what a great way to end off a season imo I know a lot of y’all didn’t like the pacing but tbh that title drop then the opening playing 17 minutes into the episode got me that was such a good touch man, Anno was a real nigga from start to finish man he didn’t deserve the life he had🙁☹️🙁☹️🙁

The music playing in the background while Rip was talking about taking the ark and that he’s doing this bc that someone is important to him was nice man, that man Rip and Latla do not have a happy life thats all I can say for now without spoiling😕

So we got Juiz and Billy teased at the end and I’ll tell you guys rn Juiz vs Billy is such an amazing fight what a way to tease the next season🤩🔥🔥🔥

Let’s hope for season 2 they do 24 episodes again and get to the Ragnarok Arc🤞🏽

Pacing issues aside I give this a 9/10 bc I enjoyed watching this every Friday and the animation was AMAZING🔥
Mar 23, 2024 5:35 AM

Feb 2021
Finally, it's ended... The story is quite complex but it was very fun to see it until this last episode.
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Mar 23, 2024 5:38 AM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
Ah yes, never like a final episode that leaves you wanting to know more about the world and more so with a series with a worldbuilding such as this one. The pacing was certainly unconvetional with numerous cuts between different times as well as questions being answered as you go from details one might have missed from the background or in lines said in passing. And that combined with the insane fights coming off from negation powers and zombie moves I had not seen before is unprecedented.

Still, the series, even with its remarkable animation, first opening sequence and slick effects both visual and sound effects, couldn't escape the recap trend that made some episode run time fall behind and the story not reach a conclusion by the 2 cour hour mark. I get that people need to be able to follow along but from what I've heard from readers of the original material, the series could have moved way further had they used their time properly. That isn't to say that I didn't enjoy, but maybe things could have been handled better adaptation wise.

In any case, I'm eager to know if we'll get a season 2 announcement. They can't just leave it like this, right?
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Mar 23, 2024 6:07 AM
Apr 2014
Was I the only one who didn't realize Anno was a dude until this episode?
Mar 23, 2024 6:12 AM

Sep 2014
Latest intro I have seen so far.

Soo is Anno actually dead? I guess there is a chance only his persona used to interact with the outside world is gone and we will just never know. Anyway, plothole of how he interacted was as usual covered by another plot hole: If Anno was a persona he drew, then he could manifest more than just one thing, unlike what he stated earlier. So I am willing to say this was stylistic choice and he did not have 2 bodies.

Good show, was way better at first, got somewhat lame in the middle but regained its footing toward the end. Its just shounen after all.
I mean I literally went from looking forward to this more than Frieren to forgetting it airs at all, but the production quality and everything else was solid. 7/10

Dont know if I will pick up the manga, the story seems fairly close to the end so I might as well. But if it drags on I will probably drop it.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Mar 23, 2024 7:20 AM
Sep 2021
That was a good conclusion to this arc & also a good finale of this season. Meet you all in S2. Finally, good & annoying cliffhanger at the end.
Mar 23, 2024 7:36 AM
Dec 2019
What an incredibly average show. It's probably better for David Production to not be locked solely in the Jojo mines but its sad that everything else they do looks and sounds so amazing but is just not interesting. The first season of Fire Force was fun but then the show got very stupid; Urusei Yatsura is just mindless; and this show had some bright spots with its character interactions but is ultimately not very good. Its crazy how it starts off as "wacky immortal guy trying to die for mysterious reasons" and then gets to "council of sort-of time traveling super heroes tries to kill god and break the time loop" in like 50 chapters. Talk about directionless, yeesh.
Mar 23, 2024 7:57 AM
Oct 2019
Epic Battle against UMA Autumn.

Anno Un was the real one!!

David Production Sakuga was Fire 🔥🔥🔥

Anno Un narrating the climax was definitely an interesting choice but i think it works.
But damn they play OP at 17 mins?
That's probably the first for me, I really thought they gonna play the first OP "01" during the climax, you know the OP troupe in Anime.

Now talking about the flaw of this Anime, pacing issues?? definitely the recap for sure, like why we needed a recap on a modern Seasonal Anime?
Am i watching One Piece?? lol

That aside the characters was interesting, the power system was very unique, but the world building is definitely the most intriguing part for me.

Hopefully we got Season 2 announcement soon 🙏
And for the goodness sake please stop the unnecessary recap for every episodes in the future.

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