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Feb 19, 2024 3:21 PM
Mar 2021
saabiK said:
not reading all that, just reacting to the title. Not even close, there are romance animes which are 10x better

Would you care to provide some examples?
Feb 19, 2024 3:29 PM

Aug 2021
Hacker075 said:
saabiK said:
not reading all that, just reacting to the title. Not even close, there are romance animes which are 10x better

Would you care to provide some examples?

From top of my head I can think of these: Lovely Complex, Maid Sama, Fuufu Ijou, Fruits Basket, Bunny Girl, Golden Time, Kimi ni Todoke, Angel next door, Plastic Memories. That's already plenty
Feb 19, 2024 3:30 PM
Mar 2023
Best overall? Far from it. The best romance anime might not even be from a specific romance genre, since love is a universal theme that can be found in any genre or any form. I think it’s a great show, with an amazing romance story between these characters but I don’t think it’s the best romance anime ever by a long shot. I personally love other romance anime like My Love Story!! Everyone will have different opinions on what the best romance anime is, and most anime are often forgotten after a couple of seasons except for the rare few due to exposure and popularity. We don’t know where this show will rank in 2-3 years or even longer since the lifespan of an anime is very short and is constantly being replaced by other anime shows being adapted.
Feb 19, 2024 3:39 PM

Apr 2022
nah not even close and i'm almost certain my top 3 romance anime won't change for a long time. well unless clannad, toradora or maid-sama do something about it since those are the only classic ones i haven't seen yet, i think.
Feb 19, 2024 3:46 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
I'm putting it in the top 3 no question

whiskey tango foxtrot

Feb 19, 2024 3:50 PM

Apr 2020
We're living in a world where Nana exists...

No. No, not even if I liked Dangers in my Heart.
Feb 19, 2024 6:18 PM

Jun 2023
The Dangers in My Heart is my goat romcom. Therefore, creating this thread is just creating flame because everyone has their own goat romcom. It can hurt their feelings or leave them feeling salty, as I am too.
obicomeonbonemeFeb 20, 2024 12:18 AM
Feb 19, 2024 9:47 PM
Aug 2018
While I love it, to say the best of all time is just recency bias.
Feb 19, 2024 10:51 PM
Mar 2021
bpcrash said:
While I love it, to say the best of all time is just recency bias.

Respectfully, for me it's definately not. Most of my top rated shows are ones I watched a while ago.

Though I understand why you think it would be. like 99 percent of people are victims of recency bias.
Feb 19, 2024 10:54 PM
Oct 2019
Reply to Hacker075
bpcrash said:
While I love it, to say the best of all time is just recency bias.

Respectfully, for me it's definately not. Most of my top rated shows are ones I watched a while ago.

Though I understand why you think it would be. like 99 percent of people are victims of recency bias.
@Hacker075 for me personally I would say if you still think that in 5 years with more romcom under the belt I am the first to back your claim but if you change your stance on it then I am the first to throw the kettle.
Feb 20, 2024 12:10 AM
Aug 2018
Reply to Hacker075
bpcrash said:
While I love it, to say the best of all time is just recency bias.

Respectfully, for me it's definately not. Most of my top rated shows are ones I watched a while ago.

Though I understand why you think it would be. like 99 percent of people are victims of recency bias.
@Hacker075 Oh tbh I could buy it being your favorite out of what you've seen so far. But do you think it is probably better than all other romance anime out there, including ones you haven't seen? Including ogs that are still talked about?

I'm in no position to doubt you if you are saying you put recency bias aside and it's still your favorite. I just think it's hard to give it best of all time label since there are so many earlier pioneers in the genre that are complete and have somewhat stood the test of time.

Or maybe you don't think there is much competition?
Feb 20, 2024 4:22 AM
Mar 2021
Otakupervert890 said:
@Hacker075 for me personally I would say if you still think that in 5 years with more romcom under the belt I am the first to back your claim but if you change your stance on it then I am the first to throw the kettle.

A very reasonable take.
Feb 20, 2024 4:26 AM
Mar 2021
bpcrash said:
@Hacker075 Oh tbh I could buy it being your favorite out of what you've seen so far. But do you think it is probably better than all other romance anime out there, including ones you haven't seen? Including ogs that are still talked about?

I'm in no position to doubt you if you are saying you put recency bias aside and it's still your favorite. I just think it's hard to give it best of all time label since there are so many earlier pioneers in the genre that are complete and have somewhat stood the test of time.

Or maybe you don't think there is much competition?

Well the idea of the post is that for me personally, I can't think of a romance I like more (of the shows that I've seen) and wondered whether this was a common opinion or if I'm missing something.

A lot of the shows people have said are "10x better" than this, I've watched and can tell its either nostalgia or stubborn bias speaking for them. like, Toradora I watched a few weeks ago and absolutely loved it. It was amazing, but it had a bunch of flaws that each drag it down a tiny bit and so while I love it, i don't see it as a better show.
Feb 20, 2024 5:42 AM
Jun 2023
Since romance genre are large from romcom to sad/typical drama, I have this in my top 5.This is the one saving romance genre nowadays
Feb 20, 2024 8:29 AM
Aug 2018
Reply to Hacker075
bpcrash said:
@Hacker075 Oh tbh I could buy it being your favorite out of what you've seen so far. But do you think it is probably better than all other romance anime out there, including ones you haven't seen? Including ogs that are still talked about?

I'm in no position to doubt you if you are saying you put recency bias aside and it's still your favorite. I just think it's hard to give it best of all time label since there are so many earlier pioneers in the genre that are complete and have somewhat stood the test of time.

Or maybe you don't think there is much competition?

Well the idea of the post is that for me personally, I can't think of a romance I like more (of the shows that I've seen) and wondered whether this was a common opinion or if I'm missing something.

A lot of the shows people have said are "10x better" than this, I've watched and can tell its either nostalgia or stubborn bias speaking for them. like, Toradora I watched a few weeks ago and absolutely loved it. It was amazing, but it had a bunch of flaws that each drag it down a tiny bit and so while I love it, i don't see it as a better show.
@Hacker075 Oh ok then. I hope you continue to enjoy it. It only gets better imo.
Feb 20, 2024 11:52 AM
May 2019
Dangers for me just hit the #2 spot in my romance goat discussion and i've watched a ton of romances. It overtook fruits baskets for me recently but its hard to beat clannad for me. I would never be mad if someone said dangers is the best because i love it so much. If i didn't read the manga i might have it #3 behind fruits baskets but who knows. Dangers is top tier.
Feb 20, 2024 2:51 PM
Mar 2021
SenpaiMikey said:
Dangers for me just hit the #2 spot in my romance goat discussion and i've watched a ton of romances. It overtook fruits baskets for me recently but its hard to beat clannad for me. I would never be mad if someone said dangers is the best because i love it so much. If i didn't read the manga i might have it #3 behind fruits baskets but who knows. Dangers is top tier.

Would you say Clannad is top tier or would you say after story is the bit that makes it top tier? or would you say both do?

I'm curious.
Feb 20, 2024 5:37 PM
May 2019
Reply to Hacker075
SenpaiMikey said:
Dangers for me just hit the #2 spot in my romance goat discussion and i've watched a ton of romances. It overtook fruits baskets for me recently but its hard to beat clannad for me. I would never be mad if someone said dangers is the best because i love it so much. If i didn't read the manga i might have it #3 behind fruits baskets but who knows. Dangers is top tier.

Would you say Clannad is top tier or would you say after story is the bit that makes it top tier? or would you say both do?

I'm curious.
Mainly afterstory. Clannad is very good but after story is what makes clannad the greatest to me. Clannad is the build up to what after story is, both need each other but without afterstory its harder to say clannad is one the greatest.
(when i was saying clannad earlier i was reffering to it as a whole with afterstory)
Feb 20, 2024 6:31 PM
Mar 2018
Wouldnt say its the best but its top 5 atleast for me.
Feb 20, 2024 7:56 PM

Feb 2010
apothecary dairies is literally out right now.. personally some of the best romance shows are toradora, your lie in april, clannad, spice and wolf, gosick, yona of the dawn. nagatoro is another one that is really good. manga seems like it's almost finished as well.

silent voice movie is good, but the manga is god tier.

there are a lot of mangas i hope get animated that are also great romance mangas.

also some VN's as well, but i highly doubt thoose will ever see the light of day.
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

Feb 20, 2024 8:23 PM
Mar 2022
Top for me is orange road, bokuyaba is probably in my top 5.
Feb 20, 2024 9:47 PM

Apr 2016
of course not. the best romance anime ever created is oji-san to marshmallow for sure.
Feb 21, 2024 1:30 AM
Feb 2018
As a manga reader, I can tell before the second season ends yet, that yes, it is.
Feb 21, 2024 1:34 AM
Feb 2018
albagolf said:
Top for me is orange road, bokuyaba is probably in my top 5.

Seriously? i just watched Kimagure Orange Road like last week and hated it. If they trim the fat maybe it can be good, but we end up with a 5 episodes show lol.
Feb 21, 2024 2:19 AM
Mar 2022
Reply to FreedomKME
albagolf said:
Top for me is orange road, bokuyaba is probably in my top 5.

Seriously? i just watched Kimagure Orange Road like last week and hated it. If they trim the fat maybe it can be good, but we end up with a 5 episodes show lol.
@FreedomKME I don't know about anime only read manga, but It was the first romance mange I read and I excitely looked forward every week for the new chapter back then. If I read it now i might feel different though.
Feb 21, 2024 8:54 AM
Sep 2023
Since we have the pillars of romance anime like Kaguya-sama and Toradora, I can say BokuYaba will gonna join them instead as one of the best romance anime of all time.
Feb 21, 2024 10:53 AM

Nov 2019
It's the best romance anime if it's the only one you have watched.


What do you think are the most important things in life? Money, dreams, sympathy towards others...

Yes, they're all important things as well... But the most important thing is responsibility for your own actions.
- Yuichi
Feb 21, 2024 12:18 PM
Aug 2018
No, it's too early to say.

I'm reading some of the responses and I'm seeing things... We need to calm down a bit and be objective, a beautiful romance is not necessarily the one that will make us cry the most, but the one that is the most consistent, that touches us, conveys a message.

For example, I read The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten, sorry but it's one of the worst I've ever seen, the romance is atrocious, no logic, no coherence, the level of writing maturity is close to nil.

Toradora is good, but overrated for my taste.

Kaguya Sama... Why not, in any case, season 3 is perfect in my eyes, with all good episodes and a grandiose finale.

If I had to pick just one, I'm sorry, but it's Clannad by far, a story so touching and so realistic in its universe, characters so well written, so very human...

Season 2 of Boku no is so far really excellent, touching, I'm looking forward to the sequel and if it's as good as the beginning of season 2, we'll be able to say it's one of the best yes.
Feb 21, 2024 12:58 PM
Mar 2021
UrabeMikotoChan said:
No, it's too early to say.

I'm reading some of the responses and I'm seeing things... We need to calm down a bit and be objective, a beautiful romance is not necessarily the one that will make us cry the most, but the one that is the most consistent, that touches us, conveys a message.

For example, I read The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten, sorry but it's one of the worst I've ever seen, the romance is atrocious, no logic, no coherence, the level of writing maturity is close to nil.

Toradora is good, but overrated for my taste.

Kaguya Sama... Why not, in any case, season 3 is perfect in my eyes, with all good episodes and a grandiose finale.

If I had to pick just one, I'm sorry, but it's Clannad by far, a story so touching and so realistic in its universe, characters so well written, so very human...

Season 2 of Boku no is so far really excellent, touching, I'm looking forward to the sequel and if it's as good as the beginning of season 2, we'll be able to say it's one of the best yes.

I like this take a lot.
Feb 21, 2024 1:38 PM
Aug 2018
Reply to Hacker075
UrabeMikotoChan said:
No, it's too early to say.

I'm reading some of the responses and I'm seeing things... We need to calm down a bit and be objective, a beautiful romance is not necessarily the one that will make us cry the most, but the one that is the most consistent, that touches us, conveys a message.

For example, I read The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten, sorry but it's one of the worst I've ever seen, the romance is atrocious, no logic, no coherence, the level of writing maturity is close to nil.

Toradora is good, but overrated for my taste.

Kaguya Sama... Why not, in any case, season 3 is perfect in my eyes, with all good episodes and a grandiose finale.

If I had to pick just one, I'm sorry, but it's Clannad by far, a story so touching and so realistic in its universe, characters so well written, so very human...

Season 2 of Boku no is so far really excellent, touching, I'm looking forward to the sequel and if it's as good as the beginning of season 2, we'll be able to say it's one of the best yes.

I like this take a lot.
@Hacker075 Thank you,

I add that for me, a romance is also an evolution, once again logical, and the problem with many romances is that the evolution is too often poorly constructed, incoherent or even absent.

Concerning Clannad... In its day, many people said that Clannad had changed their lives, without any exaggeration, and that's perfectly understandable. Clannad is a simple, deeply human story with which we can all identify.

I'm going to quote Stendhal, a 19th century French novelist, Le roman, c'est un miroir que l'on promène le long d'un chemin in French, The novel, it's a mirror that you walk along a path You can take a lot of inspiration from this and put it into a romance that you watch. It's a story of feelings and passions, reflecting above all the interactions between people, and I think Clannad has done it better than anyone else.
Feb 21, 2024 1:57 PM
Jul 2013
This is definitely the best romance for its junior high school setting, perfectly capturing the essence of young first love and coming-of-age experiences. I highly doubt I would consider it the best romance if it were set in high school, let alone in an adult setting.

That said, the same goes for other romances featuring more "mature" or "adult" casts that I and many others here consider the best. Placing those stories in a junior high school setting would simply be nonsensical and wouldn't be revered as the best romances by me and many others.
Feb 21, 2024 2:44 PM
Mar 2021
UrabeMikotoChan said:
@Hacker075 Thank you,

I add that for me, a romance is also an evolution, once again logical, and the problem with many romances is that the evolution is too often poorly constructed, incoherent or even absent.

Concerning Clannad... In its day, many people said that Clannad had changed their lives, without any exaggeration, and that's perfectly understandable. Clannad is a simple, deeply human story with which we can all identify.

I'm going to quote Stendhal, a 19th century French novelist, Le roman, c'est un miroir que l'on promène le long d'un chemin in French, The novel, it's a mirror that you walk along a path You can take a lot of inspiration from this and put it into a romance that you watch. It's a story of feelings and passions, reflecting above all the interactions between people, and I think Clannad has done it better than anyone else.

I have a question. I started Clannad about two weeks ago and have watched 14 episodes. To be honest, it hasn't really impressed me at all and I don't feel very excited to watch It when I do. Would you say it's worth continuing to push through so I can get to afterstory? or should I be enjoying it already?

I know it sounds rude to put it down but I want an honest response so I've given my honest experience.
Feb 22, 2024 12:08 AM
Apr 2022
Not off all time but it is definitely up there with the Top Romances and RomComs. I have watched many romances and I can say that The Dangers in my Heart is very unique. The character development and the very realistic internal conflict are relatable, in fact its so relatable that you feel for Ichikawa or whatever character is on screen.
I remember when this romance anime was going to first air and the synopsis was literally describing Ichikawa to be a unhinged real crime podcast listener that got interested in murder and how it would be like with the schools most popular girl (Yamada)
Regardless I wanted to watch because it sounded interesting to watch, but boy oh boy what a twist and sudden turn this anime took with the Rom Com route.
Since Episode 1 its been a steady, enjoyable and very realistic direction with how they went about the characters and how they slowly started to warm up to each other. Ichikawa literally thought he would never have a chance to talk to Yamada. Once he did he found out she is a glutton and loves to eat. She is also very tall and thank god for the first time in a good romance, Yamada is not a tsundere. So she doesn’t act cold to Ichikawa, she actually encourages him and tries to seek him out when she can, such a good direction they took :)
Also Ichikawa is also very good protagonist, i think also for the very first time in a good romance, the fucking protagonist is not oblivious to the feelings of Yamada and not only that, Ichikawa is very respectful and considerate when it comes to Yamada which is what really makes his character A Tier. Whenever he thinks he misunderstands he tries to quickly take himself out of the picture so Yamada doesn’t feel uncomfortable. This is literally nothing i’ve seen in any male protagonist in any romance. I have to say Ichikawa is a very well written and respectable character in romance anime.

Also Top 5 Romances: (my list)
Teasing Master Takagi-San
The dangers in my heart
either ( Love, Chuunibyo and other delusions or My Dress up Darling ) hard to choose for the last one.
Feb 22, 2024 6:10 AM
Feb 2018
In terms of realism yes, kaguya sama is not realistic, i don't know any folks in this planet who acts and talks like that, it is probably more centered around comedy and maybe semi-realistic.
Feb 22, 2024 6:51 AM
Handler One

Jan 2023
Having caught up to its manga counterpart, top 3.

"You fought to the end. You survived. That's why you're here now. I think that's something you should be more proud of."
- Vladilena Milizé
Feb 22, 2024 7:09 PM
Feb 2021
Ichi just finally became interesting in the last couple of episodes. Up to now it's been pretty much the Yamada show, which is OK by me because Yamada is fantastic. But if you compare it to My Dress-up darling, BOTH Marin and Gojo are great characters from the get go. So, since I really only like it for Yamada (up to now) I wouldn't say it's a great romance at all. But that could change.
Feb 22, 2024 7:16 PM

Sep 2018
The title "the best" is determined by your own preferences. Don't let mal ratings dictate everything you watch.
My personal fav romance are
School Rumble
Ah my goddess
rohan121Feb 22, 2024 7:21 PM
Feb 23, 2024 12:30 AM
Apr 2023
It's my personal favorite at least out of anime, kyo was annoying at 1st but like it helped the realism because I knew kids that where cringe and edgy like that think they where emotionlessness. I also love how yamada also develops as the show is going on it isn't as if she's a mystery and we learn more about her as some shows do development but we see real development of both of them as they grow up, the only thing I would like would maybe be another episode or 2 in season 1 for some side charcter development but it's not too big a deal imo. For anyone curious of my favorite romance non-anime I would choose White Album 2 the Visual novel there is an anime but only the 1st part of the novel is adapted.
Feb 23, 2024 12:49 PM

May 2021
Personally its not. But I do find this show fun at times, plus it has good op & ed. Its in my top 10, or even top 5.
Feb 24, 2024 5:45 AM

Apr 2023
I wouldn’t say it’s the best, I could list a couple that are better:
Love, Chuunibyou, and other delusions
Love is war
My teen romantic comedy
Adachi to shimamura
Mushuko Tensei
These are only a couple that I could list. My point being is that there is much better romance anime’s that give a more satisfying romance story & character development compared to this anime- am I saying this anime is bad? No. I throughly enjoyed this anime and it’s a solid 10 for me, but I wouldn’t say it’s THE best one. It’s understandable if you think that if you’re new to anime- heck I’m new to anime since I only started back in Covid [albeit I watched over 300 shows already, and half of them are Iseaki & romance; I do believe that I can ascertain some kind of judgement when deciding the best romance anime]. If you want to watch THE best romance anime’s, check out my list above, come back to this comment that you’ve made, and rethink about THE best anime.
Feb 24, 2024 8:31 AM

Jun 2017
Definitely in my top 3!
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Feb 24, 2024 9:20 AM
Feb 2021
I personally think these sort of threads are rather pointless because you'll always have other people disagreeing by pointing out their personal favorites, but putting that aside, it's currently my favorite romance anime because of how well-done the character writing is and how adorable the two leads are in exploring their first love. None of the other anime mentioned in here do it as well in my opinion, be it the often mentioned Toradora which I love but is way more steeped in comedy and melodramatic outbursts than BokuYaba, nor Kaguya-sama which is more rooted in biting humor and slapstick, nor Clannad which is too heavily focused on visual novel tropes from the late 90s/2000s for my taste. The only shows I consider to be at least as good as BokuYaba in the believability of the romance is the underrated Tsuki ga kirei, the later half of Maison Ikkoku and parts of Honey & Clover (despite all the angst and melodrama it contains).
Feb 25, 2024 8:59 AM

Jul 2021
defo one of the better ones. easily in my top 3 romance.

The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.

Kawaii waifus
and precious
  best girls <3333

Feb 29, 2024 4:16 PM
Apr 2023
Mid ass overrated cringe show. Rent a girlfriend better.
Mar 1, 2024 11:52 AM
Jul 2018
i never bought into the characters so a definitive “absolutely not” from me.
Mar 1, 2024 11:54 AM
Jul 2018
Reply to Swiss_Bohemian
I personally think these sort of threads are rather pointless because you'll always have other people disagreeing by pointing out their personal favorites, but putting that aside, it's currently my favorite romance anime because of how well-done the character writing is and how adorable the two leads are in exploring their first love. None of the other anime mentioned in here do it as well in my opinion, be it the often mentioned Toradora which I love but is way more steeped in comedy and melodramatic outbursts than BokuYaba, nor Kaguya-sama which is more rooted in biting humor and slapstick, nor Clannad which is too heavily focused on visual novel tropes from the late 90s/2000s for my taste. The only shows I consider to be at least as good as BokuYaba in the believability of the romance is the underrated Tsuki ga kirei, the later half of Maison Ikkoku and parts of Honey & Clover (despite all the angst and melodrama it contains).

no offense, nothing about Danger is believable lol.
Mar 1, 2024 12:15 PM
Feb 2021
Reply to removed-user

no offense, nothing about Danger is believable lol.

None taken because you refuse to further elaborate your claim, lol.
Mar 1, 2024 4:00 PM
Mar 2021
DeadFlagBlues90 said:
i never bought into the characters so a definitive “absolutely not” from me.

I don't see the show on your list. Have you seen it?
Mar 2, 2024 2:28 PM

Mar 2022
Not the best probably I don't know I have not watched everyone out there, but its definitely one of my favourites, but that just a personal opinion. As with all things one person's "Best" is probably not everyone's, as they say "One man's trash is another man's treasure".
Mar 2, 2024 2:50 PM

Dec 2023
From the ones I've watched so far, I wouldn't say so. I think the best romance I've watched is Toradora, but when it comes to personal enjoyment, it has been my favorite so far.
Right now its gotta be in my top 3.
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