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Nov 28, 2023 8:55 AM

Nov 2011
This episode turned into a war between two sides...humans and demons.

With the stakes and lives on the line, it didn't come as a surprise that a heavenly king such as Azudora would be get aggressive. A reminder that he is not a pushover in the show and this episode showed a testament of his powers.
Nov 28, 2023 11:12 AM
Sep 2015
While I complain that Helck's flashback arc is too long, I don't expect to see two consecutive Helckless episodes.
Nov 28, 2023 11:13 AM

Feb 2019
Holy shit man, epic episode. Great planning by the demons to feint out Mikaros and bait him into the trap. A lot was revealed today.

So, unless I’m missing something, Cless’ friend was actually awakened before they returned back to the human kingdom? Or at least some type of subliminal brainwashing happened with Mikaros in that cave. And Cless wasn’t the one to take down Demon Lord Thor? So then his injuries I’m guessing were from Mikaros?

If blonde dude was reminiscing about the past, does that mean the awakening can be reverted?

Speaking of Mikaros, didn’t know it was possible but I hate him even more now. His voice and laugh just grates on me so badly, but him being 1500 years old makes a lot of sense now. No wonder he knows these ancient spells. At the beginning of the season, we kind of thought it was the ancient human king who had somehow come back to life, but it’s been him pulling the strings the whole time. I’m still a little confused on his ultimate plan of creating a new world and what that would entail

Hype for next week’s all out battle between he and Azudra
Marinate1016Nov 28, 2023 11:37 AM
Nov 28, 2023 11:33 AM

Dec 2021
Humans, who once accused demons of unleashing monsters, are now summoning monsters to combat demons, creating an ironic turn of events. Mikaros's attempt to shape a new world, possibly mirroring his or the king's image, reflects a potential god complex.

Despite his considerable strength, his arrogance might be his downfall when facing a formidable opponent like Azudra, especially considering the swift breakdown of human strategies once he takes charge.

Nov 28, 2023 11:49 AM
Feb 2022
I thought this show would be about Helck. Turns out that's only for the first half and then it morphs into some half epic rather shallow story about that world. I must say I'm disappointed because I really liked the current time Helck episodes, the backstory ones not so much. It's just a drag now watching it until the end for completions sake.
Gl0rpNov 28, 2023 12:23 PM
Nov 28, 2023 12:04 PM

Jul 2012
Reply to Gl0rp
I thought this show would be about Helck. Turns out that's only for the first half and then it morphs into some half epic rather shallow story about that world. I must say I'm disappointed because I really liked the current time Helck episodes, the backstory ones not so much. It's just a drag now watching it until the end for completions sake.
@Gl0rp This show has been 90% about Helck, and only here and there we are getting more focus in the other characters.

It's not because an anime is called Naruto that it has to have the blonde ninja in every episode, sounds like a "you" problem.
Nov 28, 2023 12:21 PM
Feb 2022
Danpmss said:
@Gl0rp This show has been 90% about Helck, and only here and there we are getting more focus in the other characters.

It's not because an anime is called Naruto that it has to have the blonde ninja in every episode, sounds like a "you" problem.

Not really. This show was about Helck up until the flashback arc. After that Helck have only been used as a device to tell the story about the human kingdom and the world. Cless have had a larger impact on the story than Helck really.
Nov 28, 2023 12:43 PM

Nov 2013
Reply to Gl0rp
Danpmss said:
@Gl0rp This show has been 90% about Helck, and only here and there we are getting more focus in the other characters.

It's not because an anime is called Naruto that it has to have the blonde ninja in every episode, sounds like a "you" problem.

Not really. This show was about Helck up until the flashback arc. After that Helck have only been used as a device to tell the story about the human kingdom and the world. Cless have had a larger impact on the story than Helck really.
Gl0rp said:
Cless have had a larger impact on the story than Helck really.

That's true for now.

I don't think this counts as spoiler, but as the other guy mentioned, when the show has a character name as a title, it's pretty obvious that said character will do something very impactful in the end.
Nov 28, 2023 12:50 PM
Feb 2022
Sigmar-Unberogen said:
Gl0rp said:
Cless have had a larger impact on the story than Helck really.

That's true for now.

I don't think this counts as spoiler, but as the other guy mentioned, when the show has a character name as a title, it's pretty obvious that said character will do something very impactful in the end.

Yes that's usually how it goes. The road to getting there should have more Helck in it is what I expected and want. Still I don't say it's a bad anime but it did throw me off a bit.
Nov 28, 2023 1:00 PM

Jul 2012
Reply to Gl0rp
Danpmss said:
@Gl0rp This show has been 90% about Helck, and only here and there we are getting more focus in the other characters.

It's not because an anime is called Naruto that it has to have the blonde ninja in every episode, sounds like a "you" problem.

Not really. This show was about Helck up until the flashback arc. After that Helck have only been used as a device to tell the story about the human kingdom and the world. Cless have had a larger impact on the story than Helck really.
@Gl0rp What the hell are you talking about LOL

Those 5 episodes are all about his past and how he came to his personal belief humanity is better off dead.

He didn't become a "plot device", that was his character arc and if anything, the plot was completely driven by it.
Let's go step by step to absolutely dismantle this absurd claim of yours.

1- Growing up in a harsh reality of what was supposed to be a better life within the kingdom, as someone that didn't care for heroics and just wanted his brother safe and sound somewhere, he regains faith in the people around him after seeing that some nobles do want to make a difference and would go as far as rescuing his brother from certain death once he got very sick. He was never one for heroics unlike his lil bro, but he starts to use his power to defend villages from monsters with a mercenary group after being dragged into the war and separated from him, now nominated a hero.

2- They don't get to reunite again because his brother returned comatosed from his expedition to kill the Demon King, and seeing that it was for naught, as the monster onslaught continued anyway, he put matters in his own hands and decided to pay the seemingly not quite dead Demon King a visit. Upon arriving he realizes after an in-depth talk with a major demon figure that humans and demons are not that different after all, and that both are suffering in the hands of monsters, moreso the demons themselves, living and fending within their same territory while being attacked by humans attributing them the fault for everything.

3- Helck start perceiving the common men and nobles the same way he did back then, but believing that there could be someone that would hear him about the demons, he puts himself between the ones at stake being stoned to death by the villagers and decide to explain the demons' own reality, for their ire only to befall upon him as well.

4- Helck now is a heroic figure who took on himself to create peace in his brother's tragic absence, trying to be empathetic with the reality Azudora provided him, a demon lord he caught by surprise while he was making tombs for both humans and demons, he knew in his guts reality was being twisted. He ends up discovering a web of conspiracy by the Human King, who is now using his brother for something terrible, and the real reason why he was in such a state. Deciding to confide his doubts and hopes to the companions the either love him or trust him by the word of his own brother about what he thought, who despite their own prejudice, just knew Helck wouldn't lie or be tricked in that regard (at this point, we also know that his own brother tried to make peace with the Demon King assassinated, before the both of them fell by the hands of Mikaros).

5- And after a tragic battle that made so that his brother cut himself down with the hero sword, doomed everyone to be captured by the Human King & co-conspirators, and heavily hurt Helck, he is then forced to see every single person he loved and tried to protect, as well as the hopelessly brainwashed population (now actually immortally zombified) get turned into monsters with almost no semblance of their humanity, including his most beloved companion. All by the hands of the first human noble that first gave him hope in said civilization once again, back when he just thought anyone but his brother would just mistreat him and leave them to die in the cold.

6- Failing to do anything to stop that and being teleported far away into the demon realm, Helck was bitter and wouldn't trust anyone, even doubting again Azudora, who could possibly be more of the same lying about demons. But soon he realized Azudora never lied to him, and he was warmly welcomed and taken care by the demons who found him in there. Helck then decided to protect the demons from erradication, and possibly lead them as their hero, so that they wouldn't fall in the hands of the corrupted humanity, who now barely ressembles their former existence at all, nor the real cause of why monsters are running rampant.

That's a full character arc in 5 episodes that got carefully built up and foreshadowed in the first half, and fully displayed in the second half (and it's not even concluded yet, we have more development for these next final episodes). And all that WHILE we got the world building developments and the rest of the demon cast fending for survival in the war.

Sure pal, "just a plot device". Without Helck as a character, most of the story wouldn't even be happening.
DanpmssNov 28, 2023 1:19 PM
Nov 28, 2023 1:04 PM

Aug 2020
this was a great episode

now we know who is behind the war...

he wants to destroy the world,not original but ok, revenge is not for him...
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just have a look, you won't regret it...

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Nov 28, 2023 2:35 PM

Dec 2013
Hyura is pretty badass and sexy but she is a bit reckless with her regeneration powers.
Nov 28, 2023 3:43 PM
Nov 2023
Anyone noticed how Asta the cat girl spy seems to be a twin of Nadeko Sengoku from Monogatari? Except the ears of course…
Nov 28, 2023 3:44 PM

May 2019
Hmm, so it looks like Mikaros is the one pulling the strings on the human side, so then I wonder if he is manipulating the king if there even is one. I'm thinking back when Cless threw a knife at the king's head and there was no reaction which could mean the king is actually an empty vessel. On that note Helck and Vermilio may only need to contend with Rafaed in the main human city, assuming Cless doesn't attack Helck again.
Nov 28, 2023 3:55 PM
Nov 2020
I wonder if Edil is actually trying to fight Hyura or save her from Mikaros. It seems like some of the heroes retain their personality to a degree and now even one of them is remembering his past.
Nov 28, 2023 5:12 PM

Jun 2019
Gl0rp said:
I thought this show would be about Helck. Turns out that's only for the first half and then it morphs into some half epic rather shallow story about that world. I must say I'm disappointed because I really liked the current time Helck episodes, the backstory ones not so much. It's just a drag now watching it until the end for completions sake.

Completely agreed, at least insofar as my one major complaint being the way this story has been structured and presented. There are others, such as the animation being extremely limited for a series with action listed as one of its main genres and which has a considerable amount of it, but the visual stuff is something I'm a lot more forgiving on than others if the writing and other aspects is good. I also don't care for how certain plot points (such as the reference to "the New World" and "New World lifeforms" from very early on in the series' run without expounding it on it even a little bit when something with the level of importance to the world and story it is implied to have would obviously warrant such elaboration) seem rushed or largely skipped over even in a two-cour show.

But the character thing irks me the most. The most enjoyable and interesting episodes of the series have been the ones featuring Helck (whether early on or Helck traveling with Vermilio) set in the present-day of the world. And with the long flashback and then multiple back-to-back episodes sans Helck right after returning from it, only three episodes before the season's/series' end at that, so far that has seemed like only half the show's runtime. Last week was episode 20 and this is only a 24 episode season/series. Usually if we're five episodes or less from series' end, I would expect to be spending an extensive amount of time with the main characters and especially the main main literal titular character of the show.
Nov 28, 2023 5:16 PM

Sep 2020
The comments lamenting the irregular appearances of Helck in the past few episodes are appalling.
The show is giving Helck and his two merry companions less screen time in order to do crucial things such as developing the numerous side-characters and progressing the story on a larger scale.
Nov 28, 2023 5:19 PM

Jun 2019
Avvenirista said:
The comments lamenting the irregular appearances of Helck in the past few episodes are appalling.

There's literally no logical discernible reason to be appalled. Everyone has preferences for what they like and dislike in a series and what they prefer to see and get out of a series versus not and compared to others. Absolutely no one at any point has said that you or anyone else should or must feel the same way.
Nov 28, 2023 5:29 PM

Sep 2020
Reply to WatchTillTandava
Avvenirista said:
The comments lamenting the irregular appearances of Helck in the past few episodes are appalling.

There's literally no logical discernible reason to be appalled. Everyone has preferences for what they like and dislike in a series and what they prefer to see and get out of a series versus not and compared to others. Absolutely no one at any point has said that you or anyone else should or must feel the same way.
Right, appalling probably wasn't the word best suited for what I was saying.
Obviously everyone has their own preferences on these matters and I'm not trying to crush other people's opinions, but at the same time I should be able to voice my own thoughts about the ''Helck should stick around more'' complaints, shouldn't I?
AvveniristaNov 28, 2023 5:32 PM
Nov 28, 2023 5:34 PM

Jun 2019
Avvenirista said:
Right, appalling probably wasn't the word best suited for what I was saying.
Obviously everyone has their own preferences on these matters and I'm not trying to crush other people's opinions, but at the same time I should be able to voice my own thoughts about the ''Helck should stick around more'' complains, shouldn't I?

Well, yeah. I would never say don't write or express it, nor seek to censor the expression of any opinion here, even if I were invested with mod powers or something fanciful like that. Even if those opinions were about myself, something I've done or said, or any other conceivable topic. In a way I was just expressing my opinion of your opinion of my opinion. It can kind of become an endless loop of going back and forth like that so it's probably just more sensible to agree to disagree.
Nov 28, 2023 7:36 PM
Sep 2021
So azudra vs mikaros is here, we get to know about mikaros ambition, will azudra be able to stop him.
Nov 28, 2023 7:46 PM

Mar 2007
Any episode where Azudra is doing awesome mental smarts things is a good episode. It seems he was quite the warrior as well, which makes sense how he became a demon lord. This means some of the demons were humans who acclimated to the poisons of the demon realm. Interesting. Looks like the 2 races may not be as different as initially thought.

Nov 28, 2023 8:59 PM

Jul 2016
"Too bad."
"Yeah, too bad for you."
Hyura is a treasure.

Never would've thought Azudora was an edgy swordsman before he became a goofy mage, not to mention how cool he can get when he's angry.
Nov 28, 2023 9:52 PM

Dec 2018
so they falsely accused demons of controlling monsters only to turn around and actually do it themselves. oh boy these guys are real pieces of work. "azudras" mask was hilarious yet the dog demons face was somehow even funnier.
Nov 29, 2023 12:28 AM

Jul 2020
what exactly was the second phase? I don't get the name of the episode...
kind of boring overall, I'd much rather watch more of the imprisoned human girl and/or Helck's and Vamirio's adventures. Didn't really care for these random fights
Nov 29, 2023 1:09 AM
Feb 2020
I love the story, but man the animation is getting beyond stiff . I swear there even were moments were the lip syncing was just not matching
Nov 29, 2023 1:11 AM

Jul 2017
As Helck, Vermilio and Piwi continue their way to the human realm, the awakened soldiers attack Castle Shin under Demon Lord Shin's control, to which they are unfazed, only except for the monsters, including the New-World Lifeforms which the humans have managed to control them effectively. But Azudra's surprise attack put the awakened soldiers, not that Castle Thor is unprotected, because Mikaros has manages to infiltrate Castle Thor and take down countless demons, though Hyura gave him a bit of a trickery.

While Edil holds off Hyura, Mikaros didn't expect Azudra to come back from Castle Shin, which the one appearing there is just a decoy. Azudra would not have expected that someone like Mikaros would hold him to a high regard in the past, for someone who is a typical soldier who turned to the path of evil by adapting to the demon realm's poison, then creating the New World to instill fear into the world.

The threat is real: Azudra vs. Mikaros...who will be the final victor?
Nov 29, 2023 1:18 AM

Jan 2023
An interesting episode in which we learn a lot more about Mikaros and Azudra.
Next week looks like a banger with the continuation of their duel, and maybe some kind of link developing between Hyura and her 'sworn enemy' I would guess.
Nov 29, 2023 5:19 AM

Dec 2009
Maaaan, I don't want to see Azudra lose, it was good seeing Mikaros eat shit for a while but he's more resilient than a cockroach, can't wait for Helck to wipe that smile from his face for good.
Nov 29, 2023 5:24 AM

Feb 2021
That barrier bomb really something else XD
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Nov 29, 2023 5:40 AM

Oct 2017
Good to have more Azudora, so he used to be a menace back in the days. Wonder why he changed or it's just due to age.
Nov 29, 2023 9:08 AM
May 2017
azudra carries whatever fucking episode he's in, top 2 character for me fs
Nov 29, 2023 1:16 PM
Feb 2022
It's understandable you want to see Helck again, but you need the B-plot too else his scenes won't make much sense. Truth be told, it's a story to be binged and the intertwined plots aren't as annoying when you do. Every time you hear someone say the picked up the Helck manga, they will continue saying they binged it all in a few days.
Nov 29, 2023 5:03 PM
Jul 2023
This anime has no business going this crazy genuinley yall manga readers were not capping at all
Nov 29, 2023 7:40 PM
Mar 2015
At last Mikaros fights his 3rd demon lord
Nov 30, 2023 4:17 AM

Mar 2008
Hmm since Mikaros seems to be the one with the motive that makes me speculate if he actually killed the king and has been controlling his corpse which is why in the flashback he was unreactive as if he was dead but still talking.
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Nov 30, 2023 5:29 AM

Feb 2020
Azudora is a legend, even past Mikaros feared of him? Lmao unbelievable after what the gimmick he has done in the beginning. But well that's it i guess, this second cour really do something else, beyond my expectation. Although the visual kinda underwhelming especially through the action part, i can see this as decent.

All in all, last three episode to go. Please do more Piwi before this end, not just one damn pweee. Come on now....
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Nov 30, 2023 6:29 AM
Apr 2023
Damn, just 3 more episodes to go.
The humans in this world really are asshats now, with all of them awakened.
I just hope Helck and Vermilio gets to move quickly.
Dec 1, 2023 1:37 PM

Jan 2011
Man the humans are really good bad guys.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Dec 2, 2023 10:23 AM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
As Azudra confronts Mikaros we get to see more about their past and latter's motivation to join forces with the Human King. He's quite the formidable foe but Azudra's powers are no joke either. I'm worrying that with 3 episodes left and so many things going on we won't have enough time to flesh them all out properly but hopefully it does.
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Jan 24, 2024 7:37 AM

Sep 2014
I always have a bad feeling whenever I see Hyura fight, like its going too well and she has a massive death flag over her head.
I cant even pinpoint where this comes from, just having seemingly invincible characters easily surviving each fight begs for a dramatic turn of events. Its not like this with Helck and Vermilion though, because we actually see them struggle.

So I guess its save to say Mikaros is the reason humanity got attacked by new world monsters at all?

Still curious where the king got his powers from. And why humanity was so much stronger 1500 years ago?

And of course if we will ever see the other 2 elite demon lords.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
May 29, 2024 12:07 AM

Feb 2019
i think edil is enjoying fighting with hyura. it's a dance for those two lol but helck and anne better arrive soon to help.
Mar 15, 12:43 AM

Nov 2024
Well now we know who really plotted all of this, but it's far-far from over.

So Azudora was some what like a reaper 1500 years ago, that's scary and amazing.

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