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Nov 9, 2023 5:57 AM

Nov 2011
I like this strategy that Senku and his squad is using tbh. Not a complex one but fundamental and makes sense to have two groups with different roles.

It was an exciting episode imo, and everyone had to put their minds together. Glad to see this was an overall team effort and not be carried by one person. Pretty cool seeing all the buildup and prep that came together with this episode. What a cliffhanger!
Nov 9, 2023 5:58 AM

May 2020
It’s actually amazing how these people could term some simple reflection from a mirror's surface as sorcery lol. Though the award worthy acting from Moz when he signalled Yuzuriha and co. to attack him, just to fool his folks was even more hilarious. But that did lead him to convince Kirisame to throw the petrification weapon, but we had a twist there as well…

… being the creep that old man Ibara is, he somehow even discovered the existence of that earpiece smh. Now that did save them from exposing the sight of that real weapon to Senku and folks, but Moz being a double agent is kind of plainly obvious to Ibara as well at that. Again props to Senku for his quick thinking that he and others made it out alive after they “almost” fell prey to Ibara’s trap, but hey as if the problems ended there, I mean now that the bad guys know about the existence of invaders, they simply took control of Senku’s ship.

Magma already acting out in the wild was kind of a blessing in disguise for Senku and others lol. I mean yes, have zero expectations from him, but it was his and Gen’s unusual team up which gave others, especially Soyuz, the chance to see the petrified village head… his father actually.

Though, I’m still not sure how Soyuz could recall those memories when he was literally a few months old lol. Having a great memory is one thing, but this is something else lol.
Nov 9, 2023 6:00 AM

Dec 2021
It's no shocker; the plan was bound to hit a snag sooner or later. One shouldn't underestimate the old man.

The showdown between the Science Kingdom and the Petrification Kingdom has commenced. To secure victory, Senku and his comrades adopt the guise of food warriors and initiate a surprise assault to seize the enemy's petrification device. With Kinro taking point in the offensive, Ryusui and his allies lie in wait, concealed in the shadows, anticipating the arrival of the crucial drone. The timing of Kirisame's deployment of the petrification device remains a pressing question. Meanwhile, Ibara, overseeing the enemy's control tower, remains vigilant of Mozu's actions, employing cunning tactics in an attempt to outmaneuver Senku and his companions.

It's a bit risky, but I wonder if they chose the sea cliff as a potential escape route in case things go south during their confrontation. I have a feeling it might come to that. Not only did their plan fail, but it turned into a complete disaster. How on earth does Ibara know how to wield the petrification device like that?! The idea of covering the entire island instead of just a small area is pretty intense. Magma might be the biggest goofball in the main cast, but I can't help but enjoy it when he pulls stunts like this, lol. Making him a central character was probably one of my favorite decisions in this anime.

There are just so many absurd situations you can throw him into, and teaming him up with Gen this time made for some entertaining events and maybe more in the near future.

Nov 9, 2023 7:12 AM

Aug 2020
Another great episode

A lot of great scenes, and the flashback of Soyouz…
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Nov 9, 2023 7:24 AM
Sep 2015
The unpredictable nature of Dr. Stone is exciting, though Ibara lacks elegant compare to other villain like Tsukasa, Hyoga, or Moz.
Nov 9, 2023 7:42 AM

Feb 2021
The enemy is smart but not smart enough like Senku that always have another backup plan :)
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Nov 9, 2023 7:43 AM

Jan 2018
Things didn't go as planned. But I kind of expected something to go wrong. There was no way everything would go smoothly.

But I like this current plan. It's way more exciting.

Feel bad about Soyuz. He lost his dad. But at he has something to look forward to as the future leader of that village.

Ibara is a huge scumbag. But also very cunning. That's what makes him dangerous.
Nov 9, 2023 8:02 AM

Feb 2021
Wtf it's so creepy how his eyelid doesn't touch his eye here.

Aot S3 spoilers

It's the scene from the OP! It's so sad that they can't revive him anymore.
I like how Ibara is smart too
Nov 9, 2023 8:10 AM

Jan 2009
ibara is one smart boss villain
Nov 9, 2023 8:53 AM

Jul 2017
The three-way war has begun, and even Moz manages to fake his way for Kirisame to throw the petrification weapon, which will determine the winner of the war. But the thing is, there was a critical oversight, and the one who got the upper hand was Ibara, because he knew the device on Moz, and decided to distract them with the fake device, which Senku calculated off from the top of his head. Moz instead, aimed straight for Ibara eitherway while the rest made their escape as planned. Yo...unfortunately got the wrong gun, which Magma got it on his hands instead and deviated from the plan. The thing is, Ibara has stolen the Science Vessel Perseus and ready to check everyone boarding, failing which so that they'll use the weapon on the entire island.

The only change now, is that Ibara has gave them the island, so the entirety of the island can be checked for the next in-line heir through Soyuz, and this is a stupid great chance to go on a two-fer to distract the enemy, find Magma with the gun, which the musclebrain just shot willingly and got loaned a boat to the ship, though dragging Gen with him. A race against time as Ibara had already destroyed the statue as insurance, though it's not impossible with the resources they have to put it back to form. At the very least for Soyuz, he recognized his father's hand, and it was a long 20-year wait between father and son, and that fuels his heart to mold him back to shape.

The gun will literally be the game-changing factor in this war...the question is, will Magma waste his shots before Senku and Co. manage to get it back and save one for the killing shot?
Nov 9, 2023 9:47 AM

Apr 2018
Nice counterattack, and that was emotional for Soyuz, now it's time to assault the boat ahah
Nov 9, 2023 9:54 AM
Jun 2014
So many Big Brain plays this ep. Chaos as fully started. Ibara really trying to Cook up the best possible scenario for him but team Senku Making the moves now! Magma Lowkey clutching up is insane lol.
Nov 9, 2023 10:12 AM

Oct 2009
Senkuu suddenly can't do calculations in his head, but sure they have enough time and adhesive to put an entire statue together from nothing but rubble. Uh...

Baby Soyuz though......
Nov 9, 2023 10:28 AM

Feb 2020
Esse velho do Ibara vai dar trabalho
Nov 9, 2023 10:56 AM

Aug 2022
Welp, that didn't go according to plan.
Nov 9, 2023 12:18 PM
May 2021
Insane twists wow. Next episode gonna be chaotic
Nov 9, 2023 12:23 PM
May 2021
This is exhilarating!!! Such a good ep, Peak Stone.
Nov 9, 2023 1:33 PM

Dec 2013
So many twist and turns, Ibara is a demon, the dude is way too cautious, crafty and cunning.
Nov 9, 2023 1:57 PM

Feb 2014
Plans might seem to work out when you first plan them, but when put into action, things can go wrong and disrupt the whole plan entirely. Sadly, that was the case with Senku's plan here. One thing that wasn't taken into account was Ibara taking Kohaku's earpiece and listening to on Senku's group, including their pact with Moz.

The crafty old bastard is proving to be more dangerous than before now, as he had Kirisame use a fake petrification weapon. It was a good thing Senku was able to get the group to change plans and retreat, although Ibara getting the vast majority of the island's residents on the occupied ship and contemplating of petrificating the entire island itself is worrying. Still, it did mean that it would be easier to infiltrate the village centre, so that's what one half of Senku's team did.

Once again, Ibara took some precautions by shattering the former village head's body into fragments. Sadly, due to the condition of the petrified pieces, reviving him isn't possible. Despite that, the team will do what they can to reassemble him, which also led to a touching moment with Soyuz reuniting with the village head, his father, and vowed to do what he can to help out.

Typical of Magma to go crazy and do things by himself, dragging Gen with him. Either way, with his haphazard way of using the gun, the other half of the main team was able to reunite with the pair in their ballsy attack on Ibara and his crew on the ship. I'm expecting the next episode to have a good battle here, one where I hope Senku's group will come out victorious. =)
Nov 9, 2023 2:00 PM
Nov 2019
Feel like this is the first time any of the villains have managed to outplay Senku and the gang. Really makes it clear that Ibara is a real threat.
Nov 9, 2023 2:49 PM

Dec 2018
I knew the plan wouldn’t work out, but I couldn’t quite think of how, and Ibara intercepting the comms makes a lot of sense lol, that is an absolutely massive oversight and I’m kinda surprised Senku never thought of it, I do like this twist tho. So now that the cat’s out of the bag, or I guess the cat was never in the bag to begin with in this case lol, Ibara is gonna stone the entire island, and now the gang is going full offensive which is definitely an exciting climax.

And the bit with Magma and Gen was pretty good lol, my buddy actually thought Magma might be betraying the kingdom of science but him just getting a big head with the gun makes more sense, he and Gen make a goofy team tho lol, and the villains being bewildered by the gun were the reactions I was hoping for, definitely something completely alien to anyone who’s never seen one before. And lastly, nice to finally see Soyuz’ story come full circle, he’s not so random now lol.
Nov 9, 2023 3:37 PM
Sep 2014
Soyuz's dad sounded a bit familiar, though if I have the kanji right after about 20 minutes of searching, it's Masashi Nogawa, who's mostly done supporting stuff. only as far back as 2013
Nov 9, 2023 4:02 PM

Feb 2012
Ibara's not dumb and caught on to Kohaku and Moz having similar earrings. With a fake weapon, Senku leads a retreat of the hooded ones back to the lab with Moz playing along to chase them now he's under suspicion.

Ibara's plans to use the petrification beam on the entire island, by gathering all inhabitants on the Perseus first, all those remaining are the from the Kingdom of Science. This does leave them with the opportunity to catch the weapon without enemies attacking from the ground. They could concentrate on using the drone.

While one team stops Magma from wasting precious bullets, another gets the decayed statue of the master as this is an opportunity to show that Ibara was fooling the islanders.
Soyuz remembers the truth of where he came from, he and Yuzuriha know his father the master may not be revived but they will reconstruct him as close as they can.
Fortress_MaximusNov 9, 2023 4:28 PM

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Nov 9, 2023 4:22 PM
Oct 2016
After multiple episodes of buildup to begin the second half of this season, we've gotten to the all out war on the island. With the three sides all vying for control and the medusa. Ibara has proven himself to be very formidable, taking the communication earring from the petrified Kohaku, the same kind they gave Mozu which means Ibara intercepted their plans about capturing the medusa at the cliffs. Kirisame throwing that fake device totally screwed up the hard laid out plans the Kingdom of science came up with. Forcing a full retreat and changing plans on the fly just as they see the ship being overtaken by islanders. Ibara with another smart move to take everyone off the island to trap the kingdom of science and petrification the whole island. Senku quick thinking saving them as they changed plans, splitting up to get the statue of the master of the island. A very emotional moment as Soyuz remembered his father and what he looked like. They must reassemble him to show the islanders that Ibara has been lying. While Senku and the other team go after the gun to distract Ibara and buy time.
Nov 9, 2023 5:01 PM
Dec 2019
Yo needs to take better care of the gun cuz someone like Magma will take it.
Nov 9, 2023 5:54 PM

Apr 2022
soyuz getting a promotion. suika said it's gojover.
Nov 9, 2023 6:06 PM

Mar 2021
Sailor's instincts XD

Also, aiming to protect the gun is def priority lol
Nov 9, 2023 6:58 PM
Apr 2023
Ibara aside, Magma was a real pain in the ass this episode.
He could've made things easier but he instead made things even 3x worse xD
Nov 9, 2023 7:06 PM
Mar 2015
Everybody has a plan until you get hit in the face
Nov 9, 2023 8:02 PM
Feb 2022
VERY NICE !!!!!!!!
Nov 9, 2023 9:34 PM

Feb 2016
Soyuz is the greatest plot twist character ever made.
Sorry if my english is bad (γ£Λ˜β–½Λ˜)っ~~~
Btw, cry about it.

Nov 9, 2023 10:38 PM
John Titor

Jul 2017
It's nice to watch when things are not predictable and not going according to the plan, yet, every twist has en explanation. I knew ep 5 was a little early for the great battle for the petrifying device taking place, and it was an exciting battle nonetheless.
Mi música chiptune (auténtica, no fakebit) / My chiptune music (real, no fakebit)
Battle of the Bits
Nov 10, 2023 12:19 AM

Dec 2016
Ibara really screwed up by cornering himself on the ship.
Nov 10, 2023 12:38 AM
Level 6 esper

May 2021
Dude the vibes are so strong. I literally love all the characters. I'm hyped for the next fight!
“Do what feels right in your heart. You will be criticized either way.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Nov 10, 2023 1:56 AM

Dec 2013
Ibara is an impressively clever villain and I really appreciate him for that.
Nov 10, 2023 3:07 AM
Oct 2019
Damn Ibara, you are smart villain.

Bruhh how Soyuz remember his memories from baby? LMAO
Literally the craziest PLOT TWIST.
Nov 10, 2023 3:25 AM

Oct 2014
Kirisame should be careful throwing that Medusa or else everyone will see her most precious place.
GazzNov 11, 2023 9:57 PM
Nov 10, 2023 4:46 AM
Mar 2019
So, it was actually too good to be true. This makes it more interesting. Time for a counter move.
Nov 10, 2023 7:51 AM

May 2015
The end was kinda cute.
Nov 10, 2023 10:01 AM
Oct 2023
Not much progressed since last episode. Eminence in shadow speeding things very high and there is this thing. Can't wait for the next episode story unfolding very nicely.
Nov 10, 2023 2:51 PM

Jan 2014
Not much happened in the last 2 episodes and things are going to get hard for the team from now on. Dr Stone takes things slowly it seems.
Nov 10, 2023 7:59 PM

Jan 2017
I forgot how messy this team could be HAHAHAHA especially now that Kohaku is not around
Nov 10, 2023 11:07 PM

Jan 2011
This show and its twist and turns.....fuck man. I love it so much.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Nov 11, 2023 5:17 AM
Jul 2017
this was a bleh episode
Nov 11, 2023 6:35 AM
Jun 2007
When they thought the moment Kirisame threw the stone, all plan will be in action.
Luckily Ryuusui instinct stopped himself from controlling the drone and Senkuu calculation on stone projection inaccurate, they decided to stop the operation!
Their boat got stolen by Ibara.
Ibara planning to do massive petrification on whole island, evacuating everyone.
Now the team splitted into two, one went for statue and another went for boat.
Nov 11, 2023 2:08 PM

Jul 2016
Another entertaining episode. I really like how chaotic the new plan is.
Nov 12, 2023 5:34 AM

Jan 2017
in op ibara looks happy, wonder how they are going to end him

Nov 12, 2023 6:18 AM

Sep 2017
Ibara is the final boss of ugly bastards
Nov 12, 2023 6:44 AM
Feb 2020
this is the most insane episode of dr stone to date, i dont know how i didnt cry
im actually writing this a couple days after i watched the episode because i needed time to process it

ill begin at the beginning, the episode started with a really cool scene of everyone getting ready to fight also whoever i give the scientist of the week award to will be my profile picture on discord for a week

i know its the same opening but it gets better every episode, this is not an opening, its an experience

very quickly into the episode the petrification weapon is thrown but it turns out its a fake and ibara figured out moz' plan, ibara saw the ear ring that moz had and took the other one from kohaku so he was able to hear the entire plan

when they realized it was fake they all ran to the lab car and they found out that magma stole the gun which would have lead to all of them being killed and moz taking the victory, leading to him having his own petrification kingdom, he would be less against science but eventually a new ibara would come around and takeover and science would never win, maybe some of the people who stayed behind in ishigami village would be able to make rivival fluid and revive a lot of people but with everyone being killed by moz and there being a new petrification kingdom its only a matter of time before everyone is petrified again, i think eventually humanity would win but it would take many thousands of years, it took senku 3700 years to revive himself so it could easily take 37,000 years before humanity has any chance against the petrification, the only way to forever defeat humanity would be to petrify everyone and destroy all of their statues

beyond that its funny that gen has to baby sit magma, the guy who murdered him and yo is just a completely unserious person

if kirisame finds the lab car and petrifies them gen and magma might have to regroup, make it quickly back to the cave, take the revival fluid generator, and go into hiding, they probably would have no chance of getting back to ishigami village and it would probably be almost impossible for them to get access to the statues of anyone petrified during season 3 part 2, but there are statues in the cave that havent been revived yet so theyd have to work with them, and if they lose the revival fluid generator its not game over because gen has to know how to create revival fluid

kinro was built up to be a huge hero in this episode but didnt actually do much of anything

it got completely insane when ibara put everyone on the ship, when i was watching the episode i considered if he might actually just be leaving which would be hilarious, this would actually make for a great alternate story, ibara takes the ship to ishigami village and MAN THAT WOULD ACTUALLY BE BETTER THAN WHAT HAPPENED HERE JUST IMAGINE EVERYONE THINKING SENKU AND THE OTHERS RETURNED BUT THEN THEY REALIZE ITS A BUNCH OF PEOPLE THEYVE NEVER MET BEFORE THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO BRILLIANT (this is actually still a possibility but ibara took the ship so that he could use the petrification on the entire island)

ive never seen suika as scared as she was in this episode, i was scared too

the crazy thing is that all this insane stuff is happening but theres still so many mysteries
who is the why man? how was the petrification weapon created? how did the petrification weapon end up in the hands of descendants of the astronauts? did the astronauts petrify humanity?

on the most recent episode of survivor, jeff probst made an analogy
he said the players are either glass half empty "oh no another twist" or glass half full "oh boy another opertunity"
i dont much like the analogy because im tired of these dumb twists on survivor but the analogy is a lot better when applied to the kingdom of science here
this is the biggest petrification attack since all of humanity was petrified over 3700 years ago but senku sees it as an opertunity for science to win

its actually crazy that soyuz is actually the master due to the old one (his father) being petrified
i dont quite understand why the master cant be revived, did ibara do something to erode it? he couldnt have been petrified that long ago and he was only recently destroyed

another crazy thing about soyuz is that all of this was planned from the start, if you look at an early volume of the manga it shows every member of ishigami village including soyuz, but it doesnt show his name, and then when amaryllis met soyuz she thought he was the master

so much crazy stuff happened in this episode
the kingdom of science split into two teams, so im thinking one of them will get petrified and the other wont
well they say their spitting into two teams but theyre really splitting into 5
they have the ishigami village team back at ishigami village, they have the babysitting magma team which is attacking ibara, they have the petrified team which is kohaku, ginro, and anyone else they havent revived yet, and then they have the two teams their splitting into now

it was so funny when gen got confused and started getting closer to the ship "get is confused, gen getting off"
magma actually invited gen to aide him along side mantle forgetting that magma killed gen before

it was so intense when soyuz's heart was beating, i actually thought the statue wouldnt be there, but it was there but it destroyed

ibara is completely evil, he plans to have a sculptor build a new statue and then kill the sculptor

yuzuriha saved the day by gluing the master back together

i am fully convinced that ibara is aware of revival fluid i am convinced that moz and other people too have been petrified and revived before

this is the greatest story ever written
Nov 12, 2023 7:24 AM
Aug 2023
very gud people turn into stone then get revived
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