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Girlfriend, Girlfriend
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Oct 27, 2023 10:51 AM

Nov 2011
How fate paired up Naoya and Nagisa. It's obvious this show wants to give each of the main girls alone time with Naoya from the start.

Only part I kinda disliked is the episode having darker scenery than usual. Besides that, Naoya and the girls are being themselves. This fireworks festival turned out to be more chaotic than expected lul
Oct 27, 2023 10:52 AM

May 2020
It goes without saying, Naoya would meet everyone but Saki when he’s desperately searching for her and her alone, first hand example this time around being him and Nagisa crossing paths.

Now, Saki’s kinda unlucky, because we literally lived through the course of everything Saki would’ve gone through if she met Naoya first lol. But Nagisa’s good enough too, so there’s no hard feelings. I mean she literally accepted that she loved and loves the Naoya who fell for Saki first. On the other hand, Saki like ever returned with nothing in the lol.

I mean Saki wastes her time sniffing the scents of other girls, monologuing how she and Naoya knows each other since forever and… crying over her own mistakes, so how could she get a kiss. But it ended well, I mean they made some memories, Naoya and Saki alone, so… it’s fine right?

By the way, let’s not talk about how Saki again missed her chance to kiss or get kissed.
Oct 27, 2023 11:08 AM

Feb 2021
*facepalm* They could've just pretended that they are friends lmao
These fireworks have been going on forever, just how many are there? Do irl ones last that long too?
More Mirika craziness next episode. Her tsukkomi sister is amazing.
Oct 27, 2023 11:35 AM

Jan 2023
Both Nagisa and Saki got a few really cute moments in this adorable episode :)
Oct 27, 2023 12:01 PM

Mar 2021
This was an adorable episode I loved seeing Saki and Nagisa both being able to spend some alone time with Naoya and grow closer to him
Oct 27, 2023 12:07 PM

Dec 2021
Saki's like a keen-blooded hound, huh?

Quite the power to pick up the scent of attractive girls. She was incredibly close, but then she fumbled it once more. She truly is her own biggest obstacle! I understand, though; navigating this two-timing situation can be quite complex. Nevertheless, I admire how Saki's been managing the situation.

Ultimately, even if not much transpired, at least everyone had a touch of excitement.

Plus, the sight of everyone gathering around for the small fireworks was enjoyable.

Oct 27, 2023 1:06 PM

Jan 2018
LMFAO. Of course there are other people at the festival too. But the timing of Naoya finding Minase right in front of Saki's friend was way too perfect.

But man, Naoya got to spend time with Minase first. I think Minase got lucky finding him first.

Of course Saki and Naoya didn't kiss. I kind of expected nothing would happen. But it's not as if *absolutely* nothing happened at all. It was nice hearing Saki's true feelings.

Next episode the whole crew goes camping. I already like it based on the preview lol.
Oct 27, 2023 1:14 PM

Aug 2022
This was a very sweet episode. Saki and Naoya have a very funny relationship.

Rikka saying she’s gonna kidnap Naoya at the end of the episode really threw me off. 😂😂
Oct 27, 2023 2:35 PM

Oct 2017
Saki trying to get in the mood but remembering all the staff was funny. Well things will eventually happen so no hurry.
Oct 27, 2023 3:56 PM
Feb 2023
Why am I still watching this series?

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.
Oct 27, 2023 3:57 PM

Aug 2020
i really enjoyed this episode, the love scenes etc

so cute
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Oct 27, 2023 4:57 PM

Dec 2018
Some really heartfelt moments in this one, despite the fact there ended up not being a kiss lol. I was fully expecting this one to be all about Saki so the Nagisa bit surprised me, and damn she really went for it, which in turn got Naoya going for it even harder lol, if only it could have lasted a bit longer, but when you have two girlfriends you gotta split time up equally so we had to move on to Saki’s moment with Naoya, definitely not a bad thing tho because I really loved it. I’m glad we got to understand Saki more here besides just Shino’s speculation.

And unfortunately the fireworks show ended, but it got us the classic sparklers bit so it’s not all bad, Shino became more concerned about Saki in the end tho which is upsetting but I think with time we’ll see Saki get that kiss in there, as long as her incredible nose doesn’t ruin it again lol. And looks like next episode is a camping one, a favorite type of episode/arc for me so definitely looking forward to it.
Oct 27, 2023 6:39 PM

Apr 2022
the way he changed his grip while holding hands was crazy. less shino and more minase and saki means it's a W episode.
Oct 27, 2023 7:59 PM

Feb 2019
So cute to see all the girls get some time with Naoya! I liked Saki’s the most though. Given she’s his OG girlfriend and they’ve known each other the longest, it was really sweet seeing how much she cares about him and how she appreciates the time they’ve spent together.

Obviously the show plays it up for laughs, but it’s gotta be really difficult for her to see Naoya with these other girls. She’s doing her best, but it’s understandably difficult.

Never fails to make me laugh seeing how neither of them can say no to cute girls though 😂

Sweet episode. Of course Mirika got shafted this week again though :/ looking forward to her episode next week
Oct 27, 2023 10:58 PM

Jan 2021
No kiss... I suspected it but well not like this

Tbh whose girl would kiss a bro who smells like 3 different girls
Oct 27, 2023 10:59 PM

May 2019
This episode ended up being more serious than goofy/funny since Saki explained how she felt. Unfortunately her and Naoya did not kiss and I knew Shino was going to ask her that question and now she's wondering if Saki is serious about Naoya.

The next episode looks like it will go back to its silly side with a camping trip (in the preview did Saki fondle Rika's boobs?? lol)
Oct 28, 2023 2:12 AM

Jul 2014
It's funny having this show airing in the same season as 100 Girlfriends, because it's now been rendered more or less entirely redundant by a show that operates with a very similar baseline premise but is better in literally every possible conceivable way.

The fact that they're still lying about it rather than owning it at this point is pretty annoying as well.
Oct 28, 2023 3:47 AM

Aug 2013
A little bit too sweet, I really like it when they're more goofy with their approach
Oct 28, 2023 4:05 PM

Feb 2014
This episode had its funny moments, but it was balanced out with more serious tone that was needed.

Since the festival is a popular event, both Naoya and Nagisa almost blew it when they added all lovey dovey around one of their classmates, which the pair made their excuses and left before any more suspicion arose. Either way, the two of them had a nice chat, along with some funny parts that made me laugh, before Saki arrived on the scene, which Nagisa choosing that time to leave so that the pair can have their own time together.

Saki being able to smell other girls' scent on Naoya was hilarious, but their chat with the convenience store bought fireworks that Naoya rushed out to get after the main fireworks show ended did have Saki speaking out her honest thoughts to Naoya. While the pair didn't kiss, predictably, I'm glad that the two of them had a nice honest chat with each other, so you can tell that they got closer to each other than ever before. =)

Of course, Mirika got a tiny amount of screentime at the end, where she's showing her newfound determination to have Naoya fall in love with her, which does make her younger sister worried about her. XD
Oct 29, 2023 1:48 AM

Apr 2018
Some pretty good moments with Saki Saki, Naoya even cried xD Still no kiss though. Mirika is going even crazier ahahah
Oct 29, 2023 3:54 AM

Oct 2023
It was alright. Focused on emotional depth but definitely lacked the fun factor.
Oct 29, 2023 11:21 AM
Level 6 esper

May 2021
Why did I cry lol ? Was very emotional, nicely done. Love it!
“Do what feels right in your heart. You will be criticized either way.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Oct 29, 2023 5:43 PM

Feb 2020
lmao hard to believe still no kiss...
touching moments though it was a decent ep

Oct 29, 2023 9:00 PM

Jul 2008
Those two finally said it… I want to know what happens next (but I'm lazy to go read the manga XD).
My candies:
Oct 30, 2023 7:01 AM
Nov 2019
menikmati festival kembang api
My Candies :
Oct 30, 2023 4:31 PM
Sep 2021
kind of getting bored with this show now. it's been so long since I'd seen season 1 so I had to rewatch it to be up to date again. After seeing this show for a second time... The problem I've always had with this for me is that its just moving so slowly, its hyping things up but never actually following through with anything. Hopefully it gets better
Oct 31, 2023 7:57 PM
Mar 2015
Fireworks strike a spark between the 3some
Nov 2, 2023 3:21 AM

Sep 2023
This was a very sweet episode but after a setup of 2 episodes we still get no kiss!?
Nov 4, 2023 9:20 AM

Mar 2010
SakiSaki is a great main girl. Naoya just needs to learn how to navigate treating his main better and make the other side gals or seconds know their place in the hierarchy.

Behold of my awesomeness~
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But my feels.
Nov 6, 2023 5:51 AM
Mar 2023
In the end neither Nagisa nor Saki got Naoya's first kiss, but instead they got a back-and-forth of "Are you happy with our relationship as it is?" and their response could be summarized as "As long as you continue to be as good a person as you are and continue to love me, I will be the happiest." Now we just have to see how Mirika gets down to work and Shino starting to think if it's worth putting up with it. See you next week.
Nov 11, 2023 10:25 PM

Jul 2017
In the midst of the festival, Naoya losing both Sai and Minase, why did Saki's friend just have to be there at the opportune time?

A good save away from fellow classmates, with Minase's plan that whoever finds Naoya will date him first, and she got that reward to be proactive with him, though what they're doing isn't in line with the fireworks for a comedy gag. Despite their problems though, Minase still genuinely wants to be with Naoya the same as how Saki loves him too as well, though it's time for Saki's turn. Of course, Saki would find Naoya's time with Minase suspicious, and the latter becomes the proactive one to keep things moving. As if the mood's not ruined enough, being able to spell many girls' scents on his clothes, Saki stutters as much as Naoya claims his innocence, as they spend their first Summer fireworks festival as a couple...though she's being two-timed on.

Too bad that the fireworks festival is over, and Naoya had to get sparklers as a replacement and apology for his two-timing, And for the first time, Naoya asks Saki about her feelings despite the farce that both of them are in, and even more so that Naoya got an earful from Shino, Saki can't monopolize him for herself, but it's also through his relentless chasing that she is even more convinced that she loves him the same. Saki may be the idiot, but the two-timing, I feel that it's for the better for Saki to be just that for Naoya to feel satisfied that she pursued her in the first place. Eventually, everyone joins in the fun, and Shino has to pop the question of whether Naoya and Saki kissed in the end, though that probably needn't matter too much.

Mirika's on the attack for Naoya, let's see how she does.
Nov 12, 2023 7:19 AM

Dec 2009
"Now that the festival is over, we have signal!"

. . . japanese fireworks festivals have cellphone jammers now? or maybe just in this universe lol
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“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Nov 14, 2023 10:00 PM
Feb 2020
the recaps are always great at the start of each episode, the way this show does it is special

sakisaki is able to smell that naoya made contact with shino, nagisa, milika, and that little girl who looked like miku

apparently next episode mirika is becomming a criminal but im not sure how she wasnt already a criminal, she drugged and kidnapped naoya and trespassed on his property many times and did other crimes
Nov 16, 2023 5:20 AM
Apr 2013
EP 4

Also is naoya ever going to say nagisa

some preview for next ep. well uh. we already had shino and rika in ep 3, so this ep was almost entirely nagisa and saki
Otherwise, naoya and saki, nagisa, shino, even rika maybe, no idea what kind of crazy idea she's going to cook up next time.
Nov 25, 2023 2:38 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020

Shino and Rika got their moments in the previous episode, and now the spotlight returns to Saki and Nagisa; especially the former. In the midst of it all, Saki brings up a very real question: What would Naoya do if Saki told him that she could not live with his two-timing, basically having to choose her, or not have her at all and have Nagisa instead? Was hoping that the question of Naoya's two-timing would finally be at least somewhat addressed, but instead was disappointed when he just gave a very vague answer. Sure we're not meant to think TOO deeply into it, the dumb humour is first and foremost in this show anyway. But it's still real to an extent; seen in Saki with how she is uncomfortable about her boyfriend having another girlfriend. This isn't 100-girlfriends where they are all okay with dating the same dude. I freaking love 100-girlfriends, but this, girlfriend-girlfriend, is just far more grounded in reality. And I think, that is kind of hurting the show- at least until we get more insight as to why Naoya chose to have two girlfriends. If, there even is a real reason at all. Maybe he just really loves two girls equally, idfk. I'm here for the laughs, but since there are some real moments in this, I have to assess those too.

I personally don't give af about Nagisa, she's boring IMHO, and could easily be deleted from the show and replaced with with Rika; which I think would be just so much more interesting and even more fun than it already is. Sorry if she's your favourite, but I'm just gonna totally disregard her. She's sweet and wholesome, but there's not really much else to her. In this episode, she spends some moments with Naoya, because she loves him, and that's that. It's Saki this episode who becomes a more interesting character, because we see her struggling a little, being uncomfortable with Naoya's two-timing- which, of course she should. Nagisa doesn't have this problem and thus is less interesting- although actually no, now I kind of take that back. With her being so humble and such, she is kind of at war with herself, with one side absolutely loving Naoya, but clearly there's another side to her that doesn't want to ruin his relationship that he already had with Saki. Since, Saki was the first one after all. So yeah I don't dislike Nagisa by any means or think she's uninteresting (a little, but not a lot), but these other 3 imo are just a level above her.

Briefly back to Saki's conversation with Naoya, I gotta say: I like Naoya's dumb but strong character, but in that moment I actually despised him a little bit. After all Saki said, how even though she didn't want him to two-time her, that her love for him was still stronger, and that she'd trust his choices no matter what (well she told him that he'd have to convince her that his two-timing was actually okay, but she no doubt would want to stay with him regardless), he didn't exactly apologize for putting her in such a situation. He does say "sorry" a lot, but he didn't really say it here, where it really mattered, if I remember correctly. Sorry I'm too lazy to go back and check, but yeah. Idk about you but if I were Naoya I'd just ditch Nagisa then and there, and give all the love to Saki. I'd be heartbroken to know I would be shattering Nagisa's heart, but ultimately she'd understand because she's an understanding person, and humbly step down to let the girlfriend who was before her take her place. Sure Saki might be annoying sometimes with her tsundere tendencies, and not going through with the long-overdue kiss. But maybe it's long-overdue because of Nagisa entering the mix. Even though it may not be the cleanest option, it is the best option to let Nagisa go; it would be irl in more than most cases.

But the REAL best option would be for Naoya to dump both of their asses and go for either Rika or Shino, one who is madly and openly in love with him, and the other who may be as equally as madly, but instead just silently in love with him. Who knows, maybe that's how it turns out in the manga, which I'm definitely going to get into once this season ends. Maybe he really does wife them all in the end? Who knows. I would rather have that than him to JUST remain with these two, who again imho are the more boring two out of all four. You might find Rika's persistence annoying, but I for one want that love returned to her. And of course Shino is mine and everyone's favourite so if Naoya were to choose one in the end it's gotta be her. Sorry for this wall of text, it's 2:30am and I'm just mindlessly revealing how invested I am in this dumb ass anime.

whiskey tango foxtrot

Jan 20, 2024 11:32 AM

Aug 2017
Team Mirika here. But, I do like Shino quite a bit too. I like them both more than red and blue.

It's a good show, I like it.
Mar 4, 2024 4:11 AM
Apr 2021
This episode was mainly focused on Nagisa and Saki which is nice of a chance of pace that we get the main girls again but if I didn’t know any better but this show makes it feel like it wants Naoya and Nagisa to get the first kiss tbh and I want my girl Saki to get it first considering she’s the first girl😭

Why did Naoya crying get me? Saki explaining how she’s still in love with him was touching tbh☹️ I’m just sadden that we didn’t get a kiss but at least we got Saki going crazy mode with the sparklers laughing hysterically🤣🤣🤣

Ok Rika saying she’s gonna kidnap Naoya caught me off guard homegirl becoming a criminal💀
Mar 11, 2024 3:06 AM
Dec 2022
Somehow the kiss will go not go through during the fireworks with so many distractions and drama. It's just so this anime.
May 12, 2024 9:02 AM

Apr 2013
So at this point Nagoya knows that he hurts Saki, right? But he still goes through with it...

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