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Jul 13, 2023 9:22 AM

Nov 2011
Being Kenshin is tough in this show. It seems wherever he goes, trouble follows because of his reputation. And unfortunately, it looks like Karou also got involved too.

A kid named Yahiko makes an appearance and causes some trouble as well, although he doesn't seem like a bad person. Definitely not liking the way the public authority figures are treating Kenshin though...and he needs to be careful.
Jul 13, 2023 9:22 AM

May 2020
Yes Kenshin is old, despite him not looking that way, we know. But Kaoru need not to let him know every other minute, right? Lol, but hey I mean you can’t blame her, after all not a single one of her students is coming back even though the commotion about the fake Battousai is long resolved, so that’s just a result of her being a bit too “free”.

Anyways, enough about that, this episode introduced one of the major cast additions, Yahiko. That kid does pickpocket and all, but there’s of course a reason behind that as well. I mean otherwise, those good-for-nothing adults are gonna abuse him. That kid has a rough living, but the same goes for Kenshin as well. Being the peaceful era and all this is, that man couldn’t even roam freely with his sword smh. And then there are scums like those police officers who like to stick their nose in everyone’s business. 

Needless to say, Kenshin defeated those goons without breaking a sweat. But then it was him meeting the now police chief Yamagata and his old acquaintance, which once again made Kenshin’s motives and his will to live a life without killing anyone anymore clear. And yes of course, kids do get motivate a tad too easily.

Look at Yahiko, I mean, but he's powerless, I'm afraid.
Jul 13, 2023 9:45 AM

Jan 2009
Well, I can at least appreciate that they merged the introduction Yahiko which strictly after the Yamagata chapter in the manga, making the city appear more lively. Still wish it took more liberties though
Perrin4869Jul 13, 2023 9:48 AM
Jul 13, 2023 11:25 AM
May 2021
Kenshin man, I just love his character & will always do! The ending lowkey slaps too!!
Jul 13, 2023 11:44 AM

Jul 2017
A simple episode but a pretty solid one nonetheless. Regardless of some of the little shortcomings this adaptation might have, I am just enjoying the nostalgia of this series and the introduction here, it's been quite some time since I've watched and read it. Got to learn more about the Meiji era situation, and a couple of character introductions in Yamagata and a key one, Yahiko for the long run. Time flew by fairly quickly for this episode, which is always a positive and the simplicity here in the episode definitely is reminiscent of an old school series, which this is. This adaptation is not something out of this world, but as long as they can somehow pull off an adaptation till the end at this kind of pace, I can't complain too much about it. It's still solid content for the most part, and I did get more used to the voice acting in this episode too. Think the art was okay, bit inconsistent at times but never dropped to terrible levels but I feel like it was fine enough to do the job. Plus, it was good seeing Ujiki get what was coming to him.
Jul 13, 2023 12:03 PM

Oct 2017
Liking the adaptation so far, another good episode. We got to know about Kenshi's belief and why he's a rurouni. Kaoru got to know him a bit better too. A glimpse in his past affairs, he could easily be in the power but chose not too. Action scenes were nice too.
Jul 13, 2023 12:10 PM
Oct 2016
Kenshin defending the townsfolk like a good man that he is. Government officials whom take advantage of their status are scum. Kenshin got offered a great post at the end of the episode but realizes the corruption that occurs when so called government officials let the power go to their head. This episode does a great job showing both the good and the bad about the new meiji era government. Things aren't as lawless now and the degree of sword skill you have doesn't define your worth anymore but the bureaucracy of the new government has opened up lanes for sadistic people like those sword bearing cops to run rampant. Giving large government officials power will lead to men like that being a problem. The townsfolk are lucky Kenshin could subdue them with his greater skill. We got to meet a cool character this episode too, Yahiko. The young pickpocket from a precious Samurai family in Tokyo. Obviously fallen on hard times in the new government at such a young age having to turn to a life of crime, with even other criminals forcing him to collect for them. Very sad to see, Kenshin has to help this kid.
Jul 13, 2023 12:24 PM

Oct 2018
I like that these remakes are getting very nice OPs and EDs, very well made
Jul 13, 2023 12:29 PM

Jun 2015
Well even if the crime had been resolved the stigma is gonna remain. This is gonna be one of the best OP's this season i think. Well they managed to get Yahiko's fiery nature right on point. Man the sword bearers sure had their fair share of bullies. Only idiots shout their techniques before names before using them LOL. Despite his past Kenshin resolving to walk his own path is most admirable. Overall a pretty good ep that featured a nice balance of worldbuilding and action via the bout with the sword wielding police. Yahiko sure had it rough though. Can't wait to se ethose two scum get taught a real lesson.
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Jul 13, 2023 12:53 PM

Jan 2011
NGL i always found Yahiko to be a annoying little brat, he d do nothing other than interrupt fights to say stuff like "i couldnt even see theor movements" or wprthless stuff like that, i hope they tone that down, well see
Jul 13, 2023 1:03 PM

Dec 2021
One of the things I liked about original the series is all the history it blends into the story, and the remake is no different. This era is relatively unfamiliar to me, but it's fascinating to learn about it through Kenshin's experiences.

Ujiki and his gang seriously underestimated the wrong person. My man completely annihilated them! It's amusing how they were boasting about their fighting styles as if it meant something, only to be defeated in a single strike, lol.

It was a pleasant sight to see Yahiko this week and it looks like they're trying to be faithful to the manga this time around since instead of the yellow haori from the original anime, he's wearing the green haori from the manga cool! The kid has unfortunately gotten involved with some unsavory characters. I'm eagerly anticipating Kenshin's assistance in getting him out of that situation. The gang is starting to come together!
IzanaSolosJul 13, 2023 1:44 PM

Jul 13, 2023 1:04 PM

Jun 2015
Squeeeepig!!! Although adapating a netflix movie its quite clear this anime is going to be by far more awesome and indepth in story telling. The fact I know the story matters not. All I know is this show is going to get wild!
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
Jul 13, 2023 1:28 PM
May 2021
Man loving this reboot 🔥, Op & Ed + Soundtracks also fire
Jul 13, 2023 2:02 PM
Sep 2017
If it keeps up like this, it might be better than the original
Jul 13, 2023 2:06 PM

Feb 2019
I get why they do it, but I hate that they translate de gozaru as “that it is” good episode. Highly recommend people check out ruroni kenshin the beginning to get some more backstory .

OP and ED slap tho for sure and have an early 2000s vibe to them.

Remake really might be cooking here
Jul 13, 2023 3:35 PM

Apr 2018
Karou's the best, I like her design a lot. Well, this episode showcased Kenshin's way of living as a free person not opressed by authority.
Gotta say that he's a real badass for beating them all up. Even the police chief couldn't convince him to get a role in the govn,

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Jul 13, 2023 3:42 PM

Jan 2017
Marinate1016 said:
Highly recommend people check out ruroni kenshin the beginning to get some more backstory.

That's spoiler tho.
You are not supposed to know more about the past of Kenshin than what's actually said in those 2 Episodes.
"Genius lives only one storey above madness."
– Arthur Schopenhauer.

"Stupidity is a talent for misconception."
– Edgar Allan Poe.

"I'm tired... and hungry."
– Alexioos95.
Jul 13, 2023 3:50 PM

Apr 2017
silversaint said:
NGL i always found Yahiko to be a annoying little brat, he d do nothing other than interrupt fights to say stuff like "i couldnt even see theor movements" or wprthless stuff like that, i hope they tone that down, well see
Both Yahiko and Kaoru were annoying and obsolete for me as the show progressed. Not sure how much this reboot is gonna change, but I also hope they tone down their pointless quips and give them more "purpose" within the plot. I also dread the appearance of Misao down the line lol
Jul 13, 2023 3:53 PM

Apr 2017
FeanorianCruiser said:
If it keeps up like this, it might be better than the original
I feel the same way man. Definitely far too early to tell, but it feels as though they're giving this reboot the love it deserves. Already liking the pacing a lot more.
Jul 13, 2023 4:00 PM
May 2023
Not gonna comment much from the episode but I do like their interactions
Jul 13, 2023 4:08 PM

Apr 2009
Great episode, I was a little down on the first one but I think this remake is going to be well done now. Will be interesting to see how the more intense arcs play out and if it's better than the original which was really good in the serious moments.
Jul 13, 2023 4:48 PM
May 2008
Kenshin & Kaoru-dono were cute this week, too.

Really enjoying the Remake and it's going at a good pace with well-made new additions/alterations. I can get an idea of what they mean by "carefully reconstructing from Chapter 1" and diving deeper. The setting is really detailed as we got more scenery of the Meiji Era, too. 
Jul 13, 2023 4:49 PM

Aug 2020
i won't lie, the animation is really good, i remember me watching the old version, and now i can enjoy again because i always wanted to watch it again...
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just have a look, you won't regret it...

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Jul 13, 2023 4:55 PM

Sep 2011
Something about this just feels kind of plain to me, cant out my finger on it but it feels like there's a lack of atmosphere.

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Jul 13, 2023 6:02 PM
Apr 2020
Felt like only 5 mins went by such an engaging story
Jul 13, 2023 6:17 PM

Oct 2022
Typical police officer being too braggy about their position.. they got what they deserve..

Jul 13, 2023 6:26 PM
May 2019
Alexioos95 said:
Marinate1016 said:
Highly recommend people check out ruroni kenshin the beginning to get some more backstory.

That's spoiler tho.
You are not supposed to know more about the past of Kenshin than what's actually said in those 2 Episodes.
I second this. No reason to watch that right now. 
Jul 13, 2023 7:25 PM

Apr 2022
two great episodes in a row. i couldn't be more glad. animation looks great again and the music during hiten mitsurugi ryuu was actually pretty good! the original had a different immaculate vibe to it cause of the 90s aesthetic and music that this one can't create BUT even then, this is a really good adaptation. 
i noticed they added yahiko's first appearance before chapter 2's content, the police scene.
kaoru chan must be protected at all costs!
Jul 13, 2023 8:18 PM

Mar 2007
He's so nice, plus so bad ass. How can anyone NOT like him?

That poor kid though ... I hope Kenshin comes to help him before something even worse happens.

Jul 13, 2023 8:21 PM
Apr 2019
This opening and ending are very beautiful, not to mention the quality of this animation.
Jul 13, 2023 8:31 PM

Dec 2018
Those sword bearing police must’ve been thirsty for action because they were ready to fight the first offender they found, well they chose poorly this time lol, I do wish we got to see the whole fight tho and not just the tail end of it, but I imagine it was just Kenshin waxing everyone anyway lol. And the bit with Yamagata was interesting, but of course Kenshin wouldn’t go with him, even without their philosophies clashing Kenshin already has an agreement with Kaoru, ain’t no way he’s leaving that beautiful babe lol.

And Yahiko is in a rough spot in life but I’m sure it’s just a matter of time before either he gets himself out of the situation or he’s saved by Kenshin, it would be cool to see him do things himself tho giving what Kenshin said about him. And lastly I loved the history lesson, kinda reminds me of Golden Kamuy where you occasionally learn something between the greatness.
Jul 13, 2023 8:46 PM

Nov 2022
I am glad that I've never watched the original so at least I can judge it on its own merits vs comparing it to the original.
Jul 13, 2023 8:51 PM

Dec 2016
I thought it was an improvement over the initial episode. Things start to feel more alive, human and weighty. It won't ever do it to the same extent as the 90s version did though due to the shinier colors, but within modern techniques possibilities, it looks promising.
Jul 13, 2023 9:52 PM
Aug 2020
I’m loving this reboot! I’ve always been a big kenshin fan
Jul 13, 2023 10:10 PM

Dec 2022
Love how when Kenshin is serious, his speech pattern changes, and he uses more 'desu yo'. But when he is relaxed, he uses 'gozaru yo'.
Jul 14, 2023 1:42 AM
Feb 2016
I really like this adaptation, but Kenshin voice is just... Ugh, too handsome or something. There was a charm (call it moegap even) in silly/easygoing everyday Kenshin from manga and 1st adaptation and his fight mode.
Jul 14, 2023 1:52 AM
Mar 2023
It was ok maybe better than the previous one
Jul 14, 2023 1:53 AM

Nov 2016
It's decent so far, still can't help it that I prefer the style of the OG anime.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jul 14, 2023 1:58 AM

Oct 2022
Episode was alright. Just wish we got to see more of Kenshin fighting those officers.
Jul 14, 2023 2:23 AM

Jul 2021
Kaoru and Kenshins interactions really are the selling point in this episode. Yahiko is such a brat thou
Jul 14, 2023 3:18 AM
Sep 2021
Kaoru got to learn more about kenshin and kenshin inspires people a lot of people around him
Jul 14, 2023 3:21 AM

Dec 2022
When a bad guy licks his or her sword/knife/dagger/blade. His chances of getting an ass-whooping (or possibly death) increases by 99.99%.
Jul 14, 2023 4:07 AM
May 2020
Not really a great episode, but it has some good parts-- like establishing Kenshin's character. really hope that the story will get better from here.

Disclaimer: I wasn't able to watch the original nor I have read the manga, so I am reviewing this with no comparison as a reference.
Jul 14, 2023 4:43 AM

Jan 2017
SetTsundere1143 said:
really hope that the story will get better from here.

The story will definitely get better , but not for now...

The Arc adapted in this Season is basically just Kenshin saving innocents left and right , while kicking asses.
Some fun and cool characters are introduced (be it as innocents or villains) , but it ultimately still is some "Villain of the week" type of story-telling.

Actually , the Author hadn't planned to do more than that , and just started Rurouni Kenshin to enhance his skills in drawings.
But since he created a lot of characters , his editor pushed him to do a long-running story with them , which resulted in the creation of the 2 whole Arcs in the Manga , where all the "real story" is.

I vividly recommend you to still not drop the series , as the 2nd Arc will definitely satisfy you in term of story.
It's with it that Rurouni Kenshin became a classic Manga , and it's often considered as one of the best Shounen Arc of all time.
However , it won't be adapted before the 2nd Season...
"Genius lives only one storey above madness."
– Arthur Schopenhauer.

"Stupidity is a talent for misconception."
– Edgar Allan Poe.

"I'm tired... and hungry."
– Alexioos95.
Jul 14, 2023 5:15 AM

Nov 2022
I love the nice and peaceful vibe it has going right now with the few displays of his sword skills and him getting to know more people, really enjoyable. I'm sure things are gonna get a lot more troublesome in future eps, looking forward to it...
Jul 14, 2023 6:29 AM
Jul 2018
Great episode! The soundtrack is starting to grow on me, it's so peaceful. Overall I'm really liking the way they are handling these first few arcs. In the manga they felt like a bit of a drag and the artwork was still developing at the time, but the new directing and animation makes them much more engaging and fun. I was surprised they didn't finish up the Yahiko arc in this episode. The more episodes pass the more I like Soma as Kenshin.
Jul 14, 2023 7:31 AM
Sep 2016
Myojin Yahiko, one of the best swordsman in the entire series. The first being Hiko Seijuro, with second, third, and fourth (unordered) being either Yahiko, Kenji (at least he has the potential for it), or Sojiro. One of my personal best character in the series alongside Saitou and Megumi.

I honestly expect Yahiko's arc to be resolved in the 2nd EP, with Yamagata's introduction be more compressed. But apparently they want to adapt the series in slower paces than I anticipated. I appreciated it ofc, more RK contents are always better, and it's planned to be a 2-cour anime afterall.
Python is the best programming language ever. FIGHT ME!
Jul 14, 2023 7:47 AM

Oct 2022
Kenshin is the wrong guy to mess with. But he also seems like such a nice guy.  

Also love the contrast at the end with the kid giving back the granny her pocket change after dropping it. Good stuff.

Jul 14, 2023 9:29 AM

Apr 2011
My boy Yahiko. I hope this version will give him the respect he deserves, that is to say it better fucking adapt the final arc. I need to see Yahiko kicking animated ass.
Jul 14, 2023 10:49 AM

Mar 2014
Yahiko made an apperance huh, okay well hopefully we can his story finish quickly coz for now he's just a brat. Nothing much happen so on to the next episode

And also another note I still not used to kenshin voice
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