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Apr 30, 2023 12:57 PM
Dec 2020
Then I have to commend you for your resilience.
Apr 30, 2023 12:58 PM
Nov 2021
phantomfandom said:
I don't know which demon is which emotion. I'm gonna guess the blue guy is sad, the red shock is anger, the yellow bird is joy, and the green wind is pleasure.

You guessed it right
Apr 30, 2023 1:04 PM

Jan 2021
A lot of action this episode, Tokitou on his way to save people and Tanjirou fighting an demon that splits in many pieces but it seems like he found the weak spots. Genya doesn't die that easily and he lets them show that, the same goes for Nezuko also, she literally blasted away an upper demon lmao.

Looks like Genya is ready for another attack but Tanjiro flew inside the house with an upper demon and almost defeated it. Nezuko be having some crazy casting spells. Wow that power from that upper demon, both Tanjiro and Nezuko fell down and became unconscious. Demons are attacking the village and Mitsuri's crow noticed that and now Mitsuri is on her way to help the village, presumably together with Tokitou.

The animation this episode was great as well, ufotable is knocking it out of the park with what they deliver. I really like the opening and ending as well.

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KayKimiiMay 8, 2023 9:39 AM
Apr 30, 2023 1:05 PM
Jun 2015
Yawn! The upper moon 4 is boring af.
Apr 30, 2023 1:13 PM
Mar 2023
arrrr charachter too tropey wää wää
Apr 30, 2023 1:31 PM

Jul 2015
Angry_By_Default said:
this ep triggered me so much wtf

first of all i dint even realize the love girl moved out of the village, i was thinking she was staying at inn cose thats where she was on the last episode???????

second, every1 was fighting for so long inside the inn AND outside, why the f it took so long to sound the alarm? they literally sounded it while the fishes were coming inside HELLO?

then there is Tokito, he saved the blacksmith kid and he was like "Haganezuka is crafting a sword and u need to protect him so he wont mess up" ..... ok lets do that while the village is getting destroyed and every1 is dying

i was pogging too cose all the previous eps were 9's and 10's and this happened, fml
if i liked anything it was the scene with Nezuko and Tanjiro... which ended in 1 min, sadge

Bro, is this your first anime?
Flow of time being all over the place is like the most common anime trope ever, especially where many important events take place in the same time.
PiromyslApr 30, 2023 2:01 PM

Apr 30, 2023 1:33 PM
Mar 2022
Phosphophyllita said:
Another very bad episode, the 29th in a row. How can an anime have 29 consecutive bad episodes? The power play in this anime simply doesn't exist.
I hope Kanroji can save it, although I already know she won't be able to. We'll have to pray that Kana Hanazawa will do her job.

So essentially every episode since the Mountain at arc has been bad to you???
Apr 30, 2023 1:33 PM

Jul 2015
shane_nichols said:
Yawn! The upper moon 4 is boring af.

Yea, Hantengu is widely considered as the lamest Upper Moon, but he is not the only major adversary this season, so...

Apr 30, 2023 1:55 PM
Apr 2023
Tanjiro is becoming very smart in battle and Nezuko is able to use her powers more easily.
Apr 30, 2023 1:59 PM

Nov 2016
Massive Genya W. Gotta love his energy and no one better than Okamoto to bring him to live.

Mitsuri on the other hand couldn't be a greater contrast lol. Demon Slayer not just shining in the animation department.

Soundwise Upper 4 reminds me of Tanaka Alien from Gantz btw.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Apr 30, 2023 2:34 PM

Apr 2018
nezuko went crazy this episode holy shit, same goes for Genya. Seems like he got something upon his sleeve.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Apr 30, 2023 3:15 PM

Apr 2015
I guess bringing guns to a sword fight doesn't mean much against demons lol
Apr 30, 2023 3:21 PM

Dec 2018
Man this fight has been off the wall so far, Tanjiro is already fighting really intensely and has also had some great quick thinking moments, and I really loved Genya’s retaliation after appearing defeated at first, there’s definitely something up with him after seeing him fight, and I’m interested in knowing what but I’m too focused on the ass blasting he’s doing with that shotgun to care a lot atm lol.

And it was nice to see Tokito defeat that fish monster, saving Kotetsu, and I’m sure it doesn’t stop there since that was just one of many. And that final scene, Mitsuri is about to enter the fray and I’m really excited to see what she does, she seemed happy as well lol. I also enjoyed the after credits featuring her as a college art student, very cute.
Apr 30, 2023 3:23 PM
Jan 2021
This season of Demon Slayer has everything to be the best season so far in the series, in my opinion. We have a mystical sword from 300 years ago, an old demon slayer that shares Tanjiro's iconic scar and earrings, demons invading the ultra-secretive Swordsmith Village, and great fighting scenes; there's story development (at least some so far) and action, I'm happy. The only "stain on the cloth" for me are those horrible 3D monsters, like in Mugen Train. I really hope they explore Tangiro's relationship with the older demon slayer and I can't wait to see the restored sword in action
Apr 30, 2023 3:23 PM

Apr 2016
Well I guess its safe to say the Swordsmith Village isn't really secret anymore
Apr 30, 2023 3:37 PM
Mind Evaporator

Feb 2017
Aight which one of you took Demon Slayer off Crunchyroll??
Apr 30, 2023 3:56 PM

Apr 2023
Piromysl said:
shane_nichols said:
Yawn! The upper moon 4 is boring af.

Yea, Hantengu is widely considered as the lamest Upper Moon, but he is not the only major adversary this season, so...

Zohakuten is lame? Hatengu final form?
Are you kidding me.
Apr 30, 2023 3:57 PM

Dec 2018
Great to see Nezuko fights, she use her power with ease now. The upper 4 seems weak... They been slashed/shots many times.... But wonder how would they kill this one...

Muichiro is actually cute... And he always forget because of his lost memories?.. well... At least he a Hashira..

Kanroji is coming ~~ I thought she would do her actions in this episode, I guess it would be on the next episode then.
Apr 30, 2023 4:00 PM

Aug 2017
Upper moon 4 Hatengo is definitely giving everyone a handful.
Tanjiro got carried away with the talon demon. Dodging and finding an opening to attack him. The moment that Tanjiro's sword connected to him is when he hit the jack pot.
Tanjiro's battle IQ is growing and fast. He is able to adapt to his environment and think on the spot. As shown in the scene when Tanjiro cut off the talon demon's foot to counter the staff demon's electrifying staff. Saving Nezuko in the process. Genya also had some surprises up his sleeves. Being able to survive from getting impaled and shooting a shotgun blast to the demon's head. Blowing it off.
Episode 4 is cooking the good stuff. 
Love Hashira, Mitsuru Kanroji is on the way to slay. Slay queen.

Apr 30, 2023 4:08 PM
Mar 2022
Phantom667 said:
Maybe I’m tripping or something but am I the only one who thinks the animation for s3 has been really weird??

Like the style feels different ever since the end of s2

It’s not a bad change though I like it. Idk maybe I’m just going crazy.

I don’t know for sure — but I’ve recently noticed awesome details at the point of focus (I.e. Nezuko’s blood splatter, burn, & arm twist was especially wicked).
Apr 30, 2023 4:08 PM

Feb 2015
Upper 4 pleasure clone is GREAT! The way he was bullying Nezuko was hilarious lol
I love his laugh and the voice actor is amazing!
Apr 30, 2023 4:23 PM
Jun 2022
bad cgi effects i do not hate it and i do not love it
Apr 30, 2023 5:14 PM
Jan 2022
So excited to see mitsuri in action and I love the animation its so smooth!!
Apr 30, 2023 5:17 PM
May 2017
good action scenes
Apr 30, 2023 5:18 PM

Mar 2010
The fight was a bit underwhelming. I can't wait to see them oppai jiggle as they fight the demons. umu

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Apr 30, 2023 5:19 PM

May 2018
The 4 demon guys are pretty cool. Now we can finally see Mitsuri fight!
Apr 30, 2023 5:27 PM

May 2020
I don't know if it's just me but I thought the animation didn't feel as fluent as previous episodes and the overall directing of this episode  did not feel great either. I loved the first 3 episodes but I can't say that I enjoyed this one as much as the other 3. And also the scenes with the uppermoon 4 and 5 don't have the same vibe and tension as with uppermoon 6 or akaza. I don't know I have mixed feelings about this so far
Apr 30, 2023 5:38 PM

Apr 2022
yeah, when demon slayer focuses on action instead of comedy, it's actually good. this has been the first decent episode for me.
nezuko was getting folded and this mf genya still using glock breathing lmao.
see, demon slayer is unironically funny but when they actually try to be, it's hot garbage.

mitsuri is on the way!
Apr 30, 2023 5:52 PM
Mind Evaporator

Feb 2017
Great ep, awesome pacing. Interesting battles.

The Mist Hashira is really growing on me. Seems like a cool dude now.

All I can imagine is Bakugo when I see Genya XD they should've picked a different VA lol. Also I'm surprised he aint dead. Maybe he's using some sort of healing breathing technique to minimise his injuries idk.

Mommy Mitsuri is on her way!!
Apr 30, 2023 6:12 PM
Mar 2015
They took us right to the edge of the cliff
Apr 30, 2023 6:23 PM
Nov 2016
You guys are in luck! this is the first episode on this season that I won't completely shit on because it barely had comedy, that being said, it did have some comedy but I will let it slide this time since it was short.

The episode was decent, it's not the best episode regarding the action scenes, I've seen way better stuff in the previous seasons & movie but it was good enough to get the job done, I wasn't impressed with the action scenes but I know I will get impressed later, for now, this episode was good enough to get the job done so I liked it.

For some reason though, I'm not "feeling it" with that upper moon, I did feel it with Akaza, Daki, and Gyutaro but this upper moon is lacking that "atmosphere", it's probably the way this episode is being directed that didn't make me feel it but I will say this, that upper moon is gimmicky as hell so it deserves the title of an upper moon since he's someone you can't just kill by slashing his head off, and dealing with 4 of them at the same time by yourself is almost impossible so you need teamwork to beat them.

For now, this was a decent episode and it's the best episode in this season IMHO but that isn't saying much anyway, this was just decent, nothing to go crazy about but for now, it got the job done. Not every episode needs to be a masterpiece in animation or action scenes, this season will have it later hopefully but for now, it was just decent.
Apr 30, 2023 6:31 PM

Jul 2016
Genya is one tough mf. Gotta love Nobuhiko Okamoto voicing this kind of characters.

Also Mitsuri is on her way. Can't wait to see how she fights and how her Love Breathing works.
Apr 30, 2023 6:39 PM
May 2021
Muichiro regaining his memories and finding purpose...
Apr 30, 2023 6:39 PM

Feb 2014
Mitsuri in action next episode!! Go, go!! 😆🫶🏻
Apr 30, 2023 7:10 PM

Jul 2017
The CGI fish was rather well done though, I felt, and Tokito cleared that while saving Kotetsu with grace. But it regenerates right back, and its actual soul came from the vase, which proves that it's Demon Blood Art. Despite Kotetsu feeling regret that he called Tokito the name of "seaweed head", his plea request to him triggered his past memories from when he was saved while being brutally tattered. Meanwhile, on Tanjiro's side, his fight against Uroki exposes the main demon's weakness, while Nezuko and Genya barely holds on her defense against Aizatsu and Karaku.

Try all the demons can, Nezuko tries her best, while Genya springs to life with his Amida Sutra, and Tanjiro uses the environment to his best to drive Urogi back to the building where they came from. And while Tanjiro has figured out Hantengu's weakness, his clones are not letting up, which leaving Sekido, Aizetsu and Urami, the entire swordsmith village is in danger.

Mitsuri to the rescue, finally! She's gonna break expectations once more.
Apr 30, 2023 7:16 PM

Sep 2017
Feel like I have no investment in these upper ranks so I don't rly care too much about this fight rn but the boob hashira is here now to do some cool stuff I guess. There was buildup for the mugen train and especially the upper 6 that was killed last arc so ya. This will prob grow on me more but all I can say is I'm mainly excited to see the rank 3 dude (maybe 2 I can't remember) from the end of mugen train to come back and have a square off with Tanjiro.
Apr 30, 2023 7:16 PM
Nov 2019
Doesn't feel like a lot happened this episode besides fighting. We got a little bit of Tokito's backstory but not much.
Apr 30, 2023 7:35 PM
Apr 2023
Apr 30, 2023 8:06 PM

Jan 2011
CGI was fine, it was better than in Mugen Train, other than that the fight is entertaining but i gotta say, this Upper Moon isnt cool or interesting at least so far
Apr 30, 2023 9:59 PM

Mar 2023
10/10 episode I love the upper rank demon that can split into more of itself! And Tanjiro being able to think that quickly was so cool. Only thing i hate is how short each episode is because I just wanna know whats gonna happen!
My Candys!

Apr 30, 2023 11:02 PM

Apr 2017
What a terrible episode. You can clearly see the drop in animation quality during the fight. A lot of them were stills animation, and holy fuck Tanjiro wouldn't fucking shut up about how close Nezuko and Genya were, like 3 fucking times he repeated the same shit. Not sure if the production wanted to extend the running time with useless redundant shit or what.

Very poorly done episode.
Apr 30, 2023 11:11 PM

Mar 2020
I have not read the manga, so all I can say is it's good enough to be the satisfaction for today.

Apr 30, 2023 11:44 PM
Jan 2018
Ngl, I totally forgot about the spin-off where all the Demon Slayers are high schoolers lol, thanks for the reminder at the end!
May 1, 2023 12:18 AM

Oct 2017
Tbh the buildup of Upper 4 and 5 feel rather lazy..
They just.. showup...  No buildup or anything, no suspense.

Compare to Upper 6, they not only feel weaker in general (no aid of Hashira and they able to last this long), Tanjirou doesn't even use any breathing technique, just swinging the sword is enough to fight one of them off which kinda show that this thing is kinda weak.  
They also talk way too much, waiting for counter attack and keep getting blown off head.. 
The has a very childish/cartoon-ish fighting choreography. 
And those inner self talking of Tanjirou, it never stop.

Upper 6 male part can straight up kill any of none Hashira in one blow, and it has poison on top of its blade...
Upper 4 straight up feel like those old battles of Tanjirou fighting some random demons ...

Also kinda tired that we now know most of the upper moons dont have this neck weakness (yawn)
Ventus_SMay 1, 2023 12:47 AM
May 1, 2023 1:00 AM
Nov 2016
Ventus_S said:
Tbh the buildup of Upper 4 and 5 feel rather lazy..
They just.. showup...  No buildup or anything, no suspense.

Compare to Upper 6, they not only feel weaker in general (no aid of Hashira and they able to last this long), Tanjirou doesn't even use any breathing technique, just swinging the sword is enough to fight one of them off which kinda show that this thing is kinda weak.  
They also talk way too much, waiting for counter attack and keep getting blown off head.. 
The has a very childish/cartoon-ish fighting choreography. 
And those inner self talking of Tanjirou, it never stop.

Upper 6 male part can straight up kill any of none Hashira in one blow, and it has poison on top of its blade...
Upper 4 straight up feel like those old battles of Tanjirou fighting some random demons ...

Also kinda tired that we now know most of the upper moons dont have this neck weakness (yawn)

I agree with what you said, but IMHO, what makes that demon dangerous is the "gimmicky" part of it, just imagine having to fight all 4 of them at the same time, that would be a pain in the ass, one of them alone may not be that strong which is the reason Tanjiro is able to fight the flying demon without using Breathing techniques but fighting all 4 of them at the same time is another story. It's the gimmicks that make him dangerous.

Let's not forget that Tanjiro is stronger now as well, he got more experience now, I did find it stupid how the doll was beating him though, I never liked this part in the manga and I sure as hell didn't like it in the anime either.
May 1, 2023 1:19 AM

Dec 2016
They held out pretty well against an upper.
May 1, 2023 1:27 AM

Mar 2021
At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if after episodes like this people still rate the season a 10/10 after we possibly get some unlimited budget animation fight scene later… happened with previous seasons too

May 1, 2023 1:35 AM

Jul 2021
this has to be the most boring season. everything is so eh.this episode was the eh-est of them all.

May 1, 2023 1:40 AM
Jun 2007
Hmm expecting Upper 4 Demon to be powerful....
May 1, 2023 1:41 AM

Dec 2010
amazingjoe said:
I struggle to see why this series is good, in the last 4 episodes so little of value has happened it could've probably been condensed into 1 or 2 episodes.
That was my problem with Season 2 too, the concept of these Upper Moons fights is enticing, but they really overstay their welcome recently. The Lower Moon fight in S1 was really long but also well scripted, and the Mugen Train Upper Moon fight could be considered too short but I really enjoy it in retrospect to S2 and S3. 
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