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Apr 21, 2023 10:11 AM

Nov 2011
Now that we see more in action, Sayuri is quite a badass when she gets into her bad girl mode. 

This episode had its gang rivalries, fights, drama, etc. I have to admit, Sayuri and Rokudou has one of the more interesting relationships in this show. Sure, it's part of the plot device that he has influence on her, but still interesting to see how they develop.

Can't also forget about Ranna who fights like a badass too when she gets serious. 
Apr 21, 2023 11:12 AM

Jul 2017
The bad girl Senpai repeater of Sayuri Osanada, looks like there's a chance to reform her from the likes of Rokudo, and maybe the entire school while at it.

The aforementioned guy wanting to have a plant diary being a class activity, and everyone just follows suit not to displease the gangsters' boss. Even Ranna is getting into the mood thanks to Rokudo, and the change is a transformation that no one expected it to have. Obviously, there'll be people that don't like the change, such as the Onishima Union's Kurokata, which Osanada heavily paid the price for her rebellion by him having to call forth the bullied to destroy her work, which she retaliated. AND HARD. All because of her love for Rokudo, which is a new feeling for her.

Kurokata's past with Osanada when she was like a miniature weapon to climb up the ranks of the Onishima Union, and Ranna would end up taking up on Rokudo's selfish request to save her from the gangster life. Rokudo sure has the balls to come in unannounced towards the Onishima Union's hideout to preach her project work, and thanks to Ranna, she is a force to be reckoned with. And say what you will about Rokudo, but he sure has a chad moment to keep on standing and take on Kurokata's blows, all in an effort to reform Osanada, which no matter how Kurokata countered, it wasn't enough. In the end, the whole gang came, but with Colonel and Chief coming in for the clutch thanks to Iinuma bailing them out, and Kurokata having a change of heart to finally know what Osanada is made of.

Osanada may have come out bad, but she has changed, and for the better, just like the rest of the clique together. Rokudo's charm is working for the better.
Apr 21, 2023 11:24 AM

Dec 2013
I just can't get into the show because of the art style but after this episode I'll try my best.
Apr 21, 2023 11:29 AM
Sep 2015
I'd recommend this anime to the fan of Tokyo Revengers.
Apr 21, 2023 12:14 PM
Sep 2016
Remember to rate this anime. It's got a 6.5/10 because 90% of the ratings were based entirely on people thinking the art style is bad, and not on anything else.
Apr 21, 2023 1:06 PM

Mar 2012
ok so like... when are girls gonna fight?

this is called Rokudo's "bad girls", yet 95% of what im seeiing are dudes

the industry just loves to bait people with both names and promo images of anime making them seem like theyre gonna be waifu shows, then the shows end up being filled with guys...

EcchiGodMamsterApr 21, 2023 1:17 PM
Apr 21, 2023 1:51 PM
Feb 2020
Man, they really censored all the blood from the manga. That really removes the impact (pun not intended) from alot of the emotional moments, especially when Kurokata hits Osanada by accident.
Apr 21, 2023 1:56 PM
Nov 2021
The show is fully centered around all the bad girls in the school with the protagonist being a guy. So how is the title in any form misleading? It was never promoted or suggested anywhere that its only about girls fighting. And every episode till now is about a girl or rokudo so what are you talking about?
Apr 21, 2023 2:11 PM
Feb 2020
i remember when everyone gassing the manga was upset when Iruma-kun got an anime

well, here it is guys, here's your anime. hope you enjoy it cause i sure don't lol

Leaf_It said:
Remember to rate this anime. It's got a 6.5/10 because 90% of the ratings were based entirely on people thinking the art style is bad, and not on anything else.

it's a very bold move to assume that the majority of bad reviews are based entirely on the art style. especially saying 90%... like, good lord, it's not a psyop, some people just don't like it
Apr 21, 2023 2:42 PM

Nov 2016
Colonel and Chief came clutch lol

Surprised that even Kurokata had a bit of redemption there. Pretty enjoyable episode again. It's campy and corny in a great way.

Now I can't wait for Yashiya.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Apr 21, 2023 3:39 PM

Sep 2021
This show has a suprisingly sweet and wholesome way of storytelling! I'm so glad I picked this up instead of casting it aside as "another sexualized harem trash".

Osanada falling for Rokudou, but rather than ending up as a love rival, she acutally overcame it and cherished the friends she gained from it. She may have been the top dog at the delinquent school, but it's because she's strong, not because she's mean or crazy. In fact, she is a really kind person.

Now, I hope Ranna gets some spotlight soon, about how she was before she fell for Rokudou! She's such a cool fighter, but there's some substance missing for her.

Nikoslovescoffee said:
Man, they really censored all the blood from the manga. That really removes the impact (pun not intended) from alot of the emotional moments, especially when Kurokata hits Osanada by accident.

Was that bloody in the manga? I even expected her to smile up to him with blood all over her face and was a bit disappointed there was none.
Apr 21, 2023 4:07 PM
Apr 2020
Sorry but i can't stop laughing at rokudo's beaten up face lol ...... 
Apr 21, 2023 4:44 PM
Oct 2020
Rokudou is just Takemichi but way better and gets all the girls.

Also would be interested in an match between Osanada and Ranna
Apr 21, 2023 4:47 PM
Feb 2020
Bisalissy said:
I even expected her to smile up to him with blood all over her face and was a bit disappointed there was none.
 Yeah that was pretty much what happened, she didnt even hold the wound, she just looked up to him with blood dripping down her face while she was smilling.

 Also, Rokudou's face was significally bloodier after that beatdown he took and his nose was practically dripping blood for the rest of the chapter.
Apr 21, 2023 4:58 PM

Sep 2021
Nikoslovescoffee said:
Also, Rokudou's face was significally bloodier after that beatdown he took and his nose was practically dripping blood for the rest of the chapter.

That look would've been much better with blood too!
I guess I'll take a look at the manga aswell.
Apr 21, 2023 5:08 PM

Nov 2021
Despite the mediocre production I'm still enjoying the hell out of this show lmao. Makes me wonder if a more well known studio made this if it would be more popular
Apr 21, 2023 7:16 PM

Dec 2022
Wholesome and funny episode
Apr 21, 2023 8:07 PM
Apr 2023
Kind of touching episode, I guess this is well made 3rd-episode, got me finally hooked to the series specially seeing Rokudo now finding the proper way of how to deal with his 'power'. It really did not feel right having delinquent women falling for you due to just a spell; it's similar to that saimin jutsu often used in a lot of NTR scenarios, which you might love or hate but Rokudo's approach of 'reformation until subject becomes good enough to break out of spell' is actually kind of interesting.
Apr 21, 2023 8:58 PM

Jan 2022
as ugly as the art is. it seems the studio vamped up the characters' models to look more dbz villains. But man, I hope they redo this show with another art style because this show is amazing. story wise.
Apr 21, 2023 9:14 PM

Dec 2018
I liked this Osanada arc, it’s been really interesting seeing Rokudo try to use his power to do good things and he nearly succeeded in getting the entire class onboard with a normal school project but of course that was short lived sadly, but it was wholesome while it lasted lol.

And once again we witnessed Rokudo get his ass beat for someone else’s sake, but I do really enjoy those moments. Realistically Rokudo can’t fight so trying to help in his own way is the best he can do and so far he’s done a good job, Osanada was won back over with the help of Ranna and Rokudo’s pals and they escaped down the “happy road home that goes on forever”, I really love that line, looks like it could be a song in a Billy Strings setlist lol.

Also a shame to see people still hung up on the art style, I know it’s art and it’s not gonna hit the same with everyone but man it kinda hurts to see because I really love the style. Also a shame to hear the blood has been censored here but it didn’t really hurt it much for me.
TheColonel76Apr 21, 2023 9:18 PM
Apr 21, 2023 10:33 PM

Feb 2022
It's weird to me he shows more compassion for Sayuri just because she looks like a kid even though she's older than him. At the same time he has no problem using Ranna and putting her in danger, even though he recognized that having girls fall for him through a creepy power is wrong. Maybe he'll try to free Ranna next though, I also wonder what would happen if he tells a girl that she's under a spell would that do anything or would they brush it off.
Apr 21, 2023 11:20 PM
May 2017
Yeah this shit is ass lmaoo

Apr 22, 2023 12:40 AM

Nov 2015
I knew this one was going to be emotional and it sure didn't disappoint!

Though I did notice that one thing was changed and that was the fact that when Osanada and Kurokata tried to join Onishima rengo, they were branded with hot iron in the manga which was changed to the rings, but I feel like that was to do with TV regulations about violence against minors.
I know that delinquent-ism has always been tricky to air on TV (with things like Rokudenashi Blues never getting an anime.) so it's not surprising but it's a thing to keep in mind I suppose.

Really cute way to end the episode with the gang heading home. Let's see what's in store next!
Apr 22, 2023 8:31 AM
Mar 2023
The bandit love series is great haha
Apr 22, 2023 11:45 AM
Mar 2015
Our boi gave Osanada  her first love 
Apr 22, 2023 4:36 PM

Apr 2008
I like how the girls are basically pokemon now. I mean, they never acted like people, but now they're being weaponized, growling, and shrugging off pipes to the head. Very silly stuff. Also I guess we're done with the moment of self reflection about the curse being pretty evil with the decision this was good for Osanada. For some reason or another I'm entertained, though.
Apr 22, 2023 6:05 PM
Apr 2023
The sanitization damages the show far more than the art style in my opinion
Apr 22, 2023 7:35 PM

Mar 2008
Well that was surprising. This episode actually got me in the feels. I even teared up a little. Never thought this show would do that.

KanameYuuki said:
I just can't get into the show because of the art style but after this episode I'll try my best.

Not a fan of the art style either but I think it has some charm for some character's design

Bio said:
I like how the girls are basically pokemon now. I mean, they never acted like people, but now they're being weaponized, growling, and shrugging off pipes to the head. Very silly stuff. Also I guess we're done with the moment of self reflection about the curse being pretty evil with the decision this was good for Osanada. For some reason or another I'm entertained, though.

*chokes on my drink* ah damnit lol. I guess they are
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Apr 22, 2023 8:44 PM

Mar 2016
still better than oshi no ko
Apr 22, 2023 9:42 PM
Aug 2022
I don't really get how one school project is supposed to make a hardcore delinquent turn their life around, but whatever lol. I'll be honest, the ONE THING that has absolutely impressed me in this episode is that Rokudo's brave display of selflessness and passion didn't make Sayuri fall more in love with him. Any other anime would have ended with "We did it! The spell has been lifted, but uh oh now the girl loves the protagonist anyway! Harem capture get!" So that's an accomplishment.

Also, what effect did this project have on Tsubaki and Ranna since they also took part in the project? Hinomoto mentions that the idea was better than expected and could end up reforming the whole class. So those two should be less delinquent as well right? Thus less affected by the spell? If not that's a bit of a plot hole.
Apr 23, 2023 3:19 PM
Dec 2022
I like how Rokudo managed to get everyone to do the garden reports, he was this close to peaceful school environment. Osanada was just naive girl with super strength, so it makes her easily used. I like Rokuda care so much for her that he faced Kurokata and kept getting back up. Whether Osanada's feelings were manipulated or not, they became good friends :)
Apr 23, 2023 3:30 PM
Apr 2017
I'm glad the show is ever so slightly conscious of the fact that mind manipulation has ethical concerns. I can't believe there are in middle school except Rokudou he'd fits minus the forehead tattoo.
Apr 30, 2023 11:00 PM

Jul 2016
Rokugo's spell must've had a side effect of making him a tank. Guy's a beast for constantly getting pummelled and somehow remaining on two feet.

The direction of reforming the girls and showing them that there's more to life than delinquency is pretty wholesome.
May 22, 2023 4:51 PM
May 2020
rokudou really showed his goat nature this ep
Jun 14, 2023 4:09 AM

Apr 2018
Poor Osanada being used as a fighting weapon :/ But MC and Ranna were cool saving her... of course she fell in love with MC lol
Jul 24, 2023 5:41 AM
Feb 2022
I'm dropping the anime mainly the MC look quite weird, the storyline is all over the place. No part seems to catch or pique my curiosity to even continue the anime. Just continuing watching for the sake of finishing the anime is also not possible here. It just us really not up to the mark.
Nov 4, 2023 3:15 AM

Dec 2022
If "reforming" breaks the spell, I'd wager the blonde isn't under a spell at this point. She only acts in defense and from a few bits here and there she's smart and does her school work.
May 26, 2024 6:38 AM
Nov 2021
wtf is this? It's been a while since I watched this anime but wtf? Isn't he just brainwashing these girls? His "gf" is only his "gf" because of that ability. Basically the entire anime is just women falling in love with him because of that brainwashing ability

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