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Jul 25, 2013 11:29 PM

Jun 2012
Rin is probably one of the worst MC's I've seen in a while.
Sep 17, 2013 12:51 AM

Feb 2010
I officially hate Rin. Poor girls :/ but omg poor kaede Q^Q I almost want to cry. That was like her nightmare and now it's coming true.
Nov 11, 2013 12:11 PM

May 2013
Man, to think that Kaede was my second favorite character in the beginning of the series, oh how things change. I used to prefer Asa-Kaede-Primula-Sia-Nerine, but now it is more like Asa-Nerine-Primula-Sia-Kaede. But enough of my rambling, I can't wait to see what happens next!
Feb 26, 2014 5:58 PM
Feb 2014
This Episode Really Surprised Me Because I Didn't Really Expect This DRAMA To Sort Of Happen Well I Kinda Did I'm Referencing Episode 19 Shuffle! The Anime Actually Gave Me A Sense Of Feeling It Actually Struck My Heart So look Overall It Was A Surprising Episode Not More Surprising Than Episode 19 Shuffle! That's All I Need To Say. To Put It In A Short Concept The Episode Was Really DRAMATIC AND SHOCKING
Apr 12, 2014 6:16 PM
Jun 2013
"A boys heart is actually really shy. He'll say 'no' even if he doesn't mean it"

This is true on so many levels

Didn't actually think such wise words would come out of Rin's mouth XD
Sep 14, 2014 11:09 AM

Jan 2013
Way to make Kaede more suicidal!
Ohhh ... all the drama.
Obviously everyone has a full story on drama :)
Jan 29, 2015 6:30 AM

Dec 2012
Kaede is completely trapped in a tug of war of self-loathing and obsession. I'm definitely not going to say I can relate to her, but I can understand how painful it is to be stuck in that feeling of being enslaved to something that you know is destroying you from the inside out.

Rin has finally realized that the harem days are over and he needs to make a decision. I felt extremely bad for Kaede this time around, she's trying her hardest to express herself to Rin but he's just never stopping to properly listen to her. Not to say it's his fault though, it's just one enormous case of miscommunication.
Apr 26, 2015 8:55 AM

Apr 2014
All the feels

Jun 2, 2015 4:03 PM
Oct 2011
kenshin_sama said:
SophiafrmAustria said:
why are most anime leads so dumb? Having them completely ignorant isnt good just frustrates viewers...need more intelligent leads like the guy from kimi ga nozomu eien or the dude from clannad.

haha believe me, rin is far from a dumb lead. he is thinking of every1 in the harem, but his dilema is that hes trying to make every1 happy when the only real way to do that is to go steady with one of them. and also there may be a good reason as to y he treats kaede the way he does, u havent seen the hints from his dreams? the past that he shared with her isnt exactly a birght one and since hes been having those dreams has probably felt less comfortable around kaede
Jun 15, 2015 9:12 AM

Apr 2013
Wow it took that guy only 19! episodes to figure out that everyone is after his dick and that he can't make everyone happy. *slow clapping*
Though I kinda enjoy seeing Kaede finally showing some emotions, normally I dislike bad endings but these characters are so braindead I might even enjoy it.
Jun 23, 2015 2:04 PM

Feb 2015
Rin has to be one of the worst MC I've ever seen in anime, he's a complete plank.
Jul 13, 2015 11:54 AM

Apr 2014
tbh i don't get the hate for Rin i can totally relate to him plus i think he is probably more self aware than ppl give him credit
Jan 31, 2016 1:16 PM

Apr 2010
ColdBeans said:
I really feel sorry for Kaede. She cleans the house, prepares the food, takes care of Rin, she's practically his fucking slave and yet she still gets treated like crap. I want a happy end, but why do I feel like in the end one of the characters is going to be completely screwed over?

It's a 6 years old reply but...Rin told Kaede many times that she doesn't have to go to such extremes for him...that she should take it easy and relax. He didn't ask her to do all those things...he's not forced to love her, just because she played the housekeeper role.
Mar 29, 2016 11:22 PM
Dec 2014
supersayen said:
who's really the monster ?

kaede or rin ? :D
Honestly? Neither. Both are just human, and both have made mistakes. Rin is a very flawed and very selfish person. Despite having good intentions, he's hurt all of the girls around him at least once, and he's essentially broken Kaede at this point by never making the right choices when she's involved and by essentially pretending like she doesn't exist lately. As for Kaede, despite seeming psycho, she too is human. Out of guilt for feeling like she killed her mother, blaming Rin for it only to find out it wasn't, and causing him physical and mental pain in the past, Kaede became obsessed with Rin. And not in a good way; in a way that she legitimately needs to visit a mental hospital; Kaede is not mentally healthy. Period. And frankly, Rin hasn't helped this. It seems like his talk of leaving the house more than likely is going to push her over the edge too.

I think describing either of them as a monster is a huge mistake, and shows a misunderstanding of what this anime is trying to show. Both of these characters are human. And as humans, they make mistakes; sometimes huge ones too. And to make matters worse, they're teenagers. And teenagers usually don't make the best life decisions due to a number of matters. (And puberty + attraction to other people is usually the root cause of these terrible life decisions; I've been there, and I've made some terrible mistakes as well. It's just human nature.)

Thank you for writing your comment; it actually gave me a decent amount to write about for this episode when I didn't have much before. (I'm sorry that I'm replying to an ancient comment though... you probably don't even remember that you wrote this.) Anyways, this more or less sums up my thoughts of this episode and even the series up to this point as well. The only thing I'd like to add is that Rin finally made a decision after being so indecisive for so long. ...but he did it far too late and at probably the single worst possible time that he could have done so. You can almost hear Kaede's mind shattering in the end of this episode.

Anyways, I can't wait to see what happens next; I'm really hoping that this series will have a happy ending, but that's seeming more and more unlikely as time goes on.
warman13xMar 29, 2016 11:25 PM
May 24, 2016 8:42 AM

Mar 2014
Crap .. I can't stand this anymore . Everything is just like WTF right now .
Dat ending though . Let's just be ready .. our bodies especially .
AnimeLaver01May 24, 2016 8:46 AM
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Dec 15, 2016 1:50 AM

Mar 2015
When MC is sleeping and Kaede barged into his room, I thought she was going to kill him but she used the power of bare naked. I wish she killed him for good.

This MC is getting worse every episode and I have an urge to stab him.

Btw, where is Sia and Nerine?

Feb 26, 2017 5:04 PM
Sep 2012
I don't understand all these hate on Rin and all these "oh poor Kaede" cibber.I dont , i cant , i wont.

You guys realise that Rin is a guy who lost both his parents when he was a little kid and since that day tries to take care of everybody around him as much as he can do?He even took the blame of his parents and Kaede's moms deaths responsibility for years just so Kaede can keep on living and endured all the torture she has done to him.

And poor Kaede? Dude she is the reason Rin's parents died.She tortured Rin all those years.How can you people expect Rin to fall for Kaede with a clear mind?She is his slave? Come on she is just doing it all to clear her own compuction.

If i was in Rin's shoe i wouldnt even stay in that house a single day after both of my parents died.Let alone falling in love with Kaede...

I really believe you people watching/watched this with a clearly wrong perception.Yes Rin might look bad cause he can't man up decide on a girl but it's not like he is intercoursing with every single one of them like it was in School Days...He doesn't even kiss them..Only dates...And he mostly does that just to try and make everybody around him happy...

And one time in his life , just once , when he tries to do something for himself and goes for who he loves , tends to be Asa-Senpai which makes Kaede snap out , that makes him a bad person? Please...
Nov 11, 2017 6:46 AM

Dec 2014
well Rin is making me mad somehow...that guy and his un decisiveness...Kaede..well don't know to sympathize with her...still Rooting for Asa
Nov 20, 2017 8:32 PM
Mar 2017
Here goes to stop Rin

The question isn't "What anime do you like?" That is merely a list.
The question is "Why do you like it?" That tells a story. Your story.
Feb 18, 2018 7:07 AM
Jan 2017
What's the name of the ost on minute 18:24?
Mar 27, 2018 8:31 PM

Aug 2014
Rin is a straight up trash of an MC. This anime jumps all over with his personality. The series tries to show you that he is thoughtful and kind (which is why the girls fall for him) but it is shown that he is actually an insensitive moron. He does not take into consideration anyone's feelings but his own. I hope he gets fucking killed tbh. He does not deserve anyone. Asa would be better off without that selfish douche.
Jun 10, 2020 5:07 AM
Sep 2017
I said it in a previous episode thread, and I didn't change my mind when I saw this one.

Kaede doesn't love Rin. She is obsessed with him. Even when Rin told Kaede to not go to such extremes to take care of him, she refused.

Rin is not obligated to love Kaede, especially after the horrible things she did to him.

Kaede has been way too aggressive. Leaving the house was the correct choice. And that was a decisive, clear-cut decision.

Rin was an indecisive person, but that doesn't make him a School-Days level jerk. He has a human flaw, unlike thousands of other harem protags. And he suffered for it as well.

Please don't get blinded by your cute lil Kaede waifu and think logically.
Aug 29, 2020 7:15 PM
Apr 2019
matrax2002 said:
I don't understand all these hate on Rin and all these "oh poor Kaede" cibber.I dont , i cant , i wont.

You guys realise that Rin is a guy who lost both his parents when he was a little kid and since that day tries to take care of everybody around him as much as he can do?He even took the blame of his parents and Kaede's moms deaths responsibility for years just so Kaede can keep on living and endured all the torture she has done to him.

And poor Kaede? Dude she is the reason Rin's parents died.She tortured Rin all those years.How can you people expect Rin to fall for Kaede with a clear mind?She is his slave? Come on she is just doing it all to clear her own compuction.

If i was in Rin's shoe i wouldnt even stay in that house a single day after both of my parents died.Let alone falling in love with Kaede...

I really believe you people watching/watched this with a clearly wrong perception.Yes Rin might look bad cause he can't man up decide on a girl but it's not like he is intercoursing with every single one of them like it was in School Days...He doesn't even kiss them..Only dates...And he mostly does that just to try and make everybody around him happy...

And one time in his life , just once , when he tries to do something for himself and goes for who he loves , tends to be Asa-Senpai which makes Kaede snap out , that makes him a bad person? Please...

I think you make some valid points.
Sep 6, 2020 11:30 PM
Jun 2020
Just finished this episode and all I can say is WTF!? It's funny how this show started as your typical harem comedy right up until Rin finally grows a pair, turns down Sia (ironically the one he was closest to in the beginning) then this show goes dark with the drama.

So let me get this straight, sure Kaede was always mentally unstable even as a child, but she is stable enough when Nerine and Sia are first introduced, sure she's insecure but doesn't lose it like she just did over the last 2 episodes.

Next we have Rin who tried to be a good guy but always seems to make the wrong decisions. He fucked up lying to Kaede about her mom, he tries to be the nice guy to the extent where he's hurting all the girls by stringing them along for half the show. Next, he cries about how much he wants Primula back from the Demon World and how much he cares for her, so fast forward to getting her back only to immediately forget all about her and leaves Kaede to spend time with her, just so he can spend more time with Asa. What a fucking prick.

If anyone has a gripe here is Sia....Her split personality notwithstanding, he initially goes out with her, they get some major alone time on the beach, and even when stranded (or so they thought) he tells her he genuinely cares for her and right before they kiss, she tells him she looks forward to having his babies. How the hell do you go from practically engaged to no longer interested?? Even when Sia offered to take things slow and he agreed, why lead the poor girl on?

Didn't feel as bad for Nerine (though I prefer her over Sia) since she later admitted her initial attraction was due to her clone, she just wasn't as assertive as Sia was from the get go. I don't have anything personal against Asa (other than her annoying habit of assaulting Rin everytime she greets him) but it seemed too forced and convenient to make her and Rin endgame. That was the one girl who genuinely seemed ok just being friends, but now is the one he picks over all the others.... Seems like she was picked if for no other reason than it was the least likely girl he would end up with.
crimsonfiend76Sep 6, 2020 11:34 PM
May 11, 2022 11:12 AM
Nov 2010
matrax2002 said:
I don't understand all these hate on Rin and all these "oh poor Kaede" cibber.I dont , i cant , i wont..

Why can't he be direct towards Kaede and just tell her that he has no romantic feelings for her? if she can't accept that fact, then she'll get the hate instead. The fact that Rin hasn't done anything like that is the main reason he's disliked by the majority, including me.


I thought Rin have finally realized things and that he'd make the right decisions from now on, but instead he's making things worse. Instead of telling her that he loves Asa, he just leaves the house and keeps Kaede hanging. lol

What's the point of the angels, demons, and artificial beings in this show? such a weird show. From fantasy rom com harem to finally a drama thriller. This show can redeem itself in my eyes if it goes the path of School days. Rin needs some stabbing!

That naked Kaede though, man, if I was Rin, I wouldn't pass up the chance to "soothe" her. I guess there's a reason why I dislike Rin so much, it takes one to know one. hehe
Jun 19, 2022 12:42 AM
Jan 2020
I love how the consensus of these threads is basically just, "Rin is the worst MC." I mean, he is, it's just funny to see that as basically the one unifying belief of the fandom.

I don't like how Kaede is apologizing the same way she was apologizing as a kid after learning the truth about what Rin did. To me it comes off as a means of self-preservation rather than actually sympathy. She's sorry that people saw her ugly side rather than actually sorry about the results of her actions. I doubt I can ever look at Kaede the same way again, and I wish I could tell my past self to not entertain her as potential best girl all those episodes ago.

It is very weird that no one is acknowledging Kaede's outburst. Rin just came home and basically acted like nothing happened. Him not facing the situation is definitely not helping. I mean, when he came back to his room, did he not see the pictures on his desk of Asa's face scribbled out? I don't understand why he's acting like nothing happened.

Well, at this point I feel like anything could happen. Kaede is already off the rails, so this new development isn't going to help. Though, I'm not sure if she'd ever take no for an answer to be honest. Even if Rin sat down and fully explained his feelings for Asa, which he absolutely should do, I still don't think Kaede would just happily accept it. I think ever since she started devoting herself to him this was bound to happen eventually, unless Rin had chosen Kaede.
"...Is your mother worried? Would you like us to assign someone to worry your mother?"
Jul 4, 2022 7:40 AM

Sep 2012
stopped by
commonxreaction said:
I love how the consensus of these threads is basically just, "Rin is the worst MC." I mean, he is, it's just funny to see that as basically the one unifying belief of the fandom.

I don't like how Kaede is apologizing the same way she was apologizing as a kid after learning the truth about what Rin did. To me it comes off as a means of self-preservation rather than actually sympathy. She's sorry that people saw her ugly side rather than actually sorry about the results of her actions. I doubt I can ever look at Kaede the same way again, and I wish I could tell my past self to not entertain her as potential best girl all those episodes ago.

It is very weird that no one is acknowledging Kaede's outburst. Rin just came home and basically acted like nothing happened. Him not facing the situation is definitely not helping. I mean, when he came back to his room, did he not see the pictures on his desk of Asa's face scribbled out? I don't understand why he's acting like nothing happened.

Well, at this point I feel like anything could happen. Kaede is already off the rails, so this new development isn't going to help. Though, I'm not sure if she'd ever take no for an answer to be honest. Even if Rin sat down and fully explained his feelings for Asa, which he absolutely should do, I still don't think Kaede would just happily accept it. I think ever since she started devoting herself to him this was bound to happen eventually, unless Rin had chosen Kaede.

ppl seem to ignore the details what Kade did and her obsession with Rin, obsession not love, maybe love is mixed in there to but its mostly obsession and guilt this few were examples, barking it down would be 2much work :D
Sugram22Jul 4, 2022 7:59 AM
Jul 6, 2022 12:03 AM

Dec 2018
wow rin and here i thought maybe you got it for a second. and then just completely went idiot again. also, he could have maybe started with an apology.
Jul 6, 2022 12:54 PM

Sep 2012
StateofOhayo said:
wow rin and here i thought maybe you got it for a second. and then just completely went idiot again. also, he could have maybe started with an apology.

Kaede bullied him in the past in ferry bad way (ways that could end with serious cons/trauma) and Rin should apology for not choosing her? lol

with that kind of past there is no way he would ever chose her, and Rin let her do a lot for him (cleaning cocking all that) cause he knew she does it cause she feels guilty and if he stops her she mite go suicidal

Rin should get praises instead of hate cause for her mental health he took the blame of her mothers death and endured her abuse, and u expected him to chose Kaede? lol

Sugram22Jul 6, 2022 1:01 PM
Jul 11, 2022 4:17 PM

Dec 2018
Sugram22 said:
StateofOhayo said:
wow rin and here i thought maybe you got it for a second. and then just completely went idiot again. also, he could have maybe started with an apology.

Kaede bullied him in the past in ferry bad way (ways that could end with serious cons/trauma) and Rin should apology for not choosing her? lol

with that kind of past there is no way he would ever chose her, and Rin let her do a lot for him (cleaning cocking all that) cause he knew she does it cause she feels guilty and if he stops her she mite go suicidal

Rin should get praises instead of hate cause for her mental health he took the blame of her mothers death and endured her abuse, and u expected him to chose Kaede? lol

he's an inconsiderate lughead asshole and even realized it himself but chose to do possibly the worst thing. he needs a roundhouse kick to the face.
Jul 12, 2022 1:48 PM

Sep 2012
StateofOhayo said:
Sugram22 said:

Kaede bullied him in the past in ferry bad way (ways that could end with serious cons/trauma) and Rin should apology for not choosing her? lol

with that kind of past there is no way he would ever chose her, and Rin let her do a lot for him (cleaning cocking all that) cause he knew she does it cause she feels guilty and if he stops her she mite go suicidal

Rin should get praises instead of hate cause for her mental health he took the blame of her mothers death and endured her abuse, and u expected him to chose Kaede? lol

he's an inconsiderate lughead asshole and even realized it himself but chose to do possibly the worst thing. he needs a roundhouse kick to the face.

he realized that he was blind of the problems cause he was happy, happiness can sometimes blind u about issues that ppl close to u have, that doesn't make him asshole, no1 is perfect

example if there is a guy who cheats on hes GF/Wife then the guy is asshole cause he does it on purpose, and ofc u can't cheat accidentally, but my point is that things like what's going on with with Rin in hes life are no1 fault, ur just bitter cause he din't chose Kade, in other words cause ur ship sunk

Jul 12, 2022 1:57 PM

Dec 2018
Sugram22 said:
StateofOhayo said:

he's an inconsiderate lughead asshole and even realized it himself but chose to do possibly the worst thing. he needs a roundhouse kick to the face.

he realized that he was blind of the problems cause he was happy, happiness can sometimes blind u about issues that ppl close to u have, that doesn't make him asshole, no1 is perfect

example if there is a guy who cheats on hes GF/Wife then the guy is asshole cause he does it on purpose, and ofc u can't cheat accidentally, but my point is that things like what's going on with with Rin in hes life are no1 fault, ur just bitter cause he din't chose Kade, in other words cause ur ship sunk

i'm just bitter? lol way to hand wave away my argument by baselessly accusing me of hurt feelings. he treats everyone around him as conveniences and has horse blinders to everyone else. that's why he spends time with one person at a time and is completely clueless the rest of the time. he had no consideration for others and often just makes things worse. he's a horrible MC. i don't much care for harem crap anyways but this was just terribly done.
Jul 12, 2022 11:57 PM

Sep 2012
StateofOhayo said:
Sugram22 said:

he realized that he was blind of the problems cause he was happy, happiness can sometimes blind u about issues that ppl close to u have, that doesn't make him asshole, no1 is perfect

example if there is a guy who cheats on hes GF/Wife then the guy is asshole cause he does it on purpose, and ofc u can't cheat accidentally, but my point is that things like what's going on with with Rin in hes life are no1 fault, ur just bitter cause he din't chose Kade, in other words cause ur ship sunk

i'm just bitter? lol way to hand wave away my argument by baselessly accusing me of hurt feelings. he treats everyone around him as conveniences and has horse blinders to everyone else. that's why he spends time with one person at a time and is completely clueless the rest of the time. he had no consideration for others and often just makes things worse. he's a horrible MC. i don't much care for harem crap anyways but this was just terribly done.

reason why in series i mostly (most of the time) root for harem ending like in Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki (and its not complete yet, there is more to come)
cause there all are happy, i mean all girls get happy ending

but as i said sins he didn't do it on purpose its not hes fault, being blind and clueless doesn't make 1a bad guy, no1 is perfect

Jul 13, 2022 4:05 AM

Dec 2018
Sugram22 said:
StateofOhayo said:

i'm just bitter? lol way to hand wave away my argument by baselessly accusing me of hurt feelings. he treats everyone around him as conveniences and has horse blinders to everyone else. that's why he spends time with one person at a time and is completely clueless the rest of the time. he had no consideration for others and often just makes things worse. he's a horrible MC. i don't much care for harem crap anyways but this was just terribly done.

reason why in series i mostly (most of the time) root for harem ending like in Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki (and its not complete yet, there is more to come)
cause there all are happy, i mean all girls get happy ending

but as i said sins he didn't do it on purpose its not hes fault, being blind and clueless doesn't make 1a bad guy, no1 is perfect

fair enough. i'd do a rewatch to maybe look at it a bit differently or from another angle but i just really didn't care for the show. i can respect your difference of opinion though.
Jul 13, 2022 8:45 AM

Sep 2012
StateofOhayo said:
Sugram22 said:

reason why in series i mostly (most of the time) root for harem ending like in Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki (and its not complete yet, there is more to come)
cause there all are happy, i mean all girls get happy ending

but as i said sins he didn't do it on purpose its not hes fault, being blind and clueless doesn't make 1a bad guy, no1 is perfect

fair enough. i'd do a rewatch to maybe look at it a bit differently or from another angle but i just really didn't care for the show. i can respect your difference of opinion though.

i know the feeling not wanting to re-watch something

have u seen
Ai Yori Aoshi
the 2 mains infuriated me, no backbone, if he wants to marry u he has to achieve our lvl (meaning becoming rich), until he reaches the point ur relationship is a secret and both accept the terms, there is more to this not spoiling it, no back bone, Fing pussy's

i would refuse to keep relationship in secret cause then other u encounter may hope something with u or her, its bad in many ways also feeds insecurity both mite fear then some1 takes other1 away from them, even if they don't u have the constant NTR fear watching it

i so this series long time ago, was bit over teen early 20s, and i still cant bear to re-watch it

Jul 14, 2022 10:54 AM

Dec 2018
Sugram22 said:
StateofOhayo said:

fair enough. i'd do a rewatch to maybe look at it a bit differently or from another angle but i just really didn't care for the show. i can respect your difference of opinion though.

i know the feeling not wanting to re-watch something

have u seen
Ai Yori Aoshi
the 2 mains infuriated me, no backbone, if he wants to marry u he has to achieve our lvl (meaning becoming rich), until he reaches the point ur relationship is a secret and both accept the terms, there is more to this not spoiling it, no back bone, Fing pussy's

i would refuse to keep relationship in secret cause then other u encounter may hope something with u or her, its bad in many ways also feeds insecurity both mite fear then some1 takes other1 away from them, even if they don't u have the constant NTR fear watching it

i so this series long time ago, was bit over teen early 20s, and i still cant bear to re-watch it

i have not, but i will add it to my list, sir so thanks. i'm always looking for new stuff though i'm more into mystery/horror/adventure type stuff
personally the best anime i've seen recently was vivy flourite eyes song because it was just...a masterpiece in all aspects. i mean a seriously underrated show that more people need to see. I also wish there was more kino no tabi. anyways i'm glad we could talk nicely, even if we have differing opinions. we both obviously love anime so i hope you get to see some good stuff in the future! oh you know, there's a show airing right now that is absolutely fantastic i think it's called summertime render. I wish i could binge it like i usually do, but it's so good i have to keep coming back to see the new episodes. well, anyways, all the best and thanks.
Jul 14, 2022 11:00 AM

Sep 2012
StateofOhayo said:
Sugram22 said:

i know the feeling not wanting to re-watch something

have u seen
Ai Yori Aoshi
the 2 mains infuriated me, no backbone, if he wants to marry u he has to achieve our lvl (meaning becoming rich), until he reaches the point ur relationship is a secret and both accept the terms, there is more to this not spoiling it, no back bone, Fing pussy's

i would refuse to keep relationship in secret cause then other u encounter may hope something with u or her, its bad in many ways also feeds insecurity both mite fear then some1 takes other1 away from them, even if they don't u have the constant NTR fear watching it

i so this series long time ago, was bit over teen early 20s, and i still cant bear to re-watch it

i have not, but i will add it to my list, sir so thanks. i'm always looking for new stuff though i'm more into mystery/horror/adventure type stuff
personally the best anime i've seen recently was vivy flourite eyes song because it was just...a masterpiece in all aspects. i mean a seriously underrated show that more people need to see. I also wish there was more kino no tabi. anyways i'm glad we could talk nicely, even if we have differing opinions. we both obviously love anime so i hope you get to see some good stuff in the future! oh you know, there's a show airing right now that is absolutely fantastic i think it's called summertime render. I wish i could binge it like i usually do, but it's so good i have to keep coming back to see the new episodes. well, anyways, all the best and thanks.

so kino no tabi 2017 version
Apr 30, 2023 10:11 AM

Oct 2022
IDK you guys, can you really blame Rin for not wanting to be around Kaede? I like her, but she is very clearly mentally unstable, not to mention all the years she spent bullying/abusing Rin. I think him wanting to move out is a step in the right direction toward establishing healthier boundaries for all parties involved. He does not seem to have romantic feelings for Kaede, so their living situation was not sustainable long term. 

Poor Primula... </3 Stuck in the middle of this anime soap opera drama. 
Aug 7, 2023 7:15 AM

Jul 2011
That orange-haired girl is one of the most pathetic female characters I have ever seen in an anime...and that's saying something.
Check out my anime reviews or my pet will get you: Mezase Pokémon Master
Sep 29, 2023 1:52 AM

Dec 2022
Rin really is making Kaede as miserable as possible. If it's because he wants to get back at her for abusing him when they were younger, then I'd praise the anime for revealing a hidden spiteful side to his personality, but I don't think that's the case. More likely, he's just insensitive and doesn't really care much about any of the girls besides Asa.

If Rin just told Kaede he loves Asa, then she'd come to terms with it, but he instead claims that he's just going to leave their house, as if he knew that's what would hurt her more in the long term. This decision seems to have subtly upset Primula somewhat too, since she also likes him. Unfortunately, I think that intriguing detail will be out of focus, like Primula usually is. At least she got to discuss Kaede's feelings with her for a minute.

╔⏤═⏤╝ ╚⏤═⏤╗
Shaded Horizon

Nov 12, 2023 7:33 AM
Tsumi To Kisei

Nov 2021
Kaede is reconfirmed as the best character, the choice of the protagonist was the worst he could have chosen at that moment, I'm afraid of how Kaede will behave
Dec 9, 2024 9:44 PM

Jul 2012
The last 6 episode is the best episode on this anime 😭😅🥲😂
All the feelings got mixed..

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