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May 27, 2022 9:58 AM

Nov 2011
Kotonoha is really getting a lot of focus this season and she's really grown to me as a character. But somehow, they also managed to give scientific data to an arcade game lol

Episode also had an important event dealing with experiments and some scenes looked like memes.
May 27, 2022 10:04 AM

Apr 2016
Dude, what even was that first half ... those flashbacks, how about we go back to big tits and licking each others fingers ? This "Kanade mini arc" was so stupid ... and pretentious, like what is the next thing they gonna preach us about ? That girls cant wear pants ? Or cant drive a car ? It feels so out of place.

And all that, just to push the "accept yourself as you are, or find the person who will accept you as you are". You know, you can do that more elegantly, without all that nonsense.
May 27, 2022 10:28 AM

Apr 2014
Those Himuro photos!!!!! They're an ultimate weapon. 10? no! 10 is not enough, it should be at least 100. Nekomimi Himuro is the best.

Kanade, sometimes, should stop acting 'normal' and be herself. Those 'normal" are just a facade she has created by herself. What is the real Kanade? That is something she needs to find.
May 27, 2022 10:32 AM

Feb 2019
Swagernator said:
Dude, what even was that first half ... those flashbacks, how about we go back to big tits and licking each others fingers ? This "Kanade mini arc" was so stupid ... and pretentious, like what is the next thing they gonna preach us about ? That girls cant wear pants ? Or cant drive a car ? It feels so out of place.

And all that, just to push the "accept yourself as you are, or find the person who will accept you as you are". You know, you can do that more elegantly, without all that nonsense.

Heaven forbid they flesh out the side characters and have an actual development arc!
May 27, 2022 10:32 AM

Feb 2019
I feel so bad for Kanade. Obviously it’s a really over the top anime style issue she’s had, but it’s a very real life dilemma she’s facing. Wanting to be accepted and willing to hide who she really is for that.

While most people can’t relate to almost killing their teacher(twice) and being a martial arts prodigy, most people have been in a similar position of wanting to fit in and I like how the series has handled it so far. Really looking forward to how the next few eps help her move past her insecurities! She’s quickly becoming best girl.
May 27, 2022 11:15 AM

Jul 2017
Kanade's anger feud feels like a cop-out for trying SO hard to be her normal self while holding a façade, and is something that some people really feel from immense pressure to conform to society's "normal" standards.

Understanding Kanade further, her whole growing-up life being the "same same but different" gave her a comfort zone to read the room and get clues. But when everything is off the "normal" spectrum (as is the case with Kanade having an affection for her homeroom teacher Takahashi-sensei which was shown last episode), I feel Kanade's "try-hard" attitude to not stick out, and that's what Yukimura called her out for living like a hollow shell.

Kanade's date with Shikijou, it being "love at first sight" and a level of maturity that one grew from the other, the real truth itself is a secret that's best kept unless vulnerable. Honestly though, Shikijou is the ideal guy for Kanade, the girl whom has been looking to be her normal self around that she won't ever come out of.

Andrew Elliot's Romantic Red experiment actually does work in real life, if only in the women's context, and Yukimura goes gold or go home by adding an experiment based on clothing and their private cosplay session that has Himuro going all gaga over it. And since the campus festival is arounf the corner, it sounds like the Ikeda Lab will become a cabaret club during the session itself.

For the first time in awhile, all experiments come together to have a romance experiment for people to have fun. Except that Ikeda Lab becoming a cabaret club, haha. The Mutsumi campus festival will be a chance to show what they're made of, and whom other to call than the Chris-Suiu couple for help.
May 27, 2022 11:28 AM

Jun 2015
Being able to read the room and always greet others with a smile while hiding her pain takes some real determination. Kanade sure had a tough childhood though. In society not conforming to what is seen as normal is unfortunately a bad thing no matter the reason. If anything i don't think anyone would want to cause trouble for Kanade at all. But at the same time that strength is also the cause for her struggle as well. Poor Himuro but damm she looks good in those outfits. But really looking forward to the festival now.
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May 27, 2022 1:25 PM
Mar 2021
I was hoping that kanade would start to change a bit this episode.
May 27, 2022 1:41 PM

Sep 2020
Kanade is a character I am starting to dislike more and more as each episode goes on. I do like her new romance arc but her “normal arc” is so forced. The “yes I wanted the blue backpack” line killed me by just how bad it was. All this stems from her being forced to follow the social norm. Humans tend to change when they are around people, and you would think with her being in the lab with these eccentric people should make her naturally become more herself but nope. She just has to be “I’m not like these people, they don’t know the real me”.

I just want more Ena and Kousuke…
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May 27, 2022 1:43 PM

Dec 2013
So I assume dthe dude was going to be the right one for Kanade but this episode showed it isn't the case.
May 27, 2022 2:44 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
Poor Kanade trying to hide the fact that she's a gorilla girl by playing into normal Japanese standards. I find it very strange that Kanade tries to be the normal one despite her co workers being eccentric science types. She's really the odd ball in that group and it sounds like she doesn't know what she really wants.

At least we are getting a cosplay event next week.
May 27, 2022 3:03 PM
Feb 2022
I liked it because the episode shows a little bit of Kanade's past in relation to the normal word but she had the opportunity to meet again and a festival is coming up in the laboratory
May 27, 2022 7:38 PM

Dec 2018
A pretty heavy first half with Kanade’s backstory, part of her fixation on being normal coming from her parents sucks, and the problem being this deep rooted makes it a tough fix, but I really wanna see her come out of this, I need my cute science babe to let loose lol, she made a lot of cute faces this time too. Kanade’s arc might end up being my favorite of the show so far. Also I agree with Shikijou, Kanade is definitely a dead strike for my ideal lol.

And Yukimura showing those cosplay pics of Himuro was hilarious lol, he sure didn’t hesitate when it came to using them for science, Himuro and everyone else’s reaction was great too. I’m excited to see this cosplay school festival come to fruition lol, and love the mention of Halloween here, spooky month representation is where it’s at!
May 27, 2022 10:14 PM

Jun 2021
Himuro's embarrassed reactions when Yukimura shows her cosplay photos to everyone is so cute! And Yukimura naming the event "Love Love Island" and everyone just stands there dumbfounded lol!
May 28, 2022 4:12 AM

Dec 2018
kind of played out, and ham-fisted message. also she's literally surrounded by oddballs you'd think she'd get along just well around them and loosen up. most people no matter how peculiar have a small group of like-minded or accepting people. every single person has to put on different masks in society that's just common sense as norms are necessary for group interaction. most have reasons, some are just agreed upon and subjective.
May 28, 2022 9:02 AM

Sep 2017
Really diving deep on this criticism of Japanese society and the blend in/read the room/don't bother others shit. Feel like you don't see that too often. Kanade is honestly kinda annoying to watch in some of these scenarios but I think that's kind of the point. It's a frustrating way to live.
May 28, 2022 9:40 AM

Mar 2019
Man this show has really impressed. I remember watching season 1 while it was airing and thinking well that was a funny little show. Now here season 2 has been very good and brings so much more to the table than the first. Every episode has been enjoyable and I've never felt like the schtick was starting to get played out like I felt a bit in the first season. Well done!
May 28, 2022 7:34 PM

Apr 2018
Well it looks like Kanade is playing a role just to appear "normal" in front of everyone and conform herself to the standards but well, like a lot of young people she just thinks she's different from having her own taste while it's the case of almost everyone and the way you act in group/society is always different anyway, but her condition is understandable and hopefully she'll learn to be herself and not what the others want her to be.

The experience with the different colors and the way they change the attractiveness of a girl is very interesting, I didn't expect red to be that powerful but on the other hand it only works for women and not men for some reason... while the cosplay part I can totally understand, but he better keeps these pictures for himself, poor Himuro lol I would be so embarrassed.

Now it looks like we're getting a college festival and the lab is having a stand with different activities from most members?! It's gonna be very interesting/fun, lol of course Yukimura had to pull that weird night-club name for their stand, but it's actually a good reflection of its members and activities xDD

Good episode.
May 29, 2022 4:51 AM

May 2020
Marinate1016 said:
I feel so bad for Kanade. Obviously it’s a really over the top anime style issue she’s had, but it’s a very real life dilemma she’s facing. Wanting to be accepted and willing to hide who she really is for that.

While most people can’t relate to almost killing their teacher(twice) and being a martial arts prodigy, most people have been in a similar position of wanting to fit in and I like how the series has handled it so far. Really looking forward to how the next few eps help her move past her insecurities! She’s quickly becoming best girl.

not really, shes just being dramatic. one moment she wants to know abt love and then suddenly she has a problem of wanting to be normal . make up ur mind bruh
May 29, 2022 8:23 AM

Oct 2008
i had a lot of laughs this episode especially the 2nd half of the ep about the planning of their presentation for the festival that helds-up every year! lolz
but man! that first half i really though Kanade went through with that devastating punch! i guess it was just her imagination huh...

May 29, 2022 11:31 AM
Mar 2018
Hope Kanade listens to Yukimura, gets to resolve her unfinished business with her teacher and starts to sort out her feelings. That would be a great character arc to see
May 29, 2022 11:32 AM
Mar 2018
Ashhk said:
Well it looks like Kanade is playing a role just to appear "normal" in front of everyone and conform herself to the standards but well, like a lot of young people she just thinks she's different from having her own taste while it's the case of almost everyone and the way you act in group/society is always different anyway, but her condition is understandable and hopefully she'll learn to be herself and not what the others want her to be.

The experience with the different colors and the way they change the attractiveness of a girl is very interesting, I didn't expect red to be that powerful but on the other hand it only works for women and not men for some reason... while the cosplay part I can totally understand, but he better keeps these pictures for himself, poor Himuro lol I would be so embarrassed.

Now it looks like we're getting a college festival and the lab is having a stand with different activities from most members?! It's gonna be very interesting/fun, lol of course Yukimura had to pull that weird night-club name for their stand, but it's actually a good reflection of its members and activities xDD

Good episode.

Wonder if men have that kind of a color though, for real
May 29, 2022 1:27 PM

Oct 2008
Died instantly when Kuma called out the males thinking to wear red the next day lmfaoooo

May 29, 2022 11:49 PM

Feb 2021
Can't wait to see how Yukimura's plan in the next episode.
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Jun 2, 2022 2:26 PM

May 2009
The same episode they explained that red color makes women more desirable also had showed that little girls should have red randoseru. Coincidence?

Jun 3, 2022 6:30 AM

May 2020
To be honest Kanade's mother was more overdramatic than her, I mean things Kanade did as a child were kinda normal, it was just her making a huge fuss out of them.

And yeah how can there not be a cultural festival kinda thing, you be in your masters or a school student, it doesn't matter lol.
Jun 4, 2022 12:42 PM
Community Mod
Crazy Cat Lady

Apr 2019
The thread has been cleaned. Please keep the discussion civil.
Jun 11, 2022 1:20 AM

Oct 2017
Kanade's completely normal, nothing to worry.

Himuro's cosplays were hot.
Jun 11, 2022 5:45 AM
Mar 2012
Kanade's family molded that 'normalcy' over decades, welp that'll be hard to undo even if she tries. Question is what's even her real self. It's ok to accept normality as her whole identity if she's happy.
Kinda like how honest Shikijou is, even tho their date feels awkward. Sounds like they both share a wild childhood forced into normality later, but they're not quite aware.
15:44 wait that's just Rin vs Saber.
gophercgJun 11, 2022 5:49 AM
Jun 18, 2022 9:34 PM
Aug 2021
kanade is surely annoyingg
Jun 23, 2022 3:09 AM

Jul 2015
F#ck feeling weird for not being normal and bland, kinda disappinted in Kanade for not having shown her true self already considering she's surrounded by the most eccentric people one can find.

Jun 28, 2022 2:54 PM

Mar 2010
Hmm Kanade is such a fucking two face doomer downer and its starting to make me feel uneasy. At least a bitch you know what your getting but with these people who just keep everything inside will surely explode and have retarded tantrums. best to rape them before they become complacent.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Jul 13, 2022 12:48 PM
Jan 2020
Kanade is fake as fuck. Man, this is going to change the entire dynamic of these last few episodes.

Love, Love Island ftw imo.
"...Is your mother worried? Would you like us to assign someone to worry your mother?"
Jul 28, 2022 11:48 AM

Jul 2014
What the fuck is this absolute garbage? This is so hamfisted and contrived that it feels like Tumblr users have hijacked the writing department to shove these criticisms of Japanese societal expectations and gender norms down our throats. Wasn't this supposed to be a light-hearted romcom about two science goofballs trying to prove their love? Can we go back to that and put Kanade back on the sidelines where she works best, please? Alternatively, could we not have just ended this season at episode 6 and not gone through all this bullshit?
Sep 29, 2022 8:54 AM
Jan 2022
Funny and hot episode
Dec 14, 2022 10:25 AM

Aug 2018
Hm.. Talking about red color in clothes.. I probably would agree with tendency that it can improve stuff.. But not working for males?.. You just showed awful example of not suiting red clothes, lol.. Red can totally also make man hotter as well, really.. Like male wearing red t-shirt underneath, for example.. When dating someone, and then undressing.. It certainly can be more hot, if the palette is attractive.. More hot than some random white or something.. So it really depends.. Overall it's believed that wearing red can be better, both for confidence and looks.. But also red can be both awful or great.. At the end of the day, if you believe in one thing or another and it helps you - then that's good.. ;P
As well as white, for example, in the next scenes.. Yukimura rating nurse outfit for Himuro the highest, lol.. It being white clothes.. So don't write white down as well, really.. There are quite some white clothes, who make girl more attractive.. Fetishes also a thing, someone feeling better about traditional white wedding dress, someone preferring the variant of making it red, for whatever is the reason, why would you do that, as you can do that, really..
In the end, attractive clothes can be a bit more complicated than just red always better than white.. As you can wear awful red like that guy on pic, lol.. I think him wearing that awful design of swimsuit would be bad in white as well, though.. That design just sucks for one color, lol, at least make it stripes or something, lol.. In the end, there can be both nice red and white clothes..
May 23, 2023 9:45 PM

Dec 2022
Well, Himuro cosplay was also great, which made me forget the frustration of watching that girl's past. The best cosplay was nurse. Nurses are better always.
Aug 2, 2023 2:16 PM

Apr 2013
Guess Yukimura is no one who harbors hard feelings. Those themes for their campus festival surely are... special though.
Aug 25, 2023 4:06 AM
Dec 2022
The lab guys planned a romance theme show at the festival.
Dec 21, 2024 9:38 AM

May 2020
My focus turn to Himuro photos. She did pretty well as cosplayer. Unbeaten Aqua-sama vibes is real.
Mar 9, 5:37 AM

Dec 2024
I cannot help but feel that Yukimura is just an asshole. I mean treating Kanade like that was unexpectable i mean who the fuck does he think he is? Anyway we got some BS backstory to Kanade which would have been fine if they didn't pick the most stupid ideas. I mean being bullied for the color of your backpack and being exiled for it? As if. But the fight to be normal is one that is very real and one i support. I think it is better to fit in than stand out but thats just me.

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