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Mar 31, 2022 1:06 AM
xrvbert said: In two words, this episode is.... MIND BLOWING It presented a lot of my thoughts that as a matter of fact I had just last night while I was trying to sleep with all the burden in my life. Not to get edgy here tho. Anyways this is probably my favorite episode in this whole anime btw I know that a lot of people will hate this opinion but hey, different strokes for different folks. Yeah fr, I like the philosophies in this anime, they’re interesting to think about and kinda expand in different ways on all the existential theories and stuff I discuss with my brother |
Mar 31, 2022 5:29 AM
Really did not like that ending at all, it made it feel like watching the show was a complete waste of time in the end, really did not like it at all |
The Fate of Destruction is also the Joy of Rebirth ;) |
Mar 31, 2022 8:58 AM
haven't yet watched the anime. but now that it completed i can go on and see it marathonly lol. since the anime had ended as the manga did, i will just leave here my long post about my opinions on the manga ending, recommending reading this both for whose loved the end and also for those who hated this: |
Mar 31, 2022 12:05 PM
Animation this episode really hurt my eyes At least the end message is good |
Apr 1, 2022 11:03 AM
Well, I don't know what to say about this ending, I mean everyone EVERYONE fucking died? TF? I'm just having a hard time comprehending what was going through the author's head when he wrote this ending. I can't even call it "bad" or "good" I just don't know what was the point of the whole bullshit that happened for more than 23 episodes? Nakaumi was so fucking suicidal that he killed himself even after becoming a god and he ended up killing not only himself but all angels and all humans, even destroying heaven in the process. Anyway, it was nice to see that Mirai and Saki spent some years together, they found their happiness so that's good. I felt especially happy for Temari, she was no longer after just fame and money and in the end just wanted someone to love her. What else to say, this 24 episode journey was decent, can't call it good because Metropoliman parts where Mirai was being Mr. Goody good were just painful to watch, but there were some enjoyable parts too, so overall I'm gonna rate this anime 7/10, I wish I could have rated this 6.5 but it's okay. I think it's safe to say that this anime didn't have much of an impact on me, emotionally or otherwise as I'm not feeling any post-anime blues for this at all, after finishing any other 24 episode anime I feel at least a little sad that it has ended but not for Platinum end lmao. Well, still this was nice, I think I'm gonna miss this just a little bit and that's only because it's kind of become my habit to watch this every Friday so it will feel a bit weird to not watch it every Friday from now on. |
The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama. Feeling half happy, half sad. Kawaii waifus and precious best girls <3333 |
Apr 2, 2022 4:29 PM
Mirai and Saki acting like happy couples. Why didn't the previous god tell him humans would vanish if god died, he probably wouldn't have killed himself. Makes you think why a suicidal person that might care too much about other people would be chosen for the position of god since they would probably go insane trying to find a way to make things better for everyone. What controversial ending, didn't think we would get a anime like this at the present year. Reminds of Kaido's quote from One Piece "Death Brings Humans Completion" While i think this anime's interpretation of how some people might think is valid in some way, a lot of concepts presented in this anime don't even come to a lot of people's minds unless they learn from other people or a show such as this. Nakaumi was suppose to take into consideration the life of people that wanted to live and not just the people that wanted to die but in the end the show just had a cheap way of ending the world with him not knowing what will happen if "God" dies. |
LizonApr 2, 2022 5:00 PM
Apr 3, 2022 3:47 PM
Welp! That came out of nowhere. But i was expecting an ending that portrayed a not so good ending. It was fully based on logic and rationality from the beginning tothe end, the entire show was focused on the lives of those who has suicide tendencies and given up on their lives. So i was expecting Nothing less then a mass extinction |
Apr 5, 2022 11:01 AM
show's below mid!!! literally hentai in some parts. brutal awful in most ways, animation is good but why the character and others are way awfully mid. |
Apr 5, 2022 11:02 AM
but it's awful 😂 |
Apr 7, 2022 11:55 AM
Apr 7, 2022 5:15 PM
oh boy that end scene animated was brilliant. It's funny to see Yoneda still going with the wrong train of thoughts. |
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you! |
Apr 7, 2022 5:17 PM
DarkRain27 said: Platinum end wasn't a bad anime. It was no masterpiece, but I didn't get why people hate on it that much. I can say this for the first 12 episodes. After that it went downhill hard...and the final episode is a dip to the lowest circle of hell. I think part of the reason people hate it so much is that they were expecting another Death Note. |
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you! |
Apr 13, 2022 4:04 AM
On one hand, I understand the ending. On the other, I find it hard to explain it without writing a huge philosophical essay centering on the nature and belief of god... I suppose people who didn't understand the ending can just think of everything as a huge practical joke by the author. |
There's no inherent right or wrong in this universe, but when we think with emotions rather than logic, we make things so. |
Apr 13, 2022 4:49 AM
The author just spat in my face. It wasn't even like the ending was shocking but more so just stupid. If they were going to go with this ending they might as well kill all of the god candidates. I had a feeling seeing the edge lord become God was just dumb considering they literally set MC up throughout the whole show to become God. I'm soooo glad I binge-watched it and didn't wait week after week for an ending like that. |
Apr 21, 2022 3:45 PM
God just suffered depression and killled himself, and then the rest of the humankind just died out of the blue? .-. Like, did it have to end this way?? No, I think not :( Certainly this kind of ending is not my cup of tea and was I expecting something good after all the mess they went through. Sadly, 5/10 if not lower. I can safely say to my friend that this anime is not worth watching. |
[*]My Completed List [*]♪Listen ► [/list][/left] |
Apr 22, 2022 7:08 AM
May 1, 2022 9:29 PM
May 5, 2022 3:57 PM
I could have sworn that he decided that he would help humanity, or take on the role since no one else seemed to want the role of God badly enough. I loved the two thirds of the anime, but after they killed off the main antagonist of the story, the most clever and cunning character of the show, everything seemed to take a turn for the worse. I thought the scientist was an interesting follow on antagonist, and it seemed to make sense how they decided who the actual god would be. The scientist and his angel were all about the death of god, until the “new god” reasoned that he couldn’t take another persons life without said persons consent. This ideology that god doesn’t have to be destroyed, and humanity doesn’t have to end, and the continuation of both god and humanity should remain as they are is the ideology I was expecting of the new god. He looked at all the people, realizing that god existing to simply observe the world and never to interfere with life’s purpose, and realized that there were many who only wanted death. I wasn’t sure where they were going with this, until everyone started disappearing. But, it only left me with an unsatisfied sense of not getting to see the end of Platinum End. It’s like, making a story about zombies, and killing off the last humans just so you have a “finale”. I think, it would have been better if he decided to kill himself and the angels, and leave humanity to its own devices… even if he “undid” the effects of gods influence. Or, perhaps it ends with God deciding to help those who wanted to kill themselves, by making it easier to do so without suffering or affecting those around them, pretty much what he kept going on about before becoming god. Then he also helps certain people with small gifts needed to reduce poverty, world hunger, and eventually leading to a utopia. Alternatively, the god candidate game would be a true battle Royale, and the last few episodes tweaked for a sad/emotional, or happy, ending to avoid the one they had. |
May 6, 2022 12:50 AM
I personally really enjoyed it I didn’t expect this ending and I love when it’s not the typical happy ending the show had some unexpected things throughout which I enjoyed. |
May 6, 2022 10:51 AM
Seems like those people that hating this episode is Vanilla Guy that always want happy ending LOL. Dude just go touch some grass, feel the reality something will not always happy ending 💀 |
May 7, 2022 1:26 PM
May 13, 2022 11:30 AM
The ending is the only thing in this show that can be considered remotely "good". Other than that I'd expected something different entirely seeing as people often compare this to future diary which is one of my favs. I didn't see any similarities except the "choose a new god" concept. |
May 16, 2022 3:27 PM
It was literally a platinum end. I really like when they reveal the meaning of a title like that. The story in the first 23 episodes was pretty average overall (themes too ambitious to be properly handled, there's no way a manga adaptation can go as deep as a proper philosophy book), but the last one was really good. My main complaint would be that it seemed inspired by the "rapture" fanfiction that US Evangelicals made up, but I guess that's the best reason the author could think of to explain how the former candidates knew their fate in advance. |
May 16, 2022 7:39 PM
bittersweetlove said: Man, I was expecting a good end, and it was actually ok...until the guy decided to kill everyone, wtf. The couple deserved a good end...Nasse should be the real God I mean the couple literally had their perfect ending (not that I care about those 2 personally lol), as they found happiness and died together without having to suffer the loss of the other. As for Nasse, the episode literally tells you that she somewhat pulled the strings - when she says "my job is here done" then proceed to tell the emo kid God "you should look at what happens to humans" so he can go full depression mode over poverty and bad shit then kill himself lul Anyway, not a great show of course, but I felt at least the ending had the balls to go for something a bit more value than boring happy ending. |
May 22, 2022 5:22 AM
grr, as some said in this thread, i can't believe ohba and obata let this adaption go, disgrace for the manga. the manga wasn't 10/10, but this is just lame, lol let alone the fact that the anime messed a lot of epics moments of the manga, like the end of the "angel's world" had been drawn much better in the manga, and so the "end of the world" scene had been downgraded from the original ending. i mean, i didn't imagined the end of the manga with "titles" lol, that was so ameturish. like the director didn't cared at all. moreover, the end of the manga had made me makes big :O , even if i wouldn't read the manga the anime just messed the whole ending. lol no, all that doesn't matter to the fact that the anime messed up the whole "death theme" "god theme" and such. the anime didn't cared for that staff from the very much first episodes, messing up each character's background. in other words: seems to me the studio wasn't smart enough to understand the themes ohba had meant to deal with in the manga, and just messed up the whole writing. the manga wasn't the best either, but the whole themes ohba had meant to deal with, had been utterly crashed by cheap animation and poor direction. for those who: 1. loved the anime - you will love the manga much better 2. didn't loved the anime - you might try to read the last 10 chapters in the manga. 3. hated the anime - if it's because of the characters and not the themes, you might want to follow the above suggestion. if not, you don't have too. as i figured this out, ohba didn't failed in writing platinum end. even though even the opinions about the manga is mixed, i think that's what ohba meant with the story to begin with. not everyone can read and enjoy the manga, it have very complex themes. and obata realizing ohba intentions well, had been following his ideals in beautiful manner of art. the anime - however, had ruined every thing was good in the manga. the themes, the art. the only thing they kinda managing to do was the storytelling, who was the bad thing in the manga. so as for the anime i will give it: 6/10 unlike 8/10 to the manga as for my pure opinion about the ending [of the manga], you can check it here: |
May 25, 2022 12:23 AM
I thought the ending was really good. I get tired of happy endings, kill them all. It was refreshing to see, because death is always the end to all stories in reality. I guess ppl don’t like this lvl of realism. Anyways, I’m an atheist and I’m really into Science, so I really don’t like sappy religious shows like this, but I really started to like it towards the end and I really liked this ending episode. |
May 27, 2022 2:58 PM
Ahahah, to think shonen jump probably pressured the author after blasphemy and people comment, based to say fuck it and go with "god created humanity, everyone was wrong and die thx bye" and adding a plot twist about god just being a weapon in testing, basicaly validating every single of Yoneda previous theory of what going to happen to humanity or any civilisation with curiosity. The story was still good if you focus on the MC that should have died 24 episode ago like every candidate, but still achieved true hapinness in the very end. |
lasodamosMay 27, 2022 3:32 PM
May 30, 2022 8:55 PM
Bruh I think the author basically said to all of us fuck life. Lmao |
May 30, 2022 8:57 PM
Asprettyasme said: Evangelion did the same shit and it was way better. This ending was retarded and nihlism bullshit.I thought the ending was really good. I get tired of happy endings, kill them all. It was refreshing to see, because death is always the end to all stories in reality. I guess ppl don’t like this lvl of realism. Anyways, I’m an atheist and I’m really into Science, so I really don’t like sappy religious shows like this, but I really started to like it towards the end and I really liked this ending episode. |
May 31, 2022 5:31 PM
God/the creature was created by humans, to be more specific 'future' humans who reached the future the professor was talking about, being immortal and the put it simply: a bored and hollow immortal humanity who accomplished all, they planted God on the planet earth and this last created our mortal humanity. Why you ask? That's the morale of the show: it is death that gives value to human life, that's why you see all those texts at the end like ''we envy you'' since they're immortal and all..they recreated that environment they once had for some experiment purposes, a reminiscence of something they once had and now lost; my thoughts? I understand that limited view of ''Death gives value to human life'' i saw more than once in differents operas and i Despise it, really it's just such a limited line of thought for me... |
Solaire_ofAstoraMay 31, 2022 5:42 PM
Jun 1, 2022 10:15 AM
I feel like I'm getting trolled by this anime so hard... Let's not mention several loopholes like how Saki can cancel her red arrow on MC right away while the show just decided later on that it is uncancelable unless the caster or victim died... or how the show just decided that it is recastable on the same person (the police officer) while it definitely said that they can only be shot once by said arrow and is unable to be shot again on that same person after 33 days expired... or how said police guy can also receive wings after being shot red arrow by MC even without him having extra wings (or so at least from what I remembered).. or how the borrowed white arrow can also be transferred to someone else... idk I might have missed details on them but I feel like they are trolling watchers with their own created rules ...Ok so I did rant about the loopholes in the end, but lets talk about the show. First it was a battle royale shonen anime kind of like mirai nikki with super cringe characters which I barely tolerated because all of them are kids except that terminal cancer guy who actually looked like the actual mc plus an insane antagonist, and when I was about to drop the show cos I disliked their cringe shonen battles, the show actually killed that insane guy; After that it feels like it is getting slightly better with the genre changing into philosophical life and death and religious theme and I was like 'wow this is finally getting interesting author shouldve just stick with this genre from the very start without those shit battle shonen actions' buuuuuuuuuuut that weird professor and his delusional worldview as a loner came into being and trolled the entire casts (and watchers) with his antics... and as we watched a full 4 or 5 eps of him talking about his philosophy and ideals while shoving the mc some life and death choices, he finally lost the battle of wits and I was like 'this looked like an epilogue why would there be another eps?' and tadaaaa we get a freaking 'Platinum End' ending. Totally felt like I'm clicking a rickroll link right then. Okay, so anyway I appreciate the theme of this story but like, why would they start it with a different genre at the start? Why dont they stick to that theme from the very start and instead we get death game? What was the point of that useless character 'Metropoliman' except for appeasing those who love actions/shonen battle? And why did they spend so many eps showing us that farce battle of mc vs professor? They could have done this better without those useless actions and just focus on the actual life and death theme and then the ending would feel slightly less troll... at least to me. Anyway, fck this show. I hope there won't be anyone getting baited by this show like me. |
Jun 15, 2022 3:25 AM
tornberryz said: I feel like I'm getting trolled by this anime so hard... Let's not mention several loopholes like how Saki can cancel her red arrow on MC right away while the show just decided later on that it is uncancelable unless the caster or victim died... or how the show just decided that it is recastable on the same person (the police officer) while it definitely said that they can only be shot once by said arrow and is unable to be shot again on that same person after 33 days expired... or how said police guy can also receive wings after being shot red arrow by MC even without him having extra wings (or so at least from what I remembered).. or how the borrowed white arrow can also be transferred to someone else... idk I might have missed details on them but I feel like they are trolling watchers with their own created rules ...Ok so I did rant about the loopholes in the end, but lets talk about the show. First it was a battle royale shonen anime kind of like mirai nikki with super cringe characters which I barely tolerated because all of them are kids except that terminal cancer guy who actually looked like the actual mc plus an insane antagonist, and when I was about to drop the show cos I disliked their cringe shonen battles, the show actually killed that insane guy; After that it feels like it is getting slightly better with the genre changing into philosophical life and death and religious theme and I was like 'wow this is finally getting interesting author shouldve just stick with this genre from the very start without those shit battle shonen actions' buuuuuuuuuuut that weird professor and his delusional worldview as a loner came into being and trolled the entire casts (and watchers) with his antics... and as we watched a full 4 or 5 eps of him talking about his philosophy and ideals while shoving the mc some life and death choices, he finally lost the battle of wits and I was like 'this looked like an epilogue why would there be another eps?' and tadaaaa we get a freaking 'Platinum End' ending. Totally felt like I'm clicking a rickroll link right then. Okay, so anyway I appreciate the theme of this story but like, why would they start it with a different genre at the start? Why dont they stick to that theme from the very start and instead we get death game? What was the point of that useless character 'Metropoliman' except for appeasing those who love actions/shonen battle? And why did they spend so many eps showing us that farce battle of mc vs professor? They could have done this better without those useless actions and just focus on the actual life and death theme and then the ending would feel slightly less troll... at least to me. Anyway, fck this show. I hope there won't be anyone getting baited by this show like me. What makes the ending worse is that you can only view its message because YOU EXIST OUTSIDE OF IT. If you were a person of this world, you could be as happy as Mirai was at the end... but it doesn't justify the death of 7.3 billion people to achieve it. Mirai was happy? How about that mother that had to witness her baby disappear? All the mothers that had to witness it? The couples that watched their partners vanish into thin air? Whole families vanished... Mirai achieved happiness, at the expense of the entire world. A flowery message only works if there is someone to say it, to hear it... And with this ending, nothing was said, nothing was heard. |
Jun 17, 2022 10:04 AM
Jun 28, 2022 11:04 AM
tornberryz said: i'm srry but half of your plotholes (that's how you pronounce it, i think) aren't plotholes at all. there's just needs to pay attention.I feel like I'm getting trolled by this anime so hard... Let's not mention several loopholes like how Saki can cancel her red arrow on MC right away while the show just decided later on that it is uncancelable unless the caster or victim died... or how the show just decided that it is recastable on the same person (the police officer) while it definitely said that they can only be shot once by said arrow and is unable to be shot again on that same person after 33 days expired... or how said police guy can also receive wings after being shot red arrow by MC even without him having extra wings (or so at least from what I remembered).. or how the borrowed white arrow can also be transferred to someone else... idk I might have missed details on them but I feel like they are trolling watchers with their own created rules the fact that PE isn't the "best" anime around, doesn't means you need to trash it with lies. |
Jul 10, 2022 3:13 AM
I personally really liked the anime and I don't really understand the low score it got. It's one of the few animes were after literally every episode I wanted to know how the story continues. There's rarely anime as unpredictable as this one anymore. At first the ending confused and disappointed me and yes, I think it definitely feels too rushed. But then I read someone saying that the message of the anime is that even though you might think your suicide won't impact others, it actually does. And with that in mind, I think the ending fits the anime perfectly. I'm hesitant to give the anime a perfect score, because some characters felt a bit too one-dimensional and I wish there were some more complex explanations for certain events, but I ended up giving it a 9/10. |
Jul 21, 2022 12:38 PM
Man I had some hope for this anime but like the issues it tries to address it was depressing |
Aug 12, 2022 3:40 AM
This anime makes us ask ourselves many questions about existence. To end on a "and they lived happily ever after" would be inappropriate. This moralizing ending is therefore in perfect agreement with the scenario. |
Aug 23, 2022 5:30 PM
Aug 27, 2022 5:33 AM
Although throughout the show it was far from being remotely good, I thought the ending is actually really nice. Atleast they dare to do something different from anime endings nowadays. Tragic endings are my desire of watching anime. Although I don't really care about the characters from this show, the ost carried it. |
Aug 28, 2022 2:44 PM
OMGGGGGGGGGG AYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MASTERPIECE !!!!!!!!! right where everyone was moving on and grasping happiness, including HAPPY MIRAI SAKI MARRIAGE LIFE, and Yoneda's understanding. Nakaumi GOD mode sees everything in THE WORLD. He suicided, his desire to always suicide, comes to fruition to stop his own and the world's PROLONGING, effectively FREEZING happiness and suffering at ITS time, at THE SAME time. HIS action is GOOD or BAD depending on who you ask. His LAST INTERVENTION proves GOD IS REAL, yet proving GOD IS A FAKE GOD (that cannot help) !!!!!!! Nakaumi proved AS THE CREATURE CALLED GOD, HE IS JUST AS HUMAN TO SUICIDE, yet his power is the FORM of TIME itself, something humans cannot attain. THE ENDING WAS TRULY THE MOST GOD LIKE THING I EVER SEEN, A PARADOX !!! EVERYTHING THAT HAS BEEN BUILT, HUMANITY + GOD/ANGEL COLLAPSES BY ONE MOVE By killing himself, Nakaumi returned creation, future, and happiness AND suffering to nothingness. Bye Nasse !!! THIS IS PLATINUM END 10/10 |
Aug 29, 2022 2:15 AM
for those of who may have not understand the whole concept, check the following image to understand it. in a nutshell , the timeline will then be : |
Sep 11, 2022 5:49 PM
I had read this manga long before it got an anime. and once I managed to finish the manga series I immediately went to watch the anime hoping it would have a slightly different end like Death Note or the original FMA, but this was pretty much a 1:1 adaptation of the manga. The manga I feel I like more so simply cause i like the art better in the manga. but overall the anime I have to give a 5/10 the manga wasnt that great but the anime I would rak lower for not trying something new plus I didnt care for some of the effects in the anime like the flurry of feathers everywhere and the slowed motion thing they were doing w/ god. |
Sep 16, 2022 7:21 AM
FUcking horrible |
Oct 7, 2022 5:28 AM
amirbahalegh said: for those of who may have not understand the whole concept, check the following image to understand it. in a nutshell , the timeline will then be : This manga/anime is garbage and no pretentious overthinking will change it. |
Oct 15, 2022 10:58 PM
I don't think I understood the whole story and the objective behind everything shown in the anime, but I really liked it. Maybe 'cause when I was younger I used to question god identity and creation... 8/10 :) |
Nov 9, 2022 5:03 AM
Breh waifu Nasse is dead |
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