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Police in a Pod
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Mar 2, 2022 6:58 AM

Nov 2011
Ah yes, police training. It's an important part of their lives although I find it kinda amusing at the way this show handles it.

Kawai also had some absolutely priceless reactions this episode. It was almost hard to take this episode's case seriously at times lol
Mar 2, 2022 7:31 AM

Apr 2010
Looks like the girls had a busy night but they did manage to save someone so that was a good thing.
The judo part was really funny as well especially when they had to stop the chief, they fear him.

Kawai learned a lot again.
Mar 2, 2022 7:58 AM

Jul 2017
Even in the police force, there is a thing called strength training, and the Machiyama Prefectural Police Division gets some.

To not spare the oldies in the force, as well as policemen and women being strapped to their jobs, the Lieutenant sure has a lot on his plate. Sure, his arrest techniques training will help, but psychology has also factored the same approval as proven by Fuji and Minamoto. Their downtime talk with him is as good as a conversation, but the Lieutenant has to stand his ground too because of upper-rank management, otherwise he would get a demotion.

Especially the part where there is thug subduement training, there's a lot of cold but relatable jokes worth a chuckle at. Kawai, Minamoto and Yamada facing off against the Lieutenant, their guts are as best as their personality, too much to overbear.

Fuji and Kawai had an eye-baller of a patrol night of imminent calls. From an eyewitness report about a UFO in the sky? And also, the ugly fatso Taro Sakamoto is back at it again to harass the police with his false suicide threat reports; people requesting for Minamoto being a fan-favourite detective when it comes to emergencies; and a case of a dementia old man reporting a false "ninja" burglary. Probably the only real issue is Taro's suicide threat...which he almost killed himself of an actual self-suicide.

Welp, I feel bad for the police doing such duties, but is this their livelihood: every report must be taken seriously.
Mar 2, 2022 8:50 AM
Neet Specter

Mar 2022
I really thought that this would be one of the animes of the season but sadly I must say it's been a disappointment specially when you read the manga.
It's one those rarest of rare where the live action is much better than the anime.
Kawai in the live action is much more kawaii and Erika Toda is so hot as Seiko Fuji Senpai. The live action is much more detailed and action packed with a bigger hidden mystery lurking in the background. The scenery in live action is also beautiful compared to the anime. Much of Makitaka and poilce box head has been cut to mere clips.
The anime kawai is not kawaii like the live action actress. Much of the girl talks in kawa's dormitory room has been cut.
I would recommend that everyone to give the live action a go after this.. but all in all a very nice to see funny side of police in ever collapsing trust in police in real world.
Please talk to me more about it

Mar 2, 2022 8:55 AM
Jul 2018
police did their job again. I would like to see critical moments to get animated.
Kawai remembers or writes her father every single episode.
Mar 2, 2022 9:11 AM

Nov 2016
When I'm sleepy at work I rather prefer physical than mental tasks xD And self defense training is pretty fun tbh.

Jfl @ Kawai terrified expression.

Respect to the police officers and their discipline and patients to remain professional. Crazy patients and their relatives or drunk bar customers seem almost like child play compared to what bullshit the police has to deal with on a daily basis.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Mar 2, 2022 9:22 AM
Sep 2015
It's actually brilliant that the last part is call UFO even though UFO plays little to no role.

Most of UFO encounter report is not actually UFO, but of course it's still not 100%.
Just like the emergency call, most of them are probably prank call or non-emergency request, but there's still a chance that it's a real emergency call, like the suicide case in this episode.
Mar 2, 2022 11:23 AM

May 2021
Great episode! Everyone wants to get out of arresting techniques training xD. Kawai's scared look on her face as she tried to run away was great lol. And there's a report of something that looks like a UFO in the sky...
Someone called the police because there is a roach in their room. As well as threatening suicide but was just drunk. Someone else wants Minamoto to talk to them xD. But they got Fuji and Kawai instead. The emergency they called about was something she wouldn't talk about as Minamoto wasn't there. Now another suicide threat rom Sakamoto! But again... he was just drinking. Also another call about a ninja in someone's attic. The man calling says he hears footsteps above him all day and his stuff has gone missing but it was just under the fridge. AND ANOTHER SUICIDE THREAT FROM SAKAMOTO! But this time he has locked the front door. But Fuji breaks open the window to get inside. She also asks for an ambulance since Sakamoto has actually hung himself! He regained consciousness thankfully. Kawai finally learned a lesson that you can't ever abandon a report in case it turns out to be true! Minamoto got his visitor!

Looking forward to the next episode!
Mar 2, 2022 11:28 AM

May 2021
ryo-san said:
I really thought that this would be one of the animes of the season but sadly I must say it's been a disappointment specially when you read the manga.
It's one those rarest of rare where the live action is much better than the anime.
Kawai in the live action is much more kawaii and Erika Toda is so hot as Seiko Fuji Senpai. The live action is much more detailed and action packed with a bigger hidden mystery lurking in the background. The scenery in live action is also beautiful compared to the anime. Much of Makitaka and poilce box head has been cut to mere clips.
The anime kawai is not kawaii like the live action actress. Much of the girl talks in kawa's dormitory room has been cut.
I would recommend that everyone to give the live action a go after this.. but all in all a very nice to see funny side of police in ever collapsing trust in police in real world.
Please talk to me more about it
Hello. I was interested if the live action had an English subtitled version? I am interested in watching it.
Mar 2, 2022 12:08 PM
Neet Specter

Mar 2022
Yes @Rem4lifexD
it has English subs. All of them are subbed including the two recap episodes when the filming got delayed.
Today's episode of judo kendo training had makitaka in the live action but she wasn't in the anime episode.
Also the gorilla part they cut down the jokes.

Mar 2, 2022 12:59 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
ryo-san said:
Yes @Rem4lifexD
it has English subs. All of them are subbed including the two recap episodes when the filming got delayed.
Today's episode of judo kendo training had makitaka in the live action but she wasn't in the anime episode.
Also the gorilla part they cut down the jokes.

Do you know where we can watch the live action version of Police in a Pod?
Mar 2, 2022 1:23 PM

Feb 2014
The judo training was pretty amusing, I must say. The amount of times the officers tried to make up so many excuses just so they took partake in lighter exercises was funny, but the chief wasn't one to budge on his instructions at all.

Speaking of which, he was a formidable foe when Kawai, Minamoto and Yamada had to take him on as part of their training, which led to some nice animation and hilarious facial reactions from Kawai. XD

The second half of the episode had Kawai and Fuji going out on night patrol, dealing with call out which tested their patience over and over again. Thanks to Fuji during their trip to the drunk guy for the third time that night, her quick thinking by smashing open the window made sure that they rescued the guy from hanging himself. It also goes to show that Kawai's thought process of coming back to the guys apartment the next day would've been a horrible choice to make, so she did learn a good lesson here.

Overall, I enjoyed this episode quite a bit. =)
Mar 2, 2022 1:47 PM

Apr 2018
I kinda expected the guy to really try killing himself after the third call, though that was a pretty interesting twist, fortunately he isn't dead.
Mar 2, 2022 1:52 PM
Neet Specter

Mar 2022

Hey man i see you like Lupin III.. you can watch the live action film on there and also zenigata case files spin offs and Lupin's daughter.. Lupin's and fujiko and daughter trying to be a family
ryo-sanMar 2, 2022 1:57 PM

Mar 2, 2022 2:32 PM

Jul 2014
You know, the third suicide attempt wouldn't have happened if Fuji and Kawai had actually taken him seriously and not just lightly scolded him and treated him as an inconvenience, so for Fuji to go on to say that they always have to respond seriously felt kind of insulting even if obviously correct.
Mar 2, 2022 4:21 PM

Dec 2013
The twist at the end of the episodes have been really good, either from not everything being as bad as it seems or how something can end up being really serious. It was super funny how scared Kawai was with the training and then put on the ground so gently.

It was also pretty interesting to learn about Sasumata, doesn't seem like a good defense tool but what do I know.
KanameYuukiMar 2, 2022 4:35 PM
Mar 2, 2022 4:28 PM

Sep 2018
Another great episode, that sudden tonal shift was good, I was laughing the whole episode too up to that point. Just goes to show how quickly shit can hit the fan, not just in the Police department, but in many other work places (including my own) as well.
Mar 2, 2022 4:55 PM

Sep 2020
Atavistic said:
You know, the third suicide attempt wouldn't have happened if Fuji and Kawai had actually taken him seriously and not just lightly scolded him and treated him as an inconvenience, so for Fuji to go on to say that they always have to respond seriously felt kind of insulting even if obviously correct.

I think you're wrong.
Lightly scold him and he will likely repeat the stunt to seek attention (even outside this specific night they implied he was an habitual caller), harshly scold him and you don't if during his next crisis he will try to end his life without contacting the police beforehand.
I'm afraid patrol cops can't do much about this sort of stuff.

KanameYuuki said:
It was also pretty interesting to learn about Sasumata, doesn't seem like a good defense tool but what do I know.

One alone won't suffice but multiple should be good enough to restrain someone.
Mar 2, 2022 5:35 PM
Jul 2018
I doubt my thoughts on the show overall will change a-lot, but that second half was pretty good.
Mar 2, 2022 5:55 PM

Feb 2020
Wow i never know there's something called Sasumata to restrain the hoodlum or other person that seems dangerous. Its actually a pretty cool item. But yeah, i feel like if you face against a bear-type of person like their lieutnant, one really is not enough and need more than five to restrain him xd. I feel like its more of the good lesson from the lieutnant to those funny dudes to always prioritize practicing the arrest technique, or just stay to the strength training routine all times. No mercy for the dudes xd. Still, the talk with lieutnant on the beginning was a fun shit, and as always poor Kawai as the obvious sacrifice...

Second part becoming more serious, even if its having such a strange title. Imagine, UFO. More important lesson from the experience sergeant Fuji for the precious rookie policewoman, Kawai. Reports and orders must be addressed seriously, no matter if its sounds annoying, obvious prank, or just seeking attention. Respect...
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Mar 2, 2022 8:07 PM

Jun 2019
Hit or miss episode. The first part was kinda eh aside from 3 on 1 part, while the 2nd part had good comedic snowballing that led to a well-done serious moment. The voice actors do a really good job in this show.
Mar 2, 2022 8:36 PM

Dec 2018
I laughed so much this episode, the opening with the judo training was great, I especially loved the bit where they were training with the lieutenant and Kawai just screams as she’s being grabbed lmao. The 2nd half was also hilarious, the random call ins they kept getting were amusing, of course until Sakamoto actually ended up trying to commit suicide which I kinda saw coming, but it was a great way to end the episode, full of laughs and ended off with a serious note, a good lesson for Kawai too.
Mar 2, 2022 8:39 PM

Dec 2018
ryo-san said:
I really thought that this would be one of the animes of the season but sadly I must say it's been a disappointment specially when you read the manga.
It's one those rarest of rare where the live action is much better than the anime.
Kawai in the live action is much more kawaii and Erika Toda is so hot as Seiko Fuji Senpai. The live action is much more detailed and action packed with a bigger hidden mystery lurking in the background. The scenery in live action is also beautiful compared to the anime. Much of Makitaka and poilce box head has been cut to mere clips.
The anime kawai is not kawaii like the live action actress. Much of the girl talks in kawa's dormitory room has been cut.
I would recommend that everyone to give the live action a go after this.. but all in all a very nice to see funny side of police in ever collapsing trust in police in real world.
Please talk to me more about it

Thanks for the info, but I actually prefer how this anime is, being more of an SoL comedy than an action based show. I’m sure the live action is great for its own reasons tho.
Mar 3, 2022 6:44 AM

Oct 2016
Goddamn, that went from 0 to a hundred really quick. The part with Taro Sakamoto was brilliantly done.

As a cybersecurity analyst, all those mundane requests was fucking relatable and hilarious lmao, since we are technically like cops, but digital.

The chief's mock training was great as well, we got a blursed Kawai face.
Mar 3, 2022 7:20 AM
Jul 2016
Why didn't the police send him to a mental health facility after the first suicide threat?
Mar 3, 2022 12:05 PM

Feb 2021
The training and calling part was fun, but I wanted to focus on Taro-san.

The truth is that I felt a bit upset when the protagonists said that someone who commits suicide does not call. The truth is that this is one of the most widespread myths in many societies.

A person who commits suicide is not because they want to, it is just a desperate act in the face of suffering. That is why so many people who try or succeed have tried to give notice in some way. It's true what some say, "he wants attention", but let's ask ourselves "why do you want attention? Is something happening in your life and you need help?"
I think that with facts, this anime showed that what the characters said that whoever wants to do it doesn't call, is a lie. Many of us do what Kawai-san did, leave, let someone else take care of it. However, if we act like Fuji-san, we will be just as shocked as Kawai-san when we find out the truth.

I share what some users said, maybe Taro-san should have received mental health help. The truth is that this is a problem in many countries, which are not concerned with generating a structure that allows proper mental health care. However, many people who are going through a bad time just need to be heard, without judgment, just empathy.

This is how we can all collaborate in the prevention of suicide, with empathic listening.
Mar 3, 2022 12:21 PM

May 2021
The second part was way too obvious by my perspective, but it is alright I guess, some jokes landed, which is extremely rare for this anime

Mar 3, 2022 12:25 PM

Feb 2021
erikkamirs said:
Why didn't the police send him to a mental health facility after the first suicide threat?
I think that, as I mentioned in my previous comment, in many countries access to mental health care is very complex. In some places it carries such a bureaucratic burden that it is impossible for someone who justly needs mental health care to bear. In other places it is practically non-existent.

You are right that Taro-san should have been referred to a care center at the first attempt or at least he should have been treated by a specialist, who would have foreseen the seriousness of the situation and his suicide attempt would have been prevented. This is why some police officers do not know how to deal with these situations, no one instructs them on how to care for people at risk of suicide, but there are no structures in which they can rely and derive.
Mar 3, 2022 1:59 PM

Feb 2021
I want second season!! It is amazing police series and comedy too!! I really hope Madhouse will announce second season soon!!
Mar 3, 2022 8:07 PM

Apr 2008
You know, if I saw a Western show where Japanese cops were training with judo and kendo I'd have assumed it was being racist. Guess you use what you've got.
Mar 3, 2022 8:33 PM

Jul 2016
Seiko talking about taking every police call seriously when she herself didn't take suicidal guy seriously until it was almost too late. Talk about hypocrisy.
Mar 4, 2022 9:49 AM

Dec 2020
fuji's seriously Great at her job holy shit. even that early part where she was trying to get an excuse to skip training lmao
Mar 4, 2022 11:14 AM

Aug 2020
Bio said:
You know, if I saw a Western show where Japanese cops were training with judo and kendo I'd have assumed it was being racist. Guess you use what you've got.

Ridley Scott's "Black Rain" (1989) showed the great Takakura Ken (as a Japanese detective) training in Kendo at a police dojo, when he confronts an American cop (played by Michael Douglas)

Mar 4, 2022 6:10 PM
Feb 2022
Sin dudas, este ha sido el mejor episodio hasta ahora. Mucha comedia, pero con un final serio y enseñanza para Kawai.
Mar 5, 2022 3:21 PM

May 2009
Nice Umezu face...
Mar 9, 2022 9:09 AM

May 2020
Lol even daily trainings are such a drag, can't blame them being so reluctant to participate. Also tf with those phone calls lmao. They sure were annoying af.
Mar 17, 2022 12:55 PM

Feb 2012
59 year old cop due to retire next year; that's still 1 year, enough time for a maniac with a knife to attack.
Fuji pulling the woman card to get out of training lol.
Kawai being put down gently as the two other two detectives fail to do their bit in the training scenario.

All these women trying to summon Minamoto as their boytoy.

Why did Fuji not call Sakamoto's mother the second time? Or would that be breaking police procedure? Fool me oncetwice, shame on thee, fool me twicethrice, shame on me. The false alarms and reports may make life difficult for them, but Fuji did not give up the third time and knew something was up when Kowai wanted to return the next morning.

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Mar 21, 2022 8:35 AM

Oct 2017
The training part was brutal but hilarious. These guys don't get much time to chill. Second half with all the weird reports was hilarious, specially the ufo one lol. The way they ended the episode was great.
May 16, 2022 7:11 AM

Jul 2015
*Police is on duty*

Taro Sakamoto: I've decided to announce my suicide.

Joke aside, while most calls are probably pranks there is always a possibility for a real one so respect to Fuji for taking everything serious where Kawai should learn from her mistake.

Dec 24, 2022 4:45 AM

Dec 2013
I feel bad for Kawai, she really needs to rest but her health is pretty much impeccable for getting over with training with not enough sleep or food. The second part was really entertaining but turned quite dark. Good thing Taro managed to survive. Fuji is really awesome, hope Kawai can learn a lot from her.

𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘐 𝘣𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵?
𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘐 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘥𝘢𝘺?

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