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Satougashi no Dangan wa Uchinukenai: A Lollypop or A Bullet
Jan 23, 12:11 AM
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We're only human afterall.. xD
Yeah it's from that anime and there's a reason for it's really high score. It is kind of slow paced like Monster and since you liked Monster, I think you'll be fine with LoGH. It's like the Game of Thrones of anime but in space lol.
I have not! I have been intrigued by it ever since the Lain incident but I’ve been swarmed from seasonals and PTWs to start it…
Oh really? Do you have any favorite genres? I agree with that, their relationship is sweet and natural.
Thank you! ^_^
Love your profile as well! We like a few things in common.
I see that you've not seen Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu yet. If you can stomach old af animation, I'd highly recommend you to watch it!
Also, this is kinda random but I think you've replied to yourself by mistake down there 👇 :P
Amen, a girl worth keeping. I love her interactions with Gojo.
I don't remember the "ehhh" girl well, but this indeed was a very funny anime
I only use Anilist as a backup for my anime list (no pun intended), but I doubt MAL will be gone any time soon unless a Lain situation happens again hah.
I've been listening to the same music over and over, mostly from a single artist lol
I would love to see a S2 of Dress Up Darling! It'd be so comforting to see more of the manga get animated
I love Nichijou too, all of the characters are a treat to see!
I feel that MAL is a lot better when it comes to how you want to customize your profile, while AniList is more modern looking for its UI and interface.
Woahh, this song is very different. More slow-paced but nostalgic feel. I have to thank you for introducing odol, this music is incredible!
I really like the Rei-sama cosplay, I haven't seen the Rosetaso one yet since I'm not that far into the manga :(
Dark stuff is very nice, I also like it. :)
Of course! :D
I always appreciate the effort people put in for their profiles, the pain many go through to make it look good... 🫡
It sounds so upbeat but reminiscent, sort of like acknowledging the beauty of their surroundings! I might be off by a mile but it's a lovely song nonetheless :)
Oh, do you mean Black Lobelia? I don't blame you, she did one hell of a job with her cosplays!
I love the look of your profile and the song in your current mood sounds super nice :O