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Jan 17, 2008 5:04 PM
Jan 2008
It's best to view this episode as the second part of the aforementioned arc, because it begins just after the previous one. This is also one of the few times where we see Jean trying to reason with the irrational Nadia about killing and eating meat--this aspect of their relationship is grostesquely distorted and overexaggerated on later episodes, but at least here it's done with credibility. The real highpoints are the tightly-edited, fast-paced cart chase sequence with Marie and Sanson, as well as the powerful moment at the end where Nemo faces off with a Neo-Atlantean to save Nadia, much to the latter's fury.
Nov 22, 2009 3:31 PM

Feb 2009
I don't know about you, but I seriously wanted to slap Nadia in this episode. The guy just saved your life and you repay him by calling him a murderer. Nice.

Nov 24, 2009 7:47 PM
Jan 2008
ArnoldK said:
I don't know about you, but I seriously wanted to slap Nadia in this episode. The guy just saved your life and you repay him by calling him a murderer. Nice.

Yes, I found that scene very objectionable as well; it defintiely shows that Nadia is both very stubborn and clearly refuses to see any "middle ground" in her viewpoints, notably when it comes to killing. Earlier in this episode, too, she verbally attacks Jean and Marie for eating meat, never mind that they were hungry. (She does apologize to both of them, though, in her own way: asking him to help her find Marie and King.)

I will say this in favor of her character, though. Unlike the absolutely HIDEOUS island/Africa episodes (you'll know when you get there), at least this episode, as well as the other earlier 21 episodes, portray Nadia not as a hateful "cartoon" caricature, but as a realistic person with some serious issues yet still has a sense of sanity to recognize that Jean is a very trustworthy person and finds some way to make up for irrationally (and unfairly) taking her temper out on him (as shown for when she begs for forgiveness in episode 10, or even cooks some seaweed in episode 17). She's definitely more of a believeable and likeable heroine than in those "fillers".
Dec 14, 2009 4:51 PM

Feb 2009
I like and understand Nadia... to some extend, however in this episode she overreacted.

Apart from that, I really liked this episode, that crab mecha chase with Sanson and Marie was amazing! I'm really starting to like Sanson, he's the coolest character on this show xD
Dec 14, 2009 5:20 PM
Jan 2008
Veethorn said:
I like and understand Nadia... to some extend, however in this episode she overreacted.

Apart from that, I really liked this episode, that crab mecha chase with Sanson and Marie was amazing! I'm really starting to like Sanson, he's the coolest character on this show xD

Exactly what I'm saying. In these episodes, Nadia is portrayed as a person who is very troubled but has a LOT of serious growing up to do, particularly in her black-and-white views about killing and trusting grown-ups, not to mention growing out of her impulse to berate others for eating meat. This episode only shows that she has some major problems. (If you start to find her completely annoying in the island/Africa arc, though, I won't blame you; you can blame that on NHK trying to squeeze more money out of the show.)

Yeah, the crab chase is absolutely the highlight of the episode. Sanson is really hilarious, but it's also very interesting and touching to see him grow to care for Marie; it allows his "soft" side to take shape. He's definitely a very interesting "comic" character. And his voice actor, Martin Blacker, obviously has a lot of fun with him.
Apr 9, 2010 1:02 PM
Sep 2009
Really enjoyed that short montage of Marie and King exploring the island, backed by the opening theme. A nice little breather from the storyline that still showcases what the animators can do and just how good the song is.
Feb 20, 2011 10:52 AM
Oct 2010
This time the characterization of Nadia went overboard. Most of the time, when Nadia starts whining about everything (after the hunt and the dead deer) it's at least partially comprehensible, but in this episode the way she acted was just absurd. I mean, come on, nobody can be THAT narrow-minded. The Neo-Atlantian shot at her and missed her just by a few centimeters and she is STILL bitching that Cpt. Nemo killed the soldier? That's just ridiculous. Somebody should slap her, so she starts using her brains before she talks.

A taste of things to come in NGE with Shinji, I guess.
tempo_plusFeb 20, 2011 11:01 AM
Feb 20, 2011 1:05 PM
Jan 2008
tempo_plus said:
This time the characterization of Nadia went overboard. Most of the time, when Nadia starts whining about everything (after the hunt and the dead deer) it's at least partially comprehensible, but in this episode the way she acted was just absurd. I mean, come on, nobody can be THAT narrow-minded. The Neo-Atlantian shot at her and missed her just by a few centimeters and she is STILL bitching that Cpt. Nemo killed the soldier? That's just ridiculous. Somebody should slap her, so she starts using her brains before she talks.

A taste of things to come in NGE with Shinji, I guess.

I too was quite shocked at the way Nadia responded when Nemo shot the Neo-Atlantean, but needless to say, she is the sort of character who has a LOT of trouble telling the difference between killing "out of cold blood" or "for food" and "out of defense".

Still, at least her personality in these episodes are more sane compared to the cartoonish ridiculousness the island/Africa ones turned her into. (She DOES get slapped -- two times -- during the Nautilus arc: one time by Grandis in ep 15, who also tells her to "keep your mouth shut until you understand how much the captain is suffering"; the second time by Nemo in ep 20 -- my least fav ep of that arc, incidentally, because I don't like how she nearly ruins her relationship with Jean out of jealousy for his friendship with Electra -- when she declares that she hates him and his crew. His response to that, aside from backhanding her, literally, is a solemn "you have made me very sad" in the dub OR "don't say sad things like that" if you're watching the sub.)

Fear not, though, Nadia DOES change her ways and becomes nicer -- there are episodes which I think you'll love involving her and Jean, eps 16 and 17 especially -- it's just that she's had such an unfortunate childhood (abused by her ringmaster) that it's hard for her to tell the difference.
Jan 29, 2012 10:26 PM

Jun 2009
I thought her reaction was perfectly natural actually. I mean, come on people she's a what? 14 year old kid who just saw someone get killed in cold blood and is against killing and violence in every way. Frankly, it would have been strange if she hadn't reacted in the way she did.

Perfect episode.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Nov 7, 2014 1:22 PM

Mar 2013
insan3priest said:
I thought her reaction was perfectly natural actually. I mean, come on people she's a what? 14 year old kid who just saw someone get killed in cold blood and is against killing and violence in every way.

Also he was hurt. She likely thinks creatures that are hurt shouldn't be killed.
added the fourth most popular anime onto this site
Apr 26, 2015 9:44 AM

Feb 2009
I'm pretty sure even a 14 year old would still realize that the people who kidnapped her and threatened to kill all of her friends are hostile, and would have enough sense to know that Nemo did the right thing by shooting him before things escalated. Especially considering he literally shot right at her. To put it into perspective, 14 is high school age. 14 year olds are definitely developed enough to have common sense on such a basic level as this. Maybe if she was 5 or something you could play the age card, but it's not really a valid excuse for her actions here.

And if you want a realistic reaction, she should have been so traumatized from being shot at and coming within inches of death that she didn't have time to think about her skewed morals.

But besides that stuff, I want a spinoff of just Marie and King going on adventures. That was awesome.
IconoclastApr 26, 2015 10:59 AM
Jul 22, 2015 1:06 PM
Feb 2013
This is an interesting episode as it looks like it's going to be a light hearted filler before getting more & more serious.

It seems Nadia had a very sheltered unbringing in the circus, not being treated much better than the animals, so has that as a half decent excuse to consider all life secred, along with a lack do social maturity.
Oct 13, 2015 4:29 PM

Jan 2014
Awesome episode. Pretty much did everything right. Marie being precious, Sanson being adorably protective of her, lots of clever humor laced throughout, and a phenomenal chase sequence at the end that would make Spielberg proud. Loved it.

I'm far easier on Nadia that many seem to be. It's not unrealistic for people to be totally irrational and I think some of her black-and-white moral stances could make for some interesting drama down the road.
Aug 19, 2016 8:30 PM

Jun 2016
Marie and Sanson are adorable and hilarious together, I want some more adventures with the two of them. As for Nadia she overreacted so hard and I'm disliking her more and more as the episodes go on.
Aug 19, 2016 10:04 PM
Jan 2008
hentaimoney said:
Marie and Sanson are adorable and hilarious together, I want some more adventures with the two of them. As for Nadia she overreacted so hard and I'm disliking her more and more as the episodes go on.

You'll like Nadia even less at the filler arc (23-34). Skip those episodes if you REALLY don't wanna hate her guts.

Don't worry, she DOES have her likable bits in episodes 16-19.
Sep 19, 2016 7:09 AM

Jan 2010
Three things I got out of this episode.

First, wow that was a heavy conversation at the beginning, once again about whether killing animals was justified if it's for food. There was also that talk between Jean and Sanson about Nadia and Grandis, specifically their relationships to other characters and their general behavior. I couldn't stop thinking Hedgehog's Dilemma throughout all that.

Second, wow that was one hell of a ride. For some reason, Marie's little adventure had a lot of interesting cuts and scene transitions, and Sanson and Marie running away from the crab mecha was pretty damn wild. The animation seemed to have been really bumped up this episode for whatever the reason. It was also interesting to see the Neo Atlantis soldier saving Marie from falling into the sea. I almost assumed she would have caught the cliff before falling down, only for the soldier to try and shoot her or something. Was this to invoke sympathy for the soldier that climbed out of the crab mecha, seeing as now we know that the Neo Atlantis soldiers aren't all puppy kicking, evil mustache twirling monsters?

Third, ohhhhhhhh. Nadia didn't have a problem with killing animals specifically. She just didn't like killing at all. It didn't have to be animals, but the arguments she used against Jean seemed like she just loved animals and held their lives over humans. From this episode, I assume she values all lives, and given how wickedly cold Captain Nemo looked when he shot that soldier without hesitation, this'll bring about some new drama aboard the Nautilus.
Aug 30, 2017 3:27 PM

Dec 2015
The inserted opening song totally freaked me out, I had never seen the show in japanese (nor the fr.restaured version).
This episode wins on several points:
- Best animated toothbrushing session I ever saw,
- one of the best chases scenes (I wonder if the people behind it had fun making it),
- very good final scene, bringing another hit in the potential father/daughter relationship.

4/5 Yeah, Sanson is under the charm of Marie.

Arf, those Nadia rejection reactions... Children were far less difficult with her when I was younger.
Nov 16, 2017 2:54 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Great episode all round. Nadia looking at death in the face for the first time, and as expected, overreacting.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Nov 29, 2017 7:38 PM

Nov 2017
There was some absolutely superb animation in this episode. The chase was absolutely magnificent to watch. Great stuff.
garland23Nov 30, 2017 4:41 PM
Mar 25, 2018 9:02 AM

Nov 2011
I would have expected an episode with darker tones, given the unpleasant feeling that Nadia had felt and her black mood towards the crew of the Nautilus, including Jean, instead it proved very amusing in the narration. The combination formed by Marie and Sanson it rocks. The episode in the end, however, makes us better understand one side of the character of Nadia. Drawings and animations, really valuable.
terrablu2003Mar 25, 2018 9:06 AM
Apr 27, 2018 7:09 AM

Nov 2013
Yet another Nadia's butthurt... I wish that soldier shooted her ass.
Even Marie is more adult than our shitty MC.
GvendolineApr 27, 2018 9:27 AM
May 21, 2018 4:41 PM

May 2012
Maria and King were damn lucky I must say! Really interesting ending though... must me something in her inner core that makes her behave like that...

But well at least we know what the warning was in the last episode.
Nov 8, 2018 1:20 AM

Mar 2014
That chase scene in the minecart was really cool. I really liked the animation during that part. Lots of great sakuga.
I also thought it was funny, with all of the "lucky" over and over. xD

As for the ending, Nadia definitely still has some growing up to do.
::End of Transmission::

Mar 14, 2020 11:09 AM

Sep 2018
Also in this episode, the hand is placed on Nadia's character and on her different concept of human life, and not only
this aspect; perhaps it proves a little too idealistic on certain points, oh well! Quite funny story, thanks to Marie and Sanson, the part where the two are chased by Gargoyle's henchmen is very amusing. Excellent drawings and animations.
Apr 12, 2020 3:10 AM

Jan 2014
An even more laid back episode at least in the first half XD then things got more action packed it the second half always a nice surprise :D

Nadia Nadia Nadia why do you always do these things SMH at first I thought you were going to argue some good points against killing that young deer but they quickly devolved into nonsense while Jean was speaking just plain sense in my opinion XD Nadia Marie even made a grave for it and you give her such an angry glare not a good look for anyone Nadia!

Then we get Marie going around and seeing her cute antics we get a gag with her calling a younger lady an older lady term and she holds back getting upset and tries to insert a younger term for herself LOL always a classic! I do like Grandis and Sanson arguing over her cooking and Grandis responding how Grandis does by adding all the pepper to the mix XD hilarious! I do like how Marie goes from person to person saying: this is no fun but my favorite is when she goes to check on Nemo who is just staring intensely out to the sea LMAO way too funny!

We get a nice montage of Marie and King having fun (reminds me of the days I would just run around and have fun without any real goal or purpose) and we get an amusing bit with them pretending to be a train ending it with a: this is no fun! But, the most laugh out loud moment of this whole part is where her VA breaks the voice a bit and just says OH MY GOD~ 🤣 a very unexpected but hilarious line delivery!

I felt the episode did a pretty great job capturing the mood of how a child feels when it dawns upon them that they are lost; trying to just randomly retrace their steps, trying to stay positive, then slowly becoming unnerved as nothing looks familiar very effective! But, poor Marie! Getting corner by Gargoyle agents that must be terrifying but thankfully her cleverness allows her to evade and escape them. Marie was so ascared but she looked so grateful and was pushing up tears of joy when she stumbled across Sanson and immediately ran to him too sweet and adorable ^-^

Then the major highlight of the episode begins as Sanson and Marie flee from the Gargoyle mechanical menace! Filled with action and comedy a winning combination! LOL Sanson had another hat on hand after his first one was torn 😂 cannot afford to not look stylish and cool in any situation after all 😎! So many hilarious moments during this sequence but good thing Sanson remembered that rock is stronger then scissors and conjured a massive boulder from their cart to throw 😁 also the parts with Marie and Sanson celebrating early whenever they think they outmaneuvered their pursuer only to realize they celebrated too soon way too funny XD Also it is a good thing Sanson is quick on his feet even with carrying Marie because man he was pushed to the limit running away!

It was really nice to see Nadia being concerned with where Marie was and how she was glad when she returned . . . . however, her reaction to Nemo protecting not only her but everyone else by shooting that Neo Atlantis soldier going so far as to call him a murderer . . . . massively SMH furiously. I mean seriously look I understand valuing human life because a life of a person is a tremendous thing to take away but even wounded this soldier looked like he was determined to keep attacking his first bullet almost hit you in the head (what if it had hit Jean or Marie or anyone else) and he looked to be aiming clearer on his second attempt if Nemo hadn't acted you would have died! There was no time to restrain or stop him non-lethally Nemo made a vital decision where seconds mattered and just because he did that doesn't mean he was glad to do it he just values your live and everyone else's life more. Also, even though she is a 14 year old I agree that does not excuse her reaction a 14 year old would understand that situation and that Nemo was a hero not a murderer! Oh Nadia every step you take towards likability and understanding your point of view you seem to take several steps backwards with reactions like these. I hope you learn a valuable lesson from this experience in the future at least.

Although I am interested to see what comes next in this adventure!
TheCrimsonEyeApr 12, 2020 3:20 AM

Sep 1, 2020 2:59 PM
May 2020
It was interesting to see Marie and King explore this island. The fact they used a cheap repeat of animation with Marie "this is no fun" gag is really made up for in the action sequence in the end.
And, then there is Nadia who is so strict about the "thou shall not kill" rule but is incapable of properly conveying her philosophies on others while also being incapable of understanding opposing philosophies. It is understandable that people will find her frustrating, but I sure this should be the start of a good character arc for her.
Sep 10, 2020 8:36 PM

Mar 2016
Marie is my favorite character at the moment with Nadia being a close second. I think her stubbornness about her views was less annoying in this episode than in the past: the soldier that was killed was portrayed pretty pitifully being injured and extremely desperate, and the looks of contempt on the faces of the crew as they stood around the dead body all made her reaction more understandable.

I appreciated the transforming crab tank too.
Jan 21, 2021 4:02 PM

Feb 2012
wait, so Marie buried the deer so the crew didn't even end up eating it?

Marie wandering off with King was a fun sequence to watch.

Why did the Neo Atlantean soldier grab Marie? Split moment of conscience?

Nadia again, abhors killing and is fanatic about her views.

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Feb 15, 2021 6:37 AM
Jun 2016
stupid little shit sorry excuse of an mc i hope she dies
Jul 25, 2021 7:13 AM

Jul 2014
I'm not sure which part of this episode was more annoying: Nadia's fanatical obsession black and white morals even in the face of death, or Marie singing and humming for multiple minutes without stopping and without the show doing anything else whatsoever until she accidentally stumbled upon one of Gargoyle's soldiers by the shore.
Apr 29, 2022 12:58 AM
Apr 2022
I thought this was a really great episode twas super peaceful and fun at first with Marie and king then it went to 100 for sure by the end I think Nadias reaction was pretty natural tbh can't hate on the homies for eatn doe
Jun 9, 2022 11:43 PM

Feb 2021
Another filler like episode with no progression. I can't stand how complaining about things is the only trait that defines Nadia. That could work, but the story never goes out of the way to explain why she feels the way she is, and because of that, there's barely any justifiable reason I can infer as to why she's so dramatic other than she's annoying. It's disappointing, especially since the director of this show is famous for experimenting with internal monologues to describe how characters think
Oct 21, 2022 4:11 AM
Jan 2019
I personally found Nadia reaction at the end of the episode very relatable.
I mean, if i were a 14 years in that scene, i would've react the same way. Heck, even if i was 18 years old.

So if you think Nadia is being crazy - then, well, that's how we, Bipolar Empaths are. We value human life, and we are hysterical about it.
I'm not saying it's good, i'm just asking for hugs of compassion ^^
Jun 30, 2023 2:07 PM

Jan 2017
Samson is my man. Loved the team up with Marie, great action sequence.
I don't mind Nadia, the show isn't trying to say she's right. She's very naive, that's it, having a strong reaction to a person dying in front of her is only natural given her views.
I'm actually angry at the crew who didn't designate a single adult to take care of Marie and make sure she didn't get lost of hurt. Maybe then the enemy wouldn't have found their way to the camp as well.
Mar 4, 2024 12:36 PM
Dec 2019
Reply to Ston3_FreeN7
I thought her reaction was perfectly natural actually. I mean, come on people she's a what? 14 year old kid who just saw someone get killed in cold blood and is against killing and violence in every way. Frankly, it would have been strange if she hadn't reacted in the way she did.

Perfect episode.
Ston3_FreeN7 said:
I thought her reaction was perfectly natural actually. I mean, come on people she's a what? 14 year old kid who just saw someone get killed in cold blood and is against killing and violence in every way. Frankly, it would have been strange if she hadn't reacted in the way she did.

Perfect episode.

That killing wasn't in cold blood at all.
Jun 2, 2024 11:17 PM

Dec 2022
lol moral of the story kids are dumb and should not be left unattended, not even lion kids ^_^
some real nice animation during those fight and chase scenes
based Nemo blasting the ole bastard
Nadia okay it's time to give up the no killing allowed spiel
Nov 15, 2024 1:28 AM
Dec 2019
Marie continues to suck and be a badly written kid. Kids are not just brainless animals that wander off into the distance when they're on some random unknown island.

Nadia's complaining about the food is not terrible writing even if its pretty stupid. Like, the were killing dozens of fish for food every day. Why is the baby deer the final straw? Sanson shouldn't have shot a baby deer (bad form but also not much food) but deer aren't more valuable lives than fish, really. Separating "cute" animals from ugly ones is the kind of hypocrisy that completely undermines the argument that eating animals is bad.

Nadia's reaction to the soldier getting shot is totally normal though. Obviously she's wrong but people acting like she's being a stupid whiner are crazy. Seeing someone die is a serious thing and it should be natural to question if it was the right thing to take a life even if it is easily justified in the moment. Anime always takes it to extremes but in case you were wondering, killing is actually bad and even when soldiers and police do it they shouldn't feel good about it.
Feb 8, 11:02 PM
May 2019
As usual, like in all anime discussions, this is also filled with people with no media literacy and no respect for the writers and their level of education. This anime having roots in the hands of Hayao Miyazaki, of course the character of nadia stands strongly for peace and innocence of a troubled child. And everyone needs to remember that, she is a troubled CHILD, this is her first time seeing the brutality of the forces truly keep the world running as they do. Even so, she has chosen the noble stance of not participating in the game and that is not a wrong choice even if it can manifest itself at the wrong times.
Feb 17, 12:48 PM
May 2017
When the neo atlantis gunt was injured at the end of the episode, I was saying to myself "oh it would be nice if they kill him just to make Nadia even more confused and angry about that little deer they ate last episode" and then... bang!

That, for me, it's an amazing writing trope.

Yes, Nadia is annoying in this episode, why shouldn't' be? she is a teen with her own believes and it's the first time she is in a group full of different kind of people. Since she's on the Nautilus she can't handle socialization, not as Jean.
Mond_kayleFeb 17, 12:57 PM

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