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Tokyo Revengers
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Jul 24, 2021 10:46 AM

Nov 2011
Cool, we got more storytelling on Mikey and his crew. I like how serious Mikey feels about his Street Hawk bike, even though others seems puzzled that he still kept it.

From this episode, it really managed to establish Mikey as a legit badass, for his attitude and actions.
Jul 24, 2021 11:29 AM

Jun 2019
So, we got the backstory on Mikey and his friends and how they used to have fun in their early days. Idk why but Mikey on his Street Hawk like that was so hilarious. LMAO. Mikey was such a badass in that past story of them. Man doesn't care about anything if something happens to one of his friends.

I get there thinking and why they meant to do that but they fucked up big time. They accidentally killed Mikey's big brother. Poor guys, they just wanted to see Mikey happy. I feel bad for them. Amazing fuckin' writing there.
Pre_YumJul 24, 2021 11:37 AM
Jul 24, 2021 11:32 AM

Jul 2017
Once upon a time...before the days of the Tokyo Manji Gang, the 6 founding members are just as eccentric as they're today, in a flashback that is happy from the start, that turns miserable as time progresses.

Mikey in his young days, is so funny and comical amidst the backdrop of the teenage gangsters just wanting to have some beach time. Yet this is where Baji finds himself in trouble with a rival gang to trash Mikey's precious Street Hawk moped that's needing some gas. Yet, his seriousness comes through when trouble arises, and that is what makes him an invincible badass.

Kazutora's time to shine with stealing a Bobber bike with Baji, and that's where all hell broke loose, not realizing that the bike shop is under the ownership of Sano Shinichiro,
Mikey's older brother. A one-shot kill with a wrench from Kazutora, press F for respects to this legendary character thtat Kazutora screwed up so badly and lead to his own disillusionment to exterminate Mikey...the day that both Kazutora and Baji were separated forever.

What a scary plot twist in this one...
Jul 24, 2021 11:33 AM

Apr 2014
Great episode and naturally hyped for the coming episodes.

makimaxx said:
Peak fiction, Tokrev really out there reminding us why it’s the best new gen every Saturday.

Overall great episode, seeing Shinichiro getting killed animated was hard to watch. Kazutora accidentally killed him though and because of the remorse of killing someone he said “I must kill Mikey” he was just traumatized. Feel bad for him, I hope anime onlys won’t judge kazutora so quick. I thought we would see Chifuyu this episode but they only adapted 2 chapters in whole 23 min episode why is the pacing so slow? I’m worried about the valhalla vs toman fight I hope lidenfilms won’t ruin it, because anime isn’t doing the manga justice so far

What do you mean the anime isn't doing justice?

While yeah it's slow sometimes, it's still better than being rushed to the oblivion, we can roughly guess where the anime will end probably with the pacing they're going (Bloody halloween) and its end.
"Even villains have standards"

Jul 24, 2021 11:37 AM

Jan 2018
Kazutora should've done background check for the store he was robbing. But guess intelligence wasn't his forte considering he was still a kid. The event shocked him so much he became mentally unstable and thinking of killing Mikey for revenge wtf.
Jul 24, 2021 11:38 AM
May 2020
34 cant just go steal a bike from a random shop
Jul 24, 2021 11:40 AM
Sep 2015
makimaxx said:
I hope anime onlys won’t judge kazutora so quick

As an anime only watcher, I'll judge you very quickly that you're a spoiler. It's you that aren't doing the manga justice, not the anime!
Jul 24, 2021 11:53 AM
Jul 2018
The flashback is kinda odd.
Jul 24, 2021 12:01 PM
Sep 2015
makimaxx said:
phantomfandom said:

As an anime only watcher, I'll judge you very quickly that you're a spoiler. It's you that aren't doing the manga justice, not the anime!
This thread is to discuss about ep 16 of course I’m gonna mention the events happened in the episode. I didn’t give any spoiler about the future events so what are you talking about duh?

You said that
when we don't know for sure yet, at least for anime only watcher.
Jul 24, 2021 12:11 PM

Jul 2020
Mikey's dopeyness is jokes, but seems like kazutora had quite the colourful past. I'm still laughing my head off at the absurdity of ages, they're what in middle school and they're riding bikes, going beaches, beating up actual gangs at this point they played GTA lol.

Mikey pushing menial tasks onto others seems to have been like that since he was younger lol, and the way he fight is so jokes lmao. Baji protecting the dodgy moped for only mikey to come and destroy it and blame the other gang was so stupid xD. The beach scene really reminds you of the stark difference in personalities in the gang at the time, with some competing for sports, others competing for the scenery - you get what I mean- and other's looking for petrol lmao.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions, is what I was reminded of when the whole shinichiro event happened, they wanted to surprise mikey, and technically they did by murdering his brother but that's talk for another day. I don't get what goes through these kids' heads, they casually rob a shop and decide that one shotting the owner is the best course of action, and then kazutora had the audactiy to smile about it? And then he blames mikey for what kazutora did without being asked or requested or hinted, when mikey was perfectly fine with things? Damn, kazutora needs a mental health check asap.
LeviathanHWDJul 24, 2021 12:25 PM
Check out my channel @Criticiza on Youtube to watch my vids ;)

Jul 24, 2021 12:13 PM

Jan 2021
Mickey with his little bike has made my day jkdjkfj

Not the beach scene I was expecting, but I'm not complaining...

How I knew the robbery was going to go wrong .-.
What a tension, poor Baji. Although I don't know how Kazutora came to that conclusion either, but the trauma sure is tough
Clas1ckJul 24, 2021 12:18 PM
Jul 24, 2021 12:31 PM

Nov 2016
*insert Michael Jordan, stop it, get some help meme* That's all I can say about Kazutora. That guy had a serious overdose of copium 😂

Also lol @ we're at the beach, bitches.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jul 24, 2021 12:37 PM

Feb 2019
Damnnn this was rough to watch. Baji in his youth was the total opposite of what we saw a few weeks ago. A really good kid and a great friend. Shame he got dragged into Kazutora’s plan, but that’s why you have to stand up for yourself and not give into peer pressure. Shed a little bit of light on why Kazutora isn’t listed as a founder. Really good episode as usual
Jul 24, 2021 12:40 PM
Jul 2018
i'm so sad they didn't have best boy in this episode... i was so sure we would be able to see him. this episode was really good though. Even though what they done was bad, they just wanted to make mikey happy T_T

Kazutora's mental breakdown was done so well. you can see he really couldn't believe what happened and that caused him to have mental breakdown. and then he lost control of everything and just blamed mikey. poor baby he just wanted to make mikey happy...
Jul 24, 2021 12:40 PM
Dec 2020
So he planned to steal a bike for Mikey, which then he was going to lie to Mikey about it being legit, and then once he smacked Mikey's brother and was going to steal the bike, it's Mikey's fault.

I'm not a mathematician but this sh*t isn't adding up.

Also, the beach scene was much appreciated. lol jk, but "we're at the beach, bitches" was a great way to sub it.
some people...
Jul 24, 2021 12:41 PM
Dec 2020
phantomfandom said:
I always say the beach episode is the best, and this episode is really the best, but for the completely different reason.

Watching an even younger version of those founding members, I'm just sad, they're just teenagers that want to have fun, rebelling the society.

The society is to be blamed for those behavior. You might say that that's their choice to be criminal, but what make them do that?

That is why sexual education is very important in school. You can see that they really love each other, but they might not know that sexual relationship between men is possible, and even encourage!

What the hell are you even talking about in your last paragraph ? Is this a joke ? You're out here talking about homosexual relationships when it has absolutely nothing to do with the story and the characters ! On top of that they are KIDS !
Jul 24, 2021 1:00 PM

Nov 2020
Kazutora very sus
Jul 24, 2021 1:00 PM
Oct 2019
hmstr said:
So he planned to steal a bike for Mikey, which then he was going to lie to Mikey about it being legit, and then once he smacked Mikey's brother and was going to steal the bike, it's Mikey's fault.

I'm not a mathematician but this sh*t isn't adding up.

Yeah, I don't really understand what kind of motive Kazutora would have to kill Mikey. "Mikey rode a moped, therefore I went to steal a better bike for him and kill his brother, therefore, I now also need to kill Mikey because everything is his fault". I wanna try whatever substance Kazutora's taking
Jul 24, 2021 1:00 PM
Jul 2021
never expected that Mikey's older brother was killed by his mate
Jul 24, 2021 1:01 PM

Jul 2017
hmstr said:
So he planned to steal a bike for Mikey, which then he was going to lie to Mikey about it being legit, and then once he smacked Mikey's brother and was going to steal the bike, it's Mikey's fault.

I'm not a mathematician but this sh*t isn't adding up.

yeah idk what was going on with that bit either. I guess it could be some brain shutdown type of deal but seems pretty random lmao
Jul 24, 2021 1:02 PM

Apr 2018
Well, we're getting some scenes of Toman back in the days. Everyone has a motor while Mikey is on a damn scooter lol. The first half of the episode was pretty fun but it ended up with a dark and sad second half. Kazutoro ends up killing Mikey's older brother after trying to get a bike for him. Both get caught. And Kazutoro's personality takes a 180 turn

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Jul 24, 2021 1:03 PM
Dec 2020
Miksu210 said:
hmstr said:
So he planned to steal a bike for Mikey, which then he was going to lie to Mikey about it being legit, and then once he smacked Mikey's brother and was going to steal the bike, it's Mikey's fault.

I'm not a mathematician but this sh*t isn't adding up.

Yeah, I don't really understand what kind of motive Kazutora would have to kill Mikey. "Mikey rode a moped, therefore I went to steal a better bike for him and kill his brother, therefore, I now also need to kill Mikey because everything is his fault". I wanna try whatever substance Kazutora's taking

For real lmao, this man is on something crazy.
some people...
Jul 24, 2021 1:16 PM
Dec 2020
hmstr said:
Miksu210 said:

Yeah, I don't really understand what kind of motive Kazutora would have to kill Mikey. "Mikey rode a moped, therefore I went to steal a better bike for him and kill his brother, therefore, I now also need to kill Mikey because everything is his fault". I wanna try whatever substance Kazutora's taking

For real lmao, this man is on something crazy.

The way I see it, he had a mental breakdown and couldn't believe what he just did so he put the blame on Mikey instead of himself because in his eyes it wouldn't have happened if Mikey had a good bike in the first place even though poor Mikey never asked for anything.

That way it's easier for him to deal with everything. But yeah it's messed up and doesn't make sense but that's what trauma/mental breakdown does to you.
Jul 24, 2021 1:17 PM
Apr 2021
so much shii transpired in the matter of a few mins, kazutora slowly going from regret to hatred was insane, baji’s apology made me tear up a bit. we can def see how this impacted mikey. loved this episode.
Jul 24, 2021 1:31 PM

Apr 2020
"If Mikey wasn't this cool I'd never have to impress him, so he needs to die".
Imagine how boring this world would be without Japan - a comment at youtube
Jul 24, 2021 1:37 PM

Feb 2018
I'll be honest, I've been really underwhelmed by this series, but this episode was good enough to give me a small bit of optimism for the first time. Hopefully we'll continue to trend in that direction.
*Mourning the disappointment of The Promised Neverland season 2.*
Jul 24, 2021 1:50 PM

Mar 2018
yooooooooo wtf was not expecting that at the end of last weeks episode

mikeys brother outta nowhere and they (almost?) killed him

and how tf did kazutora end up with that conclusion ay?

and how does this turn baji into a huge dick
Jul 24, 2021 1:52 PM

Dec 2020
Dude baji was drawn in there, he told him not to do that, and that's what happens kazutora killed mikey olders brother what a tragedy. Nice that wee see from the past and thats why kazutora leave the gang. I feel bad for them two. The scene with mikey on his moped was so funny.
Nagisa__09Jul 24, 2021 2:05 PM
P O S I T I V E V I B E Sシ

Jul 24, 2021 2:01 PM

Jun 2019
Well that got pretty real.

The way it portrayed Baji’s and Kazutora’s shock after it happened was realistic, although it doesn’t make sense that Kazutora would break like that and decide he has to kill Mikey because it’s his fault. Maybe there will be some more information next episode that explains it.

I guess this means that Baji is attacking Toman because he feels he needs to be punished for killing Mikey’s brother because Mikey accepted him afterwards.
Jul 24, 2021 2:12 PM
Jun 2020
By far the best episode of the series....
Jul 24, 2021 2:22 PM

May 2018
rip Mikey's Street Hawk xD and rip his brother
Jul 24, 2021 2:35 PM

Jul 2011
So Mikey somehow forgave Baji. To have him in the gang.

And now Baji want help the guy who killed the honest working brother? And all this probably without drugs involved.

Jul 24, 2021 2:45 PM

Jul 2021
I also thought that this was best episode so far. Very difficult to watch them in the shop and Mikey's brother getting killed. Dreadful really.
I am feeling like the show is slowing down a little bit the last few episodes, would like to see the pace picking up a tiny little bit.
Jul 24, 2021 3:09 PM

Jun 2014
One would think that if these guys were such good friends with Mikey, they would know his older brother owns a bike shop lol. Baji even recognized Shinichiro so he must have met him at some point. Then again maybe it was a brief encounter that didn't go beyond basic introductions, so it's possible him owning a bike shop never came up in conversation. And like others have mentioned, I'm not really convinced about Kazutora's rationale for having to kill Mikey now. Hopefully that gets cleared up later, but all I can think of is "if Mikey had a better bike, we wouldn't be here trying to steal one only to end up getting caught and killing the store it's his fault." Lmao

Mod Note: Removed response to a deleted post
dipItFooJul 26, 2021 8:51 PM
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Jul 24, 2021 3:21 PM

Oct 2018
So, let me see if I understood

They were Mickey's friends
They knew Mickey's brother

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut they didn't know that Mickey's brother (or family) had a bike shop.

Hmm, okay
If you're a fanboy, please don't waste my time.

Watch more movies, please.

Perhaps, this is hell.
Jul 24, 2021 3:34 PM

May 2018
Sorry, but I'm confused. Was Kazutora already a psycho before? His motivation to kill Mikey felt so incredibly forced and out of nowhere...
"No one hates anime more than the anime community, which is composed of some of the most spoiled, immature, pessimist and ungrateful people on Earth."
-Anonymous anime watcher
Jul 24, 2021 3:49 PM

Aug 2019
damn this Kazutora dude is nuts
Jul 24, 2021 3:55 PM
Mar 2021
This episode has convinced me to read the manga
Jul 24, 2021 3:57 PM
Jul 2018
damn that was sad af, but everything makes so much more sense now...
Jul 24, 2021 4:01 PM
Jun 2021
I had never thought that the owner of the motorcicle store was Mikey's older brother, but I don't understand why Mikey never told them about it. Shit had me nervous the whole episode (expeption: the beggining at the beach).
Jul 24, 2021 4:07 PM

Nov 2012
>kills mikey's brother
>realizes the severity of the situation
>decides killing mikey is the solution.

Gtfo, that some retarded ass logic. But I guess for a psychotic dumb middle school delinquent like Kazutora it would make sense in some way. Outside of that dumb conclusion the rest of the episode was great.
VarendantJul 24, 2021 4:14 PM
Jul 24, 2021 4:18 PM
Jul 2018
Baji trying to steal the bike but actually the owner of the bike was Mikey's brother surprised every moment of the episode.
Jul 24, 2021 4:22 PM
Feb 2021
Every Tokyo Revengers episode has been 5 stars since it started, this one didn't escape the rule. Even tho it was a flashback episode about Baji and Kazutora past, the episode was really really really interesting.
Now we already know how Mikey's brother died, and it was such a plot twist knowing he was killed, and even who killed him (Kazutora)
I'm out of words after watching this, I don't know what to expect about the next episode, I don't even know if it's gonna keep showing us these flashbacks or not, but somehow... I hope so, I'm very curious about what happened after that.
What did y'all think about this episode? In my opinion, it was one of the most important episodes until now.
FyBrunooApr 10, 2022 11:00 AM
Jul 24, 2021 4:25 PM
Jul 2009
hmstr said:
Miksu210 said:

Yeah, I don't really understand what kind of motive Kazutora would have to kill Mikey. "Mikey rode a moped, therefore I went to steal a better bike for him and kill his brother, therefore, I now also need to kill Mikey because everything is his fault". I wanna try whatever substance Kazutora's taking

For real lmao, this man is on something crazy.

Let's just say Kazutora has a huge problem in being able to take responsibility for his action.
Jul 24, 2021 4:27 PM
Apr 2020
As usual the moment the author tries to justfiy something the writing wuality drops.

The final scense mede so sense under so many points of view
Jul 24, 2021 4:30 PM
Aug 2020
So how did the best friend did not know that the best friend had a brother who owned a shop? That is really stupid. You are best friends and you should at least know basic things about friend I don't know your friend has a shop.
Jul 24, 2021 4:48 PM

Apr 2020
man seeing Mikey's brother made me so sad... Kaztura panicking!

Jul 24, 2021 5:04 PM
Jan 2021
Zanfroni said:
Sorry, but I'm confused. Was Kazutora already a psycho before? His motivation to kill Mikey felt so incredibly forced and out of nowhere...

He was in shock and his guilt made him think that killing Mikey is the only thing to do
Jul 24, 2021 5:07 PM

Apr 2015
Aw little Baji has a little fang, that's cute. But anyways, yeah Kazutora obviously has a few screws loose, given how nonchalant he was for trying to steal a bike, bashing another guy in the head so hard he kills him and not really caring until he found out the guy's identity, and shifting the entire blame on Mikey. Dude's definitely a psycho, and him killing Mikey's brother definitely fucked his brain up even more. Sad thing is, I'm willing to bet the brother would've let them go since they're Mikey's best friends.

"As promised, all that you seek, all that we desire, is prepared up there. On top of the Tower."
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