I don't feel inspired, however, I'll leave this sentence here just to have something. Do the same. Feel inspired to put something in your profile description, and then I'll "inspire" on yours and steal it. Thanks.
How does my anime rating system works? Pretty simple!
10- Masterpiece
9- Amazing
8- Very Good
7- Good
6- Mid
5- Not worth it
4- Bad
3- Horrid
2- Terrible
1- Garbage
My Top 15 Animes
1- Naruto
2- Attack on Titan
3- Darling in The FranXX
4- Haikyuu
5- JoJo's Bizarre Adventures
6- Death Note
7- Code Geass
8- Bleach
9- My Dress-Up Darling
10- Steins;Gate
11- Cyberpunk Edgerunners
12- Vinland Saga
13- Cowboy Bebop
14- Demon Slayer
15- Your Name
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