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Oct 2, 2018 1:54 PM

Feb 2014
Yevgraf's transformation with the Sirius Ark in his eye was grotesque, but on the other hand, he did give off a rather shapely backside, which would definitely win him some female fans despite his much needed death in this episode. =P

It was sad that Mikhail died from his injuries, which led on this scene with Yuliy to be rather touching. D=

Still, Yuliy has now taken on the Sirius Ark with chance to become either a god or a devil in the future, but he seems to be content with his choice.

Overall, this show was very good. P.A. Works delivered once again with the lovely art quality and some great action animation, plus with some good ost too. The story is good, but with only 12 episodes to play with, the open ending was a slight letdown, but I can live with that.

8/10 is my final score.
Oct 2, 2018 3:26 PM

Jul 2014
I could have a good impression of this anime, but this is the only thing I will remember
look at that ass
Oct 2, 2018 3:56 PM

Sep 2013
Nice series, no edgy plot twist or anything but that's good sometimes, 8/10
Oct 2, 2018 4:34 PM

Jun 2012
The second half was bad and ending was pure crap... All that talk throuh out the series about the Ark being Omnipotent and all, couldn't he help his brother?! Even if couldn't cause he was already dying... couldn't he save the loli vampire?! In the end we don't know what the Ark does and get a cop out line "I'm the protector of all races", but still hasn't done shit about it.
Oct 2, 2018 6:47 PM

Oct 2015
Mikhail's death was really sad but inevitable at the same time, I didn't want him to die though. As for Yev the Ark was too powerful for him, in other words he died of ark of Sirius overdose. Too bad Yuliy has to leave the gang , I guess officially he's their enemy now but I don't think they consider him that. Kinda reminded me of D-grayman.

I loved this series and was one my favorite of the season, Yuliy made a great MC and the plot was nice accompanied with a good animation. I don't rewatch a series but I will consider rewatching this one if season 2 is not going to be available.

Please MAL inform me about the any new episode regarding this series, special, movie or the next season, I will be very grateful to you. Thanks in advance.

9/10 from me.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Oct 2, 2018 8:17 PM

Nov 2016
Well. The ending was rather weak and felt a bit rushed. I think the series could've been alot better if it were 2-cour. Cause the biggest flaw imo was that it didn't expand enough on the characters (especially the villains and Ryouko) and the world building overall and thus left a lot of things open.
This seems to be an issue which P.A. works often encounters. Can't really blame them for that though. Still a great studio.
Overall, despite the flaws, I still really enjoyed this. Can't wait for the OST to be released
Oct 2, 2018 10:06 PM

Jul 2015
What happened to the vampire girl in the end?Did she die?Or she left.

Oct 2, 2018 11:12 PM
Oct 2007
Still lots of potential in my opinion despite going downhill quickly after the first few episodes. It make sense if this is the prologue and the next season is the start of our main story :)
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Oct 2, 2018 11:14 PM

Nov 2016
I loved this anime. For this reason I made this video.

9 things you didn't know about Tenrou: Sirius The Jaeger

cc: english & spanish available.
DaniSenpai017Oct 2, 2018 11:48 PM
Oct 3, 2018 12:16 PM
Jan 2013
I wish MAL had .5 scores, because I think it's better than a 7, but not totally worth an 8. Definitely a solid 7.5 for me. I think it needs about an extra two episodes. Everybody mentions building up the other characters, but lets be honest. The rest of the Jaegars received as much build up as they needed. You have he cliche cast of muscle, bratty kid, and big boobied lady, and there probably isn't much more searching into that. Maybe the most I'd do is short flashbacks for all of them on why they joined, and a bit more on the blonde bratty kid. I'd give more time to explain the ongoing war between the Sirius and the Jaegars, but nothing more. The ending was definitely a bit weak considering the flow they had going. It wasn't horrible though. The show definitely deserves a bit of a bump up in score. Considering how fucking horrible Hanebado was they shouldn't even be this close in score.
Oct 3, 2018 1:39 PM

Jun 2014
The action and animation were easily the most solid aspects of this show. Other than that, everything else seemed average or underdeveloped. Like others have mentioned, I feel like they didn't fully explain the Ark so I didn't really care for the tension surrounding it. Also, Ryoko was seriously a waste of space. Besides killing the vampire on the train in episode 5, she did pretty much nothing. The other side characters weren't really developed well either. It was a decent show but it could have been a lot better if these problems were fixed.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Oct 3, 2018 2:31 PM

Jun 2009
thebrentinator24 said:
The action and animation were easily the most solid aspects of this show. Other than that, everything else seemed average or underdeveloped...

pretty much how I (or we) felt about the anime's second half. what a waste...
Oct 3, 2018 4:45 PM
Oct 2018
thebrentinator24 said:
The action and animation were easily the most solid aspects of this show. Other than that, everything else seemed average or underdeveloped. Like others have mentioned, I feel like they didn't fully explain the Ark so I didn't really care for the tension surrounding it. Also, Ryoko was seriously a waste of space. Besides killing the vampire on the train in episode 5, she did pretty much nothing. The other side characters weren't really developed well either. It was a decent show but it could have been a lot better if these problems were fixed.

That's pretty much how I feel about the show. Even Yuliy feels bland and underdeveloped as a character even though he is supposed to be the main character. It'd have been better if they'd made this more of a mindless action show rather than trying to balance the action with long and boring dramatic scenes and a haf-assed romance.
Oct 3, 2018 10:34 PM

Mar 2009
^There was romance in this series?

Hahahaha what a weird and flamboyant transformation. What the hell was that?
Also vampire loli randomly dies at the very end. Sure. Yeah, yeah, the sickness and all. But still dumb.

Sirius was a show that looked good and had high production values, but that's all it had. The writing left a lot to be desired. There was no character development for anyone other than Yuliy and his brother. And even they were boring characters. Bland and dull characters in a bland and dull show.

Oh, well Vampire loli twins were fun. And the dark-skinned woman was hot, even though she was barely a character.
Oct 4, 2018 7:31 PM

Mar 2012
This series could've done better with maybe 2-3 extra episodes. The last episode crammed in a lot of stuff and honestly felt pretty anticlimactic.

Personally I feel like this is another example of an unfulfilled promise. Pacing was pretty nice to start and it looked like story could open up to something nice, but by midway point it's clear they were already trying to wind down without really going at the different moving pieces they were exploring. Unfortunate. I thought first half was pretty strong.
Oct 5, 2018 5:26 AM

May 2009
Vivekananda said:
So what happened to Ryoka in the end?

She went to college.
Dreedtz said:
What Happened to Tamara in the End ?
She just disappear without dissolve to ashes
And if she is dissolve to ashes her Clothes Must be stil There

She flew through open window to meet some vampire elders.
Oct 5, 2018 10:59 AM
Dec 2016
Vivekananda said:
What happened to the vampire girl in the end?Did she die?Or she left.

She left for some weird reason. That reason being going to the vampire elders, but it felt unnecessary for her to leave since she was traveling with him anyways.

She didn't die though, not sure why they set that scene up to bait people. All Tamara did was open the window>snow comes in/she flies out>Yuliy closes window. They really need a second season for any of this to make any sense. Especially the ark.
Oct 6, 2018 3:35 PM

Jul 2017
I like a good vampire story, sadly this was far from it.

- The world building left a lot to be desired. Small details for a show centered about this theme are fairly essential.

- Slow exposition of trivial details.

- Shallow, inconsistent, cardboard cut-out characters, which, on most part, were tossed aside as fast as they appeared.

- Main character that decided to channel the inner 'Shounen battle anime'. Screaming, excessive display of anger and threatening other characters will surely solve all the issues.

- Expository scenes containing badly meshing assets and terrible animation.

- Abuse of drama.

- Painfully obvious cliches and love for plot armor.

If you ever want to learn how to not make a vampire anime, watching this is exactly what one should do. Invaluable experience.
Suddenly, someone slaps you with a brick wall.

Oct 8, 2018 2:05 PM

Nov 2011
Surprised this came from P.A Works, it was really poor, the vampires were far too generic and the MC is one of the least interesting i've seen in a long time, never got a good explanation of what the ark of sirius was in the end, just felt like a mish-mash of different ideas. 5.

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Oct 8, 2018 2:30 PM
Oct 2018
What I liked most about this anime was neither the action nor the plot, but the background. I really enjoyed seeing the buildings, lifestyle, cars, train, etc. belonging to that time period of Japan. I hope to see more anime taking place in same period in the future since most of today's anime either takes place in modern times or fictional worlds.
suckonthisOct 8, 2018 2:34 PM
Oct 15, 2018 5:41 AM
Sep 2017
Rorek said:
Holy Shit!
Tamara winning Yuliy
Rorek said:
Holy Shit!
Tamara winning Yuliy
but she died tho 😔😔

Oct 15, 2018 5:42 AM
Sep 2017
Ending wasnt that good but hey Maybe im just LOSING MY SELF 😂😂

Oct 20, 2018 4:45 PM

Jul 2009
Sirius started very good, and I was very curious to see ALL the members in action, and more about the fight against the vampire, but it focused a lot of Yuliy, and I know that there is not way it could be different, because of the arc thing...but I was expecting more was ok... 6/10
Oct 25, 2018 5:42 PM
Aug 2018
Even though this series has problems with its story and characters, I still enjoyed it. Yevgraf's transformation looked really cool though. I wish the ARC was explained more. I still don't really know what it does. Also I wish there was more character development for the other Yeager's. I still don't know their names LOL. Even though the show is pretty cliché, it has a lot of good elements. The animations and fight scenes were very enjoyable for me. I also liked the Yuliy and Mikhail dynamique.

Overall I give the series a 7/10. I had a really good time. I dont think there will be a season 2, but I can hope.
Nov 3, 2018 7:46 AM

Oct 2013
Boring for the most part, and cliffhanger ending completes it all, even the Royal vampire loli didn't stay with Yuliy and travel with him, that's some bs rigth there, but i appreciate the production effort of this series

Nov 14, 2018 11:02 PM
Jul 2018
Meh.... I was enjoying it till the second half
Dec 9, 2018 8:16 PM

Jun 2013
Well it started out interestingly enough with vampire vs vampire slayer story with a lot of potential. I liked the Taisho and early Showa period Japan setting. I also liked the cool and badass team of vampire hunting Jaegers. And everything was going fine but then out of nowhere came this nonsensical and unnecessary bullshit of long lost family drama, Sirius, Ark etc. and the show got boring all of the sudden.

This also screwed up the character development. The other Jaegers and Ryoko were given little to no importance or focus since the show transitioned from vampire slaying to treasure hunting. While the MC's brother complex made him devoid of development for the most part.

The ending was quite ridiculous in my opinion. The MC disregarded everything to on a pilgrimage of stupidity to god knows where. Something about being pride of Sirius and coexisting with races including vampires were all the hints we were given. But now everyone wants the ark for it's power so they prioritized chasing Yuliy over slaying vampire. What the hell happened to killing vampire who are still out to hunt humans? It's like the writer literally gave up in the end.
Jan 13, 2019 8:37 AM
Jun 2013
I kind of figured yev would go bat shit insane after eating that thing and forget about the whole curing thing. LMAO also he looked FABULOUS!!! in his new spandex outfit. Im still confused on what was the point of mikhail drinking poison blood. Also what is yuliy suppose to do? I mean does he have some sort of super powers now or what. Not a bad show. I liked the action and the characters werent annoying or awful. Though I wish there was more episodes so we can develop the rest of the team instead of just yuliy. Maybe it will get a season 2 since other netflix orginals been getting those.
Feb 9, 2019 9:42 PM

May 2012
Pretty solid ending, and while I found the middle rather boring and also pretty much put it on a hold, the ending and buildup towards the ending was pretty good!

All in all it still was a nice watch.
Feb 10, 2019 1:06 PM

Sep 2018
Watched all of this over a few days with my bud and I really can't decide if this is a 6 or a 7! I felt a lot of the plot was lacking, but I enjoyed the action scenes and the characters were fun, if a few of them rather pointless in the grand scheme of things..

My main issue is not knowing what the Ark actually does? Clearly it can't save lives as he let Mikhail die and didn't seem to do much for Tamara either.. but eh aha. Feels like they were leaving doors open for a second season that I don't see happening.

But! Still enjoyable nonetheless if generic!
Feb 19, 2019 9:11 AM

Apr 2014
Was hoping for a much bigger fight for the end... O'well. Decent series, typical netflix. 7 rating.
Feb 27, 2019 4:31 PM

Jun 2014
This is the worst/laziest P.A Works original I've seen. 1/10
Apr 3, 2019 11:27 PM

Aug 2011
PincoPallino said:
Jesus Christ ...! Yevgraf's transformation was ridiculous. Too many ass shots and those glitter pants? I cannot be the only one who was bothered by it. The fight in general was more funny than dramatic.

The overall conclusion wasn't that bad, but they messed up Mikhail completely. He was introduced as a badass character who still cares for his brother (and maybe had a great plan to take revenge on the Vampires) then we learned he is just a powerless victim that cannot go against his master, later on he infects himself (which apparently cancelled the blood pact - how convenient), no ... really ... then Yuliy had to save him twice (I was sure it would be a third time, but no) followed by a suprised "Yuliy!", then he saves Yuliy followed by a surprised "Nii-san!". At least Mikhail was the one who took out the eye (and because of that he was not completely useless). And well, then he dies. The most cliche end you can imagine. Why he didn't dissolve to ashes remains a mystery too.

This show started out incredible strong and went downhill in the second half. If I compare the fight between Yuliy and Agatha with the final fight against Yevgraf I could cry. Siriously.

But well, I enjoyed it until the end. It could be worse, I guess.

LOL!! I can only say - I agree. Ditto.
Apr 13, 2019 4:36 PM
Oct 2018
I really liked this anime at first but I really found the end disappointing and quite underdeveloped, as if they had to fit half of the anime in 2/3 episodes and to be quite honest even if they had more time to develop this end I don’t think it would have pleased me anyway, this anime just went in a direction that I didn’t like. Which is really sad since, like I say, I really like it at first.
May 18, 2019 9:11 PM

May 2013

Best big bro award. Yuliy gets best lil bro award ;A;

Pretty good series. Prolly had the best action for a vampire anime, not including Helsing Ultimate lol. I give it a 7/10. I liked it, but it was kinda standard. Some days I didn't feel like watching so the binge was a little slow paced, but I made it through and it wasn't a bad watch. Good.
May 27, 2019 2:44 PM

Jun 2009
It was a good anime, I enjoyed it. Nice animation, character designs, settings and so on.... But, I feel like it couldve been better if it was a two cour anime. Imo, they kinda only touched the surface of the plot and didn't really dive deeper. They had the potential to explore more (eg. coexistence with humans & vampires), but the 12 eps only kinda restricted on what more they can actually do. Plus, they got lots of characters; more development on them and their relationships with each other would be nice and honestly would make the ending more impactful, for me at least.

Overall 8/10.

Aug 24, 2019 12:14 PM
Nov 2017
What was up with showing yevs butt so much?
Nov 7, 2019 7:21 AM

Jan 2015
I started watcihng it in 2018 but then something happened (i think episodes were delaayed) and i never finished the last 3 episodes, now i decided to finally complete it ,but i rewatched everything first so this anime is very fresh in my head. I remember not liking this anime that much last year, but i have had a bit of change of heart, i had a 6 last year, now that i like it more, i'll give it a 7, it's not an 8 for me unfortunately... but i definitely have feelings towards this anime ( maybe cause it took me a damn year to finsih it? :D)

It was a pretty nice anime in general, i think it tried to do a bit too much and gave a lot of hopes in the fisrt 8 episodes,but since they only had 12 episodes to work with. We were left with a lot of disappointment afterwards.

  • Not developed side characters, his team most importantly (even Bishop had more screentime)
  • Not enough world building to justify such ending of: "i'm gonna unify all the races"
  • Again since there wasn't enough time, Yuliy's resolve that he now wants to unify everyone and he "found his call" was too abrupt and hasty.
  • Very weak villains. All enemies were very underwhelming, the royals themselves were mediocre. You only care about lolis pretty much as they are quite charismatic.
  • Just a bit of personal for me, but fights were shorter than they could've been. They were so quick and done in such a jiffy, even the final fight. That was no challenge at all, maybe that's my battle shonen heart speaking, but i hope there is someone in the same boat as me.
  • Like others mentioned, some things were left unexplained

Overall its a pretty nice anime, its just that there are so many disappointing things, things left to be desired that it makes you feel kinda empty, that you were invested in something and never gotten some things that you wanted. And now thinking back to Sirius, it kinda feels empty and a certain regret towards watching it.This is one feeling that should never appear when you complete an anime.
Mar 15, 2020 6:17 AM

Nov 2019
Terrible series. 2/10
Apr 7, 2020 2:05 PM

Sep 2017
Pretty good PA original. Not a lot that I could nitpick about or anything that went unexplained. I liked how it has a pretty open end that could lead to a continuation eventually.
Apr 23, 2020 4:02 AM

Dec 2013
Mikhail (ugly sobbing) his eyes when he died (˘̩╭╮˘̩)I was hoping he was going to be saved by the Arc.

So Ryouko finally realized that she's childish and selfish? And decided to go to college and inherit his father's business? Oh wow. Congratulations gurl.

I think she and Major Iba will be more compatible, I think? Lol

Dorothea was such a baddass when she killed that huge vampire. And Phillip gets hyped up when it comes to Yuliy.

And I kind of feel sad about Tamara. She died right because of the sickness?

Well, tbh this anime is okay, I really like the animation and the fighting scenes especially during the first few eps. Like what I said, I would like to know more about the other Jaeger and I got really pissed of with that stalker oujo sama. But I'm fine with the ending and maybe if there will be a season 2, I will probably watch it.

𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘐 𝘣𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵?
𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘐 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘥𝘢𝘺?

Jun 16, 2020 12:27 AM

Jan 2009
ah well open ending then Yully became god or devil now

the hope of coexistence for the entire world is there but we will never know if Yully (the globalist) achieves that
Sep 28, 2020 4:25 AM

Jun 2011
_kukiyomenai said:
Mikhail (ugly sobbing) his eyes when he died (˘̩╭╮˘̩)I was hoping he was going to be saved by the Arc.

So Ryouko finally realized that she's childish and selfish? And decided to go to college and inherit his father's business? Oh wow. Congratulations gurl.

I think she and Major Iba will be more compatible, I think? Lol

Dorothea was such a baddass when she killed that huge vampire. And Phillip gets hyped up when it comes to Yuliy.

And I kind of feel sad about Tamara. She died right because of the sickness?

Well, tbh this anime is okay, I really like the animation and the fighting scenes especially during the first few eps. Like what I said, I would like to know more about the other Jaeger and I got really pissed of with that stalker oujo sama. But I'm fine with the ending and maybe if there will be a season 2, I will probably watch it.

She did not die though, I think she just left.
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Dec 29, 2020 9:02 PM
Sep 2016
12th episode was good.

This is not a power level over 9000 scale anime. They are not gods or anything superdupernatural. Humans and vampires killing each other in a self-contained little story.

Good thing they ended it like that. Owari no Seraph bumbled down and ended it's second season on nothing. Basically a glorified commercial for the manga.
That is what I like about original anime, they are not constrained like manga or novel works.

Just remember Zankyu no Terror, FLCL, Ergo Proxy, Code Geass, Eden of the East, Anohana, Cowboy Bebop, Angel Beats, Gurren Lagann, 91 Days and that ugh Darling in the Franxx.

I only wish they would have developed the vampire lore and made it their own, thus adding to the overall vampire myth. No matter how bad Twillight was, the fact they used glittering vampires taught us all not to repeat such cringe stupidity.
Sirius did not transform the vampire myth. Well, at least they did not ruin it like twinkle jacob or whatever his name was, Edward I remembered I don't eve want to coreeact this sentenc se edit this sentence that's how much I don't care.

The anime used the setting, used vampires, used the Jaeger team and used the reckless girl and military to tell a story about two brothers.
From a different perspective they did not clutter the story with useless information and kept it simple which is good for an action flick.
Feb 23, 2021 9:14 AM

May 2020
Meh story, good fight. And too BL. Bishop did a great job. Rie Takahashi suit on her character (still better at Megumin)
Jun 3, 2021 11:23 PM

Jun 2017
Great series so far! (I hope there will be a season 2 soon)
R.I.P. to Mikhail, I was hoping he would be saved.
Jun 15, 2021 5:57 AM
Apr 2020
Overall a great ending would love to see more of Yuliy and Tamara on what would happen next and to see the reunion of Yuliy and his friends

Enjoyed it so much I'm hoping for some in depth look on the aftermath and to show the success of Yuliy's actions
Jul 10, 2021 2:38 PM

May 2009
OnionSoda said:
Why did you change the name?

Because it was wrong whole time. The whole title is 天狼〈シリウス〉 Sirius the Jaeger, where first word 天狼 is indeed read normally as Tenrou, but it has シリウス - shiriusu/sirius that tells to read it Sirius.
Oct 22, 2021 7:40 AM

Mar 2014
Ryoko was one of the worst, most pointless characters I've seen. Might've scored it higher if she hadn't been in it.
Jan 17, 2022 1:52 PM

Apr 2020
The animation carried it from being bad imo.
Painfully average plot and characters. 5/10
Go watch Gintama boyo/grill
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