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Days: 60.8
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- Episodes3,529
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Days: 10.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries33
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- Chapters1,774
- Volumes197
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All Comments (19) Comments
Πετυχα τυχαια το προφιλ σου, ειδα οτι εισαι απο Ελλαδα, ειδα μετα οτι εχουμε μερικα κοινα favorites (+ μερικα που μου αρεσουν αρκετα) και ειπα να πω ενα γεια. Σπανιο φαινομενο να βλεπεις ατομα απο Ελλαδα να εχουν στα favorites πχ το Utena η το Rakugo
Yep, my Emperor is so fucking awesome.
What's the best thing you've done recently?
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Greetings! Evil Club's Easter Egg Hunt Event is finally here! The
event will start at April 4th, 12:00 AM EST and to join the event
simply click the banner above only during the designated time to
get to the thread and see the goodies we have prepared.
We truly apologize for this sudden unwanted newsletter. Our staff
ran into an unexpected problem which led to us not being able to
use the "Share with Members" feature, but we absolutely will not
let our dear members miss this special event after all.
Again, we apologize for the inconveniences this may have caused.
See you all at the thread! Have a great day and Happy Easter!
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Hope we can be a good friends
Sorry for my poor english :"(