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86--EIGHTY-SIX (light novel)
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Jun 19, 2021 8:28 AM

Nov 2011
As expected, the 86 Spearhead Squadron marches towards their goal no matter what the risks are ahead of them. Those were some grim fighting scenes.

On the other hand, there's Lena outside of the battlefield carrying the burden of her role. Unsurprisingly, Lena had a fierce determination this episode to face the uncertain future. I think overall, this first season finale set up well for the second half/cour. Looking forward to that for sure.

Jun 19, 2021 8:28 AM

Aug 2017
Probably one of the best anime of this season (I didn't watch a lot this season, i'm going to return to my 2018 seasonal level for Summer 2021) And i was surprised by it, 11 episodes with a big cast of characters but the plot and focusing in just a few of them were the main point. And i really liked the world building. 8/10 for the anime
NurguburuJul 2, 2021 9:59 PM
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Jun 19, 2021 8:28 AM

Jul 2017
The battlefield of the 86ers never end, and as such with Fido's POV, it has ceased to operate.

Continuing the anime-original tradition, the remaining 86-ers travel across the barren old Imperial Empire land that has long been deserted in wary of the Legion, and some memories in resurrection of their happy past that was cut short with the war.

As expected and unexpected when it comes, Shin does a betrayal to leave the others behind with his Juggernaut, and memories of his older brother comes strewning back again as he awaits his death amongst the horde of the Legion. Theo, Anju, Raiden and Kurena fought the good fight, but it wasn't enough to spare them from imminent death.

Lena lands in the 86-ers frontlines, where Lev Aldrecht addresses her with the fate of Shin's Spearhead squadron. Surprising that Lev is another Alba 86-er, though this shouldn't be a surprise now. Her going to see how Shin and the rest of the Spearhead squadron are like in their environment, it's a sad sight. Other than the black cat whom hangs out with the squadron, a diary that encloses their memories wth the entire Spearhead squadron's messages.

HERE WE GO with the 2nd Cour in Fall, with Bloody Lena's determination for the future, and Shin's meeting of his brother Shourei in death and in memory, LET'S GO.

Looking forward to the special episode next week! Otherwise, what a fantastic 1st Cour, no questions asked without dispute.
KANLen09Jun 19, 2021 11:15 AM
Jun 19, 2021 8:29 AM

Jul 2019
Oh that was pretty good I suppose. Was on and off with this ep lol but I saw the dairy for Lena. Here is the 86 for you miss.

Good episode I think.
Jun 19, 2021 8:30 AM
Apr 2021
There is a special edition to air next week at the same time, kinda curious what it is
Jun 19, 2021 8:31 AM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
Seeing the aftermath of the battle teased at the end of the last episode, Fido is down and they only have one Juggernaut left. The scene with them at the school was an anime-original scene. It was a fun little scene and a nice breather for the characters.

Lol, Shin exploited the whole plan of whoever’s in the Juggernaut will fight. Of course, Shin would just switch over whenever he senses the Legion. That voice Shin heard! That was a damn good tease for the next season, lol. But goddamn, they really left the Spearhead’s perspective off with that cliffhanger. Gotta wait for the next season to see what happens, lol.

We get Lena’s perspective in the second-half and this was basically an adaptation of a leftover scene for volume 1, and what basically serves as a closure to this story arc. Lena finally got to see the Spearhead’s barracks with her own eyes. Her seeing the marks and things left by the people that used to live here while she recalled her conversations with them was nice. The messages left by the final survivors was heartwarming.

That after ED scene was both wholesome and incredibly ominous, lol. They’re really fixated on leaving Shin’s fate undetermined XD

This episode adapted a short portion from volume 2, and ended off with the final bit of chapter 7 in volume 1. Volume 1’s epilogue is still unadapted, but we’ll almost certainly see it in the next season.

But yeah, this was a phenomenal adaptation from A-1 Pictures. Even though I’d say that the anime and LNs are pretty complementary, the anime is as good of an adaptation as you can get with an LN source material. The anime skimmed down some of the info-dumping from the LN and presented it in a more suitable way for a visual medium. There’s just some stuff that is interesting when being read, but boring when being said through an anime, and I’m glad the staff behind the anime were able to accommodate for that. Since the first volume was written with the intention of being a standalone story, there were some parts of the volume that were glossed over or happened off-screen. The anime-original scenes that were added really helped the flow of the story quite a bit. Had I not read the original novels, it would’ve been extremely hard to point out which scenes are anime-original, which just goes to show how organic those scenes felt.

The directing in this show was also something else. It’s Toshimasa’s first role as a main director for a TV anime, and it hardly shows. Even if he has experience as an episode director and storyboarder, his directing style feels incredibly experienced. Not only was the directing fantastic, it also didn’t feel like as if it was bounded by its source material. The adaptation was faithful with its source material while also having creative freedom on how they want to present said material. The fact that the anime is always so visually dynamic and engaging is also thanks to the series’ great storyboarding and the staff that was able to bring it to life. I also like how the anime decided to separate Shin and Lena’s perspectives and not have any certain scene switch between the perspectives. In the LN, during certain scenes, the perspective between the two leads would switch back-and-forth to have a feel of both sides at the same time. The anime chose to separate almost every episode into two segments (Lena’s perspective and the Spearhead’s perspective), even if it meant presenting the story in a non-linear fashion, or repeating certain scenes from a different perspective. This direction creates a greater sense of distance between the two sides and really added to the experience.

Speaking of the technical aspects of the show, the visual and audio presentation is nearly flawless. The 2D character animation and background artwork done by A-1 Pictures is incredible. It’s some of their best work I’ve ever seen. The show never holds on a frame for too long and it’s almost always is in motion. And when it’s not, it’s usually holding a frame for impact. And some of the character acting animation is really, really good. The CG animation done by Shirogumi was also top-tier. The CG models for the mechs were really detailed and blend with the backgrounds nicely. The CG animation felt lively and lacked the stiffness you’d normally get from CGI in anime. In general, there’s no sense of disconnect you’d normally get when you see CG animation in a lot of other anime. And yeah, the music in the anime is great. It’s expected when you have Sawano’s name tied to this series, but honestly, some of the tracks composed by Yamamoto stood out to me more.

Anyways, essay aside, with this episode we wrapped up this cour. Glad that this isn’t all that we’re getting with this adaptation and that there’s another cour upcoming. Honestly, when this adaptation was initially announced, I was expecting a one-cour adaptation covering the first three volumes. This season mainly just covered volume one, and the next season should cover the next two volumes. To see volume one get its own cour is an absolute treat. I haven’t been this enamored with an anime in a very long time!

Jun 19, 2021 8:32 AM

Feb 2019
Firstly, thank you A-1 for giving us this masterpiece of an adaptation. Secondly, what an amazing finale. Episode split evenly in half between Lena and Spearhead Squadron perspectives. Seeing the kids role play high school was funny, but sad at the same time. They’ve never got to live a normal life and that’s heartbreaking.

Loved how they handled Lena reading the letter and seeing the picture left behind for her, that transition to her on the train tracks with such determination in her face was incredible. Then the transition to the ED with her silhouette painted red for bloody Reina… goosebumps.

My only complaint is I was hoping we would get an Ernst cameo more of a cliffhanger for the second cour, but I think the special edition that releases next week may add a few more scenes in for that.

All in all, AMAZING job by A-1 and the best thing is, we’re nowhere close to the peak of 86. See y’all in the second cour.
Marinate1016Jun 19, 2021 8:37 AM
Jun 19, 2021 8:36 AM

Mar 2016
The ultra long range legion unit’s voice was haunting, just like in the LN.
Special edition episode next week. I wonder what they’ll show.
It seems they left Shin’s fate and the rest of the remaining spearhead squadron’s fate up in the air to leave people wondering if they died or not.

Honestly, this was a great adaptation of one of my favorite novels. I’ll give it a 9/10. The first cour adapted only volume 1 and a bit of volume 2, so there is still a lot to unpack here. The novel has 10 volumes as of now.
Fuckin’ Glory to the Spearhead Squadron.
Shishou_23Jun 19, 2021 9:19 AM
Jun 19, 2021 8:37 AM

Mar 2017
Eh. Not remarkable. Not garbage. Just another shallow teen/young adult dystopian story. Mostly surface level understanding and utilization of social, political, and economic ideas, themes of media manipulation and propaganda, conformity pressure, haphazard caricature levels of class divisions in the population between the privileged and the unprivileged, all of which are then relegated to backdrops in favor of a burgeoning romance; all under the specter of an evil incompetent dystopian government that wouldn’t fly in the real world.

I rate 6/10.

Nurguburu said:
> Probably one of the best anime of this season
> I didn't watch a lot this season

Lmao. Ye, this is how 86 should be watched. Alone and solo so it cannot be compared side by side with its peers.
EankiJun 19, 2021 8:45 AM
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Jun 19, 2021 8:40 AM

Oct 2017
Another beautiful episode to finish things off for this cour. The first half was quite heartwarming yet bittersweet at the same time. Thou damn they left us on a fucking cliffhanger. Is Shin gonna die? Cause the final scene of this episode heightened this possibility. I'm gonna go crazy waiting till fall for cour 2 to begin.

Second half of the episode with Milizé was quite emotional. Specially Milizé reading the messages from the gang. Also finally getting to look at their photo and see what each of them looks like. I teared up a bit at that scene.

What a ride this was, started off pretty decent but later episodes were nothing less than phenomenal. Honestly I wasn't expecting this level of an adaptation from A-1 pictures with a new director no less. So props to A-1 for giving us such phenomenal adaptation. Now onward to cour 2.
MegamiRemJun 19, 2021 12:06 PM
Jun 19, 2021 8:43 AM

Jul 2014
Is Shin.... FUCKING DEAD!? His bro came to get a younger ver of him and then we saw his what I presume to be his corpse... having a blurry erased face which implies he is a legion now since when his bro was a shepperd only his head was shown....
Nobody answer this, its a rethorical question, Im just a lil pissed that my best boi has a 90% chance of being dead.
Anyways great adaptation, you can really tell the staff thats working on this series loves this show.

Also it seems this wasnt the actual last ep, we are getting a special next week, wonder if the special is just fanservice/ actual continuation of this ep or a recap.
Overall I loved the 1st season, started pretty slow but was well worth it and payed off.
Cannot wait for the next season.
Jun 19, 2021 8:48 AM
Sep 2020
Eanki said:
Eh. Not remarkable. Not garbage. Just another shallow teen/young adult dystopian story. 6/10.

Nurguburu said:
> Probably one of the best anime of this season
> I didn't watch a lot this season

Lmao. Ye, this is how 86 should be watched. Alone and solo so it cannot be compared side by side with its peers.

I think there's a lot of depth personally. Keep in mind that only one volume was adapted and there's much more depth present later on as characters are explored further and the worldbuilding increases. I wish it wasn't a split cour show but oh well
Jun 19, 2021 8:54 AM

Mar 2017
SakayanagiCOTE said:

I think there's a lot of depth personally.

But is it as "deep" and "thought provoking" as Bright (2017)?
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Jun 19, 2021 8:58 AM

Apr 2013
Direction & soundtrack saved this series and made it a lot better than what it would be in the hands of someone else. Didn't care for most of the characters, story was decent but nothing groundbreaking.

7/10 for part 1.
Jun 19, 2021 9:26 AM

Jun 2019
Man... seeing all of them enjoying and having their fun time at the school made me so happy inside. Just watching them pretending to be at school was so precious. Without Fido, they kept moving on with their journey forward. And, then everything turned grey when Shin decided to go and fight by himself so all other of his comrades can live in peace.

But they weren't gonna go without him and followed him to the battlefield where they were lying injured. We also saw Lena going into the 86's living cottage where she saw that little kitty and all the messages that were left for her. I enjoyed this show quite a lot. Looking forward to the announced second season. Great job A-1 on this one. I hope you can nail the second one as well.
Jun 19, 2021 9:34 AM

May 2019
7/10 overall for the show.
Honestly, the pacing felt super weird, not just across the whole season but even individual episodes. I feel after watching 11 episodes we still have little information about the world or really anything, to be honest.
The soundtracks/animation was great but i still think it had all the potential to be great but really squandered it.
Jun 19, 2021 9:36 AM
Oct 2013
Eanki said:
Eh. Not remarkable. Not garbage. Just another shallow teen/young adult dystopian story. Mostly surface level understanding and utilization of social, political, and economic ideas, themes of media manipulation and propaganda, conformity pressure, haphazard caricature levels of class divisions in the population between the privileged and the unprivileged, all of which are then relegated to backdrops in favor of a burgeoning romance; all under the specter of an evil incompetent dystopian government that wouldn’t fly in the real world.

I rate 6/10.

Nurguburu said:
> Probably one of the best anime of this season
> I didn't watch a lot this season

Lmao. Ye, this is how 86 should be watched. Alone and solo so it cannot be compared side by side with its peers.

As if there is anything much better or "deeper" this season, that would have effected his opinion. Asides from the fact its basically shoujo mecha later. Amazing one at that tbh, but not some pseudo intellectual mastubation "high" literature some people here apparently look for in weeb media of all fucking things.

i guess MAL is good for a laugh thanks to you guys that watch through poorly done subs but come out with these self wank "critical" reviews about cartoons for teens-young adults..
Neion4ty7Jun 19, 2021 9:49 AM
Jun 19, 2021 9:45 AM
Mar 2016
Very disappointing, everytime I look forward for a specific scene they just skip it, like the fuck is wrong with them?
Jun 19, 2021 9:45 AM
Aug 2020
Honestly 9/10 86 had it all emotion, nice action, great characters and godly music(the ed is in my fav eds) and the thing which surprised me the most is the story. Ngl I was expecting it to be cliche and predictable but my expectations were blown out of the water ep 8 onwards.
Undoubtedly the best of the season for me. Catching up to odd taxi and Vivy. A few weeks ago Tokyo revengers was no.1 but after takemichi cried twice in the exact same situation made me lose a bit interest. Other than that this season has been a blast 💯
Jun 19, 2021 9:51 AM
Oct 2013
Dali14 said:
Very disappointing, everytime I look forward for a specific scene they just skip it, like the fuck is wrong with them?

which one they skip this time? its been 9 volumes since i read the 1st so i don't remember shit anymore, though im salty they skipped the scene a few eps back with the logistics officer and shin.
Jun 19, 2021 9:52 AM
Apr 2016
Was this episode an anime original or did it already adapt the 2nd volume???
Jun 19, 2021 9:54 AM

Apr 2018
That was probably one of the best "cruel" anime I've seen in a while, and of course most of the characters are really likable and interesting, now I suppose it's only the beginning and of course they need more development, I can't wait to see how the story will turn during the next episodes of the 2nd cour, it's very promising so far and I loved these first 11 episodes! One of my favorite show from this season
Jun 19, 2021 9:59 AM

Feb 2020
Eh, I guess it was alright. Another 'final' episode which didn't feel like a final episode. Gonna assume they didn't die and the story is just adding drama to entice the viewers.

Couldn't care so much about the 86, especially when they keep pushing their deaths and memories towards the audience, and it would've been nice if Lena had more going on, besides just overseeing Spearhead. Maybe this gets cleared up in the next cour, but for now they all seem pretty bland to me. Nice animation though.
Jun 19, 2021 10:02 AM

Apr 2020
If they didn't make some scenes off-screen it would be a 9 or a 10 but it's still very good.
Hoping that the 2nd season doesn't do that as much. 8/10
Go watch Gintama boyo/grill
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Jun 19, 2021 10:04 AM

Oct 2020
Once again, the 86 continue with their journey. Shin, once again, decides to leave the 86 and carry their burden of the Legion by himself. The rest of the group decide to help but, with their puny weapons compared to the immense power of the legion, they were no match. And now, Lena is at the former base of the 86. A diary there holds the wishes and messages to Lena from the 86. Well, this has been an amazing ride. Thank you A-1, you guys did a great service to this series.
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Jun 19, 2021 10:04 AM
Jul 2018
Looks like Shin and his friends died but I can't believe it. Lena decided to live for every EIGHTY SIX.
I really became love this series. Very painful but wonderful story. Can't wait for 2nd season.
Jun 19, 2021 10:05 AM
Mar 2015
Great scenes included Lena reading their messages to her and taking their cat in She is more determined than ever Spearhead dies but shin gets to meet his brother in the end
Jun 19, 2021 10:08 AM

Nov 2015
Great ending, a bit disappointed that they didn't adapt epilogue 1 for the full entertainment.

But thank god we are given the early chance to see and witness the full beauty of our Empress: Augusta Frederica Adel-Adler.
YuvensiusJun 19, 2021 10:28 AM
Jun 19, 2021 10:09 AM
May 2008
Wow, what a ride it was. If I could give one anime a 11/10 rating, this would easily be it. It was just tearjerking. Looking forward the special episode next week.
Jun 19, 2021 10:14 AM

Nov 2013
Guess all good things must come to an end and 86 is no exception.

Have to say that I think they overdone it a bit too much with the self-propelled mines, but all things considered I guess I can understand the tone/message they wanted to go with this final episode. Interesting directional choice at the end with Rei coming for Shin since they turned it into quite an ambiguous scene.

Appreciated the foreshadowing of Frederica and Kariya and the tease of Bloody Reina too.

Overall it was a pretty good 1st cour and it far surpassed my expectations. Now to wait until Fall for the 2nd cour.

KaitonJun 19, 2021 10:46 AM

Jun 19, 2021 10:15 AM

Mar 2017
Neion4ty7 said:
i guess MAL is good for a laugh thanks to you guys that watch through poorly done subs but come out with these self wank "critical" reviews about cartoons for teens-young adults..

See? Isn't that nice. I entertain you. You entertain me. Everybody is entertained.
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Jun 19, 2021 10:15 AM

Jun 2015
Ah so thats what happened to Fido. To the end he remained loyal to Shinn. Still running into legion outiders was always going to be a possibility no matter how much they stay off the major areas. The abundoned school and Kurena's revelation really shows just how much the war has cost them in terms of memories. Anju's roll call was a nice touch. Shinn's sense of responsibility and desire to protect his friends by himself sure picked a bad time to rear up. It makes sense that Lena will be punished for allowing her unit to break free of the republic. Still this flexibility sure gave her an excellent opportunity to see the squadrons former home. Her time there when combined with the memories of the convo she had with the team made for pretty bittersweet moment. Overall an excellent finale that while slow combined excellent action and emotion into it that really reflected the kind of feelings that the two sides were experiencing. The last moment between Shinn and his bro was nice. From the preview looks like there's going to be a special edition after in addition to a second season.
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Jun 19, 2021 10:17 AM

Jun 2021
A feast for me. Thank you so much, 86. You make me watching anime again after so long (and reenter this forum). That's one hell of a ride.
I'm looking forward for next cour!
mimisannn333Jun 19, 2021 10:43 AM
Current favourite ships:
- Chika x Satowa (Kono Oto Tomare)
- Shin x Lena (86)
- Vanitas x Jeanne (Vanitas no Carte)
Jun 19, 2021 10:17 AM

Dec 2014
Great finale, can't wait for the next season.

Fido!! No!! Damn, he was a true hero until the very end. :(
The scene at the school was sweet and wholesome but it got dark fast. I was kinda expecting that when Shin wanted to switch it was because there was a threat nearby. I kept hoping that something would happen and he'd get saved somehow but they essentially just ended his fate on a cliffhanger. The post credits suggest that he was turned into a legion with the scene with his brother and the vaguely decapitated body but I really hope not.

The Lena sequence was definitely my favorite, she came all the way to visit them. Found the memo, I teared up when she teared up too. It was really sad watching her read essentially their last words to her. T.T

Overall, this was easily the best show of this season for me. Great setting, loved the characters particularly Lena who's probably going to be one of my favorite characters ever. Strong narrative, full of emotion. Often bittersweet, sad and hopeless but somehow there's also some strange form of wholesomeness in the show from time to time and it stands out all the more because of the generally atmosphere that gives of an air of hopelessness and hypocrisy. Action sequences were great but I got say the character moment stand out way more than the action to me.
Huge props where it's due to A1, this was an incredible showing from them. Stunning production value put into this, the soundtrack was incredible. The 'Avid' and 'Hands up to the Sky' inserts into various scenes was fantastic. Can't give enough praise to the general direction as well, I love how they switch between the perspectives of Lena and the 86. Honestly, I could go on about why I loved this but I'll just stop and say I'm super looking forward to the next season.

10/10, I was gonna say 9 but I think I liked the show way too much.
Jun 19, 2021 10:19 AM

Dec 2017
Is the "I protect the princess" original or a foreshadow for season 2?
Jun 19, 2021 10:20 AM
Jan 2021
really an amazing ending.. now i decided to read the LN and don't know what to expect.. except greatness
Jun 19, 2021 10:21 AM
Oct 2016
A sorrowful first cour finale with our remaining five forced against the wall. Little ammo, almost no food, only one juggernaut left, they didn't have much options. Still though it was nice seeing them play around at that school. Just seeing them all be kids even for a moment makes me cry, a glimpse into the life they were supposed to have. Shin being his usual selfless self trying to go ahead and take that group of Legion down. Theres no way they took his head, there's just no way. I refuse to believe that until he's shone as part of the Legion. The end with baby Shin talking to his brother made me tear up. Being the oldest sibling, scenes like that break my heart. Lena going to see where they used to be stationed was the icing on the tears cake. I bawled the almost entire time she was walking around. Especially after she found the picture of them with the remaining fives notes. I loved her words at the end, "I will keep fighting until fate comes for me". Absolutely, you keep fighting until its over, until you can't fight anymore. The ending shots of Lena while the song played hit hard, her determined face ready to fight.

Its amazing how far she's come from episode one. From a optimistic girl to a determined woman. Ready to do whatever it takes to stop all the bullshit her society has propped up. She's gone from yelling at superiors who won't do a damn thing to taking action into her own hands consequences be damned! To sum it all up I've loved this show from the first minute it started airing. An absolute powerhouse on every level. Each episode has progress beautifully even as our group of 86 got smaller. Shin, Raiden, Anju, Theoto, Kurena being the only ones left now. Each episode showed how horrible discrimination and societal structuring can become. Putting one group of people over another creates a sickness that spreads to all aspects of a countries people. We saw just how awful they treat the 86 for no real reason at all. Just because they needed soldiers to throw at an enemy. Every aspect of this hit high marks. From the animation to the story to the characters to the music to the themes to the poignant moments. It all worked with great success. This will be a show I'll never forget. Truly a fantastic work in this medium. I'm happily awaiting the second cour so we can see more.

Jun 19, 2021 10:22 AM

Mar 2016
ShikishimaKrile said:
Is the "I protect the princess" original or a foreshadow for season 2?

Foreshadow. It’s the ultra long range legion unit’s voice as you’ve seen, and it’s pissed af lol.
Jun 19, 2021 10:22 AM

Oct 2018
Eanki said:
Eh. Not remarkable. Not garbage. Just another shallow teen/young adult dystopian story. Mostly surface level understanding and utilization of social, political, and economic ideas, themes of media manipulation and propaganda, conformity pressure, haphazard caricature levels of class divisions in the population between the privileged and the unprivileged, all of which are then relegated to backdrops in favor of a burgeoning romance; all under the specter of an evil incompetent dystopian government that wouldn’t fly in the real world.

I rate 6/10.

Nurguburu said:
> Probably one of the best anime of this season
> I didn't watch a lot this season

Lmao. Ye, this is how 86 should be watched. Alone and solo so it cannot be compared side by side with its peers.

Big words = smarter person with the only true opinion that matters

Jun 19, 2021 10:22 AM

Jun 2014
What an amazing finale. I just have to praise how they do every ending shot of avid and how they transition into the next shot in the climax of the song. The title and title drop is also phenomenal each episode.

I have endless praise for this. I have never been so satisfied with an adaptation before.

Time to read the 3rd volume to prepare for season 2.
Jun 19, 2021 10:22 AM

Aug 2013
RIP Fido. :(

The first half where the surviving members of the Spearhead Squadron spend some time in the abandoned school was amusing. Kurena was so happy playing around since she never went to school, which is also sad. It's bittersweet for me knowing their past. Also, got to protect Kurena.

Well, an interesting way to wrap up the first cour. We still got the second cour and the special that will air next week so I'm looking forward to that. A-1 Pictures did an amazing job with this. Now I need to catch up with the light novel.

For one last time, Fuckin’ Glory to the Spearhead Squadron!!!
LeoJun 19, 2021 10:53 AM

Jun 19, 2021 10:23 AM

Apr 2016
Amazing adaptation, incredible OST.. Easily 10/10.. Can't wait for 2nd cour

Jun 19, 2021 10:26 AM

Jan 2018
Better than vivy, you didn't ask ? don't care
Jun 19, 2021 10:27 AM

Jun 2014
Damn this show was definitely an emotional rollercoaster. Even if the premise of the story itself isn't anything super groundbreaking, the direction, music, voice acting, it was all fantastic. And of course I loved the way we would sometimes see scenes multiple times from different perspectives. This anime also did a wonderful job of using CGI, it didn't look like a super jarring eyesore like how most CGI in anime looks.

The remaining 86 that we followed for the last couple episodes seem to be presumed dead, but Lena looks like she's come out of this with more resolve than ever. I'm torn between giving this a 7 or an 8, but I might go with the 8 just because I ended up liking this way way more than I thought I would. We need more LN adaptations like this.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Jun 19, 2021 10:27 AM

Feb 2012
01:08 Even Fido's gone from the hangar part of the OP 😭 Spearhead Squadron's down on their luck with only one Juggernaut.
05:18 We saw English text used in San Magnolia, but Giad appears to have Japanese text.
06:35 For a brief moment, those robbed of the experience, get to go to school.
07:14 Shin is being very practical about the resources; using wood from chairs and paper from textbooks for fire. Theoto, meanwhile, appears to recognise the importance of preserving these texts and salvages one.
10:09 Shin goes off to fight without the rest of Spearhead Squadron. But they are loyal to the end..
12:02 Teased us with Frederica
13:15 “You can't beat the Legion with those weapons.” And yet they go all out; true camaraderie.
14:18 Now for Vladilena visiting the barracks. Did a stitch of our Queen. “His hair wasn’t graying with age. It was silver hair, stained by black oil.” “Aldrecht removed his sunglasses, revealing a pair of eyes the color of snow.”
17:25 A reminder that a lot of Alba have to eat synthetic food as there is no space for farmland in the 85 sectors. Hence the big deal of Annette having real ingredients, and Lena's curiosity over the plants and animals kept at the Spearhead Squadron's barracks.
17:36 “The showers were a damp, gloomy space that reminded Lena of the gas chambers she had seen in documentaries.” “The rooms were all tidied up, robbed of any hint that people had once lived in them.”
18:05 “The room farthest down the hallway, as well as the largest, belonged to the captain.”
19:00 The cat's name, and the book Shin was reading, "All Quiet on the Western Front".
19:25 When Avid start playing, as Lena knows what they look like for the first time...a truly emotional moment.
20:28 “The intent of the letter was clear and, at the same time, carried another meaning. The freedom Shin and the others sought was the freedom to press on for as long as they could, until death finally claimed them.”
21:11 Vladilena is coloured red on the rail tracks in the ending.
22:40 Shinei with Shourei as the Skull Knight.
23:35 First cour is technically over but there's still the Special Edition next week. The episode title might give a hint.... the official Twitter account used an image from episode 1 (so it may be a recap?).
Fortress_MaximusJun 19, 2021 5:25 PM

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Jun 19, 2021 10:27 AM

Jun 2017
Now, that's an ominous conclusion! They're really trying hard to convince us that Shin passed away lol with that little segment after the ED theme but I'll not be buying into that.

First half seeing the former 86ers encounter some enemies was kind of tough to watch, Fido's demise in real time and the second of which could mark the fall of the remaining members! Shin betraying them in the last second was kind of harsh but you can't really blame him for that to be honest.

Kurena-chan finally getting a glimpse of school life was a really nice touch. Pity that it just lasted for a day though, truly remarkable students indeed lol.

Even if the crew somehow survive this ordeal, what are they supposed to do next considering there's certainly no fuel and not much food around? Life just knows how to mess them up over and over again.

Memory of that missile carrying Legion looked horrific, good lord.

And then Lena in the second half. It's a pity that she's just a little too late but props to her for coming to the place during her house arrest. Those notes left behind though, heartrending stuff. Final shot of her determined in the rails looked great!

Finally some truth behind the engineer's past too. To be honest, I'm out of words on this. Revealing his past at the very end and accepting the circumstances to follow, Major Milize's bow seemed like the only response to that.

Ah, it's the waiting game now. I was going to bicker on this for a bit but the fact that this is guaranteed to get a 2nd season already is keeping me on bay, we should be grateful enough for this. If A-1 needs a year to produce material of this quality, you know what, I'll take it. They've done an incredible job!

Also, Director's first time in charge of directing a cour of episodes? Surely, you jest not. Man's got talent for sure and I'm definitely looking forward to seeing him take this post more often!

Easy 9/10 from me, my fav show from the season and year so far! I'd been looking forward to reading the light novel but decided to keep away once the anime was green-lit but I think reading the 1st volume in advance to the sequel now would be great. Looking forward to the special next week though, I wonder what kind of tease they'll prepare there lol.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Jun 19, 2021 10:28 AM

Nov 2016
Definitely one of the better LN adaptations I've seen. Granted, the bar isn't high lol, but credit where credit is due. Gonna make sure to read at least the first volume of the LN to verify my impression. That itself is already a testimony to how much I liked 86. It managed to push all the right buttons with it's stellar directing. Topics such as racism and war were serviceable, albeit a bit simplistic, naive and juvenile for the lack of better words. This unfortunately bothered me a bit. I perceive this as a series that tried to be seen as a harsh depiction and grounded. Additionally, it's bit too bright looking for that and while Lena has her good sides, I personally had a hard time to fully appreciate her as a heroine. The idealism of the Spearheads on the other hand was something I adored.

Fire job A-1; looking forward to the next cour and hopefully more in the future. This definitely strikes me as series that would receive a full adaptation and who knows, maybe I will learn to appreciate some aspects more with time. I hope so, because as a whole I see tons of potenial.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jun 19, 2021 10:29 AM

Jul 2017
oh shet what a cliffhanger to end the first cour with lol. Don't think Shin's actually dead, he's got main character syndrome after all. The rest I'm curious who got blessed with the promised plot armor

but overall a nice introductory cour to the series. ngl the cinematography was absolutely fantastic throughout, really well done from A1. Plot too was pretty interesting although it did feel a bit shounen-y at times (especially Shin coming back through nakama powers lmao) but thankfully the last few episodes felt a lot better. Actually the last few episodes as a whole were definitely miles better than the majority of the others

Characters did feel a bit average though, I'd hope 2nd cour they'd get better but who knows. Doesn't help that half of them get Akame ga Killed but it makes sense from a narrative standpoint

Muv Luv: Nazi Addition/10
Jun 19, 2021 10:30 AM

Apr 2018
Shin left the other ones behind because he knew that the Legion were about to attack, but ofcourse.. they followed him. True friendship. Milim went to visit their place, met the cat, read the letter and cried a bit.. A small convo between Shin and his brother. Looks like we're getting a special edition! looking forward to that. Animation,soundtrack (godly), characters and plot were all great. 8/10.

What an amazing first course, well done! A good ending for the first coure, looking forward for the next one.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Jun 19, 2021 10:32 AM

Dec 2017
Anime of the season for me. Yes, Vivi is good too, but this just hits every right spot. To your eternity could be a contender, but it is still ongoing, and apart from those 3 there is simply nothing even close in terms of quality.
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