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Jun 12, 2021 5:28 PM

Nov 2011
Ooh, an episode about Sora and her partner Biyomon. This was kind of an emotional episode for both of them, especially since Biyomon values Sora so much.

I'm glad they're able to maintain such a strong friendship.
Jun 12, 2021 7:58 PM

Jul 2017
YELP, Taichi and Agumon are still around, but luckily they weren't alone this time with Sora and Piyomon tagging along as well. It's always great that other characters get the spotlight for once, but at the cost of nerfing others.

Even in the Digital World, there's so much junk that literally it's a "Safety First" environment. If I was a kid back then, this episode brings me back all the nostalgia for being a slice-of-life episodic story totally catering to the kids.

I just adore Sora and Piyomon's relationship a whole lot, and Piyomon getting injured from a work-related accident is just sad while she sees Sora is working twice as hard for compensation and recovery, even if this is drama-fied from trust issues. Add the condition of facing a literate problem against Mother Nature, and saving the Digimon that couldn't evacuate in time.

Garudamon's Mega Evolution into Houhoumon, NGL, WAS EPIC, the very first time we've seen other Mega level Digimon (aside from WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon), though it was very shortlived.

If any episode wasn't Taichi and Agumon-focused (like this one), it's automatically logged as a good episode. I did have to say I enjoyed this one a lot.
KANLen09Jun 12, 2021 8:01 PM
Jun 12, 2021 8:59 PM

Jul 2013
Piyomon got injured by some steel pipes whereas Sora survived being swallowed by lava LMAO

Am I the only one who remember how ZeedMillenniummon pretty much engulfed the whole world in flame 2 episodes ago? Isn’t it logical to show the damage from that and how the Digimon are coping with it? How about instead of building walls on this volcano, it’s rebuilding of walls (hell, it could even be an entire city) that’s collapsed due to Zeed? Throw in a few lines implying that the damage from the fight is causing the eruption? While we’re at it, make it so that Piyomon got injured during the fight and is still recovering? Not even a huge change to the episode structure but it goes a long way to help the show’s continuity.
Jun 12, 2021 9:02 PM

Mar 2012
well shit, FINALLY another mega

oh shit, ShogunGekkomon next episode???

what about Otama and Gekkomon?
Jun 12, 2021 9:11 PM
Aug 2017
If I hear safety first in that dumb as tone with the weird ass dora the explorer ritual I'm going to actively become a safety hazard.
Jun 12, 2021 9:27 PM

Feb 2019
LETS GOOO. Sora mega episode. I love sora and Piyomon themed eps.
Jun 12, 2021 9:36 PM

Jan 2009
safety first!

heart warming episode for Sora and Piyomon, i do not understand the power of her mega evolution Hououmon though
Jun 12, 2021 10:34 PM

Oct 2017
Nice Garudamon finally mega evolved into Ho-oh ahem I mean Hououmon.
Jun 12, 2021 11:48 PM
Sep 2015
Safety first, but I like it more when Taichi doesn't wear any protection...

Anyway, what surprised me the most is that now they're actually fighting against natural disaster in this episode. And we even get mega evolution from fighting with volcano, not a villain digimon.

Next episode is onsen! I hope it'll have a good fanservice.
Jun 13, 2021 12:25 AM

Apr 2018
Helped digimon on a island to protect against a volcano, that was good especially for Sora and Piyomon's relationship, and nice mega evolution as well
Jun 13, 2021 5:57 AM

Jun 2010
This is an okay episode, not best but okay. I find it amusing that the helmet is able to cover all of Taichi's hair lol. It has some good and boring parts. Oh well, I guess this is the best the showmakers can give to my girl Sora.

After watching Goddramon and Holydramon's treatments in previous episodes, I had lower my expectation but still feel immensely disappointed with Hououmon's mega. Only Taichi and Yamato got flashy sequences whereas the other kids get similar evolution to Ultimate, bonus with glitter and quite badly drawn proportion. Hououmon looked so much like a chicken lol. Even Tri drew better than this. I can't keep my eyes off Hououmon's stomach, as if she just finished her meal lol.

So in the next episode, Tai will meet up with Joe, maybe Vikemon is next? Are all these episodes about the rest of the children reaching their mega or about Tai observing his teammates' evolution lol?

JustMonaka said:
Am I the only one who remember how ZeedMillenniummon pretty much engulfed the whole world in flame 2 episodes ago? Isn’t it logical to show the damage from that and how the Digimon are coping with it? How about instead of building walls on this volcano, it’s rebuilding of walls (hell, it could even be an entire city) that’s collapsed due to Zeed? Throw in a few lines implying that the damage from the fight is causing the eruption? While we’re at it, make it so that Piyomon got injured during the fight and is still recovering? Not even a huge change to the episode structure but it goes a long way to help the show’s continuity.

I remember ZeedMille's existence too lol, but given that in previous episode, the world looked really...fine. Trees and grass not being destroyed, everything's fine. ZeedMille who lol. Also, I don't think the showrunners care for continuity. Maybe ZeedMille will be addressed when all the children face the "mega-ultra-final" boss (just like how Mugendramon is only mentioned again in his battle with WGrMon)
Hanaki_NekoJun 13, 2021 6:04 AM
Jun 13, 2021 7:04 AM

Apr 2020
What a stupid episode... a group of digimon living on a volcanic island. How do they live there? How do they get food? I didn't see any environment near the island.

Another mega... to fight a volcano. Sora and Garudamon imune to magma... oh God... -_-
Imagine how boring this world would be without Japan - a comment at youtube
Jun 13, 2021 7:44 AM

Mar 2018
Gosh, I can't believe they used this "safety first" joke more than 8237 times in this episode.

Nothing exceptional but still an okay episode for this show's standard. Sora/Piyomon moment is obviously a nod to OG but just an inferior version due to lack of buildup and stake.

Hanaki_Neko said:
So in the next episode, Tai will meet up with Joe, maybe Vikemon is next?
Not yet. Looks like we'll get Tailmon evolving into Kabukimon probably due to power of Joe's crest.

Jun 13, 2021 7:59 AM

Jun 2010
Renkini said:
Not yet. Looks like we'll get Tailmon evolving into Kabukimon probably due to power of Joe's crest.

Oh good observation! I initially thought Kabukimon is just another supporting digimon when I first watched the preview.
It that's the case, kinda weird that Tailmon will become Kabukimon and not Nerfetimon
Jun 13, 2021 8:22 AM

Mar 2018
Hanaki_Neko said:
Oh good observation! I initially thought Kabukimon is just another supporting digimon when I first watched the preview.
It that's the case, kinda weird that Tailmon will become Kabukimon and not Nerfetimon
Yeah, it's weird and unexpected but personally, I kinda like the fresh idea of one kid's crest can powerup another kid's partner Digimon. And Tailmon is still mistakenly believing Joe is leader so I guess that'll play a part in next episode.

Jun 13, 2021 11:49 AM
Nov 2017
The "safety first" joke got stale and repetitive pretty fast.
Jun 13, 2021 4:41 PM
Mar 2021
Its now episode 52 and its good.. in any kind of work, specially in dangerous kinds, its always important to think of safety first.. u only have about 1 life, its very important to care for it.. also, in any kind of work, working as a team is always essential.. its never only that u do such work cuz its dangerous and like to keep everyone else safe, everyone keeps everyone safe, or else just who will save u when the time comes? And for that to happen, trust is important as well.. trust in ur comrades as they will trust their lives to u.. thats what happened to sora and piyomon, with their feelings collide.. but they later trusted again and was able to mega evolve.. anyways, i rate the episode a 8 of 10, 8 for both story and art.. :)
Jun 13, 2021 6:39 PM

Jun 2017
Welp, at least we got a new mega.

It's more interesting what's up with Taichi's compass but they might leave him the last.

RickSuarez said:
The "safety first" joke got stale and repetitive pretty fast.

Exactly my thoughts. lol
Jun 13, 2021 7:47 PM

Jul 2012
The only positive thing I've got to say about this show is that at least we get to see the megas we lacked in the og series.

But, man... What a stupid episode. They gave Sora and Piyomon the dumbest reason to "get into a fight" and especially to evolve into mega form. Something similar to this happened in the og Digimon (except the mega evolution of course) but it was way better developed there. Here it was just forced bullshit.
Jun 13, 2021 7:52 PM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
I'll give the episode props for giving Sora emotions after who-knows-how-many episodes after the mysterious fridge one. Her scenes and the somewhat decent evolution sequence saved it from just being bad.

Aside from the above there's the routinely "digi-destined isn't hurt by lethal attack" trope (in this case: being engolfed by lava), a tiresome safety joke and all around not so good animation quality-wise.

At this point, an ok episode is a win in my book. My expectations have lowered a lot.
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Jun 14, 2021 7:59 AM
Feb 2020
So the crests have nothing to do with Mega evolution, Sora got hers and they're still being directed somewhere
Jun 15, 2021 2:47 AM

May 2008
It was the most useless and free MegaEvo I've seen but still got me pumped up to see Sora's Digivice going Mega!

Still, this series is a huge letdown.
Jun 18, 2021 6:29 AM

Jan 2016
I usually am not as harsh on this series as most of MAL in these topics, hence why I almost never post a reply, but man that was maybe the worst episode of this reboot.
It's definetly the worst "filler that supposed to make someone of the crew shine" of them all. Mimi had the best one I think, and Koshiro too.

But this one was soooooo dumb. The all argument situation was incredibly stupid, and on top of that Houomon mega-evo was just sent out like it's nothing, no sakuga whatsoever. I can see why people complain about this reboot being so Taichi-centric (even though I like it / it got us the best moments) when the others are treated like that.
SephirodJun 18, 2021 5:10 PM
My candies :
Jun 27, 2021 12:21 PM

Jul 2008
Weapon said:
It was the most useless and free MegaEvo I've seen but still got me pumped up to see Sora's Digivice going Mega!

Still, this series is a huge letdown.

I think Gabumon still has that crown.

But yeah so what is the point of the crests then?
Jul 3, 2021 8:04 AM
Oct 2019
Okay wtf is that episode?
Piyomon got Mega Evolution on Random ass Eruption?

Idk how any of you can watch this episode and like it.
Seriously the story is ass.

This is too dumb.
Useless filler ass Episode, looks like Next one is also the same...

What's the point of the crest in last episode if we didn't even exploring it?
Instead we have random Volcano Episode that didn't give anything at all to the main Plot.

Toei be like: Give Mega Evolution for Piyomon for the sake of the Evolution so Bandai can sell more toys.
More Profit baby!!!
davidyodo24Jul 3, 2021 8:10 AM
Sep 2, 2021 10:48 AM

Jan 2021
I'm guessing the succeeding mega evolutions are gonna follow the same formula as this one.

I really do wonder what's the mystery behind the crests as it has increasingly become obvious that it literally has nothing to do with the evolutions.

Also Hououmon's evolution sequence sucked. Sad to see that Taichi's literally the only one with well animated evolution scenes in this reboot.
Sep 24, 2021 10:08 AM

Feb 2016
Feb 14, 2022 9:03 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Kinda silly episode indeed, but it was nice to see another Mega. Hououmon looks cool.

That "safety first!" joke got old and annoying very fast.
Apr 26, 2022 8:15 AM

Jul 2013
I am not very good with these, but I think Usopp's voice actor is voicing Junkmon
Oct 1, 2022 3:43 PM

Feb 2015
They really hate Sora, huh?
What was this? :/

I always liked Hououmon a lot, even though many fans think Garudamon would be better suited as Piyomons Ultimate, cause they think it's cooler... but they didn't make it look as majestic as it's supposed to look at all. Why did they enhance its belly that much? :(
They tried to redo the Piyomon-Sora-conflict from the original series (when it first evolved into Garudamon), which was amazing in the 1999 version cause it concluded some of Sora's character development, but failed horribly, cause there's no backstory and the bond between Sora and Piyomon sadly feels really forced in this reboot. Don't get me wrong: I'm glad Sora finally showed some emotion again, but their conflict came out of nowhere and lacked so much impact. They didn't even give these two an actual enemy to fight against... they fought a vulcano. We didn't even get to see Hououmons signature move "Starlight Explosion". I will praise them showing Hououmons healing abilities though.

The episode itself wasn't good either. Taichi didn't steal the spotlight for once, but the "Safety first" was annoying as hell and Junkmon is nightmare fuel imo. I'm honestly just tired at this point. Toei made it abundantly clear they don't care about Sora and Piyomon at all. I'm gonna predict a great Rosemon episode in the future though (and I'm happy they at least seem to care about Mimi).
There's no possible way you can steal my heart

I want to drown in this sweet Melancholy
Sep 4, 2023 1:12 PM

Nov 2012
junkmon was cute..not much else good to say about this one.
Tai looked ridiculous in that helmet.
Phoenixmon ofc, shoehorned remaining megas in this last arc, absolutely called it, starting to think it might be even more formulaic that I thought tho and literally just spit them all out in pointless eps before chucking in a random endboss.
I have a third testicle that gives me psychic powers
Jun 24, 2024 10:28 AM
Nov 2019
It indeed was a dumb reason to fight.

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