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Dec 24, 2008 9:02 PM

Aug 2008
"Judau's Sortie"

It amazes me how Judau can get in and out of a ship like that, even w/ bombs on him. Bright chalks it up to him being a Newtype. I give credit to ship-wide incompetence. Did anyone else feel creeped out about how hard she was trying to jump Judau? I guess all that time w/o Char....

Beecha and Mondo right now are just hard to like characters for me. I don't understand their logic at all. A new pilot named Rakan appears and he seems like the brutal, efficient heartless S.O.B. I've been waiting for in this series.
DonKangolJonesDec 24, 2008 9:07 PM
Apr 29, 2010 10:55 AM
Jan 2008
Haman trying to....charm Judau just wow.
Dec 12, 2010 9:59 AM

May 2008
OMG!! Hyaku Shiki! :DD Yay!! I was wondering what happened with it~ I hope there'll be some Mega Bazooka Launcher too!
I think Judau gives similar vibes as Char that's why Haman was trying to jump on him~
Anyway, the story seems progressing very well now, finally this show is becaming serious~
Rakan is badass~
sayamiJun 2, 2011 8:42 AM
May 5, 2011 8:03 AM
Jul 2010
Starting to like this show more. Judau keeps infiltrating Axis forces with more force and desperation each time. It's intense

Haman was a little creepy. Must reaally like that Char smell
Dec 14, 2012 6:23 PM

Jun 2012
Beecha and Mondo should die soon --" They are annoying, and no one in the Argama cares about the fact that they are traitors.
Apr 27, 2013 5:33 AM

Oct 2009
Why isn't anybody locking up Beecha and Mondo???? All they do is cause trouble!

Haman where'd the sexy hair go :(
Nov 2, 2013 11:08 AM

Sep 2010
Why are they not properly punishing Beecha and Mondo? -__-
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Feb 14, 2014 2:38 PM

Aug 2011
Hyaku Shiki *__*
Haman looks fabuloussssss hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngg!
Beecha and Mondo are the biggest fault of this show right now.

thisiodfkln said:
Haman was a little creepy. Must reaally like that Char smell

That new car Char smell. ba dum tsssshhh
Mar 15, 2014 2:13 AM

Sep 2013
Baka gaki Judau

I love how he went on a personal jihad when there was a fight going on

Haman is interesting though. I wonder what she had to say. I don't think she's completely evil..
cupcMar 15, 2014 2:34 AM
May 22, 2014 10:20 PM

May 2008
The Hyaku Shiki's appearence only makes me want Char more.

Other than laughing at Haman's mask, I question how Judau can believe the Traitors when have constantly shown to be interesting in themselves.

And I do have wonder what makes Haman like Judau yet dislike/hate Kamile and Char...
Oct 19, 2014 9:27 AM
May 2013
Amuro_Char said:
Beecha and Mondo should die soon --" They are annoying, and no one in the Argama cares about the fact that they are traitors.

Judau is so annoying , all he can say is "Leina! Leina!" .I want some development dammit .
Nov 25, 2014 11:19 AM

Mar 2013
After the excellent events with Cecilia's death, we get nothing. Not a single reaction to what happened in Granada, especially from Torres. This is by far the worst Gundam series out there. Even Bright who was an excellent captain in 0079 and Zeta is pulled down to clown level.

How is it possible that Beecha and Mondo haven't been court martialed yet¿ How did the Argama approach Axis by itself so easily to fire it¿ The real Bright would have NEVER considered destroying it if he knew civilians lived inside. This is really bad to be honest. I'm only watching it because I wanna go fully prepared to Char's CC and Unicorn.

No wonder a lot of the japanese fanbase and my friends don't consider this series canon (they take the alternate Zeta ending as the real thing).
Feb 2, 2015 11:37 PM

Jul 2009
Great episode!!

Shame they didn't show Torres about Cecillia's death. They should have acknowledge her death and at least it'll make Torres more cautious the next time around.

Hyaku Shiki!!! Glad they were able to salvage and repair it to good condition! Char should really appear soon!

And wow Haman looks like one of those Saint Seiya characters XD

And yes Beecha and Mondo should be court martial and put to death now. How many times have they made Argama in situations like this?

It was gutsy of Judau to come to Haman's ship full with bombs.

Lol i do believe Haman is acting like this, just because she misses Char a lot and probably hopes he's alive somewhere.

As for Judau could have destroyed Haman's ship while inside. This is probably his payment for letting him go, even though she tricked him in the first place.

Seeing Double Zeta with Double Saber is badass!! I think Double Zeta definitely triumphs over Zeta!

Good stuff!

Can't wait for the next episode!
Nov 10, 2015 10:25 PM

Sep 2008
Oh wow Haman, you one sexy beast. But why are you trying to hit Judau? :O Aren't you a bit too old for him? That uniform was cool.

Apparently Judau dosen't have common sense to think that strapping bombs into ZZ is not smartest choice to do. Espicially if it is suggested by thise two idiots. Can't we already get Beecha and Mondo shot or something?
Feb 2, 2016 9:14 PM

Nov 2012
Hyaku shiki! Would be nice if we can see Char again before Chars Counterattack movie

Beecha and mondo have caused a shit ton of serious problems for the argama if bright was any other aeug /fed captain those kids would have either been shipped oFF to a military prison , kept in lock down the whole time , or even executed . I'm getting real tired of their shit . They were trying to use neo zeon to get back home but then went back to Argama after all the problems they caused and 0 punishment whatsoever

Hamans attitude seems go have changed now that she knows for sure judeau is a newtype, even going as far as trying to recruit hI'm and kiss him (according to the wiki she is 21 and he is 14?? ) . That's on some pedophilia type shit ,I doubt Haman would care about the technicalities though seeing shes so high up the command chain and zeon probably has some different customs compared to fed.
May 18, 2016 9:41 AM

Dec 2015
Do I sense a Newtype soulmates relationship Judau X Haman? Mutual understanding transcends age after all.

The easiness to break in and out is typical from the saga, I won't lose time writing more about it. But the lack of mobile suits or other ships guarding the admiral vessel made my eyes fall.

The bombs "joke" was really not appropriate for the episode, it took too much place. Another problem is how disconnected from the last incident it felt.


"Gundam team"? Four Gundam-type models for the Argama + the hyper mega particle cannon, Bright's unit seemed overpowered on a technical aspect.

April 20, 2019
FMmatron said:
"There's some kind of mysterious feeling. Plus she smells nice.."
That's sexual tension, Judau.

Do you really think so? XD
It didn't even occured to me. Even now that I have met someone who (naturally) smells very nice in real life, I would just put Judau's line on classic Tomino cosmic connection "discret" signal. Guess I'm "brain-ill."
FMmatron said:

I thought she emitted some female pheromones or at least that scene wanted to make us think so xD

Nice smell is a big turn on for sure.

Funny how I am the one interested in biology sciences but chose the psychic / hippy explanation and you the logical one. ^^"
(always learning, thank you)

July 1st, 2020
St0rmblade said:
Is Tomino seriously suggesting a romance between Haman and Judau? NO. I'm not accepting that Haman was going to kiss him. That can't happen.

Nooo, he's implying "mutual understanding" ! Repeat after me. (more seriously, I don't think you should see it as an actual love story, but as a way to tell something about Haaman)
Rei_IIIJul 1, 2020 3:08 AM
May 19, 2016 1:42 AM

Jan 2014
Is it okay to say that I quite liked this episode and really disliked it at the same time?

On the one hand I've got to give credit where it's due: not only has Haman turned into a Gold Saint, but in two minutes she also managed to be more convincing as a Newtype guru than Paptimus Scirocco could've ever hoped to be in 50 episodes. Seeing the Hyaku Shiki again made me all the more nostalgic of the time when Char was here and now I can't wait to see him again in CCA.

One the other hand... the first half of the episode was so dumb I had to constantly roll my eyes for ten minutes straight. Like everyone said, why Bitcha and Mondo haven't been sent to Court-martial yet is absolutely beyond me: Bright-san would've never let that shit fly in 0079 nor Zeta. Why doesn't anybody aboard the ship even seem to care about the fact that letting these two move around as they please could and does represent a direct threat to the Argama and her crew members' safety? Then again, what do I expect from a crew that lets war prisoners do whatever the fuck they want.
Literally rigging their friend's Gundam with bombs and pretty much putting his life at risk for the sake of getting back in the Captain's good grace doesn't make much sense either: I know they're traitors, but do they care so little about Aikido-kun's life that they wouldn't hesitate straight up killing him just to make him look bad in Bright-san's eyes? I mean, what the fuck, Tomino.

Speaking of Aikido, aside from his usual complete absence of common sense I'm also lowkey getting tired of his "Leina, Leina" leitmotiv. His character has been stagnating for God knows how many episodes now and I wish the whole issue would be dealt with already, regardless of how it's done.

Sakarii said:
And I do have wonder what makes Haman like Judau yet dislike/hate Kamile and Char...

I think she might prefer him to the likes of Kamille/Char and co. because he's younger and easier to manipulate. And that's just hunch, but I also believe that she feels a stronger connection to him because he's, like her, an evolved/superior form of Newtype. We know Char's powers were limited, and though Kamille was very much a monster himself, his borderline insanity might've made him hard to connect with (which may or may not explain why he only ever really managed to share Newtype bonds with similarly mentally messed up pilots like Four or Rosamia).
I sense a lot of potential here, but I really wish the whole Newtype plot point was delved into more properly.
SapewlothNov 20, 2016 2:25 PM
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Dec 18, 2016 9:14 PM

Jun 2013
Very solid episode
But can Beecha and Mondo just die already?
Jun 20, 2017 4:11 PM
Jan 2017
Now understand why ZZ gets the bad reception it does, plus if this is meant to be the serious second half I hardly see it.

Don't be get started on Beecha and Mondo facing no real consequences or punishment for their they almost being rewarded for it.
Jul 11, 2017 2:35 PM

Feb 2008
The encounter with Haman wasn't that unpleasant. It still felt incredibly unsettling, though. Comedy tried really hard to annihilate the serious elements of the story. Fortunately, it didn't completely succeed.
Nov 2, 2017 5:32 PM

Jul 2016
This is Gundam again! Finally!

Haman dress is absurd lol
Feb 18, 2018 10:23 AM

May 2015
Mondo & Beecha are the shittiest friends(?) ever. F them!
Sep 2, 2018 7:53 PM

Jun 2014
Lol, looks like Haman was trying to get fresh with Judau there. Hard to know if it was actually a trap, or if she legitimately likes him.

Sep 29, 2018 6:02 PM

Aug 2010
I just want to say - Haman gives off the kind of vibe that makes your inner self-preserving beast snarl away with violent uneasiness and distrust, like a tiger cornered by armed hunters. I think I now see why the usually unflappable Char was prone to frothing with rage at the mere recollection of her.

Also, for the record, even I think Beecha and Mondo went too far this time...
Nov 4, 2018 11:51 PM
Nov 2013
Haman whoa.. I do like her new get-up, but I don’t know how I feel about her trying to freak Judau

Beecha and Mondo wtf? I hope they die at some point tbh
Nov 6, 2018 2:16 PM

Oct 2016
The Argama is the worst run ship ever. Why do these two traitors have access to high explosives?! If Beecha and Mondo had succeeded they would have murdered their "friend", but I'm sure they'll be back for more hijinx next episode instead of being court-martialed and shot Bright-slapped to death.
Apr 20, 2019 4:39 AM

Nov 2016
"There's some kind of mysterious feeling. Plus she smells nice.."

That's sexual tension Judau.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Apr 20, 2019 10:34 AM

Nov 2016
Rei366 said:
Do I sense a Newtype soulmates relationship Judau X Haman? Mutual understanding transcends age after all.

The easiness to break in and out is typical from the saga, I won't lose time writing more about it. But the lack of mobile suits or other ships guarding the admiral vessel made my eyes fall.

The bombs "joke" was really not appropriate for the episode, it took too much place. Another problem is how disconnected from the last incident it felt.


"Gundam team"? Four Gundam-type models for the Argama + the hyper mega particle cannon, Bright's unit seemed overpowered on a technical aspect.

FMmatron said:
"There's some kind of mysterious feeling. Plus she smells nice.."
That's sexual tension, Judau.

Do you really think so? XD
It didn't even occured to me. Even now that I have met someone who (naturally) smells very nice in real life, I would just put Judau's line on classic Tomino cosmic connection "discret" signal. Guess I'm "brain-ill."

I thought she emitted some female pheromones or at least that scene wanted to make us think so xD

Nice smell is a big turn on for sure.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Apr 20, 2019 11:39 AM

Nov 2016
Rei366 said:
FMmatron said:

I thought she emitted some female pheromones or at least that scene wanted to make us think so xD

Nice smell is a big turn on for sure.

Funny how I am the one interested in biology sciences but chose the psychic / hippy explanation and you the logical one. ^^"
(always learning, thank you)

Hey,me too, but rather fitness and human body related :D

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jun 29, 2020 1:20 PM

Aug 2017
Haman's new look is awesome. Also, it's interesting that the slogan was "Neo-Zeon Banzai", not "Sieg Neo-Zeon". No more association with space Nazis?

Judau is pretty blind if he can't notice poor Iino tied to his MS. And what's with the others? Just use the damn comm system to tell Judau what's wrong. And why did Beecha and Mondo suggest using bombs anyway? What was their hidden agenda? I'm sure they didn't want to only help Judau.

I don't get what's the problem of blowing the enemy ship up after leaving it in the Gundam. Just shoot at the bridge!

Wait, is Tomino seriously suggesting a romance between Haman and Judau? NO. I'm not accepting that Haman was going to kiss him, absolutely not. That can't happen.
St0rmbladeJul 1, 2020 3:41 AM
Jun 17, 2021 3:21 AM

Apr 2016

Lol Glemy brought a yoga instructor onboard his ship. EDIT: It's ballet? Makes sense for Zeon's 18th century European culture.
Sep 6, 2022 6:06 AM

Jul 2014
Never mind the fact that two traitors who just defected back to the Argama are allowed to run freely and do what they want (as stupid as that is), why are they already betraying the Argama again by trying to kill Judau and destroy the Double Zeta? Other than it serving to keep the plot moving, it makes absolutely no sense: they know how bad it is to work for the Neo Zeon and I thought that's why they returned to the Argama, so why immediately betray them all again? Are they just going to go back to Neo Zeon again after all of this? Can they just die already?

And holy crap, can we please bring the goddamn Leina stuff to an end already? I'm sick and tired of Judau just going off on his own to try and rescue her, only to fail miserably or get "your princess is in another castle"-d. Judau's character hasn't progressed in the slightest because he's just stuck yelling "Leina, Leina!" over and over again.

The only good part of this episode was Haman's attempts to manipulate Judau and get him under her control as a fellow advanced Newtype. She still feels massively nerfed compared to what we saw of her in Zeta (I'm still not sure if those Mashymre flashbacks of her were real or not), but she's still such an impactful presence whenever she's on-screen and whenever she's doing something: that massive hologram over Earth was a great show of power.
Dec 8, 2022 6:34 PM
Dec 2015
Atavistic said:
they know how bad it is to work for the Neo Zeon and I thought that's why they returned to the Argama, so why immediately betray them all again? Are they just going to go back to Neo Zeon again after all of this?

It seems to me they don't want to return to Neo Zeon but they want to overshadow Judau and getting more recognition. Also they didn't think Judau would be killed by the bombs, just damage the Gundam. But yeah, it's not to excuse them, they should still be banished from the Argama

The villain surely seems to be an asshole, like Yazan

and LOL at haman wanting to kiss Judau out of the blue, typical random gundam romance huh
May 13, 2023 1:01 AM

Apr 2014
I wish I was Judau in this episode.

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