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May 30, 2021 6:58 AM

Nov 2011
Whitely is quite brave to make a deal involving the House of Lords.

Tbh, I'm not surprised to see how events escalated this episode with the negotiation drama. William had to play his own hand in his role as well. Definitely one of the more complex episode that's different than the usual cases he's dealt with. RIP Maggie and Marcus though.
Stark700May 30, 2021 7:16 AM
May 30, 2021 7:25 AM

Apr 2018
Omg that episode was so bloody, because of Milverton Whiteley's family got killed, but damn Moriarty's plan to kill him for him to die as a hero is sure shocking but it will work, that was probably one of the best episode but also one of the most violent so far.
May 30, 2021 7:28 AM

Jul 2017
The White Knight of London, MP Adam Whiteley's got trouble coming for him, starting from Charles Augustus Milverton himself, while James Bonde follows from behind. Pretty stoic that Adam would go a strong head against the scheming blackmailing king mastermind rep of the House of Lords.

As expected, Milverton doesn't cave in to pressure, and even worse, the act of right-hand man Inspector Sturridge's killings made him a scapegoat of a murder-class case. From a highly esteemed MP for the people, stooped down to a murderer because of the Devil's Temptation of blackmailing evil aided from Milverton.

Fred has having his own set of issues, and Milverton's hired henchmen has identified both him and Louis, this conflict is about to happen soon.

With all the world against him, the new villain has no one to turn to except the Moriarty Family. And the best man, the Lord of Crime, William himself is put to the job voluntarily to see this case to rest...through the usual stage of events of putting the blame on William himself to atone for his crime-committed sins as a white knight for the country he fought so hard for equality.

A necessary evil to turn the tables on the good side, what a show to change the country for good and eradicate Milverton's pure evil.
May 30, 2021 7:33 AM

Jun 2019
It was indeed a bold move from Whiteley to go and meet Milverton on his own when the situation is like this. The king of blackmailers, Milverton being blackmailed was definitely something new but looks like he won't be sitting quietly because of this.

And, as expected they went on a killing spree on Whiteley's family using Sturridge as the murderer since his child and wife got abducted by Milverton's orders. Truly, an evil-minded person. Whiteley couldn't contain himself after all and ended up killing Sturridge.

With Moriarty brothers on his side, Whiteley went ahead with solving the inequality in this nation with a smile on his face ended up giving his life to William just like how he asked for it. Now everything's up to the Lord of crime to handle.
May 30, 2021 7:42 AM
Sep 2015
As much as I hate the result, I've to accept that this episode is necessary because in the show that Moriarty, who's generally considered as a villain, is being depicted as anti hero, so the villain of the villain-lead show has to be even more evil and cruel, and this episode demonstrates just that.

And what surprised me is that it didn't just stop there, it went further by showing Moriarty's resolve to be an anti hero. Though in the next episode we'll switch the pace for a bit by focusing on Sherlock. It's not sure if the show want him to be a third party, or just one of the chess piece in a battle.
May 30, 2021 8:35 AM

Aug 2020
Whitely just wasn't cut out for this, he had too many weaknesses that could be exploited. And guess what, they got exploited.
May 30, 2021 8:37 AM
Apr 2019
Reminded Me a lot of movie *The Dark Knight*, and has many similarities with it. Nonetheless, fantastic setting and execution; animation,soundtrack, setting, characters, reasons and the battle between Necessary Evil and Pure evil were awesome
May 30, 2021 8:52 AM

Jun 2014
Quite the daring move by Whiteley to try and blackmail the King of Blackmailers, but as expected, Milverton didn't just sit quietly. Damn that was horrible seeing his family get killed like that, especially his kid brother who didn't have any chance at escaping or defending himself. I like how William volunteered to step in and take the blame for what Whiteley did. Whiteley dies as a heroic martyr, and doesn't have to worry about his crime coming to light. All according to the Lord of Crime's keikaku. This mini arc was sad not gonna lie.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

May 30, 2021 9:00 AM

Jun 2020
RIP Whiteley, Sam, Maggie, Marcus........that was so tragic. They didn’t deserve that. One would wish there were a different plan that could have at least kept Whiteley alive to work with Will & co. But for him there’s no point living on without Sam. Such a shame, Whiteley was such a great guy exploited & driven to the point of no return. Whiteley finding their bodies & holding onto a lifeless Sam, screaming in agony was so hard to watch ㅠㅡㅠ

I love seeing Louis in action!!!!!!

Nojima Kenji’s voice work is always so amazing♡

How in the world are they going to wrap up VS Milverton & VS Sherly in just a few more episodes. This definitely needs another season.

but i’ll probably remember over and over again
you were there and everyone else was there
— the day we all searched for just one thing

May 30, 2021 9:00 AM
Feb 2021
I like how things turned out for the worst... I didn't see it coming. Plus they turned around an unfavorable situation despite the challenges they faced. Wished Whiteley didn't have to die but it's great to see that he was also satisfied with this outcome. Knowing there are people who will carry on his dreams
May 30, 2021 9:14 AM

Feb 2019
Damn what a brutal episode. I feel horrible for Whiteley. He reminds me a lot of Harvey Dent. Held up as this ideal of justice and good, only to be used by evil to show that everyone can be broken. Shame he got caught in the crossfire of the Moriarty v Milverton fight, but it is what it is. These next few eps should be amazing
May 30, 2021 10:29 AM

Jul 2015
This was a damn great episode.. perfect for showing that London in that time just wasn't for the good people to fix.. not gonna lie.. i extremely thought that his Whiteley's little brother will be saved by some one from Moriarty gang but this was brutal.. i honestly felt sad..
Was always a Sherlock fanboy but Moriarty! Stomp that milverton of a joke!
May 30, 2021 11:18 AM

Mar 2016
And here I was being excited for Milverton. Didn't expect him to be pure evil. How disappointing. Defeating a necessary evil can ruin a lot of good things, so it can raise interesting questions about humanity. I had liked this anime for trying to do that in the first season. But, defeating pure evil is just expected, so it's not that exciting in a psychological story. It's only fun in light-hearted children's stories.

Last episode, I really didn't want the sweet younger brother to die. But this episode, he looked like he was only created to be killed. They didn't develop him at all. So, I felt nothing about his death. It was only made worse by Whiteley's comedic reaction.

Well, the episode became slightly more interesting after the 'Je Crois En Moi' thing. I didn't like that Moriarty himself stabbed Whiteley and disappeared in an action hero sort of way, but still, the scene was better than everything else this episode.

Next episode is going to be The Sign of the Four. I really pray they don't ruin that one. (By the time Sherlock meets Irene, Watson should already have met Mary, but let's see what the anime does. Kind of worried since the anime has lost my trust this season.)
May 30, 2021 12:10 PM

Jan 2014
With how the blood is on his faced, it gave me Two face vibes honestly. God, this anime really fucks with my moral reasoning lol. Like I get it, but damn.
May 30, 2021 12:21 PM

Oct 2018
holy moly. its gotta be the darkest episode so far.
and I'm getting massive code geass vibe here where anyone can be sacrificed anytime for the greater good.
this anime never fails to surprise me. and yet its still so underrated and under radar.
May 30, 2021 12:47 PM

Apr 2015
Bloody episode, it was good but the motivation for Sturridge to kill Whitely's family pissed me off. Okay, you're just gonna blindly follow the will of someone who kidnapped your family by killing a bunch of innocent people that you were supposed to protect? Including a helpless child? I mean he didn't really have a choice, but wth. He didn't even know if the kidnapper was actually going to keep his end of the promise.

But interesting turn of events with Moriarty's plan to turn Whitely from a villain into a hero. Happened in a bunch of other anime like Code Geass and Fairy Tail so not the most surprising twist, but the execution wasn't bad. The ending shot with Moriarty standing on top of the building overlooking the entire city was cool, it's officially the battle between the necessary evil and the pure evil. Necessary evil is obviously going to win out in the end, but looking forward to seeing how it will play out.

"As promised, all that you seek, all that we desire, is prepared up there. On top of the Tower."
May 30, 2021 1:06 PM

Oct 2008
First James Bond, now Christopher Nolan Dark Knight Movie reference, the epicness never ends xD
I'm excited! What's next?? Jack Sparrow on a Black Ship??
For the ones that like to bother others (like me) with "you should read the manga/LN", please stop. I don't read mangas, I will NOT read mangas, I will not listen to what manga readers complain in adaptation to the anime counterpart, I only watch anime except in very few and specific situations.
May 30, 2021 1:16 PM

Dec 2015
The episode was great, and was a surprise since I’m not yet here in the manga. I kinda expected Whiteley would be killed but not like this.

That moment with Fred in action was short but cool, I like seeing him in action not biased by his voice actor. I don’t know if I’m missing something but are the ennemies working for Milverton or for someone else? I’m surprised they know his name and Louis (and probably the rest), and they don’t seem surprised about that.

set by taiyaki

May 30, 2021 1:29 PM

May 2018
RIP Whiteley, Sam, Maggie, Marcus, I kinda felt sorry for Whiteley.....
May 30, 2021 1:38 PM

Jun 2017
Necessary evil v Pure evil, now isn't that interesting!

RIP Whiteley-san, you were a man too good for the setting.

Didn't expect Moriarty to reveal himself like this to the public but it's about time, I suppose. Let's see how Sherlock reacts to this development next episode!
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

May 30, 2021 2:44 PM

Oct 2020
This was the best episode thus far imo, my heart absolutely broke for Whiteley & his family tho. But this episode actually surprised me in more than one way - this arc in the manga was actually one of my absolute FAVORITES, I especially LOVED the panels at the end w/ Liam standing on the building, so I was wasn't really expecting the anime to do too much with it since they either tend to censor things or cut out some scenes BUT HOLY CRAP this ep took my expectations and blew them outta the water

They took what I loved so much about this arc in the manga & truly brought it to life & they even ADDED some nice scenes which gave more depth to the story, which I absolutely loved. And the scenes w/ Whiteley absolutely YEETING the knife in the dude's neck & Liam's part after he stabbed Whiteley & revealed his identity gave me absolute CHILLS, and their voice acting in those scenes was SO. DAMN. GOOD. they literally gave me goosebumps.

So as crazy as this is to say; the anime actually totally outdid the manga this time & I think I actually prefer the anime to the manga w/ this one which is saying a lot considering how good the manga was and how much I loved this arc in there, but they've absolutely outdone themselves with this episode (yet again) definitely a 20/10
LuminescentMoonMay 30, 2021 2:49 PM
May 30, 2021 3:10 PM
Jul 2018
I was kind of confused as to why Will didn't save Sam, Marcus and Maggie, but after he said "Who will win then? Necessary evil or Pure Evil" .. I understood, Whiteley played an important part in both of the great minds, Milverton and Moriarty, plans, as did the deaths of the other family members. The deaths of all 3 innocent people were carried out by pure evil but the death of Whiteley was carried out by necessary evil. Their deaths will help Milverton get his reward and Moriarty will most likely somehow turn this in his favour aswell against Milverton, of course.

It's always sad to see good people like these die for the comfort of pure evil humans that are too rich for their own good. If there was any good to begin with :)
Atleast Will helped their deaths to not be in vain...Poor Whiteley though, I actually thought that he will take part in Will's team.. not die.. But I wouldn't like to live without my family either.. I respect him.

For the next episode, I wonder who this Mary is, and I'm also a little bit happy that we get to see Sherlock again, a thing I don't like is the fact that Sherlock kinda plays no role in several episodes already... It's always been more interesting when Will and Sherlock put their minds against eachother and sometimes for eachother :)
May 30, 2021 4:25 PM
Jul 2018
I feel sorry for Whitely and his important people. But he became murderer and was killed. As a result, what is right and what is wrong.
William's ambition doesn't know stopping. Necessary evil and Pure evil express him. Because he is a lord of crime.
May 30, 2021 5:53 PM
Jul 2018
Very dark episode, the things that I did not expect: the swift death of Marcus, Maggie and especially Sam this early (then again it's a 13-episodic season for a reason) and Adam snapping like that as he tragically relinquished his 'upstanding'-based ideals.

What a heavily bittersweet legacy for him to invest his ambition in the Lord of Crimes.
May 30, 2021 6:20 PM

Oct 2016
I feel so bad for Whiteley and his family.

Especially Sam. He was far too young to die, let alone die so brutally.
May 30, 2021 7:22 PM
Jan 2016
I feel kinda bad because there was so many good stuff to be adapted and it was skipped in the anime.

Well Will now lost the public sympathy by killing the white knight, but at least Whitelay ended up as a martyr, so Milverton must be mad af lol
May 30, 2021 8:28 PM
Apr 2021
r_justo said:
First James Bond, now Christopher Nolan Dark Knight Movie reference, the epicness never ends xD
I'm excited! What's next?? Jack Sparrow on a Black Ship??
This is not how you reference popular works. This was the worst possible way to pay homage to the Dark Knight.

Literally everything good about these past 2 episodes have been taken from tDK. Let's outline the plot. A man named MR WHITELY is London's WHITE KNIGHT (hehe see what they did there guys), and in the first episode he is shown standing up for justice and being a brave man - just like Harvey Dent. He has a sympathetic figure that represents his tie to humanity. Then the sympathetic figure is killed, and he brutally murders the killer, AND THE BLOOD IS SPLASHED ACROSS EXACTLY HALF OF HIS FACE. Get it guys. He's like two face because of the blood. He is then killed by the anit-hero to cover up his evil nature and sacrifice him as a pawn for equality and democracy. JUST LIKE THE DARK KNIGHT.

now there are several reasons why this is poorly integrated into the story. 1: it is actually the first time William is actually portrayed as a full-blown anit-hero. In season 1, he was a villain while also being the main character. In the first half of season 2, he was the hero who was saving the day from Milverton. And now he is literally just Batman. There are so many skilled ways this good have been integrated into the story. If they got rid of Milverton, we could have had Moriarty be the villain, the house of lords be a corrupt force that kills off Whitely's family, and Sherlock is investigating these crimes alongside Moriarty. Then when Moriarty finishes up at the end, Sherlock becomes his arch-rival. But because of th way the story has been structured, this other villain from the second season is now Moriarty's arch-rival.
Why did they do this then? there is one obvious reason. What Moriarty did was morally grey. It made us call into question whether he was truly a good guy. And god forbid we ever start to question the motivations of the main character. That wouldn't be interesting and complex at all. No we can't have that. Instead let's introduce a throwaway villain THAT IS MORE EVIL so that we can make Moriarty look good.

This is the same storytelling as the Rise of Skywalker. The writers couldn't handle the concept that Kylo Ren couldn't be redeemed and had to be responsible for his own actions. So they introduced Palpatine AGAIN so that all of Kylo Ren's bad behaviour could be blamed on Palpatine and Kylo Ren could go back to being good again.

By introducing another villain who is more evil than your anti-hero, you are destroying all the moral complexity the show once had. This has ruined all the things I liked about the first season.
May 30, 2021 9:15 PM
Jul 2018
It's been a while since I've been genuinely shocked by a show.
I was positive whitely wasn't going to kill the guy, and then he started stabbing the floor so I thought I was correct. So when that neck stab happened my heart stopped for a moment. It was so well executed, I loved it.

The little speech about being pure evil was a little silly though.

I very much enjoyed how theatrically the episode wrapped up.

This is nothing like the first season, but I enjoy how camp it all is.
May 30, 2021 9:56 PM
Feb 2021
Everyone's thoughts here are so nuanced, I'm ashamed to admit that I'm only here to point out that the paper said "The Dairy Londner, moring edition".
May 30, 2021 11:30 PM
Feb 2021
Is Patterson one with the good guys or not? Im confused ever since he worked with Bond
May 30, 2021 11:55 PM

Dec 2020
i like how they didn't keep whiteley alive since he did get influenced and turned bad, but died viewed as a good guy. suiting.
May 31, 2021 1:35 AM

Oct 2008
incredibly intense episode!
Whiteley willingly gave his life to Lord of Crime huh...
so its gonna be a battle duke out to with Milverton versus W.Moriarty...i guess William is necessary evil and Milverton is pure evil...hehehe

May 31, 2021 3:31 AM
Jul 2018
Whiteley He gave his life to Moriarty, my God, what a good episode.
May 31, 2021 4:02 AM

Jul 2016
Marinate1016 said:
Damn what a brutal episode. I feel horrible for Whiteley. He reminds me a lot of Harvey Dent. Held up as this ideal of justice and good, only to be used by evil to show that everyone can be broken. Shame he got caught in the crossfire of the Moriarty v Milverton fight, but it is what it is. These next few eps should be amazing

I never expected everyone to just get murdered. Well paced episode.
May 31, 2021 4:27 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
The moment I saw the opening " For Mature Audiences only" I knew it was going to hit the fan. Didn't know quite how much though
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

May 31, 2021 5:01 AM

Oct 2016
That was a fantastic episode damn. People that noticed he two face similarity with Whiteley were pretty spot on, they weren't even subtle this episode with the inspiration, even covered half his face with blood, that's cool. Feel really bad for Sam though Jesus, I didn't expect it to be that brutal. Had us in the first half though, I thought Whiteley wasn't gonna kill Sturridge. At least at the end of the day, Whiteley died as a hero, if he wanted to die anyway might as well make his death useful.

Moriarty pretty much revealed himself, I wonder what Sherlock feeling right now. Looks like we back to Sherlock next episode, looking forward to it.
May 31, 2021 5:59 AM

Jul 2014
Moriarty: The Dark Knight. Seriously, they've just outright copied that film's Two-Face arc here, and the blood covering half of Whiteley's face after the murder shows that it was 100% intentional. I thought the James Bonde stuff was as far as this show would go in terms of jumping the shark, but it turns out I was wrong.

Also, are we seriously supposed to believe that not one person in the crowd would have been able to identify Moriarty in the moment he stabbed Whiteley and escaped to the top of the church? He wasn't even remotely disguised, and he's a prominent figure in London.

This second season has been a huge disappointment compared to the first, and it's just getting worse and worse every episode.
May 31, 2021 6:47 AM
Feb 2021
Estuvo bueno este cap mas con la musica 10/10
May 31, 2021 10:56 AM

Apr 2018
Damn, A shed of tear for my boi Whitely who just wants equality in the world. I was truely sad when his family was Murdered by Milverton who opposes equality. What a plan Moriarty brothers had to make Whitely die a hero, it really hurt me when Whitely said Ill leave the country to you the Lord of Crime.
May 31, 2021 11:58 AM

Feb 2020
Shit goes crazy. Thanks to the Bonde mind-blowing spy act, and Fred's encounter. They now realized the pure evil of these case and William will shall be preparing well enough to give him a proper battle he wishes for. The way Milverton talked just pure of madness. But his 'The king of blackmailer got blackmailed' was indeed a farcical comment, ngl.

Idk the story behind Whiteley could ever laid his face toward Milverton. I know it was just wasting time bargains with him. But, urgh, William should've used the full team to be his guard. Still, it may shocked him as well, right? So, fair enough to both side, i guess. Or even i'd say, their third side, after the incident of Whiteley necessary death play by the Lord of Crime. Full of shock, literally.

In the end, left aside that 'unnecessary' doubt out, everything seems fine enough with the structure of the twist. Either Milverton extreme way of blackmail, and William play toward the end of Whiteley day. I can't wait to see more of their clashes, in the remaining episode....
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

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May 31, 2021 2:20 PM

Sep 2017
Damn that was one hell of an ep and quite the brutal sequence of events. In a way it was like the first loss For Moriarty but they were able to quickly turn the situation around to keep the dream alive.
May 31, 2021 2:38 PM

Jun 2019
They really went all-out on the Harvey Dent/Dark Knight parellels, huh? They even had the vigilantes take the fall for his crimes so his reputation remained pure. Let’s just say that this arc was “inspired” by that movie.

Whitely’s scream was a bit corny, but I’m glad they went that dark with it. This episode made Milverton a much more compelling villain (even if the “pure evil” stuff is really on the nose).
May 31, 2021 3:13 PM

Jul 2012
That was a great episode but damn... I felt so bad for everybody, especially Adam. I really liked him, he kinda reminded me of Erwin. So sad seeing him going out like that, but at least it was under his own terms.
Really interested in what William has in store for us.
May 31, 2021 8:29 PM
Mar 2019
May 31, 2021 11:36 PM

Nov 2018
I think the references to The Dark Knight were cleverly meant to be caught and understood. Some parallels can't be missed (sinful counterpart, necessary evil). It's not very original, but it certainly was well executed in my opinion. One of the best episodes of this season.

Now bring back big brain Sherlock before it ends or this season won't be better than the first.
Jun 1, 2021 12:23 AM
Oct 2020
The last line was amazing about necessary evil vs pure evil
looking forward to it:-)
But this ep was...and I was hoping Whiteley to be an important solo and independent char
It really was a disappointment when he killed the guy
But William really handled it well
And looking forward to Sherlock in the next ep
Blah blah blah blah .... So annoying. Are you bastards in heat or something?
- Sakata gintoki
Jun 1, 2021 12:29 AM
Dec 2019
Holy shit, this is by far the best episode so far. The flaws of justified evil being laid out right in front of us, and Moriarity falling right into it as well by using the dying guys grief as a way to forward his plans. 10/10
Wataru doesn't care about the genuine thing
Jun 1, 2021 1:12 PM

Mar 2017
I know how dark and twisted this anime is and yet I still didn't expect Sam to really die. That fucking hurt like 𝘐'𝘥 been stabbed and I really felt Whiteley's cry of anguish.

Moriarty truly is the devil with the heart of an angel - the way he took Milverton's plan and turned the tables by having Whiteley die a martyr and the Lord of Crime be the evil that destroyed him was a perfect plan. The game's changed now that Milverton & Moriarty know each other's true identities and I can't wait to see this battle of necessary evil vs pure evil.
Jun 2, 2021 12:05 AM

Dec 2016
This was the best episode so far.

All the opposite things of what I said in episode 8 discussion happened in this episode. I thought Lord of Crime would protect Whiteley and hoped nothing happened to Sam...but surprisingly Milverton was quite ahead of them. He researched really well about them something that even Sherlock couldn't do.

And Whiteley just went from stabbing the floor like a coward to killing a person in the most coolest way. That stab from the side was so freakin' cool. I like how just one side of him was covered in blood which would depict how one part of him got swallowed by the devil.

Now Moriarty himself went and introduced himself to everyone as the Lord of Crime. That was splendid.

Who is that huge guy with inhuman strength? Did they give him injections or something?

Everyone going from “Whiteley! Whiteley! Whiteley!” to “WHAAAAAAAA He's been stabbed!!” That transition was funny XD
Rickydory123Jun 2, 2021 12:12 AM
Jun 2, 2021 1:38 AM

Nov 2012
This was a Harvey Dent moment

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