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Mar 29, 2021 9:07 PM

Mar 2009
When's the uncensored version? The steam is too powerful.

Nice to have this one back, but it's increasingly becoming a story about Sherlock, and not about Moriarty. I'd rather have more from Moriarty's point of view, please.
Mar 29, 2021 9:39 PM

Jan 2020
A great kickoff for a second season. It looks like an interesting case and a bigger challenge for Holmes, and I'm so excited to see how he handles it. Moriarty on the other hand, always being one step ahead, never fails to impress me.

The exchange between Irene and Miss Hudson was really nice, I loved that part of the episode. Looking forward to more of this amazing series.

Mycroft and Sebastian looking like doppelgangers got me tripping.
I sometimes forget to finish my sentences.
Mar 29, 2021 11:07 PM

Apr 2020
a bit stale to start the season

Mar 30, 2021 12:07 AM

Jan 2021
Kick off with the Irene Adler story. Couldn't be better. It is so nostalgic! I still don't know what to feel about this anime like is it a poor copy of the Sherlock series or is it a masterpiece in itself. I'm so confused. But anyway, I'm enjoying the series now and it feels like it is going to be even better!

Sherlyyy. Old bro Mycroft is doting towards his young bro haha. The clash between them was fun XD. Sherlock hasn't won a single time?! Unbelievable. Guess the brains is Sherlock while the brawn is Mycroft as per Holmes standards of course.

Aah, it is fun to know that Mrs Hudson and Irene have a great relationship. XD.

Man, Sherlock can be a gentleman at times considering how insensitive and brutally honest he is. 7 and a half pounds is it Watson? Let the man eat, he has to see a lot of running in the coming episodes haha.

Looking forward to the next episode. Being in the Moriarty team, I want to see him get more screen time XD.

All in all a great start to the new season!
Mar 30, 2021 7:44 AM
Jul 2018
finally came back, I was really looking forward to the return, Adler Irene I liked how he acted to save someone around him.
Mar 30, 2021 9:05 AM

Nov 2014
Mormegil said:
When's the uncensored version? The steam is too powerful.

Nice to have this one back, but it's increasingly becoming a story about Sherlock, and not about Moriarty. I'd rather have more from Moriarty's point of view, please.
Considering they are both protagonists, so...But it'll still be about Moriarty, so no worries.
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Mar 30, 2021 2:19 PM

May 2015
I was really hoping to have a different artist do this season's ending song...
Mar 31, 2021 4:52 AM

Jun 2009
This was an amazing first episode of the 2nd cour. I'm really liking Irene and Mycroft so far.

Very excited for the rest of the season. I really should read the manga.

You have been blessed by sparkly bishie Cherry Blossom <3 You're welcome ^^

Mar 31, 2021 11:54 AM

Dec 2020
It was amazing! I absolutely love this anime and I can't wait for more ^^
Mar 31, 2021 5:22 PM

Dec 2014
Didn't realize there was an early premiere, anyway glad to have this back.

Irene Adler arc already, I must say anime Irene looking absolutely fine. :)

Farabeuf said:
I absolutely love how the people making this anime, take the source material and make a new retelling out of it, changing bits and pieces there, and just keeping it so compelling and surprising. Kudos to them.

Big +1 to this, really liking the small spins on the interpretation of the characters in this show. It makes them more interesting and compelling because they are different from what you've come to expect.
Apr 1, 2021 1:41 AM

Apr 2020
New charcaters, Sherlock's brother and Irene Aler (I remember her name, I had Sherlock holmes novels in school, but cant clearly remember what her story was, is she the one who later marries Watson?)

Albert is part of the British Army that too the ones who control India! I dunno man, just hearing my country's name in an Anime no matter what context gets me excited
He slipped a letter in.

Also waifu wars Adler vs Hudson lol
Apr 1, 2021 2:47 AM

Jun 2009
AbiSa said:
New charcaters, Sherlock's brother and Irene Aler (I remember her name, I had Sherlock holmes novels in school, but cant clearly remember what her story was, is she the one who later marries Watson?)

Albert is part of the British Army that too the ones who control India! I dunno man, just hearing my country's name in an Anime no matter what context gets me excited
He slipped a letter in.

Also waifu wars Adler vs Hudson lol

Spoiler alert: Sherlock is best waifu <3

You have been blessed by sparkly bishie Cherry Blossom <3 You're welcome ^^

Apr 2, 2021 9:47 AM

Dec 2016
That's so unlikely for Sherlock to not notice that it's a woman in disguise...but there are also chances that Sherlock has everything planned out differently and he actually did notice that it was Irene but will reveal it later to shock us as usual.

Damn that kira kira even when it's sewage water XD

The OP is so good. It's good to see more solo works from Kohta Yamamoto. It has strong Sawano Hiroyuki vibes.

This ED is actually quite better than the previous one. It starts clam later turns to EDM not like the previous one which started out “Boom!”
Apr 2, 2021 12:02 PM

Sep 2017
Hardly feels like a second season with how it picked up. Right back into another arc with the Irene character introduced.
Apr 2, 2021 7:09 PM

Jul 2016
Yuuki_Otakuu said:
finally came back, I was really looking forward to the return, Adler Irene I liked how he acted to save someone around him.

Myccroft and Adler in the same episode.

All the Sherlock greats are back.
Apr 3, 2021 1:12 PM

May 2009
Mormegil said:
When's the uncensored version? The steam is too powerful.

They pander to fujos, they won't remove steam/draw nipples.
Apr 3, 2021 2:17 PM

May 2020
Will this series ever have a bad op/ed?
(hopefully not)
Apr 3, 2021 5:10 PM

Oct 2008
oh yes! S2 here we go!
Miss Adler is very cunning!
i still choose Miss Hudson for whatever reasons! lolz!
wait a second...why did Sherlock not even notice that King is an impostor and even female...hmmm

Apr 4, 2021 6:57 AM
Case is closed!

Jan 2019
It's a good premiere episode. Mycroft is cool. I like season 1's OP more than season 2.
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Apr 4, 2021 8:37 AM
Jul 2020
RadioActiveLunch said:
Does anyone know who voices Irene Adler?

its hikasa yoko :^))))))
Apr 4, 2021 8:39 AM
Jul 2018
My favorite anime finally came back! Glad to see William, Sherlock, and many interesting characters again :D
Irene is a mysterious and elegant woman. I love her quotes and faith. She is very tough.
Regarding OP and ED, visuals became much better but I absolutely prefer season 1 songs. Don't get me wrong. New songs also very nice.
Apr 4, 2021 8:50 AM

Mar 2016
They changed almost everything about Mycroft and Irene from the books. Damn it. I really loved the way they were in there. Still, I won't judge the anime just yet. It's still interesting. I will trust this, and hope they do something really good.

The OP is awesome!!

I had forgotten how hot Albert was. lol.
Apr 4, 2021 11:40 AM

Nov 2014
AbiSa said:
New charcaters, Sherlock's brother and Irene Aler (I remember her name, I had Sherlock holmes novels in school, but cant clearly remember what her story was, is she the one who later marries Watson?)

Albert is part of the British Army that too the ones who control India! I dunno man, just hearing my country's name in an Anime no matter what context gets me excited
He slipped a letter in.

Also waifu wars Adler vs Hudson lol
Nope, Irene Adler is what you could say a lover/enemy/rival to Sherlock, they have a complicated relationship xD And the name you search for Sherlock's brother is Mycroft.

P.S Watson is best waifu ;)
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Apr 4, 2021 8:12 PM

Apr 2020
Adler looks like a nice person, but I think she wont last long... or yes?
Apr 5, 2021 2:35 AM

Feb 2019
I was not expecting what happened in this episode to go down though, for the first time in the series i have ZERO idea what Adler is thinking, usually before i could somewhat guess but not with Adler. Im super excited for the next eps
Apr 5, 2021 8:11 PM

Jun 2011
Moriarty is back baby. The newest addition to the main cast Irene makes her debut. Can't figure out what her intentions are and whats she wants, guess we'll have to find out. She's as devilishly clever and capable as Holmes it seems. Moriarty wants to meet her, so we'll be seeing that next episode.

Moriarty took a bit of a back seat in the final episodes of last season, I wonder if he'll get back to the spotlight or at least share it with Holmes, or will he continue to work in the shadows?

Excited for more.
Apr 6, 2021 8:32 AM

Jul 2011
I like how Watson is compose in the when 2 people is a brief interval say he got fat.
Apr 6, 2021 12:26 PM

Mar 2017
Ooooh, nice adaptation of A Scandal In Bohemia! It's awesome how they actually used the original story to expand the narrative in a way that would allow the Moriarty Brothers to be included and Irene to become a more permanent character. I like the added irony of Albert being a subordinate of Mycroft, giving him and his brothers a direct info source to Sherlock.

Speaking of Mycroft; was that not the best introduction of a character?! The scene was just a few minutes long and yet it so perfectly captured Mycroft as a person and the relationship between him and Sherlock. Irene's intro was nothing to sniff at either with the way she outwitted Sherlock completely!
Apr 6, 2021 5:13 PM

Apr 2018
Ah yes quite a good episode and were already on to another case. I cant wait for more since season 1 ended.
Apr 8, 2021 2:31 PM

Jul 2012
Oh hell yes! Irene Adler! Let's go!
Nice start of the second season.
Apr 8, 2021 4:15 PM
Jul 2014
This episode has left me questioning the quality of the writing for this season. From the moment Sherlock was first introduced, he was shown time and time again to be a very observant person and an extraordinary detective. For instance, his accuracy in guessing other people's professions just based on their looks and his immediate suspicions about a bigger power at play after the performance on the ship. It is then hard to justify why he did not see through Irene's disguise as the King of Bohemia especially when she has such a voluptuous figure. It is even harder to explain why Sherlock, after being told that Irene was a woman affiliated with the underground and had fooled many men before, proceeds to reason that Irene "did not seem like that kind of person" just because of how she presented herself to him and the one instance she saved a commoner. This just seemed so out of character for our supposedly "genius" detective... Hopefully the next episode will be better.
Apr 12, 2021 10:26 AM

Jan 2008
Finally started this. Love the OP. And Mycroft had the perfect entrance. The anime did a good job. But. It felts rushed. I actually read the Manga and the anime missed out on a few little things that would have made the events more cohesive. But stilll very very very enjoyable.
Apr 15, 2021 5:37 PM
May 2020
Nice first episode of the season 2(or part 2?). I enjoyed season 1, so I am happy that we got more. It is very interesting to see how much Moriarty involved with everything that is happening with Sherlock.

New OP is amazing.
Apr 17, 2021 4:33 AM
Mar 2018
Anime_Watcher_ said:
This episode has left me questioning the quality of the writing for this season. From the moment Sherlock was first introduced, he was shown time and time again to be a very observant person and an extraordinary detective. For instance, his accuracy in guessing other people's professions just based on their looks and his immediate suspicions about a bigger power at play after the performance on the ship. It is then hard to justify why he did not see through Irene's disguise as the King of Bohemia especially when she has such a voluptuous figure. It is even harder to explain why Sherlock, after being told that Irene was a woman affiliated with the underground and had fooled many men before, proceeds to reason that Irene "did not seem like that kind of person" just because of how she presented herself to him and the one instance she saved a commoner. This just seemed so out of character for our supposedly "genius" detective... Hopefully the next episode will be better.

Thank you. I think we're just supposed let it slide I guess, uh duh..but there's no way it was that genius. She has a voluptuous figure and very round bosum, was she wearing a super tight corset? Even so, for a person who can decipher the profession of a random stranger and what they are thinking it seems a bit absurd to me that he couldn't figure out a person in disguise,let alone a woman dressed as a man. Hmmm. The show makes it look like we're dummies sometimes. Meh, I'll just forget it then.
May 18, 2021 9:02 PM
Dec 2020
Love Moriarty the patriot just a great anime. Sherly tho his brother seems hella dangerous. Adler I like her but she up to something. Also the dude who slipped the envelope shut bro it had the M also You know something bouta go down😂❤️🔥👍🏻.
Jun 26, 2021 8:30 AM
Feb 2020
The only problem I have with this ep is they are beating Sherlock hard,
Like he is loosing to everyone, at everything, i was expecting those scenes where u find out it was his plan all along but no

He wasn't going ahead anybody and that is so very unlike Sherlock
Jul 5, 2021 12:28 PM

Apr 2018
That was a spectular first episode of the second season.

We start off with John and Holmes talking about their weight, after that the brother of Holmes comes in and tells John the same thing that Holmes told him (abt his weight). Mcrysoft (Microsoft XD) or whatever his name is, is a governement member.

Irene Alder, a famous woman in the underworld lays her hands on Holmes, the safest way to stay alive is by staying by the greatest Detective's side aka Sherlock Holmes. She's probably trying to attract Holmes, so that he'll feel some affection for her and protect her if something bad happens.

As Holmes' brother said ''Don't trust woman''. I guess that he probably knows what Alder is trying to do. AND DAMN! ALBERT, nice job at putting a fucking letter there without her noticing.

(pretty weird that Holmes didn't notice from the beginning that there was smth suspicious going on because in S1 he could geuss other people's job easily)

SideCharacterKalJul 5, 2021 12:39 PM

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Aug 5, 2021 3:25 PM

Jan 2021
A new character??
I like her already. She sounds badass
Aug 10, 2021 10:00 AM

Dec 2017
Irene and Sherlock fanservice.
Yes, this will be a good season.
Aug 12, 2021 8:32 PM

Feb 2021
How does Sherly notice John gaining a tiny bit of weight but not bat an eye at a woman disguising herself as a whole man
*simping over 2D characters*
Dec 26, 2021 11:55 AM

Jun 2020
Sherlock and Moriarty back in the game! Nice beginning to the season.
Feb 24, 2022 4:23 AM
Mar 2018
A great start for the new season I liked it.
Mar 9, 2022 8:36 PM

Apr 2016
So now the Moriarty will be in the shadows? I guess it makes sense since they have an affinity for finding evil rich people that they might need a little less of the spotlight.
Irene seems fun.
Aug 2, 2022 2:15 AM

Jul 2015
I didn't expect Sherlock to actually be tricked by Irene's disguise as the king of bohemia.

Curious to see Moriarty's part in all of this.

Oct 5, 2022 6:23 PM

Aug 2019
I love seeing Sherlock Holmes in action, but please gimme more William content.
Nov 15, 2022 4:06 PM

Dec 2019
This new OP is an absolute banger, it's rare for me to not skip OPs nowadays. The ending climax was crazy this episode.
Dec 1, 2022 1:51 PM

Apr 2016
Holmes has a brother, nice notice!!!
Well, starts a new case with a pretty girl through the middle!!! kekeke
Dec 4, 2022 1:11 PM
Dec 2020
It had some differences from the original book.
Jan 22, 2023 3:55 PM
Jul 2018
Thanks for dumbing down Sherlock and Watson (WHO IS A DOCTOR), I guess? When you can't tell that the person in front of you is an adult woman disguising herself as an adult man, you're a lost cause. I'm not even getting into the whole 'voice change' thing, because it's just overwhelmingly ridiculous - this is not a sci-fi anime and a woman will never sound like a man, no matter what voice training she does.

This show was so much better when it was just Moriarty and his team doing dirty deeds on shitty people.
Apr 3, 2023 9:28 PM
Sep 2019
good start, I will continue to have hopes for this show
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