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Feb 20, 2021 4:28 PM

Nov 2011
Heh, when Mimi is determined, she means what she says.

More old school Digimon including Golemon and Goblinmon this episode. In terms of world fiction, we got to see some of the underground caverns. I have to say though..the Golemon in this Digimon is much more badass than the original.
Feb 20, 2021 7:12 PM

Feb 2019
Mimi episode! Yay. This was a really cool episode. I enjoyed seeing some of the old school Digimon designs. I really liked the Golemon this time around.
Feb 20, 2021 8:24 PM

Oct 2017
Mimi being Mimi is just sweeeeeeeet.
Feb 20, 2021 8:30 PM

Jul 2011
This was a cute episode. Seeing Mimi makes me happy.
Feb 20, 2021 9:07 PM

Jun 2010
I actually like an episode in this reboot? What is happening?

This is a fairly decent episode. It's very funny and has the adventurous feel that was missing thoughout the series. Unlike last episode, this episode actually started out with a Mimi's centre plot and delivered it thoroughly. It's a rare sight to see Taichi and Agumon take a seatback, only Greymon and not even MetalGreymon. I feel that among the girls, Mimi is the studio's favorite character. She has good episodes and Lilimon's evolution scene got a rendered, mahou shoujo-styled sequence, not too copy-paste like the previous one. Not only that, she is perhaps the only person who has her own personality, character background, which are missing even in Taichi. My little nitpicking for is episode is there aren't foreshadowing of Palmon's mega, though really this is not a big deal.

I don't know if this is a sign saying the reboot is getting better but I hope there are more episode like this. Next episode will focus on Yamato, and possibly Joe as well. I'm kinda intrigued since I quite like Yamato and Joe's interaction in the original. I'm also curious whether the show will give Gabumon 2 mega evolutions like Agumon or not.
Feb 20, 2021 9:20 PM
Feb 2021
I like the way that Toei is adding Digimon Z and references to older series. But is too slow, I feel like it was 3/4 episode is filler and the rest relevant. However, the filler was good enough at least.
- Non english speaker, please excuse for any mistakes in the text above. -

Rhishiart Aidion .-
Feb 20, 2021 10:05 PM

May 2008
Gotta admit this one of the better episodes, not that that's a high bar to surpass in this anime. And it ends up being filler. Once again proving fillers aren't inherently bad. That said, I like Lillimon's new evolution sequence; real glad they changed from the old one. I may like this one better, ngl...

But dear gods, watching Taichi and Sora trying act is painful. Their seiyuus are doing the bare minimum and even the animation is constrained when this is basically a goofy episode. The team may like sucking off Taichi but you can tell Mimi is their waifu.

The next ep is Yamato and Jyou and ugh. Why does Yamato have to share his ep with Jyou instead of getting his own thing with the team meeting up with him like Mimi, Koushiro, Takeru, and Hikari? That's so unfair to both characters. I don't give a hoot about what their "friendship" was in the OG mostly because all this is doing is again making more comparisons to the OG... if they wanted to go that route, they should have Yamato and Jyou and Mimi having trio eps, 4 to 5 eps back. Anyway, Yamato backstory next week can't wait to have emotions. 🙃
Feb 20, 2021 11:35 PM
Feb 2020
Perfect chance for Palmon's Mega, but we actually got character, despite being cringe
With no Megas besides Agumon's, I've lost hope that we'll get the others' perfect chances wasted
Feb 20, 2021 11:40 PM

May 2012
Mimi is really the best character in the reboot. I wish they gave the other character personality. Anytime Mimi is on screen it bring heart and joy. Love the action, but man give the other character personality and development please. There reason why the original is so beloved.
Feb 20, 2021 11:55 PM

Apr 2018
Really liked this episode to be honest, Mimi was really nice and it's refreshing compared to all the tense episodes like the previous one
Feb 21, 2021 12:39 AM

Jul 2013
A character-driven episode? In the reboot version?? WHAT???

The Lilimon evolution sequence was amazing.

That fuz ro dah soundtrack tho lol
Feb 21, 2021 1:16 AM
KDE Plasma

Jun 2012
Not really surprising and Mimi has the exact same personality as in the original. She likes to put herself at the top and have a group of digimon as her subordinates.

Mimi is honest, but also slightly narcissistic.
At least she treats them better as the Otamamon / Geckomon group in the OG.
Feb 21, 2021 1:51 AM
Feb 2021
RhishiartAidion said:
I like the way that Toei is adding Digimon Z and references to older series. But is too slow, I feel like it was 3/4 episode is filler and the rest relevant. However, the filler was good enough at least.

People like you are why this reboot sucks so much. Toei is afraid of giving us slower episodes like this one because they fear people will instantly be bored and turn off. So they just throw evolution after evolution at us, at the cost of actual character development. This episode isn't 'filler'. It is exactly what the show needs much, much more of.

By the way - so BlitzGreymon doesn't matter anymore? Amazing.
Feb 21, 2021 2:12 AM
Sep 2015
Love when Digimon Encyclopedia worshipping Leomon's muscle.
Feb 21, 2021 5:03 AM

Jul 2017
You know how bad I'm craving for a Mimi or Joe-centric episode...LIKE, REAL BAD? It feels like forever that both of them were left on the wayside for FAR TOO LONG.

After so much fighting, Taichi and Co. gets some rest time, to which they needingly deserved...well not really.

More OG Digimon are back: Gottsumon and Golemon, and more often than not I'm pleased seeing them in this reboot (that honestly still sucks overall). Mimi and Palmon sure had fun creating their mini kingdom, and I'd say that Mimi's personality shone the best, even better than the OG Adventure. Matriarch to Capitalist, learning from family values.

The kingdom invasion project, and playing as "lead architect" doesn't sully the experience. Gogmamon is a fearsome Ultimate Digimon than its earlier counterparts, and Lilimon is such a staple.

THANK GOD, an episode of the reboot that I can enjoy to the fullest without any qualms. VERY enjoyable, awesome as heck.

Next episode with Yamato and Joe...I'm pretty stoked what this episode will being, considering the relationship of the 2 in past Digimon versions.
KANLen09Feb 21, 2021 5:06 AM
Feb 21, 2021 5:03 AM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
What's this? An actually good episode? With an actual character on screen? It's a miracle.

Despite that, I feel like this would have the better episode to introduce Lilimon. The other one felt like it lacked build up.
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Feb 21, 2021 5:24 AM

Jan 2009
lol this Mimi episode was fun too bad her digimon did not have mega evolution but then Garurumon next episode might go mega evolution though
Feb 21, 2021 6:04 AM

Feb 2015
Where is Junglegreymon or Floragreymon? What a disappointment!!!11 >:( /s

Remember when I said that the MarineAngemon episode was the best one? Yeah, forget that; this one is without a doubt the best one yet! This honestly could've been an episode of og Adventure.

Mimi is the best character in this reboot by far - she's the only good one at that, but it's so much fun to watch her and Palmon :)
I don't even need a "like/dislike" list this time, cause there wasn't really anything I disliked. Sure, the episode was very similar to Lilimons debut episode, but it was honestly an improved version and I enjoyed every second of it.

It didn't take itself too seriously, the Digimon talked, Mimi got the spotlight, there was no forced Taichi/Agumon spotlight, Lilimon got an increadible new evolition sequence (pls give the others new ones too!) and a cool new attack and everyone joined up in the end (I was kinda afraid they would seperate Taichi/Sora/Mimi and Takeru/Hikari/Koshirou when their trasport Digimon fell asleep). The animation was also pretty good.

Hanaki_Neko said:
I feel that among the girls, Mimi is the studio's favorite character. She has good episodes and Lilimon's evolution scene got a rendered, mahou shoujo-styled sequence, not too copy-paste like the previous one. Not only that, she is perhaps the only person who has her own personality, character background, which are missing even in Taichi.

She must be the favorite. Her character spotlights are always great (Lilimon's debut was also one of the better episodes) and she actually has an established character background, as you metioned. I kinda hope we'll see new evolution sequences for the others too, but I kinda doubt it, cause with the exception of Jyou and Yamato, everybody had their spotlight already (except for Sora who got literally nothing cause she joined Taichi immediatly). But I'm happy Mimi got all of that at least.

Zelos91 said:
People like you are why this reboot sucks so much. Toei is afraid of giving us slower episodes like this one because they fear people will instantly be bored and turn off. So they just throw evolution after evolution at us, at the cost of actual character development. This episode isn't 'filler'. It is exactly what the show needs much, much more of.

Yeees, preach it!
We need more of this and less of evolution barrages and brainless fights!
There's no possible way you can steal my heart

I want to drown in this sweet Melancholy
Feb 21, 2021 7:58 AM

Apr 2020

Mimi's personality is the best among all kids (if the others besides Taichi have one in this version) and this episode reinforced it. Palmon is great, too.

So in this episode we had simple things that lacked on the other episodes but made this a great one: the support digimons having a speech (Golemon) and also the villain (Gogmamon). Also, nice to see an episode that was really focused on Mimi (r.i.p. "Koshiro's episode" last week), Taichi was really a side character today. No Metalgreymon? Well, that's quite a surprise.

Next episode we're going to see Jou and Yamato, after today's episode I'm more excited and my hopes of character development for both kids and digimon came to life again. Nice Toei, I'm dreaming again. Please, don't disappoint me... please.
Imagine how boring this world would be without Japan - a comment at youtube
Feb 21, 2021 8:01 AM

Aug 2017
I really don't understand why so many people liked this episode. To me it was a complete filler episode. Mimi bossing around the other characters made me cringe pretty hard. Lilimon evolution sequence was cool, but the fight was a bit lackluster (too many still images and repetated sequences). It seems that the series is taking a break from the Taichi-driven episodes, and perhaps after this "arc" we may watch some more story-driven episodes (I like them best; I don't feel that this franchise as a whole works when it focus too much on the characters; maybe that's why I didn't like Tamers when it was airing).

Zelos91 said:
RhishiartAidion said:
I like the way that Toei is adding Digimon Z and references to older series. But is too slow, I feel like it was 3/4 episode is filler and the rest relevant. However, the filler was good enough at least.

People like you are why this reboot sucks so much. Toei is afraid of giving us slower episodes like this one because they fear people will instantly be bored and turn off. So they just throw evolution after evolution at us, at the cost of actual character development. This episode isn't 'filler'. It is exactly what the show needs much, much more of.

By the way - so BlitzGreymon doesn't matter anymore? Amazing.

I'm guessing that I am also part of that "people like you" then. If the reboot sucks it's not OUR fault, It's TOEIs fault to write so many fast, action driven episodes, only to slow down with an episode that feels, against what came before, like filler. It completely destroyed the pacing.
ZenielDanakuFeb 21, 2021 8:18 AM
Feb 21, 2021 8:18 AM

Dec 2013
Who would have thought the show is so much more enjoyable when the kids are having an Actual Adventure, favorite episode so far but I can't even recall what is on 2nd place since everything has been so forgettable so far.

I liked a lot Lilimon's evolution sequence with Mimi on the front but once again they wasted the perfect opportunity for one of the kids besides Taichi to get a new evolution but no, can't do that on Taichi & Agumon's Adventure.
Feb 21, 2021 11:06 AM

Feb 2014
Mimi episode!!! These are the main reason I'm still watching this.

Feb 21, 2021 11:13 AM

Jun 2013
Yeah, that's easily the best episode of the reboot (as far as I'm able to remember them).
I hope we will continue to have this kind of episode, but I wouldn't be so optimistic (remember last week).
Feb 21, 2021 11:21 AM

Sep 2011
Best episode in a good long while.
Feb 21, 2021 12:40 PM
Feb 2021
Zelos91 said:
RhishiartAidion said:
I like the way that Toei is adding Digimon Z and references to older series. But is too slow, I feel like it was 3/4 episode is filler and the rest relevant. However, the filler was good enough at least.

People like you are why this reboot sucks so much. Toei is afraid of giving us slower episodes like this one because they fear people will instantly be bored and turn off. So they just throw evolution after evolution at us, at the cost of actual character development. This episode isn't 'filler'. It is exactly what the show needs much, much more of.

By the way - so BlitzGreymon doesn't matter anymore? Amazing.

I said that in a more general focus. It was my 1st post in the series, lol.
Tbh, is very enjoyable, but I think this episode would be better if was placed long ago with a previous episode that covers the 10-second explanation of the previous of all this episode (Like 4 or 3 weeks ago) and make the story go on.
Maybe my feeling is about this arc just ended reminds me so much of the episodes 11 to 16, most of them, episodes to just show up the Ultimates (Curiously, Mimi's episode in this arc was far better than the rest too, except maybe Yamato's episode).
Or maybe because disgust me the long time to see the whole cast reunited again, it feels like Jou, Koushiro, Mimi and Yamato, were stuck (Well, only Jou. Yamato is on Garurumon for like 10 episodes running in a plane, similar to Koushiro flying in Kabuterimon since he escaped from Breakdramon until the last week, and Mimi having her return yesterday).

- Sorry for the opinion above, I feel it's off-topic, but I wanted to defend my POV.
RhishiartAidionFeb 21, 2021 1:13 PM
- Non english speaker, please excuse for any mistakes in the text above. -

Rhishiart Aidion .-
Feb 21, 2021 3:13 PM
Jun 2019
Very good episode. Much more character-centric, which is why i loved Tamers so much ;). It really did feel like the show was just bombarding us with nonstop action. Putting the Adventure into Digimon Adventure this time around, I feel like if the rest of the episodes had this more careful pacing the show would be pretty amazing.
Feb 21, 2021 8:12 PM

Dec 2016
One of the most enjoyable episodes so far for sure. Very reminiscent of OG's episode 25.
Feb 22, 2021 7:28 AM
Oct 2019
Finally decent episode ...
Random Boss Battle for the week for the sake of Mimi Reunion....
Didn't have any impact for futher story at all...

Lilymon final attack was cool though... I like that..

Finally next week fan favorite Yamato....
Feb 22, 2021 12:06 PM

May 2017
Damn I'm shocked to see a genuinely good episode, it's like they remembered the Chosen Ones were characters with emotions and personalities. If the show was this good I'd actually be looking forward to every episode. It's simple but effective and giving Mimi the spotlight as well as some character development.
Feb 23, 2021 9:43 AM
Jul 2018
Mimi's digimon remains strong, I was very surprised by the fight.
Feb 25, 2021 1:53 PM

Jan 2021
Comrade Mimi said workers' rights! lmaooo didn't expect this kind of storyline at all. Mimi's episodes are always so entertaining. Finally a good episode after weeks of disappointment.

This went dark pretty fast lol. Those poor Gottsumon... RIP

Fight was good, plot was entertaining and comedy was on point. A nice balance I have to say.

Anyways, I don't really have much to say aside from that it's a great episode. I enjoyed this one a lot. Next episode looking like a cult leader performing a ritual uh oh... shit's getting dark lmao
Feb 25, 2021 10:23 PM

Apr 2009
Wait, why is there a decent episode in here?
That can't be, the responsible for this episode should be fired. You can't just tarnish the reboot like this.
Feb 28, 2021 11:37 AM

Jul 2008
You don't mess with Mimi,so don't make her get serious.
Mar 21, 2021 5:53 AM

Nov 2016
One thing for sure, I prefer these kind of episodes over all the nonsense evolution porn.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Feb 12, 2022 3:45 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Mimi episodes are great. I love her personality.
Sep 4, 2023 4:02 AM

Nov 2012
Mimi trying desperately to beat the black company allegations. (perhaps the animation studio and production companies too loool)
I have a third testicle that gives me psychic powers
Jun 19, 2024 10:15 AM
Nov 2019
It was a decent episode. I didn’t enjoy it as much as other people here did tho.

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