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Dec 13, 2020 11:31 AM
skysurf said: If by "she was like this before" you mean extremely afraid of men (which is what I was talking about), then no, there has been no indication of that. Also, nothing "triggered" her illness, it has been explicitly said a few times that she was born like that. I listened to japanese in that scene again and she's not exactly saying "She must have gone through something awful before coming here", she just says "The reason she was sent here is probably due to some awful memory (about men) ". It's more ambiguous than subs may want to seem like. He may as well be the reason why she is in such state in the first place. Also, this: Right before she started screaming, shuffling her hair, she looked at him like she really did remember but was unable to concentrate on that memory due to her current condition. Actualy, I wouldn't be surprised if all this was just a ploy and if it was just Youta who has brain atrophy after all of this. Or if this is all mentioned movie. |
Dec 13, 2020 11:50 AM
That ep was so screw up and doing that to little girl is sick but the feels hit very hard. |
Dec 13, 2020 12:14 PM
First thing that I like to say is how good the changes to the OP animation were in preparation for how depressing this episode would become. Suzuki does deserves praise for coming out of his way to get Yota to revive the driving force of wanting to see Hina again and he and his bodyguard took him to the facility where she was staying. Honestly, seeing Hina the way she is when Yota finally got to see her again was a shockingly sad sight. Hina's father's words were spot on about him seeing her deteriorating soon enough and I can't blame him for struggling to accept the reality in front of him. The last scene with him looking broken outside in the snow was really sad. =( He only has 2 weeks before time truly is up for him. Considering how Hina can't stand the sight of men near her will be one big hurdle to overcome, which must imply that it was an all-male team who did the "surgery" on her in the first place after she was taken away. Yota needs a miracle right now, and that's one thing that is going to be the hardest thing for him to achieve, unless he gains the willpower needed to help him drive through this depressing situation right now. I do look forward to seeing what Yota does next, even if my heart won't be ready for what could potentially happen... |
Dec 13, 2020 1:27 PM
Mich666 said: if it was just Youta who has brain atrophy after all That would explain why he's so dumb lol.. dude can't even follow simple orders not to scream when he's supposed to be faking a "researcher" role. I wonder why Japan writers like to make us cringe with such dumb characters... Chiibi said: he doesn't just SUDDENLY feel sorry for her now because plot; this is about him taking revenge on the people who hurt him What revenge on what people? Hacker boy's abusive parents are dead. He's moving to the US and doesn't seem to be holding a grudge to anyone. In this episode he even said CEO is like a parent to him. He LITERALLY said helping MC find Hina again was his "way of atoning" for the consequences he caused by revealing that the chip was inside Hina... nothing to do with him wanting "revenge" for his personal issues. |
Dec 13, 2020 1:53 PM
Hina doesn't look so omniscient anymore... So much weird shit happened this episode ngl And what the hell doctor, if you knew that Hina was going to be scared of Youta, at least tell him before entering her room xD |
Dec 13, 2020 2:31 PM
skysurf said: Mich666 said: if it was just Youta who has brain atrophy after all That would explain why he's so dumb lol.. dude can't even follow simple orders not to scream when he's supposed to be faking a "researcher" role. I wonder why Japan writers like to make us cringe with such dumb characters... Chiibi said: he doesn't just SUDDENLY feel sorry for her now because plot; this is about him taking revenge on the people who hurt him What revenge on what people? Hacker boy's abusive parents are dead. He's moving to the US and doesn't seem to be holding a grudge to anyone. In this episode he even said CEO is like a parent to him. He LITERALLY said helping MC find Hina again was his "way of atoning" for the consequences he caused by revealing that the chip was inside Hina... nothing to do with him wanting "revenge" for his personal issues. In episode 9, he got very enraged and was about to betray the company (by warning Hina) so they hurt him and threw him into a closet. He DID manage to warn her which completes the betrayal. The fact that she didn't heed his warning was irrelevant though. Suzuki went against the company's plan because he was angry. |
ChiibiDec 13, 2020 2:35 PM
Dec 13, 2020 3:25 PM
Chiibi said: badabass said: If not, hell, its really a sadness, for me. But, one thing for sure, Hiroto can just go to hell. His role obviously just a mere plot device without much impact to the story. He really didn't helped much with that kind of situations, and his behaviour that so full of question, somehow really irritating me. Especially with his annoying smile. What a jerk. He even called that little help as an atonement. You must be kidding me, right? So, well, lets see the next! Leave my boy alone >:( 1. He's been severely abused and treated like shit most of his life. You'd act the same way. 2. He was manipulated to do evil things; he had no choice in it. 3. They NEVER would have found Hina without him. Pardon me, but i am not the same person like him, and never be act like that. You say that like knowing me. Lol. His behaviour that wasting time for the sake of his superior is not good for me. Wth with his vagued information, just tell those normie! Then how the hell he was still smiling with that kind of situation, then he left like nothing happened. Its clearly had no condolence, at my understanding, toward that sentimental situations. At least give Youta a morale boost or something like that. His help surely just a half-assed one and give no impact, except just a bridge, and then he gone. Also, its not they, but Youta only, and its just only two weeks. You called it good? Its just like that? The real problem is his attitude and behaviour as an arrogant jerk boy was still intacted at his personality, and thats why i dislike him. Then he called it as an atonement, smh, what a complete arrogant boy. Better try next time to make me changed my mind. At the end, If you like those kid, then, i don't had a complain. You completely had a different taste. Case close. |
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here. I'm level |
Dec 13, 2020 3:30 PM
skysurf said: Chiibi said: getting her head shaved and cut wide open is probably traumatic enough The full line of the researcher is like this: "She fears men to an extreme degree. She must have gone through something awful before coming here. And with the surgery, the poor girl has been through a lot. So I believe life here, with our all-female staff, would be better for her." The bolded part implies that the "something awful" mentioned is different from the surgery itself. And then you can't help but wonder: Why afraid of men only and not of people in general? Hopefully I'm just reading too much between the lines. I'm actually with you here. Hina showed no restraint when being taken away, and considering her confidence in saying how there's no escape, I assumed that she was at least partially aware of what was going to happen to her. Perhaps something happened with her dad or Korogi that the computer transplant kept under wraps? Fario-P said: There seems to be some different lyrics and even some additional drum instrumentation here unless I'm wrong. Very interesting changes. They replaced the first chorus with the last chorus of the full song. :D It totally caught me off guard at first. Mich666 said: skysurf said: If by "she was like this before" you mean extremely afraid of men (which is what I was talking about), then no, there has been no indication of that. Also, nothing "triggered" her illness, it has been explicitly said a few times that she was born like that. I listened to japanese in that scene again and she's not exactly saying "She must have gone through something awful before coming here", she just says "The reason she was sent here is probably due to some awful memory (about men) ". It's more ambiguous than subs may want to seem like. He may as well be the reason why she is in such state in the first place. It... kind of sounds like you two are arguing for the same point...? I'm not sure if I'm correctly assuming what you're arguing for, but you're right about the ambiguity. The original Japanese lines still leave the possibility that the androphobia developed before the initial implant. ----------------------------------- Here's my infographic for this episode. Here's another infographic I made on the circular imagery last week. ----------------------------------- For a sanatorium with lots of patients in need of physical therapy, the design for the place kind of sucks. |
Dec 13, 2020 3:31 PM
badabass said: Pardon me, but i am not the same person like him, and never be act like that. You say that like knowing me It's not like I NEED to know you; abused victims act like that. Just research it. I'm not trying to change your mind to "like him"...but you could at least sympathize or understand why he acts the way he does. If you were not abused, you cannot say "That would never be me". There's no way of knowing since it DIDN'T happen to you. Yes, it's "atonement" because he was trying to undo what he caused; a broken relationship between Youta and Hina. It would be great if he tried to steal the chip back FOR them...but there are probably too many risks involved. |
ChiibiDec 13, 2020 3:36 PM
Dec 13, 2020 3:33 PM
I completely missed the "She's now terrified of men" detail somehow. That's... such a completely left field plot point. |
Dec 13, 2020 3:55 PM
Chiibi said: badabass said: Pardon me, but i am not the same person like him, and never be act like that. You say that like knowing me It's not like I NEED to know you; abused victims act like that. Just research it. I'm not trying to change your mind to "like him"...but you could at least sympathize or understand why he acts the way he does. If you were not abused, you cannot say "That would never be me". There's no way of knowing since it DIDN'T happen to you. Yes, it's "atonement" because he was trying to undo what he caused; a broken relationship between Youta and Hina. It would be great if he tried to steal the chip back FOR them...but there are probably too many risks involved. The abused situation was not a reason to be that jerk. Thats my point. Then, the real atonement is a condolences, and then apologies. As far as i am concerned he had no attitude to condolence the situations. He just a tool to give Youta chance to meet Hina. Thats my second point. If they showed me his perspective again toward what happened there, i can changed my mind. If not, his backstory had a less impact, one dimensional, and i never bother his appearance as a solid character, instead just a mere plot device for the MC. And, yes, i like the idea of your last line. Its really an ideal situations for him to take back what he has been done to Hina. |
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here. I'm level |
Dec 13, 2020 4:04 PM
Dec 13, 2020 4:47 PM
Lord seeing Hina like that was rough :( But this anime really never got me as attached as I thought I would. Of course it’s never fun seeing any human in that state it’s just sad and you wish you can give them a huge hug but I really never grew attached to the cast. I just wonder how this will end with the final 2 episodes but all in all I didn’t enjoy this Anime nearly as much as I thought I would and didn’t grow attached to anyone nearly as much as I thought I would. Still about a 7 for me but depending on these last 2 episodes it could drop to a 6. I really do hope there is some sort of happy ending for Hina poor girl :((( |
Dec 13, 2020 5:18 PM
It was less shit than the 9th epizode but still lack of buildup in previous epizodes kills all emotional scenes. |
[url=] |
Dec 13, 2020 6:11 PM
What a depressing and sad episode... So they removed the quantum processor from her, and now she will basically begin to deteriorate for the 2nd time? C'mon...there's no way it will end like this... I was so focused on this episode that it seemed that 5min passed, can't believe that was the whole episode. So sad man... |
Dec 13, 2020 7:26 PM
EpicCh33se said: Here's my infographic for this episode. wow that's a god-tier analysis lol. Just to help a bit with the "things that still aren't clear" part, regarding that a quantum computer wouldn't be able to do such miracles, there's this line from hacker boy in episode 9 regarding Korogi's work: "His work involved not just his specialty computer science, but also material science, electrical engineering and even medicine and linguistics." I think it's safe to say that this show is already in the sci-fi genre (hacker gloves + a brain chip that not only cures a degenerative desease but also makes the user omniscient), so I don't think we will be getting satisfactory explanations using current real life technology as a reference. |
Dec 13, 2020 8:00 PM
Shoot. Though I saw it coming, I never knew I was going to feel this sad. I wonder what’ll happen after this. |
Dec 13, 2020 8:52 PM
I hope Yota doesn't abandon Hina like her piece of shit father did. |
Dec 13, 2020 9:12 PM
Damn I feel like y'all so heartless not crying or feeling sad when Hina was presented like that in the hospital. I even have this anime as a 5/10 but even that scene made me tear up. Yes, I know that the development, pacing and characterisation was shit overall but seeing Hina so lifeless and afraid like that made me :'( Maybe I'm just more easily affected by sad scenes like that ahah |
Dec 13, 2020 10:05 PM
Woah, we got (sort of) a new version of the opening! I LOVE the fact they removed Hiroto's scene, the bastard is not worth it after selling Hina! But man, now Hiroto is trying to save Hina too? I do not like this character development, what he did is unforgivable, and, worst of all, he is doing it while being a smug son of a b*tch... but well, at least he is gone, again. I was expecting to see Hina in a bad state but she isn't, how can I say it, disabled? I mean, at least she can move, I thought she was going to be in a wheelchair brain dead (like her father said)... thanks god she is not that bad... but being especifically afraid of men made me think they raped her or something, and I hated that thought. I know Youta is doing his best, but he took way too long to find out what Hiroto really was, and screamed a lot in Hina's room, he is supposed to be a profesional, I can't believe that woman didn't suspected of him xD I was prepared to cry in this episode but it didn't hit me like I was expecting, I just hope Hina has a happy ending :( btw if he is really sorry, Hiroto should try to make a new chip for Hina with hacked data or something so that no one finds her, I really want to think he will do that at the end, but I doubt it, the fucker went out of the country and all, what an asshole! |
Sorry if my english is bad (っ˘▽˘)っ~~~ Btw, cry about it. |
Dec 13, 2020 11:39 PM
Your new infographic really is something. . . . many of the things that Suzuki does to remind Youta happened before Hina and Korogi's relationship. Suzuki should have absolutely no way to know how these things happened. How did he know that Hina didn't know how to play basketball How did he know that Hina said these exact words when eating ramen? I thought this was just the animators being a little lazy at first, but in episode 9, Suzuki has shots of Youta & co. at the park, but also of Youta and Hina eating watermelon, which happened in episode 6. There shouldn't be any security cameras nearby, so how does Suzuki have this footage? I believe that this part is connected with this other observation you made: There are three really weird shots [in this episode]. The first two look like they were filmed through fish-eye lens, and the third rotates on a weird circular axis. These are extremely out of place and there might be more significance to them. Those are indeed some odd shots. But I'm pretty sure that is because these shots are from the perspective of a nearby drone. Do you remember how exactly the show introduced Suzuki? After he was allowed outside of the car and his handcuffs, a little girl had been lost and Suzuki offered to help find her, where we are demonstrated to the power of his gloves. Right after he finds her, iirc we quickly see Suzuki eye-ing a nearby drone. If you don't remember, I had theorized this at the time: Fario-P said: While we're still on the topic of Suzuki, I remember that he saw a drone with a camera on it flying by after he found the girl. I want to think that he found the girl because of that drone. If we are to suggest that Suzuki and Hina have similar powers and that these drones were indeed how Suzuki found that girl, then maybe there are drones around for Hina that allows her to find out about some of the information that she gives Yota. We still don't know if Hina's brainchip was able to use drones in this kind of way, but I'm starting to think that this is how Suzuki found the footage of Hina and how he managed to find out what exactly Hina and Yota did throughout their summer together. It's possible that drones have been in the background throughout the whole show and that it captured footage of the main cast that Suzuki eventually found and used to his advantage. I think he figured out what exactly to say to remind the audience about Hina through that connection he briefly had in the last episode—perhaps finding the goldfish in the literal sea of information that he mentally dived through in that episode formed the connection between him and Hina, and maybe he managed to get some of Hina's memories and find out what she said at the time through them. From what little information I could find on Japanese sanatoriums, it seems as if most of them are used for leprosy patients. In 1953, there was a law that forcibly relocated thousands of leprosy patients to these sanatoriums located in the mountains, which matches Yamada Sanatorium shown here. Interestingly, from Wikipedia: "Every leprosy sanatorium in Japan has churches and Buddhist temples (there are no temples attached to sanatoria in Okinawa Prefecture), and it is true that patients had faith, though some patients stated that deciding on religion was in preparation for their death in the leprosaria." Jun Maeda has connected even Hina's stay at a sanatorium with theology and the themes of this show. What a madman. Madman indeed. That's a very clever observation you made there; I didn't even think that the whole "god name theming" gag would actually be that well thought-through. Love seeing cool little details like that. With each episode, the 日 [kanji: "day"] in the show's title crumbles off more and more from the bottom. . . . saxena5355 predicts that by the end of the show, the 日 will be completely gone, so that the title will say 「神様になった」, or "I Became a God". Perhaps this could be referring to Youta instead of Hina, foreshadowing something he does that will turn him into a "god." Wow... I felt like something was odd about the episode title for each episode, but I never actually noticed the 日 getting crumbled off like that. Well done. :O That's a pretty interesting observation there about possible foreshadowing as well! Keep it up with the theorizing! :D For a sanatorium with lots of patients in need of physical therapy, the design for the place kind of sucks. Lol yeah, I didn't think about it, but reading your comment about it now... yeah, I guess nobody at the studio actually thought that through. Poor patients. |
Dec 14, 2020 4:46 AM
Of course it's sad to see Hina or, indeed, anyone end up in that sort of state, but at this point I honestly feel nothing and just don't care. The emotional connections required to make any of this work, to make me invested in any of this, are entirely nonexistent. This episode also highlighted one way this show could have actually worked, namely by having Suzuki briefly join the group at school; had he been with the group like this from the start, there would have been far less disconnect between the comedic and tragic segments and this maybe could have worked on some level. As it is, however, this is nothing more than tragedy porn trying to guilt the viewer into feeling sad without ever earning it. |
Dec 14, 2020 5:52 AM
Dec 14, 2020 6:16 AM
Ringare said: The sadness never ends... at least they teamed up to save her I've been crying so hard that the cleaning lady thought an animal broke in the basement I lost my daughter in the same circumstances, this really hurt. At least now that she's gone I can work harder!! This was sadder in the anime anyway because of the music and because Hina is 10 times cuter than my daughter was...Also seeing her coughing sounded so funny I couldn't resist Also Hina's voice was similar to the one my daughter had, its wrong to say but she sounded like GLaDOS it was very funny mdrrr But this wan't as sad as when I had to hunt this anteater in 2003 in Africa during my business trip Oh no.. that must be rough.... 😥 |
Dec 14, 2020 6:39 AM
davidyodo24 said: Ringare said: But this wan't as sad as when I had to hunt this anteater in 2003 in Africa during my business trip Oh no.. that must be rough.... 😥 yeah, seeing this anteater suffer was very rough... |
Dec 14, 2020 10:22 AM
This episode could've been really emotional, but something was just.... off. Everything feels rather rushed and forced. Well, I did feel sad seeing Hina in such a state, but I was expecting that scene to be a lot more impactful. Honestly, this show is now starting to remind me of how poor the ending of Charlotte was. By the way, I just noticed that the opening of this episode was actually a little different at the end. |
IrrelevantGuyDec 14, 2020 10:37 AM
Dec 14, 2020 12:42 PM
cryzwatchesanime said: Damn I feel like y'all so heartless not crying or feeling sad when Hina was presented like that in the hospital. Trust me, I WANT TO cry for her...but I still feel like I don't really know her enough to do that. I. need. backstory. I predict I'll be crying by the time we get that and the show ends. At least, I hope. |
Dec 14, 2020 1:58 PM
Wow that was... painful to watch. Poor Hina :C |
Dec 14, 2020 6:54 PM
Unfortunately, I can't empathize with any character and the play doesn't appeal to me in various ways, so this episode and the anime in general is a meh. |
Dec 14, 2020 11:06 PM
skysurf said: EpicCh33se said: Here's my infographic for this episode. wow that's a god-tier analysis lol. Just to help a bit with the "things that still aren't clear" part, regarding that a quantum computer wouldn't be able to do such miracles, there's this line from hacker boy in episode 9 regarding Korogi's work: "His work involved not just his specialty computer science, but also material science, electrical engineering and even medicine and linguistics." I think it's safe to say that this show is already in the sci-fi genre (hacker gloves + a brain chip that not only cures a degenerative desease but also makes the user omniscient), so I don't think we will be getting satisfactory explanations using current real life technology as a reference. That line would imply that Korogi did other things in addition to putting a quantum computer in her brain. It's really weird because the writers have put in research regarding so many other topics, such as even including a reference to John Draper (influential CS person who worked with phones) in episode 4 and then going so far as to even including a mention of phone technology in the next episode. Not to mention the genomic data plotting and extensive allusions to theology from multiple cultures. There are many things grounded in real-life technology in this show. I guess it's just hard to determine what is supposed to be viewed with suspension of disbelief and what isn't. Fario-P said: . . . many of the things that Suzuki does to remind Youta happened before Hina and Korogi's relationship. Suzuki should have absolutely no way to know how these things happened. How did he know that Hina didn't know how to play basketball How did he know that Hina said these exact words when eating ramen? I thought this was just the animators being a little lazy at first, but in episode 9, Suzuki has shots of Youta & co. at the park, but also of Youta and Hina eating watermelon, which happened in episode 6. There shouldn't be any security cameras nearby, so how does Suzuki have this footage? I believe that this part is connected with this other observation you made: There are three really weird shots [in this episode]. The first two look like they were filmed through fish-eye lens, and the third rotates on a weird circular axis. These are extremely out of place and there might be more significance to them. Those are indeed some odd shots. But I'm pretty sure that is because these shots are from the perspective of a nearby drone. Do you remember how exactly the show introduced Suzuki? After he was allowed outside of the car and his handcuffs, a little girl had been lost and Suzuki offered to help find her, where we are demonstrated to the power of his gloves. Right after he finds her, iirc we quickly see Suzuki eye-ing a nearby drone. If you don't remember, I had theorized this at the time: Fario-P said: While we're still on the topic of Suzuki, I remember that he saw a drone with a camera on it flying by after he found the girl. I want to think that he found the girl because of that drone. If we are to suggest that Suzuki and Hina have similar powers and that these drones were indeed how Suzuki found that girl, then maybe there are drones around for Hina that allows her to find out about some of the information that she gives Yota. We still don't know if Hina's brainchip was able to use drones in this kind of way, but I'm starting to think that this is how Suzuki found the footage of Hina and how he managed to find out what exactly Hina and Yota did throughout their summer together. It's possible that drones have been in the background throughout the whole show and that it captured footage of the main cast that Suzuki eventually found and used to his advantage. I think he figured out what exactly to say to remind the audience about Hina through that connection he briefly had in the last episode—perhaps finding the goldfish in the literal sea of information that he mentally dived through in that episode formed the connection between him and Hina, and maybe he managed to get some of Hina's memories and find out what she said at the time through them. Holy crap, you're right. Perhaps that scene with the drones was more than just a way to show off Suzuki's technical prowess. However, if he's controlling the drones, then he must have suspected Hina since the very beginning. If he wasn't controlling them, then it seems very coincidental that there were drones everywhere that Suzuki could get footage off of retroactively. There are also some shots on Suzuki's computer OF Suzuki and Oguma! I do think you're right about the drones. Now to determine if Suzuki's been in control... Fario-P said: From what little information I could find on Japanese sanatoriums, it seems as if most of them are used for leprosy patients. In 1953, there was a law that forcibly relocated thousands of leprosy patients to these sanatoriums located in the mountains, which matches Yamada Sanatorium shown here. Interestingly, from Wikipedia: "Every leprosy sanatorium in Japan has churches and Buddhist temples (there are no temples attached to sanatoria in Okinawa Prefecture), and it is true that patients had faith, though some patients stated that deciding on religion was in preparation for their death in the leprosaria." Jun Maeda has connected even Hina's stay at a sanatorium with theology and the themes of this show. What a madman. Madman indeed. That's a very clever observation you made there; I didn't even think that the whole "god name theming" gag would actually be that well thought-through. Love seeing cool little details like that. That's just the sanatorium though. I still can't figure out why some people have or don't have god names. Fario-P said: With each episode, the 日 [kanji: "day"] in the show's title crumbles off more and more from the bottom. . . . saxena5355 predicts that by the end of the show, the 日 will be completely gone, so that the title will say 「神様になった」, or "I Became a God". Perhaps this could be referring to Youta instead of Hina, foreshadowing something he does that will turn him into a "god." Wow... I felt like something was odd about the episode title for each episode, but I never actually noticed the 日 getting crumbled off like that. Well done. :O That's a pretty interesting observation there about possible foreshadowing as well! There was drastically more crumbling from episode 9 to 10. I wonder if it's because of the timeskip. If the 日 were to completely go away, I wonder how much more time would need to pass... |
Dec 15, 2020 8:43 AM
Dec 15, 2020 10:09 AM
I thought i was ready for this, but i feel so horrible after watching this and the last episode since i am fully aware how horrible it feels to lose someone dear to you, considering i lost my sister twice (Once to her amnesia, the other to severe MS) I don't want to wait for the next episodes now because the wait is gonna be the end of me.... |
Dec 15, 2020 11:38 AM
Dec 15, 2020 6:55 PM
There's a hole in my chest and I don't know how to deal with it |
Dec 15, 2020 7:08 PM
It would be cool as a extra touch of drama if they put an insert song and some scenes passing by. But I believe they'll do it in the last episode. Angel Beats style, ya know. It always catch me by surprise and make me drow in tears |
Dec 16, 2020 4:58 AM
Pretty sneaky to score the latter part (car scene, facility scene) with music véry reminiscent of Ichiban no Takaramono from Angel Beats, subconsciously trying to direct the viewers emotions. This series was hailed as going to be the "saddes anime ever".... but if that was the goal to write a story around,.. it's not doing as good as a job as for instance Plastic Memories did, that finale will forever be seared into my brain as the most traumatic anime experience for me. I doubt very much this series will change that. I had troube with the series seemingly not knowing which direction it wanted to go and found the response of the MC to the announcement the world would end in 30 days entirely unrealistic to begin with. Then we got about 8 episodes of what I can only describe as a slice of life series that was quite enjoyable to watch (since I happen to like the genre) but was kind of unbelievable against the premise of the story. All of a sudden we got 2 episodes filled with exposition which wasn't really needed as much of it was telegraphed already but seemed to be aimed at making the U-turn that was needed to get to the drama side of the show. Direction wise and through editing later scenes into earlier episodes, they could have done a much better job, as it stands now the show risks falling into "try too hard" territory and I fear it will eventually fail at everything it tried to accomplish. And that would be a shame because the potential was definitely there,... the execution on the other hand.... Maybe it's just me, maybe I have been watching too many series like this try and fail. Curious where this will go in the final 2 episodes, perhaps it will surprise me but chances are low. |
Dec 16, 2020 6:26 AM
Dec 16, 2020 7:49 AM
Dec 16, 2020 10:43 AM
Looking through some of the comments on this video, I can agree to some of their thoughts. This whole series isn't something that I have itching to watch once I see it is uploaded. I got to episode 6 a few weeks ago and was like "Who is this one woman?" Then yesterday and today, I proceeded to binge up to the 10th episode. I got to 9 and was like "Mahjong tournament? Did I miss an episode?" and proceeded to find and watch it which helped make sense of future hints and clues and it did provide surprising entertainment but that was it. It just adds to how uninterested I had become towards the series overall. This episode just shows the main character just going through months without Hina and trudging through life a bit mopey and with friends. I could go into details or concerns but I'm sure others have said them so I will just say this. I am sad for Hina or maybe I just give pity for her. I guess they are the same. It is hard seeing another human being acting like this especially how someone like her acted before the surgery. But, thats about it, I feel bad about her condition, I don't really feel attached to her too much, making me not have too much emotion attachment to her. This episode was sad but not gut wrenching, to me. We still have 2 eps but at the moment, this series has good soundtrack, great visuals at times but the story and characters are mid at best. I'll still continue to watch but I won't recommend this to anyone. |
Dec 16, 2020 3:06 PM
Maeda fucked up again. This will be probably his last anime. |
Dec 16, 2020 11:11 PM
yare yare, this is like every Key ending ever, some unbelievable phenomena happens and relationship is in shambles. I mean, there are 2 episodes left, so I still have hope. but like, damn. |
Dec 17, 2020 1:55 PM
So, Hina is now an empty shell, jaz a girl with a fear of men. |
Dec 17, 2020 6:30 PM
Well. That was depressing. The world should've ended instead of making Hina into that state. |
Dec 18, 2020 4:17 PM
Dec 18, 2020 4:29 PM
cuzpLay said: And also does Youta still love Izanami, it feels like he doesn't care anymore. If they will not give twist about him being in love in Hina (and "fixing" her), then most likely yea. He just can't let go thinking about Hina by showing how after a year he was still fix "missing" posters. |
Manga recommendation: - Spy x Family (Ch.112/? - biweekly) | Sakamoto Days (Ch.203/? - weekly) - MARRIAGETOXIN (Ch.119/? - weekly) | Machi and Oboro (Ch.22/? - biweekly) - Make the Exorcist Fall in Love (Ch.86/? - biweekly) - Monochrome Days (Ch.15/? - biweekly) Anime recommendation: - Deca-Dence (Finished) | Wave, Listen to Me! (Finished) - If My Favorite Pop Idol Made It to the Budokan, I Would Die (Finished) - Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater (Finished) |
Dec 19, 2020 3:27 AM
What a trainwreck of a show. Full of random SoL moments, bland characters and shallow "sad" stuff. |
Dec 21, 2020 5:29 AM
Many people criticizing Kamisama ni Natta Hi for being "inferior" to Angel Beats and Charlotte, but somehow, I do feel the opposite. AB and Charlotte were truly trainwrecks and had absolutely no "tearjerking" moments, but this episode alone made me even have some kind of nightmares last night, the other two made me scratch my head at the bare mininum. But KamiNatta looks at least trying to make me sad, and it succeeded, for now. I literally wanted to cry in the middle of the night after seeing Hine like that, so much that I took 2 more sleeping pills to at least calm down and try to "forget" how much Hina has suffered. It's pretty nice to see people really feeling bad for our loli former Goddess. Anyways, Kamisama ni Natta Hi has already surpassed my expectations, but there's something that still bothers me, but I don't know what. |
"What a Player, what a Champion here at Wimbledon, the first man to win 8 Championships." Andrew Castle on Roger Federer winning his 19th Grand Slam title. |
Dec 21, 2020 12:00 PM
hina turned someone else's episode was tense. |
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