Jan 27, 2018 10:12 AM
I watched the anime recently and wanted more, so I decided to read through the manga, even knowing people seemed to be upset about the ending. Honestly, there were signs in the anime that didn't make me surprised that it would be written that Rin would end up having romantic feelings towards Daikichi, like the fact it was so obvious that they weren't going to be actually blood related and how she didn't want to take his surname, didn't see him as "Dad." That said, I'm not against the two of them being together, but the last half of the manga was just kind of bad. I just kept feeling so bad for the two of them. They ended up being written so poorly and both seemed so miserable. It's like the life was taken out of the series, the story telling that was so dear in the first half, gone. It's weird, but to me it just felt like it was written by a different person all together. Maybe the author was going through something? No clue. I'm still glad I read it all, even if it was very disjointed. |
Mar 25, 2018 10:08 PM
That ending was disturbing and disgusting: let's breed the bride... We can relate to the daughter's feelings not wanting to leave "dad" alone. But... "Dad"... really? he sees her as his daughter and then, really? Can we get in a romantic relationship with your daughter? creepy... everything the author built during the development of the story went to the trash at the end... |
Mar 25, 2018 11:28 PM
Chiibi said: I think a 40-year-old man should know better than to give in to the teenager. >_> It's just......messed up. I dont think thats the problem in this particular case lol. |
Apr 5, 2018 10:22 AM
Just because it was "unexpected" and maybe a "twist" doesn't mean it was very well set up. The entire first part was how to kindle two people into a family house hold after basically both being abandoned. It was how to make it work on both ends and understand that these unexpected occurances really do something to make them better. The ending is sour. I always tell people that if the romance doesn't create positive change in people's lives. Doesn't make them happier then there status quo, what is the point? Daichi and Rin becoming romantically involved doesn't do much for them at all. And you didn't really see them fall for one another or see any progression. What're you even rooting for by the end? Bunch of other problems story wise in the last chunk. And I'm not even one to be bothered by age difference or even the implied incest per say but I think it's pretty fuckin weird to raise someone as your daughter and go that hard only to be romantically in love with them. The disconnect is all to great. |
Apr 10, 2018 11:31 AM
BirdyTheMighty said: Chiibi said: I think a 40-year-old man should know better than to give in to the teenager. >_> It's just......messed up. I dont think thats the problem in this particular case lol. Well for me, this greatly hurts his character image as "responsible parent figure". It just...shatters it. :( Though I am curious to hear your thoughts? |
Apr 10, 2018 4:34 PM
Chiibi said: BirdyTheMighty said: Chiibi said: I think a 40-year-old man should know better than to give in to the teenager. >_> It's just......messed up. I dont think thats the problem in this particular case lol. Well for me, this greatly hurts his character image as "responsible parent figure". It just...shatters it. :( Though I am curious to hear your thoughts? Age gap = No Problem Parent/Child relationship randomly turning into romance = Big Problem For example, if you read Kodomo no Jikan, I see no problem despite the large age gap (the level of fanservice is a different story though...). Romance in the relationship was implied to be there from the very beginning, and was developed accordingly. Although slightly exaggerated, the level of maturity of the younger partner is adequate to actually experience romantic feelings. And most importantly, the younger female lead already had a father figure, and therefore did not view the older male lead as a father and viewed him as a potential consort. Usagi drop on the other hand.... The dude raised her as his daughter, and she basically treated him as a dad. To be fair, maybe Rin had a daddy fetish or something. But then her adopted father is fucked in the head if he decided: "Well, I guess I have no choice. I saw it coming anyway." <---- lolwut? What kind of a reason is that to start dating someone, let alone your adopted daughter? Its completely retarded. He should have slapped her upside the head and told her to stop being stupid. Basically, I think that the problem in Usagi Drop is not the age gap, but rather the character relationships/dynamics/story. |
BirdyTheMightyApr 10, 2018 4:40 PM
Apr 10, 2018 5:24 PM
BirdyTheMighty said: Chiibi said: BirdyTheMighty said: Chiibi said: I think a 40-year-old man should know better than to give in to the teenager. >_> It's just......messed up. I dont think thats the problem in this particular case lol. Well for me, this greatly hurts his character image as "responsible parent figure". It just...shatters it. :( Though I am curious to hear your thoughts? Age gap = No Problem Parent/Child relationship randomly turning into romance = Big Problem For example, if you read Kodomo no Jikan, I see no problem despite the large age gap (the level of fanservice is a different story though...). Romance in the relationship was implied to be there from the very beginning, and was developed accordingly. Although slightly exaggerated, the level of maturity of the younger partner is adequate to actually experience romantic feelings. And most importantly, the younger female lead already had a father figure, and therefore did not view the older male lead as a father and viewed him as a potential consort. Usagi drop on the other hand.... The dude raised her as his daughter, and she basically treated him as a dad. To be fair, maybe Rin had a daddy fetish or something. But then her adopted father is fucked in the head if he decided: "Well, I guess I have no choice. I saw it coming anyway." <---- lolwut? What kind of a reason is that to start dating someone, let alone your adopted daughter? Its completely retarded. He should have slapped her upside the head and told her to stop being stupid. Basically, I think that the problem in Usagi Drop is not the age gap, but rather the character relationships/dynamics/story. We've got nothing to disagree on here. XD (despite its controversy I think KNJ is an excellent series) |
Apr 10, 2018 8:52 PM
I'm not one of those people who hate that kind of ending, in fact, I'm satisfied with that kind of ending. and It's way better than ending up with her childhood friend who is so annoying and is hardly bearable to watch. |
Apr 16, 2018 9:44 AM
Mayuka said: No because it left a bad taste in my mouth Why would they fuck up a perfectly good dad daughter relationship like that Personally I don't believe they ever saw each other as more of Guardian and caretaker. I don't believe she saw him as her dad because she always refereed to his grandfather as her father. |
Apr 29, 2018 6:22 PM
I still don't know what happened to Usagi Drop to this day. One minute I have a great father daughter SoL light dramedy, the next we have some wish fulfillment grooming that made me sigh. I wasn't disgusted, I was disappointed. The first half was so wonderful and then I get...ugh. Why ruin a good thing? You don't have to go that route, the series was great without all of that. It almost felt like a concerted effort to throw a twist into things, it came across as inorganic and forced. One of the worst endings I have ever seen. |
Apr 30, 2018 7:24 AM
the author just screwed up the entire manga..... THE DEVELOPED IT AS A DAUGHTER-DAD RELATIONSHIP AND TURNS OUT THEY ARE LOVERS!?!!? Honestly , that is just the most disconcerting , appalling endings I've ever seen in my whole entire life... |
mycup_of_milkteaApr 30, 2018 7:27 AM
Apr 30, 2018 7:48 AM
At least it's better because I don't want her to end up with that childhood friend shit. |
Apr 30, 2018 9:18 AM
Congintive said: At least it's better because I don't want her to end up with that childhood friend shit. The childhoodo friend shit even if cliche and lame would at least not be disgusting (so this isn't better at all). This is one of the worst endings I have ever seen, completely shits on the first half and the great message it had. |
May 2, 2018 7:37 PM
It's written by a female author, the ending wasn't so surprising xD |
May 2, 2018 7:56 PM
personally, it's not because the couple, but author make very lame pathetic excuse like desu ex machina outanowhere which literaly againts any build up already been made... literaly an asspull... |
May 14, 2018 6:56 PM
Listen up everyone, i actually do not think this ending is bad at all. First of all, it striked me as weird too, but did rin ever think about daikichi as a father? Not really, just as “family” who was raising her. We take the fact that they are actually unrelated , and it’s 2 people with a big gap of age falling in love, it happens. I also thought that her childhood friend eas annoying, i didn’t want them together. It might be a bit weird, but at least it’s unpredictable too. |
Oct 31, 2018 11:17 PM
Kuma said: personally, it's not because the couple, but author make very lame pathetic excuse like desu ex machina outanowhere which literaly againts any build up already been made... literaly an asspull... exactly. it don't make any sense and literally throws in the trash everything the series built up also the Daikichi acceptance is pathetic... "i don't want it, but let the time go by. if you continue with these feelings I'll accept them" time goes by "ok, let's do it!" |
Dec 9, 2018 4:16 AM
Cuz its turning into incest fck |
Dec 16, 2018 7:39 AM
It doesn't matter if Daikichi isn't biologically related to Rin at all. Nor does it matter that Rin didn't "see" Daikichi as a father. What matters is this: Daikichi was in a position of huge responsibility. He was the only real parental figure Rin had known for much of her life. It's morally reprehensible, and also sinister, to think that a man who has raised a girl since infancy is going to develop sexual feelings towards her and eventually marry her. It's in the realm of child groom - a complete and utter abuse of power an adult possesses over a child. Not to mention, that Rin is LITERALLY STILL A CHILD WHEN THEY GET TOGETHER. She's a teenager going through an incredibly strange period of her life - instead of the author taking the route for Daikichi to help clarify Rin's feelings, and show her that she feels a familial bond to him that can't be explained in a clear-cut manner because Daikichi is tehnically not her Dad, the author went down the "oh, they aren't really blood-related, so there's nothing immoral here." I just don't know how a story can go from being about parenthood - when a child isn't actually yours - to fucking a kid who you raised. The fact that some of you can bend over backwards, until back your back breaks, in order to justify this is completely repugnant. |
Apr 22, 2019 6:20 AM
Well i think about ending "its ok,acceptable" because When you fall in love,sometime you cant decide who you fall for ,beside that 2 not relate by blood well its ok. Daikichi convinced his feeling for 2 years . You think its easy to make sure about his feeling ? I think daikichi answer rin feeling after 2 years with looks like easy because before 2 years has already ensure his feeling.But he just worried about his age and rin. Love is not restricted by age. But about feeling each other. |
Jun 5, 2019 3:28 AM
Aardwolf94 said: trenchantbaka said: Jamada said: Taboos are ultimately heuristics that help avoid particular undesirable outcomes; they aren't perfect rules created through scientific research. Some people will always find it difficult to get past their superstitions I suppose. I really liked this quote^ Anyways I just finished the manga today and the ending was quite 'average' for me. I wasn't disgusted nor was I amazed. At least their relationship didn't seem forced to me. I guess some people can't but look at it as incest. If they tried to consider Rin's feeling to be natural and not just 'put in' by the mangaka I don't think they would be as disgusted as they are now. Fuck her feelings, this "relationship" took a disgusting unnecessary turn that basically ruins the story. Idk it didn't ruin the story for me at all when I read it. It wasn't expected from the first half, sure, but the quality of the story was still pretty good even in the second half. |
Jun 5, 2019 3:35 AM
wasn't it revealed that There is no blood relation? |
It’s okay to look back at the past, just don’t stare too long |
Jun 5, 2019 8:13 AM
I'm not sure why everyone's fixated on whether there's blood relation or not. If you raise a child as their parent that's generally accepted as incest. The most important aspect of the relationship isn't blood, its having that power over someone their whole life. There is no case where you can have a healthy parent/child romantic relationship. |
Jun 6, 2019 4:11 PM
Because it feels like a waste of something that could have been one of the best mangas around. I think we can all agree the first part was a 9 or 10, right? It would have been completely fine if we continued in that route,seeing them grow how they could interact as teenager and even as adults with the girl getting married off. Hell, ending it before the time skip with a happy ending to the father would have been pretty good too. Look, I don't mind incest (not gonna argue my case since that takes nowhere), you could even say I hate the use of the they-are-not-blood-related card more than the incest itself (either do it or not, dont halfass), but this is not what this fiction was about. Heck, the pairing wasn't even that well done. Like I said, it feels like a waste. Like someone said before it seemed like a twist for the sake of twist. |
Jun 8, 2019 1:45 AM
whoever wrote that ending finna get clapped |
Jun 8, 2019 1:50 AM
It was good stuff man, cmon bruh. 10/10 |
Jun 8, 2019 1:53 AM
n no u |
Jun 15, 2019 12:39 PM
'They are not blood related so its ok' troupe is common in conservative countries. They have the notion that 'Real' families are bound by blood. The ones that are not can be easily sexualised and even accepted. This kind of notion is disheartening really, when single parents adopt a child, and the world never really looks at them as real parent and child because they are not blood related. So when i first encountered this series, i thought it was going to be a fresh change. It was listed as slice of life. I saw how Daikichi struggles and adapts in raising a child, it was heart warming. Now the way manga ended, i was disappointed because its like the series followed the cliche - you're not blood related so it's ok and its understandable, Daikichi was a father figure and not really the father. It's like everything the series showed us before was meant to be forgotten. Even in incestual relationships, they don't form out of nowhere, even if Rin never looked at him like a father, he did raise her like a father. Daikichi should have behaved better, he could have broken the cliche - that single men can not healthily raise girls who are not blood related daughters, this was just a disappointing scenario in the end. Or maybe it's my fault for expecting too much from the conservative manga industry. |
Anu_Hearts_AnimeJun 15, 2019 12:44 PM
Aug 6, 2019 11:00 PM
jepifish said: It doesn't matter if Daikichi isn't biologically related to Rin at all. Nor does it matter that Rin didn't "see" Daikichi as a father. What matters is this: Daikichi was in a position of huge responsibility. He was the only real parental figure Rin had known for much of her life. It's morally reprehensible, and also sinister, to think that a man who has raised a girl since infancy is going to develop sexual feelings towards her and eventually marry her. It's in the realm of child groom - a complete and utter abuse of power an adult possesses over a child. Not to mention, that Rin is LITERALLY STILL A CHILD WHEN THEY GET TOGETHER. She's a teenager going through an incredibly strange period of her life - instead of the author taking the route for Daikichi to help clarify Rin's feelings, and show her that she feels a familial bond to him that can't be explained in a clear-cut manner because Daikichi is tehnically not her Dad, the author went down the "oh, they aren't really blood-related, so there's nothing immoral here." I just don't know how a story can go from being about parenthood - when a child isn't actually yours - to fucking a kid who you raised. The fact that some of you can bend over backwards, until back your back breaks, in order to justify this is completely repugnant. ^THIS^ My sentiments exactly. Sorry for the necro, I just finished reading the manga and was gonna post my two cents here, but your comment pretty much covers all I was going to say. |
Aug 8, 2019 5:22 PM
On a somewhat unrelated note, I read the manga on a site that allowed comments directly on the page, and as you can imagine the last scene was a literal shitstorm. |
If you're reading this, You must be really bored. |
Sep 4, 2019 10:28 PM
why hate usagi drop manga's end? I don't - it isn't my favorite all time ending to a manga either... but I took no real issue with the ending, other than I would have just wanted more details of where things went after(especially for some of the side characters) ; but it was fine. Also as slight aside: a quick glance at the stats tells me those who hate it.. really hate it ; enough to rant and rave and look silly.. but the amount of 7-10/10s just enjoyed their read and didn't bother posting *shrug* I will leave the moralists etc to their ranting though. |
sirwenceSep 4, 2019 10:33 PM
Oct 24, 2019 1:29 AM
Just finished the reading. Honestly it's not just about the ending, the whole manga after 4th volume (so everything that wasn't animated) was absolutely terrible, not to mention forced as hell. I don't think i'm exaggerating if i said that this looks like a work made for fun, and not a serious serialization. I honestly can't find a single thing good in the post vol.4. Not to mention that I.G.'s anime was miles better than the manga too. |
Nov 12, 2019 7:22 PM
Everyone saying that they arent related are blind to the facts i havent read the manga but from the anime it seems pretty explicit that rin is soichis daughter and the author is backtracking on the statement to save face imo. and if this was planned all along where did the father come in to this whole custody of rin thing. seems pretty sketchy to me |
Jan 18, 2020 7:55 AM
It's honestly less fucked up to date your actual biological daughter who you've had no contact with up until she is an adult than to date a child you raised by yourself since the age of 6 I hope this girl gets some usagi therapy |
ChromephoneJan 18, 2020 8:00 AM
Aug 15, 2020 8:33 PM
Really late but the ending horrified me. A father daughter story turned romance is gross, It was sooo good and about to get a 10/10 from me, until the twist. If they wanted to show the romance they shouldn't have pushed SO HARD for their family relationship- that's probably the worst part about it! |
Sep 25, 2020 12:14 PM
The ending was the only good part of this garbage manga. |
Nov 25, 2020 8:05 AM
Dec 29, 2020 12:20 AM
Chika_tetsu said: the ending cannot be better rin is already too psychologically attached to daikichi, forcing her to end up with other men will be too painful Yikes. The ending couldn't have been worse. It's beyond gross, honestly. |
โฎ (. โ แด โ.) โญ |
Dec 29, 2020 1:03 AM
I don't care. The series ends where the anime ends. There is nothing after that. |
Feb 6, 2021 6:09 PM
HiatusXHiatus said: A more serious perception. It's all about personal value of life, me myself really like Bunny Drop ending, one of the most heartwarming manga ending. In my perception, Daikichi and Rin wasn't incest, they have no blood related (except Rin is the daughter of Daikichi's father). That's a normal thing in my family, my own dad marriage with his second wife (my stepmother) have 25 years old difference. And for the opposite of, I hate LGBT very much, for example Shinsekai Yori no matter how good it is, I never appreciate it because my personal value of life prohibit it, don't care if people call me homophobe or whatever. No offense for everyone, anime/manga just for enjoyment but life is serious thing. Peace... Damn. No one even noticed this dudes straight up homophobia? lol Oh, and the manga ending is complete dogshit. No wait, that's an insult to dogshit. |
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that. |
Feb 15, 2021 9:58 AM
Drumbottle said: I don't care. The series ends where the anime ends. There is nothing after that. The Tsukihime treatment but in reverse—instead of no anime existing, there is no manga/original source material that exists. |
"Of what worth is a king who fails to protect the powerless?" —Saber, Fate/Zero |
Feb 23, 2021 9:13 PM
I regret reading this, the anime was flufy, why the manga went into grooming route ???? Did the mangaka not notice how unhealthy is for a father figure to go romance route on his adopter daughter ???? Is he some type of woddy allen |
Feb 28, 2021 1:38 AM
I never understood these grooming accusations. It completely disregards that we've seen him bring up Rin. That's what the first part of the manga was all about. Were there any signs or acts of his that show him bringing her up to be his future wife? Any signs of him manipulating her? Of course not! A lot of the same people who throw around that accusation even said that the first part of the manga was great. But that's contradictory to your accusation. Wouldn't that be the part where the grooming happened that you all are so outraged about? Hell even after the timeskip there were no signs of him doing any acts of grooming. And Daikichi was as shocked as you to receive that confession from Rin. He didn't jump onto it. He needed time to process it. He even said to her that if she found someone in this time she should rather pursue that relationship. How does that fit with grooming? What you're essentially doing is you cut out all of the context and just look at where the story started and where it ended. You say: he brought her up and later he married her - so it has to be grooming. That's bullshit. |
AsturaetusFeb 28, 2021 3:03 AM
Mar 22, 2021 6:11 AM
gross ending, I like to pretend it never existed how coukd you marry the kid you raised as a daughter for so many years? it feels like a poorly written incest hentai |
Mar 28, 2021 8:19 AM
My problem with the ending is that they ruin a good father-daughter relationship. Like I can give credits that the ending is unexpected, but it's just uncomfortable for me I guess. The anime ending is what I consider as my preferred ending. |
Apr 8, 2021 4:20 AM
Apr 15, 2021 9:10 PM
Ipi-kun said: yes, but this manga potrayed their relationship as father-daughter.For me, the manga ended well. And many times in the manga and the anime show that Rin does not see Daikichi as his parent. That's what make this ending uncomfortable for me |
โโโโโ WHY Is HoneyComeBear so Underrated? โโโโโโโโโ โโโโโโโโโโโ |
Sep 4, 2021 1:37 AM
Gotta love how people hate on this ending yet are okay with Mari, a 60+ year old woman, grooming Shinji since he was a toddler and call NGE 3.0+1.0 "good" |
Sep 4, 2021 3:36 AM
I just read the last part for the sake for finally completing it and let's say... the manga ends the same way the anime does, okay? |
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