I have tried everything and am at my wit's end, I'll just save the folder on a drive and wait till I can run it on a regular windows machine. Thanks for the help and have a nice day haha
I've tried to get it running for about 1.5 hours now and it won't work.
I'm running it via a virtualbox windows 7 but I keep getting the message DirectX failed to initialize.
I've literally tried everything I could find but it's still not working.
I'll try to torrent Rakuen on my own and maybe it'll work then.
Maybe you've got a solution, but either way, I'll let you know once I've figured it out! Thanks regardless for the download :)
not yet, but I read your comment in the fanclub. I have to run windows via an emulator and a bunch of stuff to make rakuen work, btw do you know if a sub+NSFW patch is out already for rakuen? I'm really looking forward to reading it and I've even put off watching the rakuen part of the anime because I like reading the vn first :)
oh and btw, actually Nisemonogatari isn't a great example for aninx. Quality on there is imperfect. openings.moe is probably better for monogatari. But still, you can find a lot of great ones on aninx :)
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I'm running it via a virtualbox windows 7 but I keep getting the message DirectX failed to initialize.
I've literally tried everything I could find but it's still not working.
I'll try to torrent Rakuen on my own and maybe it'll work then.
Maybe you've got a solution, but either way, I'll let you know once I've figured it out! Thanks regardless for the download :)