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Monogatari Series: Second Season
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Jul 26, 2017 2:53 PM

Mar 2017
I love this series so much :)
Aug 19, 2017 5:06 PM

Dec 2015
We only got to see Meme, Kiss Shot and Alive-Hachikuji for like 2 mins each >:(
Sep 5, 2017 5:03 PM

May 2014
Finally get to see Kiss-Shot and man did I feel bad for her. She destroyed the world all because Araragi didn't find her and she remained closed off from him in Route X. Plus he got killed by Hanekawa.
Pretty screwed up twist of fate all because he decided to save Hachikuji.

I think this arc says a lot about Araragi as a person though- his selflessness is the most selfish thing about him. That's to say, because he didn't want Hachikuji to die but still wanted everything to stay the same- as in, this weird quasi-harem he's got going on- the world went tits up.

It was also nice to see his major flaw addressed- that being that he only ever concentrates on the girl in front of him. When he's with Shinobu he's only thinking of Shinobu and he selflessly pledged to stay with her despite already having Senjoigahara.

Tbh, I know this is technically Hachikuji's arc but it feels more like Araragi & Shinobu's because it addresses their relationship and flaws.
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Oct 5, 2017 6:04 AM

Jan 2017
My babe Kiss-Shot wanted to be padded on the head, how cute can she get!?!?!?!?!

This arc is surely my favorite one so far, great pacing, interesting story it totally kept me on the verge of wonder and i think the time-travel theme was pulled off successfully.

Also, loved how the Araragi-Shinobu relationship was developed, it's interesting how dependable, even emotionally speaking, Shinobu is of her master, too cute <3

Overall, it was a 5/5 for me. Keep them coming!

KannoSugakoOct 7, 2017 3:35 AM
SEIZON SENRYAKU: Hungry 100% of the time.

Oct 7, 2017 7:35 AM

Jun 2016
This episode reminded me of Butterfly Effect (that movie with Ashton Kutcher) where he had no choice, but to not associate with Amy Smart's character for the sake of everyone. It's exactly like in this episode. Saving Mayoi's life is not a good thing since no matter what happens, Shinobu that will run away from home and will annihilate the world for Araragi never looked for her and it straight came from Shinobu's mouth: she'll destroy the world if Araragi dies. I find that sweet and made me squeal for whatever reason. Hahaha.

Araragi seeing Mayoi alive and now a beautiful adult made me emotional. Jeez, Araragi, y r u such a kind person? I can't even.

Thanks, Oshino-san, for helping always. Jeez. Glad they figured that they don't have to fight the Shinobu in her prime who ruined the world. I bet she felt so sorry when she saw Araragi, that person who's the cause why she annihilated everyone, then she asked him to pat her on the head. Oh no the feeels.

"If I'd only opened up my heart to this boy a little more..." Shinobu. ;-; I honestly thought this will go on a cliche fight with myself who don't understand me, but it's not. That was so fucking satisfying.

Fucking Araragi being the luckiest perverted bastard in anime. Jesus.

Waaaah. Seeing the ghost Mayoi again made me so happy and she made that iconic Araragi's pervert face. Hahahaha. Soooooo cuuuute! At least we know now what she prefers the most. She's happy being a ghost since she able to meet Araragi.

"Because I died and still had regrets, I was able to meet you, Araragi-san." :'(

Fuck. This episode alone is why I fucking love this anime so much! ;-; I'm not okaaaaaaay! Thank you! Thank you!
TheDoggoneGirlOct 7, 2017 7:39 AM

"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
Nov 19, 2017 8:49 AM

Oct 2017
Beautiful arc. My favorite of the whole series right now. ;__;
Apr 23, 2018 10:07 PM

Dec 2016
Man, I've pretty much had Sengoku as best girl for most of this series, but Shinobu might be tied with her, if not surpassing. I have to see what Sengoku does in her upcoming mini arc and based off that my Monogatari Best Girl rankings will probably shift lol
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Apr 25, 2018 6:22 PM
Aug 2017
Best arc for me so far.
Aug 23, 2018 6:13 AM

May 2017
epic arc! love the grown shinobu so badass
Sep 6, 2018 2:20 AM

May 2018

Great end of arc, I loved this style Steins; Gate they added in Kabukimonogatari, I hope the next arc is of this level of quality.
"No matter where you go, everyone's connected." Iwakura, Lain.

Nov 8, 2018 6:42 AM

Jan 2016
5/5 this episode made me tear up, one of my favorite arcs
Jan 29, 2019 1:09 AM

Jul 2012
I thought we were done with all the younger/older characters, but then we got Adult Hachikuji :D
I wonder if we'll ever see her again, but time/route traveling again probably isn't a good idea haha.

With Kiss-shot dying, that route's world was saved and Hachikuji can live a happier life. But even if she wanted to finally die, I can't help but feel very sorrowful for Kiss-shot. All of her suffering and loneliness without ever finding happiness again up until she died :/

The bit with Hachikuji at the end was really nice. It's good to know she's happy where she's at now 😊
Apr 28, 2019 3:44 PM
Apr 2016
Damn, this arc sure was amazing...the conversation between both Shinobus was awesome haha. Sweet ending!
May 17, 2019 9:15 PM

Dec 2018
So vampire tears are blood. Come to think of it we've never seen Araragi cries.

I'm just gonna ignore how they just succeed to return to their own route despite failing numerous times. And we doesn't get to see the conclusion for that route.

And they didn't explain how Hachikuji could lift up Araragi. It's still on a different route alright.
He who smiles in a crisis has found someone to blame.
May 27, 2019 12:29 PM
Jul 2018
Ah, I should've known that Hachikuji would be a hottie

Unpopular opinion, but this is the better arc out of the 2 so far
Jul 1, 2019 3:41 PM

Sep 2017
Couldn't they just jump away from the zombies like they did the first time? You hear of many weaknesses in fiction, such as kryptonite, fire, etc. The list goes on and on. But rice? First I've heard of it. I've been waiting since the quick montage from the first episode of this arc to see adult Hachikuji, and she meets expectations. I am curious how she managed to make the rice rain though. "With enough willpower, they can still move during the day." Where do they hide though? They sort of just appeared. I was almost worried for a moment there that Oshino didn't make it. Thankfully, he did though, and he survived for long enough to deliver a message on how to save this world. Oshino's time travel explanation reminded me of Steins;Gate, but worse. What is a conman like Kaiki going to do against Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade in her prime? Hidden passive vampires possess: The ability to walk miles without your feet getting sore. The two seemed to be pretty positive despite the overwhelmingly depressing situation. How did they manage to get four versions of the sword? I thought only one existed. Is there a reason the scream is able to summon Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade? The part where the two Shinobu's began crying blood was bittersweet (and also pretty creepy). It looks like simply seeing Araragi and Shinobu next to one another saved Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade's soul (I'm just looking for reasons to paste Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade). Headpat was 10/10. After all of that, Araragi is late and still hasn't done his homework.
Jul 22, 2019 1:00 AM

May 2015
Holy fuck. Fucking masterpiece of an arc.
Loved every second of it.
Mayoi is my favorite Monogatari girl.

Moral of the story:
Do your homework on time if you don't want the world to end
Oct 11, 2019 11:12 PM
Apr 2019
My question is after sacrificing heart-under-blade's life were everyone alive? I mean how the zombies were back in normal? Or they didn’t went back to normal?
Mar 6, 2020 2:24 PM

Mar 2018
This was a really good arc (one of my favorites during the entire monogatari series). Very well done.

Floating Around...

"You're loved as deeply as the ocean reaches"

Jun 7, 2020 6:26 PM
Jul 2018
Haha, why does older Hachikuji remind me of Lara Croft with that garb? I love that she still has that little stuffed paw thingy coming out of her bag. She's definitely grown, but she's still Hachikuji at the end of the day.

Ahhh, kinda bummed she didn't get a lot of screen time, but it's not like Arararagi and her know each other. It's a bittersweet moment.

My word, I really love the animation during Oshino's monologue/letter. It's wonderful!

Save the world and save the girl, huh? Alright, I can dig it. They definitely are serious with those swords they have. Shinobu's scream was on point. I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't that! :-O

How did this thing become Shinobu? :-/ The colours in the scenes were amazing. So Araragi and Shinobu were able to go back to their time. Well that was sure a ride, wasn't it?

I really liked Hachikuji messin' with Araragi. It definitely was a funny moment. XD

Overall this was a fascinating arc. It was probably around here that I really started liking Shinobu
Jul 25, 2020 9:59 PM

Dec 2018
this show is shaping up to be better than all of the previous entries in the series, tbh. loving this season so far
Aug 26, 2020 9:52 PM
Mar 2018
damn that arc got resolved fast. grown up hachikuji got me acting strange. decent arc overall but man, i feel a bit disappointed that at the end of the day, nothing changed. i know why and the lesson but still feel a bit ehh
Sep 13, 2020 9:25 PM

Apr 2019
Aye Hachikuji survived, and she is wearing a similar backpack!!!

Man I'm glad that Koyomi and Shinobu were able to return to their regular time, and Hachikuji's role reversal at the end there was pretty funny.

This was a pretty good arc, probably on the more interesting side given that it dealt with time travel and different timelines.
Sep 14, 2020 6:06 AM

Jun 2020
Damn older Mayoi is so thicc.

That was an amazing episode seeing them back but it was also kinda sad that Araragi wasn't able to bring Mayoi back.

But OP Shinobu is also hot damn but I like the loli version lol.

I enjoyed this so much I really loved the creator who created this masterpiece<3
Oct 3, 2020 7:50 PM

Mar 2018
This episode was incredible. This is most likely my favorite arc so far, excited to continue the rest of this series since I paused it for like 3 months.
Nov 26, 2020 2:10 PM
Jun 2019
I really liked this arc. We have an unexpected story based on Time Travel and was so good. I liked more this arc than Steins Gate tbh
Dec 30, 2020 7:43 PM

May 2014
Teen Hachikuji saves the day. I never thought it would be possible to defeat zombies with rice. LOL. I got to give it to her. She looks God damn good as a teenage girl

It's nice to see that Oshino Meme is depending on Araragi. He has developed far from the first time we saw him. I guess one could say he is both stronger mentally and physically. It's also nice to see how strong the bond Araragi and Shinobu have developed. So they have agreed to die together. It shows how far they have come together. They are cute together, and the face expression she makes are so cute and adorable

It's also amazing to know further how much impact Hachikuji's life has on the world. It's being iterated again and again. As a consequence, it's very sad to see Shinobu like that. I am very glad she met Araragi. But it makes me wonder what happened to Shinobu in the parallel world. I guess she died or was sacrificed to get'em back to their world.

Anyways, nice to see loli Hachikuji again, which is basically the best Hachikuji
Very funny how she plays with Araragi. Her teasing moments are priceless and it's always fun to watch'em. With that, the second arc of the 2nd season is concluded.
mangalicker94Dec 30, 2020 7:47 PM
Dec 30, 2020 7:48 PM

May 2014
vld said:
Pick one now:

Loli Hachikuji 4ever.
Dec 30, 2020 7:50 PM

May 2014
Asria_Y said:
ihusmal1234 said:

Wow... you should've REALLY put a spoiler tag on that.

Definitely needed to be in spoiler tag xD.

Did anyone else notice Hachikuji's voice a tad different than the one in Bakemonogatari and Nisemonogatari? Or is it just me going crazy? xD

Mod edit: spoiler tagged the spoiling spoiler

Are you sure? To me, it sounds the same all the way since Bakemonogatari.
Jan 5, 2021 8:24 PM

Jul 2020
I’m going to miss adult Hachikuji but back at it with the lolis I suppose. Another great arc from Shaft.
Feb 15, 2021 8:17 PM

Jan 2010
Great ending to this arc. It was somewhat anti-climatic, but it makes absolute sense. Alt-timeline Shinobu didn't end the world with some sort of agenda. It was a angered reaction to Araragi getting killed, and upon ending the world, Alt-timeline Shinobu tried to kill herself to join Araragi in death. However, due to being absurdly immortal, she couldn't even properly die. So, upon meeting main timeline Araragi and Shinobu, she settled with a headpat and a proper death, and by the main timeline Shinobu no less. In other words, she finally managed to kill herself. Holy crap.
Feb 24, 2021 8:23 AM

Oct 2016
What a fantastic episode and arc, this season has been so amazing so far.

Oshino Meme man, what a fucking chad and adult Hachikuji is a bombshell. Route X started off pretty badly but hopefully from there on they can recover and Hachikuji from that route can live a happy life. I was expecting some badass fight with Kiss-shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade but what we got is even better. That hit hard, even though it was 2 months apart, Araragi and Shinobu were able to die together.

That Araragi and Hachikuji scene at the end was so amazing damn, I love the switcheroo lmao. If all the arcs this season then this will definitely be my favorite season.
Apr 14, 2021 3:15 PM
Aug 2020
I didn't quite understand the ending, I get that they can go back in time but how exactly did they fix the timeline? Wouldnt they have to time leap twice?
May 31, 2021 2:18 PM

Feb 2020
That Kiss-Shot scene was so hard to watch... Poor girl. Poor poor girl. She might be a crazy op vampire, I want to give her a big hug.
And it's so sad to think about how Shinobu felt during Bake, she wasn't at all over the Kizu events. I hope she truly feels better now that she opened up to Araragi. Also, it's interesting (and heartbreaking) how she seems like such a misunderstood girl as Kiss-Shot. She is described as an heartless monster but you can tell it's not like that. Arararararagi-san better take care of the current Shinobu.

Overall this arc was good, but I didn't like it as much as Nekomonogatari Shiro. Part of it is because most of the arc constisted in mystery and comedy (as fun as it was) rather than character development for the titular character, in this case Hachikuji. I actually felt the same kind of frustration as I did during Tsukihi Phoenix : I hoped the arc would make me see the titular character in a new light, yet said character barely appeared.
Well, in this end this arc turned out being about Araragi's and Shinobu's relationship, and that's great because I waited for that, but I really wanted to see Hachikuji being explored in depth, especially since the question about why she is still wandering hasn't been solved.

One thing I really liked though (other than Shinobu and Araragi) was the message. It was predictable, but it's been very nicely brought. It's actually interesting how those last two arcs had much clearer messages than previous seasons.

Now I guess I have to watch Hanamonogatari before starting the next Second Season arc, I'm not that fond of Kanbaru but I hope this mini-series will correct that (I have my hopes since those two last arcs left me with a very positive impression of all the characters involved, to the point I care more about them than I already did (well except for Hachikuji unfortunately).)
FafetteMay 31, 2021 2:23 PM
Aug 13, 2021 1:49 AM
Aug 2021
Finally we hear something from Meme. He's been gone for so many episodes. His monologue was great. So they are actually in the future of an alternate reality.

I love Mayoi's adult look! Wonder if she'll make a comeback later on.

Seeing Kiss-shot die was sad...I pity her.She lost everything she had when Araragi of route X died. She tries to kill herself but she's immortal so it doesn't work. Even in Kizumonogatari, she went through some painful and traumatic shit.

Well, they managed to get enough of that ghastly energy to get back to their reality. I love the end-credits scene. How the turn tablesXD

This was a fantastic arc but we didn't see much of a development in Hachikuji as she didn't get enough time on screen.
-Facktack-Aug 13, 2021 2:02 AM
Sep 1, 2021 2:33 AM
May 2020
now araragi and shinobu are in the correct time line, whats gonna happen between school time and hanekawa fighting the tiger
Sep 15, 2021 3:09 PM

Oct 2020
This arc was really good. Beautiful
Still curious on why Araragi had his clothes ripped when he helped Hanekawa. The timeline seems all over the place so they might show it in future episodes
Apr 8, 2022 5:45 AM

Feb 2019
Another great episode. Two great arcs in a row? What a buffet.

Adult Hachikuji was really pretty. Kinda sad that Araragi had to decline her invitation. She looked lonely, but hopefully she's not anymore.

Expected a battle, but got feels instead like people are saying here. Seeing Kiss-Shot suffering like that was sad. The head pat was especially heartwarming.

I loved that world too. Not like I'd like to live in it, I just loved how they made it.

Another great arc. Really enjoyed the story. Loved the interaction between Araragi and Shinobu, and loved adult Hachikuji. Hope she lives a good life in her hopefully restored world.
Apr 8, 2022 12:52 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
So the original timeline was completely untouched. Araragi and Shinobu just went to the world annihilation timeline after they allowed Mayoi to meet her mother.

At least before leaving that timeline and returning to their own, Araragi and Shinobu left a bit of a better world for the alive-Mayoi to live in.

whiskey tango foxtrot

May 4, 2022 3:57 AM

Jan 2015
I'll be honest, while the previous arc was more powerful, this one's my favourite so far of the series, so creative, funny, dramatic, emotional, high stakes, happy. I'll admit, I expected like, the next arc to also take place in this route, it seemed like a lot to do in one episode, but, they did it! In the best looking episode of the series so far! Goddamn, was the art, animation, style, all so beautiful in this one, wow! Letter scene is a clear example, looked super stunning. But the scenes of them walking to meet Shinobu of this world, scenes of them simply engaging in conversation, looked so, so beautiful, best scenery we've seen so far which is obviously a super high bar. It either looked really beautiful or had my jaw drop from looking amazing, great episode!
Seeing Hachikuji survived, is a beautiful thing, and she herself is really nice alive! Stuff with Shinobu was quite emotional, stuff with Hachikuji was really nice, a real relief to see she lived on, seeing proof of Araragi's efforts not being for nothing.
Also, in the past episodes and this one, Araragi's lolicon tendencies were hilarious, the fact that they start playing fucking horror music as he's approaching Hachikuji (who hadn't met him) is perfect, he really is a menace. Him being thrown around when returning was perfect as well! Hachikuji is hilarious, continues being the true best girl, haha.
Loved this arc, could see myself rewatching it more compared to other arcs on its own, had so much which could have been easy to mess up, Monogatari is a quality series though, seriously some peak stuff, hahaha.
Next arc should be fun!
Here's a couple of screenshots I took of Araragi from a couple of episodes back.

Seriously, how is it that despite some of his awful tendencies, Araragi is a really respectable protagonist? He and Shinobu were truly admirable with this arc.
New wallpaper.
Oct 24, 2023 7:38 AM
Jul 2018
This was so emotional. I'm glad Route X is "saved" now. The Kiss Shot of Route X, I feel bad for her. She loved Araragi but her actions failed him. Now she became mentally ill and destroyed the world.

At least her soul is saved now. She wanted to be patted by Araragi. I literally cried.
Oct 24, 2023 8:40 PM

May 2021
I loved the ending with Hachikuji stating the good that came out of her being a ghost. And we also received confirmation that Araragi and Senjougahara are destined to be together(W fate).

Lesson learned from arc: always complete your summer homework or there will be a zombie apocalypse.

Dec 15, 2023 2:24 AM
Jul 2018
Gahhdamn man. SO much stuff hapepned when Mayoi wasn't left to die. Much of the world really changed. I didn't know Mayoi's death had a meaning. Just goddamn man. One person who continued existing caused the world to become barren. Also, it looks like Shinobu called for her other timeline self. I really feel bad for the Kiss Shot Acerola Orion Heart Under Blade in this timeline.
Feb 18, 2024 6:28 PM

Dec 2018
Damn, I was expecting this arc to go at least another episode or two but it was wrapped up right here, and we didn’t even really get to see Hachikuji much despite this arc being about her, but now that it’s over I think it’s safe to say it was also about Shinobu. That being said tho this was a great finale, I had a feeling the survivor they’d meet would be an older Hachikuji, and damn what a babe she turned out to be lol, almost makes me wish she was always like this but the loli edition is the original and it wouldn’t be the same without it. And along with this reveal we also found out Oshino knew all of this would happen because of course he would, and he talked like they originally jumped to the past of route X but if you ask me it makes more sense to say they jumped to the future of route X when they changed the past of route A, but time travel is touchy as it is so I won’t nitpick too much there lol.

And then came the stuff with this world’s Shinobu, and I really liked that it seemed like a final boss battle with a broken and twisted version of her but our Araragi and Shinobu being in front of her was enough for her to give in, it was pretty upsetting and they even threw in a head pat for old times’ sake, and then Araragi woke up like nothing even happened, and then one last scene with Hachikuji after all that happened, she has no freaking idea lol, and the role reversal was funny there too.

But man I gotta say this was a good arc, I think I liked it more than the first one despite it being one episode shorter and barely featuring the titular character. Time travel stuff is typically pretty interesting and I think Monogatari handled it well, to think this all happened because of some homework lol. Oh well, I look forward to seeing this next arc which is one I’ve been highly anticipating for certain reasons, I’ll get into that when I get to it lol.
Apr 12, 2024 3:44 PM

Jul 2016
What a good arc omfg. Already in my Top 3 fav arcs alongside Kizumonogatari and Nekomonogatari (Shiro).
May 31, 2024 12:04 PM

Sep 2022
Def the best arc so far
Jun 24, 2024 4:37 AM
Dec 2023
Goodness. A lot happened there. Great stuff.
Sep 22, 2024 12:38 AM
Feb 2021
peak anime bro really
Jan 21, 5:03 PM

Jan 2024
Cinema cinema cinemaaaa,...

Kabukimonogatari might aswell be my favourite arc now. I so loved it😭♥️

From the concept with time travel, alternate dimensions, dystopia, "zombies" and rouge Kissshot to the execution absolute godly..

Cried bad for the X timeline Shinobu, it was really heartbreaking fate. So glad for A Araragi and Shinobu and their bond.
They are taking dying together and living together meaning to the T.

Araragi really went all out to give Mayoi one timeline where she can live happily and didn't let his save go to waste.
But it's good to hear she values her current existence as well..
"I am unhappy to be a ghost"
"But I am happy I met you"
"So overall I am happy"

Hope their relationship and banter continues forever..♥️

And to the beautiful healthy Hachikuji Mayoi who will probably never be seen as Araragi said "I am truly thankful you are alive"🥲

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