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Jun 3, 2020 9:31 AM

Mar 2016
I'm not gonna bother speaking in detail about the film itself. All I'm gonna say is: it's just another edition of "The Many Adventures of Lupin The Third". I know it's by Marza Animation Planet, but this one feels like the DreamWorks Animation edition lol. I'm not usually one for most 3D-filled content, but I do remember loving most DreamWorks content back when it wasn't plagued by redundancy and repetitiveness :P

Overall a rather fun film. In another world, a dub version of this would've legit fooled me into believing it's REALLY a DreamWorks product.
Feel free to share your thoughts here, guys! :D
Jun 3, 2020 10:15 AM

Nov 2013
Really liked how the style is not lost in the transition from 2D to 3D. Also, pretty amazing quality considering It's budget must be less than 1/50th of bigger 3DCG movies.

The story felt like just another Lupin story, a little bit too predictable with the puzzles maybe, but fine all considered.

Overall I'd say 8/10, maybe 8.5 as I really like Lupin's silly humor and the animation was really superb.

Also props for showing Jigen without hat.
SeiignJun 4, 2020 1:44 AM
Jun 4, 2020 4:34 PM

Jul 2017
Just like Castle of Cagliostro did all those years ago, The First once again sets a new standard for anime - specifically those of the CG variety.

First and foremost, the animation is truly "what CG anime should be". It faithfully captures not only the Lupin designs, but also successfully captures how they move. Outside of that, the animation in general holds up quite well with a lot of western animation, considering how it's nowhere near as expensive.
However, and most importantly, the film does what most other CG anime fail to do...

It has a reason to be CG. Most of the key scenes in the film feature the characters moving within a 3D space, and in such a way that 2D animation would not do it justice. Take the scene that has the eyes on the wall, or the laser-running scene.

Other than the animation, the rest is just really well-made Lupin material.

Surprisingly, every member of the main cast gets their time in the spotlight. In other films and specials, Jigen and Goemon usually just serve to move Lupin from place to place. However, as shown in the film, everybody helps move the plot forward.
Another surprising thing is that this film's original character, Laetitia meshes very well with the plot. In many other instances, the film's (almost always female) character is basically an extension of the story. Laetitia however, feels like a natural addition. While she isn't fleshed out extraordinarily, she does more than the bare minimum, unlike past characters.

The voice cast, despite some members getting on in age, all seem very lively, making it a nice showing.
The plot is relatively standard compared to other Lupin media, but it is paced extremely well, which is where other movies seem to fall apart. I was personally quite surprised that Hitler's regime came to play such a large role in the film, though that's likely me just being from America where media that isn't directly WWII related tends to shy away from using Hitler in any other fashion.
Side note, the film's most memorable line might be Lupin saying "Didn't you learn that in school?"

All in all, 9/10 movie.
I'll probably add some further thoughts when I see it again, in theaters, once it gets released here in America (which likely won't be soon).
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"If Seinfeld isn't your favorite anime, then you aren't watching anime correctly."
- Me

Jun 5, 2020 4:46 AM
Community Mod

Jan 2017
What a fantastic movie for all of the reasons posted above.

I can't wait to watch the dub when it releases. It will make it easier to appreciate the visuals. Best CGI seen yet in anime.

Lupin III meets the world of Indiana Jones.
Jun 6, 2020 11:52 PM

Aug 2015
The animation was great in most scenes, especially the action. The over-the-top scenes were a lot of fun.
But the lip movements were often dropping syllables. It was jarring to see that lack of movement in such otherwise high quality animation.

I know that Lupin will always be the center of attention and will always be the one doing all the cool stuff, but the female lead was so lame. She backstabbed, then felt bad, then was useless, then kept having to be saved. At least when she was betraying Lupin she was doing something of consequence. After she joined his side, the story didn't let her accomplish anything without being a damsel in distress. It was so tiring watching her fail at everything.

The villain having a hard on for Hitler was too funny. Every time he yelled "fuhrer" I imagined him yelling "daddy" instead and it made my experience 300% better. When he finally "met Hitler" and was overjoyed that his Third Reich gun was noticed by senpai... "You like my GUN, daddy?" I couldn't stop laughing. Cartoons making fun of nazis will never get old.
Jun 8, 2020 1:20 AM

Jan 2009
welp the 3D animation is cool although the facial expressions on the 3D movies Saint Seiya Legend of Sanctuary and Dragon Quest Your Story is much better

but still i gave it the same score since the story is nice too

and lol ye another woman that was rejected by Lupin again in the end because we all know he loves Fujiko more anyway

also lol at this part of the movie

Fujiko is still eye candy though

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
anime-primeJan 31, 2022 2:38 PM
Jun 8, 2020 8:55 AM

Nov 2016
Lupin did it again and set another milestone.

This movie really had a charm that reminded strongly of Dream Works or Pixar works and the production team did more than well on that front.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jun 10, 2020 12:57 PM

Jan 2010
A stunningly beautiful movie with surprisingly good directing! It doesn't divert much from the standard Lupin formula, but the characters are so adorable and some scenes just take your breath away. The animation reminds me of the latest Asterix movies and it's really top notch - I like the eyes especially, they're so full of energy!
(|__/) Never give up, aim for the top!
(='.'=) Top wo nerae!
o(")(") Anime music:
Jun 12, 2020 10:31 AM

Feb 2014
deg said:
Fujiko is still eye candy though

Fisrt time I watched a Lupin original series and I love her.
Is there any other characters like her or like this animation cg?

Mod Edit: Modified quote of edited post.
anime-primeJan 31, 2022 2:38 PM
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Jul 2, 2020 12:12 PM

Jan 2017
The story was extremely predictable... and yet it was so fun that I can't really complain about that. It's Lupin, and as long as they get the characters right, I'm always happy to experience another adventure with them.
I loved the character designs, they work really well in 3D, specially Lupin himself and Jigen. Not too sure about Goemon. Speaking of him, as always he doesn't do or say much, but it's always entretaining when he's allowed to do stuff, and at least the scene about the sword was fun.
One thing I will complain about is the title. Yeah, Lupin's grandfather is involved with the story, but they could have removed that element completely and the story wouldn't have changed much.
Overall a 9/10 for me.
*laughs in Dimple*
Jul 5, 2020 12:10 AM
Nov 2018
was pleasantly surprised by this movie! visually super impressed they were able to pull of the dreamworks/pixar aesthetic. it really felt like watching a hollywood animated movie.

lupin plots are either hit or miss for me, mostly on the miss side. the whole hitler plot was kinda comical, but i still had loads of fun watching this movie. especially liked the three trials portion of the movie.

i would pay money to watch this in theaters, but let's hope the world is in a better place before they consider bringing this movie outside of japan.
Sep 29, 2020 3:15 PM

Mar 2013
Pretty standard fare for a Lupin film. Fans of the series will enjoy it (I know I did) despite being pretty predictable. The 3D animation was pretty good, although I will always prefer 2D over it.

6/10: enjoyable as an action adventure flick that blends classic lupin antics with Indiana Jones style Nazi bad guys. Good for both long-time fans as well as newcomers.

Oct 7, 2020 1:38 PM

Apr 2016
Great movie, I liked it a lot. I like this kind of animation, if it has a good quality it looks really good.
Oct 7, 2020 8:05 PM
News Team

Nov 2014
Man, I really really liked it. It could've been slightly better if I didn't watch it with the garbage subtitles I got but it was still understandable for the entire run.

Solid 8/10
Oct 18, 2020 2:30 AM

Apr 2012
Quite an enjoyable and fun experience. Had everything that makes CG movies step up to greatness: superb matt painting, close attention to details like Fujiko's dress fabric or Jigen's facial hair. Particle effects were a bit much maybe but at least they didn't neglect that front.

As other have said action was flawless and character animation was totally respectful of 2D Lupin, so as fan that really made the film come to life. Voice acting was on par with other Lupin's productions too.

The plot felt predictable since a lot was recycled from 2D Lupin (I'm pretty sure I've seen Paris scenery, a van being cut in two, saving an orphan, or posing as Adolf before in the series), but since the project is about exploring a new medium of animation I have no qualms as the entertainment value was pretty high.

Looking forward to more but at the same time I hope 2D Lupin movies will still be made because the recent ones were an interesting addtion to the franchise.
EratiKOct 18, 2020 2:37 AM
Oct 19, 2020 12:28 AM

Jun 2011
That was a really fun movie.

Obviously the main draw to this was the breathtaking animation. The studio was able to accurately replicate not only the whimsical style of Lupin, but also the visual gags to a tee. It was extremely impressive. As someone who is a massive advocate for the 2D animation, this was a visual pleasure from beginning to end. They captured the personalities of the entire cast perfectly. I really can't believe how well it transitioned to 3D CGI.

The story itself was, well, just a run of the mill Lupin adventure. Laetitia was cute and charming as the new girl. The classic Lupin comedy was there, I just found it a tad disappointing that the rest of the crew was a bit of an afterthought (was hoping for more Fujiko).

All in all it was a classic Lupin outing. But more importantly, it set a new standard for CGI Anime films.

Jan 15, 2021 3:32 AM

Jan 2011
I think comparing it to Dreamworks and Pixar films is fair. Japan has a rough history with CGI, so I'm happy this one turned out well. I just got done watching it. Gkids did a great job getting the OG cast for the dub. Did anyone else get the Limited Edition steelbook?

I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Jan 16, 2021 8:39 AM

May 2010
Pretty good. CGI looked good, would still have preferred 2D but this was one of the better ones out there.

For the movie itself, had a pretty good plot and action scenes. Nothing too outstanding, doesn’t live up to Cagliostro for me. Was between a 6 and 7 for this. I would definitely watch a sequel with this style!
Feb 7, 2021 12:11 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
It was nice to see good old Lupin III in CG. It felt like I was watching a mashup of Lupin III and Indiana Jones/Uncharted/Tomb Raider. It just goes to show that no matter what format the charm of Lupin III still shines and never seems to loose its touch.

I watched the English dub which was great using the voice actors from the previous series, but I'm going to go back and watch the sub version on my second watch someday.

I give the film a 9/10 because its classic Lupin.
AddaeAkonoFeb 7, 2021 12:16 PM
Jul 22, 2021 8:49 PM

Jul 2011
What a fun and lighthearted adventure :D Makes me want to watch the old series.
The women in this movie (Laetitia and Fujiko) are so beautiful it's ridiculous!
Jul 27, 2021 10:38 AM
Sep 2015
I've never watched anything Lupin related before, but ymfah kept using a track from this film on his videos, and it finally convinced me to check it out. I like the goofy and over-the-top nature of both the main character and the action. But I have to say, the film deflated quite a bit in the second half. The trials were slow, and everything after that beyond a very short action scene with the supporting cast was bland and lacked the energy and personality of the first half.
Nov 19, 2021 2:01 AM

Aug 2018
such a great movie! i might just watch the other lupin iii movies and series too
Jan 10, 2022 10:25 AM

Feb 2012
Visually wonderful, I even had to pause and rewind to watch a few clips to see again some of the animation.

The first 15 minutes were great, classic Lupin style. Then I started to feel it was copying too much certain films, mainly Indiana Jones, so that it was too easy to identify the exact scene that had served as the inspiration. This imitation extended to other things too, from Laetitia's Lara Croft outfit to a prominent piece of music that sounded like Johnny Guitar. Had I not noticed the similarities, this would have been a good film, but it bothered me enough so that in the end I thought it was just fine, slightly above average. There's paying homage and then there's doing it so much that the story itself becomes unoriginal.

Also, too little Lupin & the gang in the last third of the film, especially since Lupin spent most of the time disguised.
Mar 30, 2022 12:59 AM

Aug 2012
I don't know what I expected from this, but Wheelchair Hitler was not it.

In general, this movie was just a fun Lupin case, maybe a little more Wheelchair Hitler and black holes than any Lupin I've seen, but otherwise a lot of the plot was standard fare. That's not necessarily a bad thing, there's a lot of fun to be had here, despite several of the predictable points, because the Lupin main cast is a lot of fun. And most of the film's strongest points are just showcasing those characters at their best, with my favourite scene being Lupin going through the laser tunnel.

Which brings up what zamandzoe mentioned, the movie really took advantage of the 3D space they had. The CG animation was great overall, though I admit I'm not fully in love. I guess it's maybe a little too Pixar-y for me, maybe a bit too much sheen on the characters. I'm not saying it looks bad or anything, it's better than most CG I've seen in anime, but I only really loved the look during more dynamic scenes where they were leaning into the more cartoony animation or certain shots thanks to the colour composition. General moment to moment, it looks good but nothing I'm crazy for.

And I think one of my issues is, it's so obvious which characters were made for the movie. Characters like Lupin and Goemon kind of look like they're from a different movie than Laetitia and Lambert. One of them looked like Lupin, the others looked like Pixar/Dreamworks. Gerald seemed to be the only movie-exclusive character that was designed to fit in with the main cast, since his face was a bit more angular and had more expressiveness to his reactions, particularly at the end, but I wish he was the rule not the exception.

Regardless, I had a fun time with this. 7/10.
Dec 2, 2022 11:46 AM
Nov 2022
Walked in cinema room after first half of the movie. Didn't get much, took a nap, Hitler part was pretty funny, wish he was real. 6/10
Dec 13, 2022 5:19 PM

Dec 2021
Fuck it, already watched two of the green jacket movies (Fuma and Cagliostro), why not jump super far into the future, also known as three years ago.

Right away, that music, it's PERFECT! No TikTok music, just the exact stuff you'd hope for anything Lupin. Can't comment too strongly on the quality of the 3D visuals, because I'm more used to criticizing cel animation. What I can say is that the artstyle/character designs translate REALLY well to 3D, and if anything have a unique, but also STRONGER charm than the originals!

The seiyu... it's a lot to talk about, as it's my first time watching anything Lupin post-2000s. Lupin's seiyu is so impossibly accurate that it hurts my head. Goemon didn't speak very often, but he sounded exactly like the original too. Fujiko sounds about right as well. Not so much with Zenigata's seiyu, but he does capture the essence of the character well. Jigen, well, instead of sugar-coating it, imma gonna salt-coat it, he was showing his age, and you could tell he was past his prime. I couldn't even tell it was actually his original seiyu. I'm not gonna talk about the dub, since I didn't watch it dubbed.

Comedy was dead-on perfect, and came it about the same rate as the various TV series, which I much prefer to stuff being super slow paced, even at a movie's runtime.

If I had to rank the movies, the TV series', and OVA's by what I've watched so far, this would be my favorite, followed by Part 1 (Because the second half is god tier), followed by a tie of Part 2 and 3, then by Fuma, then Cagliostro, and dead last is Lupin VIII. I don't care if that order is objectively wrong, it's what I feel. This is the second (Or third? Would a movie length TV special still count as a movie?) movie I've ever considered to be worthy of a 10/10. Without a doubt, this movie makes for an excellent entry point into the franchise.

Also, imagine if they created yet another MAL entry for Hitler, overrepresented much?
Daviljoe193Dec 13, 2022 5:27 PM
Mar 16, 2024 1:34 PM
Oct 2017
New, It came out in the 2000's
Apr 30, 2024 5:11 AM
Jul 2022
some of the best music and filmography in the lupin series in 50 years

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