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Feb 4, 2020 8:55 AM

Nov 2011
Shinobu looks amazing in her outfit this episode for their Queen's match. This is one of my most anticipated matches of the season since it's two very high level players competiting in this generation.

Haruka also looked intimidating in this match while the amount of psychology really bought out the best from both players. Definitely a match worth waiting for if you've been looking forward to seeing the two face off.
Feb 4, 2020 11:21 AM

Nov 2007
lol only the main girl knows current queen's hairstyle.

Meijin calling during remembering.

Hosoya-san's character trying his best to type long comment.

Introducing a girl who is fan of karuta players lol.

Ex-queen already won 4 times, so she is strong. Current queen is scary, too.

Teacher leading so far while live broadcast streaming queen for the most part.

Current queen won the first round. Teacher won the first round. Both are "unmeisen".

Ex-queen thinking it would be final queen game, current queen think it was a fun game. Her mother's comment on her daughter is... Main girl met current queen. Current queen's atmosphere changed when hearing about field trip (group activity).
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Feb 4, 2020 1:30 PM
May 2017
The matches were really cool and intense. And Rion-chan is adorable!
Feb 4, 2020 1:45 PM

May 2019
The next few weeks are gonna be intense.
I think that Shinobu will win the Queen match and that everything will go to Suo-mejins plan he will win 3-2. But it would be great if Suo miscalculates and the final match ends with luck of the draw in Haradas favor, this season made me root for Harada a lot
Feb 4, 2020 2:02 PM

Oct 2012
Was it just my impression or at the beginning they said "Akinotaka" instead of Akinotano? Right after Kana-chan says it right--- anyway.

It's so sad to see Chihaya and Shinobu bonding just so that Shinobu gets mad right after. And Suo is playing with Harada--- and the ones that can clearly see it are Suo and Taichi. Maybe Arata does too...? Hmm. He's so cute watching stuff on NicoNico lol I love the scene where he types a lot and people are like "ohhh ok thanks a karuta playerrr" and he's happy. Ugh, adorable.

Onto the second match~
Feb 4, 2020 3:04 PM
Mar 2015
Great back and forth Chihaya hates on Suo then realizes she is only doing so because he said she could not be queen Inokuma and her kids are precious. Suo is delaying so his aunt can watch the broadcast He makes Harada by manipulating play Chihaya manages to make Shinobu mad by telling her about the class trip which makes her reject the gift
Feb 4, 2020 3:55 PM

Nov 2008
Damn this show! Why isn't every episode 2 hours long!!!!! I don't want to have to wait a week to see what happens!
Feb 4, 2020 4:43 PM

Feb 2018
You're telling me Suo tried to mimic the score of the Queen's match? Is this a Saitama "I'm so unstoppable it's boring" situation? Idk what to make of this dude.
*Mourning the disappointment of The Promised Neverland season 2.*
Feb 4, 2020 4:44 PM

Nov 2007
Chihaya thinking about a moment when she would be facing Shinobu-chan in the Queens title match while Taichi facing off Arata in the Meijin title match!

It gave me goosebumps!

Eisei Watarai-san's comments were so fun! Such an oddball! I love it how Suetsugu-sensei makes sure that the Karuta world is full of oddballs! Haha!

Coming back to more serious parts, seeing Chihaya harboring such dark feelings is pretty unbearable for me! She is wishing that Suou-meijin leaves her Karuta world for good and she would be happy if that happens. A girl who never ever had any negative emotion control her in her entire life is stuck in Suou-meijin nasty words that she will never become a Queen. Someone please rescue my girl! Seeing her like this hurts!

Thanks God my heart was rescued because of Arata! Isn't Arata the cutest and the goofiest thing ever?! Makes me want to cuddle him! Such an adorable boy! Seeing him becoming slightly happy after fellow Nico viewers appreciating his long-ass essay to explain what was going on made my day! I will never be able to understand how can anyone dislike this apple pie! He needs to be protected at all cost! <3

Special mention of course to Inokuma-san to actually take the Chiha card and taking the game to the luck of the draw! Too bad that she lost!

Meanwhile, that nasty Suou-meijin actually wants to control the outcome of the games and got what he deserved. And he actually had the audacity to use the precious memorization time to talk on the phone. No wonder Chihaya would be hurt. He takes Karuta as a joke!

Shinobu-chan! Deep down she really wants to have friends and for the first time she acknowledged someone to be her friend! Her blush seeing Chihaya was so cute! The way she called her by her first name for the first time and gave her a cushion to sit in front her was so adorable! She was the perkiest I have ever seen in the way she talked with Chihaya like she is meant to be her BFF!

And then Chihaya opened her blabbering mouth and without even realizing it just broke Shinobu-chan's heart to pieces! Chihaya prioritized her class trip over the chance to play Shinobu-chan in the Queen's final. She discarded the promise she made with her!

Over the course of the story, I really started to feel sorry for Shinobu-chan. She is the loneliest character in the story. Her mother keeps her in an arms length never showing any affection yet keeps her in a leash compromising her freedom. Her grandmother, who Shinobu admires, uses her as a promotional item for her political campaign. She wants to put all her worry's behind and enjoy her snowmaru items. Yet, even those are limited to her. And when she finally wanted to open up to Chihaya, she is hurt so much.

Perhaps Suou-meijin telling Chihaya that she will never be able to become Queen is because of Shinobu-chan? Chihaya does actually have everything. But for Shinobu-chan karuta is all that she ever had.

Also, Rion <3! How I longed to see her! Isn't she getting prettier and prettier! <3
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Feb 4, 2020 8:24 PM
Oct 2012
not a manga reader, but just realized we have finally reached a similar timeline as seen on Chihayafuru Part 3 Live Action movie series.

Will Season 3 finish with the end of Meijin and Queen matches or is there anything else happening? Will it end up in a similar cliffhanger as Season 2?
Feb 4, 2020 9:10 PM

Jun 2017
Awesome episode, definitely giving off that stellar King/Queen tier vibe!

Suou-meijin trying to replicate the scores from the Queen match yet again, yikes he's really got a nasty personality. And then going to take that sneak peek there of the Queen match out of the blue was intimidating as heck, he usually doesn't smack cards away either, if I remember correctly, but did he do that just to have an understanding on how things are really progressing?

Looks like it backfired for now though but all according to a greater scheme of his, darn isn't he too overpowered? At least he recognizes Harada-sensei as a worthwhile opponent, I would've lost my shit had he not. Definitely not pleasing to see him on the phone during the mid-interval and during the memorization time, I must insist.
Harada-sensei seems to have realized this attitude too, how intriguing indeed.

Meanwhile, on the Queen's front, a close clinch between the two, as you'd expect. Technically, both of the competitors are pretty much Queens and it's amazing how their game is a clear indication of that! The Eternal Queen's, Watarai Tomoe's, commentary really did give off a stronger and "more-at-stake" kind of vibe, great to see.

Good thing Shinobu-chan has won the first set for now, I suppose the mid-interval could potentially throw her off. Why did you have to go and say that, Chihaya and Shinobu-chan's mother? Darn it, she was so happy when Chihaya came and seemingly nullifying the other matter but then another blow. I can only hope she'll put this behind her and go for the kill!

But, at the same time, I want Inokuma-san to win! A part of me could tell that she would potentially retire after this match but having her say that herself really dug deep ffs. I know I've said this before but it's amazing how I can't make up my mind between the two of them. And to make matters worse, she's got four titles (bloody one away from a whooping five) whereas Shinobu-chan's only got Karuta as her support (even Suou-meijin has people looking out for him surprisingly). Rip me, lol.

Snowmaru's wife, Snowhime's, hairstyle, Chihaya knows her stuff xD. Chihaya agonizing over Suou-meijin was really something though, got to feel for her honestly. Typical of her to imagine herself on the big stage too, it's good to see. Taichi v Arata on the other front, oh I how wish things will ultimately turn out like that.

Lol @ that girl handing Shinobu-chan's cards too, looks like it's another Karuta Nerd lol. Arata, meanwhile, sharing his knowledge and info on the net was sweet to see!

And Rion returns, on the other hand. Coach Sakurazawa pointing out on that creepy love-struck upperclassmen of Rion's was quite hilarious too. I wonder if this'll have some significance in time, hmm...

Good lord, there was a fair amount of stuff happening all around here! Can't wait to see what's in store for us next!
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Feb 4, 2020 10:48 PM
Apr 2018
So much karuta fit into one episode. Loving it
This is what the peak of the Karuta world looks like.
The atmosphere, how it affects challengers and the title defenders, the intense matches,the viewers. the supporting staff, the administrators, the media and commentators. So much experience to Soak in.

Loved how chihaya was taking it in as well the whole experience even got her out of the suo remark depression she was in after she saw the support staff doing their work.
Arata typing that big fat paragraph in a online chat to explain karuta terms was really adorable and relatable as well xD

Coming to the meijin match first.
Suo just keeps going into this mysterious borderline dark and light mode. First he doesnt take the matches seriously and toys around to his amusement as he thinks its his last match and i guess wants to prolong it as far as possible, only few people knowing his ulterior motives like Sudo, taichi and arata.
Also wonder who suo is talking to on the phone in between.
Its gonna be really a bad news for harada sensei, not only he is getting frustrated at suo even after a win, the fatigue is clearly showing on his face. its not looking good for him.
On a side note respect to Harada sensei's wife. Another similar personality like inokuma's husband who support their spouse in any manner through all phases.

The Queen match was more interesting imo.
Inokuma with the light flowery atmosphere with fast good takes with her hearing sense. Clearly showing her intimidation and why she was the queen. Glad sakurazawa sensei is supporting her, best of rivalry and deep friendship. But the fact inokuma stated that this will be her last title match makes me sad, hope we get to see her more in the future.
Shinobu on the other hand, this girl is something else. Describing how she takes cards,making comments on opponents card arrangement,frustrated when a card gets taken and her kimono being a hindrance, but even still comes back with that wicked smile filled with confidence, especially at the chihayafuru card, that Smile damn, she just loves the challenges. Also i dont agree with her mom that her grandma just uses her as a advertisement for political purposes, she is not that cold.

Finally the last scene. Always felt that deep friendship vibes between chihaya and Shinobu, i mean they really kind of vibe together, chihaya right away recognizing shinobus hairstyle and complimenting it, Shinobu happy to see chihaya visit her with the snowmaru gift. If anyone can be shinobus best friend and rival its chihaya, But in karuta its all about seriousness and i guess shinobu got angry and kinda disappointed that after chihaya told her they would play against each other in the queen match, she ditched the opportunity for her class trip.
More so because shinobu always prioritized karuta and never had friends in the first place and then seeing chihaya do this really hit her at the spot. Feels Bad. Hope they patch it up, because their friendship and rivalry is really something valuable to watch.
Feb 4, 2020 11:36 PM

Oct 2012
What a good episode!

Suou is such a weird ball.... I couldn't help but smirk when he peeped at the Queen's match.....but it's hard to see Harada Sensei be the victim of his mind playing games. Sudo and Taichi know what's going on. Maybe Arata too(lol so funny in his bed watching and typing). Chihaya getting so mad about Suou. (Girl, you have no idea about this guy).

Shinobu is so beautiful but so lonely.... it's painful to see she has no friends or karuta society members to support her: of course she shut herself off but still it's painful. Hey! Momo is her card girl! Didn't pick that up in the manga. Even Queen Watarai San! Wow all those details!

Haruka is such a nice person, and cutie Rion who pops up.

Love love loved it!

chiakimagotoFeb 4, 2020 11:41 PM
Feb 4, 2020 11:45 PM
Aug 2019
janiwolf said:
And Rion-chan is adorable!

do you know who is her VA?
Feb 5, 2020 12:19 AM
May 2017
Cynwolf said:
janiwolf said:
And Rion-chan is adorable!

do you know who is her VA?

Ayahi, Takagi is her VA
Feb 5, 2020 2:19 AM
Aug 2018
The atmosphere during the whole match was so beautiful and So well directed 🥰🥰
Feb 5, 2020 3:26 AM

May 2019
I don't know if Shinobu got mad at Chihaya for missing the qualifiers because of a school trip or if she was jealous because she never experienced such a thing or if the reason's something completely different.

I feel like episode foreshadowed the wins, though. It seems like both the meijin and the queen will defend their titles...
If you read Eleceed you're automatically my friend.
Feb 5, 2020 6:31 AM
Apr 2016
I don't know whether I hate or like Suo... He's playing in a very pseudo-dirty way for sure. Of course Shinobu would get mad over Chihaya missing out on the qualifiers over a damn school trip... Chihaya herself was in a pool of regret because of it after all.
Feb 5, 2020 11:08 AM

Jun 2007
i like Suo even though he acts silly and i like Harada-sensei too, and feel bad for him... *sighs*
i get Shinobu's feelings but she shouldn't have thrown Chihaya's gift like that.. who even does that :\
see you, space cowperson . . .
Feb 5, 2020 12:44 PM

Feb 2008
Suou is an ambitious man. Omi Jingu is indeed a place where one would desire to spend as much time in as possible. Will he truly be up to the task, though?

A more than ample glimpses of Shinobu's smile were charming...
Feb 6, 2020 5:52 AM

Jun 2015
Both Haruka and Shinobu has their own motive to win. Gosh, it's so hard to root between the two but I think Shinobu will win since the foreshadow of Haruka saying it might be her last queen match. But of course, I expect a very close match. Although I won't like it if they end it with that lucky card thing. Also... I want to see Haruka's smile again.

For Meijin match, Suou is sure be made a villain here, eh? It's easy to choose who to root for here, which is Harada-sensei. I found Suou's gameplay to be quite entertaining to be honest.

Ahh, poor Shinobu. Her only friend Chihaya seems not too devoted to Karuta like she does because of a field trip. It might be unreasonable, but quite understandable from Shinobu's point of view since she never had a Karuta friend before.
Feb 6, 2020 10:11 AM

Nov 2007
YosepRA said:
Ahh, poor Shinobu. Her only friend Chihaya seems not too devoted to Karuta like she does because of a field trip. It might be unreasonable, but quite understandable from Shinobu's point of view since she never had a Karuta friend before.

Just karuta friend? She never had a friend all her life. The next episode will reveal what Shinobu-chan is all about! Everyone should stand up for the Queen that she is.

Also, I actually really, really like Suou-meijin. But I cannot say it out loud because I might be hated for doing that! :P
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Feb 6, 2020 2:04 PM

Jun 2015
shanimebib said:
Just karuta friend? She never had a friend all her life.

Now that you say it, it gets way sadder :(

shanimebib said:
Also, I actually really, really like Suou-meijin. But I cannot say it out loud because I might be hated for doing that! :P

Haha, I know right? He's a very unique character. The hate is there, but you have to admit that his character is hell fun to watch.
Feb 8, 2020 3:08 AM

Dec 2015
Shinobu really felt betrayed there, didn't she? I wonder if she's going to be alright. Also her family is the worst! Using your own daughter like that for your own gain, who does that? No wonder she became the way she is. I hope she realizes there's more to life than just karuta and forgives Chihaya for going on that class trip because Chihaya seems like the only person who genuinely cares for her.

shanimebib said:
Also, I actually really, really like Suou-meijin. But I cannot say it out loud because I might be hated for doing that! :P

Why getting hated for liking someone from a fictional story though? I really don't like Suou-meijin's personality but I'm not that immature to give you shit because of it.
Feb 8, 2020 5:00 AM

Oct 2019
holysauron said:
Shinobu really felt betrayed there, didn't she? I wonder if she's going to be alright. Also her family is the worst! Using your own daughter like that for your own gain, who does that? No wonder she became the way she is. I hope she realizes there's more to life than just karuta and forgives Chihaya for going on that class trip because Chihaya seems like the only person who genuinely cares for her.

shanimebib said:
Also, I actually really, really like Suou-meijin. But I cannot say it out loud because I might be hated for doing that! :P

Why getting hated for liking someone from a fictional story though? I really don't like Suou-meijin's personality but I'm not that immature to give you shit because of it.

Pretty sure they meant that as a joke :D
Feb 8, 2020 5:37 AM

Dec 2015
Fionavar said:
holysauron said:
Shinobu really felt betrayed there, didn't she? I wonder if she's going to be alright. Also her family is the worst! Using your own daughter like that for your own gain, who does that? No wonder she became the way she is. I hope she realizes there's more to life than just karuta and forgives Chihaya for going on that class trip because Chihaya seems like the only person who genuinely cares for her.

Why getting hated for liking someone from a fictional story though? I really don't like Suou-meijin's personality but I'm not that immature to give you shit because of it.

Pretty sure they meant that as a joke :D

Okay, makes sense. I think it's time for me and my literal mindedness to leave before I make an even bigger fool of myself than I did here.
Feb 8, 2020 10:24 PM
Nov 2019
Suo-san is an interesting character. I hate him more every episode, but I kinda want to know how and why he's so good at karuta. I hope that Harada and Big - Eyed girl win the Master and Queen match. Suo and wakamiya look down on everyone so it might be interesting to watch thim go down. Suo also has absolutely no motivation for karuta, so I hope that changes.
Feb 8, 2020 10:24 PM
Nov 2019
Suo-san is an interesting character. I hate him more every episode, but I kinda want to know how and why he's so good at karuta. I hope that Harada and Big - Eyed girl win the Master and Queen match. Suo and wakamiya look down on everyone so it might be interesting to watch thim go down. Suo also has absolutely no motivation for karuta, so I hope that changes.
Feb 8, 2020 11:04 PM

Dec 2014
Ok I am certainly rooting for the current Queen and kind...hope Harada sensei doesn't win
Feb 9, 2020 1:27 AM

Feb 2011
Very interesting episode, what a great way to start the queen/meijin tournament.

I'm back everyone, sorry for being late: poor baby, Arata sick in bed, but that didn't stop him away from watching the tournament: when he was typing his comment about the cards posting online: his message got through and give great responses: I'm happy for him. Seeing Arata really brings brightness into my day.

Seeing Shinobu got angry knowing that Chihaya didn't even go to the queen qualifiers where she went to her school field trip instead: I see that Shinobu took that promise seriously seeing someone who hardly has friends. Chihaya wanted to experience her only chance of going to a field trip while she's still a high school student, on the other hand competing for the queen tournament she can qualify at any time: sometimes things don't come exactly what we plan: that's the reality about life as well.
As always I'll look forward for the continuation of this tournament.
sweetangieFeb 9, 2020 1:54 AM
Feb 9, 2020 8:18 PM

Jul 2009
Most of the focus was on the Queen match this time ... I guess that's because Suou doesn't "really care" about his match and is actually intending on dragging it out to 5 games, or at least that's what Taichi and Sudo think! From reading ahead in the manga his phone calls make sense to me but I can see how they'd be irritating Chihaya lol. Poor Shinobu though, her family's really not the nicest and it seems like hearing why Chihaya skipped the qualifiers really put her in a sour mood as well. I guess it reminded her how karuta is basically her only thing >_< Nice to see Rion and Sakurazawa again! Inokuma is playing well too, but from what she said it seems like she won't really pursue the title again if she loses so this will be her only chance :O
Feb 11, 2020 1:57 PM

May 2016
Shinobu’s heart was broken two times in a single episode feels bad man feels bad for her.
Feb 13, 2020 10:57 PM

Aug 2018
Wow Queen Shinobu so pretty in that hairstyle and kimono dress!

Really rooting for her to win
B O C C H I  S W E E P
Mar 14, 2020 4:00 PM

Oct 2013
Hmm... I'm wondering who was the person with which Suo was talking via mobile phone.

First round's victory goes to Shinobu (Queen) and Harass (Master candidate). It was surprising that both duels ended with lucky draw, however that's what you would expect from matches between champions.

That former Queen's (who was commenting during one round of current tournament) number of consecutive victories is simply amazing

Poor Shinobu. She lately betrayed by her grandma just right before her second match, and when it felt as if Chihaya would be a great support, the topic of friends and school trip appeared. :/

@SapphyeePH , haha agreed, Shinobu looked stunning in her creation for this match. :)
AdnashMar 14, 2020 8:17 PM
Mar 16, 2020 7:32 PM

Oct 2017
I can say that I understand why Shinobu feels bad. But it's true that Chihaya made a preference over karuta that time.
-¡Give yourself to me!
Mar 16, 2020 7:32 PM

Oct 2017
I can say that I understand why Shinobu feels bad. But it's true that Chihaya made a preference over karuta that time.
-¡Give yourself to me!
Mar 16, 2020 7:33 PM

Oct 2017
I can say that I understand why Shinobu feels bad. But it's true that Chihaya made a preference over karuta that time.
-¡Give yourself to me!
Mar 24, 2020 8:04 PM
Anti-social One

Mar 2013
I guess everyone is breaking promises to Shinobu.
But come on SHINOBU THE D O R A Y A K I
Mar 27, 2020 7:39 AM
Jun 2013
Shinobu probably feels betrayed by everyone. Seems like her grandma sold her out and Chihaya prioritized her trip over competing against her. It seems like they have so much in common but Chihaya has friends and a social life outside of Karuta so that's a big divide between them.
I'm 100% sure Shinobu is going to lose the next game. She's gonna be way too emotional in the next game. Wouldn't be surprised if she got smoked, honestly (that would be crazy to see). I love her character development, though.
Suo is also more interesting than I initially thought.
Apr 7, 2020 9:23 AM

Apr 2016
Suo's just toying with Harada. Man he really has no respect for his opponents. Though I do wonder, what reason could he have to match Shinobu's scores and drag things out?

Shinobu seemed agitated when Chihaya brought up the class trip. I was so happy they got the chance to interact too, dang it.
Mar 11, 2021 3:56 AM

Nov 2018
That's exactly what Suo meant. Chihaya won't become a queen , because current queen has nothing , except for karuta. Shinobu won't understand Chihaya choosing school trip over fighting for queen title.
I hate everyone equally
Mar 27, 2021 5:44 PM

Aug 2018
5934's going to get complicated. Good chapter, now I think it's going to be tense.
Jul 15, 2021 12:40 PM

Jul 2015
Well damn this really is all a game to Suo instead of a serious sport match seeing how he wants to drag this out over 5 matches. Bit of a difference in views between what Shinobu prioritizes and what Chihaya prioritizes but I hope in time that they will be actual friends.

Oct 16, 2021 4:51 AM

Feb 2019
I wanna watch the Master and Queen matches online too! I wonder where I can find it. I've only found recordings of previous matches on YouTube.

Intense match. I guess we're not seeing Suo at his best yet. He's delaying so that whoever's on the phone can watch him. He's kind of sweet in his own weird way.

That bonding between Chihaya and Shinobu was really cute. Glad that Shinobu has a friend of sorts in Chihaya. After all, most people just don't want to play with her anymore after being beaten to a pulp. But I wonder why Shinobu got mad after Chihaya mentioned the school trip...

Rooting for Harada-sensei!
Apr 23, 2023 9:16 AM

Jul 2016
Something about Arata writing a long and detailed comment and being praised for it was heartwarming for a very minor scene ngl

Rooting for Dr. Harada really hard but I got a feeling his knees are gonna betray him when it matters most. Also, RIP that Snowmaru snack
Oct 20, 2024 2:31 AM
Dec 2022
The Master and Queen tournament begins. Dr. Harada the challenger to Suo for the Master title. Inokuma the challenger to Shinobu for the Queen title. Arata is sick and will be watching the game online. Chihaya and the whole Kurata club members are watching it at the Omi Jingu.
Feb 28, 1:00 AM

Jul 2008
Oy oy Suo actually cheating?

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