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Jul 24, 2016 12:30 AM

Apr 2016
I know what Handa-kun is a prequel and it will have nods to Barakamon, but would I be able to enjoy the show without watching it?
Jul 24, 2016 12:36 AM
Jul 2018
I didn't know until I watched the first episode that it's a 'prequel' to Barak. But I just watched the 3rd episode yesterday and I was ROFL. IT'S AWESOME XDDDD
Jul 24, 2016 12:46 AM

Jun 2015
Yeah. They're not linked in story.

PS. Handa-kun is underwhelming compared to Barakamon.
Jul 24, 2016 12:55 AM

Oct 2014
You should just watch Barakamon as it's much better (I loved Barakamon but haven't seen Handa-kun. I've heard the latter is shit, though). If you want to watch it as a seasonal you could try to see if someone will do a once a week simulwatch of Barakamon with you.
Jul 24, 2016 1:09 AM

Jan 2010
Moved from Anime Discussion
Jul 24, 2016 1:49 AM

Sep 2010
Just watch Barakamon and skip this Shit... i LOVED Barakamon but Handa-kun is just so underwhelming. Extremely boring for me so far
Jul 24, 2016 1:59 AM

May 2012
Skip both because both are boring

Watch prison school or jojo instead
Jul 25, 2016 8:41 AM

Jul 2016
thepath said:
Skip both because both are boring

Watch prison school or jojo instead

I love Prison School and JoJo too, but telling people to skip a comedy/SoF and watch an Ecchi and an Action/Shounen doesn't really sound that right. At least suggest something similar or in the same genre, that's like telling someone to skip Death Note to watch Sailor Moon (okay, I exaggerated a bit, but u get my point).
Futari wa Milky Holmes was a mistake
Yoshii did nothing wrong

Aug 3, 2016 4:23 PM

Mar 2015
i've watched all of barakamon today just to start handa-kun so i guess i can give you an opinion. both aren't connected in story at all except for the main characters of course (they have changed a lot, though). you can watch it as you like but i suggest you give barakamon a try first. it's just 12 episodes so i don't see why wouldn't you. there are small stuff that watching barakamon first is better at, though. for example, it is revealed early in handa-kun that handa is
which kinda kills a joke from barakamon. after rambling too much in nothing, you can just watch it if you want and it doesn't matter but it's still better to watch barakamon first
Aug 6, 2016 12:17 AM

Aug 2008
I think that watching Barakamon first might give one a different insight as far as Handa-kun is concerned. You'll understand some jokes better (and, also, his relationship with Kawafuji-kun). I think it would be far more enjoyable if one watches Barakamon first, though I suppose it might be amusing either way.
Terayama Shuji
Aug 6, 2016 6:14 AM

Dec 2014
OMG I did not know that it was a prequel.....
Aug 6, 2016 7:27 AM

Nov 2012
Watch this first then Barakamon if you want.
A city's greatness is determined by the speed of its internet connection.
Aug 6, 2016 10:57 AM
May 2015
Well, I haven't watched the Barakamon series yet (since the English Dub isn't out yet and it's coming out 3 days from now) and I understood everything that happened in the 1st episode.

My answer is........I guess you can watch Handa-kun without watching Barakamon but you'll be missing out on the references that they're most likely going to make in the future.

Aug 6, 2016 11:06 AM

Apr 2016
jc9622 said:
Well, I haven't watched the Barakamon series yet (since the English Dub isn't out yet and it's coming out 3 days from now) and I understood everything that happened in the 1st episode.

My answer is........I guess you can watch Handa-kun without watching Barakamon but you'll be missing out on the references that they're most likely going to make in the future.

Why not just watch the sub instead of waiting years for the dubs to come out?
Aug 6, 2016 11:33 AM
May 2015
CrashD said:
jc9622 said:
Well, I haven't watched the Barakamon series yet (since the English Dub isn't out yet and it's coming out 3 days from now) and I understood everything that happened in the 1st episode.

My answer is........I guess you can watch Handa-kun without watching Barakamon but you'll be missing out on the references that they're most likely going to make in the future.

Why not just watch the sub instead of waiting years for the dubs to come out?
Didn't you read what I just wrote? The dub for Barakamon is coming out in 3 days..I also just found out about Barakamon a week ago so all I had to was wait for over a week.

Aug 6, 2016 12:26 PM

Apr 2016
jc9622 said:
CrashD said:

Why not just watch the sub instead of waiting years for the dubs to come out?
Didn't you read what I just wrote? The dub for Barakamon is coming out in 3 days..I also just found out about Barakamon a week ago so all I had to was wait for over a week.

But in general. Why wait for the dub? Why not just watch the sub?
Aug 6, 2016 12:50 PM
May 2015
CrashD said:
jc9622 said:
Didn't you read what I just wrote? The dub for Barakamon is coming out in 3 days..I also just found out about Barakamon a week ago so all I had to was wait for over a week.

But in general. Why wait for the dub? Why not just watch the sub?
If the dub is coming out in over a year or so then I will watch the sub version. If it's coming out in like a month or less then I'll watch the dub. I have a lot of patience and I prefer watching anime in dub, unless said anime only has a sub version, which in that case, I'll watch the sub version. I'm also very flexible so I can switch sub to dubs or the other way around very easily.

Aug 6, 2016 11:49 PM

Apr 2016
jc9622 said:
CrashD said:

But in general. Why wait for the dub? Why not just watch the sub?
If the dub is coming out in over a year or so then I will watch the sub version. If it's coming out in like a month or less then I'll watch the dub. I have a lot of patience and I prefer watching anime in dub, unless said anime only has a sub version, which in that case, I'll watch the sub version. I'm also very flexible so I can switch sub to dubs or the other way around very easily.

Yeah, I do the same thing!
Aug 7, 2016 1:44 PM
Jan 2013
jc9622 said:
If the dub is coming out in over a year or so then I will watch the sub version. If it's coming out in like a month or less then I'll watch the dub. I have a lot of patience and I prefer watching anime in dub, unless said anime only has a sub version, which in that case, I'll watch the sub version. I'm also very flexible so I can switch sub to dubs or the other way around very easily.

If you're watching this and Barakamon in dub, at least you won't have to deal with the baffling decision to change up all the Japanese voice actors for the recurring characters.

That being said, this series is cheaply produced garbage that hardly has anything to do with the characters you experience in Barakamon.
Aug 7, 2016 1:59 PM
May 2015
narutoisc00l said:
jc9622 said:
If the dub is coming out in over a year or so then I will watch the sub version. If it's coming out in like a month or less then I'll watch the dub. I have a lot of patience and I prefer watching anime in dub, unless said anime only has a sub version, which in that case, I'll watch the sub version. I'm also very flexible so I can switch sub to dubs or the other way around very easily.

If you're watching this and Barakamon in dub, at least you won't have to deal with the baffling decision to change up all the Japanese voice actors for the recurring characters.

That being said, this series is cheaply produced garbage that hardly has anything to do with the characters you experience in Barakamon.
I actually got that feeling when I watched the 1st episode of Handa-kun and I haven't even watched Barakamon yet. Handa looked like he was some sort of a dumbass and I was like "Is this how he acts in the original series?". The 1st episode as a whole felt really underwhelming.

Also, you're right haha..I just looked at the cast list for the Japanese VA and they were all different while the English VA's are the same. It's most likely because a different studio is doing the prequel.
jc9622Aug 7, 2016 2:04 PM

Aug 7, 2016 2:04 PM

Feb 2016
I like the comedy in Handa very much and i dont see any point in relating Barakamon to it. The only thing they have in common is a younger main character. The whole appeal of the show is different.
Regarding dubs vs subs. I feel like the dubs may miss out on many word-plays which the fansubs cover.

Oshii is probably the only director that loves dogs. He thinks he's a dog himself.

That's right, its slime! It will dissolve your clothing slowly before my eyes!

Aug 7, 2016 2:22 PM

Mar 2013
I'm about to show my stupidity so watch out. I just started watching this and I didn't even realize that this was a prequel to barakamon (Warning Stupidity up ahead stop reading if you don't want to lose brain cells). As I'm writing this I'm currently on the latest episode (ep 5) and I didn't even consider this being a prequel to barakamon I mean I saw some similarities but my mind couldn't put two and two together instead my brain went in an entirely different direction (Again Stop reading protect you're precious brain cells).

By episode 2 is when I noticed the similarities but rather than realizing it was a prequel I thought "hey he has the same name as handa from barakamon and he's also into calligraphy. they should totally do a crossover it would be interesting two world renowned (I think that's the right word) Calligrapher's head to head who truly is the best at calligraphy"? Then they mentioned who handa's parent's were and rather than realizing that those are in fact handa's parent's from barakamon my mind did this "Wait a minute! does this mean he's actually handa's son? Is this a sequel to barakamon or better yet a spin-off involving his son? does this mean will see cameo's from barakamon?"

It wasn't until I saw Takao that I thought something was fishy about this anime but again my mind went to this "holy crap Takao has a son!? who the hell did he end up with to get a son? I must know. also why do the kids look a lot like there parent's (Dad)? are they trying to pull a naruto/boruto cause I'm not interested." I'm ashamed to admit that after episode 2 I looked up barakamon and found out that Handa is actually a prequel. I bet you can guess just how stupid I felt/'looked when I found this out.

To answer you're question you don't need to watch barakamon to understand this. Would I recommend this it depends on you're taste in anime if you want some light comedy with some slice of life, then I would recommend you watch barakamon. If you're prefer comedy in general with no real story, mainly focusing on gags and just want to watch something for laugh's then yes I would recommend Handa. As for anything similar to handa Depends do you want the main character to be male or female? because that will limit your options.
Aug 8, 2016 3:19 AM
Aug 2014
I really don´t understand why so many people call Handa-kun disappointing, it was clear that this is a gag Anime from the very beginning, and it´s hilarious. I really like the humor. and like some mentioned already, there are some references which you get when you watched Barakamon, but it is absolutly no problem to watch Handa-kun without having seen Barakamon.
Aug 8, 2016 4:34 AM
Sep 2014
I'd definitely watch both. Yes, they are different. When you were a in high school you were different to how you were when you were 20 something. Handa-kun is more ridiculous and more gag oriented but is endearing and light hearted fun. Barakamon has Naru (she's fantastic!) so I love it! People telling you it's crap without watching it....... well how much can you really value their opinion?
Jun 6, 2019 11:40 PM
YouTuber / VA

Aug 2017
Definitely, heck I didn't even realize they were related until after I finished watching the show. It was probably better that way in fact, seeing as how they're such completely different shows and you'd possibly be dissappointed if you're expecting Handa-kun to be a proper prequel or Barakamon to be a proper sequel. Literally the only thing they have in common is the same protagonist and even that is debatable considering he's nothing like the Barakmon version of himself other than his appearance and his love of calligraphy.
Nov 19, 2019 1:05 AM
Feb 2018
You're piece of mine or handa's shiiiii.

Jun 13, 2020 5:31 AM

Aug 2018
They are both really good but you dont need to see one to watch the other

Dec 15, 2020 8:24 AM

May 2009
I always prefer going by the release date of series. The reason being that the directors/producers would have in mind a set of audience that has already watched the first release. Which means that there will be some nuggets or insights that are revealed as "Aha!" moments catered to this audience/fan base.

While Handa-Kun is technically a "Prequel" for the character, think of it as a Sequel to Barakamon that reveals his past. When you meet a person, they don't immediately reveal their entire background and history. It's only after learning more about them, that you realise what has shaped them now. That's how both the series are linked.

Like me, if you also want to go by the creator's intent then watch Barakamon first and then Handa-kun. Barakamon will raise your curiosity about the character, and Handa-kun will provide the insightful "Aha!" moments that shaped him.
_____ _ _ ______

Within pain, there is desire.

_____ _ _ ______
Apr 5, 2021 7:55 AM
Apr 2020
Wait Barakamon is supposed to be 1st
I watched Handa-kun thinking Bakaramon is it's 2nd season or sequel or somethin'
Mar 1, 2023 12:44 AM
May 2019
thepath said:
Skip both because both are boring

Watch prison school or jojo instead

Prison School and Jojo both suck though. Barakamon and Handa-kun are God tier.
Mar 1, 2023 12:48 AM
May 2019
CrashD said:
jc9622 said:
Didn't you read what I just wrote? The dub for Barakamon is coming out in 3 days..I also just found out about Barakamon a week ago so all I had to was wait for over a week.

But in general. Why wait for the dub? Why not just watch the sub?

Because dub is always superior.

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