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Carole & Tuesday
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Oct 4, 2019 6:43 AM

Nov 2016
leonardobarba said:


Great anime series.

Sure to miss Carole, Tuesday and Angela.

Oh yeah, I mistook "We Are the World" with "Heal the World" in my post xD

That alone made the ending so much greater.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Oct 4, 2019 7:22 AM

Aug 2017
this last episode was truly miraculous
Oct 4, 2019 7:54 AM
Oct 2017
“Too be continued... in your mind”
Biggest troll ever 😂
I kinda wanted to see the aftermath but oh well - by far one of the best anime of the year
Oct 4, 2019 7:56 AM

Apr 2013
Good show, but the lack of focus toward its main narrative was its main weakness.
Oct 4, 2019 8:33 AM

Nov 2007
pikeman1 said:
Tobi said:
Does anyone know when the full songs comes out like they did with the season 1 songs? pls and thank u
Carole & Tuesday Vocal Collection Vol. 2 will be released on Oct 23
Actually it was announced to be delayed to October 30. (though not sure official site still lists as October 23 release)
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Oct 4, 2019 8:44 AM
Tail On!

Aug 2018
Talim said:
Roevhaal said:
found the sjw, I'm 22 btw

Way to dodge the point I made. Please, tell me, what is the problem with welcoming people into our countries who have been displaced by wars that they were purely victims of and have no control over the outcomes of?

Your profile says you live in Sweden. Let's say, hypothetically, that all of Sweden suddenly erupts in civil war tomorrow and you have no choice but to flee the country. Literally staying in the country for even another day will get you killed. There's no hope that the country can be fixed. Shit is straight fucked and you have to get out of there to survive. Would you not expect people in other countries to welcome you in when you literally have nowhere else to go? If they turn you away and say to gtfo of their country and to go fix the problems in your own country, would you not feel helpless and like you've been abandoned? It's in our human nature to do everything we can to survive. If your only chance of survival then is fleeing your country and becoming a refugee, would you not expect people to have compassion and help you out when you need it and have no other options?

The problem is that it's idealism that doesn't work in practice, the amount of resources we've spent in Sweden to welcome a fraction of the worlds refugees is ridiculous. These people are not culturally compatible and travel a quarter across the globe to recieve wellfare benifits. In Carole & Tuesday it's even worse, apparently the entirity of Earth is in a civil war or something and they have to do interplanetary travell to get to safety? What are they going to do, move all of Earth's people to Mars? How many people does Earth have in this series? Probably waay more than Mars as it's only been 50 years since humans started to Mars, I'm betting Earth has atleast 10x the population. Please tell me how it'd be feasable to move all those people of Earth to Mars and not make Mars' soiciety crash from the sudden influx of people. There's also no depth to the refugee situation or counter arguments so we can see the other point of view in this series at all which makes it ''Refugees Welcome'' pandering.
Oct 4, 2019 8:51 AM

Apr 2012
So, in reality, the show did not have any romance and as a result, this genre was removed from the page?
Oct 4, 2019 8:56 AM

Jul 2017
Wow.. Fucking wow... This has got to have been one of the best final episodes i've ever seen. Gathering all of the singers together and, making that miracle happen, omg, it was absolutely fantastic. The music sent me shivers down my spine and every voice actor did a wonderful job at it, they gave it all they had and the ending result was really a masterpiece. I have no words for this. I even teared up myself during the music.

Overall, definitely one of the best music based anime i've ever seen, no doubts about it. And the music was in English and GOOD English for a change xD 9/10, loved it!
WaterLordOct 5, 2019 7:36 PM
Oct 4, 2019 8:59 AM

Apr 2019
I knew I would: I cried during the miracle! It was really beautiful to see most of the characters we got to know/ love coming together at the end of the journey to start a light in people's hearts!
They soo played with my feelings with their (non-)announcement at the end, seriously! xD
Can't wait for the whole OST to revive specific scenes IN MY MIND!
Oct 4, 2019 9:18 AM
Nov 2015
Roevhaal said:
Talim said:

Way to dodge the point I made. Please, tell me, what is the problem with welcoming people into our countries who have been displaced by wars that they were purely victims of and have no control over the outcomes of?

Your profile says you live in Sweden. Let's say, hypothetically, that all of Sweden suddenly erupts in civil war tomorrow and you have no choice but to flee the country. Literally staying in the country for even another day will get you killed. There's no hope that the country can be fixed. Shit is straight fucked and you have to get out of there to survive. Would you not expect people in other countries to welcome you in when you literally have nowhere else to go? If they turn you away and say to gtfo of their country and to go fix the problems in your own country, would you not feel helpless and like you've been abandoned? It's in our human nature to do everything we can to survive. If your only chance of survival then is fleeing your country and becoming a refugee, would you not expect people to have compassion and help you out when you need it and have no other options?

The problem is that it's idealism that doesn't work in practice, the amount of resources we've spent in Sweden to welcome a fraction of the worlds refugees is ridiculous. These people are not culturally compatible and travel a quarter across the globe to recieve wellfare benifits. In Carole & Tuesday it's even worse, apparently the entirity of Earth is in a civil war or something and they have to do interplanetary travell to get to safety? What are they going to do, move all of Earth's people to Mars? How many people does Earth have in this series? Probably waay more than Mars as it's only been 50 years since humans started to Mars, I'm betting Earth has atleast 10x the population. Please tell me how it'd be feasable to move all those people of Earth to Mars and not make Mars' soiciety crash from the sudden influx of people. There's also no depth to the refugee situation or counter arguments so we can see the other point of view in this series at all which makes it ''Refugees Welcome'' pandering.
that's why it's fictional , to explore and incomperable idea, realism shouldn't restrict art. It's idealistic yes but so are people in real life. And striving to help others without worrying about the repercussions is a valuable message yet naive obviously.
Black_Sheep97Oct 4, 2019 9:36 AM
Oct 4, 2019 9:37 AM
Nov 2015
DedPanda said:
So Mr. Tao was Edward Snowden all along. The feels was felt though in the end. I gotta say, I was getting relatively pissed off with this series because I felt like the plot was going to be overly saturated in politics that would ultimately detract from the worth of the characters in this series. However, in the end, C&T did push one major notion above all else: No matter what hardships you find yourself in, no matter what chaos happens in the world around you, the single thing that can unite everyone within a single moment in time as little as 7 minutes and be powerful enough to make a change is music. Because at the end of the day, everyone has some melody that resonates within their hearts.

I was hesitate in the latter bits...but I can say that this series is definitely one of Watanabe's best works. Probably tied for second with Terror in Resonance.
you were slamming the show in the last comments , are you being sarcastic now?
Oct 4, 2019 10:27 AM
Aug 2017
NO IM NOT CRYING YOURE CRYING. God this has been a great show lots of feels loved every second of the music, that ending was so cheesy I fucking love it. I'm gonna miss this show (until I rewatch it when it's out on Netflix) but this show will definitely continue in my heart. See ya Space Cowboy ✌️
Oct 4, 2019 11:19 AM

Aug 2013
Black_Sheep97 said:
DedPanda said:
So Mr. Tao was Edward Snowden all along. The feels was felt though in the end. I gotta say, I was getting relatively pissed off with this series because I felt like the plot was going to be overly saturated in politics that would ultimately detract from the worth of the characters in this series. However, in the end, C&T did push one major notion above all else: No matter what hardships you find yourself in, no matter what chaos happens in the world around you, the single thing that can unite everyone within a single moment in time as little as 7 minutes and be powerful enough to make a change is music. Because at the end of the day, everyone has some melody that resonates within their hearts.

I was hesitate in the latter bits...but I can say that this series is definitely one of Watanabe's best works. Probably tied for second with Terror in Resonance.
you were slamming the show in the last comments , are you being sarcastic now?

So...did you read my post or did you just glance over it because I'm trying to figure out how exactly you see what I just said as sarcasm. Yep I slammed it last week because I was pissed with how politics was just massively overtaking the direction. Then the conclusion occurred and it's like: wow...this is kind of what I was expecting but not how I was expecting it. Maybe I was wrong. TL;DR: I had a change of heart.
Don't believe the hype.
Oct 4, 2019 11:27 AM
Nov 2015
DedPanda said:
Black_Sheep97 said:
you were slamming the show in the last comments , are you being sarcastic now?

So...did you read my post or did you just glance over it because I'm trying to figure out how exactly you see what I just said as sarcasm. Yep I slammed it last week because I was pissed with how politics was just massively overtaking the direction. Then the conclusion occurred and it's like: wow...this is kind of what I was expecting but not how I was expecting it. Maybe I was wrong. TL;DR: I had a change of heart.
I did and I still taught it was sarcastic cause it's such a glaring shift within one episode but that's my bad.
Oct 4, 2019 12:08 PM

Jul 2012
Ugh man, I was gonna give C&T a 7/10 but it deserved an 8 from the last episode.

That song was incredible. Like I started bawling my eyes out. The jump cuts from scene to scene were done amazingly as we got to see clips of Dahlia's tombstone while Angela was singing and then a clip of Hillary Clinton- I mean, Valerie smiling when Tues was singing. It's well done. It pulled and tugged on my heart strings like a champ.

I originally thought this anime was gonna be an easy 10/10 in the books but... (see last part of my post for more).

Although I was not impressed with its direction, the way it started and the way it ended makes it justifiable to bump up my score to a solid 8 and give it a chance in the future for a rewatch.

TriZen said:
Good show, but the lack of focus toward its main narrative was its main weakness.
This. It's like... This show had a lot of potential to be a 10/10 in my standards. It combines my two fave genres: Sci-fi and music. The issue is it kinda strays between plots so quickly and it's a bit too light hearted to have intensity. It goes from a funny episode to a super serious one real quick. I'm not sure if I'll enjoy it if I binged it from beginning to end as I did watch it weekly. The jump between friendship, to coming of age, to becoming musicians from scratch, to politics, to terrorism, to racism/refugees, to the A.I. sci-fi stuff, to music industry drama... Way too much going on. Just focus on one and make it polished!!! I also want to mention the Angela/Tao BS is the worst addition to the series. Should have just focused on C&T and not the rival.
Oct 4, 2019 1:26 PM

Oct 2013
Watanabe's worst show by a landslide. What a letdown.
Oct 4, 2019 1:54 PM

Dec 2014
the show was good and all...the last bit made me chuckle...will be your mind lol
Oct 4, 2019 2:06 PM

Feb 2012
That was indeed miraculous.
Man i've got trolled so hard with that to be your mind.

「 To other people, I might not have changed at all, but I feel like I was able to change... 」

Oct 4, 2019 2:13 PM
Jan 2019
I will not deny it, I cried with this great ending.
The song that Carole & Tuesday composed was wonderful, and hearing them sing along with the other artists was something really amazing. As I listened to the song, all those good moments I experienced when I saw this anime came to mind, I laughed, cried, and many other emotions. For a music lover like me, this anime was a real gem, and I am not afraid to say that it is one of the best of the year. Without a doubt, its won my love and became one of my favorites. I hope to always carry your songs in my heart as a reminder of this beautiful story of music and dreams. Carole & Tuesday were the best of both worlds, they were a glimmer of hope and a light in all the darkness. I say goodbye with the pleasant memory of hearing that beautiful song driven by freedom.
It was a real pleasure to follow this anime with you. Now, it only remains to wait for the output of his album, along with all the other songs of the second half of the anime. I will look forward to it 😁.

Ps: I never expected Tao and Angela.
Oct 4, 2019 3:10 PM
Jul 2015
I enjoy at first then It got crappy and worst of all... political as all netflix crap. Sorry cannot forgive that. but I enjoy most of it. But in the end screwing everything with that communist political crap was bad.
Oct 4, 2019 4:48 PM

Jul 2009
Roevhaal said:
Talim said:

Way to dodge the point I made. Please, tell me, what is the problem with welcoming people into our countries who have been displaced by wars that they were purely victims of and have no control over the outcomes of?

Your profile says you live in Sweden. Let's say, hypothetically, that all of Sweden suddenly erupts in civil war tomorrow and you have no choice but to flee the country. Literally staying in the country for even another day will get you killed. There's no hope that the country can be fixed. Shit is straight fucked and you have to get out of there to survive. Would you not expect people in other countries to welcome you in when you literally have nowhere else to go? If they turn you away and say to gtfo of their country and to go fix the problems in your own country, would you not feel helpless and like you've been abandoned? It's in our human nature to do everything we can to survive. If your only chance of survival then is fleeing your country and becoming a refugee, would you not expect people to have compassion and help you out when you need it and have no other options?

The problem is that it's idealism that doesn't work in practice, the amount of resources we've spent in Sweden to welcome a fraction of the worlds refugees is ridiculous. These people are not culturally compatible and travel a quarter across the globe to recieve wellfare benifits. In Carole & Tuesday it's even worse, apparently the entirity of Earth is in a civil war or something and they have to do interplanetary travell to get to safety? What are they going to do, move all of Earth's people to Mars? How many people does Earth have in this series? Probably waay more than Mars as it's only been 50 years since humans started to Mars, I'm betting Earth has atleast 10x the population. Please tell me how it'd be feasable to move all those people of Earth to Mars and not make Mars' soiciety crash from the sudden influx of people. There's also no depth to the refugee situation or counter arguments so we can see the other point of view in this series at all which makes it ''Refugees Welcome'' pandering.

The people in power could choose to help these people and keep society stable if they choose to. But they don't because it's not beneficial to them. Is it idealism? Sure maybe a little. But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't be compassionate to our fellow humans if and when they need it.
Oct 4, 2019 8:07 PM
Nov 2018
it was a nice sendoff with everybody in one episode. the plot in this show was whatever, but the music is 10/10 for me
Oct 4, 2019 8:41 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
I really enjoyed this episode. It was such a good closure to everything, albeit things might've felt convenient.

First of all, what's up with the reveal that Tao and Angela are related in the way that they were both genetically engineered babies from the same "father". I guess that's why I felt that they always had a connection, and never in a romantic sense like some people seemed to have wanted.

Second, I'm surprised but I guess not really that Valerie decided to fire Jerry and then start over. Makes me wonder why she didn't do it in the first place, if she was so against Jerry's policies and hated his sarcastic voice.

Third, that performance. I cried throughout the whole song. It was really beautiful. The song and lyrics were great, but I think why it felt so touching was because of the characters coming together to sing the song. The timing was just perfect during the performance. When Angela sang, "Mother, Mother, Mother," it showed Dahlia's gravestone. And Tuesday as well, the all the others who were watching the livestream. Truly once in a life time experience. Makes me want to forget about it and then watch the performance again.

Lastly, WTF is "to be your mind" LMAOOOOOOOOOOO WHO THE FK DOES THAT!!! I didn't want a continuation anyways, but I can't get over it
Oct 4, 2019 9:05 PM

Sep 2017
I have the stupidest grin on my face. I can absolutely see the complaints that people have with Carole & Tuesday, and all of them are very valid, but holy shit this show was so much fun. The soundtrack was phenomenal and (most) of the characters were just so like-able, I had a really hard time finding reasons NOT to enjoy this show. Definitely one of my favorite shows from this year, and while it may not be the most technically or plotwise brilliant show, I just enjoyed this way too much. 8/10.


Oct 4, 2019 9:43 PM
May 2014
That was an absolutely beautiful episode and a great depiction of humanism and collaboration. And the final song was definitely fantastic.

I think it also put the political aspects of the show into perspective as the show really is a lot more about the systems that get stronger through the progression of technology in society and how that enforces stronger limits of individual freedom. We see it in the music industry for the first half and then in politics the second half. Undeniably, the politics are rushed and feel very surface level at the end, but honestly I don’t think it’s that big a deal because I do think it raises an interesting sci fi arc for this story.

Carole and Tuesday themselves though were massively underdeveloped as characters. It felt after episode 12, they were just the exact same characters throughout who never changed or learned anything else and always behaved exactly the same. Angela is really the only character who actually got a satisfying arc. The supporting characters are certainly fun though and made the episodes fun to watch, just that it’s evident the show ends up being more a showcase for all the characters rather than its titular ones.

I would say the story is like a 6/10, but honestly the animation, music, visuals, and ambition is so hard to ignore that I would say the overall anime is probably a strong 7/10.
Oct 4, 2019 10:12 PM

Aug 2013
Black_Sheep97 said:
DedPanda said:

So...did you read my post or did you just glance over it because I'm trying to figure out how exactly you see what I just said as sarcasm. Yep I slammed it last week because I was pissed with how politics was just massively overtaking the direction. Then the conclusion occurred and it's like: wow...this is kind of what I was expecting but not how I was expecting it. Maybe I was wrong. TL;DR: I had a change of heart.
I did and I still taught it was sarcastic cause it's such a glaring shift within one episode but that's my bad.

Meh, no worries. It's not sarcasm to alleviate your concerns. I genuinely had a sharp change of mind.
Don't believe the hype.
Oct 5, 2019 12:39 AM

Oct 2015
These last few episodes were rushed to hell and beyond but that's fine, the show was still thoroughly enjoyable and those 7 minutes were really good to witness.

To be continued... IN YOUR MINDS, BITCHES. LOL U can't just do that -_-'

7/10 - a fun episodic ride with a satisfying enough finale
Oct 5, 2019 2:09 AM

Oct 2017
Wow this series was truly enjoyable
First part of series was definielty more quality,second kinda boring
I've hope that season 2 would be
Oct 5, 2019 2:22 AM
May 2015
Pretty good anime with nice visuals and music, really didn't like Angela at all from start to finish. Second half became a little stale and boring for me but hey still overall a nice watch.

Oct 5, 2019 5:12 AM

Aug 2019
Not a great show but a very good show. At this moment of the year I'll take every well written heartwarming wholesome stuff I can get.

Sure, C&T has many flaws but I still very much enjoyed the ride. While the ending was rushed it still wasn't to the point of annoyance. While characters were a little underdeveloped, they were very likable and made me wanna cheer for them. And while some songs were not that good, most of them were simply briliant and I can't wait to listen to them again.

And as for the political/social drama in the background? Yeah it was a bit forced and PC, but the hate I see in some posts is exaggerated. The show did a very good job of tackling current world issues and delivering it in a way that is easy to digest for all kinds of audience.

Overal it's a solid 8/10 for me and one of my favorite shows of this year.
Oct 5, 2019 4:26 PM

Jan 2014
Beautiful end. As someone else said this was a 8.5 rounded up to 9/10 for me as well, i felt it got boring and didn't make all that much sense from time to time(the whole political thing was meh) but overall can't deny the production for this show was great. Especially the music was a stand out and far above most heard in anime shows so far, at least to me, really great quality.
Oct 5, 2019 5:20 PM

Nov 2016
If we take out the moments from the chapters when they were talking just about politics this anime is a masterpiece, the art isn't the best but it's great, the characters are perfect, with perfect personalities and perfect development, and the end omg, this ending was fantastic. 9/10
Oct 5, 2019 6:26 PM

Feb 2019
"to be continued"
in my head: "oh shit lets gooo!!!"
"in your mind"
in my head: "god damn it"

jokes aside, this show was incredibly good and i would watch a second season/movie, and plan on rewatching this in the future
Oct 5, 2019 6:35 PM

Dec 2016
I am speechless. What a wonderful song <3
The girls did a great job creating this amazing song. Everyone did great there! Also, it was a amazing comeback for Angela and she seem very happy just to be there ^^ I enjoyed this anime :) 8/10

[*]My Completed List
[*]♪Listen ►
Oct 5, 2019 7:33 PM

Jun 2013
I liked the ending. There were A LOT of major plotholes and loose ends such as the immigrant policies, that shit won't get resolved because a group of singers sang some stupid "We Are the World" song. Don't get me wrong, the song was beautiful but there was a lot of unresolved issues.

Who IS Professor Zeeman? Did we ever see hi face? Where is Tao going? Is that it between Tao and Angela? Come on, there's so many things that need to be explained but I highly doubt we'll get a second season.
Oct 6, 2019 12:55 AM

Jul 2012
zackattack921 said:
Pretty good anime with nice visuals and music, really didn't like Angela at all from start to finish. Second half became a little stale and boring for me but hey still overall a nice watch.

Honestly thought she was irrelevant the entire time. I guess she was there in case any viewers thought C&T were boring characters.
Oct 6, 2019 4:28 AM
Jul 2015
Roevhaal said:
So much cheese... I'm glad the pc-sjw-western pandering bullshit anime is over.

Based on your comments in the thread I'd say that you miss the point entirely. Media and art thematically (among other things) reflect the world situation/state (viz. the entirety of human history) and this is pure example of that. You can find it cheesy, after all we can't all be matured individuals but this is hardly pandering to anyone.

If the theme doesn't sit with you well or if you, as you said, find it cheesy then just skip on it and don't watch it? I find it weird that you would sit through two course show just to express what you did. But well... I can't blame you based on how (n what) you express yourself.
Oct 6, 2019 5:10 AM

Jun 2016
fk that jebaited me " in your mind"

sadly i'm pretty there is no sequel or movie ..

this anime is awesome !!
Oct 6, 2019 8:35 PM

Nov 2014
dat song dude that fucking song!

i hoenstly thought it's a ridiculous and childish idea to have everyone sing one song, like kinda cliche

but idc about that anymore. it's a great fucking song and that's all that mattered
Oct 6, 2019 8:38 PM

Mar 2014
So, they revealed the year during one of the New Year's scenes, looks like the show took place in year 0049.

There was already the referecnes to "Woolongs" as a form of currency, so the show clearly takes place in the same universe as Cowboy Bebop.
However, Bebop didn't use this format for years, as it took place in 2071... but if we assume that 2071 is just another way of saying 0071, then maybe this took place about 21 years before Cowboy Bebop happened?

Either that, or it takes place in the Gundam universe, lol. I guess Caroel & tuesday may have stopped this conflict, but maybe it was just a delaying of the One Year War? Hehe. :P
vigorousjammerOct 6, 2019 8:42 PM
::End of Transmission::

Oct 6, 2019 9:32 PM

Oct 2013
welp, aside from being cucked in the end with that last flashcard, this ended exactly as I expected it to, but I concede it was much more powerful in practice than I anticipated. It was a good episode and a good finale. Several moments in this episode left me with goosebumps.

In the end, it honed in on its strengths and collapsed under its weaknesses. The plot is barebones. The way the political angle was sideswept and resolved in a single phone call was thoroughly disappointing. The treatment of real political issues is distilled into mainstream news levels of sensationalism -- this is perhaps realistic, as that's how the average citizen receives and perceives most politics, but for a piece of media attempting to breakdown an issue I expect something with greater shades of nuance than this.

But the dynamic cast of characters, moment-to-moment character interactions, and, most importantly, the dramatic use of music to set a mood are all strong and kept me engaged, excited for new episodes every week. For all there is to complain about, I can't complain about that. It was a fun ride, rich with thrilling highs and powerful lows.

All that said I'm still angry OG Bulldog got cucked out of the performance. His rich operatic tones would've shot that finale to a whole 'nother level.

Also Tao was the MVP all along.

Oct 7, 2019 10:20 AM
Sep 2015
I'm pretty confused by the last episode. I loved every episode of the show except the last one. Every episode talked about how miraculous the 7 minutes of the last episode was going to be and it was just a weird song that didnt sound like carole and Tuesday with a bunch of people I dont care about singing with them in more of a "farewell" then a finale. You're supposed to blow my mind and then give me the farewell. I thought Tuesdays mom was going to hear her song and decide not to go through with everything but it was just a random "actually I changed my mind"
Oct 8, 2019 3:49 AM

Mar 2019
That was a glorious last episode, what a song! To have them all together and share that moment was such a brilliant way to finish the series. Was nice to see Angela so happy with C&T at the end. Started off a bit unsure but this definitely is one of my favourite anime this year.

That to be continued got my hopes up followed by in your mind... Dog move guys! xD
Oct 8, 2019 5:24 PM

Apr 2013
today I learned something.
If it's not "To be continued"
then no hopes.
Oct 10, 2019 8:41 AM
Jul 2014
Good show overall, but the ending was lackluster. I would have preferred at least another episode to give us a epilogue or something. I also think the show suffered from trying to do too many things at the same time.
Oct 10, 2019 3:14 PM

Oct 2018
that was good ending at least for me...but still, I would gladly rate this anime 9 instead of 8 if there is epilogue after this episode. especial on Tuesday's mom...what happens to the music after that...and so on...

but overall, the ending was good and satisfying. the last song was really amazing...I might be added this song to my phone alongside The Loneliest Girl.
Oct 11, 2019 2:52 AM

Jan 2011
This show wasn't perfect. I accept that. I know this show created a lot of plot points. But it has been a long time I have watched a show that has made me feel joy. I haven't felt joy like this since I watched in a long time. I can't think of a show that makes me happy so much.

This song is special and I won't forget it. It did the impossible and showed what happens when you mix western music with anime. This show does so many thigns right and I'm tempted to rewatch the first half of the show dubbed.

If they do a movie or a season 2 I'm down for it but if not...similar to the Steven Universe movie I'm okay with it. God this song was amazing. I give it a 9 out of 10.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Oct 11, 2019 11:14 PM

Feb 2015
Tao visited Angela, he told her that he leaked information about Schwartz and revealed that a professor named Zeeman (now in prison), genetically created two humans, they both, he left and promised to see her in the future. Spencer and Kyle were talking on a bridge when two suspicious people started to get close, they jumped from the bridge and escaped. Authority arrested Schwartz on various charges. On New Year Eve, Spencer had a talk with his mother, revealing her the information he collected, she instantly believed him and fired Jerry, affirming that she’ll quit these elections. Artists started to arrive to Martian Immigrant’s Memorial Hall, Crystal, Lonesome, Pyotr, GGK, Flora, Desmond and Angela; the preparations finished, and the show started, the great performance was executed and was broadcast live, sending their message all through the media.

I have to say, the ending episode brought feelings with it, especially with the intervention of that song. It was sad when Angela remembered Dahlia while singing, and the discovery of her and Tao being products of genetic creation was truly shocking, at least for me. It looks like there’s gonna be no sequel, so the story ends here, I wanted to watch these girls shining much more, but I’m glad I saw this anime, not perfect, but a good one, especially to the genre.
Atlas77Oct 11, 2019 11:39 PM
Oct 13, 2019 11:25 AM

Jul 2016
It really upsets me that the girls never said a single thank you to Roddy. He put them on the map with that video and helped them a lot, with nothing in it for him and never asked for anything in return.
Oct 15, 2019 12:47 AM

Feb 2019
Loved this series all the way through and it kept its own charm
But the finale was a bit lackluster, it could have used one more EP to tie things up.

It’s okay to look back at the past, just don’t stare too long

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Poll: » Carole & Tuesday Episode 7 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

Stark700 - May 22, 2019

117 by MimiHamburger »»
Jun 30, 2024 3:26 AM

Poll: » Carole & Tuesday Episode 15 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

Stark700 - Jul 31, 2019

111 by OtterBoy1 »»
Jun 9, 2024 5:28 AM

Poll: » Carole & Tuesday Episode 23 Discussion ( 1 2 )

Stark700 - Sep 25, 2019

73 by Shikkakku »»
Apr 27, 2024 8:34 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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