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Feb 25, 2015 9:07 AM

Nov 2014
So it all comes down to one final duel between Haman and Judau, what a great finale with a lot of standout moments.
Chara went out like a badass and Haman's death was very moving ,Puru 2's death was handled really badly though no one even seemed to notice she died.
So the Minerva we see in ZZ is a fake, I suppose that explains her ooc behaviour a few episodes ago if she's not the real one.
I loved the Bright punch scene, really redeemed his character for me after being pretty useless for the past 2 shows, for those who didn't understand let me explain since scenes involving Bright and someone getting hit tend to get misunderstood , Bright allowed to Judau to take his anger out on him so he wouldn't do something stupid and end up in front of a firing squad.

I don't really believe Roux and Judau travelling to Jupiter together was supposed to be a romance thing, I mean they don't show much attraction to each other even in the last few minutes of the episode which is strange for a show where so many characters wear their hearts on their sleeves.

Now for the series as a whole I really enjoyed it, it had likeable characters, varied mecha action, good villains with actual motivations, and moral ambiguity,So basically everything Zeta failed to be.
Jun 6, 2015 8:02 PM

Mar 2012
Took 28 episodes to get anywhere, and from there is was still a little hit or miss for me in terms of entertainment, but the last 20 were definitely much better than the first half, though the thing I personally enjoyed the most humorously, I think was the Zaku Zeta, that shit was awesome. Roux was a great character, and I think i like Judau a little more than Kamille. Sadly, 47 episodes and barely 19 of them were enjoyable/noteworthy....that's quite unfortuntate...while not as bad as people had led my expectations to be, it is definitely the worst of the UC era I've seen thus far, modestly, I will give this a 6/10.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment"
Dec 12, 2015 3:22 PM

Nov 2012
While definitely not the best gundam it definitely wasn't the worst gundam either.

-Earth episodes/Blue Team arc (cause phenomenal character development for Judau and Glemy)
-Kamille focused episodes (tribute to our casualty of war,easily the best episodes of the series)
-Entire colony drop arc (best arc overall,only second to Kamille episodes for me)
-These last few episodes.

-First 25 episodes (now I have mixed feelings on these episodes,at first I utterly hated them but they eventually grow on me,some were enjoyable to watch,but majority were dog shit)
-Glemy going traitor and wanting to overthrow Haman (now i was all for this,Glemy definitely had huge potential as antagonist...too bad that development happened way too suddenly when it did,likely due to # of episode constraints which in turn ruined it)
-Moon-moon arc
-Episodes after colony drop (going back to comedy after such a great arc was a mistake)

Might be because I'm growing more fond of the Gundam series as I see more installments which in turn might be making me be more lenient on them but I'll give this a 6/10 (which is a good score considering how flawed this series was).

I don't regret watching this series at all,it had it's moments as well as it's share of (a few) really likable characters.Considering all the negative reception I heard about ZZ prior to watching it this definitely wasn't anywhere near as bad as I expected it to be.

And just to state,just how Zeta made me appreciate 0079 more,ZZ made me appreciate Zeta more so I'll be bumping Zeta up to an 7/10.
Feb 3, 2016 10:09 PM

Nov 2012
I'm giving ZZ gundam 6/10 (think I rated 0079 7/10 and Zeta 8/10 , even though it's been somewhere near 6 years since I completed them)

SO after completiNG zz I totally agree with the reviews of the series I read before I started watching , this show is a tale of two halves . The first half started off god awfully slow, there was a lot of comedy and pretty much no threat of death or any good narratives . I don't think first half was bad per say, but just really generic for the most part .

Show gets a hell of a lot better when they get close to going to earth and finally make it there . I really enjoyed pretty much all the earth episodes, it really seemed to reflect the brutality of war quite well and we get some interesting stories about how different people are effected by the war.

When the crew left earth , when the show started gravitating towards the finally it was still decent but not the same level quality of the earth episodes by any means. The fights were pretty good but I found most of the events that happened were just predictable and couldn't get that invested into the last battles because I wasn't that interested in the characters to begin with .

The main cast of the show, the kids from Shangri-la, we're just okay to me. I didn't find a single one of them that were particlary interesting, actually two of them through the first half of the show were god awful annoying . They do quite a bit of arguing in general and walk into their fair share of traps , bad choices but then again they are mostly middle school aged teenagers. IF I had to pick one i liked the most it would have been Reaux, since she kicks more ass than all the other kids and usually was the voice of reason when not arguing with Elle.

Double Zeta really is missing that "oomph" factor that that the two previous series had , I think it was missing really good interesting or charasmatic characters like Char/Quattro , and missing outside of the earth episodes much of a gripping plot to really keep you invested .

Something I didn't like towards the end of the series is all the newtype ghosts and too many characters have newtype abilities , it kind of ruins the novelty of new types when so many characters are all able to sense telepathic messages. Isn't that why the cyber new types existed because of supposed rarity of new types ?

Not sure I like that ending , where the duce are Reaux and Judau going ?

It's a bit of a bummer that the mineva zabi girl was just a freaking body double the whole time ?! So what did the evnets of the show really achieve? Sure rhey beat haman and large number of people died , but since mineva still on the loose aparently then its pretty much back to square one just with more dead people.

Wow that really makes you think overall how relevant ZZ gundam is to the overall time line of Universal Century . From what I've heard it us rarely referenced in subsequent uc gundam shows but I'll hold my opinion still until I finish up watching them later this year , the uc shows that are further down the time line .
Mar 7, 2016 11:30 PM

Sep 2008
Well, what to say after this?

First half with comedy episodes were... intresting change from Zeta. I enjoyed some parts of it and facepalmed other half. Colony drop and all other Earth episodes were wonderful! Moon moon and playboy episodes were terrible. Well, they did share charcaters so I guess that makes sense somehow. Stupid wolf...

Chara was pretty badass sometimes, Cello was okay, Clemy was also okay, Haman was badass, but she had weird fixation on Judau.

Did Puru Two actually die or was she just too exhausted and started sleeping on the chair? I guess she died since most of you say that she died.

6/10 Not best Gundam that I have seen. Too much weirdness and weird script with ignoring important deaths.
Apr 28, 2016 5:15 AM

Sep 2013
To keep my complaining at a minimum, this was simultaneously worse and better than expected. I don't regret sitting through this though. Judau's and Leina's reunion was touching, and it was nice to see that Kamille seems to be doing considerably better than how he was 10 ep's ago when the colony dropped. Haman's death itself was handled nicely, but in comparison to Kamille vs Scirocco, the battle between Judau and Haman felt rather lackluster. It looks like there was a short timeskip at the end and I'm not a huge fan of that. It's weird how suddenly Beecha and Elle and Judau and Roux became canon too, like it felt like they didn't decide to pair any characters up until the last minute.

I just... mixed, but mostly negative feelings on ZZ to be honest. Had this not been a Gundam series I think it would be received much better. We got the Zeta movies, so maybe ZZ will get some remake movies too. (***Zeta movie spoilers ahead***) Because Kamille doesn't get mindfucked at the end of those movies and as a result, retcons ZZ, it'd be cool to see how everything would've gone down had Kamille been able to stick around.
May 16, 2016 8:02 PM

Apr 2014
I find it funny that by destroying both Axis and Core 3, Glemy did more to end Zeon than the Earth Federation and AEUG combined.

ZZ wasn't significantly worse than its predecessor, but I still prefer Zeta, mostly because Amuro's and Char's development are the best parts of the franchise so far for me, and they were... well... nonexistent in ZZ.

My problem with the first half of ZZ was not the comedy, but the fact that NOTHING HAPPENED for about 20 episodes. The second half was consistently good (even though the quality dropped in the last 10 or so episodes).

Overall, it was above average, but didn't do much for me. I'm excited for Char and Amuro's return in Char's Counterattack, though!
May 20, 2016 6:54 AM

Apr 2013
They should have stayed on mother earth a bit longer. Gravity gives more consistency and common sense to these earthlings. And now it's time for the finale "CCA"
May 25, 2016 10:57 AM

Dec 2015
The most important thing first: what the hell, they did it again?! It wasn't enough to give to the characters (especially Judau) no reaction after Elpeo Ple's death, they had to make Ple Two die in front of everyone without anyone noticing on the spot and with no mention of it anywhere in the epilogue! I even thought she just felt unconscious before I understood thanks to the epilogue missing her.

Question: is it me or did we see the worst mass-murdering since the beginning of the series? Axis was a base but the Zeon remnants who ran away and lived inside had famililes, there were civilians who runned the daily life there. And Side-3 was a full colony with its entire population (we see some refugees flee but I doubt everyone did). So Glemy literally killed two small countries worth of human lives?
If I am correct, does it make him the worst mass-murderer in Gundam above Gihren Zabi and Haaman Karn? (not sure if there were a lot of victims in 0083 during the north america fields destruction)

Apart from this, I find this ending very well done. The more optimistic vision of 0079 intertwined with a touch of Zeta was refreshing after Zeta.
Chara Soon's final assault didn't came out of nowhere but her last instant was so magnificent I am not sure if it was good (because of her style) or bad (because she did not earned such a finale). Haman's battle and last moments were good, I was expecting Judau to try to convince her to use her charisma to repair her wrong doings and he did it, of course she refused. She even inspired him for his future. Every past NT war casualty supporting Judau was moving. (even lalah ^^)
Camille living happily with Fa after an apparent full recovery was a very nice addition.
The fake Mineva was a surprise for me despite the big hint, too bad the real one couldn't be saved and will probably be manipulated again.



It was a pretty chaotic show who ranged from very good to very boring with some terribly bad moments. Everyone claims this anime to be guilty for its start who was a nice innocent nonsensical comedy but my problem was the lack of progression and transition between the light and the hard parts and one or two story elements who popped out of nowhere with no preparation. The funny debuts sadly became fast more nerving than actually funny (after a few episodes) and the hard events were shadowed by the poor introductions mentionned before and/or the intrusion of comical faces and jokes. The characters were for the most part appealing or forgettable and even the most annoying ones ended better after all they went through. I even liked Elpeo Ple a lot, a character everyone seems to hate so I might be a bad judge.
Despite all of that, I often did feel the urge to watch more after an episode while I find Zeta a lot more demotivating (particularly the beginnings). I think ZZ was still better build than Zeta overall and in-episode but it lacked the behind story present in Zeta and the grandiose one from 0079 (in other words, it felt like an even more reduced vision of a conflict). The fact love matters were almost never really illustrated (except for this stupid Bright addict) certainly helped the series. I have no problem (except for the ages) with the suggestion of a potential love relation between Judau and Roux: she goes there probably for work and he does it because of Haaman, so if they spend time together alone after all this war, why not?

From 4 to 7, I would rate it 5 but it depends of what comes next too.

edit: Gundam Evolve 10 showing Judau rescuing a fleeing Ple from some Neo-Zeon remnants was great.

October 16, 2016
@bjorno The Mineva double info was dropped on your face like it was nothing in this episode but you could see things hinting at it a few episodes ago: "her weird behaviour, which seemed to directly contradict what we'd seen of her in Zeta as well as the fact that Hamaan had been her guardian for years" like her will to get out, etc.

Have a good time with the movie. ^^
August 30, 2017
@Temujin26S Define isn't advertised as a sequel to The Origin even if it's a reimagining too. It's just the charadesigner of ZZ and part of Zeta drawing a new manga because he was done with his previous assignment: to write/draw Char's Deleted Affair or something.
You could even wonder if he is really able to handle Define like Yasuhiko was with The Origin.

August 31, 2017
@Temujin26S It's a wikia, it can be as right/wrong as me.
(I could also say that the dates fit because one had simply vocation to replace the other in the magazine, and that Define was made to surf on The Origin's formula and success since no relation was ever officially established unlike Origin's spin-off)
But okay. I guess.

Amuro doesn't die in The Origin. Yasuhiko took enough effort to supply justifications for Zeta or Char's Counterattack to not spoil them by killing him.
Out of curiosity, in wich tome/page does he die just so I can read it again?

@Temujin26S You're definitely mistaking The Origin with Tomino's novels (who were published in America). That's where Amuro died. I just checked my own collection: The Origin even has special chapters post-0079, one with Sayla and Kai, one with Amuro and Hayato's family (nice one, where he finally resolved his "complex" toward Amuro).
Also, The Origin has its own derivative series: Kidô Senshi Gundam ~ The Origin MSD: Cucuruz Doan no shima.
And Zeta Define definitely features Amuro ^^:


@aakaido Could you send me back to this "recommendation" I made please? I remember mentioning it had important events and wasn't an horrible watch if you were able to stand Zeta. I am pretty sure I also said it was full of dumb things and even when it was serious, it could be serious in such a dumb way it would be jarring (or something like that).
Well, if this isn't done yet, go on with the spectacular Char's Counterattack, I loved it but you will "hate it" I guess. ^^ After that, F91 is absolutely beautiful but it is nothing more than a proof-of-concept video presenting a few scenes from 13eps of a 52 eps show (who never came to be -_-), still a great animation demo and a fantastic return to Yasuhiko's designs. Victory, despite all the dumb things and the lack of direction (as in orientation, not director's work) in part due to the undesired change of broadcast slot and higher meddling from BANDAI/producers, is rather good (at least okay if you're being harsh).
Unicorn, despite all its splendour of special effects and humongous mecha à la Counterattack, never impressed me. But I know it is supposed to be the Glory of Gundam or something like that. And I still haven't seen enough of G no Reconguista to judge it: i can only say it looks very good and the new world situation seemed very interesting.
All in all, I still think the original storyline (0079) is the best part of what was done. And its best iteration is undoubtedly the manga "The Origin".
Anyway, my excuses if I gave you false hopes, I really didn't try to (rather the contrary).

If I remember right, Bright gave up slapping after his attempt on Judau was avoided with brio by this slum brat. :D (or he did tried a second time and failed again, not sure anymore). And if you have read a bit of my judgement of the show(above), I 'm pretty ok with what you said. Maybe apart from Mashymre and the cyber newtype "magic": i thought it was good to have a concrete case of knowing the before and after and since I didn't "hate" the guy before, it made its little effect.

Again, really sorry. -_-"

@spyrocoot Because he's the successor of Camille, a "super-ESPer" who was able to create a anti-beam coat of pure spirit-channeling/psychic energy?
Anyway, I wish you a good time with the big finale movie. At least, it returns back to simpler Newtype abilities who only refine/enhance already good and experienced pilots.
(also, no worries about Newtype from now on: the late period UC and post-UC sequels of this chronology may throw the word from times to times but nothing ever reaches the heights of the almighty Camille and messianic Judau).

@syncrogazer Finally someone else who was able to appreciate Mashymre ! Even if I was able to like the way he was used to show the "horror" of the experiments, I would have prefered to keep him on the show as he was.
And thanks for your Counterattack reaction !

@MisterGibbon What are you calling character regression ? The character didn't act "like that" before.

April 22, 2019
@FMmatron Glad you liked it too! Can't wait for your time with the movie(s).
(my god, I probably wrote about a third of this webpage...)

June 12, 2019
@hack5 "I am just glad that I can move on a better installment in the Gundam franchise."
CCA? *u* (seriously, if you continue to follow the average reaction of the internet watcher, you'll despise it as well)

July 4, 2020
@St0rmblade I know The Origin is the "perfect" 0079 but i still think that the compilation films despite all their problems are pretty good (especially the final part) and "better" than the TV sequels.
Too bad

Not "some novel" but what became an habit of Tomino: the novelization of his series, in order to tell a story less influenced by commercial imperatives with a lot more control on it. The three novels retelling of 0079 is available officially in english and contains some new elements like Amuro's death (Tomino didn't think there would be an opportunity for a sequel because of the failure the first show was), Amuro and Sayla being in some sort of relationship, Amuro being more of a soldier from the beginning (not sure anymore), etc.
So, yes, it's not a part of Gundam's official universe (just like The Origin manga, and other variants). This leads to problems when BANDAI decides to adapt one of Tomino's novels: in the 80s CCA (seemingly more or less disconnected to the animated 0079/Zeta, even Tomino offered a rewrite for the "anime canon") and now Hathaway's Flash (they'll have to butcher a few things).

This "probably" for F91 is kinda sad, sure it's not an actual fillm and it doesn't tel a complete story, but when you're acquainted with Tomino's work enough, I think you can get a lot out of this theatrical sized trailer for 13 episodes that never came to be, especially with the lush Yasuhiko drawings in all their magnificence (theatrical release oblige).
Despite all the internet ranting about Victory, this should be "mandatory" watch for any person that appreciates Tomino's themes and attempts. You sprbably know it already but it was at first Anno's favourite Gundam outing.

June 22, 2021
Valyrian1124 said:
What happened to Puru Two? Did she die in the captain's chair?

You guessed... They did it again !
Rei_IIIJun 22, 2021 2:24 AM
Jul 26, 2016 12:22 PM

Jan 2014
I liked this ending much better than Zeta's, but holy mother of God if it wasn't messy:

First of all, in what goddam dimension does Chara fucking Soon get a better death than Hamaan-sama?
Don't get me wrong, this crazy bitch did start to grow on me these last few episodes, but still I can't help but feel cheated, in a way. It's really disappointing that a charismatic and enigmatic villain such as Hamaan ended up blowing herself up instead of going out like a boss as Scirocco or Kycilia did before her. What is perhaps even more disappointing is that her motivations remained largely underexplored for the major part of the show and that Tomino felt the need to prioritize her infuation with a 14 year old boy over her own character progression. I thought was an alright death, mind you, but way too lackluster for the woman that successfully dropped a motherfucking colony on Earth and didn't even apologize for it.

PIe Two somehow found the way to turn into Puru before going to the bridge to save Judau's life and die on a fucking chair with yet again nobody noticing nor seemingly giving a shit. This is grating, to say the least.
Almost as grating as the show's treatment of Leina's "death", actually. The retcon was poorly handled, Sayla somehow finding her was even more poorly handled, and Judau feeling her from literally billions of light years away was the most poorly handled of them all. even though the siblings' reunion was admittedly touching, it doesn't change the fact that this happy end felt shoe-horned as fuck.
Speaking of shoe-horned, look at what we've got here: Mineva-sama not being Mineva! I suppose that's what you were talking about, @Rei366? It may indeed explain her weird behaviour, which seemed to directly contradict what we'd seen of her in Zeta as well as the fact that Hamaan had been her guardian for years. I dislike the way it was revealed (as if it was somekind of insignificant piece of info), but still, it does make sense.

Welp, at least Kamille and Fa's little run on the beach was enough to make me forget about this mess. That being said, it doesn't really help me answer this fundamental question that'll probably keep floating in my head till the day I die: what the fuck is Judau even supposed to do on Jupiter, and why is he not getting flogged for laying his filthy commoner hands on Captain Bright Noa?


All-in-all, I thought the show was poop.

The first half gleefully spat on Zeta's characters (however shit they themselves may be) and everything the previous series tried to achieve by wasting the viewer's time with self-depreciating and slapstick humour that got old really fast. I thought Zeta was already bad in this regard, but holy fuck if ZZ wasn't the first work of fiction I've ever consumed that contained this many inconsistent characters in one place: aside from Judau and possibly Elle everyone was insufferably stupid and schizophrenic.

The Earth arc was much better as it brought back the seriousness of the previous series and each episode provided us with solid drama, to finally conclude with the apocalyptic Colony Drop which marked the one and only high point in the series (since pretty much everything outside of those few episodes was so outrageously below the bar).

Then it gets bad again with the terrible handling of major character deaths (Puru,PIe Two, Leina, fucking Rasara etc.), blatant nonsense (what the hell was up with Mondo and the Hyaku-Shiki "feeling" stuff?), more nonsense (Judau infiltrating more and more buildings with Hamaan in it when he knows she can sense his ass), Judau overglorification, even more nonsense (those fake Hong-Kong episodes were total shit except for genderbent Iino), fucking Emary etc. etc. etc. etc.
That was quite pathetic, indeed.

ZZ never actually infuriated me the way Zeta did in its worst moments, but unlike Zeta, it didn't have nearly enough decent or memorable parts to make up for the lamer ones, which themselves actually made up 70% of the series. On top of being bad, it seemed content with being nothing more than that, and if it were some kind of spin off series completely unassociated with Zeta that involved non of its characters, I think I would've been able to accept that. But don't go and try to make me laugh by ridiculing a bunch of characters I became familiar with and who just fought their way through a terrible war and then expect me let it slide. Don't go serious on me halfway through your run to just devolve into utter stupidity right after, either.

A strong 4/10 for me: it was honestly worse than I expected it to be, but that's probably because I had to sit through 47 episodes of it. Had it been half as long it might have gotten a higher rating.
SapewlothAug 11, 2016 5:16 AM
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Jul 26, 2016 11:31 PM

May 2014
@Sapewloth: It was stated in Zeta that Jupiter is neutral space. So Judau at the end of ZZ wanted to get away from it all, and decided to go there. This is isn't stated in ZZ, but that's what is implied. Odd, considering much of ZZ was spent by Judau questing to get his sister back, and in the finale of ZZ he finally reunites with her, but then promptly leaves her. Sailing off to Jupiter with Roux (the other most popular character on ZZ) into a ship that was neither hinted at or developed in ZZ. Because TPTB just stopped caring before they even got to the finish line.

All in all, ZZ is kind of the black sheep of the UC timeline. If you look at all the other shows you can see there is a consistent tone, and stable story telling element to it. When you get to ZZ however, you can just skip it because nothing happened in the show and it just didn't take itself (or the threat of Neo Zeon) seriously. Haman dies and the Mineva turned out not to be Mineva...for some reason. Although Tomino "fixed" this when he did Zeta A New Translation. You could jump from Zeta to Char's Counterattack and miss nothing. The only thing that did carry over from ZZ is Ple 12, who appears in Unicorn.

MSG: The Origin
08th MS Team
0080 War In The Pocket
0083 Stardust Memory
Char's Counterattack

And Victory which is persona non grata at Sunrise and Bandai.

I think ZZ fell down because it failed at it's own self titled goal; which was to be a sequel to Zeta Gundam. We got a little of what the show should've been with the Earth Arc (Leina's Blood, African Zeon, The Blue Team, The Dublin Colony Drop), but immediately after that we return to Moon Moon and visit the Tiger Baum colony. Like wtf? Plus early ZZ's unfunny attempts at comedy to off set Zeta's darkness, really didn't turn out well.
AllStarNemesisJul 27, 2016 1:28 PM
Aug 11, 2016 2:15 AM
Aug 2016
I read all the comments and briefly Googled the rest of the internet and saw no indication otherwise, so I must ask: Am I the only one that noticed Saegusa at the end?! He's not alive! Yazan mauled him with a beam saber/laser torch in like the first (technically 2nd) episode!! Yet there he is at the end standing with everyone, in NO FEWER THAN 3 SCENES! WHAAAT?!! For those who don't remember, he's one of the original bridge crew of the Argama, with the black vest and pink undershirt. When the Argama people are trying to save Fa from Yazan and Judau's crew in episode 2, Yazan kills him! Annnd here he is, in the last episode!! Derp. I actually made this profile JUST to say that.

Otherwise, it's all been said: Yay Fa and Kamille! Boo not giving a crap about Puru or Puru 2. Where's Illya or Yazan (I hoped that he'd eventually resurface, but alas..)? Haman's death was good, and I'm glad Chara at least had a better end than, say, Mashymre. He was an idiot who died an idiot's death. "I have not yet begun to fight! *boom!*..." And even that was better than most of the character deaths, for example Hayato, Rasara, the aforementioned Purus, etc.

One more thing, I actually liked that they implied a relationship starting between Judau and Roux. There was no obvious build-up of course, but you could argue that there were some (very) subtle things:
1.) She flips out on Judau after they thought Leina died. When I saw that, I interpreted it as maybe she does have some attraction to him, but seeing him endlessly sulk and "not act like a man" insults her attraction, among other motivations for yelling at him of course. Then she takes off, needing to distance herself from his and his friends' childishness, like she just couldn't take it anymore. Afterwards she did briefly end up the object of a more mature man's attention (the other guy, not Glemy).
2.) She only showed it once or twice, but she seemed jealous of Haman's connection with Judau. At least once she angrily asked, "You two are attracted to each other, aren't you?"
3.) She and Elle fight a lot, not specifically about Judau, but he could be a motivation for it. It is obvious to everyone that Elle likes Judau throughout the series, but is immature and a bit insecure about it. Roux is more mature than both Judau and Elle. Roux knows she's desirable, so she's not going to go out of her way to come on to Judau, but she could possibly feel that Judau has relationship potential, after he grows up a bit. So, Roux's contention with Elle could in part be "you're an immature brat and don't deserve Judau anyway", whereas Elle might not even have a clue about Roux's feelings.
4.) Judau and his friends in general are initially very immature. Other than Iino, who is Beta-ish, Judau is a little more mature than the others. Roux might feel that though Judau has potential, constant exposure to his friends could be preventing him from growing emotionally into a man worthy of her. It is only after they separated from them at the very end that they (probably) got together, as I believe the ending subtly implies.

Anyway, that's my theory, however over-analyzed and half-baked it may be. That may be me just trying to give the writers more credit than they deserved. Oh well! This turned out to be a long post, oops.. But seriously, WTF Saegusa!?!
yokozuna7Aug 11, 2016 2:19 AM
Aug 11, 2016 5:22 AM

Jan 2014
yokozuna7 said:
I read all the comments and briefly Googled the rest of the internet and saw no indication otherwise, so I must ask: Am I the only one that noticed Saegusa at the end?! He's not alive! Yazan mauled him with a beam saber/laser torch in like the first (technically 2nd) episode!! Yet there he is at the end standing with everyone, in NO FEWER THAN 3 SCENES! WHAAAT?!!
Lmao, I just rewatched the episode and I spotted him in the background near the end when Judau and Roux were about to get onboard. Tomino really didn't give any more fucks, did he? lmaoo
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Sep 25, 2016 1:13 PM

Dec 2012
All right so, each third of the series felt rapidly different from each other. The first third was just a fun space comedy, the second third was your typical Gundam war drama, and the final third was a poorly-done mix of the two with stupid characterization and millions of plot-holes.

I'd rate the first third an 8/10 except it was a poor follow-up to the immediate preceding events of Zeta, so it gets 7/10. The second third was great, so it gets an 8/10. Now the final third...

The final third was so awful, with such stupid moments like Leina surviving with no explanation (which negates some of Judau's character development), Rasara dying spontaneously from nothing, Ple-2 dying on the bridge with nobody noticing, Judau trying to convince Chara to go back to doing laundry (dude, she tried escaping like three times from the Argama because she hated doing that shit), Haman and Judau's relationship failing to develop at all from when they first met, and Beecha being promoted to captain even though Beecha is some irresponsible kid with no training or clue on how to guide a ship and for some reason Bright is okay with this.

There were a few plotholes but nothing major in the first third of the series, and it was okay because the show was purely a comedy at that point so it was to be expected that parts would be silly and illogical. The final third had people dying but still had those silly stupid illogical moments which hard to buy since the show was trying to be a war drama by that point.

Anyway, this series was really disappointing following Zeta which might be my favorite anime now, so I'm giving this series a six out of ten.
Oct 16, 2016 7:17 AM

Jul 2012
The ending was okay. The Mineva double came out of nowhere. The beginning of the show was a bit much on the comedy, later on it became more serious. I can't really compare it to Zeta, they both had their up and downs. It was good to see some Sayla but sadly no char in all these 47 episodes. He must be following all the events from somewhere :( . Overall it was an entertaining series with a bad and slow start. Time to move to MSG CCA.

Tom's Hardware graphics veteran++ (Legacy)
i7 6700K@4.0 GHz, ASUS Z170 PRO GAMING, RTX 2080, G. Skill RipJaws V 3200MHz 16GB,
Noctua NH-D15, CorsairRM 850x, Win10x64, 1920x1080

Nov 1, 2016 8:58 PM
Jul 2011
I liked the ending for the most part... but I just can't get over how they mishandled Puru's death (both times). The complete lack of reaction from the other characters makes it feel almost like she never even existed in the show to begin with, despite being part of the crew for nearly half the show. It's a shame, because she was one of the most likable characters in the show. I'd have to dock the show down from 8/10 to 7/10, just because of how badly they handled her death(s). RIP, Elpeo Puru, Puru Two, and Chieko Honda.
Jagged_85Nov 1, 2016 9:03 PM
Dec 25, 2016 2:35 PM

Jul 2016
Good end to an average Gundam anime.
Pretty disappointed.
Jun 14, 2017 5:05 PM

Jun 2013
Surprisingly good ending and final arc to an otherwise mediocre Gundam!
Its not terrible but it had soo much potential that was wasted on the many of the first half episodes!

If nothing else i had a huge smile on my face seeing Kamille and Fa so happy at the end

First half 4/10
Second half 8/10

Overall 6/10

Off to watch Char's Counterattack.
Jul 29, 2017 2:34 PM

Feb 2008
Haman's death was depressing. She was my favourite character of the Zeta and ZZ era. Her pragmatic elegance will be missed. As will the lack of Char, for that matter.

Never before has a Gundam series left me with so mixed feelings. At least matters took a better turn in the final arcs of the season. The finale itself was fairly decent.
Aug 29, 2017 2:49 PM
Jan 2017
Man what a mess of a show the comedy is not the only problem of the show, this is an example of when experimental changes can damage a show also the being an example of how not to do comedy and action as it's no way balanced with the seriousness as it's inconsistent.The serious tone in the second half is so extreme and jarring that previous characters feel so different almost like your watching a new show by then it's too late to fully salvage the show. Plus the beginning of the show moves at snail pace barely progresses.

One of the major flaws unlike the previous shows Judau and his crew face no real consequences or repercussions for their stupid and retarded actions are allowed to act in their ignorance and still able to survive a whole war with no real casualties. Judau never really matures stays the same from the beginning to end and everyone seems just gravitate towards him for no real reason other than because his the main character and is never held accountable in anyway for disobeying orders from his superiors.

Anyone in there right mind can't say ZZ is objectively better Zeta, the flaws of Zeta are magnified 10 fold in ZZ

Sure the there were good moments (Earth Arc) but not enough to call the show good as the too many negatives that outweigh the positive.

With the 079 manga remake done, Zeta define manga been ongoing (sequel to the origin manga). ZZ would definitely benefit from a remake.
Temujin26SApr 4, 2018 2:30 PM
Aug 31, 2017 5:43 AM
Jan 2017
@Temujin26S Define isn't advertised as a sequel to The Origin even if it's a reimagining too. It's just the charadesigner of ZZ and part of Zeta drawing a new manga because he was done with his previous assignment: to write/draw Char's Deleted Affair or something.
You could even wonder if he is really able to handle Define like Yasuhiko was with The Origin.[/quote]

Below is were its stated it being a sequel to Origin plus it started the same year that Origin finished, its looking like they want to remake the older series but with readjustments to fit in with the Origin manga as it doesn't fit well in continuity of the UC timeline. Contrary to belief the difference between the 1979 series and remake manga are quite huge especially the way characters act and how events play out.

Temujin26SDec 19, 2020 2:21 PM
Sep 1, 2017 12:01 AM
Jun 2010
Jesus Christ.... where do I begin?

This has to be the biggest clusterfuck of a show that I've ever seen. Why Rei366 did you recommend that I watch this? I was gonna rate it a 5/10 but the more I think of the show, episode by episode, it has to be a 4 or even a 3.

The comedy bs at the start was bad as a continuation of Zeta (which was NOT a masterpiece as some keep claiming, but compared too this maybe). However, I were to ever watch this again via torture, it'd might be the highlight of the whole series.

So many plotholes in the show that you drop all the colonies that have been dropped in thus timeline and still have room for more... But my major gripes were the characters and their inconsistent actions and motivations. Bright would've never let any of the crap that happened during ZZ happen in 0079 and Zeta and I cannot recall a single Bright slap towards Judau and the crew. Beecha and Mondo betrayed both sides and literally nothing happened to them. Glemy was never hinted at being a main villain besides Harman saying watch him while she later promoted him to a higher rank, somehow gained aspirations to revive Zeon in its true former glory, somehow made an army of Puru clones, and gained enough supporters to fight Harman on an even scale. While Harman was having him watched. HOW?!

Glemy's obsession with Roux for just seeing this woman once, saved her, and then being betrayed by him within a 60 second time frame was ridiculous. He somehow fell in love with her and she had some unacknowledged feelings about those feelings as well. Marshemyre was turned from a Harman rose worshipping soldier to an evil laughing, Cyber Newtype because why and how?! Roux leaving the ship because she couldn't understand Judau being depressed less than 24hrs after his sister died after chasing to get her back for 10+ episodes. They absolute dumbest shit in the world. Though I understand why she stayed gone after Beecha and Mondo picked on her, using her as a shield when Glemy later attacked.

The constant Judau fighting upgrades he got during this show was absolutely amazing. He never got reckt. Amuro and Kamille had some growing pains along the way in terms of learning how to pilot. He awkwardly figured everything out with pure luck and didn't die. I didn't like or dislike his character. He was the most consistent in his character but it wasn't very realistic and was off-putting to me somehow. His newtype abilities were just way over the top, as the whole newtype ability is in general. How'd we go from being able to sense things orematurely and having deep emotional connections to DBZ Super Saiyan power ups that make you invulnerable to beam weapons? How does your human body do that to translate that to become witchcraft technology voodoo? He's talking with dead people he's never met, come on now!! And I never did understand his mysterious connection to Harman. He scared the shit out of her one day with his magic newtype giant-sized hologram projection/ monster spirit, and they're now connected for life. Then she becomes obsessed with the dude.

The kids getting a ship all to themselves was perhaps one the biggest things I couldn't ignore. HOW AND WHY?! You literally had just gotten that ship like 2 episodes ago.

The character deaths, oh my God smh. Leina dying after all that chasing and then later found to be not dead was completely pointless. I felt that might've had some merit in the show but no. And Sayla, who has been God knows where for the past 2 shows, saves her out of all people. HOW AND WHY?! Rasara dying from absolutely nothing, which complicates things and makes her death more pointless and stupid when you look at the fact that her sister Sarasa knew who was causing the chaos that led to Rasara dying. Sarasa didn't even shed a tear!! Speaking of not shedding a tear, Puru... After all that talk of being a replacement for Leina and all the mushy feel good moments between her and Judau in the next few episodes after Leina's death, not Judau nor another crewmate even batted an eyelid, much less acknowledged she died. She saved Judau in the process smh. Puru II, who somehow got the original Puru's memories and voice back (facepalm), died in the background. Not a peep from anyone. Emaly died after attacking a fleeing mobile suit, which getting the mobile suit to leave and protect the Argama was her objective. Completely pointless and forced. I rather liked her and actually wanted Bright to cheat lol. Don't really like Mirai as his wife as that felt forced. Guess I'm still not over that Sleggar slap ordeal in 0079. Hayato? Who cares but I think he did deserve a better death scene but maybe it was to draw parallel to Katz death scene. Aircraft death with much ado about nothing? Idk...

ALOT of other things I could rant on about this shitty show, but it's rather late, and I've said too much already. But my God am I glad it's over. The ending really added the last piece of dookie on top of this crap. Char's Counterattack and Unicorn better not disappoint because I spent over 3 weeks laboring to get through this.

4/10 and I'm reaching.
Sep 1, 2017 11:32 AM
Jan 2017
Rei366 said:
@Temujin26S It's a wikia, it can be as right/wrong as me.
(I could also say that the dates fit because one had simply vocation to replace the other in the magazine, and that Define was made to surf on The Origin's formula and success since no relation was ever officialy established unlike Origin's spin-off)
But okay. I guess.

Amuro doesn't die in The Origin. Yasuhiko took enough effort to supply justifications for Zeta or Char's Counterattack to not spoil them by killing him.
Out of curiosity, in wich tome/page does he die just so I can read it again? XD

PS: I noticed your answer only by chance because you called yourself.

Fair enough but I feel from the evidence its definitely a sequel, very much agree with the death of Amuro being a waste I forgot what chapter, but could looking at now I could be wrong as I could be mixing up story details with the novel of the 1979 tv series. I'm not sure if there any scans online to check since I read the volumes at my library.
Sep 1, 2017 9:01 PM
Jun 2010
Rei366 said:

@aakaido Could you send me back to this "recommendation" I made please? I remember mentioning it had important events and wasn't an horrible watch if you were able to stand Zeta. I am pretty sure I also said it was full of dumb things and even when it was serious, it could be serious in such a dumb way it would be jarring (or something like that).
Well, if this isn't done yet, go on with the spectacular Char's Counterattack, I loved it but you will "hate it" I guess. ^^ After that, F91 is absolutely beautiful but it is nothing more than a proof-of-concept video presenting a few scenes from 13eps of a 52 eps show (who never came to be -_-), still a great animation demo and a fantastic return to Yasuhiko's designs. Victory, despite all the dumb things and the lack of direction (as in orientation, not director's work) in part due to the undesired change of broadcast slot and higher meddling from BANDAI/producers, is rather good (at least okay if you're being harsh).
Unicorn, despite all its splendour of special effects and humongous mecha à la Counterattack, never impressed me. But I know it is supposed to be the Glory of Gundam or something like that. And I still haven't seen enough of G no Reconguista to judge it: i can only say it looks very good and the new world situation seemed very interesting.
All in all, I still think the original storyline (0079) is the best part of what was done. And its best iteration is undoubtedly the manga "The Origin".
Anyway, my excuses if I gave you false hopes, I really didn't try to (rather the contrary).

If I remember right, Bright gave up slapping after his attempt on Judau was avoided with brio by this slum brat. :D (or he did tried a second time and failed again, not sure anymore). And if you have read a bit of my judgement of the show(above), I 'm pretty ok with what you said. Maybe apart from Mashymre and the cyber newtype "magic": i thought it was good to have a concrete case of knowing the before and after and since I didn't "hate" the guy before, it made its little effect.

Again, really sorry. -_-"

Don't be sorry, just a exaggeration of your involvement on my part lol. Though I am slightly upset you didn't tell me this was skippable but we are in agreement on how bad that show was. Zeta wasn't terrible. It had moments that had characters doing mindblowingly stupid crap (Katz's involvement with Sarah most glaringly smh) but there were never multiple and huge plotholes like in ZZ. Aside from Bright and Harman, it is completely unrelatable to Zeta. Speaking of Bright, there should have been alot more slaps.

I wasn't referring to Mashymre and the cyber newtypes as magic, though as cool as it was, I have no idea what to really think of his death and that super saiyan explosion. The magic was more so talking about Judau. He somehow managed to conjure a demon from his body to scare the pants off Harman and projected a very large hologram of himself through the building he was in that everyone clearly saw and noticed. And he talked to dead people he never met. I'm especially upset with that. The newtype ability was never really explained at all and then got ridiculous over the course over 3 shows. Should've stayed how it was with Amuro and went no further.
Nov 26, 2017 8:42 AM

Oct 2010
Well, this show certainly lives up to its reputation as the bastard child of the Gundam franchise: it ruined previously good characters from earlier installments with radical personality shifts (R.I.P. Bright Noa); tried and failed to implement comedy where it has no place in a story involving child soldiers (unlikable child soldiers, no less); downplayed the actions of Beecha and Mondo (selling out your own ship to the enemy is the lowest of the low, the actions of pure fucking scum, so why portray it as the innocent mistake of trouble making kids?); made every character completely incompetent, allowing themselves to be outwitted or defeated by inexperienced youths; and gave Judau fucking super saiyan-esque abilities (why does the fact he's a Newtype now mean he can deflect laser beams?). I don't regret watching it, it makes me appreciate 0079 and Zeta even more, but boy was that a chore to finish.


Rei366 said:
@spyrocoot Because he's the successor of Camille, a "super-ESPer" who was able to create a anti-beam coat of pure spirit-channeling/psychic energy?
Anyway, I wish you a good time with the big finale movie. At least, it returns back to simpler Newtype abilities who only refine/enhance already good and experienced pilots.
(also, no worries about Newtype from now on: the late period UC and post-UC sequels of this chronology may throw the word from times to times but nothing ever reaches the heights of the almighty Camille and messianic Judau).

I just think the whole Newtype thing got a little out of hand towards the end of Zeta and it seemed to snowball further out of control in Double Zeta. Your explanation is fine, but I think the writing staff went down the wrong route. I could handle the idea of Newtypes being able to sense each other and communicate telepathically, but channeling that energy into shields/barriers feels out of place in Gundam.

I'll probably watch Char's Counterattack tonight. The reason I started watching Gundam was so that I had a little background of the universe going into some of the much heralded spin-offs like War in the Pocket, The 08th MS Team, Thunderbolt, Turn A, Wing, etc. I was surprised just how well the original holds up while Zeta was a solid sequel despite a few hiccups along the way. Despite my disappointment with Double Zeta, it hasn't put me off the franchise at all.
spyrocootNov 26, 2017 9:40 AM
Jan 4, 2018 6:02 PM

Jul 2016
So ends my journey of Gundam ZZ.. and it was a strange one.

I suppose the final episode was okay, but I started to get tired towards the end of this series. I think when the show reverted back to the Moon Moon story line after coming off that amazing Earth saga, the show started to lose its momentum. It did finish strong, but it lost its grip on me.

Read so many bad comments about this show and I do understand them now. I think a lot of people did stop watching the show before the second half of the series started, and I do not blame them. But, the show did rebound a great deal after the first 16-17 episodes. So I will be like a semi-defender of the show since it was not the most awful thing in the world.

I was ready to give it an 8/10, but its dropped to a 7/10 due to those crappy Moon Moon episodes towards the end. Now onto Char's Counterattack.
mshea1213Jan 4, 2018 6:25 PM
Feb 6, 2018 12:27 AM
Aug 2017
A Happy and fitting ending to THE most underrated Gundam series!

Feb 6, 2018 12:29 AM
Aug 2017
Now on to Gundam: Char's Counterattack The Movie!
Mar 2, 2018 11:41 AM

May 2015
Haman "The Ghost of Zeon" Karn has finally bite the dust, he was responsible for so many civilian’s death that she dying or ending up in jail were the two outcomes that I would accept.

Talking about death Ple Two "Puru 2" died but not after saving Judau like Roux said she didn’t ha d the chance to live a normal life just like her sister, Elpeo "Puru" Ple. That is something that Z & ZZ left me pondering. How sad the life of Cyber-Newtypes are (Four, Rosamia "Rosamie" Badam, Chara Soon, Elpeo "Puru" Ple, Ple Two "Puru 2") hope they dont make new ones.

The show started campy (I didn’t mind it, that is until it interfere with some of the serious stuff) then in the episode that Torres' childhood friend died things turned for the better... however not addressing what happened to Yazan a major character in Z and the only thing left to tie all the lose end for this show & prequel was a little upsetting. The show improved as it went on and because of that my score wasn’t much lower...

On a side note:
Glad Bidan is healthier...
May 16, 2018 10:39 PM

Apr 2009
Finally this torture is over.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 27, 2018 9:26 AM

Mar 2016
"hurr durr despite the start" I swear if I have to read this one more time while looking at reactions to this show.

Unlike a lot of others, I enjoyed the more lighthearted first 12 episodes of this one. After the Moon Moon shit, I started losing interest and I never really recovered it, except for maybe the last 3 or so episodes, with a few others here and there. I thought the way Bright was handled was interesting if nothing else, seeing how he's changed his leadership style after realizing (since Kamille) that not everyone is an Amuro. Also, Chara was pretty fun to watch, but it sucks that Marshmallow disappears and comes back neutered, he was better as a comic villain. I didn't necessarily hate the characters or the situations they found themselves in (in some ways the crew felt closer and more relatable than in Zeta), but there was something about the execution that left me wanting, even for the supposedly 'better serious parts.' I get the impression that people see some sort of drama and think it's automatically better.

I also thought the Ple's were fucking obnoxious.
syncrogazerAug 27, 2018 9:45 AM
Sep 9, 2018 7:13 PM

Jun 2014
Haman has finally been defeated. Ple Two technically saved Judau's life, although she sadly succumbed to her injuries.

Judau and Leina got to see each other again, and now Judau and Roux are heading to Jupiter apparently. I'm guessing that the others will be returning to Shangri-La.

This was great, and a hell of a lot better than some people make it out to be. It may have been a bit more comedy-like at first, but it quickly redeemed itself, although I didn't mind the comedy at all to be honest. I place this up there with the original and Zeta, no joke.

Oct 23, 2018 6:42 PM

Aug 2010
syncrogazer said:
"hurr durr despite the start" I swear if I have to read this one more time while looking at reactions to this show.

Tell me about it...

Seabury said:
Man, you guys really go for melodramatic nonsense, don't you? Not saying that Zeta was bad, but you should lighten up and laugh, because the beginning of ZZ was supposed to be a respite. Sure, call it disrespectful, but it's his own creation, if anything it's self-deprecating humor; he of all people has the right to do that. Even though on a crude 10-point scale it's the same (7/10), I honestly preferred this to Zeta. Zeta fucked up a few deaths too (remember how they just sort of forgot that Kamille's parents were murdered?), so both series failed equally at that regard. Though overblown at times, it also felt more honest overall, and the characters were better developed. Or at least the relationships between characters was better. Anyways, shit was good, I can't wait to see Char's counterattack :)

Just...THANK YOU for that. Though, I think I'll skip Char's Counterattack because going by the synopsis, the motivations seem to signal a regression in Char's character development. I'll just pretend like that never happened (Edit: By that I mean I personally consider it non-canon). Speaking of whom, I honestly thought Char might appear somewhere in the series to at least whisk away Mineva from Haman's grip (like Judau actually tried later on), if not try killing her himself.

Overall, I enjoyed the show a lot more than I expected to. Going in, I thought I'd just stick around for the gloriously campy humour till the joke got old, but I honestly wasn't expecting it to actually get better than Zeta when it decided to get serious. One of the few times I'm actually sad that a show had to end, call me silly and all.
MisterGibbonOct 26, 2018 10:10 PM
Jan 21, 2019 1:33 PM

Apr 2013
Now I know the reason why lots of fans hate ZZ. Very warranted hate because this was absolutelty disappointing in comparison to Zeta and 0079 . I practically forced myself to grind through this as the precursor to Char's Counterattack.
Apr 22, 2019 8:57 AM

Nov 2016
Double slap for the finale of Double Zeta, we even got a fist of rage, noice.

I'm really satisfied with the finale, they didn't do Puru Two justice, but the flahsiness of Chara's final moment and Hamans last words knew to convince. Also liked that it ended on a happy note, definitely preferable with such an endearing cast. Even Kamille and Fa seem to live in happiness too ^^

The second half had indeed some strong episodes with many emotional highs and I didn't have an issue with the first half either, I take the goofiness of ZZ over Zetas "filler" any day.

It was really fun overall and I even dare to say, my favorite Gundam as of now.


Hahaha, it's ok, we all have those series where we show more enthusiasm.
FMmatronApr 22, 2019 9:29 AM

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jun 12, 2019 12:27 AM

Dec 2010
That was horrible,not even the serious episodes could save this garbage the teen characters was annoying,they don't get call out for their bull shit and the adults just let them do what ever they want I mean how the hell could you leave the ship to a bunch of immature idiots,the Gundam team could not function with out Judau he always have to come and save the day they all had extortionary Gundams for themselves but could not win a fight without Judau and not to mention they switch suits like f-ing musical chairs.Judau I cant say I liked him or hate him but his newtype abilities is so over the top and they reduce Haman the main villain to being over infatuated with him always begging him to join her so annoying.This show did not feel like Gundam at all I am just glad this is over and I could move on a more better installment in the Gundam franchise.
hack5Jun 12, 2019 6:13 PM
Jun 18, 2019 3:37 AM

Dec 2017
This series could have really done with less filler eps. Probably could have cut it down to 3cour or even 2cour by modern standards. Still decent especially earth arc and the last few eps of the series. Wish char showed up but ofc he's going to appear in Char's Counterattack.

Also rip the mk2 and zeta gundams.
Objectivity? In my anime scoring? Of course not...
Jul 3, 2020 5:51 AM

Aug 2017
I cried after two slaps from Beecha and Elle ;_;
Chara Soon finally died. And even then it was so absolutely necessary to make her naked :D Illia also got kinda forgotten (not that I care)
Ple Two ended up returning to the personality of original Ple?

Unexpected plot twist with Mineva’s double, but I guess that explains how easily she agreed to be kidnapped.

Bright received the Brightslap. I cried again.
Did Ple Two survive? Looks like she didn’t, but why no reaction from others? Seems like none of Ples matter to the characters inside the universe, what the hell? It almost seems like Gundam shows throw away, forget or underdevelop exactly my favourite characters.
Did Kamille regain his sanity? And why did Judau go to the military? It’s kinda against his ideals. Surprised to see Jupitris again (Scirocco’s ship)

I also didn’t expect Haman to die :o But oh well. She didn't accomplish her goal after all.

Anyway, I'd say that ZZ is somewhere between 5 and 7 to me, probably 6. I don't get the hate for the show from Zeta fans, it wasn't horrible - but I didn't find Zeta that amazing anyway, so might be biased. But I found myself watching a lot more ZZ episodes in a row (like 6), unlike Zeta (I was moving pretty slowly through it). ZZ improved upon some parts of Zeta- for example, it got rid of the useless battles taking up half of each episode in Zeta. But sometimes ZZ just failed to put that opportunity to good use. Unlike most people, I think the first comedic episodes with Mashymre were awesome, I had a really great time, and there was no reason for new characters to be serious about anything - they were not soldiers or war orphans or whatever. There were a couple of problematic episodes with that dumb junk dealer, but it wasn't crucial. Then came Chara Soon...sigh, why did she exist? She really made the show worse whenever she made an appearance, but for some reason she became an OK character by the end of the show (maybe because she didn't have time to express her stupidity and just fought battles). What else bad episodes do we have? Moon Moon arc (2 episodes), that's basically it. There were also some problems in the first half of the show that bothered me - like the inability of ZZ to fully become serious, that half-serious half-comedic stuff wasn't the greatest, but it wasn't *horrible* either. Beecha and Mondo seem like candidates for the biggest annoyances in the first half of ZZ, but I didn't have so much problem with them than with the crew's reaction to their behaviour (or absense thereof). The latter half of the show was mostly awesome, with Africa-Dublin arc really appealing to me. Then we had a drop in quality after Ple's death for several episodes in a row, which culminated with the return of Moon Moon characters, but after that ZZ picked up again and got great at the end. Though the origins and details of Glemy's rebellion should've been explored, but they weren't. Overall, I don't think that the percentage of realy *bad* episodes was that high, but there were a bit more average episodes. Still quite a lot of ones that I enjoyed.

P.S. Lmao at Saegusa's revival.


Reading the thread, and now I learn that Amuro dies in some novel. Whaaaa. Guess I'll just pretend it's non-canon.
But anyway, it seems like I enjoyed the least popular parts and characters of the show. Ple, Mashymre and the first comedic episodes. Never judge a gundam show by the Internet reaction, huh?
I'll note before moving on to CCA, Unicorn and (probably) F91 that 0079 is still the best installment in the franchise so far, in its manga iteration (The Origin), plus 0080, if you count spin-offs. I don't think that Zeta is the "pinnacle of Gundam" or anything, and that ZZ is "atrocious", they both have a fair share of flaws and good moments, and I don't think I can say that I enjoyed one a lot more than the other. Hence both are 6/10 for me. Though as far as antagonists go, ZZ is generally better, imo - Titans were never interesting, just boring super evil guys. Here though we have awesome chivalrous knight Mashymre, mentally unstable Ple and Ple Two, evolving Glemy (even though his background isn't fleshed out and his development is a bit messy, he's more interesting than e.g. Jerid), and, well, Haman, who made more appearances here than in Zeta (although I think that she deserved a much larger role in ZZ and still didn't get as much time on screen as I wanted to). As for the protagonists, Kamille got a good treatment after all, and Fa, despite her nerf in the beginning, settled down with Kamille, which is also great. She even saved Bright and Judau! Considering him, I quite enjoyed his anti-war beliefs and attempts to save others (just like with Kamille, but Judau even succeeded with Ples - though they died later anyway, he wasn't the one killing them). Elle and Roux were a pleasing part of the team to watch, and even Beecha became somewhat fine in the 2nd half.

@Rei_III I wonder if Gundam Evolve is worth watching to get to some Ple parts. Or is it generally lackluster?


@Rei_III I also enjoyed the movie trilogy, don't get me wrong! I was exposed to the franchise by this trilogy, after all. It's just that The Origin is the "definitive" version, refined and perfected, with a proper backstory and all that. Though I still think that the trilogy is better than the sequels, too.
As for F91, the mere story behind its failed production is interesting enough to watch it, plus I'm eager to see the animation (I've seen a couple of cuts from the movie online and it's Akira-level quality, or Honneamise-level, which is also quite something for a Gainax fan). Sorry to give you the wrong idea with my "(probably)" haha.
Anno's opinion on his favourite Gundam is important! I'm looking forward to reading some of his interviews with Tomino that I've already bookmarked after I finish CCA (or else I'll be spoiled). As for next Gundams to watch, I'm not sure yet, but more or less finishing UC seems important, plus I really want to watch Turn A sometime because of its fame. Though it seems like I'll need to watch every installment that came before (including non-UC timelines) to appreciate it to its fullest, and it seems to take quite a long time. Anyway, we'll see.
St0rmbladeJul 4, 2020 7:11 AM
Aug 29, 2020 3:00 PM

Apr 2014
first gotta say i still liked ZZ over Z if anything guess you can say Judau and Puru was a huge reason why i enjoyed this series much more

but at the same time i can understand why a lot of people hated this one hated it so much as to say to just skip it whats even more they even made a movie of Z basically making ZZ not exist because at the end of the Z movies Kamille didnt go crazy so yeah seems like they just kinda wanted to act as if this didnt exist

one last thing im not even surprised that puru's 2 death was as if it was nothing i mean they treated Puru's death the same way which was something that was an issue in ZZ it just made a lot of things feel like it was for nothing a lot of peoples deaths was for nothing which was really annoying

but with that said the ending was pretty nice but also rushed just like every other gundam series its just they always try to put soooo much into the last ep and just always just feels like there should be more

all in all ZZ was good and even with all the dumb shit that was in it still enjoyed it more than Z if anything the cast of ZZ was the main thing that made me like it a lot more

now off to what comes next

Puru = best character
"one step at a time"
Oct 10, 2020 3:11 PM

Nov 2019
HOnestly i only watched this show for Haman, but i must say i did enjoy and it had its moments.

it sure does bother me how quickly they forgot Puru
Nov 18, 2020 4:15 PM

May 2014
hikky_misaki said:
HOnestly i only watched this show for Haman, but i must say i did enjoy and it had its moments.

it sure does bother me how quickly they forgot Puru

They forgot Puru not once but twice. Puru isn't mentioned at all in the episode after she died. Puru Two dies on the bridge, and the crew keeps on keeping on like nothing happened.

Add Leina to the pile. Judau spends the bulk of the series trying to reunite with her. When he finally does, he leaves her immediately to live on the Jupiter colony with Roux. A character who may have looked at (flirted with) him twice in all of 47 episodes.

The creators just stopped trying with this show long before the finale.
Apr 10, 2021 7:01 PM

Aug 2017
I'm surprised Mineva in ZZ is not the real Mineva, it looks like Haman listened TO Char at the end. Other stuff that surprised me was Roux x Judau being canon LOL. Pure Two died but it wasn't clear there and they never explained how Leina survived. Still with issues but definitely better than Zeta.

ZZ is overhated. Zeta annoyed me a lot and their characters erratic behavior made my blood boil, ZZ characters? I'm neutral-positive about them, the drama in ZZ is an improvement from Zeta terrible writing. At least this anime tried something different. This is the sixth Gundam I've started watching and my sixth completed Gundam. 6/10 for the anime.
NurguburuApr 10, 2021 7:48 PM
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In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Jun 21, 2021 7:15 AM

Apr 2016
What happened to Puru Two? Did she die in the captain's chair?

Elle had a few ship teases with Judau over the course of the show, such as holding hands with him, blushing a couple times, and showing worry about him towards the end. Yet, Elle doesn't go with Judau? Huh.

No explanation for how Leina lived, huh?

Where did all of these AEUG ships come from? I was under the impression that the Argama and captain Henkens' ship were pretty much all the AEUG had for the last 100 episodes of Zeta and ZZ, and then suddenly a fleet comes out of nowhere. They seem to be using Titans' paint job, so maybe they're ships confiscated from the Titans after Jamitov and Bask died? Why weren't they used earlier in ZZ?
Aug 2, 2021 2:09 AM

Jul 2011
Despite all the bad stuff I had heard about ZZ beforehand, I gotta say it's definitely great (imo), although it has its flaws. I don't know if I enjoyed it more or less than Zeta, but I think Zeta has similar flaws which are mostly Tomino's messy writing skills/the way he writes characters.

Either way, I'm very happy I finished it, and I'll hang it on my wall with Zeta and 0079. I can now move on to Chars Counterattack finally!
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Oct 15, 2021 2:46 PM

Oct 2013
Ok, now I can finally say that this was more enjoyable than Zeta since it actually had a plot and the characters actually made sense, even in the wacky parts.
8/10 like the other two. See ya haters.

EDIT: lowered Zeta to 7/10 because it's a mess lol
Radnitzky1890Nov 20, 2021 12:47 AM
Oct 24, 2021 10:08 AM

Nov 2014
I'm glad it ended on a nice note. ZZ is weird, I feel like it has some extreme lows, but at its best it matches Zeta. The first half was absolute trash, though - and there were even a few episodes towards the ending that were garbage as well. In the end, I think my feelings on ZZ are overall positive, however. I actually found the cast to be very likeable. Obviously not on the level 0079, and certainly not on the level of Zeta, but ZZ had its moments. Time to finally watch CCA.
Nov 5, 2021 2:07 PM
Apr 2012
I enjoyed ZZ Gundam. The comedy was really funny, Mashymre and Haman's army of simps never failed to make me crack up, and I thought the kids were likeable. I liked they actually were a team, that it wasn't just Judeau and the rest, but the others contributed a lot, each had their own development and they had a solid group dynamic. The enemies were more varied and even the battles were interesting to watch! This was a huge step up from Zeta which had so many meaningless repetitive battles.

I'm sad with this ending because of Haman... I wish she had a different ending. She was so lonely. I wish at least she could have had a honest talk with Char one last time.

On one hand I'm glad with the happy ending for the other characters, but on the other hand this is hard to believe, it just looks too good to be true. I especially have mixed feelings about Leina's survival. On one hand having her interact with Sayla was clever, since they have similar brother problems, on the other I liked how crazy and unhinged Judeau looked whenever he talked like Leina was alive after her death.

Mineva's body double makes sense because it explains why she went along with Judeau's attempt to kidnap her before.

8/10 it was interesting from start to finish
Dec 14, 2021 11:47 AM

Mar 2020
And so ends ZZ, a mixed bag overall, Haman is definitely the best antagonist in the series (not counting Char, who I'd say is a rival instead) as we could actually get some understanding of why she did what she did unlike with the Titans and she seemed like more than a Hitler clone like Gihren and it was nice to see Kamille have a happy ending.
However, I felt that the main cast is too much of a mixed big for me. Some, like Roux and Iino were likeable enough, while some like Beecha and Mondo really got on my nerves, and I can say that Judau got on my nerves at first, but I warmed up to him.
The show got really good towards the end, but the first 30-40% or so really brought the quality down overall.
Not as bad as critics like to claim, I even bet I would have enjoyed the beginning if it wasn't so heavily connected to Zeta, it wasn't anything more than mediocre.

Dec 17, 2021 8:46 AM

Jul 2017
Overall a good ending to an overhated series. Sad to see Haman go but I'm glad that Kamille and Fa finally got their happy ending.
Mar 12, 2022 11:15 PM
Jul 2018
Haman is one of my favorite villains of all time it was sad to see her die but it was done well unlike many other gundam villains overall I'll give ZZ a score of 6.8 means 7
This show had lot's of problems but the second half was much better I'm still not over how judau and the crew didn't show any sadness when puru died judau should've beat those federation adults
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