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Apr 15, 2019 2:12 AM

Apr 2016
Crashmatt said:
The first 5 mins were a mess. It seems this show has some direction issues. I enjoyed the fight scene but the way the scenes were put together is clunky along with story telling.

Glad someone noticed this as I was about to write the same.
Seriously, they start their 2 episodes just so lame and boring.
Made me want to step it aside and watch another anime.

Anyway, I think this episode was "a bit" better than the previous... but still not enough for me to like it.
Apr 15, 2019 3:38 AM

Feb 2014
This episode felt mostly the same as the first episode, what it lacks in the story development, it makes up for it in the action scenes.

Although I liked this episode a bit more than the first one, it's still having trouble with the characters' situations and I hope that this issue will get sorted as the show goes on. Since this is a 24-episode show, there'll be plenty of time for the story to get its act together.

As for the fighting scenes, it was animated really well and the CGI use was also good as well. The OST was a bit too loud at times, since the songs having vocals at that volume did make it harder to hear what the characters were saying, but the songs itself were good and made the fights more exciting to watch.

I think it'll be a few episodes before the pacing and storyboard will get back on track, so for now at least, the show so far is good, but it can do quite a lot better.
Apr 15, 2019 5:42 AM

Feb 2012
Loved this episode. Felt wild as. Big fan of the fights and the music is great!
Apr 15, 2019 5:57 AM
Mar 2015
It's decent so far, just struggling getting invested into the story. I like the concept and the backgrounds can nbe beautiful but I may drop after the next episode.
Apr 15, 2019 8:15 AM

Jan 2011
- copy Jojo stand power
- copy Naruto x Sasuke story (make it double for uniqueness)

that how we got this anime @_@
Apr 15, 2019 8:45 AM

Dec 2014
I can't believe they just let her go on mission knowing she would ruin the mission due to her emotion and relationship with one of the mafia.

Or Free didn't report that to his higher-up?
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Apr 15, 2019 9:23 AM
Jul 2018
562319 Do we have an aim here or something? Two episodes so far we're headed nowhere. There is so little this anime is telling us. Fair enough, nothing actually of importance even happened. In that matter, I can't care less about the characters either.
Apr 15, 2019 11:08 AM

Sep 2018
I hope we get some character development, or at least some anecdotes soon. Let's hope this is just a slow start.
Apr 15, 2019 1:51 PM

Apr 2015
Overall it's pretty decent so far, what I am more curious about is the story... it feels all over the place at this moment, but since it's going to be a 2 cour Anime, it has a lot of time for the story and characters to flesh out. Will have to see if this gets any better!
Apr 15, 2019 3:25 PM
Apr 2019
I've made an account just so a could say this:

this anime has a bad start, i'm willing to continue 1-2 episode but i'm sorry this was pretty bad, the drawing are cool, the cgi not so much, i've read here that the fairies add to the chaos and i agree, unless they explain why bother having a fairy it seems to me that a good bulet between the eyes of a STAND USER is enough to stop them, for what i understood from those 2 episode having your fairy injured does not stops you from moving/living/being in good shape, so what's the purpose of putting fairies in the story in the first place, maybe they'll reveal it later but as it is now i'm pretty bored, the characters are also not very good in my opinion, Free: has to infiltrate the mafia but let his cover being blown by a random girl either he is not good at his job or he don't give a fuck, at least thats the impression he gave me, that wolf guy is so evil he killed the guy who selled him those robot thing, for what reason i don't fucking know , if there is a reason the anime was not good at giving us his motives for killing him, that Serge is annoying but i guess its a trope ( fucking annoying ), the girlwith the glasses i don't care about her, about mariya the MP: she just threatened Free on his mission and help that Veronica run away ( which is according to the back story they gave us so its ok ) but she's bland right now, Veronica: i got nothing bad to say to this character like mariya she act as we could expect ( she's a ninja/thief which means its a character who's hard to fuck up ).

so yeah backstory and lore dropping like crazy is no fun unless your world is fun, which Fairy Gone for 2 episode is NOT.

why do i complain about that?, because the heart of a good story is it's characters you can watch an anime with a bad story but stay for the character, when you have a good story but shitty character its pretty much over, because the story need its character to go forward, which mean that your story depend on your character, so yeah i was thinking "oh so its basically a jojo base of power with a mid 19 century setting, which had me interested in it , but man that was not good, and because the 2 first episode had the same thing going on i will force myself to look at least 2 more to see if its going to be like that for most of it ( and i'll stop watching if its the case ) .

basically it was really not interesting but hey its just the 2 first episode so lets not bury it now, lets wait for the next episode to have a definitive opinion on it.

why did he killed that mustached man tho ?
Apr 15, 2019 5:03 PM

Aug 2018
I still don't feel attracted by the story but it was only episode 2 out of 24, so it's fair giving Fairy Gone a bit of time to prove its value.

However I find the global art nicely designed, which is the opposite of all characters we've seen so far (personality, affinity talking)
Apr 15, 2019 6:44 PM

Feb 2015
It's revealed that Marlya had nobody in her life and that Free's friend, Jet, died in action protecting him. Marlya became a member of Dorothea. Free and Marlya have a mission in a ruins where other team is waiting for them, the team are Serge and Klara, and their mission is to uncover and illegal commerce of artificial fairies. They started to hunt the exchange, but a guy discovered them, recognized as Wolfran, they couldn't get him and got away killing his parterns. Wolfran visited two tombs.

Another action episode, the story is progressing a a bit fast, they show places and characters, but not that messy as other shows. OST is good as I can enjoy action scenes where I don't need to hear dialogs. Backgrounds are really beautiful, maybe this show needs a bit of comedy.
Apr 15, 2019 10:18 PM
Jul 2018
I have to wonder why a soldier doesn't know what backtracking is.

Demyx_IX said:

Also, I think people should take your opinion with a grain of salt, given that you have shows like Black Clover and other Shonen Snore shows rated as 10s.

I agree that Fairy Gone is shit, but I think the kettle is calling the pot black here, since your favourites include net-juu and NTR in the franxx.
Apr 16, 2019 1:01 AM

Nov 2011
Escaethorne said:
I have to wonder why a soldier doesn't know what backtracking is.

Demyx_IX said:

Also, I think people should take your opinion with a grain of salt, given that you have shows like Black Clover and other Shonen Snore shows rated as 10s.

I agree that Fairy Gone is shit, but I think the kettle is calling the pot black here, since your favourites include net-juu and NTR in the franxx.

1. Net-juu has a higher ranking than this shit with a completed season, compared to 2 episodes.
2. It's also better than the 10 billion 'Oh no, the guy I secretly have a crush on is doing something in decent to me/one of my love rivals in public, better smack him across the face, then storm off while shouting "Baka" at the top of my longs!" romcom animes out there.
3. There's literally no ntr in Franxx, so thanks for showing that you didn't watch it at all.
4. The pot calling the kettle black, would be you when you give the best SAO series, "Alternative; GGO" a 1.And then say that I'm the one with equally bad taste as the guy I was responding to.
Apr 16, 2019 1:17 AM
Sep 2016
From episode 1, I predicted that this would be an instant cult classic, and that's even more true now. The CGI, Jrock, and inevitable Jojo comparisons automatically turn a lot of viewers off, especially on this site, but the lore, well-directed action, theorycrafting due to it being original, strangely suiting "Japanese Evanescence" soundtrack, and characters are an instant draw to anyone it appeals to. In case it isn't obvious, I'm in the latter group. I'm expecting this'll be one of those shows that most people bash when it comes out then come back to later after hearing it's good.

also. I'm wondering what the Fairy Organ is exactly. Like, its function is obvious, but why does Marlya seem to have it and the others don't? Probably because of her hometown being connected to the fairies, I'm guessing. I expect more of the plot and world to be revealed as the season progresses. Episode 2 has already revealed a lot more than we knew in Episode 1, like the fact that this isn't just Victorian-era, it's steampunk, and the existence of the Fairy Organ, giving fairies a pseudo-scientific property, something I love in magic systems.
Apr 16, 2019 3:02 AM
Jul 2018
CGI looks good, action was decent, other than that nothing new really happened this episode, story still looks bland as fuck, but I think it can go somewhere, will probably continue watching till the end.

Also, characters that has that blonde dude's personality pisses me off
Apr 16, 2019 4:31 AM

Sep 2013
This second episode was certainly better than the first one.

The first five minutes worth of backstory from two different perspectives was a little messy, but I actually began getting into the show once the other characters got involved. I just wish the pacing wasn't so quick because things seem to be happening with no context at the moment.

Again, the OST was great. Animation didn't seem as clunky as episode one's animation either.

Perhaps I was a little pessimistic last week because I'm certainly beginning to get excited for this show again. I just hope - again - that characters and plots become more fleshed out. But with 22 episodes left to go, that shouldn't be a problem.
Apr 16, 2019 4:55 AM
Nov 2018
Swagernator said:
The music during the fight scenes, it reminds me the youtube videos of those newbie youtubers, who are making informative walkthroughs about games and into the videos they blasting some random crap music so you cant even hear shit they saying.

Yes, I hated the rap music. What the hell does it have to do with this kind of time period?
Apr 16, 2019 4:57 AM
Nov 2018
ProofByColor said:
Okay so Marlya had a rough childhood all around and she's special because the fairy fused with her naturally while everyone else had a fancy operation. Sure.

So she joined the team and they go on their first mission to stop some illegal fairy trading thing cause only the good guy police are allowed to have fairy powers. It is cool how it seems that fairies aren't necessarily big fighty monsters. Karla's (or whatever it was) looked like it could only be used for recon and serge's was more like a body enhancement sniper thing. Maybe they can fight as well idk.

It's kinda funny how this episode basically did the exact same thing as the first with the other MC meeting a character from his past that -surprise, surprise- is a bad dude now.

Lots and lots of proper nouns dropping. Shows like this should really slap a map on their mid episode screen to help us remember what all these places are.

It's interesting how some people believe cynicism is an argument.
Apr 16, 2019 8:50 AM

Mar 2010
This episode was way better than the first one, the characters visual is really good and the OST seems nice as well, made me stay atleast for a bit more
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Apr 16, 2019 9:01 AM
Sep 2018
I liked this episode more then the previous one even tho it has the same issues.

The snipper fairy was pretty cool, if anything i am interested in seeing more types of fairies.
The ED's song is also pretty good.
Apr 16, 2019 9:27 AM

Sep 2017
Holy fuck this show is starting to look like a trainwreck. It may be passable visually, but the editing and the story are just a mess. We don't even know what the main goal of this series is yet. Are we supposed to find out why Veronica joined the bad guys? Maybe we are supposed to worry about artificial fairies? Maybe why they burned main girl's hometown? Who the fuck is/are the main badies here?

Also, there are two particularily bad moments in this chapter:

1- At the beginning of the episode, when we see main guy's past, his friend gets stabbed to protect him from the other fairy soldier. We cut and he is holdind his friend's corpse in the rain, and we don't know what happened to the other fairy soldier. Did he just get away and let him live because of his friend's sacrifice? Did Wolfram save him? Did someone kill the other fairy soldier? We don't know, and the show doesn't want to tell us either, so if this other fairy soldier appears later as an important character I'll call BS, because the show clearly didn't give a fuck about him.

2-Main guy is going after Wolfram and he goes from standing to inmediatly being on his motorcycle with no inbetween shot of him gettin in his bike, which is an amateurish mistake at best. Both of these moments, combined with some others from chapter 1 that i referenced in the discussion of that episode give me the impression that this show has had little to no quality control in its editing and writing, which is pretty worrying.

Man, it's a shame that such a cool concept like stand users inspired by fairytales fighting in a post-war country is being used so poorly. Maybe it will get better, but if the next episode pulls some more crap like this I'm dropping the hell out of this show.
Apr 16, 2019 9:52 AM
Jul 2018
I had such a hard time focusing because of the terrible funimation subtitles that where almost in the middle of the fucking screen and repeated. What I did see was pretty damn boring in my opinion. I'm going to put it on hold for now. So far it's not giving me a reason to come back each week.
Apr 16, 2019 11:31 AM

Jan 2019
I think I'm gonna drop it for now, if I start hearing good things about it later on maybe I'll pick it back up again.

Apr 16, 2019 11:59 AM
Sep 2016
miguitronik said:
Holy fuck this show is starting to look like a trainwreck. It may be passable visually, but the editing and the story are just a mess. We don't even know what the main goal of this series is yet. Are we supposed to find out why Veronica joined the bad guys? Maybe we are supposed to worry about artificial fairies? Maybe why they burned main girl's hometown? Who the fuck is/are the main badies here?

Also, there are two particularily bad moments in this chapter:

1- At the beginning of the episode, when we see main guy's past, his friend gets stabbed to protect him from the other fairy soldier. We cut and he is holdind his friend's corpse in the rain, and we don't know what happened to the other fairy soldier. Did he just get away and let him live because of his friend's sacrifice? Did Wolfram save him? Did someone kill the other fairy soldier? We don't know, and the show doesn't want to tell us either, so if this other fairy soldier appears later as an important character I'll call BS, because the show clearly didn't give a fuck about him.

2-Main guy is going after Wolfram and he goes from standing to inmediatly being on his motorcycle with no inbetween shot of him gettin in his bike, which is an amateurish mistake at best. Both of these moments, combined with some others from chapter 1 that i referenced in the discussion of that episode give me the impression that this show has had little to no quality control in its editing and writing, which is pretty worrying.

Man, it's a shame that such a cool concept like stand users inspired by fairytales fighting in a post-war country is being used so poorly. Maybe it will get better, but if the next episode pulls some more crap like this I'm dropping the hell out of this show.

The main goal of the show is the government fighting against the mafia, who's trying to start another war. We're not sure what their motivations are yet, but it's apparent that the mafia is being run by ex-soldiers such as Wolfram. And there's also the goal of the main character, Marlya, trying to connect with the only part of her old, fairy-aligned village. It's not really clear why spear-arm-dude left after that other guy got stabbed instead of Free, but I'm guessing he was satisfied in killing the person he did and left Free to live...yeah that part isn't very clear I'll give you that. Also, is it really necessary for an in between shot when Free hopped on his bike? I think it was implied, and the characters reacted as if a few seconds had passed. If it means saving budget for the action scenes, I'm ok with it.
Apr 16, 2019 2:47 PM

Apr 2009
I want to like show because it's an anime original, it doesn't feature teenagers and I like the Victorian-like setting, but jeez, it's a disaster so far.

Apr 16, 2019 5:31 PM

Feb 2015
Good fucking lord the dialogue is awful. The sub-titles are awful and the general anime feels pretty damn edgy to boot.
Apr 17, 2019 12:53 AM

Sep 2016
TAS_the_SPAS said:
I think I'm gonna drop it for now, if I start hearing good things about it later on maybe I'll pick it back up again.
same, i wanted to like this but so far nothing is interesting me. if i hear it gets better later on ill start again
Apr 17, 2019 2:33 AM

Oct 2010
The 2nd episode didn't improve and get better from the 1st episode. Tbh it makes me rather disappointing :(

Apr 17, 2019 7:05 AM

Jan 2019
I mean it's okay. I really want to love it, but I don't feel the story has grabbed me yet and I think the soundtrack is not helping.
Be happy with what you have to be happy with
Apr 17, 2019 10:12 AM
Mar 2019
I thought CG actually looked good in this episode for the most part (specifically the opening fight scene and the motorcycle shots, the artifical fairy soldiers and transporters were really distracting though)
Very smart choice in colour pallet for flashbacks, they contrast the present time very nicely
Pacing still feels fucking awful though, feel like these flashbacks don't do much for the story; they don't necessarily provide anything that couldn't be told through exposition, or at least could have been more properly utilized once we have learned a bit more about the characters themselves through on-screen action. If the flashback itself feels like an exposition dump, you're doing something wrong.
Music was killer as always. This show has potential but their sense of direction is way off.
Apr 17, 2019 12:01 PM

Jul 2012
I hope this gets better. I thought this was only going to be one cour so I picked it up (I don't drop anime, but it's fine if it's only 12 eps)

This could be PA Works biggest flop since RDG. So far this plot is boring, and I have no idea where it might be going.

Mainly watching at this point hopin Known_Name has some more music in it. Since they were awesome in Sakura Quest.
Phoenix_TriteApr 17, 2019 12:04 PM
Apr 17, 2019 3:30 PM

Jul 2014
Thread Cleaned

Just a reminder that single-phrase responses (ie: "good episode") don't contribute to the discussion and will be removed without notice
Take care of yourself

Apr 17, 2019 3:53 PM

Aug 2013
I still don't know how to feel about this one. The biggest issue (which idk if it is a big issue for people) is simply the music placement during battles and regular dialogue, I find it simply bad lol
Apr 17, 2019 6:01 PM

Apr 2018
Visuals and music are nice. The action looks eh and they should clear up the story a bit.
Apr 17, 2019 9:07 PM

Oct 2007
Gave it another chance. The action was great, even better than episode 1. But I still don't care about any of the characters.. permanent drop now.

Giving the final score of 7.
Apr 17, 2019 10:47 PM

Dec 2015
Making a pause 'til I learn about the mid-series big turnaround.
I have a high tolerance threshold and am easily pleased but this is insultingly average.

2/5 (should be 3)

@Swagernator Thank you for this depiction. (even without songs, the music sounds rather off in how/where it's used.

@Raggadish The thing is that most people here were far too young to watch TV series during the full-length peak. They can't know how you build one.

Haptism93 said:
I meant more character backgrounds

People are not used to it anymore but full length series have 1or2episodes to start the intrigue (perturbation event) and then some character-centric episodes (mini-conflict making them progress slightly while we learn a bit about them) following a "mission-of-the-week" format in the first half of the show before reaching the midmidpoint where a single or double episode (ex: eps.12-13 in a 26eps series) will focus on a certain event that will culminate in a big revelation or turnabout in the intrigue, revitalizing in such a way the series.
Rei_IIIApr 17, 2019 10:51 PM
Apr 17, 2019 11:28 PM

Jun 2012
Since this is just a continuation of those introductions, it still feels a boring start.

I really like those green stuff when they summon their spirit and overall good battle choreography but I don't like the accompanying BGM during those moments.
Apr 17, 2019 11:31 PM
Jan 2016
I'm surprised this is supposed to be a 24 episode series, given how rushed the first two episodes have felt. As much as I'd like to say that it's not fair to judge this (or any) title only two episodes in, there are so many glaring flaws in the pacing and writing here that I have strong doubts it can improve.

There's so much to complain about, but basically it just boils down to this: the writer has put virtually zero thought or effort into justifying Mariya. She's an orphan from a village that doesn't exist anymore, her previous employer was the mafia, and she acquired a fairy in a way that nobody thinks is possible; there is no rational way she could have passed any sort of vetting process or pressing emergency that forces the organization to trust her, it's all shoved aside and she's rushed a goddamn arms deal sting as her first assignment because the plot demands it.

I'm shocked this is by the same person who created Grimgar, at least that story created a situation where strangers were forced to work with each other, but still had to learn their limits and develop their teamwork.
Apr 18, 2019 3:29 AM
( ̄y▽ ̄)╭ Ohohoho.

Jul 2013
Rei366 said:
Making a pause 'til I learn about the mid-series big turnaround.
I have a high tolerance threshold and am easily pleased but this is insultingly average.

2/5 (should be 3)

@Swagernator Thank you for this depiction. (even without songs, the music sounds rather off in how/where it's used.

@Raggadish The thing is that most people here were far too young to watch TV series during the full-length peak. They can't know how you build one.

Haptism93 said:
I meant more character backgrounds

People are not used to it anymore but full length series have 1or2episodes to start the intrigue (perturbation event) and then some character-centric episodes (mini-conflict making them progress slightly while we learn a bit about them) following a "mission-of-the-week" format in the first half of the show before reaching the midmidpoint where a single or double episode (ex: eps.12-13 in a 26eps series) will focus on a certain event that will culminate in a big revelation or turnabout in the intrigue, revitalizing in such a way the series.

Huh? I even said that I am expecting that in the following episodes and that's why I keep watching for now. Not sure if I'm misunderstanding you here, but I keep watching it because I think there are some information to come instead of dropping it like some others.

I just like to give shows some time to develop, especially if they're a bit confusing and unclear at the beginning. Maybe I didn't express myself very well (English isn't my first language, sorry), but I was actually backing up what you're trying to tell me. Also, the too young part also doesn't fit to me since I started watching anime in the 90s, when many MAL users weren't even born yet ;p
Haptism93Apr 18, 2019 3:40 AM

I will show no mercy for you
You had no mercy for me
The only thing that I ask
Love me mercilessly
Apr 18, 2019 5:22 AM

Oct 2017
MysteriousBanana said:
I'm surprised this is supposed to be a 24 episode series, given how rushed the first two episodes have felt. As much as I'd like to say that it's not fair to judge this (or any) title only two episodes in, there are so many glaring flaws in the pacing and writing here that I have strong doubts it can improve.

There's so much to complain about, but basically it just boils down to this: the writer has put virtually zero thought or effort into justifying Mariya. She's an orphan from a village that doesn't exist anymore, her previous employer was the mafia, and she acquired a fairy in a way that nobody thinks is possible; there is no rational way she could have passed any sort of vetting process or pressing emergency that forces the organization to trust her, it's all shoved aside and she's rushed a goddamn arms deal sting as her first assignment because the plot demands it.

I'm shocked this is by the same person who created Grimgar, at least that story created a situation where strangers were forced to work with each other, but still had to learn their limits and develop their teamwork.

Funny part being the director also directed JoJo, thus that's why the fairy thing looks like Jojo's aviators.

Yeah, my biggest issue of this show is Mariya as mc too.
She could probably be an annoying side character and it'd be fine, but her being mc is pretty boring / uninteresting, and somewhat off putting.

There's too many plot convenience regarding to her being accepted...
She literally just let a fugitive escape, has relationship with fugitive, and wants to help the fugitive, yet she gets no punishment, no suspicion, no superstition, and the higher ups just let her join an important mission? Like wth?

Apr 18, 2019 5:25 AM

Jun 2013
Wolf is somewhat interesting, pretty obvious his wife and daughter are dead based on the after-credit scene.

Again, meeting someone from their past, former comrade turned enemy. Same as the last episode. Also, they reused the same horrible rock-rap music during the fight scene. Honestly,music has such a large impact on creating an atmosphere.The music felt incredibly out of place and was distracting.

It was an okay episode, lame fight scenes but those cars with legs were cool.
Apr 18, 2019 7:57 AM

Dec 2015
@Haptism93 Sorry if I angered you. I only wanted to support your saying while opposing it to what the prevalent reaction was. All my excuses.
Apr 18, 2019 8:19 AM

Dec 2016
Think imma drop this unless I hear it gets a lot better, but I don't know, seems way too bland and boring to ever really get to that point
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Apr 18, 2019 8:31 AM
( ̄y▽ ̄)╭ Ohohoho.

Jul 2013
Rei366 said:
@Haptism93 Sorry if I angered you. I only wanted to support your saying while opposing it to what the prevalent reaction was. All my excuses.

No anger, just a bit of confusion about it at first because it was in the context of being right after the "too young" part of your post. So I didn't know if you wanted to back up my post or wanted to use my post as an example for people that are too young, haha.

I will show no mercy for you
You had no mercy for me
The only thing that I ask
Love me mercilessly
Apr 18, 2019 9:16 AM

Feb 2014
Well, this is, unfortunately, quite disappointing. I was very looking forward to this one, but directing is all over the place and animation is a pain to look at.
I like the music tho. Also, Veronica and Wolfran seem to be interesting characters.

Btw, I just noticed... P.A.Wroks? :D
Apr 18, 2019 2:05 PM

Oct 2014
I usually don't bash on CG alone, because sometimes it's blended really well and even if some transitions don't look so good, they don't hurt the pacing neither the atmosphere.

But this episode was screaming Budget all over.

Not only the CG, but a lot of stills had obvious mistakes. Character's eyes were not aligned and disproportional to a point it becomes distracting, and some of those scenes happened in close-ups, when the quality need to shine due to lack of dynamic animation.

The Fairies looked like those PS2 early games and never in a good way. Some fights and characters location was a mess and the plot is delivered in the most boring way possible.

Kudos for the background music though.
Apr 18, 2019 3:41 PM

Feb 2015
It was almost the same as in the previous episode. What bothered me the most about this episode was the music that was used in the fight scenes I think they do not go with the situation, but seemed to be watching a Naruto AMV with background linkinpark music.
Apr 18, 2019 5:05 PM
Feb 2009
i hope it picks up the next episode
Apr 18, 2019 6:57 PM
Jul 2018
Demyx_IX said:
Escaethorne said:
I have to wonder why a soldier doesn't know what backtracking is.

I agree that Fairy Gone is shit, but I think the kettle is calling the pot black here, since your favourites include net-juu and NTR in the franxx.

1. Net-juu has a higher ranking than this shit with a completed season, compared to 2 episodes.
2. It's also better than the 10 billion 'Oh no, the guy I secretly have a crush on is doing something in decent to me/one of my love rivals in public, better smack him across the face, then storm off while shouting "Baka" at the top of my longs!" romcom animes out there.
3. There's literally no ntr in Franxx, so thanks for showing that you didn't watch it at all.
4. The pot calling the kettle black, would be you when you give the best SAO series, "Alternative; GGO" a 1.And then say that I'm the one with equally bad taste as the guy I was responding to.

1. Ranking doesn't mean shit. Do you base your tastes on what others say?
2. Alright? But I never said otherwise
3. Aside from the fact that co-piloting in franxx is a metaphor for sex, and there's a whole bunch of partner swapping and the associated jealousy? Shit is disgusting. Also, the main heroine is depicted as a maneater that has piloted with lots of guys.
4. I think "the best SAO series" is an oxymoron. It was definitely better than the other series, but I can only stomach so much of stronk independent women and a pussywhipped guy playing gun games. Maybe a 1 was too harsh a score, but since it barely left an impression in my mind, I doubt rewatching it to find out is worth the effort.
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Oct 20, 2024 2:40 PM

Poll: » Fairy Gone Episode 12 Discussion ( 1 2 )

Stark700 - Jun 23, 2019

73 by _MushiRock11_ »»
Sep 28, 2024 10:49 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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