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Mar 14, 2019 8:00 PM

Aug 2015
This is the anime to beat of 2019, amazing.
Heaven's Feel is like the Infinity War of Fate Stay Night. Sakura snapped about 60 people for her midnight snack

Heaven's Feel isn't just my favorite arc, it's also the best arc in terms of pure spectacle and action, for utilizing characters marginalized in the other routes (Illya, Kotomine, Rider, and Sakura), and the heavy themes for thinking about it provides.
Setting aside the themes relating to Shirou (what it means to be a superhero and his utilitarian dilemma), the women's issues involving Sakura are also of interest. Sakura is like many rape victims, who feels shame and disgust primarily at herself rather than her abuser, who happens also be someone she knows intimately, again very accurate to life. I'd like to compare Sakura and Shinji to some things from Revolutionary Girl Utena, which was a huge influence on Fate Stay Night:

The movie is just fantastically put together, especially the "Princess Sakura" dream, well done.
Despite the grimdarkness it still has room for some funny moments that play off of established F/SN beats like Shiro and Sakura attempting to feed Rider food as if she was a replacement Saber, and the awkward humor of Shirou obliviously bringing home Rin Tohsaka and Illya while Sakura quietly contains her yandere tendencies. I liked the scene in which Shiro and Sakura exchanged awkward looks in the presence of Toshaka and Illya after they had just smashed. When Rin and Sakura cooked together, it was a touching scene but I honestly really wanted to see Sakura just go full Jerry Springer and brag about how she he had just fucked Shirou and rub it in Rin's face lol

So now that we've completed the middle passage of Heaven's Feel, the truth can finally be told: Sakura is the best girl.

1. Because the world literally, really does hate Sakura, and because she's been hurt so much, she deserves our unconditional love
2. Because she's an erotical black hole. Sakura is pure animal instinct, a total horndog.
3. Because she killed Shinji. "Ugh, I've had enough of this guy" audience cheers
4. Because she ate Gilgamesh. "Fuck you Goldie, I'm going to be the supervillian of this arc!"
5. Because she's actually a yandere. "How can I keep Senpai from leaving me? I'll fuck his brains out before Oneesan can put the moves on him and then cut off his legs so he can't run away! Genius!"
6. Because she's transitioned to her final form in which she clothes her naked body with pure concentrated rage

Rider is the other true hero of this arc, and Rider is like basically the hard knocks life Saber and deserves our unconditional love too.
The other sister is really good too, of course, and I found Rin and Archer's interaction to be as charming as ever.

I was really hoping for part three in the fall, but I guess it's next spring for us if we're good.

Lelouch0202 said:

I am a little confused on certain plot points which I felt Zouken explained rather vaguely. Hopefully someone can correct/answer my statements/questions.
The Black Thing, the huge thing with all the tentacles and the Sakura/Shadow are two different things right? One is a manifestation of the Grail from this war and the other Shadow is basically a manifestation of the grail Zouken has been growing inside Sakura for all these years. Zouken talks about a gate and the grail, he mentions the grail is impenetrable but if we can destroy the gate then we have a chance? His plan was to destroy the gate using a piece of the grail? This is kinda where I got confused, is the goal to just kill Sakura or use her as a sacrifice to eliminate the 'gate'. Is Sakura a part of the grail itself or she just like a catalyst that they can use to stop the grail's havoc. Are Sakura's Shadow and the black loch ness monster part of the same thing or are they two different entities? It seems as though there are implication pointing to both sides or I'm just misunderstanding something really badly.

It's been a few years since I read the VN, but going from what I saw in the anime today, there is only one monster. The 'black thing' you're describing is Sakura's shadow - hence its resemblance to Sakura's long hair. The "gate" that Zouken refers to is Sakura. Sakura is carrying the contents of the grail, the black thing, inside of her. She is the "gate" to "let it out." Kirei Kotomine puts it in gendered terms when talks about it being "born" from Sakura's "womb". Zouken claims that the false grail he made has become a failure and a nuisance, and his advice was essentially that killing Sakura would be like an abortion. That would prevent the contents of the grail spilling out, and since you've seen Fate Zero,you know what would happen. That is also what Tohsaka believes, so I believe its 'reliable enough' information for now.
glassknucklesMar 14, 2019 9:45 PM
Mar 14, 2019 8:15 PM

Jun 2014
Adapting the Sakura black shadow eating sequence with an Alice in Wonderland type of style was amazing, good way to handle one of the most brutal scenes in the VN.

Also Shinji rip yet again this time, and holy fuck that Berserker vs Saber Alter is the best action scene of anything in the past 5 years.
Mar 14, 2019 8:18 PM

Aug 2010
Lelouch0202 said:
I am a little confused on certain plot points which I felt Zouken explained rather vaguely. Hopefully someone can correct/answer my statements/questions.
The Black Thing, the huge thing with all the tentacles and the Sakura/Shadow are two different things right? One is a manifestation of the Grail from this war and the other Shadow is basically a manifestation of the grail Zouken has been growing inside Sakura for all these years. Zouken talks about a gate and the grail, he mentions the grail is impenetrable but if we can destroy the gate then we have a chance? His plan was to destroy the gate using a piece of the grail? This is kinda where I got confused, is the goal to just kill Sakura or use her as a sacrifice to eliminate the 'gate'. Is Sakura a part of the grail itself or she just like a catalyst that they can use to stop the grail's havoc. Are Sakura's Shadow and the black loch ness monster part of the same thing or are they two different entities? It seems as though there are implication pointing to both sides or I'm just misunderstanding something really badly.

Things shuld become a little bit clearer in the third movie, but here's the gist of what Zouken meant:

astroprogsMar 14, 2019 8:24 PM
Mar 14, 2019 8:18 PM

Feb 2014
I just got done watching it. One of the best Fate Adaptation ever. THAT WAS FUCKING AWESOME!

As a fan of the VN, I am overjoyed. They just nailed it, completely nailed it. And just as anime, it was stellar. The pacing, characters, story, horror, romance was top notch.

I think we’ve finally surpassed F/Z or at least on our way to surpass it. These movies are so much better than the UBW anime imo, they really nail the tone and the mental struggle of both Shirou and Sakura.

Thanks ufotable, I’m glad this exists. Something that lives up to the VN and in some cases, surpasses it.
Mar 14, 2019 8:27 PM
Review Moderator
Onii Chan

Mar 2018
This is my favorite fate movie, also surprised gil got instant killed in like 3 seconds.
Mar 14, 2019 9:18 PM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
Better than the first movie, but that is to be expected when the content they adapted was so good. Fate anime can never be as good as the VN, but they still make for an enjoyable ride regardless. First of all, the directing and production qualities were amazing in the movie, and much better than the first movie. The pretty much nailed the dark and heavy atmosphere of the route. And they played the shock factor moments pretty well.

Pretty low on action compared to the first movie, but Saber Alter vs. Berserker is easily the best-animated Fate fight I've ever seen. I just adore the way Berserker was animated. It had almost that stretch and squash-style animation that made things more crazier. Tiny bits like him launching half-a-building was dope af. Sakura's "candy" eating scene though, damn, that was well done. It was also interesting to see Shirou contradicting his ideology in the movie. This is probably the most complex Shirou has ever been in the anime. VN's a different story though :P

If there was any major gripe I had with this movie, it would probably be the first quarter of the film. It felt erratically paced and scenes lacked flow with one other. The whole Shirou and Shinji confrontation felt pretty lacking in an otherwise important moment. It might mainly be because the movie kinda starts with this, hence it lack proper buildup towards that scene.

Also, when Shinji died at the end, everyone clapped. It was a pretty contagious moment, so I ended up joining along too.

And that ED is fantastic. After all the stuff that goes down in this movie, the ED is a very chilling listen.

If the first movie's a 7/10, this one's more like an 8. If they handle the last movie with a similar amount of care, it'll probably be a 9. Anyways, super excited for the next part!
Mar 14, 2019 9:21 PM
Sep 2018
Kinda disappointed Gilgamesh got taken out so quickly and barely had any air time.

I had no idea Sakura was going to turn out to be what she was

Poor girl, but she needs to die

Where is my waifu saber? :(

Mar 14, 2019 9:35 PM

Apr 2014
I just finished the movie 30 minutes ago, and my dear lord... that is one crazy movie... here many people say that heavens feel is major crazy. Now I believe them. Good lord...
Mar 14, 2019 9:39 PM

Dec 2017
Just got back from watching this in theatres, it was great!

It was everything you'd expect from a Fate adaption from Ufotable- beautiful animation, great soundtrack, great action, etc. The story was also great, and the relationship between Shirou and Sakura was very heartwarming.

Only wish my girls Saber and Rider had more screen time ='[

Very solid 9/10 from me, it's a must see for all Fate fans.
Mar 14, 2019 9:57 PM

May 2018

I can't wait for the finale.
Mar 14, 2019 10:00 PM

Nov 2012
I see everyone went to the Fathom Events showing :D

The movie was awesome! The theater was dead silent when Sakura was licking the blood off Emiya's finger, also did not expect him to sleep with her. I was waiting for an interruption like usual! hahahahaha
Mar 14, 2019 10:17 PM

May 2013
not bad, it was good as the first movie quality, pacing and so. 3rd movie coming 2020 spring and the 3rd movie has spring in it's title, hehe, but maybe we won't get to watch it til summer? haha
Mar 14, 2019 10:37 PM

Dec 2014
The movie was awesome. Saber Alter vs Berserker needs to be rewatched over and over, though I found the fight a little hard to follow with all the effects going on at times, but it helped sell how powerful these characters were. Pretty great how my theater clapped and cheered when Shinji died and Sakura turned into that form.

I was also pretty happy they got rid of the whole Fate/see Sakura slowly fail at cooking aspects of the VN. Those scenes really didn't add much to convey her deteriorating state.
I need sleep.
Mar 14, 2019 10:37 PM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
Anime-is-King said:
The theater was dead silent when Sakura was licking the blood off Emiya's finger,
Damn, at my showing, everyone was laughing pretty hard. I even heard one guy say "that's not the only thing she'll be sucking soon" XD
Mar 14, 2019 11:12 PM

May 2018
Yandere-Dragon said:
GoldenDevilGamer said:
Damn, at my showing, everyone was laughing pretty hard. I even heard one guy say "that's not the only thing she'll be sucking soon" XD

We probably saw it at the same theater, what immature fans...

I actually had a fairly mature theater for the entirety of the movie. Other than some talking during the beginning, it was quiet for the most part. That's how I like it.
Mar 14, 2019 11:14 PM

Nov 2012
GoldenDevilGamer said:
Anime-is-King said:
The theater was dead silent when Sakura was licking the blood off Emiya's finger,
Damn, at my showing, everyone was laughing pretty hard. I even heard one guy say "that's not the only thing she'll be sucking soon" XD
Yandere-Dragon said:
GoldenDevilGamer said:
Damn, at my showing, everyone was laughing pretty hard. I even heard one guy say "that's not the only thing she'll be sucking soon" XD

We probably saw it at the same theater, what immature fans...

I guess I lucked out, i make some reaction noises but not words.
Mar 14, 2019 11:45 PM

Nov 2012
Yandere-Dragon said:
Anime-is-King said:

I guess I lucked out, i make some reaction noises but not words.

Not to mention the theater smelled like people hadn't bathed in weeks, that was the first and last time I go to an anime event...

Wow that's horrible man, there was only like 9 people in mine, so i had a whole row to myself. Not many anime fans in my area i guess :(
Mar 15, 2019 5:06 AM

Sep 2015
Really good adaptation, really great movie.
Mar 15, 2019 6:14 AM

Dec 2014
glassknuckles said:

Lelouch0202 said:

I am a little confused on certain plot points which I felt Zouken explained rather vaguely. Hopefully someone can correct/answer my statements/questions.
The Black Thing, the huge thing with all the tentacles and the Sakura/Shadow are two different things right? One is a manifestation of the Grail from this war and the other Shadow is basically a manifestation of the grail Zouken has been growing inside Sakura for all these years. Zouken talks about a gate and the grail, he mentions the grail is impenetrable but if we can destroy the gate then we have a chance? His plan was to destroy the gate using a piece of the grail? This is kinda where I got confused, is the goal to just kill Sakura or use her as a sacrifice to eliminate the 'gate'. Is Sakura a part of the grail itself or she just like a catalyst that they can use to stop the grail's havoc. Are Sakura's Shadow and the black loch ness monster part of the same thing or are they two different entities? It seems as though there are implication pointing to both sides or I'm just misunderstanding something really badly.

It's been a few years since I read the VN, but going from what I saw in the anime today, there is only one monster. The 'black thing' you're describing is Sakura's shadow - hence its resemblance to Sakura's long hair. The "gate" that Zouken refers to is Sakura. Sakura is carrying the contents of the grail, the black thing, inside of her. She is the "gate" to "let it out." Kirei Kotomine puts it in gendered terms when talks about it being "born" from Sakura's "womb". Zouken claims that the false grail he made has become a failure and a nuisance, and his advice was essentially that killing Sakura would be like an abortion. That would prevent the contents of the grail spilling out, and since you've seen Fate Zero,you know what would happen. That is also what Tohsaka believes, so I believe its 'reliable enough' information for now.

astroprogs said:

Things shuld become a little bit clearer in the third movie, but here's the gist of what Zouken meant:

This really cleared it up. Thanks a lot, both of you. :)
Mar 15, 2019 7:42 AM

Sep 2013
It was a truly stunning movie. Only saw a few key scenes from the cam; but now having seen it from start to finish, with subs, and not a cropped cam. Wow.
It is *really* good. Even better than I expected it to be. I was left a little shaken when the credits rolled.

It's a shame the entry bar is so high for people to see this film, because it really is everything you could want from an anime film. This isn't just good as a fate movie, it's a fantastic experience in general and says a lot about the human condition

Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 15, 2019 11:26 AM
Jan 2018
Anime-is-King said:
GoldenDevilGamer said:
Damn, at my showing, everyone was laughing pretty hard. I even heard one guy say "that's not the only thing she'll be sucking soon" XD
Yandere-Dragon said:

We probably saw it at the same theater, what immature fans...

I guess I lucked out, i make some reaction noises but not words.
i got one dude making a faping noise then one guy laughing when nobody else was laughing or straight screaming when everyone else was chuckling. I can never win when I go to see anime movies but it wasn’t as bad as the broly movie at least.
Mar 15, 2019 12:48 PM
Oct 2011
That Saber Alter vs Berserker fight...holy shit! I don't think it's a heat of the moment reaction to say that was the best anime fight I've ever seen.
Mar 15, 2019 1:48 PM

Jul 2017
legit one of the bets things i ever had the pleasure to view
Mar 15, 2019 2:25 PM
Mar 2019
Mickdrew said:
It was a truly stunning movie. Only saw a few key scenes from the cam; but now having seen it from start to finish, with subs, and not a cropped cam. Wow.
It is *really* good. Even better than I expected it to be. I was left a little shaken when the credits rolled.

It's a shame the entry bar is so high for people to see this film, because it really is everything you could want from an anime film. This isn't just good as a fate movie, it's a fantastic experience in general and says a lot about the human condition


I think in some parts it even surpasses the original material due to clever cinematography and directions in some scenes. Sakura is easier to sympathize and you see more Shinji's reactions before his attempted rape scene. You can see the guy had severe inferiority complex. I don't know why so many viewers missed the part that he, along his father and uncle Kariya lost their ability to use magic. That's the whole reason why Shinji hates everyone else so much because they can do magecraft, especially his crush Rin is an elite mage.

While the anime can't replace the game completely, it's a perfect supplemental material and they couldn't have done it better with their time slot. My only complaint is the fight scene between Saber Alter and Berserker's explosive scenes take over 80-90% of the screen constantly, which made it harder to follow the fight.
Mar 15, 2019 6:12 PM
Mar 2019
It's been a long time since I've watched something this powerful

I think in some parts it even surpasses the original material due to clever cinematography and directions in some scenes.

Well said. This is truly a reimagining of the sourse material that brings it to a whole new level.
DeusExMakenaMar 15, 2019 6:17 PM
Mar 15, 2019 8:18 PM
Jul 2018
That was a pretty damn epic spectacle. Ufotable was on top of their game with this one and the soundtrack was awesome. The action beats were really cool, too, and I never once felt bored throughout the movie. Several scenes were well directed and may as well stand out in my memory for a long time. As someone who didn't read the VN, I enjoyed it even though the plot twists weren't particularly surprising and never felt shocked by anything. However, it was still a cohesive series of events and I think I understood it well enough and will probably rewatch it later when the third movie comes out to refresh myself. I don't have any big questions about the plot or what happened in this film.

Also, a bit disappointed Gil's role in this was so tiny. I wanted to see more big screen action from him x'D

Lastly, I want to listen to the ending credits song on repeat for a while!

Either a 7 or 8/10 for me. Still thinking about the story itself and the pros/cons of it.
removed-userMar 15, 2019 9:13 PM
Mar 16, 2019 8:42 AM

Apr 2012
Kangchenjunga said:
I enjoyed it even though the plot twists weren't particularly surprising and never felt shocked by anything

Just curious, did you watch Fate/Zero? Fate/Zero was written later by Butch and heavily based on the revelations in Heaven's Feel, so having watched it first would spoil many of the twists like Rin and Sakura being siblings, Ilya's history with Kiritsugu, ect.
Mar 16, 2019 9:15 AM
Jul 2018
Moekou said:
Kangchenjunga said:
I enjoyed it even though the plot twists weren't particularly surprising and never felt shocked by anything

Just curious, did you watch Fate/Zero? Fate/Zero was written later by Butch and heavily based on the revelations in Heaven's Feel, so having watched it first would spoil many of the twists like Rin and Sakura being siblings, Ilya's history with Kiritsugu, ect.

Yeah, F/Z was my introduction to Fate even though it probably was better off saved for later haha. I didn't really know what it was and watched it with my brother since he was watching it back then years ago. Only after did I find out it was a prequel so yeaaaaah x'D Other than the things from F/Z, I didn't feel surprised about Sakura being connected to the shadow thing, but I guess that could be since I've already seen that the Matous are a creepy bunch anyway. So eh, you're probably right.
Mar 16, 2019 10:11 AM

Apr 2012
Kangchenjunga said:
Moekou said:

Just curious, did you watch Fate/Zero? Fate/Zero was written later by Butch and heavily based on the revelations in Heaven's Feel, so having watched it first would spoil many of the twists like Rin and Sakura being siblings, Ilya's history with Kiritsugu, ect.

Yeah, F/Z was my introduction to Fate even though it probably was better off saved for later haha. I didn't really know what it was and watched it with my brother since he was watching it back then years ago. Only after did I find out it was a prequel so yeaaaaah x'D Other than the things from F/Z, I didn't feel surprised about Sakura being connected to the shadow thing, but I guess that could be since I've already seen that the Matous are a creepy bunch anyway. So eh, you're probably right.

Haha well, it's tough either way, especially since Heaven's Feel and Fate/Zero are so heavily connected that one would spoil the other no matter what, and at this point ufoTable is assuming a lot of fans would have watched Zero already anyways, otherwise I don't think the audience would have understood the significance of Ilya overhearing how Kiritsugu kept trying to visit Europe.

But yeah, originally, Heaven's Feel is where a lot of these first twists were dropped, and it was all the more shocking because the player had already played through two entire routes, Fate (the Saber storyline) and Unlimited Blade Works, which focused on Archer/Rin. So a lot of the revelations were huge at the time, like Sakura even being relevant, Rider not just being some "first death" weak Servant, and the entire plot surrounding Zouken and the Matou family, since previously it seemed their only relevance was Shinji and Rider being introductory enemies before we get to the actual dangers. Suddenly the story was no longer just about Servants fighting to the death for a wish.

Well, in general, each route tries to make different characters shine, and so just as Kirei got an unexpected sudden end in UBW, this time it was Gil's turn. But this means Kirei is now going to have to really get his own hands dirty, now that he can no longer afford to just sit back having powerful Servants doing the work for him.
MoekouMar 16, 2019 10:15 AM
Mar 17, 2019 5:37 PM
Oct 2009
Hands down THE best adaptation of the whole fate series. Ufotable continues to surprise me every year just you think they can't outdo themselves.

Mar 17, 2019 7:21 PM
Jul 2018
Moekou said:
But this means Kirei is now going to have to really get his own hands dirty, now that he can no longer afford to just sit back having powerful Servants doing the work for him.

I look forward to seeing this o:
And the third movie in general haha. See how this all wraps up--
Mar 18, 2019 1:01 AM

Feb 2013
I cant believe how they animated Sakura's erotic breath so well lmao
Mar 18, 2019 4:50 AM

Aug 2009
Moekou said:
Kangchenjunga said:

Yeah, F/Z was my introduction to Fate even though it probably was better off saved for later haha. I didn't really know what it was and watched it with my brother since he was watching it back then years ago. Only after did I find out it was a prequel so yeaaaaah x'D Other than the things from F/Z, I didn't feel surprised about Sakura being connected to the shadow thing, but I guess that could be since I've already seen that the Matous are a creepy bunch anyway. So eh, you're probably right.

and at this point ufoTable is assuming a lot of fans would have watched Zero already anyways, otherwise I don't think the audience would have understood the significance of Ilya overhearing how Kiritsugu kept trying to visit Europe.

That isnt true.First of all the VN had the shopping scene which "for some reason" makes a connection between her and Kerry. 2nd, ufoUBW aleady establishes that Ilya and Kerry had an important relationship and that Kerry as traveling a lot.
Mar 18, 2019 3:35 PM

Jan 2013
That was fucking amazing.
They really nailed the atmosphere, as the gloom slowly creeps in.
Mar 18, 2019 4:48 PM
Mar 2019
This is an amazing movie you ever seen. Please watch it and you will never regret it later on! Hopefully I am looking forward to watch spring song next year.
Mar 18, 2019 7:24 PM
Jul 2018
I dont want to write anything
Mar 20, 2019 2:43 AM
Jul 2018
Yandere-Dragon said:
Anime-is-King said:

Wow that's horrible man, there was only like 9 people in mine, so i had a whole row to myself. Not many anime fans in my area i guess :(

Oh wow, next time I'll have to look for a less packed theater I guess

The people at the cinema where I watched it only laughed a few times but were well behaved and clapped when Shinji met his karma.
Mar 20, 2019 8:15 PM

Jun 2015
Watched this during the LA Premiere, forgot to post my thoughts

LA Premiere wasn't anywhere near as terrible as the HF1 premiere. Only a few inappropriate laughing moments.

Fight scenes were good. BAHSAHKAH especially looked like the strong beast he is, but Saber Alter's beamspam also showed that she's absolutely crazy as a servant.

The main conflict between Shirou's ideals and protecting Sakura was wonderfully built up in the movie. It was a real nice, slow build, reaching that amazing climax with his vision in the sea of Fuyuki's flames, and then that crazy scene where Shirou finally broke down with the knife. Absolutely heartbreaking to see that almost machine-like man fall into a despair so great that he's shown true tears for the first time.

Romance was built up well, and I really liked how tasteful the "H-scene" was. It really hit the emotional beats and encapsulated their relationship perfectly. A real far cry from the schlocky "educated prostituting" of the VN and the magic mana dolphins of the anime adaptations.

The shadow was horrifying whenever it showed up, and the scene where it nom'd entire buildings and killed random people on the street was the stuff of nightmares.

Lots of great character building moments in the second half, lots of shifting power-balances and relationships. I daresay that the second half, despite being less action packed, was the far better portion of the movie for how well it weaved those emotional moments together.

Shinji is a shit. Kamiya's voice acting is godlike in this movie.

Some people have already complained about the cut Illya and Kirei scenes so I don't need to repeat them but I really liked the new Taiga scene. Provided some good development for both Illya and Sakura

This was a really good middle movie. Really sets the tone and puts the powder in the keg for when it gets set off in the third movie.

Mar 26, 2019 5:00 PM

Feb 2018
It's true there is a sex scene there but it's not too clearly shown. At the end of the story there is also the scene of Sakura going to be raped by Shinji but instead he is killed.
Mar 27, 2019 2:53 PM

Jan 2015
how could such a disaster movie be released at all?
Mar 27, 2019 4:45 PM

Jan 2015
BestBoiEren said:
how could such a disaster movie be released at all?

How could such a disaster of your tastes be released at all? - anime | manga | watch anime online
Mar 27, 2019 5:43 PM

Jan 2015
MockingEntropy said:
BestBoiEren said:
how could such a disaster movie be released at all?

How could such a disaster of your tastes be released at all?

If that means not liking anything from that terrible author nasu then yes I have a disaster taste. All of his works are garbage
Mar 27, 2019 11:43 PM
Jun 2015
BestBoiEren said:
MockingEntropy said:

How could such a disaster of your tastes be released at all?

If that means not liking anything from that terrible author nasu then yes I have a disaster taste. All of his works are garbage

Nice bait shitlord.
Mar 28, 2019 4:23 AM

Jan 2015
Alter_A said:
BestBoiEren said:

If that means not liking anything from that terrible author nasu then yes I have a disaster taste. All of his works are garbage

Nice bait shitlord.

ah, the usual he has a different opinion so its a bait, what did I expect from fate fans
Mar 28, 2019 4:56 AM

Jan 2015
BestBoiEren said:
MockingEntropy said:

How could such a disaster of your tastes be released at all?

If that means not liking anything from that terrible author nasu then yes I have a disaster taste. All of his works are garbage

I was rude with you but I think you're exaggerating. Did you really check Kara no Kyoukai (nasu greatest work)? Top-notch in storytelling and writing (even more through the novel version). And what's exactly wrong with Heaven's Feel for you? Don't tell me it's because Gilgamesh became fodder! - anime | manga | watch anime online
Mar 28, 2019 5:13 AM
Jun 2015
BestBoiEren said:
Alter_A said:

Nice bait shitlord.

ah, the usual he has a different opinion so its a bait, what did I expect from fate fans

"Opinion" isn't the be all end all get out of jail free card you like to think it is. If your "opinion" is blanket statement and unfounded bullshit, you deserve to get shit on.
Mar 28, 2019 7:06 AM

Aug 2009
MockingEntropy said:
BestBoiEren said:

If that means not liking anything from that terrible author nasu then yes I have a disaster taste. All of his works are garbage

I was rude with you but I think you're exaggerating. Did you really check Kara no Kyoukai (nasu greatest work)? Top-notch in storytelling and writing (even more through the novel version). And what's exactly wrong with Heaven's Feel for you? Don't tell me it's because Gilgamesh became fodder!
You are wasting your time.
Mar 28, 2019 8:04 AM

May 2015
BestBoiEren said:
ah, the usual he has a different opinion so its a bait, what did I expect from fate fans

LOL I love how you tried to throw that back as though your point of contention actually tells us anything regarding you disdain towards the movie. That's not even an opinion a mother could side with...

Mar 28, 2019 7:06 PM

Oct 2012
BestBoiEren said:
Alter_A said:

Nice bait shitlord.

ah, the usual he has a different opinion so its a bait, what did I expect from fate fans

I don't go around posting "Cowboy is a terrible anime through and through. All of Shinichio Watanabe's works are garbage," and expect to get supportive messages. Just as you have the freedom to critique a show you dislike, other people have the freedom to critique your taste if they want to.
Mar 29, 2019 5:46 AM

Jan 2015
SubtleJ said:
BestBoiEren said:

ah, the usual he has a different opinion so its a bait, what did I expect from fate fans

I don't go around posting "Cowboy is a terrible anime through and through. All of Shinichio Watanabe's works are garbage," and expect to get supportive messages. Just as you have the freedom to critique a show you dislike, other people have the freedom to critique your taste if they want to.

yes, you have the rights to critique my opinion/taste, but I can't care less what fate fans think so theres that
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