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Attack on Titan
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Aug 13, 2018 12:51 AM

Mar 2018
Cool episode... Things are getting heated up in the walls.
Aug 13, 2018 1:13 AM
Oct 2007
How much better can this gets?!!! I wished all the episodes were out, it's hard to wait every week for a new one!!

Does anybody knows if they have enough materials for S4 at this pace? My guess is probably another year of waiting after this season.. AoT (east) is equivalent to Game of Thrones (west) to me.
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Aug 13, 2018 1:55 AM

Jul 2014
Another slow but interesting episode, which I guess will be the norm for the time being. The show almost had me for a minute with Jean, but that was definitely a clever ploy to prove their loyalty. That aside, looks like we have another Ackerman around, which will be interesting for Mikasa hopefully.
Aug 13, 2018 3:02 AM

Feb 2013
Lol, Kenny is related to Mikasa?
Damn, Erwin looks awful, someone has to save him!
Aug 13, 2018 3:42 AM
Mar 2018
The counter attack begins!!! Everyone is witness; the media as well. It's time for a Coup d'etat!!! The rescue operations for Eren and Historia (Christa) begins!!
Aug 13, 2018 3:53 AM

May 2017
SharafDan said:
It's officially a rebellion!

Also Hitch loves Marlo, and Mr. Bowl Cut can relate to Horse Face!

Nah she loves Annie coz she gay (bi to be exact)
Aug 13, 2018 5:02 AM

Jun 2012
Ezz-sama said:
keragamming said:

It could still be inserted as a fladhback in the next episode, just like how the season has been so far.

They 've cut already lot of stuff like Erwin and Pixis conversation .. also Nile and Erwin conversation

also Reeves, Dimo & levi

To be honest this arc here is mediocre , In the manga it was great

Yup a lot of characters development went out the window, it's a shame. Even if the pace would be slower, this show would be way more engaging.
Aug 13, 2018 5:03 AM

Mar 2016
luccide said:
How much better can this gets?!!! I wished all the episodes were out, it's hard to wait every week for a new one!!

Does anybody knows if they have enough materials for S4 at this pace? My guess is probably another year of waiting after this season.. AoT (east) is equivalent to Game of Thrones (west) to me.
Honestly, the manga material available it's close to another 24 episodes when adapted correctly (the pacing of the manga is insane - the anime is definitely going to slow down) but the manga seems to be building up towards a final arc which is good in a way but a strecht in the other because this should've been the last one. To soon to say.
Aug 13, 2018 5:11 AM

Feb 2014
Jean almost caught me by surprise. I had a feeling he had a reason behind his berserk-like interrogation, but his overall goal worked and Levi's team gained two allies from the other regiment in the process. Getting hit in the face a log must've hurt like hell though. X_X

Despite that, Levi's interrogation on that cowardly commander was brutal, just like Levi himself. It was interesting to know that Kenny's surname is also the same as Mikasa's surname.

Either way, the rebellion is on the rise. Flegel has grown a backbone, with the help of Zoe, and got the community supporting him and the scouts. Erwin looks like a mess, sadly, but I do wonder what he'll say to the king next time. This is already buolding up to be one exciting season again! =D
Aug 13, 2018 5:37 AM

Dec 2015
I gotta say, I was desapoointing with the writing of this episode. Usually SNK have a great writing, but on this one it was really forced. Just compare this episode with previous one of this season and even episode 14 from Season 1. You can definitely tell that Isayama wasn't really at his best while doing this arc.
Aug 13, 2018 5:57 AM

May 2016
Another solid episode as i expected :)
Aug 13, 2018 6:24 AM

Sep 2017
so which chapter was adapted? is there no chance that these skipped conversations are animated later on?..
Aug 13, 2018 6:49 AM

Jan 2013
This anime just keeps delivering, it always leaves me so hyped! One of the few animes that leave me this hyped! Incredible!

So glad that there are still people in this world that think for themselves, i just hope those 2 guys aren't traitors.
I thought that everyone knew that Annie was the, they are hiding everything.

They want to kill all the scouts and Capt.Erwin? omgggggggg I hope Levi and his team will save them all before.

And wow! The merchant's son finally grew some balls xD Good job dude!
This sounds like a revolution, which is the only option they have right now.

Levi got really crazy, he is worried about everyone and wants to rescue Eren and Historia as fast as possible.

I want the next episodeeeeeeeeee pls!!!! And btw i don't think that those guys that are attacking Levi at the and are enemies, i think that maybe they want to join them, but i can be wrong.
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Aug 13, 2018 7:39 AM
Jan 2016
Oh my God this is getting more and more intense's more like Attack on Human than Attack on Titan now...and what I can see is greed, yeah greed in the Kingdom side. Thanks God there are still many people that have a fresh and rational mind like Marlo, Hitch, and I don't know about Nile, I think he is an interesting character that I hope will make a turnover in this story...and yeah you know Levi, master of torturing hahaha, I remember when he kick Eren's ass in the first season in front of the judge hahaha. And now they want to excecute Erwin? Hmm it's not that easy, King...I believe Erwin already has a big plan...the politics side is getting real, huh...
Aug 13, 2018 7:49 AM
Mar 2014
It was awesome seeing Hange come down like that to get Flegel/ Finally, Kenny's last name was revealed. I've been waiting for this. Next episode gonna be good
DvioussAug 13, 2018 8:06 AM
Aug 13, 2018 8:47 AM

Dec 2015
So 2 chapters were adapted. Pretty good episode although they skipped a lot of things.
Aug 13, 2018 10:33 AM

Jan 2017
Am I only one who thinking Kenny is Mikasa uncle ?
Bcoz they have similar name " ackerman "...
*I'm not manga reader
Aug 13, 2018 11:43 AM

Jan 2015
So Kenny is an Ackerman, interesting, I'm curious to see where this goes
Aug 13, 2018 11:50 AM

Mar 2013
Man, every episode gets better but I just wish I was not spoiled by the Kenny ackerman name drop from youtube is dumb recommendations and youtube channels that spoil shit in their thumbnails, like who the fk thought it was okay to put levi ackerman and kenny ackerman in huge letters as a thumbnail...
Aug 13, 2018 12:17 PM

Dec 2015
Those bureaucrats don't realize how slowly but surely power is slipping right through their hands, and it's a direct result of their actions. The Scouts will soon show them that neither them nor humanity is to be messed with.

I expect an epic speech from Erwin where he will wreck everyone attending his "last words".
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Aug 13, 2018 12:46 PM
Aug 2018
Well,now we know that kenny is also an ackerman.

So I have a theory about the ackermans.

When Mikasa killed the person that kidnapped her,we saw the same lightning(or whatever u call it)that appears when transforming to a titan appearing on mikasa's brain..
So my point is that there's a possibility that the ackermans have some special powers and that's why all the ackermans in aot are so overpowered.


what do u guys think?
Aug 13, 2018 1:36 PM

Mar 2016
adrianto1995 said:
Am I only one who thinking Kenny is Mikasa uncle ?
Bcoz they have similar name " ackerman "...
*I'm not manga reader
Levi is also an Ackermann... They said that in episode 2 close to the ending.
As a manga reader,

Aug 13, 2018 5:59 PM
Jan 2016
Just wow! How this anime always leave me so hyped!

I am really happy to see that someone can really help, hope the 2 who helped dont became traitors!

Finally Reeves stop crying like a baby, and helped Hage to unmask the military to the people, like a revolution.

Please want next episode fast, to see what will happen in the audience!!
Aug 13, 2018 9:06 PM

Feb 2015
Erwin Smith is a considerately important character for me, I really hope he doesn't get killed. In other scenes Levi and Hang are ejecuting their own actions in order to have a small posibility of recovering the order to the legion and the community.

Aug 13, 2018 9:33 PM

May 2016
*Levi beating the shit out of a guy*

me: god i wish that was me
“May those who accept their fate be granted Happiness, may those who defy their fate be granted Glory.”
Aug 13, 2018 11:18 PM

Jul 2015
The episode was good though they cut some parts,hope they add the trial scene next episode.

Aug 13, 2018 11:46 PM

Apr 2016
Why this anime is getting better instead of getting boring
Aug 14, 2018 4:42 AM

Mar 2016
I like where this is going ... its very intresting and more fun that just titan fights

Aug 14, 2018 5:01 AM

May 2016
Another great episode as expected, I hope Erwin can find a way out of that misery...
Aug 14, 2018 1:15 PM
May 2018
im excited about what is going to happeeeeeen..
Aug 14, 2018 3:47 PM
Jan 2017
so much is happening right now. im honestly a little bit nervous to see what is going to happen to the Scouts. i just hope that the gov. get what they deserve, so sick of their asses.
Aug 14, 2018 6:49 PM
Apr 2018

I think that someone important could die possibly at the climax of the rebellion but currently I am sorry we about Eren and historia due to the trial though I am hype that people have officially realised erens power to control Titans so I am curious what happens with that. Plus his Titan is weaker than usual. I don't know I am just so happy.
Aug 14, 2018 9:28 PM

Feb 2010
FuMomo-kun said:

Levi putting his foot into that guy's mouth was funny, and looked painful. Though, I will admit, I got slightly jealous of the man.

I've never felt more understood.
MusashiRoseAug 14, 2018 9:40 PM
Aug 15, 2018 3:52 AM

Jun 2013
Marlo's seiyuu, man. Tomokazu Sugita's voice is so iconic, you'd recognize it anywhere. He's one of my favorite voice actor/seiyuus of all time. It's perfect for bishounen/ikemen characters and even serious and comedic characters. Off-topic: It's getting me hyped for the live action version of Gintama 2 even though he won't actually be in it.

Armin was lowkey savage in the beginning, he looked fucking pissed. Shooting and killing someone for the first time fucked him up good.

Good to see Flegel standing up and taking responsibility. He's no longer the useless fat son of Reeves. He is now a leader and people are beginning to respect him more.

Speaking of savage, Levi shoving his foot inside the interior police's mouth. He's so fucking badass. Also, it's sad seeing Erwin in that state. For those who have read the manga, ya'll know what's about to go down.

Also, Mikasa's reaction when she heard Kenny's last name.
ApawtheCorgiJoAug 15, 2018 4:20 AM
Aug 15, 2018 4:13 AM

Jul 2016
The world building is getting better now.

I feel like as an anime only person I will get some answers but ahell of alot more questions in the next few episodes.
Aug 15, 2018 7:31 AM

Apr 2013
So much stuff happened this episode. I actually enjoy this a lot so far despite no titan is showing up. Looks like the scouts will get the support of the common folk and try to beat the king this way. Meanwhile Levi and his squad try to rescue Eren... again xD
Aug 15, 2018 7:34 AM

May 2015
I get the feeling this season will be better than previous ones.
Aug 16, 2018 3:51 AM
Oct 2017
Great move from Hange as that will spark the revolution and uprising since those citizens will spread word of the MPs lies. Ah man this season is going to be intense so thank god its 25 episodes!
Aug 16, 2018 7:21 AM
Aug 2018
i really loved the episode , everything was 10/10 . i hope Erwin wouldn't die .
Aug 16, 2018 12:55 PM

Mar 2013
This was a good episode, specially the Flegel part! (As a manga reader I shall not spoil)!

But Gods, I was so irritated throgout the entire episode because of how bright they made Levi's eyes. They were so freakin' blue, I had to search if his eyes were actually blue; and they are, but it was never made this bright and I always thought they were black! Even in the manga I never saw this.

Did anyone else got "disturbed" by this as well?! I think he loses a bit of his charm with such bright blue eyes...
Aug 16, 2018 3:13 PM

Aug 2018
ten said:
I get the feeling this season will be better than previous ones.

If they manage to get both arcs right (and currently I see no reason to be worried about that), believe me, we have a hell of a season ahead of us! There is so much intrigue and mystery going on, combined with massive fights to come and a lot of heartbreaking action. Will be an absolute blast to see some of the scenes in the manga realised in moving pictures. Cannot wait!
Aug 16, 2018 8:07 PM
Mar 2016
Nice to see Hitch and Marlo back again.

The content that should be in the next few episodes is my favourite part of the manga so I'm pretty excited to say the least.
Aug 18, 2018 7:35 AM

Jun 2017
Personally I am glad they are cutting this down because this arc was a very dragged out borefest in the manga, we should get the good stuff in a few weeks at this pace.
Aug 18, 2018 9:03 AM

Aug 2018
Intresting Episode.
Mikasa Looks very confused, curious to see If Levi Is going to explain some things to her, maybe It could answer some of my questions... *no manga reader*
Erwins future doesn't look very bright at the moment.

Aug 18, 2018 6:03 PM

Mar 2016
I loved the episode. It’s looks like they prepare for the bigger things coming
Can we just appreciate this scene? when the man from military police insulted erwin and scout then Levi get mad and said:

“Some Scouts' lives are more valuable than others.”

I’m so.. :( Levi is a great leader!

I hope next ep the situation going well for scouts I don’t want it to be the first cry this season
And one more thing, who else missed eren like me? I miss his anger voice
Aug 18, 2018 9:28 PM

Aug 2017
Sorry for my dumb question but why Eren is captured?

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Aug 18, 2018 10:59 PM

Mar 2016
Nurguburu said:
Sorry for my dumb question but why Eren is captured?

He is a titan + they found out that he can control the titans too
Aug 27, 2018 3:54 PM

Jul 2012
That was a nice move by Jean to recruit those two. I like them so far.

Flegel really stepped up there. He could've been killed at any point, but luckily got them to spill before it happened.

Nurguburu said:
Sorry for my dumb question but why Eren is captured?

The scouts know too much so they took away their strongest weapon.
Aug 29, 2018 9:15 AM

Jan 2015
I don't like how is this series moving on. I'm not so interested that much to this season's plot. But ok at least it doesn't bore me that much.
Sep 2, 2018 6:33 AM

Jul 2008
The anime is making this arc so much better, the music, having the vocals, etc. Well done so far season 3.
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