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Mar 3, 2018 12:35 PM

Jun 2014
This has to be one of the most emotional episodes yet. I had tears in my eyes at one point.

Violet is having a hard time accepting what she finally knows about the major.

Mar 4, 2018 9:47 AM

Mar 2012
Best episode so far
Mar 5, 2018 10:58 AM

Sep 2015
Maybe a tad emotionally manipulative. But this episode devastated me. Poor writer man. Poor kawaii daughter. I thought the jumping over the lake part was a bit silly though. Especially since it was like supposed to be the emotional climax.
Mar 5, 2018 3:39 PM

May 2017
Best episode yet, the last 3 felt like filler.
Crap this episode destroyed my good mood, now im sad...Poor Oliver and his daughter <:

Finally some progression in the plot. Is the Major really dead hmmm
Mar 5, 2018 5:34 PM

Dec 2016
Beautiful episode! The feels </3 I'm feeling bad for Violet for discovering the truth about Gilbert (or is he really alive?!) and also for that Father for loosing his two most important persons of his life :(

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Mar 5, 2018 5:37 PM

Aug 2015
Yeah, I cried a lot during this episode...especially during the scene where Violet walked across the lake on the leaves, and they showed the flashback scenes of Olivia. Couldn't help but cry along with Oscar T^T Then when Violet realized she had killed so many people, taking their "one day wishes" away..that was a stab to the heart too. And the finishing blow was when they decided to end the episode with them telling us what happened to Gilbert. Same Violet, I hope he is alive. I want happiness for them both :'(
Mar 7, 2018 2:04 PM

Jun 2015
Where do I start.
When the first episode of Violet Evergarden came out in spring 2017 and everyone were hyping, I was sure that they will be disappointed in the end and they will start shitting on it. Now I'm watching the anime and I'm feeling ashamed of what I thought. "This anime is so amazing" was what I were saying after watching some episodes and now after watching this episode, I seriously started considering this anime as one of the best works in the anime Industry ever.
This episode was so special. The first part with the father-daughter story was so moving and touching. The tragic story of a father who lost all of his loved ones and who exiles himself to suffer alone. What a tragedy ! Then comes the arrival of Violet that shook everything, making him remember his pains and helping him getting over it. The scene when she jumped over the lake was amazing. The quality of the animation and the very expressive visuals mixed the beautiful music made the feels reach their peak. I actually shed a tear. Then comes the part when Violet gets back home which, despite its shortness, it was not lacking the high emotions of the previous part.
I feel ashamed for not being able to portray better than this how touched I am by this episode and this show overall but I think that the word "Masterpiece" is close enough to expressing that.

Mar 8, 2018 1:42 PM

Mar 2014
Tusk said:
Does anyone know the song near the end of the episode with the piano and violin? Also played in episode 9. I can't find any details about that song :(
Is it this one?
Mar 8, 2018 3:04 PM

Jan 2008
Something about this particular episode stood out from all the rest, making it better than all the other episodes before it. I went through two tissues; one for tears, and the other for snot from my ugly crying during the playwright's dead daughter part. Was the lake jump scene in the trailer?

Violet finding out what happened to the major was quite the pivotal moment. I still wonder what happened during the meeting when Violet met the major's older brother at the docks when he confronted her for some reason. Did he just leave as soon as he said his piece? Just seemed out of place. Too bad the older brother wasn't the one to die.

Everything about this episode was top notch...especially that super realistic water that looks like I could literally drink out of it. Can't get more immersive than that, unless if it were possible to watch this show in VR.
Mar 8, 2018 3:28 PM

Apr 2015
Wow.. Simply wow...

This is like the best episode I've seen in the past 1-2 years. Honestly.

Everything was so well done. The animation, Violet expressing herself and the music was on point.

Why does life suck... That man has lost everything in his life ='(

10/10 episode.
Mar 8, 2018 4:22 PM

Oct 2012
Wow, both emotionally and audio-visually exceptional episode. Probably the best one so far. KyoAni really overdid theirselves with that pond running scene and Violet's return, crying on ship and realization after leaving the ship were very strong moments too.

Somehow she's growing as character and I really like that. Well done, this time, wonder what happens next.
Mar 8, 2018 10:22 PM

Jun 2012
I'm so moved to tears that I've finally seen the true first episode of the series.......thanks for this moment, KyoAni.
Mar 9, 2018 2:39 AM

Aug 2016
This episode was honestly so sad.

Set by SenpieX
Mar 17, 2018 4:09 PM

Jan 2015
OMG! Violet in this episode was so human!
Mar 18, 2018 5:24 PM

Jul 2013
That's right keep it up this is really getting good. I like the very promising character development here and the episodic feature where she travels around writing for different kinds of people with different past and personalities.
Mar 22, 2018 4:19 PM

Jan 2013
The price of getting one's emotions back, makes sense.
Emotionally heavy
Mar 22, 2018 5:45 PM

Jul 2012
I can't imagine losing your wife and then losing your last loved one in your daughter just a few years later. I don't know how he was able to keep going, but he was thankfully able to live long enough to meet Violet.

Poor Violet. She was used as a weapon of war and now has to deal with the emotional repercussions. I know she's killed a lot of people, but she didn't know any better. And now she's helping other people in tremendous ways. She deserves to keep living.

The truth is finally out. I wonder where the story goes from here.
It'll probably be as emotional or even more so than this episode from now on 😭

I'm actually surprised I haven't mentioned this, but the soundtrack for this show has been absolutely amazing.
Mar 23, 2018 12:56 PM

Apr 2016
The episode was sad, first the story of the father that lost his baby/girl and second because Violet discovers the Gilbert, probably, is dead!!!
In the lake, the jumping was a world record!!! kekeke
Mar 24, 2018 11:24 PM
Mar 2012
Writer looks like Euphonium sensei + 10 years.
Violet the ghostwriter becomes a noob carbonara cook, maid, proxy mom stopping a drunkard, proxy daughter, almost became Jesus midway through the lake, and get called god. A bit fast.
Nice parasol & tooth design for daughter, too bad she dead.
Cool how the Marry Poppins fantasy battle shounen story ties with his regrets and loss, and gave the perfect time for Gilbert's reveal. The inner fire theme returns from Claudia.

Mar 28, 2018 8:02 PM

Jun 2016
I feel like the whole "single father has a daughter who eventually passes away" trope is so overdone that the majority of this episode felt rather uninspired and boring.
The ending was interesting, though. A bit sad too.
Mar 31, 2018 5:26 PM

May 2010
Ugh, nothing gets me more than sad family-related stories T-T Right into the feelz, especially jumping-over-the-lake scene. Beautiful!
Apr 5, 2018 11:58 PM

Jan 2013
Well...i wasn't expecting this :( The feels....The moment when Violet jumped over the water totally got me...
And that ending was so unexpected.
With every new episode that comes out, i love this anime even more.
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Apr 8, 2018 12:26 AM

Jun 2013
....well looks like Violet is becoming this author's fan.

Poor author tough, losing wife 1st and then his daughter....Parent's never should bury their children...I say daughter got a cancer....

And That Lake scene, especially that Leaf Leap Scene!!! FREAKING BEAUTIFUL!!!

Why tough I feel there is Drama just around the Corner.
Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.~Winston Churchill

"Fate of the universe will be Decided as it SHOULD be, in MORTAL KOMBAT!" ~Elder Gods

"Justice WILL Prevail?" "But OF COURSE IT WILL!! WHOEVER WINS, BECOMES THE JUSTICE!!!" ~Donquixote Doflamingo (King, Pirate, Shichibukai, Philosopher(?) (One Piece))
Apr 8, 2018 11:48 AM

May 2012
Oh man what an episode, this had so many feelings in it that I barely can express how much this got to me! What a bittersweet story and especially with that ending! Man that really got to me, while we the viewer knew already, to see her to deny the truth is still quite hard to swallow!

Really fantastic episode and I really do wonder what will happen next!
Apr 8, 2018 11:56 AM

Mar 2012
Lmao, old lady just accidentally letting Violet know he's dead.
Apr 9, 2018 1:19 AM

Apr 2011
Violet is getting more popular lately getting a lot of requests like now. And from a famous writer at that. I feel sad about the writer not only losing his wife but his daughter as well. And Violet helped him get back up. I hope he can find a new love someday. But one feels is not enough, then the news of Gilberts death reached her. Deym. That hit her big time. She shows a lot of emotions than before. Becoming more human. That's a good thing.

If I remember correctly, there' a PV where the writer dressed Violet with the parasol and made her dance. That's the only thing I'm disappointed in this episode.
Apr 13, 2018 12:16 AM

May 2013
Watching the beginning of this ep made me realize I'd like for the other 2 Dolls to progress in their ghostwriting as well. Why is Violet getting these opportunities when she's still learning human emotions? Ghostwriting for the Princess and now this play :/ Yeah, MC perks, but it would be nice for the other girls to show improvement or being requested for something. I know the focus isn't on them and this series is too short to have fillers for them, but just a little bit would be fine. Have them play a part too, lulz :3

Also, where did that tidbit from the guy Violet encountered on the pier go??? The one who got angry that she was ghostwriting after killing so many of his men, LOL. I ALMOST forgot about him xD It was interesting. Let's roll back to that lmao

At least Violet finally learned that her Major was KIA :( she needed to know. It's too bad her boss didn't work up the courage to tell her himself
Rewind to previous ep where she told Leon she would die without Gilbert's existence. Let's see how she copes with this information :( I wonder if she ran to go find Gilbert ;A;

On a lighter note, that scenery with her on top of the water was absolutely breathtaking btw <333333

Kokoro_KotashimaApr 13, 2018 12:24 AM
Apr 13, 2018 2:42 PM
Jun 2010
Kokoro_Inuzuka said:
Also, where did that tidbit from the guy Violet encountered on the pier go??? The one who got angry that she was ghostwriting after killing so many of his men, LOL. I ALMOST forgot about him xD It was interesting. Let's roll back to that lmao

Lol, more or less my reaction. They get back to it later, or the issue that guy brought up anyway. I understand them wanting to foreshadow, but it was so abrupt.
Apr 15, 2018 1:09 PM

May 2013
SamuraiChameleon said:
Kokoro_Inuzuka said:
Also, where did that tidbit from the guy Violet encountered on the pier go??? The one who got angry that she was ghostwriting after killing so many of his men, LOL. I ALMOST forgot about him xD It was interesting. Let's roll back to that lmao

Lol, more or less my reaction. They get back to it later, or the issue that guy brought up anyway. I understand them wanting to foreshadow, but it was so abrupt.

yeah, it wasn't done very well lolol. I was like, dufuq just happened? xD and then they didn't continue it the next episode after like most animes do ^^'
Apr 16, 2018 12:01 AM

Nov 2017
Another beautiful episode, especially when Violet cries and when they are finishing writing the story. The part where she tries to run across the lake just like Olivia had wished has tear jerking. The series is kind of slow but still very nice.
Apr 16, 2018 12:53 AM

Dec 2017
This was a very emotional episode, slowing unraveling the pain Violets client had been going through. Of course it is nice to see Violet develop but the struggle that this man was going through is what really caught my interest
Apr 28, 2018 4:20 PM

Apr 2014
-Violet expressed concern not merely in regards to a matter of functioning, but out of a genuine worry for the well-being of others (both the girl in the story and the author) and desired for them to be happy, which in turn made her happy. She was also able to identify with that girl, and identify that the author was hiding and burdened with something. Care, sympathy, empathy. She has developed so much. Initially, I was a bit off-put at how it appeared that she had grown some more offscreen prior to this episode again, but what a culminating display!

-Violet HAD FUN skipping across the pond!

-That pond scene was absolutely heartwrenching and tearjerking. She was able to give the author closure by allowing him to experience "being with" his daughter one last time and finally "see" her fulfill her wish. The art, direction, and music all came together in an excellent and compelling fashion. MASTERFULLY DONE!!!

-She now feels guilt for the all the sins she's committed, all the lives she's taken, and the lives of the victims' loved ones that she had destroyed. That scene of the play at the beginning of the episode was a direct foreshadowing of how she would feel at the end. It's a burden she'll have to carry with her for as long as she lives.

-After learning sympathy, she was able to sympathize with the author's sadness over losing a loved one, and now by applying it to the people who have been lost due to her, she realizes all the sadness that she had inflicted upon others, and can now understand guilt. In that same vein, she is now able to feel tremendous grief over losing someone she herself held dear.

ZeroDragonApr 28, 2018 5:07 PM
Apr 29, 2018 12:18 AM
otp haver 🤪

Jul 2017
A Dad/Daughter episode. It's like they were trying to kill me. I actually shed some tears here when she crossed the water mixed with the flashbacks. Achilles heel reached.

But I won't lie and say that like most of these people she meets and writes letters for, the story is a little basic. I mean I can name countless stories of dads having drinking problem over losing a child and having and issue moving forward. These stories do touch Violet and teach her and I do believe that is the point but I think the stories need to be more fleshed and have more meat on the bone if we're suppose to really grasp and have a unique experience.

It simultaneously does things right but frustrates me constantly!!
Apr 30, 2018 12:12 PM

Jun 2010
amazing episode!
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May 4, 2018 1:39 PM

Jul 2009
The part where she jumps the river was so touching! A very beautiful episode!
So she finally get to know that Gilbert is dead (?)...
Aug 20, 2018 5:00 AM
Jun 2013
well at least this one got my attention more. This dad has the worst luck and I think I would ask why god is doing this to me as well. Felt so bad for him actually had me tearing up when he was saying his wish for his daughter.
Aug 21, 2018 3:47 AM

Jun 2016
This was immensely beautiful. Not just to look at, but the story and the little stories inbetween. I especially loved the scene where Violet can not wait to find out how the story they are writing progresses. The ending has me excited for the next episode aswell.
Aug 23, 2018 5:04 PM

Aug 2016
Man, this is getting emotional heavy more and more.
Oct 11, 2018 6:03 PM
Jul 2018
An episode greater than the last. Strong emotional moments, Violet is beginning to change. We're finally seeing some good plot progression. First 5 episodes of this anime were mediocre but since then, there's been a good elevatiion of quality.
Oct 28, 2018 1:04 PM

May 2018
It says a lot when a show can do such great characterizations of lots of side characters in just one episode. Other shows struggle within a complete run to get their shit together in that aspect.

And it also says a lot when a show can be as emotional as this one, not at the very finale but at the halfway point.

Beautiful art, sound, directing. I'll surely enjoy the rest of this one.
Nov 26, 2018 7:29 AM

Sep 2012
That walking-on-the-lake scene was GODLY. Holy fuck.
Dec 15, 2018 9:35 PM

Jun 2015
she's developing her character and has found out finally that gilbert has passed.. what an emotional anime.
Dec 28, 2018 12:46 PM
Absolute Zenith

Mar 2016
This episode's about a play writer who lost his daughter. I already am pleased with the high visual quality that's maintained in every episode, but this ep is just even more impressive than ever! The scenery of the lake and the autumn forest are absolutely wonderful! When Violet jump flew over the lake, the animation and the visual details on everything on screen is simply jaw-dropping! Fantastic!

Besides the obvious quality of the ep, this ep might be by far be the most emotional ep for Violet. Violet crying over Oliver's backstory showed that she can now feel the pain and sadness of losing someone (by any means) which is a huge leap forward for transitioning from an emotionless weapon of war, into a human with emotions. What's more is now that she understood what the colonel's meant by the words "You're burning" partly because Violet imagined the countless of 'One day...' wishes she wiped off by killing countless of people, when she had only realized how important these kinds of wishes are to those whom she had killed and to their loved ones. The fire is basically a representation of her sins (which is probably why the last part of another play was shown at the beginning of the ep) and now that Violet can see the fire engulfing her body from the sins she has committed, she has begun to question whether she deserves the chance to continue living for the rest of her life while bearing her sins.

Finally! It has been about a year and finally, the secret about Major Gilbert's MIA ( and presumed dead) is revealed to Violet! Violet showed a really strong conviction to believe that her Major is still alive, which is why she didn't shed a tear here probably.

From all the things revolving Violet's life, the sad yet beautiful story about Oliver and his father seemed to be overshadowed by Violet's story. It would've better to focus more on Oliver for this ep, but since we won't be seeing these side characters again and that the show only got 13 eps to develop Violet, I have to accept it...
Jan 4, 2019 3:51 PM

Oct 2009
This episode was absolutely stunning. The story brought me to tear, what a powerful episode.
Jan 24, 2019 12:45 PM

Dec 2016
Well, that just sucks, if it wasn't for Violet's kindhearted nature that dude would be in tomorrow's headlines, I mean, how dare you call upon a service and have them do something other than what you called for, I mean, Violet did it herself, that is, if it was somebody else from her office chances are they would have spoken some sense into him. That was just the jest of it, she is a ghostwriter and not a maid.
That red-haired dude reminds me of Fanzell from Black Clover, almost the same temper as well.

I must have a freaking cold stone heart from the Jurrasic era. For Violet, this almost doll being not only in appearance but also in emotion to have spared a tear and yet I couldn't even get mine watered for the day, now I'm worried.

The moment when Violet was trying to manifest that scene of the writer's story, that surreal magical jump, it was beautiful, and a million times more when put into context. The visuals were stunning, I've spotted some CGI in there, but it was fine in the greater picture.

Now that the storm has broken, I can't predict what might happen, she's always been this calm girl, given her age, she was even more mature than the elders around her, I hope she doesn't go through something dangerous after this.
Feb 17, 2019 4:46 PM

Jan 2013
I really dislike the ending song, it breaks my immersion each time. This episode was so impactful and I liked how they just left "「        」" at the end, but they played that song the next second, ugh.
Mar 12, 2019 4:45 AM

Jun 2012
I like how she's developed noticeably, so things the feelings are deeper now. The gliding scene was really beautiful.

May 8, 2019 5:48 AM

Feb 2013
This was the saddest episode by a lot!
Jun 17, 2019 6:14 AM

Mar 2018
Favorite episode so far. Cried 2 times.
Evangelion is shit
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