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Girls' Last Tour
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Dec 26, 2017 12:44 PM

Jun 2013
CatSoul said:

"As long as I have you, Yuu, I'm happy..." Gaaaaaaaay. I love it.

Season 2 when? 8/10
You pose some awesome questions!
Just my two cents here....
That Submarine looks like a Russian Typhoon Class (side by side nuclear tubes...) even though there was other writing on the sub if it is that would explain why she couldn't read the box etc... I agree about the cheese :). I think they must be about fifteen to sixteen, I really should read the manga, but the reason I'm writing is for one nasty truth....about chi-chan, go back and you can see him holding a handgun, then hear him shooting himself during the blacked out sequence...Harsh. I don't think they are alone but only the author knows for sure. The Aliens? they're just the Janitors I suppose. I took a while but I found their haunting song, now I'm looking for the lyrics. What thoughtful and warm anime set in a cold and hopeless background huh. Merry Christmas!
GX5000Dec 26, 2017 12:52 PM
Stay Young and Watch Anime......el psy congroo
Dec 26, 2017 12:50 PM

Jun 2013
My wife and I Loved this adaptation.
I'm really hoping they bring out a season 2.
We're so bombarded by the BS around us, the show reminds us that the only thing worth a damn is right in front of us, the people, the memories we have and make. 9/10

Anyone else get the impression from the camera videos the War started when Japan got pissed at North Korea?
Stay Young and Watch Anime......el psy congroo
Dec 26, 2017 3:11 PM

Jul 2014
Another herp derp ending to a show. The mushrooms were this show's midichlorians, blowing an otherwise okay show.
Dec 26, 2017 3:40 PM

Sep 2007
Heartwarming to creepy in half an episode... and then back again :)
Somehow I'm not surprised, after those 11 episodes.

(Checking credits: wait, "Nuko" was Kana Hanazawa?! LOL)

Wins against Kino no Tabi (2017), hands down. 10/10
Going to read the manga now.
Dec 26, 2017 7:31 PM

May 2017
Hopefully the girls make it to the top level and find some humans, it's too depressing to think they're the last 2 humans. They can't even procreate.
Dec 26, 2017 7:32 PM

May 2017
smoledman said:
Hopefully the girls make it to the top level and find some humans, it's too depressing to think they're the last 2 humans. They can't even procreate.

The manga is still ongoing and they have reached a critical plot point recently, you should check it out.
Dec 26, 2017 8:13 PM

Mar 2015
I enjoyed watching the series but I doubt I'll buy it, and only because I disliked the ending. Too depressing.
The sword that takes life gives life
Dec 26, 2017 9:12 PM

Aug 2013
Last episode felt like an acid trip.

So the giant worm cat things actually turned into super tall humanoid mushroom head creatures.

They say they don't eat "living" humans...implying they ate all the dead ones?

The remark about Yuu and Chi being the only two alive also possibly implies that Kanazawa and Ishii might have died at some point.

They also remark that they eat electronics and volatile waste and convert it into a stable material/food source. Guess that explains why they can power things with their bodies.

So their goal then is to eat all of the electronics, weapons, chemical waste, and corpses in the city before the Earth goes into a "slumber"? I guess that the most vague way to interpret that is that all life on Earth will cease to exist and the planet will heal itself over time, and creatures are ridding the city of nukes and other things that could cause conflict when life reappears.

Also seems to imply that Chi and Yuu are destined to die by the end of everything, if nobody is left and food is clearly finite.

Still...doesn't explain where the fuck those creatures came from, why their mushy bodies have the ability to open doors and fit into any electrical socket, why they're able to eat and do what they do, and why their goals are what they are, however vague they may be.

Honestly the highlight of the entire series for me was seeing those flashbacks about life before the world was destroyed. Since the post apocalyptic world here was super futuristic and we previously had zero insight into any of it.
Dec 26, 2017 9:47 PM

Sep 2016
This was a very enjoyable show for me. I looked forward to each new episode.
I felt they did a decent job for the ending. If another season were never made, I wouldn't feel like they only told half the story.

I can't really put it into words, but the ending credits song struck a chord with me.
The simple percussion instruments and the harmonizing vocals.. this song instantly became one of my new favorites.

Here's hoping for another season once there's enough source.
You're never too old to watch anime.
If I ever stop watching anime, check my pulse I'm likely dead.

I wake up with coffee & anime, I go to sleep with coffee & anime.

Sorry if my sarcasm is bad, it's not my first language.

Dec 26, 2017 11:46 PM

May 2017
There is historical precedent for the 'slumber'. About 600 million years ago was a geologic era:

720–635 million years ago. A 'snowball earth' situation.

It was only many tens of millions of years after this that the Cambrian Era began.

The trouble now is that the Sun's luminosity is ever increasing and life on Earth will become impossible within 500 million years.
Dec 27, 2017 4:59 AM

Apr 2013

Are they aliens or artificial beings?

Dec 27, 2017 7:46 AM

Feb 2008
A roller-coaster of emotions.

I rejoice over the fact that we got to find out more about the derelict world as well as its denizens. The fact that Chito and Yuuri were separated only momentarily was commendable as well, my heart almost stopped when that odd creature (or was it a final evolution of machines) swallowed Yuuri.

All is well that ends well. Although Chito and Yuuri may be alone, they still have each other.

I definitely would not mind following the girls for a bit longer.
Dec 27, 2017 9:05 AM

Mar 2017
Had no idea the DVDs and Blu-rays would be this expensive. Dang.
Dec 27, 2017 10:45 AM

Dec 2016
was pretty good ending but some boring episodes , 7/10 or 8/10 i dunno.. but 8 for the original ending
Signature removed. Please have a positive iq.
Dec 27, 2017 12:29 PM

Sep 2015
Girls’ Last Tour Anime Impressions:

I vaguely recalling the moment after I finished Made in Abyss, I looked into the Fall 2017 catalogue to see the anime offered. Of all the upcoming anime, Girl’s Last Tour intrigued me the most. Given MiA’s dark elements and chibi character designs, I was open to this kind of series. I wanted to look into the GLT manga to prepare for what was ahead, but I held off in favor of reading other manga in my local bookstore. I watched the first episode, and fell in love with this series.

At first, I watched the third quarter of this anime mainly for the adorable character interactions. Girls’ Last Tour is really good at blending cute girls doing cute things with an apocalyptic setting. I thought this series was going on a very playful direction. But as I watched more episodes, the adventures of Chiito and Yuuri started to become gradually darker. The cute moments were still present, but less frequent. I was not sure if I was liking the route the series was taking, until I watched Episode 11’s “Destruction” segment. I realize that the CGDCT element is not the only highlight of GLT, but there were also deep themes, intriguing world lore, and great perspectives to explore.

The perspectives of Chiito and Yuuri as they explore the collapsed society of Earth are incredibly fascinating. They have an entirely blank slate on what has happened before destruction/war, often questioning various things they find and pick up left on the ground that modern society utilizes today. What these girls say, speculate, and think about towards these stuff gives me very intriguing viewpoints that makes me question the utilization of the various things I use and consume in life. Girls’ Last Tour gets me thinking about subjects like the future, species extinction, and other matter in a different light. For GLT to execute deep themes, contrasting perspectives, and cute moments greatly makes me highly appreciate this series.

I have to rewatch the entire series to analyze all the intriguing content GLT has to offer at some point. I hate that I was subconscious and inattentive to the deeper material. This is one of the few 2017 anime that I find myself seriously wanting to give another view. Little Witch Academia, Re:Creators, and my other top 5 favorite anime hold that honor as well. I absolutely recommend Girls’ Last Tour, you cannot miss this adorable apocalyptic ride.
Dec 27, 2017 4:28 PM

May 2012
Holy moly, what an AMAZING ending! Really fantastic, never expected this from seeing two moeblobs in the first episode, but now, I really have to say that this anime is quite unique and rare for being this amazing!

Really enjoyed watching this series, with the great journey of these two, the very impressive atmosphere both happy and sad at the same time and what I especially loved was the pacing for a type of anime like this!

All in all this was a fantastic anime!
Dec 27, 2017 5:12 PM

Sep 2010
GX5000 said:
CatSoul said:

"As long as I have you, Yuu, I'm happy..." Gaaaaaaaay. I love it.

Season 2 when? 8/10
You pose some awesome questions!
Just my two cents here....
That Submarine looks like a Russian Typhoon Class (side by side nuclear tubes...) even though there was other writing on the sub if it is that would explain why she couldn't read the box etc... I agree about the cheese :). I think they must be about fifteen to sixteen, I really should read the manga, but the reason I'm writing is for one nasty truth....about chi-chan, go back and you can see him holding a handgun, then hear him shooting himself during the blacked out sequence...Harsh. I don't think they are alone but only the author knows for sure. The Aliens? they're just the Janitors I suppose. I took a while but I found their haunting song, now I'm looking for the lyrics. What thoughtful and warm anime set in a cold and hopeless background huh. Merry Christmas!

Care to share your findings with us?
Im looking for the last song too...

Edit: dumb me, it was in the ED single, it's called "Amadare no Uta"...
I don't expect justice. I expect revenge, even if it solves nothing in the end.
I don't expect redemption. I expect decadence and self destruction.
I don't expect compassion. I expect selfishness.
I don't expect people making choices. I expect a cruel fate forced upon them.
Dec 28, 2017 2:40 AM

Mar 2017
I am still thinking about this show. I really don't think I am ready to wave goodbye to Yuuri and Chi-Chan just yet. Can anybody advise me on which Manga I would need to purchase in order to continue from where the anime ended? Your help would be much appreciated =)

The_Dog said:
bingstar85 said:
Had no idea the DVDs and Blu-rays would be this expensive. Dang.

That's because the show is selling as a collection, 3 volumes of 4 episodes rather than then standard 6 of 2. MiA did it earlier this year selling as simply 2 volumes.

Either way, it seems incredibly expensive for 12 x 25min episodes. But then I am pretty new here. Is this a common pricing for anime dvds?
bingamu85Dec 28, 2017 2:47 AM
Dec 28, 2017 4:16 PM

Jan 2013
Impressive ending, able to fit so much into the episode. Strange the others they met already died.
Dec 28, 2017 5:55 PM
Jul 2018
All the people saying this is yuri shouldn't jump to conclusions. I'd like to think (hope) that the mangaka wont ship them. It saddens me that affection between family members has become such a foreign thing to so many people.
Dec 28, 2017 7:08 PM

Aug 2017
A truly inventive and unique series, it had such a wonderfully eerie atmosphere that made the show so interesting. Solid 9/10

Theory wise, I think the mushroom creatures are evolved machines. The story of the show focused heavily around the concept of evolution/adaptation and it is mentioned countless times throughout the show. I believe that over time machines learned and adapted to the world that had been devastated by war and began attempting to repair it by destroying/devouring dangerous objects such as bullets and warheads in order to prevent further damage to the world. I think this is proven even further by their ability to interact with electronics biologically,

In one of the video clips it mentioned that an EMP hit Japan which fried all technology, which I believe sent the surviving population slightly crazy and because of their inability to communicate with the outside world they began worshipping the advanced machine creatures as gods which is why there were hundreds of statues of them scattered around.

I have no clue as to what their appearance is meant to be symbolising, both the worm form and the mushroom form are completely baffling to me and I have no clue as to what that was supposed to mean. Perhaps they were just designed that way to purposefully appear unsettling, their vividly strange appearance is probably also what led people to believe they were gods.
UnknownAKDec 28, 2017 7:14 PM
Dec 28, 2017 8:51 PM

Aug 2016
UnknownAK said:
I have no clue as to what their appearance is meant to be symbolising, both the worm form and the mushroom form are completely baffling to me and I have no clue as to what that was supposed to mean. Perhaps they were just designed that way to purposefully appear unsettling, their vividly strange appearance is probably also what led people to believe they were gods.

The mushroom form is probably because of how the mushrooms are going about cleaning up the dead planet (it even implies they also eat dead corpses too since they said "We don't eat living humans"), so it's similar to what fungi do. Not sure about the worm form though.
Dec 28, 2017 8:58 PM
Jun 2016
Hehe now I want the long dark meets fallout and this :> no enemies, just endlessly exploring this city heh.
Dec 29, 2017 6:36 AM

Aug 2017
GaoGaoTama said:
UnknownAK said:
I have no clue as to what their appearance is meant to be symbolising, both the worm form and the mushroom form are completely baffling to me and I have no clue as to what that was supposed to mean. Perhaps they were just designed that way to purposefully appear unsettling, their vividly strange appearance is probably also what led people to believe they were gods.

The mushroom form is probably because of how the mushrooms are going about cleaning up the dead planet (it even implies they also eat dead corpses too since they said "We don't eat living humans"), so it's similar to what fungi do. Not sure about the worm form though.

Ahh, that makes a lot of sense. I was thinking of something along those lines but I forgot about how Fungi decompose other life. Along those lines I guess the worm form could be symbolising how worms eat small insects that would otherwise harm the plants. Wait...are the 'insects' in this case the humans and so they devour the humans in their worm form kind of like with Yuu.
Dec 29, 2017 9:55 AM

Jan 2013
Holy moly they are the last 2 species of human left. Then evolved Nekomimi Dinosaurs come to life? Then Nekomimi human species will bloom :)) When technology evolved to much, the world will auto-reset... War Freaks.
Pyon2WarpKunDec 29, 2017 10:05 AM
Dec 30, 2017 9:03 AM

Jun 2013
[quote=Djisas message=53500937][quote=GX5000 message=53486611]
CatSoul said:

Care to share your findings with us?
Im looking for the last song too...

Edit: dumb me, it was in the ED single, it's called "Amadare no Uta"...

No not the ED, the Mushroom's Radio Song. It's called 終ワリノ歌 and is available on the OST Disc 2.
Stay Young and Watch Anime......el psy congroo
Dec 30, 2017 10:00 AM

Apr 2014
Looks the the two girls are still having fun, and they are gonna do another adventure together.
Well, I really enjoyed this anime. I hope a sequel gonna get announced.
Anyway I'm gonna rate this anime ab 8 out of 10 score overall.
Haters always gonna hate.
Dec 30, 2017 2:39 PM

Feb 2013
They learned the camera had a LOT on it.

Especially interesting were the wars.

My gosh that is frightening. We saw what just one of those could do.

LOL the big one ATE Yuuri!

LOL at cut wiggling when Chito was pointing the gun at it.

For a second I thought that thing was going to launch the nukes... but no, it turns out they eat them. They're like an anti-weapon life form.

8/10 (very good) Cute girls doing cute things post-apocalyptic edition.
Excellent atmosphere, visuals, sound. I have no complaints.
Jan 1, 2018 3:23 AM
Oct 2015
Sort of expected everything to be explained in the last episode but this was just too much... Either way, there's still more questions to be answered so I hope we get some sort of prequel to this sometime in the future before a war starts and star wars become a reality and destroy civilisation and the Earth goes to sleep.
Heckle was here...
Jan 1, 2018 4:51 PM

Feb 2014
It ended... and it had a bittersweet ending. Made me feel a little bit sad when I start to think about the girl's uncertain future and what they have been through.

"the last 2 humans still alive?"

At this time I remembered about Kanazawa and Isshi. What happened to them? I wonder. It's hard to imagine that they would be well in a situation like that. Why didn't they stick together, I wonder. Would be worse? Probably over the time conflicts would start to happen between them?

Also, Kanazawa and Isshi are probably older than Yuu and Chi, they would know at least a little about what's happening or happened and tell a little to the girls about the real situation they're in, wouldn't they?

Also, what are exactly those weapon eating things? Anyway...

Easily a 9/10

Probably gonna read the manga, if subbed in english.
Vi-Jan 1, 2018 5:27 PM
Jan 2, 2018 3:59 AM

Aug 2012
bingstar85 said:
Had no idea the DVDs and Blu-rays would be this expensive. Dang.

You might just wait for the american release. Usally BD box set is very cheap.
Jan 2, 2018 5:32 AM

Mar 2017
A-Joy said:
bingstar85 said:
Had no idea the DVDs and Blu-rays would be this expensive. Dang.

You might just wait for the american release. Usally BD box set is very cheap.

Nice one. Thank you for the link!
Jan 2, 2018 8:19 AM

Oct 2017
At 07:24, I can hear a bunch of people singing "Furi kuri furi kura".
Is this FLCL reference?
Jan 2, 2018 8:54 AM

Aug 2012
zakiarent said:
"Furi kuri furi kura".
Is this FLCL reference?

"Funiculì, Funiculà" (IPA: [funikuˈli ffunikuˈla]) is a famous Neapolitan song composed in 1880 by Luigi Denza to lyrics by Peppino Turco.ì,_Funiculà
Jan 2, 2018 8:59 AM

Oct 2017
A-Joy said:
zakiarent said:
"Furi kuri furi kura".
Is this FLCL reference?

"Funiculì, Funiculà" (IPA: [funikuˈli ffunikuˈla]) is a famous Neapolitan song composed in 1880 by Luigi Denza to lyrics by Peppino Turco.ì,_Funiculà

Aaah, I thought it was FLCL. Thank's for clarifying!
Jan 2, 2018 6:27 PM

Mar 2009
Oh, no. I'll miss you, Nuko!

Amazing and emotional finale. And an endearing moment between Yuu and Chi near the end of the episode. Sure was an interesting revelation with those mushroom creatures. Imagine knowing you're the last of humanity...

White Fox does it again! Favorite show of the season, along with Houseki no Kuni. World-building, atmosphere, and the gorgeous soundtrack were all top notch. Yuu and Chi were lovable characters as well. Will miss this one.

Blessed by so many post-apocalyptic stories in 2017.
Jan 2, 2018 10:58 PM

Jan 2013
It was kind of a happy end, glad that the girls continue their tour. I really hope that they can come to the top floors and find people living there.
As expected humans destroyed themselves. I think they should have explained a little bit more about the worms, like who they are, where they come from etc.
But it was still a very nice ending, hope they will make a 2nd season.

Great OST and some really amazing views/landscapes, and all that followed by 2 chill girls that are always driving, exploring stuff and having fun xD
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Jan 3, 2018 12:24 AM

Apr 2013
Wow.... I didn't expect the show to be though-provoking. With all the heartwarming, surreal, unique and cute moments, the show managed to surprise me
Jan 3, 2018 1:46 AM

Jun 2016
I never would have guessed that this would be my pic for AOTS and a runnerup from AOTY over shows like Land of the Lustrous, Kobayashi's Dragon Maid and Made in Abyss, but here we are.
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Jan 3, 2018 10:32 AM

Jul 2009
I am so glad they didn't die! I was afraid it could they are the only humans alive now, that means the other 2 people they found during their trip are dead already...
I wish there was more.
Jan 3, 2018 2:11 PM

Sep 2014
Loved the ending songs of this episode. it almost brought me to tears.
I will miss Chito and Yuuri.
since I watched the series in a quiet and relaxed ambiance, I felt as if I was taking part in their journey for the entire time.
for me, this kind of stories shouldn't be read as a manga or novel; the best and proper way to experience its ingenious content is through sounds + visuals. so hopefully a second season would get announced in the future.

Bookmeter ╠╣ class summon
Jan 3, 2018 5:36 PM

Oct 2015
Good finale finally Chi discovers the past through that camera given by Kanazawa. I still find those white wormy thingies to be creepy especially when that one turned into a mushroom. Anyway I'm glad they lasted that long with just the two of them. But I wished they dwelled more on their background and how exactly did they end up like, although it was glimpse in the end. I guess I can't expect much from a 1cour anime, but I loved those two the complemented each other. I loved to how the show had great messages about humanity and art reminded me of made in abbys.

So 7/10 from me.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Jan 4, 2018 9:08 AM

Aug 2014
I thought it was the robot that destroy the humanity i guess i was wrong, it was human themselves all along.
If it's the robot i would have said something similar with "If a machine speaks, Kill it".

Though that creature doesn't explained,somekind if a cleaner made by human?
A "God"?
1 Thousands years later apparently seemingly so bright, it still appears the same as the current world, except somehow more modern and use recycled energy.
Everyone seems happy.. then the politicians.
War happened and everyone is gone.

Where are the human remains though? Did the worm thingy eat them? It even mentioned about not eating "a living human being"

Also it's very similar with Made of Abyss indeed, instead going down they're going up. Though this one offer more philosophy and MIA adapt more into Physiological and Adventures.

Ah... Loved it but can't put it on favorites.. i already had Houseki on Fall.
Let's see what's this Winter grant Us.
Hoping to see a Gem that need to be dig instead waiting it to appear.
Jan 5, 2018 12:41 AM
Mar 2012
Some good reveal on the apocalypse & strange nuko's recycling explosives.
Cool how the show explores bits of philosophy via the simplicity of travel.
Atmospheric music suits very well, it's like simpler ideas executed smoother than kino.
Jan 6, 2018 4:05 AM

Apr 2011
Wow. That camera holds a lot of date. I forgot in the past epsiodes its indicated that ican store thousands more photos.

That was a nice background story on what happened before and during the war. The beings mentioned onl the two are the only ones alive but there still Ishii and Kanazawa.

It a nice post apocalyptic slice of life adventure. Its a different take from other SoLs recently.

8/10. I wouldn't mind a second season.
Jan 8, 2018 10:46 PM

Jun 2015
I was really touched by the end and much part of the series. From the original Kino that didn't see something so beautiful and dark environmental. 8/10 and i'm waiting for a second season
Jan 9, 2018 8:42 PM

Jun 2017
Great finale to a brilliant series, to sum it all up.

I finally got around to finish this series after a long two-three weeks after it finished airing and I have no complaints. It was totally worth it. Initially, I found a couple of episodes or so a tad bit boring but the continuous mysterious vibe kept me interested. Moreover, the hopelessness vibe and uneasiness it gave off throughout the show really piqued my interest and made me all the more curious every episode. A little disheartening that we didn’t get much information about the world history but given how this show was trying to focus elsewhere, I’m fine with it. Another mix I enjoyed from this show was the excellent world building and it’s blend with our main cast of Yuu and Chito in awe of this despicable yet beautiful world. One such example would be in the last episode where the mysterious creature shockingly revealed that these two girls, probably in her own opinion, are the last two of mankind and this was seriously depressing and saddening to hear but the way the two girls took it and moved on in like any other day was a good watch. Hence, for this matter, the Storyline and the Characterization hand in hand performed a great job! As for the Sound Department, which was equally brilliant, further enhanced this show’s mystery vibes and all of the soundtracks, Op and ED were great pieces. All of these gave off this melancholic and eerie yet soothing feeling to it and it was a great company as we explored the devastated world with the two girls. Art/Animation, on another note, excelled and blended in with the departments of the show far too well so no issues there whatsoever. Lately, White Fox have been getting their hands around different genres and kinds of shows, and I’m just glad that the Girl’s Last Tour just happened to be one of them. It was dealt with brilliantly, remarkably and intriguingly. Great news is that this show hit the top rankings in Japan too, so the possibility of a Season 2 is still on the charts and I hope it will deliver. Fingers crossed for that.

As for the whole show in general, these were my final and examined impressions
- Storyline/Plot Development: 9/10
- Characterization: 8.5/10
- Art/Animation: 9/10
- Sound Department: 8.5/10
- Personal Enjoyment: 8/10

-> Overall: 8.3/10, and fingers crossed for a sequel tv series to be announced in the near future.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Jan 10, 2018 5:12 AM

Jan 2013
kuroneko99 said:
This show reminds me of a video game that I haven't played yet.

Same, and its called

Jan 15, 2018 2:05 AM

Dec 2009

So it was aliens that removed all of the leftovers and was turning off everything...

I guess camera guy died, and plane lady... Sheesh. (inb4 it was because they blasted them all with the robot)

TO THE MOON! YoRHa is waiting.

For a bit there, i was thinking maybe they were just in a completely dead japan, and people were elsewhere. Though there was still notable amount people and fighting in their lifetime. Them being "the last two people alive" doesn't make sense really.
GenesisAriaJan 15, 2018 2:19 AM
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Jan 15, 2018 2:45 PM

Mar 2012
Didn't really like it. Even for a slice of life it just felt really boring. Maybe if the characters showed some sort of concern for their survival than it would've been interesting.

It wasn't a comedy show but wasn't a serious show either which didn't really work for it.
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