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A Sister's All You Need. (light novel)
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Oct 22, 2017 6:51 AM

Nov 2011
Nayuta's sense of logic...lul
Seems this show will use any chance it gets to make something look more lewd than usual.

Looks like the characters went to an aquarium, went to the beach (loool, took only 3 episodes to reach it), etc. Itsuki's story ideas still hard to take seriously but that's expected.
Oct 22, 2017 7:52 AM

Dec 2014
Oh no, the stamps are back and in full force during the second half...The transition between scenes/places was so damn fast too. Can Itsuki really affoard all those travels? I mean he might be successful and all; but going to Hokkaido just to eat and mess around, with a plane? Maybe I underestimated his finances based on the place he lives in.
Miya is probably going to be the third wheel after all, don't think he'll be able to keep refusing Nayu forever.
Oct 22, 2017 7:56 AM

Apr 2010
First going on a trip to Okinawa and afterwords going on a trip to Hokkaido what a life.
Anyway the scene with the girls on the beach was nice the girls certainly got in the mood.

The part where the had too much fish was funny as well.
Oct 22, 2017 8:00 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
This anime is hilarious but I have never been this turned on by an anime girl this much since High School DxD

Jesus Christ Nayu, what are you doing to my body, I can't take this xDDDD I dunno how Itsuki does it, because I would have smashed ages ago (I am way too attracted to her lol)
Oct 22, 2017 8:08 AM
Jun 2016
all i can say is that this show is lowkey underrated even.
Oct 22, 2017 8:21 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
kyzrs said:
all i can say is that this show is lowkey underrated even.
I could not agree more....I want this to be 24-25 episodes so badly
Oct 22, 2017 8:25 AM

Jan 2008
Anathor said:

Miya is probably going to be the third wheel after all, don't think he'll be able to keep refusing Nayu forever.

Totally agree. He didn't even deny that he has feelings for Nayuta, so I guess it's a matter of time before he accepts her feelings and starts going out with her. I feel bad for Miyako as I like her more than Nayuta but I know that Itsuki will never return her feelings.
Oct 22, 2017 8:40 AM

Dec 2014
Hilarious episode again.

Nayu FTW, I absolutely loved the banter between her and Itsuki over dinner.
Goddamn, that egg sucking was absolute class. XDD

The trips to Okinawa and Hokkaido were both really fun to watch.
Setsuna seems like a fun character too and that part where the editor calls Itsuki about Setsuna and he covers for the latter is absolutely hilarious. XD

Looking forward to more.
Oct 22, 2017 8:41 AM

Nov 2014
That egg sucking scene cracked me up. The pacing drags a bit when Nayuta and Itsuki aren't together. Aside from those two, and Itsuki's very curious brother, the other characters by themselves aren't as interesting. Nevertheless, the episode ended well. Itsuki has quite the imagination. XD

Oct 22, 2017 8:42 AM

Oct 2014
Whenever the show cuts away to the MC's imagination it gets funny, but all the stuff in between is a bit boring.
Oct 22, 2017 8:47 AM
Jan 2016
Tokoya said:
This anime is hilarious but I have never been this turned on by an anime girl this much since High School DxD

Jesus Christ Nayu, what are you doing to my body, I can't take this xDDDD I dunno how Itsuki does it, because I would have smashed ages ago (I am way too attracted to her lol)

If you don't mind going to jail, sure, go ahead. :P
Oct 22, 2017 8:52 AM

Dec 2014
HatsumiShinogu said:
Anathor said:

Miya is probably going to be the third wheel after all, don't think he'll be able to keep refusing Nayu forever.

Totally agree. He didn't even deny that he has feelings for Nayuta, so I guess it's a matter of time before he accepts her feelings and starts going out with her. I feel bad for Miyako as I like her more than Nayuta but I know that Itsuki will never return her feelings.

I guess he might go after Miya for a while; but at the end I just don't see him chosing her over Nayu :/ either that or an harem ending.
Oct 22, 2017 8:59 AM

Jan 2008
Anathor said:
HatsumiShinogu said:

Totally agree. He didn't even deny that he has feelings for Nayuta, so I guess it's a matter of time before he accepts her feelings and starts going out with her. I feel bad for Miyako as I like her more than Nayuta but I know that Itsuki will never return her feelings.

I guess he might go after Miya for a while; but at the end I just don't see him chosing her over Nayu :/ either that or an harem ending.

I highly doubt it’s going to be that kind of ending. It’s most probably going to be Nayuta. I also doubt that he’d go after Miyako unless she confesses to him, which I don’t see happening. Miyako is aware of Nayuta’s feelings, so I don’t see her attempting to steal Itsuki from her. She cares about Nayuta enough not to do something like that.
I find Chihiro cute but I definitely don’t think Itsuki will ever end up with her even if he realized she’s a girl.
Oct 22, 2017 9:01 AM
Jun 2014
Itsuki is weird, but at least he knows that he is not that good. Rejects Nayuta, because she is on a whole new level compared to him, and he also feels like Setsuna's illustrations are not worthy of his novel. He wants to improve, but it's quite hard.

They covered the trip to Okinawa, Setsuna's introduction, Chihiro's food and a bit of Haruto's anime.
More or less, only Oono Ashley and that big board game remains from Volume 1. Unsure if they would animate the latter though.

Askorti said:

If you don't mind going to jail, sure, go ahead. :P

Friendly reminder that Nayu is 18 and Miyako is 20. 18 is considered adult age in a lot of countries.
SogiitaGunhaOct 22, 2017 9:06 AM
Oct 22, 2017 9:18 AM

Jul 2016
I couldn't stop laughing that tsundere shark scene, geez... And, aparently, it's a trend. There's even a subreddit for tsundere sharks
Oct 22, 2017 9:24 AM

Jun 2015
Nayuta sucking on that egg was awkward to watch. She is quite the pervert. It's not the first time Itsuki turned her down. Their bickering at dinner was amusing. Itsuki comes up with some very strange stories.
Oct 22, 2017 9:40 AM
Jul 2017
Damn, itsuki sure got some real inferiority complex.
Oct 22, 2017 9:45 AM
Jul 2018
That egg scene made me feel weird but at the same time I fucking laugh at that for some random reason.

Good episode regardless though.
Oct 22, 2017 9:49 AM

Sep 2015
This anime have some heavy stuff but not overdid it to make you strangle by pressure.

Its more like daily life of novelist story of imouto lover. its good unlike "not incest" Eromanga sensei.

And can someone explain to me what all this red stamp imouto on every episode?
Into the Internet!
Oct 22, 2017 9:49 AM

Apr 2014

Oct 22, 2017 9:57 AM

Aug 2013
First Okinawa and then Hokkaido. Itsuki must be enjoying life.

The egg scene was so lewd and funny.

Oct 22, 2017 10:25 AM
Jan 2017
welp, episode 3 finally rolls around and I think I might continue this series for the laughs XD

the banter between Nayuta and Itsuki at dinner was priceless and the scene that followed with the egg was absolute trash MY GOD XD the jump in animation quality was so subtle it physically scared me and the entire thing was cringe-worthy but Miyako's fUCKING FACE FOLLOWING THE EXCHANGE WAS LITERALLY ME!! I couldn't help but laugh

also, i just love how Miyako casually says she will break Itsuki's collarbone if he peeks, found that pretty funny

alternatively, Setsuna the illustrator with the rad hair delivers one of my favorite lines from this show thus far: "for real?! sharks have d*cks?" and proceeds to draw what we all assume to be a whale shark impregnating its human little sister... XD this show man.. THIS SHOW XD

and we get an interesting development between Itsuki and his stepbrother?? not sure where that's gonna go
Oct 22, 2017 10:27 AM

Oct 2012
This episode was a little better than the previous episodes admittedly but I still can't say for sure if I'll be able to finish it or not.. I'll probably give it to episode 5 or so before I decide if I'll keep watching or not. This episode was more funny than the others.. I think my issue is nothing REALLY happened or developed in this episode except for maybe the very last scene when he gives his real sister the chocolates and key chain and hints that there might be problems at home.
Oct 22, 2017 10:38 AM

Aug 2014
I'll keep watching as long as they find an excuse to get naked every episode.

That tsundere shark though.
Sieg Zeon!
Oct 22, 2017 10:48 AM

Sep 2013
That ball (egg) scene ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Showing off their wealth by going on impromptu trips, the average author can't afford that.
Oct 22, 2017 11:08 AM

Jan 2013
Big hurdle of inadequacy to overcome before there can be any romantic progress.
Decent episode, just need to wait and see if this will be worth it.
Oct 22, 2017 11:22 AM

Aug 2015
So three episodes in and I guess this show is more of a slice-of-life than a rom-com?
I hope there's something else later on to draw people in to this show than just Nayu's lewdness because I feel that would be a waste of its premise.
Oct 22, 2017 11:31 AM

Dec 2014
the show is more or less lewd at times and sometimes just slice of life...
Oct 22, 2017 11:34 AM

Dec 2007
Too much slice of life elements in my opinion. Doesn't feel like anything is happening because of it. Not sure Nayu will be able to carry this series alone. :(
Oct 22, 2017 11:56 AM

Feb 2007
Ah, this is how you do it. Beach episode already as the third, in winter, and with the girls fully naked. If nothing else, definitely more original than what you usually see. :D

Also, whale shark hat is best hat.

Ah, finally some imouto at the end as well, I was really missing her during most of the episode. How can they go almost all of it with out the most important character? The matching straps make up for it, though, I guess.

ZBlastHistory said:
And can someone explain to me what all this red stamp imouto on every episode?

Looks to me like it's simply this anime's version of a scene end marker/eyecatch.
Oct 22, 2017 12:01 PM
*hug noises*

May 2013
Nayu is really carrying this show hard as it is. So far so good, I just hope she'll be enough to keep the series up until the end if nothing drastic happens because there's not much happening plot-wise as of yet
Oct 22, 2017 12:07 PM

Nov 2016
Decent episode,but I'm kinda disappointed that the lewdness is so halfassed,all or nothing.

The ball licking wasn't bad,tho.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Oct 22, 2017 12:21 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Askorti said:
Tokoya said:
This anime is hilarious but I have never been this turned on by an anime girl this much since High School DxD

Jesus Christ Nayu, what are you doing to my body, I can't take this xDDDD I dunno how Itsuki does it, because I would have smashed ages ago (I am way too attracted to her lol)

If you don't mind going to jail, sure, go ahead. :P
She's legal sir =P
Oct 22, 2017 12:52 PM
Jul 2012
I really like this series mostly due to the characters you can always expect to get a good laugh out of them.
Oct 22, 2017 1:14 PM
Mar 2016
Okinawa, Hokkaido, Itsuki's imagination, man this ep is all over the place, you know Itsuki may actually know that his sister is girl so wtf is he still with that "I want an Imouto!" thing anyways/
Oct 22, 2017 2:04 PM

Sep 2015
Myaaa best girl for this series. Sorry Nayu.
Oct 22, 2017 2:37 PM

Feb 2013
A little sister and a whale shark... you can't print that!
Oct 22, 2017 3:30 PM

Jul 2014
DayDream_Dog said:

the banter between Nayuta and Itsuki at dinner was priceless and the scene that followed with the egg was absolute trash MY GOD XD the jump in animation quality was so subtle it physically scared me and the entire thing was cringe-worthy but Miyako's fUCKING FACE FOLLOWING THE EXCHANGE WAS LITERALLY ME!!

Me too, I'm fine with almost anything, but in that scene I was like, WTF AM I WATCHING?...just like Miyako's face xD

Anyway, it was an OK episode. I get a little bored without Nayu or Miyako on screen.
SkyLETVNov 5, 2017 5:54 PM
Oct 22, 2017 4:18 PM

Sep 2016
i can't help but really like this series somehow. characters feel natural and theres an inherent melancholy to it all thats somehow intriguing.
Objectivity doesn't exist. Subjectivity is an excuse. Beautiful world of online discourse.

Oct 22, 2017 5:07 PM

May 2015
Oh my god, that egg scene, lol.

They sure made a lot of trips in this episode. First Okinawa, then Hokkaido.

Decent episode.

Oct 22, 2017 5:34 PM

Jan 2011
Heh, nice Haganai reference.
Oct 22, 2017 5:47 PM
Jul 2018
this anime is all over the place and looks like a cheap snafu knockoff. It's kind of boring. I will put this anime on hold and watch it when it has finished airing.
Oct 22, 2017 5:53 PM

Jul 2009
HatsumiShinogu said:
Anathor said:

Miya is probably going to be the third wheel after all, don't think he'll be able to keep refusing Nayu forever.

Totally agree. He didn't even deny that he has feelings for Nayuta, so I guess it's a matter of time before he accepts her feelings and starts going out with her. I feel bad for Miyako as I like her more than Nayuta but I know that Itsuki will never return her feelings.

I sure hope this happens because I ship them so hard. WHY DID YOU REJECT NAYU. I have a feeling its because he thinks she's better than him. Kinda like how he didnt want Setsuna to draw for him because he didn't think his work was worthy. Hopefully that's the case because when I say I ship them, I ship them. Hard.
Whoahoho said:
Okinawa, Hokkaido, Itsuki's imagination, man this ep is all over the place, you know Itsuki may actually know that his sister is girl so wtf is he still with that "I want an Imouto!" thing anyways/

If that's really the case he might be ignoring it because he knows that IRL you can't act that way towards your sister? Like he's pretending its not real so he doesn't jump her or something?

Or maybe she identifies as a guy and he's respecting that?

Orrrrrrr he just doesn't know.
InugirlzOct 22, 2017 5:58 PM
Oct 22, 2017 6:18 PM
Jul 2018
So booorrrring. Nothing happens.

I don't get what this anime's about: one moment it focuses on comedy, another moment drama, then characters just doing dull mundane things. Well:

-The comedy is flat
-The drama is dull and dragged out, and not really focused on
-The mundane stuff is just...mundane.

All the scenes feel disconnected; there's no sense of rhythm, no sense of purpose, to any of these scenes.
Oct 22, 2017 8:44 PM

Mar 2012
I didn't enjoy this episode as much as the previous two, though it had its moments here and there. Rolled my eyes a little at how it appeared they drew the "little brother" (sister) more noticeably feminine since last week.

The close-up of the Agricola board gave me painful flashbacks lmao
Oct 22, 2017 11:32 PM

Jan 2011
SogiitaGunha said:
Itsuki is weird, but at least he knows that he is not that good. Rejects Nayuta, because she is on a whole new level compared to him, and he also feels like Setsuna's illustrations are not worthy of his novel. He wants to improve, but it's quite hard.

They covered the trip to Okinawa, Setsuna's introduction, Chihiro's food and a bit of Haruto's anime.
More or less, only Oono Ashley and that big board game remains from Volume 1. Unsure if they would animate the latter though.

Askorti said:

If you don't mind going to jail, sure, go ahead. :P

Friendly reminder that Nayu is 18 and Miyako is 20. 18 is considered adult age in a lot of countries.
yeah man best part about this show is all the girls being legal

Still not 100% sure what this show is trying to be, it's not exactly terrible(besides the drama) but Nayu still keeps me entertained between the more average parts
Oct 23, 2017 1:23 AM
Apr 2013
I was sad to see that ep3 was more like the feeling of ep1 than the much better ep2, but I took a lot of perverse pleasure each time a stamp transition happened, knowing how many viewers would be getting mad each time they saw one.

While I know this show is nothing like Eromanga-Sensei, I'm finding myself feeling the same way about it: I can't really say it's good (for different reasons) but it's still the show I'm finding myself most looking forward to each week.

Mostly, though, I feel like it's going to disappoint me by never really going anywhere with these characters' stories.
Oct 23, 2017 1:57 AM

Feb 2014
Hmm, she looks familiar. Waaait a minute...

Oct 23, 2017 2:09 AM

Feb 2011
I'm starting to believe this is actually normal for novelists... minus the skinny dipping and lewd behavior. Of course, I wouldn't put it past an author to actually do these acts before including them... minus kissing a whale.
Give me at least 5 minutes to modify my post before quoting me. (refreshing page advised)
Oct 23, 2017 2:24 AM

Aug 2015
Eh, not really enjoying this show. definitely my least favourite of the season. might drop it depending on how the next two episodes turn out
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