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Oct 13, 2017 3:03 PM

Jul 2013
Saishuu Heiki Oji-san
Oct 13, 2017 3:23 PM
Feb 2016
Orionite_ said:
Add an animal , especially the dog and everything becomes much more impactful. How we went from sad grandpa griefing about his life coming to an end into spaceship in one mere moment was suprising but hilarious at the same time.

He doesn't have a biological brain but rather some ball in the center of the head , but he's conscious of himself as human , has memories and emotions and not an AI.. Did aliens store his conciousness in that sphere ? And are there water pumps under his face that shed "tears" xd ?

Are those teenagers mentally ill ? Firing fireworks at a person and talking about killing as it's nothing , but then fearing that their lives are over..come on..

I assume there should be a purpose why old daddy was made into a cyborg. I hope this will be a complete and FAITHFUL adaptation so we'll get to know most of the things we are asking now.

Fell in liking Mari from the first moment :) <3

A faithful adaptation is what you don't want lol. A lot of questions are left unanswered.
Oct 13, 2017 3:40 PM
News Team

Nov 2014
chanesechan said:
DatRandomDude said:
Dat opening tho.

IDEK How many times hv I rewatched it.

yeah same, idk how many time i repeated it since yesterday :|
Oct 13, 2017 4:38 PM

Feb 2012
TheServant said:
Devroux said:
I don't know if I'm a huge fan of the animation style, but it's not so bad that it's unwatchable.

Animation style? You mean art style?

No, I mean animation style. The CG from scene to scene is awkward to watch. It only plays it off well during the far shots.
Oct 13, 2017 5:22 PM

Dec 2010
This was quite decent but I am somewhat disappointed that they cropped so much stuff here. I hoped this EP to ends with the alien`s ship collision. Too bad, the beginning of the manga is really amazing, with all that heavy/depressing stuff. Inuyashiki family was even more disgusting in the manga. What a wasted opportunity.

But I won`t complain too much. They had to show some actions scenes otherwise a lot of people will hate it.

I started reading manga a year ago, never finished. The begining story about old man and his adventures was bloody great, but then they decided to focus on something else and the quality was going downhill. Hope this will get better ending.

Also shitty endings are Hiroyu Oka trademarks. This guy makes great story but really struggle to end them on a decent level.

Why the hell are people calling those young thugs unrealistic? This shit is happening in real world. In my country some teenagers just burned down a homeless person some years ago. Shoking, but real. Welcome to real world, kiddos.
Oct 13, 2017 5:29 PM
Jul 2017
Very promising. I hope it continues well. I agree that the OP was tight. I didn't mind the 3D, though I noticed it.
...but then again, I unironically like Warau Salesman.
Oct 13, 2017 5:43 PM

Jul 2009
I was actually hooked all the way through. I did hear from several manga readers that the story gets worse later on, but I won't deny that this was a really engaging first episode. The series has the premise of a typical underdog story but with some nice extra flavoring to it (geezer protagonist and cyborg reconstruction). The CGI didn't bother me at all since I've enjoyed shows with much worse (Kemono Friends).

Looking forward to the second episode!
SkittlesOct 13, 2017 6:24 PM
Oct 13, 2017 6:12 PM
Jan 2016
Devroux said:
No, I mean animation style. The CG from scene to scene is awkward to watch. It only plays it off well during the far shots.

So you mean you're not a fan of how the characters move?
And is there even a style of animation? I am pretty sure there are only two "style" of animation, full animation(characters move fluidly) & limited animation(characters move rather stiff).
Oct 13, 2017 7:29 PM

Feb 2012
TheServant said:
So you mean you're not a fan of how the characters move?
And is there even a style of animation? I am pretty sure there are only two "style" of animation, full animation(characters move fluidly) & limited animation(characters move rather stiff).

The way characters move, their bodies through their facial expressions, yeah.

Styles, techniques, types... Whatever word you want to use for it, it's all the same. Hand-drawn, CGI, stop motion, etc.
Oct 13, 2017 8:03 PM

Jul 2015
One of my biggest weakness in life, is sad old people. This hurt me. Quite a lot. As far as the anime itself, the mix of CG and normal animation was strange, but nothing all that bad. The bit towards the end was pretty damn cool with the slow-mo, and on top of that, this anime struck another of my many weaknesses... happy old people. I look forward to seeing more of this.
A Wild and Small Otaku has Appeared!
Oct 13, 2017 8:23 PM
Jul 2016
His children are the most miserable, ungrateful pieces of crap. Wow, I just want to slap them. What kind of kids complain about getting a dog?
Oct 13, 2017 8:23 PM

Oct 2013
Oct 13, 2017 8:40 PM
Feb 2016
From start to end this was a delightful surprise. Whoever directed this did an outstanding job, and we get a lot of insight on inuyashiki's character, especially about how his new body works. Like how he is always thirsty because the water acts as a coolant for his machine body, and how he cannot eat food because it'll mess up his inner body. It also seems like he was given another chance to live and this brings up many questions as to what the fuck will happen. Will he be able to get closer to his family? what will he do with his new found power? save people like he did that homeless guy? we'll just have to wait and see I guess. The opening is catchy as fuck and the more I play it, the more I like it. The animations is surprisingly good considering there is CG animation mixed in but it seems to work well with this show. I'm already super attached to the robotic old man and I hope it stays this way throughout the rest of the show.
Oct 13, 2017 8:41 PM
Jul 2018
Blaarg said:
His children are the most miserable, ungrateful pieces of crap. Wow, I just want to slap them. What kind of kids complain about getting a dog?

Those that wouldn't want to have to frequently smell their poo, and, rarely, even step on it. Plus it's another mouth to fed, and that family isn't prospering. The old man was selfish--he was feeling lonely. They not thinking much of him is a natural thing, when he doesn't appears impressive compared to other parents.
Oct 13, 2017 8:53 PM

Jan 2013
What a great start! I really loved this episode.
It went beyond my expectations. Really like how real he and his life looks, i can almost feel his sadness and suffering.
I really hope his life gets better. His family is a total trash btw.
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Oct 13, 2017 8:59 PM

May 2016
I really enjoyed this episode. Really portrayed the sadness of the main character and interesting ideas.
Oct 13, 2017 10:23 PM

Jun 2013
What the? What's with all the weird back and forth between the CGI and traditional? One moment the dog is CG the next it's not. You know, and everything else.
Oct 13, 2017 10:23 PM

May 2013

that OP tho, is simply AWESOME.

Thank you once again MWAM for this amazing song <3

Oct 13, 2017 11:35 PM

May 2014
Should root this to the top! GO GO GRANDPA~!!

I only wish life could be as leisurely as this a little more often...
How greedy of me
Oct 14, 2017 1:00 AM

Sep 2008
That was cool. More anime need old men protagonists.
Oct 14, 2017 1:34 AM
Jun 2017
Why does all kids in this anime acts like jerks and dickheads? Anyway great episode, amazing graphics especially for the opening
Oct 14, 2017 2:06 AM
Jul 2017
The anime proposal seems to be interesting, let's see what the creators are going to do with it.
Oct 14, 2017 5:12 AM

Oct 2017
The animation is shit, a lot of recycle scenes and there is no one scene that I can consider a good work because there is always a poor movement(very static animation), null work of shots and camera angles, no talented animators and in general the scenes are very poor and it seems like there is no work and no talent behind the draws.

I have read the manga because it was written by Hiroya Oku and in my opinion it is not a good manga, I liked it more or less but is not as incredible as the people say. The problem here is that I hate this chapter, not only because the cheap sentimentality and the incredibly forced script because the manga had it too.

I hated this chapter because of the atmosphere and the timing of the screenplay, the timing is too quickly and the dialogs are very forced without time to process the scenes. And the atmosphere... Well, I think there isn´t atmosphere becuase the manga at least tried to make you cry (with stupid things) but here you can´t sense the music or this moments to think: "wow, that is an unfortunate man" because all is too quickly and the anime haven´t music work or something to manipulate you.
Oct 14, 2017 6:15 AM
Sep 2015
best opening and ending of the season!
Oct 14, 2017 6:17 AM

May 2012
Very good anime so far. Better than what I expected

How the hell that old man is 58 year old only ? He looks like 70 or even 80 year old. Maybe he have disease that make him grow older than usual

Oct 14, 2017 6:37 AM
Dec 2013
I guess this what were supposed the expect now; jarring 3D transitions for fight scenes aren't just a mecha staple anymore.
manofmanybeansOct 15, 2017 11:12 AM
Oct 14, 2017 6:46 AM

Aug 2016
Overall I think the manga is way better so far, but everyone who didn't read the manga seems to think it's decent so that may just be me.
Oct 14, 2017 7:07 AM

Oct 2015
Dem, those transformation scene is really good. Yeah it better with CG 3D anoimation. Love the opening also.
Oct 14, 2017 7:46 AM

Jan 2013
Everything was handled just fine. A bit too much CGI for my tastes but meh.

Time for some old man action next week
Oct 14, 2017 7:47 AM
Jul 2018
well, the 1st cap was very fun. It's kinda dramatic and the main character is very human, you can feel the pain, loneliness and all the feels of this tired oldman.

hiroya oku always satisfice me.

PD.: The homeless man scene made my cry. ;__(
Oct 14, 2017 8:35 AM

Aug 2016
DatRandomDude said:
Dat opening tho.

had this opening on loop for the past hour
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Oct 14, 2017 8:56 AM

May 2016
That was pretty good I even shed some tears when they told him he had cancer, that was such a big shock to him.

The animation doesn't look that promising tbh, a lot if CGI scenes and the mc voice is kinda meh.

Those damn bastard deserved that I'm so glad scum kids like those will see hell ahead of them.

Good start I guess this could score 8-8.5 if they go manga original. 5/5
Oct 14, 2017 9:15 AM
May 2015
I thought it was a very disappointing opening.

1. Voice actor did not match the image of the old man.

2. Very bland and forgetful opening.

3. CGI dog too? Sad.

Had high hopes for this, hope it gets WAY better. I was expecting something epic, came out lame and flat. No idea how this got anywhere near a 8. Feels like a 6.5 based on the first episode. Emotional scenes felt rushed, didn't really care for the characters.
Oct 14, 2017 9:16 AM

Aug 2016
Just watched the first episode. As someone who has read the manga, I really enjoyed the first episode. The op is rad, the animation is decent, the cgi isn't unbearable ( i like how it's implemented with the mechanical robot stuff). Hopefully, it stays consistent throughout the season.
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Oct 14, 2017 9:18 AM

Nov 2016
I really don't know what to think about this show yet. I was really curious about it when I first read the resume and I was looking forward to the first episode. Well I'm not exactly disappointed, but I guess it's not exactly what I was expecting.

What I liked:
- The MC. I feel so much sympathy for him.
- The doggo.
- The OP. I don't like the song, but the video is really something.

What I found disturbing:
- The OP as well, lol.
- His powers are kind of gross. Somehow I never thought the androids in the Terminator movies were gross, I can't explain what's the difference...
- The other characters. I'm not even talking about his family (sadly, things like that can happen in real life), but those kids??? I mean, their hobby is to beat homeless persons to death and they have got away with it up until now??? And what the heck is wrong with that doctor? How can he tell the poor man so casually that he has only three months left?

I'll watch episode 2 and decide after.
Oct 14, 2017 9:38 AM
Jul 2018
This is really interesting! But I have a bad feeling, I hope nothing happen to that dog. ;_;

And who was that guy with the MC, when the aliens had their little accident?
Oct 14, 2017 10:18 AM

Apr 2015
Hope there's someone who'll take care of me
When I die, will I go?
Hope there's someone who'll set my heart free
Nice to hold when I'm tired

Pretty unique concept, executed well.
However probably won't be a masterpiece.
Oct 14, 2017 10:34 AM

Nov 2011
It is so sad... People are cruel.

I don't like this type of animation, but the plot is good.
Oct 14, 2017 11:11 AM

Jan 2014
This brought me to tears and I have no idea why.

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Oct 14, 2017 1:10 PM

Jun 2015
Wow, that was amazing.
And weird.
Oct 14, 2017 1:37 PM
Jan 2015
I hope they don't drag the middle part out (the whole super edgy part) and give a lot more focus to Best Dad Robocop.

Otherwise, I loved the manga.
Oct 14, 2017 1:46 PM
Jul 2015
Now that first half of the episode was really fucking depressing. And it's much sadder than shit like Angel Beats etc. Why? Because it is real. Because this is extremely relatable to the problems of real world old people, and not just some overused tragic love story. It's not just sad, it's depressing, how true it is. jesus..

probably my #1 new anime this season. Well that's not really something to look up to, since other ones of this season are all shit yet again, anyways.

Also, the OP is amaaazing
How do you find a decent avatar that's less than 50Kb, what is this, 2010, jesus mal get out
Oct 14, 2017 1:57 PM
Feb 2016
Aoede said:
It is so sad... People are cruel.

I don't like this type of animation, but the plot is good.

what do you mean by "type of animation"?
Oct 14, 2017 1:57 PM

May 2010
But... the aliens? What the fuck? If that doesn't get explained I'll be genuinely pissed.
Oct 14, 2017 2:05 PM

Feb 2013

That OP had me wondering what I was watching.


Old dude looks 78 not 58.


Aliens are like "oh no we just splatted some dudes, we better rebuild them, but we only have weapons, oh well do it anyways I'm sure it will be fine"


Those punks are basically murderers.


This show's hero isn't some teenager (a good thing).

WTF did I just watch / 5

Oct 14, 2017 2:20 PM
Jul 2018
FranLawliet said:
But... the aliens? What the fuck? If that doesn't get explained I'll be genuinely pissed.

The author just took advantage of the possibility that there might be advanced life forms in the universe and that they're aware of our existence and consider us 'animals to preserve' like those we have.
Oct 14, 2017 4:36 PM
Feb 2016
It's comedy right? With all that stupidity and lack of proper writing similar to Gantz it has to be comedy...
Oct 14, 2017 4:37 PM

Jun 2012
The CGI was crap and it feels like they add it when they feel lazy to do otherwise... If it persists I'll switch to the manga cause Gantz author draws way better than this anime is animated. The old man dialogue was rather insufficient, does he not talk that much in the manga?
Oct 14, 2017 6:35 PM

Dec 2008
What a shitty, ungrateful family he has!
Aliens only had weapons to rebuild them with. LOL!!
Loved how the old man took his new, robotic body in stride.

"It's over. My life is over." Funny how he wasn't thinking about that when he and his friends almost took two lives that night.

He's 58 years old?! I would've pegged him for over 70 at best. That pathetic family of his has caused him to age poorly and unnecessarily.
Oct 14, 2017 6:55 PM
Dec 2015
When I saw the main character, I didn't think I would like this show. While, I'm not against CGI, I didn't initially see the reason for it, so I didn't like it. The character was pitiful, but he was supposed to be. Somewhere along realizing this and realizing that the depression I felt watching this was intentional, I liked the show more. The CGI is well done, and has a reason. You can see a clear direction for the character. And it just seems like it will be good overall. Only question is why he looked so old at 58 and why his family is fucking awful.

Banger OP

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