I rate anime emotional and impulsive. I don't do an in-depth-analyses of the animes I watch.
•Comedy anime makes me laugh through the whole season - BAM high score
•Romance anime gives me strong feels and I cry every other episode - BAM high score
•Anime I watched in my youth and didn't sucked get all high scores, because of nostalgia
And here comes the big EXCEPT:
Except it comes to anime I found mediocre or bad. I will ponder on and on. Is it really a 3? Is it because I dislike the genre? Am I in the target audience? Was I bored when I watched the series? Shouldn't I watch an episode more before dismissing it? Does anyone even care what I rate it? Maybe I should just watch another Episode. Maybe I am just disgusted by the fans of the series? How can I give this anime a bad rating when I gave Sailor Moon a 9? OK, just one Episode more, just to make sure.
Result: Airing series get rated at the last episode. Unless I drop them and then I constantly change the rating for the next 2 weeks. Also I drop many series at the penultimate episode, even when I despised watching that crap.
All Comments (8) Comments
Thank you for the complement! I've had my blog for four years and sometimes worry that my writing is getting boring and stale!
I was trying to figure out how this conversation got started. i thought maybe i reccomended it to you. But anyway i glad i did. ;)
this manga reminded me of Chocolat. The one they are making a drama about. But i don't really like where the manga has been going lately. Its getting too dark
Btw welcome to Mal .